Susuva Nemni
Susuva (720-741-768), born as Sifi, known as Lingers and to the Lady as Hedara, is a middle-aged mystic who was adopted into the Nemni lineage twenty years ago. She is a revenant who died, along with her young infant, in the Daghuri Plague, and whose family afterwards neglected her because she had become emotionless and cold, even about the death of her child. She came to Nemnosti out of desperation, became an acolyte in her early twenties, and then was adopted into the lineage in 748. At Nemnosti, she serves Nemnu as Master of Statues, caring for and repairing Nemnosti's expansive collection of large and small statuary. Susuva was killed finally, apparently by Gunuremai, who then took her identity for a few days to allow her to act freely in the ulajeta. Her body was secreted away in the Turtu to prevent its easy location and her revivification.