Alai Vegru

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  • Name: Alai Vegru
    • Udul (nickname):
    • Dimir (Lady's Name): Ozel
  • Mufan (social class): Country
  • Player: Terry
  • Class: Mystic
  • Gender: F
  • Age: 22
  • Hair: Dark long and straight
  • Eyes: Green
  • Height: 5'2"
  • Weight: 100 lbs


Born in Luetka, Alai came to Nemnosti at the age of 12 with her brother. She was taken on as an apprentice of Nemnu in the Mystic arts.



  • Amasa Nemni: AKA Fables or Dinel. A minor mystic, but mainly a teacher of basic life skills like language, literacy, etc. for new acolytes who are 'uncivilized' or otherwise need to adjust. That was definitely you when you showed up straight off the boat. Amasa was one of the first people to take you in (along with Marga) and really help you adjust to life here. Super friendly and tolerant, her big open personality is unlike many people in Luetka, but you still appreciate her.
  • Avrubai Dusmanis: AKA Estuki or, in jest, Earwax. A mystic, a few years older than you, who works at the ulajeta as a scribe / researcher. After his time as an acolyte he went off to study in Ardukh at the Academy, so you really didn't meet him till he came back about a year ago. Friends with almost everyone, personable, the kind of guy people want to date or have a drink with.
  • Bura Hazh: AKA Zephyr or Larar. A reckoner from nearby Akapa Sogo, born and raised among the Ravre. She teaches at the ulajeta but really her main job is to recruit new acolytes, and she actually visited your people in Luetka when negotiating for you to come. Knows a lot about local history and lore. Honestly she is much more like Luetkans than a lot of the people around here: direct, clear, confident, speaks her mind, so you appreciate that, but she doesn't have much directly to do with you anymore.
  • Elof Losturi: AKA Ponderer or Chonosh. A well-loved mystic who is in charge of the Lady's aisamons and who knows a great deal about the practice of Source magic and is closely involved with Nemnu's research work. While you are eternally appreciative to have been one of the few selected as Nemnu's own apprentices, Elof's apprentices have a much easier and fun life at the ulajeta. You know he has sadness in his life and never had kids of his own after his wife died in the plague, but treats all the young mystics learning to use Source as his kids.
  • Giri Hazh: AKA Wispy or Khizmo, if you dare. The main sigillant who teaches glyphic magic to acolytes, and Jevai's current Upward. He's super disorganized and cluttered and some of the acolytes poke fun. But to you he has a special relationship because his wife Ozel died in 760 right before you were assigned her Lady's Name. That doesn't necessarily entail anything, and definitely doesn't make you his wife or daughter (!), but it does mean something, here at Nemnosti.
  • Khorond Zainai: AKA Zuso. Khorond is Marga's cousin, a Ravre from the high hills about 15 years old, and Nemnu's current apprentice. Very awkward and hard to get to know at first, he is very smart when it comes to magical theory. You definitely get how awkward it is to be in a weird place and for everyone to be staring at you. A bit too fond of drinking, though. As Her previous apprentice, part of your role is/was to help Khorond adjust and to work with him on some of the more elementary stuff.
  • Kirgogh Obe: AKA Big Velvet or Helto. Kirgogh was an acolyte several years before you, who they thought was going to be a mystic, but who never could deal with fos consumption well, ended up as a herbalist, and really more interested in astronomy and astrology. He is super awkward and practically nonverbal in many social situations, and continues to live and work at Nemnosti as a researcher, but without another defined role such as teaching, which he would be terrible at.
  • Momuzai Nemni: AKA Singalong or Siskin. The eldest son of the hengi, he is the same age as you and Marga and so hung out with all you guys when you were acolytes together. He's basically a big dumb beefy guy who just might be the next hengi of the lineage, but is clearly ill-fitted for a life surrounded by special people. Nothing wrong with him, just a guy who has a name and a reputation to live up to that you're pretty sure he never will. Likes to sing, so they made him the cantor of Nemnosti.
  • Nikata Vegru: Born as Aathuvansi Niikata, he is your shiftless brother. Nikata came here as a kind of guardian/protector but you wonder whether it was really in the hope that he would find some purpose or profession, which he never did back home in Luetka. That didn't happen here either, and despite efforts of the Vegru lineage to take him in and turn him into a useful member of society, Nikata has always resisted that, and likes to be left to his own devices, to drink, to try to pick up ladies, and make just enough money to not starve. Sometimes you think you should help find the kids he surely has with at least one local woman, and then you think that these nieces/nephews are definitely not your problem.
  • Ozh Laigrunuf: AKA Upwing or Tovra. Started as an acolyte right around the same time as you and Marga. Did some training as a mystic but is now training as a reckoner, maybe to return to her lineage from up in the hills. You helped support her when her dad died during her studies here. Ozh is full of stories and poems and myths and knows a lot more about things that aren't real than things that are.
  • Rembes Kaisastelovis: Known as The Lion, Rembes is the hengi of the ancient lineage of military officers, the noble Kaisastelovis, who were assigned to watch over (imprison) the Luetkans brought to Bemnes who became the Vegru lineage. Still a lot of bad blood between their people and yours. A military strategist and leader who, despite his elderly age, is heavily involved in politics in the region.
  • Roska Vegru: Born as Heijuvansi Ruus, he is the hengi of the Vegru 'lineage' - basically all those of Luetkan descent brought to Bemnes. When you were recruited to Nemnosti your family only agreed if a family could be found to 'adopt' you, and Roska took you in as his own adoptive daughter and gave you the Vegru name. He is a political radical who has been working to advocate for Luetkans in this region while still retaining your distinct identity. Others, who oppose him, want to dissolve the Vegru entirely and forget about the old country. Bringing you here, as a member of the Aathuvansi clan back home, is a signal of his desire for continued affiliation with Luetka, and also an alliance with Nemnosti against the nobility of the town of Bemnes. He relies on you to keep him up to date on things going on at the ulajeta, and you get the sense that he's a bit annoyed that you care more about magical theory than politics.
  • Sapunoke Ichos: AKA Pechu. A young mystic who was an acolyte somewhat after you. He comes from a giant folk noble lineage, was raised in cities in both Khutu and Taizi, and everyone expected a lot of him here at Nemnosti but that hasn't happened. He's definitely bitter at both you and Khorond for being chosen to be Nemnu's apprentices. He's still training and maybe he'll end up sticking around, but you figure that his family is going to marry him off and you won't have to think about his gripes any more.
  • Tamandu Sempi: AKA Pavavi. The oldest resident of Nemnosti as far as you know, an ancient Malfander weaponsmith who converted from the Old Folk and became one of Nemnu's most loyal mystics, now serving as Curator of her magical treasures collected over the centuries. As a foreigner like you, you bonded a bit at first over that, and because (so he says) you remind him of his granddaughter who lives in Zhustir. He knows where everything is and exactly what it does, and despite his age his memory is nearly perfect.
  • Uvragaz Vegru: Roska's mother, so your adoptive grandmother. Born as Heijuvansi Uvraag, she is the oldest of the Vegru and the only one to have fought in the Blue Storm, alongside her uncle, your great-granduncle Aathuvansi "the Walrus" Leu. Now long retired and a bit prone to wandering at night, she is ferociously defended by the whole community. Her enmity for the Kaisastelovis lineage is legendary. Uvragaz was not sure about you coming at first, but has warmed a lot to you since your arrival.
  • Veruve Nemni: AKA Mosaic or Nifin. She was Nemnu's most recent apprentice before you, but more importantly, is now Nemnu's Vessel, through whose body the Lady can perform Source magic. She was adopted by Kheta, sister of the hengi Hojon, and her husband, and is one of the most loyal to Nemnu. Many people think she is exceptionally beautiful, but she has never had any relationships that you are aware of. She doesn't do much of her own research or teaching, because her role at the ulajeta is different, but you certainly interact with her
  • Vimne Zakha: AKA Ephemeral and Olozh. Vimne is from the cold northern country of Nulu, although she is mostly of Omban descent. She is a good mystic who's been here for 20+ years, but is mainly focused these days on languages and linguistics. She already knew some Luetkan when you arrived, because it is spoken in coastal parts of Nulu, but was super excited when you arrived and is the only person at the ulajeta you have to speak Luetkan with. But she also speaks several other languages and is currently researching and writing on Sweeping, the sign language used by your dimirabas Ozel before her death.
  • Vodikra Nukhumbi: AKA Unleashed or Zera. An acolyte at or just before your time, who came to Nemnosti because of some deal between her family (a noble Daligashi lineage) and the Leraghe of southern Khutu, who have long ties to the ulajeta. She is very fond of jewelry, ornate decorations, and that kind of thing, which you definitely bonded around back then. She's stayed around as a scribe and calligrapher, and is due to be married to a Leraghe man soon. While some others find her a bit pretentious, you just think she's quiet and a bit hard to get to know, which can come across as standoffish. Anyway you're still quite good friends despite your differences.


  • Jorota Vuvrugh: AKA Five-lashes or Zhivai. Jorota was born in the city of Omba and was Nemnu's apprentice almost forty years ago, and now serves as the Preceptor at the ulajeta - basically the head of teaching. She died and was revived during the Daghuri Plague, and does not like to talk about those days. She is very close to Nemnu, as are many who have served Her a long time, and has given you advice more than once as to how to be a good apprentice to Her. You suspect she's the most powerful mystic here other than Nemnu Herself. She doesn't have any of her own lineage locally, so her family is basically folks here like you. She can seem cold and callous, but she is a great leader for the acolytes, who look up to her even if they fear her somewhat.
  • Susuva Nemni: AKA Lingers or Hedara. Susuva is a middle-aged mystic who was born into the Sortustor lineage, died during the Daghuri Plague along with her young infant, and when she (but not her child) was revived, came back cold, compassionless, and unable to grieve for her child or for any of the others who died in that terrible time. She says things that sound hard, and you can imagine that didn't go over well. Anyway, she fled to Nemnosti where Nemnu took her in and turned her into a powerful mystic, and eventually she was adopted into the Nemni. At the ulajeta, she serves as the Master of Statues - basically in charge of the figurines and statues here, which is not a highly important task, but it's one that doesn't require her to deal with people, which is still difficult for her.


Special Notes