Ifa Nemni

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  • Name: Ifa Nemni
    • Udul (nickname):
    • Dimir (Lady's Name): Ramarima
  • Player: Josh
  • Class: Hand of the Dead
  • Gender: F
  • Age: 27
  • Hair:
  • Eyes:
  • Height: 5'10"
  • Weight: 190 lbs.





  • Aru Ninderulai: AKA Lodestone or Sadal. A noble Hand of the ardames tradition who abandoned that path to get married in their middle years, but then after that failed (and they became a revenant) returned to Nemnosti. Though no longer a Hand (because they left the order), helps Jesa and others in teaching acolytes about theology. You talk to them a lot about the future of the Ninderulai lineage and trying to restore it to some of its former stature.
  • Emno Migantonos: The reckoner appointed by the nobility in Naftusa to Nemnosti - basically, the only official government intervention in day-to-day stuff. In your role, you have to deal with him a lot when it comes to any interpersonal things with lineages or conflicts. He is a little bit too fond of the ladies but keeps his hands to himself (with you).
  • Lona Tinef: A gardener from Hertu who arrived in this area around 10 years ago with her husband. You found out a short while ago that she used to be a Hand, and she helps out at the cloister with everyday rituals and keeping the place looking nice around the little Hand chapel. Quiet and keeps to herself.
  • Zurusha Nemni: Your older sister, born Lamna; you used to call her Geme or Whimsy, and still might. You were closer to her than anyone other than Izu, as a kid. Since her death and revival it's been impossible to spend time one on one with her - her aversion is that serious. She lives basically in a chamber where people bring her books to repair, and communicates with her family via letter.


  • Ramarima Nemni: Your dimirabas, after whom the Lady gave you Her Name. A noblewoman from Onighus adopted into the Nemni, technically your great-great-grandfather's brother's granddaughter (you worked it out once). You met her when she was an old lady and you were a little girl, but don't remember her really from that time. But if you want to know the gossip from, say, 680 to her death, she is a deep repository of wisdom, and to explain the parts of her notebooks (which are not quite in code, but definitely not clear) that don't make sense.
  • Songaseli Nemni: Your paternal grandfather (Zaren's dad), who came to Nemnosti after a career as a merchant and became a stoneguard. You only knew him when you were little but he is a good person to talk to about spiritual matters, or just to get advice.


  • Borgegus Ula: You met Him a few times when you were His ward during your Hand training in Onighus. He set you up with a place to live in his ulajeta, The Maze, and introduced you around, through His intermediaries. You know saints can't move but the best description you have of your encounters is 'twitchy'. Very smart, very fast-thinking, has His hands in everything going on in the city. You definitely got the sense that among Nemnu and Him, there is a relationship of obligation going back to when He helped Her found Nemnosti.

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