Ye Olde Adventure Worlde session 3

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Ye Olde Adventure Worlde session logs
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Saḫḫiru tries to impress on May that she has responsibilities, and that this is not just a party for fun. Calkas helps Laris prepare for the party, as they try to decide what message he should be sending with his attire. Kraaz and Korivan discus the fate of the sacrifice. At the party, the elites socialize some before the sacrifice is performed. Afterwards, May approaches Korivan and they talk about ....magic before being interrupted by Laris and Saḫḫiru, to whom Korivan has an unexpected reaction.


  • Session date: 2018-01-14
  • In Game date:

May and Sahhiru talk about her responsibilities pre-party

Session Ident: #gnomeland
<Narrator> Let's start with May and Sahhiru. He'll find you sometime before the party, after his meeting with Laris earlier in the day. Where would you be, say, mid-afternoon?
<May> (Probably in the ibrary)
<May> (library)
<Narrator> You'll hear a knock on the door and Sahhiru will let himself in.

  • May will look up and put her book down

<May> What's up?
<Sahhiru> I wanted a chance to speak to you about the celebration tonight. You were planning on attending, yes?
<May> Duh. It sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun.
<Sahhiru> I understand that, and I know you've had a dearth of opportunities for such since...well, since we left Aethrennar.
<Sahhiru> But I want to make sure you understand that's not all this is.

  • May rolls her eyes

<May> C'mon, uncle, loosen up a little. Maybe you'll even have fun yourself tonight.

  • Sahhiru pauses for a moment, looking thoughtful.

<Sahhiru> That's neither here nor there.
<Sahhiru> This is important. These people are your allies, and, with the correct maneuvering, your subjects.
<May> What kind of maneuvering?
<Sahhiru> There is gain to be had here, and I need you to be mindful of that, esibaru (a nickname that means "little tribute").

  • May sighs.

<Sahhiru> You have a fine line to walk. You need to ingratiate them, but remain...distant. Above. Impressive.
<Sahhiru> A ruler.
<May> Boring.
<May> That's the word you're looking for
<Sahhiru> For you, perhaps, but hopefully not to them.
<Sahhiru> Remember, they are allies, not friends. They helped us to regain this birthright of yours. They could decide to try to take it from you.
<Sahhiru> You've seen how prickly their chief can be.
<May> Stop worrying. I'm not gonna get drunk and dance on a table or anything.
<Sahhiru> There is more at stake than a lack of failure.

  • Sahhiru raises his voice somewhat.

<Sahhiru> You need to impress them, not simply keep from making a fool of yourself.
<May> What do you want me to do? Give them a fireworks display?
<Sahhiru> In a manner of speaking.
<Sahhiru> Just promise you'll take this seriously.
<Sahhiru> *sigh*
<Sahhiru> I promise you, I'll find a time for you to have fun without other obligations.
<Sahhiru> Just...not now.

  • May sighs also.

<May> Ok, uncle.
<Sahhiru> Thank you, May.
<Sahhiru> A lot of people are counting on you.
<Sahhiru> I'm counting on you.

  • May nods.

<May> You know. I may still be a tribute, but I'm not little anymore.

  • Sahhiru gives kind of a wistful smile.

<Sahhiru> I know.

Calkas helps Laris dress appropriately for the party

<Narrator> Now for some entirely different weird servant/master conversation (I leave it to y'all to figure out who is which for May and Sahhiru), I thought we'd do a scene of Laris and Calkas as Laris gets ready for the celebration.
<Narrator> Presumably this will be at the tower that's kind of your villa in town now?
<Laris> (okay)

  • Laris is deliberating over whether to wear his dress armor or not

<Laris> What do you think - too showy?
<Calkas> It's showy, of course, but that is also it's purpose.

  • Laris nods

<Laris> All right. Showy it is, then.
<Calkas> I'm not sure. They like ostentatious displays of wealth, but also ostentatious displays of military prowess.
<Calkas> You could wear a lot of jewelry and we could arrange your clothes to accentuate your scars.
<Laris> Then dress armor should serve both purposes. Although it is not the most practical for combat, it does suggest a certain ... commandingness?
<Calkas> Many of them are from combat, and they can assume about the rest.

  • Laris wonders over whether that is a word or not ;p

<Laris> I need to consider what message I'm trying to send here.
<Laris> it might appear presumptuous to proclaim my own military prowess when I wasn't actually the one doing the fighting in this instance.
<Laris> perhaps the jewelry is sufficiently ostentatious without appearing to lay claim to a victory that was fought by others.

  • Calkas sighs, putting away armor and going for jewelry

<Laris> but...

  • Laris hesitates again

<Laris> well...
<Laris> which one do you think would be more appropriate?
<Calkas> Dominus, if I may, is there something particularly vexing about this celebration?
<Laris> no. I mean... I am only concerned about making a good impression for our allies, and ensuring that matters go smoothly.

  • Laris says, lying through his teeth.

<Calkas> As you say.
<Calkas> Then what sort of impression *are* you hoping to impart?
<Calkas> "I'm leaving but please don't mess up my city? I worked so hard on it?"

  • Laris sighs

<Laris> I am less sure that we will be leaving in the immediate future.
<Calkas> 'Immediate' has a different meaning to you or I than to these people.
<Laris> May is not yet ready to assume her role - she needs guidance. And her uncle has asked if I would stay longer...

  • Laris looks ambivalent

<Calkas> Oh?
<Calkas> How did your meeting with him go?
<Laris> oh... very well, all things considered. He at least seems to have a proper appreciation for the nuances of running a city.
<Calkas> That's good to hear.

  • Laris nods

<Laris> He asked for a year or two. I was careful not to promise anything, but I agreed to stay long enough to ensure a smooth transition of power.
<Calkas> And if it is another year or more?
<Laris> Then I will write to my family to explain the situation... and hope they will understand.
<Calkas> I doubt they would begrudge you the time needed to ensure a continued profit from this venture. Even without the stewardship, your house will maintain a steady profit if the Turathi succeed here.

  • Laris nods

<Laris> Yes, I suppose that is true.
<Laris> I think I will wear the jewelry. Let us impress them with wealth - and show that I do not feel the need to armor myself around them.

  • Calkas smiles at that.

Korivan and Kraaz discuss the fate of the sacrifice

<Narrator> Okay, from there, one last prep, with Korivan and Kraaz.
<Narrator> And all the voices in Korivan's head.
<Korivan> :D
<Narrator> Heather, what sort of preparations do you think Korivan will have to make for this? How do you see this sacrifice (and possible eating) going?
<Korivan> I think there would probably be some pre-debate over whether the sacrifice *gets* to be eaten, tbh
<Korivan> or if he is getting cast out
<Narrator> That's honestly a good thing to debate in character :)
<Korivan> he might just get strangled/stabbed/dedicated to Bane and chucked in the bog :p
<Korivan> okay
<Narrator> I imagine Kraaz will come to you in this case.
<Narrator> Presumably you have a nice yurt somewhere in the camp.
<Korivan> (yes)
<Narrator> Side note, I'm curious what, if any, relationship/interactions you imagined Korivan and Kraaz having before taking on their current duties.

  • Korivan is sharpening his knife and looking at all this ritual regalia he;s recently inheritd and trying to sirt out whats approproate for this, with input from various dead shamans, probably
  • Voices (Mibbit@ has joined #gnomeland

<Korivan> (I assume they knew each other at least somewhat, if Kraaz was seem as the logical successro for Korivan's aunt and cousin)
<Kraaz> Korivan? Uh, Gaath Korivan?
<Korivan> (I think it woudl depend on what Kraaz's relationship with them was like)
<Korivan> Hmm?

  • Korivan looks up from sharpening a bone-handled knife

<Korivan> Ahh. Hraal.

  • Kraaz seems significantly more deferential than earlier. You get the sense that the trappings of your newly-inherited dwelling have an effect on him.
  • Korivan puts down the knife

<Korivan> How go the preparations?
<Kraaz> Meat is roasting, soup is simmering, kegs are tapped. I'm told everything is going well.
<Kraaz> How are things here?
<Korivan> Well...

  • Korivan frowns

<Korivan> (does the sacrifice have a name?)
<Narrator> (You've chosen Hrieffen Yetka Thyret as the sacrifice.)
<Korivan> (okay)
<Korivan> How are the slaves? The recovered traitors...
<Narrator> (A warrior a few years older than you or Kraaz, and formerly well-respected)
<Korivan> (cool)
<Kraaz> The Imperials have taken theirs to be sold in the city markets. We're still speaking to the ones left, to see how many will make restitution and rejoin the tribe.

  • Kraaz seems somewhat unsure about this last statement.

<Korivan> the treatment of the sacrifice will sway some.
<Korivan> though he should be caset out for his betrayal and cowardice
<Kraaz> Is that what the ancestor want?
<Korivan> (cast)

  • Korivan tilts his head as if listening (and actually listening)

<Voices> *susurrus*baranu.rebel.begone.galu*susurrus*
<Korivan> (what do those other words mean, if anything? >.>)
<Narrator> (rebel and exile respectively)
<Korivan> They would have him cast out.
<Korivan> He cannot be remembered in the tribe.
<Kraaz> Are you sure?
<Kraaz> Thyret...she's a good sacrifice, certainly.
<Korivan> Yes.
<Korivan> ...
<Korivan> How many of the Yetka remain loyal?
<Kraaz> But she's honored the ancestors in times past.
<Korivan> (She, my bad :P)
<Kraaz> Some. The division went through the clans and families.

  • Korivan nods

<Korivan> Perhaps one of them may claim her heart...
<Korivan> If they will speak to her honour.

  • Korivan listens to see what the ancestors think of that as a compromise
  • Kraaz nods

<Kraaz> It's just...she saved my life. Maggar's, too, two years ago, in that Curadh raid.
<Kraaz> I don't want her to wander the far lands forever without her family.
<Korivan> (crap I dn't have my notes to hand on the name of the leader of the rebellion, only that it isn't quite Alex ;p)
<Voices> *whispers*athghabh.reclaim.regain.strength.honor.elu*whispers*
<Narrator> (Valax)

  • Korivan growls in frustration.

<Korivan> I know this
<Kraaz> The life-saving thing?
<Korivan> Valax too once stood close and trusted and fougth alongside Mirky and Harizet and others...
<Korivan> They have torn us in two, and they have lost. Thyret fled battle...
<Korivan> Her clan can have her, if they will. That is all I can do.
<Korivan> they can keep her spirit.
<Korivan> I will speak to their clan head
<Kraaz> I will send her to you.

  • Korivan nods
  • Kraaz pauses on his way to leave

<Korivan> what?
<Kraaz> I, we *will* heal this wound Valax has caused. If I have to follow him into the fields of Avalas, I will end him. Our people will be whole, and stronger than ever.

  • Korivan nods

<Korivan> Yes. We will make it so.
<Korivan> BUt it will not be easy.
<Kraaz> I know.
<Kraaz> But with the ancestors' guidance and these Imperials to supply us, none will be able to stand against us long.

  • Korivan grins at that

Party time entrances and chats

<Narrator> (On to the celebration?)
<Narrator> (heh)
<May> (Wooooo!)
<Korivan> (yes!)
<Laris> (may our celebrations be sensible and prudent!)
<Narrator> ("I was never fun, you take that back!")
<Korivan> heee
<Narrator> The Hrieffen do throw a hell of a party. Bonfires (and possibly actual bonefires) are lit, much of the tribe crowded around the cooking ones. Kraaz occupies a place of honor in the rough center of the festivities. You get the sense that his celebration started not long after his discussion with Korivan.
<Narrator> A few of the braver townsfolk attend, those who've had some positive interactions with their new allies in the recent weeks.
<Narrator> So there are a few non-goblinoids here and there in the crowd.
<Narrator> What are people's plans for arriving?

  • Laris will arrive with his commanders (whoever he was able to get to come, anyway - Severina, others perhaps?)
  • Korivan will probably be distracted until after the sacrifice

<Narrator> Severina and several other of your commanding offices can arrive with you. I imagine they'll be in armor so you don't have to.
<Narrator> They can make the militant impression.
<Laris> (keen)

  • May will arrive shortly after sundown in her fancy dress. When she gets there she will throw a small pebble into the air which will explode into a shower of lights and sparkles, and two fiery birds that circle around each other up into the sky.
  • Korivan is definiely distracted by the magic ;p

<May> :3

  • Kraaz Kraaz will laugh and raise his mug to you at your entrance.
  • Kraaz will motion Laris and May (at their respective entrances) to join his kind of entourage at the center.
  • Laris will do so
  • May will do so as well
  • Sahhiru will follow his ward for the moment.

<May> Thank you for inviting me, Hraal. You folks definitely know how to throw a party.

  • Kraaz motions for drinks to be poured for Laris and Sahirru, then personally pours and offers on to May.

<Kraaz> To many more victories and the celebrations thereof.
<Kraaz> (one, rather)

  • May will raise her glass to that.
  • Laris sniffs his drink surreptitiously to see what it is

<May> And to friendship between our people.
<Narrator> In this instance, probably just wine recently traded for in town.

  • Laris can drink it with immense relief, then

<Narrator> It's not quite time for ceremonial drinking.

  • May doesn't even look to see what it is.

<Narrator> It's a decent Thantopolitan vintage, off one of the ships that had been stranded in the harbor.
<Narrator> Not quite as nice as the finest Aethrennari wine May might remember, but good.
<Narrator> Also likely not as nice as Laris is used to from home, but more merchant-class fare.

  • Laris is probably used to that here ;)

<Laris> I see things are very ... festive already.
<Kraaz> It was a fine victory. Do your folk not celebrate such?
<Laris> Certainly, yes, in our way.
<Kraaz> Twice we have bested the Maazikai. Soon, their kind will be thralls and their ancestors forgotten, their magics cleansed from the world.
<Narrator> There are general cheers from the goblins nearby at that.

  • Laris nods

<Laris> Indeed, their days are numbered.

  • May has a hard time not looking around constantly at everything happening around her.

<May> With both of our armies against them they can't possibly hold out long.
<Narrator> You've had some experience with Aethrennari parties, which are more lavish, but there is a distinct visceral joy to the goblinoids' celebrations. With a quick glance, you can see several drinking contests, a few contained (and seemingly good-natured) brawls, people sneaking off out of the firelight, possibly some that should be...
<May> (hee)
<Kraaz> Indeed. I hope to press this advantage. We can secure your city and out lands if we puruse these enemies.

  • Laris tries to remain politely above such goings on, ignoring the crass behaviour on display

<Sahhiru> You want to put the armies back into the field so soon?
<Sahhiru> They'll need time to rest and refit.

  • Laris listens more attentively to that

<Kraaz> This is resting. The Hrieffen could ride tonight if needed!

  • Sahhiru looks dubious at that.

<Laris> A delay also gives the Maazikai time to rest and regain strength. There is something to be said for pressing the advantage.
<May> When were you thinking of attacking?
<Kraaz> Are your armies ready...lady?

  • Kraaz seems to be trying to address you respectfully

<Sahhiru> Can the city spare your archers, Dominus Corvus, or would they be held in reserve again?

  • Laris sips his wine

<Laris> We could, if need be. they would like to see battle, I'm sure.

  • May looks to Sahirru "When could our troops be ready to move again?"

<Sahhiru> I'm sure if you asked Kadanu, he'd say tomorrow as well.

  • May looks a bit excited at the prospect.
  • Laris looks mildly dubious at that

<May> Tomorrow it is, then.
<Kraaz> Hah! Then we stand ready and there will be glory enough for all!

  • Sahhiru will spare a concerned glance towards Laris, looking for someone else sane.

<Laris> Let us consider this decision tomorrow - tonight is for celebration.
<Kraaz> Indeed. Let us truly begin, with an offering in recognition of this victory.

  • Laris tries to balance their urge for further battle with a bit of common sense (and appeal to their desire to also get super drunk and party tonight)

The Sacrifice

<Kraaz> Is the Gaath ready?

  • Korivan is ready
  • Kraaz will nod to Korivan to begin.
  • Korivan will have his people clear the ritual space of any revelers who have encroached on it

<Narrator> The party goes quieter than you would have thought possible a moment ago as Korivan, his apprentice, and their helpers begin preparing the space.

  • Korivan is dressed in shamanic regalia stuff, which is a kilt made of some kind of fur and a huge fur cloack that trains on the ground, with skulls hanging from his belt, and jewelled gold arm bands (probably stolen/looted, you woudl guess), and a heavy golden torque.
  • Korivan 's hair is raised in several ropes and has various small bones and other...things in it, and he wears a huge horned headdress that looks like it was made out of some kind of demon skull, and he carries a carved staff topped with a skull.
  • Korivan is Then Most Extra
  • Korivan will do a circuit of the space and say the prayers and invocations of dedication
  • Korivan will then go to the center os the circle, and call for the sacrifice to be brought.

<Narrator> Korivan's helpers will lead Hrieffen Yetka Thyret into the circle, looking as dignified as she can manage.

  • Korivan will make his vice project as much as he can for this, possibly using some magic to make sure whatever is said here reaches to all the assembled

<Korivan> Thyret of the Yetka, The Ancestors have spoken. You are cast out from the Hrieffen tribe, and they demand your blood for your betrayel, for your part in the splintering of our people.
<Korivan> Bane demands your life for your actions in this battle.

  • Sahhiru is now known as Thyret

<Korivan> It will be left to your family to claim and guide your spirit.
<Thyret> Bane has had my life in his keeping forever, Gaath. I give it gladly now.

  • Korivan nods

<Korivan> You meet your death well. It will be remembered.

  • Thyret nods

<Thyret> May my blood please the ancestors.

  • Korivan will gesture to the other shamans to mover her into position (which will be facing Kraaz and the other assembled dignitaries) as he draws a bone handled knife with a long, thin, blade.

<Korivan> (One of the apprentices gets to kneel in front of her with a bowl)

  • Kraaz maintains eye contact with Thyret, a look of apology barely readable on his stoic face.
  • Korivan says the next line more quietly as he steps up behind her and takes a firm grip of her hair, but the words still carry

<Narrator> Sahhiru pulls his attention away for a moment to gauge May's (and Laris') reaction(s).
<Korivan> With this sacrifice, we beging to wash the stain of betrayal from our lines.

  • Korivan will then slit her throat and hold her there until she stops gushing
  • Laris sips his wine, keeping his expression impassive
  • May is watching closely, eyes wide, gasping only slightly when Korivan slits her throat.
  • Kraaz mutters a prayer in Goblin under his breath
  • Thyret is now known as Sahirru
  • Korivan will lay her down once the blood has stopped pouring, and use the same knife to expertly cut open her ribcage and remove her heart..... it's a very practiced gesture

<May> (Correction: May does not gasp.)

  • Korivan will pull open her chest cavity to remove it, and place it carefully in the bowl with the collected blood
  • Korivan will hold it up for all to see

<Korivan> She will not be remembered as one of the Hrieffen, but her clain claims her heart and her memories.

  • Korivan will take it over to someone who is waiting on the edge of the circle, and pass it to them with a more quiet blessing, which seems to signal the end of the formal ritual
  • Kraaz waits a moment before standing, raising his mug.

<May> whispers to herself "Fascinating..."
<Kraaz> To the ancestors. To Bane. To the Hrieffen, who will be whole once more!
<Narrator> A cheer erupts from the gathering, louder even than they were before.
<Kraaz> And to our honored allies, may we keep faith and prosper!

  • Laris will raise his cup to that
  • May will as well

<Laris> To the honoured dead and the living who will carry on their fight.
<May> To our alliance and our victory.

  • Korivan will raise a drinking horn that....someone has passed him in return, and drink deeply
  • Laris finishes his wine and will allow someone to get him another one. Why not go wild! :p TWO CUPS IT IS.

May approaches Korivan

<Kraaz> Is the Gaath ready?

  • Korivan is ready
  • Kraaz will nod to Korivan to begin.
  • Korivan will have his people clear the ritual space of any revelers who have encroached on it

<Narrator> The party goes quieter than you would have thought possible a moment ago as Korivan, his apprentice, and their helpers begin preparing the space.

  • Korivan is dressed in shamanic regalia stuff, which is a kilt made of some kind of fur and a huge fur cloack that trains on the ground, with skulls hanging from his belt, and jewelled gold arm bands (probably stolen/looted, you woudl guess), and a heavy golden torque.
  • Korivan 's hair is raised in several ropes and has various small bones and other...things in it, and he wears a huge horned headdress that looks like it was made out of some kind of demon skull, and he carries a carved staff topped with a skull.
  • Korivan is Then Most Extra
  • Korivan will do a circuit of the space and say the prayers and invocations of dedication
  • Korivan will then go to the center os the circle, and call for the sacrifice to be brought.

<Narrator> Korivan's helpers will lead Hrieffen Yetka Thyret into the circle, looking as dignified as she can manage.

  • Korivan will make his vice project as much as he can for this, possibly using some magic to make sure whatever is said here reaches to all the assembled

<Korivan> Thyret of the Yetka, The Ancestors have spoken. You are cast out from the Hrieffen tribe, and they demand your blood for your betrayel, for your part in the splintering of our people.
<Korivan> Bane demands your life for your actions in this battle.

  • Sahhiru is now known as Thyret

<Korivan> It will be left to your family to claim and guide your spirit.
<Thyret> Bane has had my life in his keeping forever, Gaath. I give it gladly now.

  • Korivan nods

<Korivan> You meet your death well. It will be remembered.

  • Thyret nods

<Thyret> May my blood please the ancestors.

  • Korivan will gesture to the other shamans to mover her into position (which will be facing Kraaz and the other assembled dignitaries) as he draws a bone handled knife with a long, thin, blade.

<Korivan> (One of the apprentices gets to kneel in front of her with a bowl)

  • Kraaz maintains eye contact with Thyret, a look of apology barely readable on his stoic face.
  • Korivan says the next line more quietly as he steps up behind her and takes a firm grip of her hair, but the words still carry

<Narrator> Sahhiru pulls his attention away for a moment to gauge May's (and Laris') reaction(s).
<Korivan> With this sacrifice, we beging to wash the stain of betrayal from our lines.

  • Korivan will then slit her throat and hold her there until she stops gushing
  • Laris sips his wine, keeping his expression impassive
  • May is watching closely, eyes wide, gasping only slightly when Korivan slits her throat.
  • Kraaz mutters a prayer in Goblin under his breath
  • Thyret is now known as Sahirru
  • Korivan will lay her down once the blood has stopped pouring, and use the same knife to expertly cut open her ribcage and remove her heart..... it's a very practiced gesture

<May> (Correction: May does not gasp.)

  • Korivan will pull open her chest cavity to remove it, and place it carefully in the bowl with the collected blood
  • Korivan will hold it up for all to see

<Korivan> She will not be remembered as one of the Hrieffen, but her clain claims her heart and her memories.

  • Korivan will take it over to someone who is waiting on the edge of the circle, and pass it to them with a more quiet blessing, which seems to signal the end of the formal ritual
  • Kraaz waits a moment before standing, raising his mug.

<May> whispers to herself "Fascinating..."
<Kraaz> To the ancestors. To Bane. To the Hrieffen, who will be whole once more!
<Narrator> A cheer erupts from the gathering, louder even than they were before.
<Kraaz> And to our honored allies, may we keep faith and prosper!

  • Laris will raise his cup to that
  • May will as well

<Laris> To the honoured dead and the living who will carry on their fight.
<May> To our alliance and our victory.

  • Korivan will raise a drinking horn that....someone has passed him in return, and drink deeply
  • Laris finishes his wine and will allow someone to get him another one. Why not go wild! :p TWO CUPS IT IS.
  • May will excuse herself when possible and start moseying around, but keep an eye out for Korivan if she sees him.
  • Korivan needs t divest of some of the ritual gear, but will reappear shortly minus the cloak, horns, and staff.

<May> me will make her way over to him.

  • Korivan has made at most very token attempts to clean up. The browish-red of drying blood contrasts nicely with his dark orange skin ;p

<Korivan> (it's mostly on his hands, with a little bit of spattering from the heart removal)
<May> That was... very interesting, Gaath Korivan. Is that the correct title? I'm still learning this stuff.

  • Korivan looks at you, then looks you over more carefully and nods, processing your words with a bit of a delay, as though he's distracted

<Korivan> Yes.
<Korivan> ...Domina

  • Korivan searches his memory for your name

<May> I'm sorry, should I not interrupt you? If you're still meditating or something...
<Korivan> (well that's all you were ever introduced to him as, anyway)
<Korivan> No, you are not ...disturbing me
<May> Oh... um... good.
<Korivan> The ancestors prattle on, as ever. It can be distracting, that is all.
<May> The ancestors?

  • May cocks her head.

<Korivan> They speak to me.
<May> Like, literally? You can hear them?

  • Korivan says making a fist over the dragonmark over his heart.

<Korivan> Yes.
<May> That must be very distracting indeed.
<Korivan> They see and know much, though not all of it is useful.

  • May nods.

<May> Something of a mixed blessing then.

  • Korivan considers that

<Korivan> It is a minor price for such access to their wisdom.

  • May raises her hand and shows him the dragonmark that covers her wrist.

<May> Mine is more utilitarian, and less distracting. But I guess I pay a price for it in my own way too.
<Korivan> Yes, I saw that.
<Korivan> And the other one. Dominus.

  • May glances back over her shoulder at Laris.
  • Korivan will take your hand though, and look it over carefully
  • May will blush slightly, but let him examine it.

<Korivan> (Can I tell anything about the mark?)
<May> (You saw what it looks like, right?)
<Korivan> (Yeah)
<Korivan> (Josh?)
<Narrator> (Hey, an actual roll)
<Narrator> (Roll Knowledge, I guess?)
<Korivan> (doI add education?)
<Narrator> (That would make sense)
<Lan-phone> !roll 5d6

  • Korivan rolls for Lan-phone: [ 5d6 ] getting [ 3 4 5 4 5 ] for a total of [ 21 ].

<Korivan> (18)
<Korivan> (rawr?)
<Narrator> (You recognize her Dragonmark, though given some of her other characteristics it's easy enough to surmise. You know of the mark of summoning/binding, and some of its manifestations. From whispers as you examine it, you get the sense that, like it's bearer, May's mark has yet to reach its full potential.)
<Korivan> YOu have more to learn of this...

  • Korivan says, tracing the circles as he examines it

<May> I have more to learn about a lot of things...
<Korivan> It is more than you yet know @_@
<Korivan> mmm... as do we all.
<May> I have a feeling there's much we could learn from each other.
<Korivan> yes... I feel this too

  • May smiles

Laris and Sahhiru interrupt and cause a slight scene

  • Laris approaches with Sahhiru and interrupts the two of you
  • May quickly pulls her hand back.

<Laris> Having a good time?

  • Korivan frowns at his suddenly empty hands and then looks over at the newcomers

<Sahirru> Gaath Korivan, that was a...moving ceremony.
<May> Yes... we were... just discussing it.
<Sahirru> Oh? Anything about it in particular?
<May> Just the... ritualness... of it...
<Lan-phone> !roll 5d6

  • Korivan rolls for Lan-phone: [ 5d6 ] getting [ 6 2 2 6 4 ] for a total of [ 20 ].

<Korivan> (16)

  • Laris looks dubious

<Laris> Well, there are many guests who no doubt wish to greet you - and the Gaath surely has other matters to attend to as well.
<May> Yes... of course.
<Narrator> The 'tiefling' is clearly more than he seems. His aura blazes with a distinct radiance, like coals stoked in a forge. Scorching, but contained.

  • May will turn back to Korivan.
  • Korivan stares at Sehhiru

<May> Perhaps we can continue this discussion another time.
<Sahirru> I'm sure we'll have other events with the Gaath and his people.

  • Korivan frowns more deeply when he speaks again

<Korivan> Yes, masked one. We will.

  • May cocks her head again and looks at Sahirru.

<Narrator> The voices' rise to a crescendo, making it hard to focus. *angel.shadow.demon.flame.spirit*

  • Korivan scowls
  • Sahirru gives Korivan a considering look.

<Korivan> I see you

  • Laris glances back and forth between them, trying to assess what's going on here

<Sahirru> Do you now?
<May> I think maybe we should go now, Uncle...
<Korivan> Fire....
<Sahirru> As are all my people. Fire of the dragon, blood of the gods.
<Korivan> No.

  • Sahirru shakes his head.
  • Korivan grits his teeth
  • May takes a step back and tugs Sahirru's elbow.

<Sahirru> I'm sorry, Dominus Corvis is right. There are other guests to meet, May.
<May> Uncle.
<Sahirru> I'm sorry to have disturbed you, Gaath.
<Korivan> [m] He is no blood of yours

  • Sahirru will turn to leave with May
  • Korivan isn't going to make *more* of a scene but will continue to stare as they go off
  • May will walk away with him, but keep glancing back over her shoulder at Korivan.

<Sahirru> (To May and Laris) He's a bit...strange, hmm?

  • Laris will arch an eyebrow at that

<May> Yes... he is.

  • Korivan is continuing to mutter, but will turn to go find Kraaz after he pulls himself together :p

<Laris> Perhaps still dazed from the ritual.
<Sahirru> Either that, or their drink is stronger than I gave them credit for.
<Sahirru> I don't know which is more worrying.

  • Sahirru smiles, trying to make light.

<Laris> Mm.
<Laris> I should see how my commanders are faring - excuse me.

  • Sahirru will take May to meet with some of the townsfolk in attendance, the more respectable folk.

<Sahirru> Of course, Dominus.

  • Laris will take himself off to check on how his commanders are doing, and ponder what that all means


Laris and Sahhiru talk some more at the party before extricating May

* Laris sips the wine... drink.
<Laris> (his second cup. living it up!)
<Sahirru> An...interesting vintage, no?
* Sahirru says with a smile as he walks over.
<Laris> It is better than I expected, to be honest.
<Sahirru> Much like our hosts, it has certain admirable qualities, I'll grant.
<Laris> at least there is something to celebrate - it's better than the alternative.
<Sahirru> Two victories already. Perhaps there is something to the young Hraal's desire to press our advantage.
* Laris nods
<Laris> I don't wish to overplay our hand, but waiting too long only allows the enemy to rest and regroup as well.
<Laris> Although I think their estimation that they could ride tonight might be... overoptimistic.
* Laris says, eyeing the celebration.
<Sahirru> I have no doubt some of them will try. I believe I've seen three impromptu races since the festivities started.
<Laris> how well did that go?
<Sahirru> No one fell, which was impressive enough. One of them jumped over a bonfire, which was moreso, though I'm not sure whether to pity the horse or be impressed with its training.
<Laris> hm, not bad.
<Laris> how late do you expect you'll stay?
<Sahirru> I can't imagine they'd notice if I left.
<Sahirru> But I don't want to leave May alone here, and she'll want to stay a while yet, I'm sure.
<Laris> oh, yes. certainly.
* Laris says, a bit relieved
<Laris> I expect my staff are enjoying the night off as well.
<Sahirru> And you?
<Laris> Ah... this is not really my preference for a relaxing evening.
<Sahirru> All things considered, I hadn't assumed there was much opportunity for relaxing in your position here.
<Laris> No, not often. And when I do, I normally prefer more peaceful surroundings. A chance to read, or to spend time in ... quiet contemplation.
<Sahirru> I wouldn't have figured you for an ascetic, Dominus Corvis.
<Sahirru> Tell me, what do you contemplate?
* Sahirru says with a hint of a smile.
* Laris goes sort of blank for a moment.
<Laris> I... usually... contemplate my place in the universe. And means of better achieving work efficiency.
<Sahirru> Worthy topics, to be sure.
<Sahirru> And not dissimilar, I find.
* Laris sips his drink, possibly to cover his embarassment
<Sahirru> I tend to believe all things have their proper place, including ourselves.
<Laris> Well, if everyone knew their place in the universe, I do imagine things would run much more efficiently.
<Sahirru> Not everyone gives it the proper amount of thought, sadly.
<Sahirru> Leaving it to those of us to do to spare a thought for others' place as well.
<Laris> some struggle to rise above their natural station, while others fail to achieve all that they are capable of.
<Sahirru> Well said.
<Laris> what is your station, if I may inquire? where do you envision yourself, ultimately?
<Sahirru> That's an interesting question.
* Sahirru takes a sip of his own wine.
<Sahirru> My...legacy lies in a distant land, though I fear it is one to which return is ill-advised. I'm content to shepherd my charge through her journey for the moment.
* Laris nods
<Laris> We share that in common, then. Although I hope my wish to return to my own distant land is not ill-advised.
<Sahirru> What grand destiny calls to Laris Valerius Corvis? In what position does the noble scion seek to find himself?
<Laris> I hope one day to follow my father's path and join the Senate, if I am considered worthy.
<Sahirru> A senatorship, hmm? And what issues interest you there?
<Laris> Well, to advocate for my family's interests... and to work on a larger scale some of the aims I've achieved here - increased trade, for instance.
<Laris> No doubt if I was to return home, more immediate issues would present themselves.
<Sahirru> Of course.
<Laris> And if the Senate is out of reach, or must be postponed, then a villa outside the city, with my books and family, I suppose...
<Sahirru> That sounds lovely, though somewhat...domestic for many of the shadar-kai I've met.
<Laris> I'm a man of simple tastes. And to be fair, the family is purely conjectural at this point.
<Sahirru> I'm sure a man of your station and accomplishments has many prospects.
<Laris> I am engaged to be married. It's... been a lengthy engagement.
<Sahirru> All the more reason for you to want to return home, of course.
<Laris> Yes... I suppose.
* Sahirru says while being sure to watch your reaction closely.
* Laris keeps his face carefully neutral, displaying no wistful feelings or romantic sighs ;p
* Sahirru takes a drink to hide a smile.
* Sahirru looks around for a moment.
<Sahirru> I don't suppose you see my ward, do you? I seem to have lost track of her...
* Laris looks around as well
<Laris> She appears to be... being fondled by a hobgoblin.
<Sahirru> WhaT?!
<Sahirru> I believe some "parental" guidance may be in order.
<Sahirru> If you'll excuse me, with apologies.
* Sahirru will go to handle that situation.
* Laris will accompany you, mildly amused, mildly "I told you so".

Korival tells Kraaz about Sahhiru. Kraaz tells him to lighten up.

* Korivan will come find Kraaz after the initial encounter with Sahirru
<Kraaz> Kraaz is likely surrounded by his warriors and various others, probably with some random pretty lady or dude in his lap.
<Kraaz> ( I was going to write pretty girl or boy, but pretty boy feels like it has a grosser implication)
<Korivan> (hah)
<Kraaz> Kor! Come share a drink with us!
* Kraaz looks like he's had plenty himself already, though you suspect (or know) his tolerance is pretty high.
<Korivan> A moment
<Korivan> First
<Korivan> Hraal
* Kraaz raises an eyebrow
<Kraaz> Of...course.
<Kraaz> What is it?
* Korivan looks around at the flunkies, frowning
<Korivan> About our allies
* Korivan says frowning more at the word
<Kraaz> All..right. Why don't we, ah...I'll be right back.
* Korivan nods
* Kraaz will extricate himself and motion Korivan to follow.
* Korivan follows
<Kraaz> What's the problem?
* Kraaz says, after you get a little distance and are muffled by the general revelry.
<Korivan> The one.... Domina's .."uncle".
* Korivan rubs his head
<Korivan> He is not what he seems >:|
<Kraaz> How do you mean?
<Korivan> He is fire.... not the blood of fire.
<Korivan> A demon.... or something...alike
<Kraaz> He's a demon?
<Kraaz> You're sure?
<Korivan> He belongs to the gods. The Turathi god. I don't know what he is.
<Kraaz> What does that mean for us?
* Korivan shakes his head.
<Korivan> They
* Turathi.
<Korivan> The ancestors say.... caution
<Kraaz> That's it? Caution?
* Korivan listens
<Kraaz> (That's pretty much it for the moment. Right now they're mostly just doing the random unintelligible whispers thing.)
<Korivan> For now.
<Kraaz> Just him, though, yes?
<Korivan> that I have seen.
<Kraaz> Do you think he's something Mamitu summoned?
<Korivan> who?
* Korivan frowns
<Kraaz> The Turathi girl. Pretty, missing a bit of tail. I was pretty sure you noticed her.
<Korivan> Domina.
* Korivan thinks
<Korivan> Her magic is not that strong, to bind him.
<Korivan> Summon, maybe. She couldn't make him stay.
<Kraaz> So, whatever he is, he's not here under her control. They do have their own cadre of ritualists. As a group, might they bind something like him?
<Korivan> hmmm. maybe...
<Korivan> I haven't seen enough of their magic
<Kraaz> Dealing with the Turathi always meant there would be a good chance we'd have to deal with their gods.
<Kraaz> What do you suggest we do?
<Korivan> you're right... it was inevitable
<Korivan> be careful in dealing with him.
<Kraaz> That had been my plan.
<Korivan> ...good.
<Kraaz> Kor, maybe you should come have that drink.
<Kraaz> We did just win, and I promise, I'll be on my guard.
* Korivan sighs
<Korivan> Maybe.
* Korivan agrees
<Kraaz> Good. You're the spiritual strength of our people now. If you look like everything is dire and grim all the time, they'll worry.
<Kraaz> Come, have a drink, laugh at a story, find someone to spend the evening with. Things are looking up.
* Korivan nods
<Kraaz> We'll deal with the imperial demon or whatever tomorrow.
<Korivan> Yes...
* Korivan shakes his head
<Korivan> It's all just... distracting.
<Korivan> But I understand.
<Kraaz> I'm sure it is.
<Kraaz> But I think we can find you better distractions for one night.
<Korivan> that would be welcome
* Kraaz smiles and puts his arm around your shoulder, walking you back towards his flunkies (for lack of a better term).
<Kraaz> Maybe you can find the Domina and get some information out of her.
<Korivan> (all good warlords need flunkies ^_^)
* Korivan smiles slowly at that
<Korivan> maybe...

May sneaks back out to find Korivan again

<May> Ok, where would Korivan be later in the party?
<Korivan> I'm going to say... eating and maybe listening to some of the other commanders tell probably exxagerated accounts of the fight ;)
<May> heh
<Korivan> sort of listening anyway
<Korivan> so you know, probably there are other folkd around but he's not like, deeply engaged p
<Korivan> ;p
* May will probably wander around for a bit first and mingle.
* May is more observing than really participating, though.
* May has a hood on to keep a bit lower profile.
* May though her horns are pretty much a dead giveaway
<Korivan> (LOL. I want you to omagine that. Imagine wearing a hood ofer foor tall horns. "lower profile".)
<May> T(There are holes for them ;P)
<Korivan> (ooooh)
<May> (heh)
* May will eventually wander over towards Korivan's part of the party.
* Korivan is drinking something out of a bigs bowl and also has a tall horn full of something else
* May notice/me will notice him sitting and watch him for a few minutes from the edge of the light.
* Korivan puts the bowl down to the side and then looks up over in t=your direction
* May smiles a bit nervously, and will nod to Korivan and walk over to him.
<May> Hello again.
* Korivan nods to you, watching you approach
<Korivan> Domina
<May> Please... call me May. At least when my uncle isn't around...
* May smiles
<Korivan> May, hmm
<Korivan> Yes.
* Korivan hsuffles over to that you can sit if you like
<May> I apologize for the interruption before.
* May will sit next to him.
* Korivan frows.
<Korivan> yes....
<Korivan> Your...demon?
* May looks a bit worried at that.
<May> Is that what the ancestors say?
<Korivan> Fire.... angel... demon.... shadow
<Korivan> I see fire
<May> Well... tieflings are creatures of fire.
<Korivan> YOur fire is more tamed. The blood of fire.
<Korivan> I know it is the Turathi way to deal with such things.
<May> He's not a demon.
* Korivan looks over at you
* May blushes.
<May> Technically...
<Korivan> Are we allies, Domina?
<Korivan> ...May?
<May> Yes. I hope so. Why?
<Korivan> I know what I see.
<May> You think he's like one of those things our people fought, don't you? He's not. I can promise you that.
<Korivan> YOu call him 'uncle'...
<May> He is my uncle. In every sense that counts. No matter what he is.
<May> He saved my life.
* Korivan nods, gaze flicking over your scars, and nods
* May blushes and shifts a little at your gaze, pulling her hood a little closer.
* Korivan seems confused by that and will look back out at the people dancing and telling stories and revelling
<Korivan> Are you enjoying our celebration?
<May> Yes. It's very different from any we had in Aethrennar.
* Korivan grins at that
<Korivan> Eladrin
* Korivan says, disdainfully
* May laughs.
<May> Have you met many?
* Korivan shrugs
<Korivan> The ancestor say they are weak
<Korivan> but with powerful magics...
* May grins.
<May> Well, that last part is true at least.
<May> I learned all my magic in Aethrennar.
* Korivan nods
<Korivan> Ours comes from the Gaathm.... form the Shamans and the ancestors
<Korivan> (Gaath, not Gaathm ;p)
<May> Interesting... so you manifest spiritual energy rather than tapping the general planar magical quintessence?
* Korivan frowns slightly at that, and then thinks
<Korivan> We call on the spirts, yes... and Bane. But there are other sources. It depends.
<May> And Bane is... your god?
<Korivan> Yes.
<Korivan> YOu do not know Bane?
* Korivan seems genuinely surprised
<May> Like... personally?
<May> I've seen the name mentioned in books.
* Korivan looks perhaps a bit concerned at that notion (of knowing bane personally)
<Korivan> hmp.
<May> But only in passing.
<Korivan> He is the god of war.
* May nods.
<Korivan> He gives us strength to defeat our enemies...
<May> Do you have other gods?
* Retrieving #gnomeland modes...
<Korivan> We do not.
<May> There's more to life than just fighting.
* Korivan chuckles at that, looks around at the higs fucking party, and then back to you
<Korivan> (huge)
<May> Ok, fair.
<May> But we are celebrating a fight, after all.
* May grins.
<Korivan> Fight to live.... live to fight.
* May 's eyes will drift to Korivan's scars, although she will try not to stare.
<May> I prefer living to learn, personally. And maybe learning to live.
<Korivan> Hmm.
* Korivan will take a drink from hit hirn, and offer it to you
* May will accept it
<May> What is it?
<Korivan> wine?
* May grins.
<May> I was expecting somethning more... exotic.
* May will take a swig
<Korivan> Fermented mare's milk?
<Korivan> Wine is what we have now.
* May laughs.
<May> It certainly seems to be sufficient.
* May looks around at the revelers
* Korivan scowls
<May> Did I say something wrong?
* May seems concerned
<Korivan> no
* Korivan make a gesture that sort of waves at his head and then ends more dismissively
<May> ...the voices?
<Korivan> They're loud.
<May> Do they ever stop?
<Korivan> No....
* May frowns.
<May> I can't imagine...
* May takes another drink of wine.
* May passes the cup back.
<May> (horn)
* Korivan shrugs
* Korivan take it and has another drink as well
<Korivan> It is a great gift.
<May> If you wanted... I could maybe try a ritual to block them some time. Temporarily. I don't know if it would work.
* Korivan sort of gesturs to his chest with the horn
* May looks at Korivan's dragonmark (And his chest...)
* Korivan frowns at that suggestion
<Korivan> No.
* May nods.
<May> Ok. I just thought I would offer.
* May stares awkwardly out at the party some more.
* Korivan has still not washed his hands, btw, but they're dry and probably a lot of the blood has wiped off on other things over the course of the night
* Korivan sort of hufsf and shifts restlessly, looking over at you
* May looks over at you curiously.
<May> What are they saying?
<Korivan> They did not like your...offer >.>
<May> Oh...
<May> I'm sorry.
<May> I didn't mean...
<May> I just meant to give you a break for a short time.
<Korivan> I know.
<May> When did it start?
<Korivan> During the fight with the Mazaakai...
<May> Oh... that recently?
* Korivan shrugs
<May> Mine showed up a few years ago. It took me a long time to figure out what it even did.
<Korivan> you will in time
* May cocks her head.
<May> What do you mean?
<Korivan> YOu have more to learn
* May smiles.
<May> That will always be true.
<Korivan> yes, you that that before
<May> Do you know something I don't?
<Korivan> only that you have not unlocked its potential.
* May frowns slightly and looks at her wrist.
<Korivan> it's ...incomplete?
<May> ...interesting...
<May> What about yours?
<Korivan> The ancestors always have more to teach us.
* May smiles.
* May reaches her hand towards Korivan's mark.
<May> May I?
* Korivan nods
* May places her hand on your chest, feeling the ridges of the mark.
<May> It's... very different... from others I've seen.
* Korivan closes his eyes, brows slightly furrowed as you feel it out
<Korivan> It... traces the path
* May runs her fingers over the lines.
<May> What path?
* Korivan will take your hand and sort of lead you through the motions... a cut below the ribcage, up throughv the sternum, and then a flourish under the left hand side, around the heart.
<Korivan> (I don't know if May would get that immediately, though she did watch him do it earlier)
<May> (I think she might make the connection to the earlier ritual, but maybe not grasp the full significance.)
* May nods.
<Korivan> (well, no, but mahbe enough to get the basics of '....and this is how they'll cut out my heart')
<May> (I was thinking more along the general lines of 'this dragonmark is related to humanoid sacrificing somehow')
<Korivan> (oh, well, that works too)
* May will blush when she realizes what she's doing.
* Korivan looks down at you as though he is trying to make sense of your expression
* May will take her hand back and look somewhat abashed.
<May> ...sorry...
<Korivan> why?
* Korivan will let you pull your hand away again without too much resistance ;)
<May> Ummm....
<May> I'm... not sure...
* Korivan takes your hand again
* May lets you
* Korivan will lean down to kiss you
* May will inhale sharply as you kiss her and lean into you.
* Korivan will kiss mo, puttng your hand on his chest agina, leving his own hands free for more explorations
* Lan-phone ( Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
* Korivan will make out for a while, and then, eventually realize we're still just sitting in the middle of the party and maybe youre not into that
<Korivan> Is this... okay? We can ygo to my tent.
* Korivan starts to stand and pull you up with him
* May stands but pulls away a bit.
<May> You're... tent?
<May> Oh...
<May> I ummm... I don't know if that's the best idea...
<Korivan> Why?
* Korivan stars to pull you closer for another kiss
* May looks around, seeming to panic a bit.
<May> I should go...
<Korivan> GO?
<Korivan> (didn't mean to yell, but hey, I'll blame the voices :V)
* May backs up a step.
* Korivan lets go of you
<May> I'm sorry...
* Korivan frowns/scowls and puts one hand on his head, and waves you away
* May will turn and walk hurriedly away, looking back over her shoulder occasionally.

Laris comes to consult with Korivan the next morning

* Laris will attempt to locate Korivan the following morning.
<Korivan> (probably someone can a: tell you where to find me, and b: send someone to warn me ;p)
<Laris> (in your tent, I presume?)
<Korivan> (Does Laris speak goblinoid?)
<Korivan> (yeah)
* Korivan 's yurt is larger than most and he has lots of weird things hanging in it, including the horned headress he wore last night
* Hettienne (Longpig@ has left #gnomeland
* Laris will step carefully so as to avoid knocking things over or banging into anything hanging from the roof.
* Korivan is sitting on a large wooden (mostly) chair covered in furs... there are a few other benches around but nothing as fancy
* Korivan looks a little rough but is at least you know.... dressed for him.
* Laris glances around and clears his throat slightly, speaking in Goblinoid.
<Korivan> Dominus
<Laris> Gaath Korivan, good day. I hope I'm not disturbing you.
<Korivan> Not too much
* Laris nods
<Laris> I hoped to speak with you further about your ...insight into the Domina's companion.
<Korivan> Ahh, yes...
* Korivan winces a little
<Korivan> I don't know what he is.
<Laris> It seemed to disturb you.
<Korivan> He is dangerous... such things are.
<Laris> So you don't know what he is, only that he is something dangerous?
<Korivan> He is some creature of their god.
<Korivan> Angel... demon.. made of fire.
<Korivan> she trusts him.
* Korivan frowns as he says that, though
<Laris> Yes. And he appears to care for her - at least, if he does not, it is a very convincing act.
<Korivan> She belongs to him... a life debt
* Laris considers that for a moment
<Laris> What do you intend to do concerning him?
<Korivan> Why?
<Laris> Because right now he appears to be the most competent adult in her faction, and eliminating him would cause difficulties.
<Laris> So if you cannot work with him, or intend to do him harm, I would prefer to know that.
<Korivan> So he rules them?
<Laris> Not rules... but I believe she listens to his advice, and follows his guidance. ...Mostly.
* Laris amends, thinking of her at the party last night ;p
* Korivan smiles slyly at that
<Korivan> We will watch him, for now.
<Korivan> This had to come, with the Turathi
<Laris> All right.
<Laris> As long as it isn't causing problems, you can tolerate his presence?
<Korivan> yes....
* Laris nods
<Korivan> Are you... not troubled?
<Laris> I am puzzled, I suppose. Curious. Others have said they find him troubling, but as of yet I have not seen such signs myself.
<Korivan> they sense the power behind the mask
<Laris> Perhaps.
<Laris> Power is not the same as the abuse of power, however. Simply possessing something does not mean you will misuse it.
* Korivan gives you something of an annoyed look
<Laris> However, I will keep watch on him as well.
* Korivan nods at that
<Korivan> Good.
<Korivan> We dont' know its goals...
<Laris> Currently they appear to be to aid May in assuming her role as leader here. If they diverge from that, of course, it would be important to know that.
<Korivan> Yes...
* Korivan listens to see if the ancestors have any insights here, but his head still feels heavy, bleh
<Laris> Well... is there anything further? Otherwise we can convene with the others later to discuss pressing our advantage, as mentioned last night.
* Korivan shakes his head
<Laris> Very well. Perhaps noon?
* Laris eyes you, considering how long you might need to recover
<Laris> I will provide food and we can talk about our plans.
<Korivan> I will find the Hraal >.>
<Laris> Excellent. We will speak again soon.
* Laris will depart.
* Korivan glares at the sun outside of his nice dark tent