Difference between revisions of "Omban chronology"

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(3 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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|Founding of [[Academy at Dundures]], [[Basai]]
|Founding of Academy at [[Dundures]], [[Basai]]
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|Eluli Gandachi ascends Imperial throne; start of [[Gandachi dynasty]]
|Eluli Gandachi ascends [[Omban Empire|Omban Imperial]] throne; start of [[Gandachi dynasty]]
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|[[Hand of the Dead|Hand]] and [[Voice of the Dead|Voice]] formally recognized as co-equal and distinct
|[[Hand of the Dead society|Hand]] and [[Voice of the Dead society|Voice]] formally recognized as co-equal and distinct
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|Bone War ends, sacking of Omba, Sharai recognized as independent
|Bone War ends, sacking of Omba, Sharai recognized as independent
|[[Itineration of Eluli]]
|[[Itineration of Eluli]]

Latest revision as of 09:35, 19 January 2024

Date Event
291 BE Historical foundation of city of Omba
215 Dedication of Urpeska: Earliest dated inscription in Ombesh
151 Founding of Academy at Dundures, Basai
143 Historical foundation of city of Onighus, Khutu
91 Earliest dated writing on parchment in Ombesh
62 Khutuan triumvirs pledge fealty to Omban monarchy
49 Eluli Gandachi born
41 Zunuga born
40 First known use of khazkamma swords
19 Omban conquest of Taizi and Daligash begins (to -3)
16 Rebirth and Epiphany of Zunuga
15 First recognized saint awakens, Furugazh Ula
13 Bubun first created in Omba
9 Basaian chancellors ally with Omban monarchy
6 Zunuga dies for the second and final time
3 Taizi and Daligash ally with Omban monarchy
0 IE Beginning of Imperial Era (IE)
0 Eluli Gandachi ascends Omban Imperial throne; start of Gandachi dynasty
4 Choradan allotted to participants in Western War
21 Great Temple of the Voice in Omba dedicated
22 Death and awakening of Eluli Ula
29 Foundation of the Omban Grand Kelta of envoys
47 Treaty of Lekhi assigns Hand effective control of Hasmala province
63 Hand and Voice formally recognized as co-equal and distinct
71 Jemosine purge of the Hulti
91 Founding of the Academy at Imperial Omba
106 Borgegus born near Onighus, Khutu
115 Temple of the Voice in Onighus partially destroyed by fire
119 Atamurine purge of the Hulti
135 Gdegrudeir (Jegrude) laborers brought to southern Khutu
148 Silikam composes epic poem, The Silver Children
161 Nulu incorporated into the Empire
167 Eluli Ula assumes regency and imperial authority (to 169)
171 First historical attestation of Ushukuna, the Vulture Queen
175 Use of stirrups and horseshoes first attested in Daligash
189 Construction of great Temple of the Voice in Onighus completed
198 Start of Nonduru dynasty
205 Nemnu Jibirgelti born in Piltur, northern Khutu
211 Founding of Academy at Ardukh, Khutu
215 Fair Cycle calendar reform introduced
223 Nemnu marries Visku of the Halungi
229 Imperial conquest of Malfan begins (to 271)
236 Temple of the Hand in Naftusa dedicated
242 Battle of Burafa marks defeat of Hulti noble lineages in imperial core
278 Nemnu dies and is awakened as Nemnu Ula
284 Nemnosti founded
291 Omban conquest of Umnakan city of Jinto
301 Start of Tirumfegla dynasty
308 Founding of Academy at Lunduso, Daligash
312 First Osnabi war begins (to 320)
325 Second Osnabi war begins (to 328)
331 Death of Emperor Rusuro Tirumfegla, succeeded by son Ulirega
334 Eluli Ula moved westward from Omba to Onighus
337 Ulirega Tirumfegla dies - end of Omban imperial line
351 First Khutu-Taizian war starts (to 354)
357 Abandonment of Vulusilt
359 Fortifications begun at Ai Dandura
414 Second Khutu-Taizian war starts (to 415)
414 Razing of Gil Pirtu
415 Abandonment of Gil Hargush
418 Year of the Twin Comets
425 Development of urdoche engraving/carving techniques
427 Nemnosti begins offering courses to acolytes
437 Eluli's Slumber (to 441)
439 Khutuan invasion of Luetka (to 441)
451 First attestation of Bronze and Ruby factions in Daligash
488 Old Daligashi monarchy goes extinct
515 Invention of the horizontal treadle loom
534 Great Purge of Hulti in Taizi, Omba, and Khutu
539 Destruction of Lurusiru Osti
561 Heretic Hand, Gargesh, begins preaching in Omba
623 Calendar Rebellion suppressed in Onighus
638 Halunemni lineage founded in northern Khutu
649 Fos blight (to 651)
653 Hasmalan incursions in Basai (to 682)
669 Bubun plague; The Unrendering
677 Treaty of Two Emperors signed between Khutu and Taizi
691 The Blue Storm: Maritime raids in northern Khutu from Luetka
694 Luetkan prisoners of war brought to southern Khutu as labourers
702 Great Flood in city of Omba
710 Folk hero Ekrakosh murdered in central Khutu
712 Duedarcian ambassadors arrive in Lunduso, Daligash
715 Earthquake just outside city of Omba
719 Record of Gambits by Alago Murati, published in Ardukh
721 Flooding of the Pasu river valley
722 Assassination of Malung Ula in northern Khutu
727 Bone War starts - marks secession of Sharai from Omba
730 Bone War ends, sacking of Omba, Sharai recognized as independent
734 Itineration of Eluli
740 Daghuri Plague (to 741); 5-10% of population of Khutu dies
742 Reports of fos from Sestapor swamp reach Omban states
743 Coup in Choradan installs Marshal Fuld
744 Basai bans importation of foreign fos
746 Flooding in Onighus, Khutu
749 Conduit Zinar (Khutu) excommunicated for marriage
750 Choradani fort established at Kaskind, Ashnabis
751 Incursion of the Jegurarnathi tribes into southern Omba
753 Earthquake in central Khutu
755 Hojon becomes 26th hengi of the Nemni lineage
757 Third Council of Romaz, a conclave of Hulti shamans
758 Omban Senator Zizanda executed for treasonous conspiracy
761 Great Fire at the Voice temple in Kindalto, Daligash
762 Alliance of the Leraghe (southern Khutu) and Nukhumbi (Daligash) iftis
765 Ashnabis saga begins
767 Assassination of Taizian Prince Alaimon Ebesnata
768 Nemnosti saga begins