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(Laris checks on on Rufus)
(Laris checks in on Dianthea)
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===Laris checks in on Dianthea===
===Laris checks in on Dianthea===
<br>* @Curtana will show the new arrivals to the rooms prepared for them at the keep. He'll give Rufus a sort of 'we'll talk later' look but accompany Dianthea into her room, ostensibly to show her around.
<br><@Curtana> (oops)
<br>* Curtana is now known as Laris
<br>* @Laris will show the new arrivals to the rooms prepared for them at the keep. He'll give Rufus a sort of 'we'll talk later' look but accompany Dianthea into her room, ostensibly to show her around.
<br>* @Laris will show the new arrivals to the rooms prepared for them at the keep. He'll give Rufus a sort of 'we'll talk later' look but accompany Dianthea into her room, ostensibly to show her around.
<br><YOAW_Narrator> (heh)
<br><YOAW_Narrator> (heh)

Revision as of 14:57, 16 September 2018

Ye Olde Adventure Worlde session logs
Previous Session 14 Next


May speaks with Saḫḫiru about Induriel's suggestion regarding the envoys from Vanilorra, and a diplomatic solution is arranged with all parties. Korivan counsels Faasha before Kryx is ceremonial appointed Gaath. Montano and some other Katalal riders arrives with gifts for the Ankai, and Korivan welcomes him to the Hrieffen encampment while the Ankai consider whether they will accept them. Laris greets one of the Thantopolotian ships only to learn that the other, with Dianthea and Rufus are still adrift. Wahala's ship encounters strangers in distress, and agrees to accompany them to their home port. Eyllia's ship encounters a patrol looking for the missing ship and offer to help look. When she meets up with Wahala, she offers to bring news ahead. Eventually the ship makes port, to Laris's relief, and those who assisted are invited to stay in the keep. he later checks in on Dianthea and Rufus. Wahala manages to encounter May by chance before they are formally introduced.


Session date: June 24
In Game date: immediately after, and then a month after, last session

May, Saḫḫiru, and Induriel discuss the Elven situation

* Sahhiru can be found in the courtyard, directing some servants.
<May> Uncle, are you busy?
<Sahhiru> No more than usual, May. Was there something you needed?
<May> I wanted to discuss the Elven situation with you.
<May> Induriel brought up an interesting suggestion
<Induriel> Perhaps we could discuss it in private?
* Sahhiru will give Induriel a measured look, then nod to May.
<Sahhiru> Of course. Shall we retire to the library?
* May will head there.
* Induriel follows!
* May will begin once we're behind closed doors.
* Sahhiru looks at you with curiosity.
<May> So Induriel suggests that we ask the elves for a treaty. One that recognizes our boundaries and sphere of influence in the area regarding the Amanya Hatal. In exchange, I suggest we be willing to grant them a small embassy and start trade negotiations. I wanted to know your thoughts on the idea.
<Sahhiru> That seems like a reasonable course of action.
* May let's out a breathe she didn't realize she was holding in and smiles.
<Sahhiru> As a related note, should we formalize our relations with Aethrennar in a similar manner first? It would be...unseemly to have our first official relations be with the Amarantha rather than Queen Alcarinel.
* May looks to Induriel.
<May> Do you think the Queen would be willing to enter into a more formal alliance?
<Induriel> (Is that possible if the Vanilorrans have a accepted embassy in NA?)
<YOAW_Narrator> (Are you asking if the Queen would accept it?)
<Induriel> (yes)
<YOAW_Narrator> (Alcarinel is more on the model of the fey courts, so she's not a huge fan of formalized large-scale agreements like that, but, presented in the proper way, she could be brought around.)
<Induriel> (But wouldn't a stipulation of such an alliance be that NA has to accept her claim to be the sole rightful ruler of the eldarin/elves, and not accept Vanilorra?)
<YOAW_Narrator> (Only if you include it. I don't think Alcarinel needs Nesu Abamatu to recognize her singular rulership over the elduar; they're not important enough.)
<YOAW_Narrator> (Also, they're not elduar. Their stance on it doesn't reflect to much on the issue. It's up to you whether it's offensive they deal with rebels. :p)
<Induriel> I am sure that the Queen would be happy to formalize closer relations with Nesu Abamatu... but what do you propose, exactly?
<May> Something similar. Recognition of our borders and the institution of an embassy. Preferrably on the other side of the city from the elves.
<Sahhiru> Well, I would propose the embassy be near the keep, if not a part of it.
* Induriel raises an eyebrow
<Sahhiru> We of course need to recognize our closer relationship with Aethrennar.
<Induriel> That would be a positive step, I think.
<May> That's fine. We can put the elven embassy in the Eastern Quarter.
<Induriel> And I'm already in my apartments here, no?
<May> I can take a trip with you to meet with the Queen and her counselors and formalize the agreement. It would be good to see Aethrennar again.
* Sahhiru shakes his head.
* May looks at Sahirru hopefully 27]
<May> :( 27]
<Sahhiru> Induriel speaks for the Queen, Mamitu. It is too soon for us to leave the city. 27]
<Sahhiru> Well, too soon for you. 27]
<May> Aww Ratsticks. 27]
<May> Fine. I suppose we can do it here.
<Sahhiru> You are welcome to maintain your apartments in the keep, Induriel, though if you would prefer a more private residence and site for a permanent embassy, I'm sure such could be arranged.
<Induriel> Thank you.
<May> Well, at least that's settled then.
<Induriel> I'm sure the Queen would be happy to recognize Nesu Abamatu's borders. I'm doubtful of lómelindë, however. What will you ask of him?
* Sahhiru will look to May expectantly.
<May> I'll let you know as soon as we reach an agreement with him.
<May> :)
<Induriel> The Vanilorrans have long wanted control of a port. Not merely access, but control.
* May sighs.
<Sahhiru> If they wanted control, they could take it, Induriel.
<Sahhiru> They came under truce, which speaks well of their intentions.
<May> We're not going to be a puppet of Vanillorra. But we won't be one of Aethrennar either.
<Induriel> In the short term, yes. But lómelindë is playing a much longer game than that.
<Sahhiru> He is not the only one.
<Induriel> By engaging in trade with him, you give him a pretext for sending in troops to guard that trade.
<Induriel> Unless you make it very clear that will not be allowed.
<Sahhiru> He needs no such pretext, if invasion was his goal.
<Sahhiru> Though your point is well taken.
<Induriel> Obviously if he intended to invade right away, he could.
<Induriel> But that is not what I mean.
<Induriel> He can afford to wait; to advance in small steps.
<Sahhiru> Steps we can counter, should the need arise.
<May> We're not giving anyone a free hand, Induriel. We'll iron out the details.
<Induriel> But steps you must be vigilant for, and expend resources to counter. You can make that much easier if you set the right terms at the beginning of the relationship; I urge to you do so.
<Induriel> You are giving him a great deal.
<Induriel> In particular, he has ambitions to recruit the Amanya Hatal. I urge you to make sure that your proposed borders - beyond which he agrees to relinquish any and all claims for all time - do not permit that.
<Sahhiru> Of course.
<Sahhiru> The Amanya Hatal are a different problem, to be dealt with separately.
<Induriel> They are not as separate as all that. The Vanilorrans have ambitions there.
<Sahhiru> Ambitions are not chances. The Amanya Hatal will accept no outside aid, I assure you.
<Sahhiru> No offer allegiance to any other.
<Sahhiru> (nor)
<May> Having a political alliance and trade contacts with Vanilorra can only help us if they try anything in that area. It lets us put pressure on them. Right now we could do nothing.
<Induriel> I would not be too quick to make absolute assumptions. My advisers are convinced that they are part of why lómelindë has sent his representatives... but we seem to agree, so no need to belabour the poin.
<Induriel> Their diplomatic presence here would already change the equation.
<Induriel> (point)
<YOAW_Narrator> (Okay, what are the specific points Induriel/Aethrennar wants in an alliance with Nesu Abamatu?)
<YOAW_Narrator> (Tuck, are there any specific ones May wants?)
<Induriel> (You know better than I do! But I expect that well-set borders that keep Vanilorra out are a key point.)
<May> (Formal recognition of our boundaries and open trade woudl be m main concerns)
<Sahhiru> Of course it does, but the Amanya Hatal are isolationists of the highest order. They'd defied the Summer Throne long before Iomelinde's rebellion.
<YOAW_Narrator> (Presumably, y'all can hash out the necessary stipulations and agreements for a formalized document for the relationship between Nesu Abamatu and Aethrennar. What do you think? A few days?)
<May> (Yeah, probably. A few very boring days for May ;) )
<Induriel> (And can we do something to ensure that they don't get any actual control of port facilities? Say that Aethrennari factors are permitted to deal with them, but Vanilorri are not so they're forced to go through a middleman - and thus generate additional revenue for the city?)
<May> (Wait, what?)
<May> (I'm not sure I understand)
<Induriel> (I basically want to limit Vanilorri influence here in a way that you'll like. :P )
<Sahhiru> (Basically, the Vanilorrans couldn't say, own property on the docks, etc. They'd have to work through Abamatan (?) middlemen.)
<Induriel> (Yes. Something like that.)
<Sahhiru> (It's a reasonable enough stipulation at this point, and, as mentioned, generates more revenue for the city.)
<May> (I'd prefer that no one but us be allowed to own the docks, onestly)
<Sahhiru> (Though we'll have to talk to Laris, because he ostensibly still manages ocean trade for us. :))
<Sahhiru> (That'd work, so long as Aethrennar still has more direct trade rights.)
<May> ( assume taxing the docks is one of the citiy's main incomes
<May> )
<Induriel> (And since we're talking about an alliance, I imagine that includes sending aid if requested. Say, a bunch of defensive spellcasters, if May wants?)
<May> (Hrrrrmmmm... I'm wary of a mutual defense clause. I don't want us entangled in a giant war if Aethrennar decides to piss someone off :P)
<Induriel> (That seems unlikely. Honest! :P )
<May> (-_-)
<Sahhiru> (Sahhiru would suggest we table that for a time. Nesu Abamatu must stand on it's own first.)
<May> (Let's leave that aside for now)
<May> (Yeah)
<Induriel> (Very well. We can revisit it if needed.)
<YOAW_Narrator> Okay, so, you guys can get that formalized, signed by May, and sent off to Alcarinel.
<May> (Yay!)
<YOAW_Narrator> So you should then meet with the elves.
<May> (We can do that later if other people want to go )
<May> (Or however you want to do it)

The negotiations with the elves resolve

* Ettelea and her sister will arrive at the keep, presumably at your summons.
<YOAW_Narrator> They offer salutes and salutations.
* Induriel watches carefully, trying to remain expressionless.
* May will greet them, probably almost correctly
<Ettelea> We thank you for this audience, Siru Lalu. It is my humble wish that your summons means you have reached a decision regarding our presence in your fair domain.
<May> We have. We would like to grant your request for an embassy here, albeit a small one at first, but we have certain conditions we'd like to discuss with you.
<Ettelea> Of course, Siru. We could expect no less for the privilege.
<May> We'd like to formalize a treaty with your people and your ruler. One which clearly delineates the boundaries and spheres of influence of each city in relation to the other and furthers our peaceful relations. It would also specify certain trade agreements and tariff arrangements.
<May> Particularly as relates to use of our ports.
* Ettelea nods.
<YOAW_Narrator> (Not going to make you talk through all those negotiations.
<May> (Are they basically ammenable?)
<YOAW_Narrator> (Yeah. They'll push back a little on the AH, not so much that they want control of them, but that they feel something needs to be done about them one way or the other. If it's them, great, if it's you, they'd offer support or just stay out of it as necessary.)
<May> (We'd prefer they work through us, obviously)
<YOAW_Narrator> (Like I said, it's just a little pushback. They seem reasonably happy with what you're offering overall.)
<May> (Cool :) )
<Induriel> (Does it need to be ratified by Iomelinde, or are they claiming power to agree to it on the spot?)
<Induriel> (Can I make some sort of Empathy roll to sense whether this is how they really feel?)
<YOAW_Narrator> (It carries full weight with their signatures, though ostensibly, yes, it needs to be fully approved by him.)
<YOAW_Narrator> (Sure. That would be...let me check)
<Induriel> (So provisional, pending full ratification, I take it.)
<YOAW_Narrator> (Yeah. It's Awareness, btw.)
<Induriel> (Uh-oh. I seem to have Awareness 2...)
<Induriel> !roll2d6
* @Korivan rolls for Induriel: [ Error. The syntax is !d20 x d x + x. ].
<YOAW_Narrator> (You have to have a space)
<Induriel> !roll 2d6
* @Korivan rolls for Induriel: [ 2d6 ] getting [ 1 2 ] for a total of [ 3 ].
<Induriel> (Pffft.)
<YOAW_Narrator> They seem on the up and up.
<YOAW_Narrator> (;))
<Induriel> (Bah, humbug.)
<Induriel> (I still don't believe it.)

Faasha asks Korivan for direction, then a party of Katalal arrive

<YOAW_Narrator> Okay, so, while that's getting dealt with, presumably Korivan is around for the actual ritual to recognize the new Ankai Gaath.
<YOAW_Narrator> (Oh, right, Heather is dog-drugging)
<@Korivan> (yup)
<@Korivan> (I'm back!)
<YOAW_Narrator> (Coolio)
<YOAW_Narrator> They'll actually want to consult with Korivan for this, regarding seeking Bane's favor.
* @Korivan can make recommendations @_@
* Sahhiru is now known as Faasha
* Faasha will seek you out before the actual ceremony.
* @Korivan suggests blood sacrifice of an enemy captured in battle
<YOAW_Narrator> There're probably some errant Maazikai captives around for that.
* @Korivan is around
<Faasha> Gaath Korivan?
<Faasha> Do you have a moment?
* @Korivan takes a moment to focus his thoughts, as is usual if hes been left to his own devices
<@Korivan> Yes, Faasha
<Faasha> I...was hoping to talk to you...
* @Korivan nods, and will lead her back to his tent
<Faasha> I was wond...I wanted to know...what you see for our future. The tribe has chosen, I will not lead them yet, but I feel a sense of...waiting?
<Faasha> That doesn't make sense. I know I'm waiting.
<Faasha> But I feel like I should be doing *something*.
<@Korivan> You should be learning. The riites of Bane. The ways of your tribe.
* Faasha nods.
<Faasha> I know.
* @Korivan considers though, and will see if the Anceestors have any insights
* @Korivan closes his eyes to concentrate to pick out any sense form their whispers
* Ettelea is now known as Ancestors
<Ancestors> *speaker.vector.heart-turner.prophet.zealot*
<@Korivan> Yes...
<@Korivan> You have great power Faasha...
* @Korivan says, gesturing at her marked face
<Faasha> So I'm told...
<@Korivan> You will use it to unite others under the banner of Bane. That is your work.
<Faasha> But not yet.
* Faasha pouts a little.
<@Korivan> When we go to the Kobrakai... You will come.
<Faasha> I will?
<@Korivan> Yes.
<YOAW_Narrator> You see her dragonmark flare a little and you feel a surge of her excitement.
* @Korivan smiles
<@Korivan> You will not be wasted.
* Faasha composes herself, though is still obviously happy and excited.
<Faasha> I will honor Bane and my tribe.
* @Korivan nods
<Faasha> When will we go? After the ceremony?
<@Korivan> Mm. Soon. We must speak with Kryx and Hraal Mygal first.
* Faasha nods.
<@Korivan> Our work here is not finished.
<Faasha> Right. They'll need our...
<@Korivan> For now... speak with your tribe.
* Faasha is interrupted by a Hrieffen at the opening of your tent.
* Loce is now known as Hrieffen
<Hrieffen> Gaath, you're needed. Riders. They want to speak to you.
<@Korivan> Rider from where
<Hrieffen> The Katalal.
<@Korivan> Hmm.
* @Korivan nods
* @Korivan looks to Faasha to mke she she's good for now
* Faasha looks to you and motions for you to go.
* @Korivan will go, then, and see what these riders want
<YOAW_Narrator> The Hrieffen will take you to the edge of the camp, where a group of about 10 riders on drakes are facing a group of armed Ankai. Both sides look agitated, but neither side looks like they're going to immediately resort to violence.
<YOAW_Narrator> You recognize the leader of the Katalal, who calls out to you.
* Ancestors is now known as Montano
<Montano> Gaath Korivan!
<Montano> I'm sorry for the ruckus, but we're not here for trouble.
<@Korivan> Mmm. Hraal Montano.
<@Korivan> Why have you come?
<Montano> I heard you cleansed the Mother Lake, and that you were here to help name the new Gaath. I came to offer my thanks and good wishes, to honor you and your new allies.
<YOAW_Narrator> There are a few grumbles from the Ankai, but nothing too bad.
* @Korivan glances over at the grumbling Ankai
<@Korivan> What honour do you offer?
<@Korivan> (glaces over and then glances bakc, I meant)
* Montano will turn in his saddle and nod to a Katalal further back who is leading a pack drake. The halfling dismounts and retrieves a large bundle from the pack. She brings it forward, laying it before you and the gathered Ankai. Unrolling it, you see it contains several metal weapons sized for bugbears (mostly spears, an axe or two, one sword).
<Montano> Captured in our battle. Some were saved, and I thought it would be honorable to return them to you, allies of the Hriffen.
<Montano> Hrieffen, even.
* @Korivan nods
<YOAW_Narrator> That gets more appreciative noises from the Ankai crowd.
<@Korivan> (how many peopel are here with him?)
<YOAW_Narrator> (10, plus their mounts and probably 2-3 pack drakes)
<@Korivan> (I assume this would generally be a Gaath issue, and that Kryx is prbably deep in the middle of preparations)
<YOAW_Narrator> (Yeah, more or less)
* Lan_phone (uid135102@2001:67c:2f08:5::2:fbe) Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity�)
* @Korivan considers
<@Korivan> YOu may stay with the Hrieffen camp. The Ankai booyagh will decide if they will accept your gifts now, or... wait for their Gaath to take his place.
<Montano> We thank you for your hospitality. We have brought provisions; we don't want to be a burden.
* @Korivan nods
<@Korivan> I will...appraise the Booyagh of your...intentions. Hraal Mygal may wish to meet with you as well...
<@Korivan> (Josh do I know if the Katalal have a good relationshio with the Kobrakai? >.>)
* @Korivan turns to the Hobgoblin who brought him out, and will tell them to see them to our camp.
<YOAW_Narrator> (Roll Knowledge)
* Lan_phone (uid135102@2001:67c:2f08:5::2:fbe) has joined #gnomeland
* Remote is off
<@Korivan> (lets use work me, I can't turn her off)
<@Korivan> (I turned home me off)
<@Korivan> (also I rolled in the wrong channel but I rolled REALLY WELL :V)
<YOAW_Narrator> (Either of those is fine. You know the Kobrakai are neighbors of the Katalal, and they get along reasonably well. The Kobrakai are kind of refugees from further south, and the Osoro gave them a place, but you know it was the Katalal who helped facilitate that. This was, oh, 30 years ago or so. Since then, they've been sort of the odd man out of the Osoro tribal network, but they and the Katalal remain close.)

Time jump!

<YOAW_Narrator> I'm a do a small time skip here, though I don't think it should have too much effect. Just to make sure, anything pressing people need/want to do in the next month?
<May> (Not I, I don't think)
<Induriel> (was the raiding situation settled?)
<@Laris> (nope)
<@Laris> (I mean nope I didn't have anything I needed to do. no idea about the raids.)
<Induriel> (Remember when that merchant asked me to intervene - I think I said I mentioned it to Sahhiru, but we didn't do it in game)
<YOAW_Narrator> (That's been a while, but, yes, I think raids have been curtailed for now.)
<Induriel> (great!)
<YOAW_Narrator> (The Hrieffen have been otherwise occupied, though, so the longterm of that is anyone's guess.)

The first Thantopolitan ship arrives

<YOAW_Narrator> Laris, it's been over three weeks since you got the letter from Dianthea, meaning they're significantly late.
<@Laris> okay... I could maybe send out some of my ships to look for them along the likely route?
<YOAW_Narrator> A few days later, they'll return with a ship flying a Thantopolitan city banner, with no accompanying House symbol.
<YOAW_Narrator> You'll be informed once they're spotted out to sea.
* @Laris will go out to the docks to meet them, then. Maybe also get Merula to come, and Varinia, and a few others to make up a respectable welcoming party?
<YOAW_Narrator> The ship looks pretty battered, listing badly, but makes it into port.
<YOAW_Narrator> A small contingent of soldiers, that you'd recognize as a mystical support crew, will descend from the ship.
* Faasha is now known as soldier
<@Laris> Greetings, welcome to Nesu Abamatu.
* soldier salutes smartly, seeming a little unsure.
<@Laris> I am Laris Valerius Corvis.
<@Laris> Did you experience some trouble on your voyage?
<soldier> Greetings, Dominus Corvis. I am Albus Florus, current ranking officer. There was a great storm and we were separated. I...don't see the other ship.
* @Laris looks concerned
<@Laris> We can send search parties to try and locate them.
<soldier> I had hoped the command ship had reached port safely before us.
<@Laris> Where did you become separated, and how long ago?
<soldier> Ten days ago, northeast of here. The captain can give you more precise figures.
* @Laris nods
* soldier is now known as Albus
<@Laris> It is fortunate that you have arrived safely, at least. We welcome you and your troops, and will provide food and lodgings for you.
<Albus> I thank you, Dominus. It is a relief to be on land once again.
<@Laris> What can you tell me of the command ship? Any further information that may assist us in locating it - such as its size, complement of crew, or other details.
<Albus> We have the majority of the troops with us, but without Magus Auspex or Fata Pertinax, it will take some time to wake them.
* @Laris pauses for a moment at that
<@Laris> .. yes. perhaps we can try to locate them via other means, as it may speed our search.
* Albus salutes.
* @Laris will have Varinia escort them to whatever quarters we have arranged for them.
* @Laris will then turn to Merula
* Hrieffen is now known as Merula
<@Laris> Do you have any means you could attempt to use in order to locate the missing ship or its passengers?
<Merula> I can scry for them, but with no connection, it will be difficult.
* @Laris is trying very hard not to freak out, which Merula might or might not be able to tell ;) he's pretty good at hiding these things but maybe not right now.
<@Laris> what sort of connection?
<@Laris> I have letters, for instance - would that be sufficient to help?
<Merula> It would help, at the very least.
<@Laris> (do I have any other tokens from either of them? like any ... idk, lock of hair, or personal possessions?)
<YOAW_Narrator> (That seems definitely possible, so if you would like to have those things, that works for me. :))
<@Laris> (okay)
<@Laris> I can provide other tokens as well.
<Albus> May the Queen find them suitable.
<@Laris> Shall I meet you at the temple with what I can find?
<Merula> (ww, sorry)
<Merula> I'll make the preparations.
* @Laris will go to.. I assume he would have anything like that at his villa, so it might take an hour or two to recover them (although he'd go as quickly as he can, by horseback)
<YOAW_Narrator> (Okay, I need to step away for a sec, and then we'll pick back up. Sorry for the delay.)
<@Laris> (okay)
* @Laris can spend his time on the ride there sobbing so he gets it out of his system before he has to face people again :p
<YOAW_Narrator> (back)
<YOAW_Narrator> You can retrieve appropriate items and return to the city, finding Merula awaiting you at the temple.
* @Laris will be composed (as much as he can be) by the time he presents them to her
* Merula will take the items from you, placing them around a silver bowl full of water on her altar.
* Merula begins chanting, picking up several pieces of thread and making an intricate knot of them. As she does so, a pair of crows (you can't be sure if it's always the same ones, or just two random ones) alight on her shoulders, following her gaze.
* Merula drops the knot of thread into the water, which does not ripple, but takes on a mirror-like sheen immediately.
* Merula is quiet for a moment, then speaks in a distant voice.
<Merula> The threads of their lives yet spin, but fray. They are weakened, but enduring.
* @Laris waits anxiously for any other information
<Merula> They are in danger still, but help arrives forthwith.
<Merula> The balance point is precarious, but I believe they will prevail.
<@Laris> where are they? do you see any sign?
* Merula speaks in her normal voice.
<Merula> I am sorry, Dominus. All I see is ocean.
* @Laris nods
<@Laris> thank you for your aid.
<Merula> Thank the Queen, for such aid as it was.
<Merula> As I said, I believe they will be safe...in time.
* @Laris will take back his assorted letters and tokens, and go send his ships back out to search some more.

Wahala's crew fight off pirates form a strange ship in distress

<YOAW_Narrator> The Ijó Eja has been sailing north for a while, headed towards trade opportunities in the barbarian lands.
<YOAW_Narrator> Fadaka will call out from his post that he's spotted ships to the northeast.
<Wahala> How many? Are they for trade, or battle?
* Albus is now known as Fadaka
<Fadaka> Three, one ahead, two behind. The lead ship flies a black bird banner, the others have no colors.
<Fadaka> The lead ship looks damaged, Jọwọ.
* Wahala frowns. Are they followers of the Empress? Do I know a banner like that?
<Wahala> Can you see any ballistae on them?
<Wahala> Five on three, we could probably take them...
* Fadaka will fly down from his perch.
<Fadaka> Unless I miss myguess, Jọwọ, it's pirates chasing a damaged ship.
* Wahala bares her teeth
<Fadaka> They're barbarian designs, but the lead is different from the other two.
<Wahala> So what I'm hearing is two free pirate ships, and a grateful welcome at our next port
<Wahala> Follow them, and prepare to board!
<YOAW_Narrator> The crew will make ready.
<YOAW_Narrator> The leading ship seems to be taking it's chances and heading straight towards you; the two ships behind are turning to be able to fire as you come up.
<YOAW_Narrator> Each seems to have only a single ship's ballista, and archers at the ready.
<Wahala> Once the lead ship is out of the way, fire on the others! Archers, stand ready!
<YOAW_Narrator> Ipalọlọ summons some helpful wind spirits, throwing off the enemy aim, allowing you to close and let your crew ready to board.
<YOAW_Narrator> The pirates attempt to turn, but shots from your bow ballista cripple their ability to do so.
<Wahala> Ha ha! They're tidepool fish now. Let's clean them up!
<YOAW_Narrator> You get a cheer from your crew at that.
<Wahala> No armor on these fish, spears out!
* Wahala joins in the slaughter
<Wahala> (no scales woulda been better)
<YOAW_Narrator> Nowhere near as well equipped, and outnumbered, you can easily overcome the pirate crews.
<Wahala> (Hooray!)
* Wahala sends out a rowboat to the injured ship, with the Peaceful Trade flag: A black bird on a gold background
<YOAW_Narrator> They'll return with thanks from the injured ship, which is from a place to the north called Thantopolis, and a request for further aid and to meet.
<Wahala> That sounds agreeable. Bring them alongside, and we will talk. Ipalọlọ, be ready for any injured that may need your help.
<YOAW_Narrator> The Ijó Eja will move alongside, ropes are thrown across and secured, and the leaders of the injured ship will greet you. The first thing you notice that a significant portion of their crew is a literal skeleton crew.
<Wahala> What the shit
* Fadaka is now known as Ipalolo
<Ipalolo> Bad magic here, Jowo.
* Wahala nods 27]
* Montano is now known as Pale_Elf_Male 27]
<Wahala> Hail, injured ship! Your living may meet with us, but your dead remain your own. 27]
* Merula is now known as Pale_Elf_Female 27]
<YOAW_Narrator> Several of the skeletons exchange looks, but back away at a motion from the woman.
<Pale_Elf_Female> Grettings and thanks to you, stranger. We were doomed for sure without your help.
<Pale_Elf_Female> I am Dianthea Lucilla Pertinax, priestess of the Raven Queen.
* Pale_Elf_Female is now known as Dianthea
* Wahala raises her eyebrows
<Dianthea> My companion, Rufus Metilius Auspex.
* Pale_Elf_Male is now known as Rufus_Metillius
* Rufus_Metillius bows.
* Vess (vess@CPEbc4dfb296af3-CMbc4dfb296af0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com) has joined #gnomeland
<Wahala> I am ile Nyara Oorun, ọmọbinrin kẹta, but you may call me Wahala, though I mean none to you.
<Wahala> (that's way funnier if you know her name means Trouble)
<YOAW_Narrator> (I am presuming at least Dianthea did something so you guys can speak the same language, or at least understand each other.)
* Dianthea nods.
<Dianthea> You've already gotten us out of quite a bit.
<Dianthea> We can't thank you enough.
<Dianthea> We ran into a storm over a week ago, far north of here.
<Dianthea> We are, I fear, badly off course.
<Wahala> Well, the Empress smiles on us both today, for north is where we are going. Would you like to travel together? And if any of your crew are... *she glances at the skeletons again* have injuries we can treat, we can do so.
<Rufus_Metillius> Both would be greatly appreciated. Dianthea has healed what she can, but even one of her skill can only do so much.
* Vess is now known as Eyllia
<Dianthea> I apologize for my ignorance, but you're from Moro, yes?
* Wahala chuckles
<Wahala> From one of those kingdoms, yes. We have sailed from the Kingdom of the Thousand Winds, in the eastern islands.
<Dianthea> Ah. You're...merchants?
<Wahala> Traders, yes! This is the current fleet of ile Nyara Oorun, my family. We carry fine goods, spices, dyes, silks, and... right now, also the families of our house and crew.
<Wahala> We had a minor setback on our island, and are seeking a new port for a time.
<Rufus_Metillius> Oh, then this might be fortuitous for both of us.
<Rufus_Metillius> We're on our way to a port that'd welcome your goods, and likely your people, as well.
<Dianthea> Particularly after your help here today.
* Wahala grinds more broadly
<Wahala> As for these two pirate ships, do you wish to claim one? It may move faster than your own, and I do not have enough extra hands for both.
* Rufus_Metillius considers that for a moment.
<Rufus_Metillius> How many of the pirates are left, if any?
<Wahala> We have some prisoners captured, perhaps half. I...
* Wahala eyes the skeletons again
<Wahala> I do not believe my crew would appreciate to see their dead walk among you.
<Rufus_Metillius> I understand. I would not need any of your crew, however.
<Rufus_Metillius> But I do not wish to offend our saviors.
* Wahala is clearly relieved
<Rufus_Metillius> In any case, the ships are yours.
<Rufus_Metillius> Your danger, your prize.
<Dianthea> And our thanks.
* Wahala shrugs
<Wahala> If you do not wish to claim the second, you are welcome to take any parts of it you need for your repair. As I said, we cannot sail both.
<Dianthea> That would be most helpful, though I'm sure the captain will not appreciate us bastardizing her ship.
<YOAW_Narrator> You can help them make repairs, then continue along the new heading they give for this port they mentioned, this "Nesu Abamatu." :)
<Wahala> (gonna make sure to take the ballista from the second pirate ship, because a little bit I don't trust dead people with weapons of... reproduction?)
<YOAW_Narrator> (Interesting way to look at it, but fair)

Eyllia's ship encounters a patrol

<YOAW_Narrator> You've taken the Emerald Drake south and west, scouting out some coastal resources for the Houses, doing some light trading with some tribes along the way.
<YOAW_Narrator> You hit a big storm, though you and your crew are pretty good at weathering phenomena like that. ;)
<Eyllia> (except for poor Grahm, probably curses the whole time)
<YOAW_Narrator> (heh)
<YOAW_Narrator> About a week after that, you come across some ships flying the Thantopolitan flag, as well as a second banner you don't recognize.
<Eyllia> EH! The sea is crowded!
* Eyllia shouts
<Wahala> (it's a gold and red sun rising over a blue sea)
<YOAW_Narrator> They'll signal they want to come within communication range.
<Eyllia> Lets see if they're friends!
<YOAW_Narrator> (Shouting to them, or just shouting?)
* Eyllia will raise the appropriate flag and direct the ship
<Eyllia> Lysa... the second ship there, you know those colours?
* Ipalolo is now known as Lysa
<Lysa> Nothing I recognize...
* Rufus_Metillius is now known as Grahm
<Grahm> House Lalu of Bael Turath.
* Grahm says from behind you.
<Grahm> Formerly, I suppose.
<Eyllia> Formerly?
<Grahm> From my understanding, no one is from Bael Turath any more.
<Grahm> It was destroyed some ten years ago.
<Grahm> I think I read something about a Thantopolitan outpost somewhere this far south that had something to do with House Lalu.
<Eyllia> Guess it must of slipped my mind at the time
<Lysa> Not our people, and not our problem. Those empires were on the west coast, weren't they?
<Grahm> It would seem some of them may be right here.
<Eyllia> well the sea breeze brings the strangest of things
* Dianthea is now known as Thantopolitan_Captain
<Eyllia> Lets see how they talk
<Thantopolitan_Captain> Hail and well met, traveler!
<Eyllia> (Do I think the Drake is more than a match for speed of the two ships?)
* Thantopolitan_Captain shouts when they get within reasonable shouting conversation range.
<Wahala> (I have 6 ships and a couple smallsih fatboats)
<YOAW_Narrator> (Oh, yeah, these are big patrol boats, not fast and maneuverable like the Drake)
<Eyllia> Hail and well met to you! The sea is busy today but always good for friendly company! Are you friendly company? If so we are glad to close and talk!
<Thantopolitan_Captain> We've no quarrel with you! We only seek some information!
<Eyllia> It is our pleasure to host you if you are willing!
* Eyllia does a dramatic bow
* Thantopolitan_Captain is now known as Thantopolitan_Mate
<YOAW_Narrator> They will make their way over at your invitation.
<Thantopolitan_Mate> Thank you for having us, and we hope not to delay you long.
<Thantopolitan_Mate> We're searching for another Thantopolitan ship, much like ours, without the banner of Nesu Abamatu.
* Thantopolitan_Mate motions towards the lower flag.
<Eyllia> Ah, lost at sea was she?
<Thantopolitan_Mate> It got separated from its sister ship in the storm.
<Thantopolitan_Mate> Our understanding is it is still afloat, according to our seer, but we've yet to spot any sign of her.
* Eyllia looks to Lysa, but she has no memory of spotting a ship during the storm
* Lysa shakes her head.
<Eyllia> we lived the same storm, but did no see another vessel
* Thantopolitan_Mate nods.
<Thantopolitan_Mate> I'm glad you made it through. I apologize again for delaying you.
<Eyllia> but I have a heart for those that get lost in the seas. The Drake here is quick and nimble... we can aid your search if you were willing to share a heading.
<Thantopolitan_Mate> If you have need of repairs, Nesu Abamatu has facilities that could accommodate your ship.
<Thantopolitan_Mate> We're headed north along the coastal route, but she may have been blown further out to sea, or the captain might have taken that course to shave time off the voyage.
<Eyllia> hmmm
<Thantopolitan_Mate> I fear it's a fool's errand, but if one were to find the ship, I imagine Dominus Corvis would be grateful.
<Grahm> Are you saying there's a port, a real port, near here? Before the Wadjet cities?
* Thantopolitan_Mate nods.
<Thantopolitan_Mate> Nesu Abamatu. It's small, but the harbor is safe.
<Eyllia> Eager for earth are you Grahm?
* Grahm 's genasi lines brighten in what essentially a blush for him.
<Grahm> Just...looking for trade.
* Lysa chuckles.
<Eyllia> So...mr...
* Eyllia looks to the mate for a name?
<Thantopolitan_Mate> Petronius Livius, at your service.
* Thantopolitan_Mate is now known as Petronius
<Eyllia> Pertonius, just one more question... this missing ship, she a broad one like your patrol boat there?
* Petronius nods. 27]
<Petronius> Carrying troops and supplies.
<Eyllia> Well then, tell your captain that Captain Eyllia D'Azzure will take a quick look to aid his search, and with or without luck, we'll let him know the results at Nesu Abamatu.
* Eyllia gives him a smile
<Petronius> Thank you, Captain D'Azzure.
* Petronius will return the smile and take his leave.
* Eyllia turns to Lysa
<Eyllia> Big boat like that, escaping the storm while heading north...hmmm
<YOAW_Narrator> (Sorry, the ship was headed south. They'll have filled you in on it's presumed course more thoroughly.)
<Eyllia> (np)
<Lysa> Well, they gave us a heading to their port. We could swing wide, see what the waves and the winds say.
<Eyllia> My thoughts exactly
<Lysa> No time to waste, then, eh?
<Eyllia> we'll be done our circle and in port before that thing is even close
* Eyllia thumbs to the patrol boat
* Eyllia nods
<Eyllia> its a win-win all around if the luck is with us
<Eyllia> So lets be at it!
<YOAW_Narrator> You can plot a wide course around where the city should be. With help from your casters, reading the remnants of the storm, you actually do manage to find the missing ship about a day out of port, though it's clearly been found as it is limping along with a flotilla of very differently designed ships.

The ships rendezvous briefly, and news, and eventually the survivors, are brought to the city

<Eyllia> Well we've proven our skill, alas someone beat us to it!
<YOAW_Narrator> You can join up with the ersatz fleet as they make their way into port the next morning.
<Wahala> (as long as the weird skeleton folks can say they know vaguely who those folks are, we're good)
<Eyllia> (I think not... just stop and assess that the Thantoplitan ship is heading to port then speed ahead to bring word)
<Wahala> (works for me)
<Eyllia> (who is in the other ships?)
<Eyllia> (also offer to ferry a rep from each with us)
<Wahala> (the not-thantopolitan ship is my small fleet)
<YOAW_Narrator> (I think Dianthea and Rufus will stay on their ship for now.)
<YOAW_Narrator> Eyllia, name-dropping the missing ship and Petronius and his captain will get someone to alert Laris to what's going on and that they're coming in.
<@Laris> (okay, welcoming party, round 2)
<Eyllia> (thats the plan)
<Wahala> (We're gonna send the first mate, Sọrọ Pupo Ju, who is a very lovely baboon man who just doesn't stop talking)
<Wahala> (someone else can listen to him for a while)
* Petronius is now known as Soro
<Eyllia> (so Soro is coming on the Drake?)
<YOAW_Narrator> It sounds like it, yes.
<Eyllia> (have I ever heard of anyone looking like these people do?)
<YOAW_Narrator> (Yeah, no...:p)
<YOAW_Narrator> (You probably heard of Moro and it's animal people, so you're not completely unwarned)
<YOAW_Narrator> Okay, so, meeting on the dock?
<Eyllia> (ok)
<Wahala> (yay!)
<@Korivan> (I feel liek the feeling is mutual though, theyve probably never seen Genasi)
<YOAW_Narrator> Laris, presumably these two representatives of their respective ships are waiting on the dock.
* @Laris is mildly surprised by the random extra people
<@Laris> Greetings, and welcome to Nesu Abamatu.
<Soro> Oh, you're the guy? The Dominus? Corvis? Person?
<@Laris> I am Laris Valerius Corvis, yes.
<@Laris> And you are?
<Soro> Sọrọ Pupo Ju, Akoko of the Ijo Eja.
<Eyllia> I am Eyllia D'Azzure, Captain of the Emerald Drake
<Soro> Late of Ijọba ti Egbẹrun Afẹfẹ, now to find myself in your fine city.
<@Laris> Welcome.
<Soro> We, ah, we found your missing people.
<@Laris> Where are they?
<Eyllia> That they did
<Soro> They were looking pretty bad, but we chased off the pirates and they're fine now and they're on their way.
* Eyllia frowns a little at that
<Soro> This nice lady, Captain Eyllia, gave me a ride and the Jowo sent me ahead to tell you, well, that they're coming.
* @Laris nods
<Soro> So, here I am, and there you are, and this is me telling you.
<Soro> They wanted to stay on their boat and see it into shore. It shouldn't be too long now.
<@Laris> Well. Good. Please avail yourselves of the services of the port and markets if you wish.
<Soro> Though a while, maybe. Their boat is slow, and Eyllia's is fine.
<Soro> Oh, I plan to, but I should stay here and wait for the Jowo. I don't mind. It's a nice port.
<Eyllia> So you are the Corvos of this port... the official leader or is that a military title?
<@Laris> It is my name. I am a representative of Thantopolis here. The leader of the city is Domina Mamitu Lalu.
<@Laris> (do I know anything about their respective races/backgrounds? like have I ever seen people of this sort? I assume I've at least seen people from Moro occasionally maybe?)
<Eyllia> Well then, would it be possible to meet with her as well, I am also the daughter and representative of the Wavemistress of the Houses of Elemental Order, and as such I should formally present myself to them.
<@Laris> I can send word to her of your arrival.
<YOAW_Narrator> (Yeah, you know of Moro a little, and Ahkas even less. You might have seen one or two people like them in your lifetime, maybe.)
* @Laris will dispatch a messenger to go to the keep and let May know of these new arrivals
<@Laris> (but I'll assume that takes a bit, or maybe she's busy, because Tuck isn't here ;)
<YOAW_Narrator> (Right. Let's assume she'll invite people up to the keep, and meet them there.)
<@Laris> They are well, though? The others you found?
* @Laris asks, trying not to seem too curious, but definitely curious
<Soro> Well, I mean, some of them were skeletons, but they seemed okay with that.
* @Laris nods
<@Laris> That is to be expected...
* @Laris can occupy himself until the other ships arrive by showing these people around and taking them to the keep.
<YOAW_Narrator> At length, the flotilla of ships, including the missing one, arrive at port.
* Eyllia appreciates being shown around, has numerous questions
<@Laris> ("hey welcoming party, chill out for a few hours, get a drink maybe, come back in a bit")
<YOAW_Narrator> (Plenty of opportunity for solos... >.>)
<@Laris> (third try's the charm.. ;)
<YOAW_Narrator> The ship is somewhat repaired, making it's way into port slowly.
<YOAW_Narrator> Standing on the deck is a woman who can only be Dianthea, waving to you from the ship.
<YOAW_Narrator> Next to her is a familiar figure with a wearily bemused expression.
<YOAW_Narrator> They forgo the usual pomp of military arrival, instead, both walking down themselves first, with a trail of skeletons behind for a show of formality.
* @Laris feels a mix of nervous anxiety, anticipation, uncertainty, waiting for their arrival.
* Lysa is now known as Dianthea
* Grahm is now known as Rufus_Metillius
<@Laris> Greetings, and welcome to Nesu Abamatu...
* Dianthea will actually rush forward to hug you, though she keeps it brief.
<Dianthea> Laris! Thank Fate we arrived.
* @Laris is surprised and sort of taken aback, but accepts the hug as long as it's not too drawn out.
<Dianthea> It's so good to see you. Also land.
* Rufus_Metillius walks up behind her and smiles at that.
<@Laris> I am greatly relieved at your safe arrival.
* Rufus_Metillius offers his hand.
<Rufus_Metillius> Dominus Corvis.
* Rufus_Metillius says with a smile on his face.
* @Laris offers his hand in return.
* Rufus_Metillius will exchange firm handshake.
<Rufus_Metillius> It's good to see you.
<Rufus_Metillius> Sorry to have worried you.
<@Laris> (is his correct title Magus?)
<YOAW_Narrator> I think so, yeah.
<YOAW_Narrator> It's his military rank.
<@Laris> Magus Auspex... I... am pleased to see you as well.
* Rufus_Metillius nods.
<@Laris> Let me bring you to the keep - I have arranged lodgings for you there until... ah.. until such time as we can make further accomodations.
<Dianthea> That sounds fantastic. We could use a rest.
<Rufus_Metillius> I'll have the troops bring up our things.
<@Laris> Yes. Very good.
<Dianthea> And we can take the time to see this city of yours on the way. :)
<YOAW_Narrator> (I think that's good for the moment?)
<@Laris> (yes, that's fine :)
<@Laris> (thanks!)
<YOAW_Narrator> (:))
<YOAW_Narrator> (So many awkwards for Laris:))
<Wahala> Soro, I assume you have found us a reputable inn for the family, and a thoroughly disreputable one for ourselves?
<YOAW_Narrator> Honestly, I imagine you'll get invited to the keep, since you did find the ship and all.
<Wahala> There are... quite a few of us. Are you sure this is not an imposition?
<YOAW_Narrator> I meant you specifically. And, yeah, most of you will be staying on the ships.
<Wahala> Works for me, then


Induriel tries to reassure May he isn't trying to manipulate her

* Induriel approaches May after the elven audience
* May sighs but smiles at her old teacher.
<May> That went well.
<Induriel> They seem pleased.
<Induriel> . o O (So no, it went badly! :P )
<May> Don't start.
<May> I preferred when your lectures involved man fluctuations and summoning apparatus.
<May> (Mana)
<Induriel> Ah. Perhaps we should not talk now, then. There was something related to all this that I wished to discuss with you; but if you are not in the mood to do so, it can wait.
* May rolls her eyes.
<May> No, go ahead. Might as well.
<May> What's up?
<Induriel> It's simply that you have made a point now, at least twice, of saying that Nesu Abamatu is not Aethrennar's puppet.
<Induriel> That of course is not in question.
<Induriel> There is certainly no suggestion of such a thing, at least not from Aethrennar.
<May> Oh... Ummm... I mean, I;m sorry if that offended you. I just want this city to be successful, you know? And I don't think we can do that in anyone else's shadow.
<May> I'm still new at this.
<Induriel> I'm not offended, no. But to be honest, it disturbs me a little. Has there been any suggestion of this from anywhere else?
<May> No... I mean everyone has interests, of course.
<Induriel> Of course.
<Induriel> But this suggestion of being a puppet seems to concern you.
<May> If I'm going to rule this place, I'm going to do it my way, that's all. I don't want other cities telling me what to do.
<Induriel> Of course. But you do not have to prove anything.
* May raises an eyebrow
<May> Really?
<May> I was under the impression that I had to prove quite a lot right now.
<Induriel> You have a lot to deal with, certainly.
<May> It seems like I have to prove something to everyone these days.
<Induriel> But you do not need to prove your independence. That is already a fact.
<May> Only as long as I maintain it as one.
<May> I've read plenty of history books, Istyar. I know what happens to weak leaders.
<Induriel> You have to keep a hold on power, certainly. You must make wise decisions. But you do not need to take actions simply to demonstrate your independence for the sake of it; and that is why I find this suggestion of puppethood troubling. I would not want it to affect your choices.
<Induriel> I do not say that it has.
<Induriel> But I fear it is a tactic that may be used against you.
<May> I'll consider it.
<Induriel> Thank you.
* Induriel sighs
<Induriel> I'm sorry to have to think about such things.
<May> Istyar, I trust your advice. I've known you a long time. But I know you're here to serve Aethrennar's interests. Not necessarily Nesu Abamatu's. I have to keep that in mind as well.
<Induriel> Quite right! I would expect no less of you.
* Induriel smiles at her
* May smiles back
<May> Anyway, I'm exhausted. Negotiations are the most boring thing in the world. And I could murder a kabob right now.
<May> Wanna get some lunch?
<Induriel> Yes, I would like that very much!
<May> Awesome! I have some new treatises on ritual mechanics that came in on the last trade caravan I wanted to show you.
<Induriel> That sounds great. Who are the authors?
* Induriel chats about ritual mechanics as they head off to lunch!
<May> :)

Laris checks in on Dianthea

* @Laris will show the new arrivals to the rooms prepared for them at the keep. He'll give Rufus a sort of 'we'll talk later' look but accompany Dianthea into her room, ostensibly to show her around.
<YOAW_Narrator> (heh)
<Dianthea> I hope this isn't terribly awkward for you.
<@Laris> I hope the accomodations will be acceptable. We can always change them later...
* @Laris turns to glance at her
* Dianthea chuckles a little.
<@Laris> Which... part of it?
* @Laris asks uncertainly.
<Dianthea> Me being here. 09]
<Dianthea> Any of it, really, but I'll stick with my selfish concern for now. 09]
* Dianthea smiles. 09]
<@Laris> I was concerned for your wellbeing. I hadn't had any other information about your visit other than your letter, by which point you had surely already departed. I... am glad you've arrived safely.
<@Laris> It is not awkward for you to be here. It is only appropriate. I hope that you'll be able to provide assistance in the matter we had discussed.
<Dianthea> As do I. I'm curious to meet this Harbinger of yours.
* Zari-werk (Mibbit@ has joined #gnomeland
* @Laris nods
<Dianthea> And I appreciate your concern. It was...difficult, surely, but we managed.
<@Laris> We can arrange for that once you've had a chance to be introduced to Domina Mamitu and ... and others.
<Dianthea> What's she like?
<@Laris> She is ... young. She is bright, but she lacks experience, and sometimes patience. I think she has promise, if she's able to maintain her position for long enough to grow into it.
* Dianthea nods.
<Dianthea> Hence Rufus and his troops.
* @Laris nods
<@Laris> It's prudent - there are numerous threats, although mostly keeping their distance for now.
<Dianthea> "Fate whorls about us," eh?
<@Laris> Yes, quite.
* Dianthea smiles
<Dianthea> I think this might be an exciting place to be.
<@Laris> ... It's a change to see you in person. I don't know what I expected, exactly.
<Dianthea> Likewise. I hope I'm not a disappointment, unknown expectations aside.
* @Laris realizes that might sound bad.
<@Laris> No, you are not a disappointment.
* @Laris hesitates for a moment, then will draw out a small satchel from his belt.
* Dianthea raises an eyebrow.
<@Laris> I have a token of welcome for you.
* @Laris offers it to her.
<Dianthea> Oh!
* Dianthea will take it from you.
<@Laris> (it contains a pearl and gold necklace and a pair of matching earrings)
<Dianthea> I have something for you...I have several things for you, but I had something made special. It's in amongst my things, though...
* Dianthea opens the box and looks over the contents.
<@Laris> It's no hurry if you ... need time to settle in. I don't wish to impose on you.
<Dianthea> Oh, Laris, they're beautiful.
<Dianthea> Oh, no, I'd happily give you my gift, but I meant it's not with me currently. The troops should be bringing it up with the ship.
* @Laris nods
<@Laris> I hope you like them.
<Dianthea> I do, very much. I can wear them to meet Domina Lalu. :)
* @Laris is relieved that Calkas picked out something nice ;)
<Dianthea> I hope you like my gift as well. It's as fine, but more...practical.
* Dianthea says with a sly smile.
* @Laris nods
<@Laris> I'm sure it will be very nice.
* @Laris feels like he should try to explain more about the situation, but also doesn't want to overwhelm her with information at this point
<Dianthea> Do you still have quarters in the keep?
<@Laris> I have a room here, yes. I also have a villa outside of the city. Once the situation is more, ah, settled, we can visit there. I.. didn't want to assume you would wish to stay there at once. But... we can discuss that further, if you like.
<Dianthea> This is new territory for both of us. Literally, in my case. I don't want to impose.
* @Laris nods
<@Laris> I want you to be comfortable here. I am sure this is an unfamiliar situation, and I want to ensure that you have everything you may need.
<Dianthea> I'll be fine, I'm sure.
<Dianthea> I'm not some pampered dilettante.
* @Laris nods
<@Laris> I mean only that... I am not accustomed to this, and I apologize if I am inadvertently rude or thoughtless. I have been a soldier and a regent for many years, and domesticity is not my usual environment.
* Dianthea smiles.
<Dianthea> I wasn't complaining, just...saying.
* @Laris nods
<Dianthea> I've been in the field with the legions a few times now. I wouldn't say I'm experienced with it, like you or Rufus, but this is hardly 'roughing it' for me.
<@Laris> Ah.. good, then.
<Dianthea> As for domesticity...we have plenty of time.
<Dianthea> We've been betrothed for years, and we're not married. I don't have any particular expectations.
<Dianthea> We have plenty of time to figure things out.
* @Laris nods, taking her hand a bit awkwardly because he feels like he should?
* @Laris tries to think of what to say, exactly, that will explain everything he's feeling.
<@Laris> I have made a life for myself here. It wasn't what I expected - or even what I wanted at first - but it's become a home to me. I am pleased that you are here, but it will be an adjustment for all of us, and as you said, it may take time. I want you to know that... whatever happens, I will always treat you with respect, Dianthea.
* @Laris falls quiet, hoping that's good enough for now but knowing there are still 87 thousand other things he will need to explain to her at some point @_@
* Dianthea gives you a small, uncertain smile at that.
* @Laris manages a slight smile back.
<Dianthea> And I you, Laris. I don't mean to invade your home, and I don't want to upend the life you've made here.
* @Laris nods
* Dianthea will lean forward and give you a gentle kiss on the cheek if you let her.
* @Laris accepts that
* @Laris is pretty tense though. but not rude enough to back away or anything ;)
* Dianthea will squeeze your hand reassuringly, then let go.
<@Laris> I'll give you time to prepare for meeting Domina Mamitu.
<Dianthea> I should get ready to meet Domina Lalu.
* Dianthea laughs.
<Dianthea> Right.
<@Laris> Very well, then.
* @Laris will withdraw politely.
<Dianthea> I'll see you then.
<@Laris> (he could pop over to see Rufus, if you have time? no worries if not though :)
<YOAW_Narrator> (I could do that.)
<@Laris> (okay :)
* Zari-werk (Mibbit@ Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client�)
* @Laris will knock on Rufus' door, then (after hesitating for a bit because he has no idea really what to expect)
<Dianthea> Who is it?
<@Laris> (lol, I hope she isn't answering from Rufus' room ;)
<@Korivan> (AWKWARD :V)
* Dianthea is now known as Rufus_Metillius
<@Laris> (hee)
<@Laris> It's Laris.

Laris checks on on Rufus

<@Laris> It's Laris.
<Rufus_Metillius> (Sorry, tried to change nick and Rufus is taken)
<Rufus_Metillius> Just a moment
<@Laris> (heh, fair)
<YOAW_Narrator> You'll hear some rustling from the other room, then the door will open.
* Rufus_Metillius stands there in a nice under-tunic, toweling his hair.
* Rufus_Metillius smiles.
<@Laris> I see you found the facilities.
<Rufus_Metillius> Sorry, come in.
* @Laris steps inside
<Rufus_Metillius> Someone found me some water, yes.
* @Laris nods
<@Laris> The keep is not the most comfortable of dwellings, but it does have most reasonable amenities one could want.
<Rufus_Metillius> It seems well-appointed, yes.
* @Laris falls back on formality because he has no idea what to actually say
<Rufus_Metillius> Oh, for...
* Rufus_Metillius will come forward to give you a hug, at least.
* @Laris hugs him back, tightly
<Rufus_Metillius> It's good to see you.
<Rufus_Metillius> I hope it's not too much of a surprise.
I was afraid you were lost at sea. I ... I am just very glad you're safe.
<Rufus_Metillius> I'm glad, too.
* Rufus_Metillius says with a smile.
<Rufus_Metillius> It was rough, but we pulled through.
* @Laris nods
<Rufus_Metillius> I'm here, safe and sound.
<@Laris> It *is* a surprise. Dianthea implied she was bringing someone I'd be glad to see, but I wasn't sure who she meant.
<Rufus_Metillius> I tried to tell her you weren't a fan of surprises, but she...did it anyway.
<@Laris> it's... well. I don't know what to think yet.
* @Laris shakes his head a bit
<@Laris> how long have you known her?
<Rufus_Metillius> I'll never understand you. You can respond in a battle at a moment's notice, and take forever to wrap your head around something in front of your face otherwise.
* Rufus_Metillius says with a smile.
<@Laris> It's easier to tell who's trying to hurt me on the battlefield and who's on my side >.>
<Rufus_Metillius> Well, I hope you know I'm the latter.
* @Laris realizes that probably also sounded terrible
<@Laris> yes. of course.
<Rufus_Metillius> Dianthea and I have known each other a few years now. They brought her in to help General Tullius heals from some battle wounds, while I was a Magus under his command.
<Rufus_Metillius> (heal, rather)
* @Laris nods, listening
<Rufus_Metillius> She's pleasant, and knowledgeable, and obviously I knew of her because of you.
<Rufus_Metillius> We've been friends for a while now.
<@Laris> does she know about you because of me? >.> I mean... uh... does she know about...
<Rufus_Metillius> She knows about our relationship, if that's what you mean.
* @Laris stumbles a bit over what he's trying to say, but nods
<@Laris> all right.
<Rufus_Metillius> It seemed wrong not to tell her, after a while.
* @Laris nods
<@Laris> well... good. I was afraid I'd have to explain it >.>
<Rufus_Metillius> I imagine you've been dreading that thought, but she isn't really fazed by it. Betrothal is not marriage, and marriage is a contract, not a cage.
<Rufus_Metillius> My words, not hers, but I think she would agree in concept.
* @Laris nods, feeling like he should feel better about that but still kind of anxious
<@Laris> that's... ah, good.
<Rufus_Metillius> She's known you her whole life, practically, if only in letters for the majority of it. She knows you're a good man, whatever other relations you may have.
<@Laris> yes >.>
<Rufus_Metillius> You don't sound convinced.
<@Laris> no, it's only...
<Rufus_Metillius> But that's her job, not mine.
<@Laris> speaking of that... I, ah... there is someone here. Someone I'm involved with, I mean.
* Rufus_Metillius smiles wistfully.
<Rufus_Metillius> I had a feeling that might be the case. It's been some time; I'd hoped you'd found some happiness here.
<@Laris> ... eventually. only recently, really. and... ah... it's complicated -_-
<Rufus_Metillius> It always is.
<Rufus_Metillius> Care to tell me about...them?
<@Laris> he's Domina Mamitu's... guardian? advisor, now, more I suppose, she's not a child any longer.
<Rufus_Metillius> A Turathi, hmm?
* @Laris nods, a bit uncertainly
<@Laris> He's something of that sort. one of their... minor powers?
<Rufus_Metillius> Minor powers?
<Rufus_Metillius> A spirit?
<@Laris> I'm not certain of the correct terms. I mean he appears as a tiefling but he isn't that.
* Rufus_Metillius looks concerned for the first time in your conversation.
<Rufus_Metillius> I trust your judgement, Laris, but the Turathi gods are notoriously...obtuse.
<@Laris> Believe me, I have had concerns :/
* Rufus_Metillius nods, forcing a smile back on his face.
<@Laris> but it isn't... I don't really know what it is, exactly. He has other liaisons, he isn't asking me to be his alone either... I don't think he has demands on me, nor I on him.
<@Laris> I'm not .. good at this.
* @Laris says with a self-deprecating shrug.
<Rufus_Metillius> I recall you being quite proficient.
<@Laris> I mean... oh :p
* Rufus_Metillius grins.
<Rufus_Metillius> You're hard on yourself. I'm sure you're doing fine.
<@Laris> I mean at knowing what someone wants from me, or what I ought to expect of them.
<Rufus_Metillius> It's interesting you put it that way.
<Rufus_Metillius> What you 'ought to expect,' not what you want.
<@Laris> I'm even worse at that.
<@Laris> you should know.
* @Laris says with a little bit of a smile.
<Rufus_Metillius> Hah, true.
<Rufus_Metillius> I imagine being isolated out here hasn't helped.
<@Laris> it's been ... lonely.
<@Laris> I've kept myself busy with work.
<Rufus_Metillius> Well, you have me and Dianthea now. Hopefully we can bring a bit of Thantopolis here to you.
<Rufus_Metillius> Speaking of which, I have something for you.
<@Laris> oh?
* Rufus_Metillius will go to rummage through his things.
* Rufus_Metillius pulls out a wine bottle.
<Rufus_Metillius> From my family's vineyards. I remember you having a taste for it.
* Rufus_Metillius offers it to you.
* @Laris accepts it carefully
<@Laris> I'm glad it survived the trip @_@
<Rufus_Metillius> I'm surprised myself, considering, but it was well-cushioned with my things.
<@Laris> thank you
* Rufus_Metillius smiles.
<Rufus_Metillius> Maybe we can drink it together sometime.
<@Laris> I'd like that.
* @Laris smiles back, more at ease
<Rufus_Metillius> In any event, I need to get properly dressed to meet the Domina.
<@Laris> Yes, of course. I'll let you get to it.
<Rufus_Metillius> Wouldn't do to make a bad first impression.
<Rufus_Metillius> It really is good to see you, Laris.
<@Laris> ... I'm glad you're here, Rufus. I've missed you.
* Rufus_Metillius smiles and nods.
<YOAW_Narrator> (That seems good, I think?)
* @Laris will leave, awkwardly carrying a wine bottle until he can find a servant he trusts enough to let them take it to his room ;)

Wahala chances to find May in the keep for an informal introduction

* Wahala explores around her room, finally cleaned up after so many weeks at sea
* Wahala finishes combing up, adjusts her sash to a properly jaunty angle, and wanders out in the hallway of the keep
* @May is likely in the library reorganizing books to relax after all the stress of negotiations.
* Wahala wanders by hat way, seeing a young ... demon? servant? cleaning up
<Wahala> Pardon me, but I am looking for ... well, I suppose whoever is in charge. Do you know where I might find someone?
* @May looks up and starts a bit, almost falling backwards from where she was kneeling.
<May> Oh! Gods, I'm sorry, you just kind of... startled me.
* @May tries very hard not to stare and fails.
* Wahala doesn't at all try not to stare
<May> Are you... you must be one of the... sailors.
* Wahala sniffs a little
<Wahala> You don't smell like sulfur
<May> ...sorry?
* @May looks genuinely confused at that.
<Wahala> Oh, sorry, sorry, I've just - I've never met a demon before?
<May> Demon?
* Wahala points at your horns
<Wahala> Is that... is that not what that means?
<Wahala> I mean, I hadn't thought there were any of the [Moro ram people] this far north, but perhaps a grandparent?
* @May frowns. "Oh, yes. Certainly. I apologize. I've never met leopard before. That's what the ears mean, right?"
<May> I'm not a demon.
<May> I'm a tiefling.
* Wahala grins, chastined
<Wahala> I apologize for my ignorance. I am Wahala, one of the Kimbari, the Children of Lion
* @May grins despite herself.
<May> I'm May.
<May> I'm the one in charge around here.
<May> Or so they tell me.
<Wahala> Of the library, or the whole wing? That's a lot of space for one person to cover
* @May laughs.
<May> Of the city.
* Wahala 's eye brows shot up
<May> You should probably call me Domina Mamitu when other people are around. Sahirru will be furious if he finds out I've been introducing myself as May again.
<Wahala> Wait wait wait - you mean you're the *ruler*? But you're so...
* Wahala gestues vaguely
* @May raises an eyebrow.
<Wahala> You know what, maybe I should stop talking before the thinking starts
* @May laughs again.
<May> Don't worry about it. It's refreshing, actually.
* Wahala gives a deep bow
<Wahala> I am ile Nyara Oorun, ọmọbinrin kẹta, Wahala
<May> Oh. Ok.
<May> Is that... what language is that?
<Wahala> I believe it translates as Third Daughter of the House of the Rising Sun
<May> Fascinating...
<Wahala> Also Kimbari, which does make things easier
<Wahala> I have some [proto-Hanu], some [Crane], a fair amount of Wadjet, and I am trying to learn Turathi, as that seems to be the main language here
* Wahala holds up a braid, beaded with a face with many open mouths. "This helps, when I do not know the local languages yet."
<May> Really? Maybe I could tutor you in exchange for some lessons in Kimbari.
<Wahala> That would be wonderful, if you are not otherwise occupied
* @May frowns.
<May> Well... hopefully things will be quiet for a bit now that the elves and eladrin are... I guess happy isn'tt he right word for it, but maybe... agreeably unsatisfied.
* Wahala nods understandingly
<May> Anyway. You came up here looking for me. Is there something I can do for you?
<Wahala> Well, I do not know the customs of your people, but if you require formal presentation for guests of your town, I have brought gifts from our ship?
<Wahala> We have fine silks, and jade, and the gold-sheened obsidians from my home island
<May> Oh! Well, normally folks do a big elaborate presentation ceremony thing, but honestly, it's more headache than it's worth.
<May> I thank you for the gifts, though.
<May> If you want we can arrange a formal presentation
<May> I'm sure that would make uncle happy at least
* Wahala rolls her eyes
<Wahala> My mothers as well, they would skin me for rugs if I didn't take that opportunity
* @May laughs
<May> Sounds familiar
<May> Are you... how long will your ship be staying with us?
<Wahala> Well... if it is a possible thing, we would like to make this port our home for a time, perhaps lease a small warehouse?
<May> Oh? What for?
<Wahala> We are looking for new trade opportunities, in these lands where few Kimbari have come
<May> Well, I can talk to Laris and he can probably find you guys a nice spot down near the docks if you like. Space is the one thing we have plenty of right now.
<Wahala> Laris, he is the grey man?
* @May smirks
<May> Yeah, one of them.
<Wahala> I apologize if I have offended, but I am not well-versed in the differences of the northern peoples as of yet
<May> None taken. You'll have plenty of opportunity for study. We're a pretty multi-cultural lot here. Everything from Shadar-kai to Goblins to Gnomes. You get used to it after a while.
<May> Of course, not all of them always get along so well.
* Wahala nods
<Wahala> That, I understand. At home, the Houses are always fighting, the priests argue with the merchants, it is always the way
<May> People are people, huh?
* Wahala laughs
<May> Say, how did you manage to get up here without Laris or my uncle grabbing you for a formal introduction anyway?
<Wahala> Well, they told me to go to the keep, so I go, and it has been a long time on the ship, so I ask to bathe and rest, and then when I was finished I decided I did not need to much rest as all that, and here I am
* @May grins.
<May> Well, I'm glad I got to meet you this way. It's always so much more awkward the official way.
<Wahala> And here I put on my best sash
* Wahala does a little spin
* @May laughs
<May> You look very presentable.
<May> :)
<Wahala> My mothers always say that I am not practiced enough in the formal arts, but this is why one has sisters, no?
<Wahala> Empress forfend, I will never inherit
<May> Must be nice.
<May> I wish I had sisters. I'd even settle for a brother.
* Wahala laughs heartily
<Wahala> I have spares, how many would you like?
* @May laughs as well
<May> Just one older one. So I could forget about all this governing for a while and get on with my studies.
* Wahala perks up a little
<Wahala> What is it that you study in these lands?
<May> Everything! Well, everything I can get my hands on. Magic mostly, though. My specialty is conjuration and summoning. Not very original, I know, but I have a certain... inborn talent for it.
* @May holds up the back of her hand where her dragonmark is.
<Wahala> Is it a magic tattoo?
* Wahala shows her palms, also marked
<Wahala> Mine are decoration only
<May> Not exactly. It's called a dragon mark. Do your people not have them?
<Wahala> No, what are they?
<May> It's kind of like a birth mark, only it shows up later on in life and it let's you do special magic. Here, watch...
* @May holds her hand open at arms length and concentrates. A moment later her dragon mark begins to glow and shift and then a longbow with the same symbol carved into it coalesces in her hand out of thin air.
<Wahala> Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
<Wahala> That's amazing!
* Wahala pokes the bow
* @May shrugs.
<Wahala> \does it last?
<May> Yeah. It's my bow. I just summoned it from my bedroom.
<May> Dragonmarks tend to run in families
<Wahala> That is a mighty gift from Dragon indeed, I did not know that his worship went this far north
<May> Uhhh... it's kinda complicated.
<May> Maybe I can give you a crash course in history as well while we're at it with the languages.
<Wahala> That would be very appreciated, though I will have to find an appropriate gift in return
<May> Gods, just having someone interesting to talk to would be gift enough.
<May> :)
<Wahala> Everyone here so far has seemed interesting to me
<May> Yeah, well, give it time
<May> ;)
<Wahala> At home, I have traveled the islands in our trade runs for a few years now, but I have never been in a land as strange as this one
<Wahala> My aunts and mothers, they would tell me stories of their trade missions, but none of them have gone this far
<May> Your ship is from far south, right?
<Wahala> Yes, we are on the eastern side of the great trade ring, south of the Wadjet lands, north of the Nimh
<May> I don't suppose you've made any maps of the trip?
* Wahala lights up
<Wahala> We have maps of the Ring, of course, and have charted what winds and currents we came across on our journeys, certainly!
<May> I'd love to see them some time!
<Wahala> I will send for them before I am presented tomorrow
* @May seems genuinely excited
<May> Speaking of which, you should probably get back to your quarters before they come looking for you. I'll try to act surprised when uncle introduces us later.
* Wahala chuckles
<Wahala> I think I was expected to sleep a bit more, but I do not mind waiting
* Wahala rises, and bows again
<May> It was a pleasure meeting you.
<Wahala> And you, May. May the Empress smile on your plans.
* Wahala explores around her room, finally cleaned up after so many weeks at sea
* Wahala finishes combing up, adjusts her sash to a properly jaunty angle, and wanders out in the hallway of the keep
* May is likely in the library reorganizing books to relax after all the stress of negotiations.
* Wahala wanders by hat way, seeing a young ... demon? servant? cleaning up
<Wahala> Pardon me, but I am looking for ... well, I suppose whoever is in charge. Do you know where I might find someone?
* May looks up and starts a bit, almost falling backwards from where she was kneeling.
<May> Oh! Gods, I'm sorry, you just kind of... startled me.
* May tries very hard not to stare and fails.
* Wahala doesn't at all try not to stare
<May> Are you... you must be one of the... sailors.
* Wahala sniffs a little
<Wahala> You don't smell like sulfur
<May> ...sorry?
* May looks genuinely confused at that.
<Wahala> Oh, sorry, sorry, I've just - I've never met a demon before?
<May> Demon?
* Wahala points at your horns
<Wahala> Is that... is that not what that means?
<Wahala> I mean, I hadn't thought there were any of the [Moro ram people] this far north, but perhaps a grandparent?
* May frowns. "Oh, yes. Certainly. I apologize. I've never met leopard before. That's what the ears mean, right?"
<May> I'm not a demon.
<May> I'm a tiefling.
* Wahala grins, chastined
<Wahala> I apologize for my ignorance. I am Wahala, one of the Kimbari, the Children of Lion
* May grins despite herself.
<May> I'm May.
<May> I'm the one in charge around here.
<May> Or so they tell me.
<Wahala> Of the library, or the whole wing? That's a lot of space for one person to cover
* May laughs.
<May> Of the city.
* Wahala 's eye brows shot up
<May> You should probably call me Domina Mamitu when other people are around. Sahirru will be furious if he finds out I've been introducing myself as May again.
<Wahala> Wait wait wait - you mean you're the *ruler*? But you're so...
* Wahala gestues vaguely
* May raises an eyebrow.
<Wahala> You know what, maybe I should stop talking before the thinking starts
* May laughs again.
<May> Don't worry about it. It's refreshing, actually.
* Wahala gives a deep bow
<Wahala> I am ile Nyara Oorun, ọmọbinrin kẹta, Wahala
<May> Oh. Ok.
<May> Is that... what language is that?
<Wahala> I believe it translates as Third Daughter of the House of the Rising Sun
<May> Fascinating...
<Wahala> Also Kimbari, which does make things easier
<Wahala> I have some [proto-Hanu], some [Crane], a fair amount of Wadjet, and I am trying to learn Turathi, as that seems to be the main language here
* Wahala holds up a braid, beaded with a face with many open mouths. "This helps, when I do not know the local languages yet."
<May> Really? Maybe I could tutor you in exchange for some lessons in Kimbari.
<Wahala> That would be wonderful, if you are not otherwise occupied
* May frowns.
<May> Well... hopefully things will be quiet for a bit now that the elves and eladrin are... I guess happy isn'tt he right word for it, but maybe... agreeably unsatisfied.
* Wahala nods understandingly
<May> Anyway. You came up here looking for me. Is there something I can do for you?
<Wahala> Well, I do not know the customs of your people, but if you require formal presentation for guests of your town, I have brought gifts from our ship?
<Wahala> We have fine silks, and jade, and the gold-sheened obsidians from my home island
<May> Oh! Well, normally folks do a big elaborate presentation ceremony thing, but honestly, it's more headache than it's worth.
<May> I thank you for the gifts, though.
<May> If you want we can arrange a formal presentation
<May> I'm sure that would make uncle happy at least
* Wahala rolls her eyes
<Wahala> My mothers as well, they would skin me for rugs if I didn't take that opportunity
* May laughs
<May> Sounds familiar
<May> Are you... how long will your ship be staying with us?
<Wahala> Well... if it is a possible thing, we would like to make this port our home for a time, perhaps lease a small warehouse?
<May> Oh? What for?
<Wahala> We are looking for new trade opportunities, in these lands where few Kimbari have come
<May> Well, I can talk to Laris and he can probably find you guys a nice spot down near the docks if you like. Space is the one thing we have plenty of right now.
<Wahala> Laris, he is the grey man?
* May smirks
<May> Yeah, one of them.
<Wahala> I apologize if I have offended, but I am not well-versed in the differences of the northern peoples as of yet
<May> None taken. You'll have plenty of opportunity for study. We're a pretty multi-cultural lot here. Everything from Shadar-kai to Goblins to Gnomes. You get used to it after a while.
<May> Of course, not all of them always get along so well.
* Wahala nods
<Wahala> That, I understand. At home, the Houses are always fighting, the priests argue with the merchants, it is always the way
<May> People are people, huh?
* Wahala laughs
<May> Say, how did you manage to get up here without Laris or my uncle grabbing you for a formal introduction anyway?
<Wahala> Well, they told me to go to the keep, so I go, and it has been a long time on the ship, so I ask to bathe and rest, and then when I was finished I decided I did not need to much rest as all that, and here I am
* May grins.
<May> Well, I'm glad I got to meet you this way. It's always so much more awkward the official way.
<Wahala> And here I put on my best sash
* Wahala does a little spin
* May laughs
<May> You look very presentable.
<May> :)
<Wahala> My mothers always say that I am not practiced enough in the formal arts, but this is why one has sisters, no?
<Wahala> Empress forfend, I will never inherit
<May> Must be nice.
<May> I wish I had sisters. I'd even settle for a brother.
* Wahala laughs heartily
<Wahala> I have spares, how many would you like?
* May laughs as well
<May> Just one older one. So I could forget about all this governing for a while and get on with my studies.
* Wahala perks up a little
<Wahala> What is it that you study in these lands?
<May> Everything! Well, everything I can get my hands on. Magic mostly, though. My specialty is conjuration and summoning. Not very original, I know, but I have a certain... inborn talent for it.
* May holds up the back of her hand where her dragonmark is.
<Wahala> Is it a magic tattoo?
* Wahala shows her palms, also marked
<Wahala> Mine are decoration only
<May> Not exactly. It's called a dragon mark. Do your people not have them?
<Wahala> No, what are they?
<May> It's kind of like a birth mark, only it shows up later on in life and it let's you do special magic. Here, watch...
* May holds her hand open at arms length and concentrates. A moment later her dragon mark begins to glow and shift and then a longbow with the same symbol carved into it coalesces in her hand out of thin air.
<Wahala> Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
<Wahala> That's amazing!
* Wahala pokes the bow
* May shrugs.
<Wahala> \does it last?
<May> Yeah. It's my bow. I just summoned it from my bedroom.
<May> Dragonmarks tend to run in families
<Wahala> That is a mighty gift from Dragon indeed, I did not know that his worship went this far north
<May> Uhhh... it's kinda complicated.
<May> Maybe I can give you a crash course in history as well while we're at it with the languages.
<Wahala> That would be very appreciated, though I will have to find an appropriate gift in return
<May> Gods, just having someone interesting to talk to would be gift enough.
<May> :)
<Wahala> Everyone here so far has seemed interesting to me
<May> Yeah, well, give it time
<May> ;)
<Wahala> At home, I have traveled the islands in our trade runs for a few years now, but I have never been in a land as strange as this one
<Wahala> My aunts and mothers, they would tell me stories of their trade missions, but none of them have gone this far
<May> Your ship is from far south, right?
<Wahala> Yes, we are on the eastern side of the great trade ring, south of the Wadjet lands, north of the Nimh
<May> I don't suppose you've made any maps of the trip?
* Wahala lights up
<Wahala> We have maps of the Ring, of course, and have charted what winds and currents we came across on our journeys, certainly!
<May> I'd love to see them some time!
<Wahala> I will send for them before I am presented tomorrow
* May seems genuinely excited
<May> Speaking of which, you should probably get back to your quarters before they come looking for you. I'll try to act surprised when uncle introduces us later.
* Wahala chuckles
<Wahala> I think I was expected to sleep a bit more, but I do not mind waiting
* Wahala rises, and bows again
<May> It was a pleasure meeting you.
<Wahala> And you, May. May the Empress smile on your plans.

Montano toasts the Ankai Ggaath, then comes to talk to Korivan about Bane and Alliances

<YOAW_Narrator> The Ankai celebration is perhaps a little less raucous than a Hrieffen feast, but still fairly boisterous. The bugbears don't have the riding contests and races the Hreiffen usually do, but at any given time you can probably pick out several wrestling matches or just good-natured brawls.
<YOAW_Narrator> Korivan will be given a place of honor, near the new Gaath and the old Hraal, with Faasha next to him. Montano is further down, but not insultingly so.
* Montano will approach your group a little ways into the festivities, though definitely after food and drink have been consumed.
<Korivan is trying to give the celebraion the levels of attention and enjoyment it deserves
<Montano> My greetings, Ankai Hraal and Ankai Gaath. Congratulations and regards.
* Mygal will say something quietly to Kryx.
<Korivan looks over
<Kryx> And you, Hraal Katalal Montano. Welcome to our camp.
* Montano bows slightly.
<Montano> A mighty fine celebration, and for good reason. I think things are turning around for many of us around here.
<Kryx> It is a new day for the Ankai, with Bane's guidance.
* Montano nods pensively at that.
<Korivan nods at that
<Montano> Seems a good patron for warriors such as yourselves.
<Mygal> Bane and Ankai!
* Mygal leads a round of drinking to that.
<Korivan will drink to that
* Montano will make his way over to Korivan and take a seat.
<Montano> I was wondering if you might have bit to talk about that, actually, Gaath.
<Montano> The Ankai, this is their party, so I don't want to interrupt, but I had some questions.
<Korivan> Then ask....what would you know of Bane?
<Korivan> And why?
<Korivan adds, after a slight delay
<Montano> Is curiosity not enough?
<Korivan> YOu follow...the moon woman
<Montano> How much do you know about Sehanine?
<Montano> That's one aspect of her, yes.
<Korivan> (goood question!)
<Montano> (heh)
<YOAW_Narrator> (You can roll for it if you want. Otherwise, I mean, you'd have some knowledge, but 'moon woman' might sum it up. :))
<Korivan> I remember what you said.... she hides the world from demons.
<Montano> That is one of her duties, yes.
<Montano> Bane, he leads your people against them?
<Korivan> Yes.
<Korivan says after a moment of deliberationg how or whether to qualify it further
<Montano> And here, on Arth?
<Korivan> We conquor in his name
<Korivan> is there someone you want conquored?
* Montano laughs.
<Montano> Well, I guess, the question is, is there someone you want conquered?
<Montano> We are your neighbors, and we'd rather not be conquered if it's all the same to you.
<Korivan> YOu would join us?
<Montano> I would have my people join you, yes.
<Montano> The Hreiffen have been our enemies before, but you're far more honorable that Iaga.
<Montano> What you have going with the Imperials...it's not hard to read the way the wind is going. I don't like the idea of going back on something, but Iaga has insulted and duped us too many times.
<Korivan> So you do have someone you would like to see conquored.
<Montano> I wouldn't say that.
<Montano> I don't want the Osoro destroyed.
<Montano> But, between them and us, I guess...
<Montano> I think I'm saying this wrong.
<Montano> But I'm not a talker.
<Montano> Like I said, I'm curious as to what your people's plans are.
<Korivan nods
<Korivan> Bane is a champion first of the Gobbar
<Korivan> We would see others turned to his way.
<Korivan> War is the Hraal's domain...but you know this.
<Montano> I'm not...yes, I understand.
<Montano> So, are you looking south, then?
<Montano> More of your people that ways, more to bring into Bane's army.
<Korivan> In time...
<Korivan> You wish protection...alliance, yes?
<Montano> Alliance, yes.
* Montano nods.
<Montano> You've seen us fight. You know our strength.
<Korivan> Yes.
<Korivan> And others, joined with the Osoro, they feel the same?
<Montano> I can't speak for everyone, but I would think so.
<Korivan> The Cobrakai? they are your allies...
* Montano nods.
<Montano> They're good folk.
<Montano> Been through some hardship, but made their way.
<Korivan> that shows...strength
<Montano> They owe allegiance to Iaga, but they're not happy about it.
<Montano> We helped them against the Ylkai to the south; Iaga pledged her protection when we asked.
<Montano> The Osoro were never really a part of that fight, though.
<Korivan nods
<Korivan> Yes, I see ...
<Korivan> We would speak with them....with their Gaath.
<Korivan> And then....together....look south.
* Montano nods.
<Montano> I think I could manage that for you.
<Montano> Takes some time to put these things together, though.
<Korivan> yes.
<Korivan> We have rebuilding, still.
<Montano> As do we all, I think.
<Montano> Speaking of which, I had another request, on behalf of my people.
<Korivan listens
<Montano> We have a holy site, on the far side of the lake. My people would like to be able to visit it.
<Montano> We made trips when the Maazikai controlled it, but we don't want trouble.
<Montano> Those trips were always something of a gamble.
<Korivan> (Do I have any idea where he might mean?)
<YOAW_Narrator> (It might have come up some. It's a site much like the Ankai one, on the northwestern side of the lake.)
<Korivan> (Is that in the area we are thinking of giving back to the ankai?)
<YOAW_Narrator> (I thought y'all were keeping control of the lake.)
<Korivan> (Oh yes, right)
<Korivan> I know...some of it
<Korivan> Arrangements would be possible
<Montano> We'd appreciate it.
<Montano> It's not a right-now problem.
<Korivan nods
<Montano> Well then, that being settled for now, tell me more about beating this demon.
<YOAW_Narrator> (I figure this is a good spot to stop?)
<Korivan can give his version of the story and let anyone else around butt in to add embellishments ;)
<Korivan> (yes!)