Tamandu Sempi

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Tamandu Sempi

Tamandu (675-), known to the Lady as Pavavi, was born in the city of Romaz in southern Malfan, into a Hulti lineage of smiths, about which he doesn't talk much anymore, and where he underwent the early stages of training to become a shaman. After the death of his mother, he abandoned his family and his faith and eventually found his way north to Khutu. There, he was adopted into the Sempi craft lineage of metalworkers in Zhustir, who took him in warmly despite his past. From there, he ended up at Nemnosti, where he became obsessed with Nemnu Ula and eventually, at the age of almost thirty, became an acolyte, and then, ultimately, a mystic. Tamandu has now been at Nemnosti for over sixty years and is its oldest resident. He is reputedly the only person to have ever been offered, but then refused, adoption into the Nemni lineage, and his loyalty is still to the Sempi who took him in all those years ago. He serves as Curator of the magical and other precious items that Nemnu has accumulated over Her existence, and is one of the few who can manage to understand the Lady's complex organizational practices. Although his wife died many years ago, and his two living children (both once acolytes) live in Zhustir with the Sempi lineage, he is an ebulliently happy fellow with a warm laugh and a soft spot for young acolytes.