Vodikra Nukhumbi

From RocksfallWiki
Vodikra Nukhumbi

Vodikra (745-), known as Unleashed and to the Lady as Zera, is a young member of the Daligashi nobility, of the Nukhumbi lineage just across the border from Khutu, and is the first of her lineage to ever come to Nemnosti. Her arrival as an acolyte coincided with her lineage's alliance with the noble Leraghe lineage of southern Khutu, and she has been betrothed to a Leraghe youth for some time, as some part of this deal. She is small and very thin, and given to wearing ornate decorations including vumuri shells, a sumptuary practice of the nobility. At the ulajeta, she is a calligrapher and scribe of great skill. While she is not overtly elitist in her dealings with other acolytes, there has been a sense of distance between her and others based on her ethnicity, social class, and general quiet temperament.