Alai Vegru

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Revision as of 14:07, 19 January 2024 by Forthright (talk | contribs) (People)


  • Name: Alai Vegru
    • Udul (nickname):
    • Dimir (Lady's Name): Ozel
  • Mufan (social class): Country
  • Player: Terry
  • Class: Mystic
  • Gender: F
  • Age: 22
  • Hair: Dark long and straight
  • Eyes: Green
  • Height: 5'2"
  • Weight: 100 lbs


Born in Luetka, Alai came to Nemnosti at the age of 12 with her brother. She was taken on as an apprentice of Nemnu in the Mystic arts.



  • Amasa Nemni: AKA Fables or Dinel. A minor mystic, but mainly a teacher of basic life skills like language, literacy, etc. for new acolytes who are 'uncivilized' or otherwise need to adjust. That was definitely you when you showed up straight off the boat. Amasa was one of the first people to take you in (along with Marga) and really help you adjust to life here. Super friendly and tolerant, her big open personality is unlike many people in Luetka, but you still appreciate her.
  • Avrubai Dusmanis: AKA Estuki or, in jest, Earwax. A mystic, a few years older than you, who works at the ulajeta as a scribe / researcher. After his time as an acolyte he went off to study in Ardukh at the Academy, so you really didn't meet him till he came back about a year ago. Friends with almost everyone, personable, the kind of guy people want to date or have a drink with.
  • Bura Hazh: AKA Zephyr or Larar. A reckoner from nearby Akapa Sogo, born and raised among the Ravre. She teaches at the ulajeta but really her main job is to recruit new acolytes, and she actually visited your people in Luetka when negotiating for you to come. Knows a lot about local history and lore. Honestly she is much more like Luetkans than a lot of the people around here: direct, clear, confident, speaks her mind, so you appreciate that, but she doesn't have much directly to do with you anymore.
  • Elof Losturi: AKA Ponderer or Chonosh. A well-loved mystic who is in charge of the Lady's aisamons and who knows a great deal about the practice of Source magic and is closely involved with Nemnu's research work. While you are eternally appreciative to have been one of the few selected as Nemnu's own apprentices, Elof's apprentices have a much easier and fun life at the ulajeta. You know he has sadness in his life and never had kids of his own after his wife died in the plague, but treats all the young mystics learning to use Source as his kids.
  • Giri Hazh: AKA Wispy or Khizmo, if you dare. The main sigillant who teaches glyphic magic to acolytes, and Jevai's current Upward.
  • Khorond Zainai
  • Kirgogh Obe
  • Momuzai Nemni
  • Ozh Laigrunuf
  • Rembes Kaisastelovis
  • Roska Vegru
  • Sapunoke Ichos
  • Tamandu Sempi
  • Uvragaz Vegru
  • Veruve Nemni
  • Vimne Zakha
  • Vodikra Nukhumbi



Special Notes