Rondal Rumnoska

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Rondal Rumnoska

Rondal (731-) is a tall, thin, bearded man who is the current hengi of the Rumnoska lineage. Recently, several months after Azolte Rumnoska arrived in the village of Hertu, the entire Rumnoska lineage arrived in a great caravan, having travelled ultimately from Omba. The intentions of the group in Hertu remain unclear. Rondal is known to Sakasa Nemni, who reported to Kuspir Vabaseli that she was involved with him briefly when he was known as Rondal Amatubal, when they trained together as envoys in Onighus fifteen years earlier, during which time she was at the court of Borgegus Ula. She also told Kuspir about an unusual encounter Rondal had had with a strange woman who referred to something called the Sarguni.