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Taizi, styled formally as The Omban Empire, is a country located in the west-central part of the former Omban Empire. When the Empire collapsed in 338 IE, the imperial Tirumfegla dynasty went extinct; however, a junior branch persisted in Taizi, where a young son of the last emperor, whose parentage was never secure, was adopted into a local aristocratic family, the Ebesnata dynasty, and began styling itself as the lawful inheritors of the imperial sceptre. The Emperor, often characterized as the Pretender outside Taizi, claims nominal rule over the entirety of the old Empire and the style at the court is to characterize him as the Omban Emperor, but everyone else calls the region Taizi.

Taizi is one the most autocratic of the former Omban states. The Emperor has an appointed council of important aristocratic lineage elders but there is no formal deliberative body, elected or otherwise. Political and military appointments are made by the council subject to Imperial approval. The Ebesnata Dynasty has been relatively successful nonetheless; Taizi enjoys considerable power because, in the decades after the empire’s collapse, the Emperors were able to arrange numerous marriages to aristocratic families. Its economy is based on maritime products (fishing and whaling) as well as mining.

While there are no major global cities in Taizi, it has a range of smaller cities of some importance, between 10,000 and 30,000 people each. The capital, Pivuku, is actually the smallest of these, while Sufumardo, Fuvuri, Saspuza, and Zuche each occupy major regional roles. The total population of the country is around 900,000.

Alliances: Omba
Hostilities: Choradan, (historically) Khutu