Azolte Rumnoska

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Azolte Rumnoska

Azolte (742-) is a short, somewhat heavyset young woman of an Omban country lineage. She arrived in the village of Hertu late in 767 and attached herself to the Keronaf lineage, which is known for taking in strangers. She reported having some sort of family trouble with her lineage that led her to seek shelter, which Tuvus Keronaf granted. However, after the various troubles at Nemnosti in 768, coupled with strange absences, Tuvus asked his young relation Rubo Keronaf and the stoneguards at Nemnosti, including Kuspir Vabaseli to investigate. Kuspir and Ifa Nemni talked to her without learning much. However, shortly thereafter the rest of the Rumnoska lineage, led by Rondal Rumnoska, arrived in Hertu in a caravan. Azolte was shortly thereafter found petrified out in the Ghengom and rescued.