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(Judgement is rendered on Pughan, who is banished and stripped of his lineage)
Line 129: Line 129:
<br>[Jevai] let's get back, I need to get ready for tomorrow
<br>[Jevai] let's get back, I need to get ready for tomorrow
<br>* Alai nods
<br>* Alai nods
===The group travels through the wilderness out towards the temple near Gil Hargush
===The group travels through the wilderness out towards the temple near Gil Hargush===
<br>[NemnostiGM] (all right, do you have anything to do before heading off the next day?)
<br>[NemnostiGM] (all right, do you have anything to do before heading off the next day?)
<br>[NemnostiGM] (have you all shared your various information with one another - Marga and Alai especially?)
<br>[NemnostiGM] (have you all shared your various information with one another - Marga and Alai especially?)

Latest revision as of 17:43, 14 September 2024

Nemnosti session logs
Previous Session 6 Next


Pughan is punished for his attack on Echu Pekai by being stripped of his lineage and banished from Akapa Sogo; Jevai and others comfort him before he leaves. The group leaves on an expedition back to the terraced hill west of Gil Hargush to investigate it further and determine if it is a Hulti temple. Alai speaks to the hill and learns that there are objects within the snake tunnels and that the hill itself is an artificial construction. They crawl through the tunnels and find an ancient engraved slate, iron dagger, and bronze ring, as well as four purplish snake eggs. Their investigation is interrupted by an earthquake that forces the group to scramble to escape. The earthquake caused many rockslides, and Eikuuruu tells Marga about one such slide that has trapped a child down near the Musune forest. They find the girl trapped and under threat from an ogre spider, which they defeat. They talk to the girl, Kibai Pilting, who says she has no family and lives here alone in the ancient forest. As she has a broken leg and can't survive well on her own, they take her back to Nemnosti to heal. Returning to the ulajeta, they find a strange scene where four bubunne have been mysteriously unrendered and laid out in a spiral pattern in the courtyard.


Session date: April 14, 2024
Negili Reckoning date: IE 768, Dend Aivas


Welcome, acolytes! In any other Omban state, by the last few days of Khurar here, it will already have passed to Pesme. But at Nemnosti, like elsewhere in Khutu, Khurar hangs on just another few days, as if clinging to the edge of a cliff, before falling over into the wee month, Dend Aivas, most ragged month of the Ragged Cycle of the Negili Reckoning. It is often said that the first of Dend Aivas is a propitious day to begin any task, and that any promise made on that day will come true by the twentieth, and month's end. It isn't so, of course, but still gives one comfort. But that is tomorrow. Today, the last day of Khurar, is a day for justice in the town of Akapa Sogo. Pughan Nadenigh, who can hardly mount a defense against his assault of Echu Pekai, will be held to account in the central plaza of the village. Bura of the Hazh, the chief reckoner of the town, has been called upon to render a decision after gathering testimonies, and considering precedent. And just as the month hangs on to a slender ledge, the town hangs tensely, in anticipation of the reckoner's verdict.

Judgement is rendered on Pughan, who is banished and stripped of his lineage

[NemnostiGM] Any of you who would wish to attend may go up to Akapa Sogo.
* Ifa would go to be there for Jevai.
* Alai would be there for her friend
[Marga] (same)
* Izu will stay back to attend The Lady and give Jevai space.
[NemnostiGM] Much of the population of the village has come to bear witness, but also quite a few people from Nemnosti, mostly but not all Ravre born in the town or with a connection to it. Both the Pekai and the Nadenigh, the two clans of the disputants, have come out in force.
[NemnostiGM] Dijur, the aging hengi of his cave-dwelling clan, emerges in a great blue woven robe and wearing the great slate iftijasi of his clan. Around him stand many of the most powerful men and women of the clan, a show of strength even as one of their own fails.
[NemnostiGM] Across the plaza sit the hengi Ivati Pekai, cousin of the injured Echu, but the Pekai are more cautious. An elder woman, tall and proud, is the one exception - she has come bedecked in a great altala covered in dozens of fefri tokens. She is Nazurena, elder matron of the clan, mother of Echu.
[NemnostiGM] But today is not their day to speak. Bura of the Hazh stands in the center of the crowd, and beside her, kneeling, wearing a simple buru, is Pughan. His eyes look defiant, but he knows that true defiance is not an option.
[NemnostiGM] Jevai, your mother is with the Igriz, while your dad is of course with the Nadenigh. Where are you going to stand?
[Jevai] with my friends
[NemnostiGM] Bura stands and speaks with a powerful voice. Those of you who have been recipients of her wrath know of her volume, but this is not a wrathful voice. Instead, it comes from deep in the stomach, full of confidence and surety of purpose.
[Bura] I have considered this matter, spoken to the parties and to the Ancestors. I have held in one hand justice, in the other hand mercy, and weighed the two.
* Bura walks about the plaza steadily, motioning towards Pughan as she speaks, but looking pointedly away from him at this point, and towards the community.
* Pughan stares straight ahead.
[Bura] I find you, Pughan of the Nadenigh, culpable for this attack. You acted with rashness and gall overcame your higher virtues. You struck first, against one who did not strike back, and who did you no wrong except in your mind.
* Bura turns and points at Pughan.
[Bura] I have spoken to your kin, your friends, and the people of this town. They tell me many things to your credit, but also, they speak of your temper, not just on this instance.
[Bura] In the old story, when Agu struck Nemun upon the back, he was deceived, and yet the blow was struck. So we must always remember that the lies of others do not save us from justice.
* Jevai just seems resigned
[Bura] Here is the final decree.
* Longpig (~Longpiglns5-pool7-088.adsl.user.start.ca) has joined #Nemnosti
[Bura] I award the Pekai twenty bags of meal, to feed and nourish them, from the Nadenigh clan.
[NemnostiGM] Both the Nadenigh and Pekai seem unsurprised at this, and it was probably arranged in advance.
[Bura] Moreover, I say to you that from this day forward, you are no Nadenigh. With the consent of the hengi Dijur, I extirpate you from this clan, and declare that with their payment of the debt, they owe no more obligation to you or to the Pekai.
* Pughan seems stricken by this.
[Bura] Last, Pughan-of-no-clan, I cast you out of this community. Akapa Sogo shall no longer be your home. May you find comfort in some other place, but you are not welcome here.
[Bura] I take your name; I take your home; you are uprooted.
[Bura] This is my decree.
[Longpig] (softly) oof
* Bura walks away, leaving Pughan in the center of the plaza alone, surrounded by his former townsfolk.
* Jevai will go up to him
[Marga] (softly) oof
[Jevai] I'm sorry Pughan, but you'le always be my brother
* Pughan has crumpled to the ground, trembling softly.
* Jevai will sit down beside him
* Alai watches the scene arms crossed
[Pughan] I have failed you.
[Jevai] me?
[Pughan] You, mother, father. The clan.
[Jevai] I still love you anyway.
[NemnostiGM] Jevai, your mom is still here, along with Naka, but your dad has gone back to the Nadenigh iftibal with the rest of his people.
[Pughan] They have chosen to abandon me.
[Jevai] You are strong, and capable, and I believe you will find somewhere to go. But please be careful.
[Pughan] I will.
[Jevai] good.
* Fusna approaches.
[Jevai] Please come to me, if I can help, okay?
[Pughan] I will.
* Jevai will stroke his back
[Fusna] Mother, I am sorry I have brought this shame upon you.
[Fusna] (ww)
[Pughan] Mother, I am sorry I have brought this shame upon you.
[Fusna] No shame, son.
[Fusna] You acted as your nature called you to do in the moment. We all do so, sometimes.
* Pughan stands, trying to compose himself.
* Jevai also stands
[Pughan] I should go.
* Fusna comes in and hugs her son.
[Jevai] I should also go...
[Jevai] so let's go together, hmm? At elast to the edge of town
* Jevai looks over at her frieds
[Jevai] (friends)
* Alai will move up to walk with them
* Ifa will do the same.
* Marga follows Alai's lead
* Jevai smiles at them
* Pughan walks with you to the edge of town, before heading downhill and downriver to wherever he will go next.
[Alai] Pughan wait...
* Alai calls before he walks off
* Pughan turns.
[Pughan] What?
* Alai takes off one of her brass and bone inlayed bracelets
[Alai] A keepsake for what comes next.
* Alai offers it to him
* Pughan takes it.
[Alai] do what you will with it.
[Pughan] Thank you.
* Marga stands there smiling dumbly cause she doesn't know what to say
[Jevai] Good luck
* Jevai offfers him a hug as well
[Pughan] Thank you, Jevai.
* Jevai sighs lightly as her brother makes his way downhill, then turns to her friends, and smiles
[Jevai] Thanks, for coming
[Marga] You're welcome... that was rough, I'm sorry
[Jevai] its' what I expected.
[Marga] I guess.
[Marga] It was nice of you to give him that bracelet,
* Marga says to Alai
* Ifa nods.
[Ifa] Did Pughan mention where he might be headed?
[Jevai] I don't know if *he* was expecting it, not really.
[Jevai] so I'm not sure if he's thought it through.
* Ifa frowns.
* Alai nods
[Ifa] Your brother's tough; he'll be all right.
[Jevai] Yes... I haven't seen him this shaken in a long time, though.
* Alai gives Jevai a reassuring hug
[Ifa] It's a shock, for everyone.
[Jevai] thanks
[Marga] Yeah he was real... sedate, for him.
* Jevai nods
[Jevai] I'm sure he will recover but... yes
[Alai] you can keep in touch, make sure he is good
[Jevai] hopefully yes
[Marga] Where do you think he might go?
* Jevai considers.
[Jevai] He might try to go to Naftusa but I don't think he'll stay...
[Jevai] as long as he doesn't go to your father -_-
* Jevai says with a glance at Marga
* Marga laughs just a little bit manically
[Marga] I'm sure he'll be fime
[Marga] (fine)
* Jevai smiles
[Jevai] let's get back, I need to get ready for tomorrow
* Alai nods

The group travels through the wilderness out towards the temple near Gil Hargush

[NemnostiGM] (all right, do you have anything to do before heading off the next day?)
[NemnostiGM] (have you all shared your various information with one another - Marga and Alai especially?)
[Ifa] (Just regular prep for a trip, I would imagine.)
[Jevai] (yes spells)
[Kuspir] (just normal preparation I suppose)
* Izu takes extra socks this time.
[Kuspir] (obviously let my kids know I'll be gone for a few days, write a letter to Zurusha, etc.)
[NemnostiGM] (ok you can make any needed spell rolls, Jevai)
[Jevai] !roll 1d20_10
[Jevai] !roll 1d20+10
[Jevai] !roll 1d20+10
[Marga] (yes of course, the smart people need to know)
* Jevai rolls [ 1d20+10 ] getting [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ 10 ] totals [ 17 ]
* Jevai rolls [ 1d20+10 ] getting [ 14 ] which, after the modifier [ 10 ] totals [ 24 ]
* Jevai rolls [ 1d20+10 ] getting [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ 10 ] totals [ 18 ]
* Jevai rolls [ 1d20+10 ] getting [ 14 ] which, after the modifier [ 10 ] totals [ 24 ]
[Jevai] (thats' all succcess but I have 2 strain)
[NemnostiGM] (all right, but you can rest that away no difficulty)
[Jevai] (err not strain, the things where I have too many spells lodged)
[Jevai] (so I have 2 negative hp)
[NemnostiGM] (got it)
[Kuspir] !roll 1d20
* Jevai rolls for Kuspir: [ 1d20 ] getting [ 20 ].
[NemnostiGM] You head out the next day to the north and east, towards the ruined place where Surgu was killed, just west of the great abandoned fortress of Gil Hargush. Unlike your last trip, where you had to go far up in the Ghengom, to Hong Sogo, here you can take a somewhat more direct path, though not necessarily a much shorter one.
[NemnostiGM] Probably the simplest way is to travel downriver to Naftusa, then upstream along the Khujai River and then at Bemnes, up the Shohaz River, the two great waterfalls of Ainef and Emnuz, and then into the uplands from there.
[NemnostiGM] That has the advantage of being the easier travel on those of you not accustomed to clambering up rocky outcroppings, while avoiding the dense Musune forest where few are foolish enough to wander.
[NemnostiGM] It would mean, though, that you are likely to be spotted by travellers along the great river road, and then in the towns of Naftusa and Bemnes, although you are unlikely to receive any particular attention unless you choose to do so.
[NemnostiGM] The alternative, to head through the Ghengom, is far less appealing physically, except perhaps to Marga. It does have the advantage of making you far less likely to be seen or noticed by anyone.
[NemnostiGM] Which path would you like to take?
[Marga] I mean obviously we should go through the Ghengom, it just makes sense right guys? :)
[Kuspir] (is there a considerable time difference btw the two?)
[NemnostiGM] (probably not. The Ghengom route is more direct but also rougher terrain.)
[Kuspir] (I'd advocate for taking the harder and less obvious route. we can take our time over it but it's better not to be noticed, I think.)
[Ifa] (That makes sense.)
[Izu] me strongly prefers the river idea.
[Jevai] we'll look out for you, Izu, it will be okay
[Ifa] I could have one of the bubun carry you. ;)
[Izu] -_-
[Izu] No. Thank you.
[NemnostiGM] (all right, so the Ghengom it is?)
[Kuspir] (sure)
[Jevai] (works for me)
* Izu will suck it up and try to think about how this is all for The Lady.
[Alai] I could rub your feet at night, if it helps
[NemnostiGM] All right, you set off in the morning of the first of Dend Aivas.
* Izu blushes and tries to pretend he did not hear that
[NemnostiGM] You travel up out of the Pardopasu through Akapa Sogo, then around and east around the valley, before turning north.
[NemnostiGM] You'll pass near the ruined town of Lurusiru and its companion, the abandoned ulajeta of Lurusiru Osti.
[NemnostiGM] Izu, you can't help but think of Rupun, and secrets you have been tasked to keep.
[NemnostiGM] The weather is still springlike, but all the snows have melted around here by this point. The little creeks and rivers are well below where they were the last time you were up in the Ghengom.
[NemnostiGM] Eventually, as you travel further north, the rough Ghengom becomes even more rocky and erratic, as you near Gil Hargush.
[NemnostiGM] (any preparations or other actions as you get to, say, about a mile from the site?)
[Kuspir] Alai, is there anything you want to do before we get there?
[Jevai] how close are we to where Rechegoko said that haunt is?
[Jevai] do we want ton look into that - see if it is still here - while we are in the area?
* Kuspir will ask since she was the one who was really interested in coming, and might have some spells or whatever she wants to do
[Ifa] (Be sure to be in armor.)
[Jevai] I think it would be interstig to know if this person had sdone anything to put *it* to rest
[NemnostiGM] The haunt is perhaps two miles (about two squares) further west of the terraced hill, which is about half a mile west of Gil Hargush. ===The group reaches the terraced hill and
[NemnostiGM] You reach the terraced hill where Surgu met his end, and where you later fought the two-headed serpent, towards sunset, though there are still a few hours of daylight.
[Kuspir] (how long would it take us to detour that way and what time of day is it when we're approaching? just so I know if it makes sense to do that now or later)
[Jevai] also Marga can you tell if anyone else has come this way recently?
[NemnostiGM] (it's say 4-5pm by the time you get to the hill site. It would be a detour because it's largely uphill from there, and not easy terrain.)
[Kuspir] Let's see what we can find here, and perhaps tomorrow we can look into the other site.
* Jevai can also look but trust marga's assessment more than her own
* Izu nods.
[NemnostiGM] (Marga, and anyone else who wants to, can make a Survival roll)
[Jevai] !roll 1d20+7
* Jevai rolls [ 1d20+7 ] getting [ 16 ] which, after the modifier [ 7 ] totals [ 23 ]
[Izu] !roll 1d20+5
* Jevai rolls for Izu: [ 1d20+5 ] getting [ 17 ] which, after the modifier [ 5 ] totals [ 22 ].
[Kuspir] !roll 1d20+4
* Jevai rolls for Kuspir: [ 1d20+4 ] getting [ 17 ] which, after the modifier [ 4 ] totals [ 21 ].
[Marga] !roll 1d20+11
* Jevai rolls for Marga: [ 1d20+11 ] getting [ 14 ] which, after the modifier [ 11 ] totals [ 25 ].
[NemnostiGM] You don't see any signs of any unusual travel in this area. Of course ordinary animal tracks are relatively abundant, but there's no obvious sign of any disturbance or large group having been here recently.
[NemnostiGM] You are at the base of the terraced hill.
[Ifa] (I'm going to try to cast Spider Climb. ].])
[Ifa] !roll 1d20+5
* Jevai rolls for Ifa: [ 1d20+5 ] getting [ 13 ] which, after the modifier [ 5 ] totals [ 18 ].
[NemnostiGM] (OK you're solid Ifa, no problem)
[Jevai] (do we see any more sign of anything liewk the snake we fought before?)
[NemnostiGM] From where you are, you don't see anything like that.
[Alai] I need to get to the top to do what I am planning.
[Marga] Okie dokie!
[Izu] What are you planning?
[Kuspir] (I should specify I'm also in armor)
[Alai] I will commune with the stone in the hill to learn of any secrets underneath
* Ifa will start spider-climbing her way up, directing the bubun to help folks as necessary.
* Ifa is also definitely keeping an eye out for more snakes or other threats.
[NemnostiGM] (Marga can obviously get up fine on her own. Ifa, with her spell, similarly. Any of the rest of you ... well you've been here before. It's doable but challenging. The bubun can help boost people up but will have a harder time getting up on their own.)
* Alai will consume 5 doses of fos and have them ready
* Jevai will keep an eye out for Creature signs (snake or otherwise), and also pay attention to warnings from her tremorsense
[Marga] (i can help give people a hand up and such)
* Alai gladly lets Marga help her
* Izu will also let Marga help him.
[NemnostiGM] Jevai, there are no unexpected living things in contact with the earth within 30 feet of you.
[Jevai] (not at the moment ;)
[NemnostiGM] (You can put yourselves on the map, but we'll stay in here for now for descriptions etc.)
[NemnostiGM] As far as you are able to tell, there has been nothing disturbed since your last visit. The serpent you slew has been picked clean by vultures, as is fitting.
[Ifa] (I can't move the bubun, but I'd put them on lookout.)
[NemnostiGM] (ok, no problem)
[NemnostiGM] Alai, upon reflection, you are no engineer but you have learned enough that you can now imagine that this is surely not a purely natural hill. And as for the ruins atop it ... it matches well with what Imas showed you.
[Alai] It is as research implied. This is the rumored Hulti temple
[Izu] Very interesting...
[Ifa] All right. What does that mean for us?
[Kuspir] is there anything we can do to help you here?
[Alai] Ritual is complicated, and not without risk. Just stay back. Maybe help after.
* Ifa frowns, but nods and backs away.
* Alai will consume the necessary fos and begin casting the Stone Tell
[NemnostiGM] (so that is 10 fos total, is that correct?)
[Alai] (yes)
* Jevai will go look at the snake hole and see if we can see anything inside the den that might look man-made
[NemnostiGM] (Jevai, can you make a K:engineering)
* Jevai rolls [ 1d20+10 ] getting [ 2 ] which, after the modifier [ 10 ] totals [ 12 ]
[Jevai] (pfft -I shoudla ctually dislodge my spell now that we're here, it will last 40 min :p)
[Jevai] (can I do that and tak the second roll?)
[NemnostiGM] (sorry, which spell?)
[Jevai] (investigative mind)
[NemnostiGM] (oh right. Sure.)
[Jevai] (It basically gives me advantage on knowledges and some other stuff. Thanks :)
* Jevai rolls [ 1d20+10 ] getting [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ 10 ] totals [ 17 ]
[NemnostiGM] Alai, you begin casting your spell. It'll be a while.
[Jevai] (a little better anyway)
* Izu will go with Jevai to make sure she's not alone in the snake hole.
[NemnostiGM] Jevai, you look at the hole just next to the stairs you're standing next to. Upon inspection, you do see a rough grey stone around the entrance that looks like it bears the marks of having been chiseled at some point.
[NemnostiGM] (You still detect no living thing within 30 feet, which includes the under the hill parts)
[Izu] (Can I make a check for non-living things? ].] )
[Jevai] (I forget how big the snake hole is)
[Jevai] there's defitely an interior space - hopefully Alai can tell us more soon.
[Jevai] there's no creatures or peopel other than us nearby
[Izu] Fascinating... I wonder what's inside.
[NemnostiGM] The snake itself was quite large - probably 4 feet in diameter, and the hole is a little bigger than that. You couldn't stand in it, but one could crawl in there without too much difficulty.
[Jevai] we could take a quick look while we're waiting...
[Kuspir] Let's wait until she's done.
* Izu nods.
[Izu] Living things are not the only things to fear out here.
[Ifa] That's not ominous at all.
[Jevai] do you thikn there could be another haunt?
[Izu] There can always be another haunt.
[Jevai] I feel like that is not somethign a hulti shama woudl allow in their temples
[Alai] !roll 1d20+12
* Jevai rolls for Alai: [ 1d20+12 ] getting [ 19 ] which, after the modifier [ 12 ] totals [ 31 ].
* Jevai will use her slate to cast light on a round pebble
[NemnostiGM] Alai, you feel yourself draw upon the Abyss and at last, you reach, not water, but the depths of earth and stone. You feel the connection solidify, and you are in communion with the hill itself.
* Jevai rolls [ 1d20+10 ] getting [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ 10 ] totals [ 16 ]
* Alai calls to the Stone "tell me your secrets, tell me what you conceal beneath you"
[Ancient_Hill] Hmm? What you say? Secrets?
* Ancient_Hill has a deep but not unpleasant voice, but sounds a little startled to have been asked anything at all.
[Ancient_Hill] Well, there are the serpents who live here sometimes, after all. They tickle my innards.
[Alai] "yes dirt covers you from above... do you have tunnels chambers? What are they like? Is there a larger entrance?"
[Ancient_Hill] My channels and furrows. Yes, of course.
[Ancient_Hill] They have been there a long time, carved by people now long gone.
[Ancient_Hill] The snakes came later. But there are none there now, but they have left their precious treasure still.
[Alai] "what treasure is that?"
[Ancient_Hill] The only treasure that matters to a snake.
[Ancient_Hill] Its young, encased in stone.
[Alai] "tell me about your channels. Are they still strong? Where can I gain access most easily"
[Ancient_Hill] Yes, they are strong still. I remain, though my creators are gone.
[Ancient_Hill] Too, there are human gifts inside, long forgotten.
[Alai] "gifts you say? do you know what they are?"
[Ancient_Hill] Gifts of metal and stone. I do not know the words for them.
[Alai] "Can you guide me to them?"
[Ancient_Hill] I can, yes. Enter near the top stairs, my upper shaft.
* Alai use what remaining duration of the spell with the help of the stone to find this entrance
[Ancient_Hill] Then down and to the left will be the human leavings, and then further down and spiraling inward, to the stone snakelings.
[NemnostiGM] (The entrance is not hard to find, it's right where Jevai was looking)
[Jevai] are we going in? What did the hill say?
[Alai] Through here, there are more chambers. Down to the left are what I suspect will be Hulti artifacts, and then down deeper, stone snake eggs.
[Ifa] Stone snake eggs?
[Izu] ...snake eggs?
[Alai] shall we go
* Alai makes a light
[Jevai] (me already did but two is fine :x)
[NemnostiGM] (Jevai already made a light on a rock)
[NemnostiGM] (who all is going down in, and who if anyone is staying up?)
* Alai stumbles a little bit after casting the cantrip
[Marga] ...sneggs
[Jevai] are you okay?
[Ifa] Should we take a rope?
* Ifa can leave one of the bubun back to anchor.
* Izu will go in, but not first ].]
[Jevai] Do you know if its still sound?
[Alai] The stone tunnels are strong
* Jevai nods
[Kuspir] (reasonably I should go with you but I am large. can we tell if it opens up further in or am I going to have to be bent double the entire way?)
[Alai] [w to Javai] just a little taxed, thats all

The group enters the narrow tunnels underneath the hill, finds ancient treasures

* Ifa is happy to go in first.
* Jevai nods
[NemnostiGM] Alai, your connection with the hill is now broken as your spell dissipates.
[Izu] Be careful sister...
[Ifa] We can take a look and call back.
[Jevai] YOu can lean on me if you like
[NemnostiGM] (Honestly all of you are going to need to crawl/crouch, if going in. It's not human height, and is basically a round tunnel, maybe 5 feet in diameter)
[Kuspir] (I'll go because I would feel bad if they get attacked in there ;p)
[Jevai] (is the actuall consructed tunnel this small or is it just how the snakes have burrowed?)
* Alai will let Jevai follow Izu then come behind her
[NemnostiGM] Jevai, it's hard to say. There definitely is a wall here in places, built by humans, but you get the sense that over the years, the soil has moved around and filled in, so that mainly it's a snake tunnel now.
[NemnostiGM] How big the original tunnel was, you can't say for sure, after so many centuries.
[NemnostiGM] Ifa, after following the snake tunnel in and around to the left, it does open up a bit and you can see more signs of this originally having been a stone-walled chamber.
[Ifa] It's a *little* more open once you get down a ways.
* Ifa will call back to the others.
[NemnostiGM] With Jevai's light behind you, you see what you think is a glint of something in or near the floor in front of you.
[Jevai] oh, good
* Ifa will carefully move to examine it.
[NemnostiGM] You scratch at the earth and pull out a bronze ring, tarnished to a rich green, whose flat face is shaped like a human's face, but without any features whatsoever.
[Jevai] huh
* Ifa will turn to show it to Jevai and Alai.
[Ifa] What do you think?
[NemnostiGM] (well, Jevai, at least)
[NemnostiGM] (Alai is too far back)
[Jevai] (any idea?)
[NemnostiGM] (not from in here, no, you don't know)
* Ifa will look around to see if there's anything else.
[Jevai] no idea.
[Ifa] Anything concerning moving around us?
[NemnostiGM] (make me a Perception)
[Jevai] no.
[Jevai] (I assume)
[NemnostiGM] (that was for Ifa, to check)
[NemnostiGM] (not in response to her question)
[Ifa] !roll 1d20+8
* Jevai rolls for Ifa: [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 13 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 21 ].
[Jevai] (I do assume Steve will tell me f there are tremors ;p)
[NemnostiGM] (promise I will!)
[Jevai] (yeah)
[NemnostiGM] Ifa, your hand slides forward and runs across something flat and stone.
* Ifa tries to brush the dirt off carefully and beckon Jevai to move her light to help illuminate whatever it is.
[Ifa] There might be something else here.
* Jevai can give a hand
[Jevai] is it the floor?
[NemnostiGM] You see that it appears to be a carved round slate, perhaps a foot in diameter.
[Jevai] maybe a hatchway down?
[Jevai] hmm
[Ifa] (Is it attached to anything?)
[NemnostiGM] You can't make much sense of the markings in your current position, but it's clearly something that was placed here.
[Jevai] (is it liek a Slate slate?)
[NemnostiGM] With a little effort, you are able to pick at the edges and yes, it can be moved/lifted.
[NemnostiGM] (if you wish to do so)
[Jevai] Hold this, first
* Ifa will do so.
* Jevai passes Ifa the light (and will move to let more peopel in if that's possible)
* Jevai will cast detect magic
* Jevai rolls [ 1d20+10 ] getting [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ 10 ] totals [ 19 ]
[Jevai] (with slate)
[Jevai] (mine tho not this one :V)
[NemnostiGM] There are magical auras down here.
[Jevai] There is magic here...
* Jevai will wait to see if she can narrow down where/what
[NemnostiGM] The ring you just picked up is magical, but also, there is something magical from *underneath* this slate, which is more powerful.
[NemnostiGM] The slate itself does not appear to be magical.
[Jevai] The ring is magic, the slate is not, ut there is something underneat that is...
[Jevai] (what flavour of magic? K Arcana for that or spellcraft, I always forget)
* Jevai rolls [ 1d20+12 ] getting [ 13 ] which, after the modifier [ 12 ] totals [ 25 ]
* Jevai rolls [ 1d20+12 ] getting [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ 12 ] totals [ 19 ]
[Jevai] (i'll take the 25 ;p)
[NemnostiGM] (K:arcana, spellcraft doesn't exist in this system)
[Jevai] (right)
[Jevai] (anywa, 25 ;p)
[NemnostiGM] The ring has a faint conjuration magic on it.
[NemnostiGM] To detect the school of what's under the slate you need line of sight to the magical entity.
[Jevai] okay.... let's move this, but carefully. It coudl be some kind of trap.
* Ifa nods.
[NemnostiGM] You move the slate, revealing the pommel of what looks to be a small iron blade stuck directly into the earth.
[Ifa] Oh, huh.
[Jevai] (now can I tell what the magic is?)
[NemnostiGM] (another k:arcana please)
* Jevai rolls [ 1d20+12 ] getting [ 1 ] which, after the modifier [ 12 ] totals [ 13 ]
* Jevai rolls [ 1d20+12 ] getting [ 16 ] which, after the modifier [ 12 ] totals [ 28 ]
[Jevai] (I'll take the 28)
[NemnostiGM] It's moderate transmutation.
[Jevai] (any idea what that might be?)
[NemnostiGM] (no and you're not in a position to really figure that out in this cramped hole)
[Ifa] What do you think?
[Jevai] (aS long as it soren't see to be like. part of some ongoing magical ritual)
[Jevai] I can't tell from here... we'd have to take it out.
[Ifa] So...should we do that?
[Jevai] I'm not sure
[Jevai] its probably fine...
[Jevai] we can learn more about ti out of here, for certain
* Ifa shrugs and pulls the blade out.
[NemnostiGM] You pull on the pommel and extract a short iron thrusting dagger with a square-profiled blade, apparently untouched by rust or decay despite centuries in the earth.
* Jevai is ready to uinlodge that dispell if anything happens to her
[Jevai] (dislodge lol)
[Jevai] okay... let's keep going them
* Ifa takes a quick look at the blade, then hands it off to Jevai.
[NemnostiGM] All right, as the hill told Alai, the passageway turns downward and spirals clockwise inward. It's still very narrow.
* Ifa will move up to the next turn.
* Alai takes some time examining the area she is in taking some nots
[NemnostiGM] All right, up ahead, you can see some sort of natural-looking opening.
[NemnostiGM] It's not quite clear what it is from where you are.
* Izu is making not of the stonework especially.
[NemnostiGM] Izu, mostly in this area, it's mostly snake, less people, i.e., the wall is hard to spot in most places, and it's just earth.
[Izu] (Gotcha)
[Marga] Ugh I hate this
[NemnostiGM] Ifa you can now see that there is something in the little indentation to your left.
[Marga] I'm not a badger!!
* Jevai chuckles at that
[NemnostiGM] Nestled in a bed of mosses, you find four large purple-black eggs, each about the size of two fists, with thick shells covered in a stippled surface.
[Ifa] Oh! I think I found the snake eggs. They're kind of pretty.
[Jevai] do we want them for anything?
[Ifa] (Is there any particular use for them?)
[Marga] Are they still alive?
[Izu] Perhaps they can be tamed?
[Jevai] I don't know how those creatures work, but they appae to be stone?
[NemnostiGM] (make a K:nature, anyone who is up there)
[Marga] I want a pet snake!!
[Jevai] (we can pass one back to Marga to look at too)
[Izu] !roll 1d20+7
* Jevai rolls for Izu: [ 1d20+7 ] getting [ 20 ] which, after the modifier [ 7 ] totals [ 27 ].
[Ifa] !roll 1d20+7
* Jevai rolls for Ifa: [ 1d20+7 ] getting [ 14 ] which, after the modifier [ 7 ] totals [ 21 ].
[NemnostiGM] OK, Izu, you definitely have seen this in a book!
* Jevai rolls [ 1d20+10 ] getting [ 2 ] which, after the modifier [ 10 ] totals [ 12 ]
* Jevai rolls [ 1d20+10 ] getting [ 17 ] which, after the modifier [ 10 ] totals [ 27 ]
[Marga] !roll 1d20+7
* Jevai rolls for Marga: [ 1d20+7 ] getting [ 2 ] which, after the modifier [ 7 ] totals [ 9 ].
[Jevai] (I'll take the 27)
[Marga] (pff)
[NemnostiGM] There are numerous uses for the eggs of giant serpents, especially venomous ones.
[NemnostiGM] Certainly the desire to train venomous beasts is popular among urban collectors.
[Izu] We should take them back. They have numerous uses and could be valuable.
* Jevai nods
[Jevai] Yes
[NemnostiGM] But also, these thick, stone-like eggs are used for decorative purposes, given their remarkable purple-black hue (which you can't see super well down here, but even so)
[Jevai] you cyld try hatching one Marga if you think you coudl tame it
[Jevai] but they are also just pretty
[Ifa] All right. Why don't you grab them, then.
* Jevai can take them
[NemnostiGM] You've seen pictures of goblets made from eggs of this shape, and know that is highly desirable.
[NemnostiGM] All right, you take the eggs.
* Marga is gonna carefully wrap her egg in moss
[Izu] I would like to try to copy that scale pattern in stone...
[Jevai] it is stone, you can make things form the shells
[Ifa] It's certainly striking.
[Izu] As are the snakes.

An earthquake disrupts the search, and the group has to scramble to escape

[NemnostiGM] Jevai, you feel a rumbling in the earth. It is very distant for now - far too distant to be anything in the immediate vicinity - but it is unmistakably something unusual.
[Jevai] is there anythihg furthee down, or should we tun back?
[Jevai] .... something is coming
[Ifa] Which direction?
[Izu] ...from below?
[Jevai] its not close, but we shokd get out of here now
[Jevai] (should)
[Jevai] not sure.
[Ifa] Okay, back towards the surface folks.
* Alai will head back
* Izu as well
[NemnostiGM] (All right, are you going back the way you went in, or forward?)
[Izu] I really hope it's not the father...
[Ifa] (I think back the way we came in.)
[NemnostiGM] A few moments later, the rest of you begin to feel the same thing - the trembling of the earth all around you and beneath you.
* Ifa hustles folks along, but stays in the rear.
[Jevai] (yeah back out)
[NemnostiGM] All right, Kuspir, you are at the back, and can get out readily.
[Kuspir] (ok)
[Marga] (I was also near the back)
[NemnostiGM] Marga and Alai, you can pull yourselves out while the rumbling is still going, flopping out of the tunnel back into the late afternoon sun
[Marga] Nope, don't like that...
[Kuspir] Everyone okay?
[NemnostiGM] Ifa, Izu, Jevai, you'll need an Athletics check.
[Jevai] 9Acrobatics? Athletics is not a thing on my sheet)
[NemnostiGM] (oh right sorry, my bad)
[Izu] (Yeah, what she said)
[NemnostiGM] (climb)
[Jevai] (oh that's better)
[Izu] (Oh goody...)
[Izu] !roll 1d20
* Jevai rolls for Izu: [ 1d20 ] getting [ 5 ].
* Jevai rolls [ 1d20+5 ] getting [ 17 ] which, after the modifier [ 5 ] totals [ 22 ]
[Ifa] !roll 1d20
* Jevai rolls for Ifa: [ 1d20 ] getting [ 15 ].
[Ifa] (Oh, climb?)
[Ifa] (That'd be a 17, then, and I have a climb speed right now)
[Jevai] (does Ia still have her spider climb?)
[Jevai] (can we help Izu?)
[Ifa] (It was 40 minutes, so I would assume so?)
[NemnostiGM] (we'll say yes, Ifa)
[Jevai] (whew)
[NemnostiGM] Ifa, you have no difficulty except for the fact that you are at the back now, on the way out.
* Ifa will try to help Izu along.
[NemnostiGM] Jevai, you're pretty used to tunnels but again, Izu is ahead of you.
[NemnostiGM] Izu you are desperately struggling. You were not made for this kind of thing, and the earth and rocks around you are difficult, because you're climbing up (since the tunnel was spiraling downwards)
[NemnostiGM] Your friends behind you can prevent you from just falling back, but you take a big mouthful of dirt and a rock hits you for 2hp.
[Kuspir] (we tied a rope for a guideline, right? because we left a bubun holding it. I can help haul on that)
[NemnostiGM] Yes, there's still a rope. However, there's a problem.
* Izu coughs and struggles to move upward.
[NemnostiGM] Izu, all your clambering about has pulled away some more earth and rock. The tunnel is now even narrower than it was. You're basically crawling on your stomach to try to get through.
* Izu screams and reaches out desperately for something to grab.
[Jevai] Alai! Can you make the tunner bigger? Or cleaer?
[NemnostiGM] Fortunately your eyes adjust to the darkness easily, given your shadowsight, but physically, you're not sure you can make it back up. The rope is there but it's so tight.
[Jevai] SI'm rightt behind you Ize, it's okay
[Izu] I... I can't...
[Jevai] (izu)
[Alai] (can we see how close they are?)
[NemnostiGM] (I just put a scribble roughly where the near-blockage is)
[Ifa] We'll be alright, Izu. We're here together, we have people outside. Just try to breathe.
[NemnostiGM] (So now, from the outside, you can't see them at all)
[NemnostiGM] (*no)
[NemnostiGM] Jevai, give me a K:dungeoneering
* Alai lets out a curse in Luetka and starts crawling back in.
[Izu] Saints help us it's too small! We're trapped!
[Jevai] we;re not trapped.
* Izu is genuinely panicking
[NemnostiGM] Give me a will save, Izu
* Jevai rolls [ 1d20+10 ] getting [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ 10 ] totals [ 19 ]
* Jevai rolls [ 1d20+10 ] getting [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ 10 ] totals [ 19 ]
[Jevai] (19 it is)
* Jevai can talk calmly to him
[Izu] !roll 1d20+8
* Jevai rolls for Izu: [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 3 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 11 ].
* Ifa will try to calm Izu down.
[NemnostiGM] OK, Izu, you are seriously freaking out now. Panic!
[NemnostiGM] Jevai, you remember from your last visit that the snake emerged below where you are now.
[Ifa] Jevai, how close are we to the outer edge of the hill? Maybe we can try to go that way?
[Jevai] . o O (why did I not lodge calm emotions today after all -_-)
* Izu breaks down in tears and grabs onto Jevai
[Jevai] It's okay Izu
[Alai] (can I get close to the blockage?)
[NemnostiGM] Alai, you can get close to it, yes.
[Jevai] We can probably get out further down, that's where the snake came out when it attacked us.
[Ifa] Okay...
* Ifa will edge down that direction.
[Jevai] You're lucky to have a cave expert here, hmm?
[Ifa] (Is it still rumbling?)
* Jevai says to Izu
* Alai starts consuming 8 doses of fos (take one round)
[Izu] We... We can't! Not down there!
[NemnostiGM] The rumbling has stopped for now.
[Jevai] Ifa let's see if Alai can do this, I jjust want Izu to now we aren't trapped
* Ifa nods, pausing where she is.
* Alai will cast Passwall aimed at where Izu is making noise
* Ifa will start humming a lullaby Izu liked when we were kids, something that's still comforting.
[NemnostiGM] Ifa, you can see what you think/hope is natural light down that way. It's hard to say because the light cantrip provides so much artificial light down here.
[Ifa] Jevai, can you cover your light for a moment?
[Jevai] here
* Jevai will see if she can bloxk it off form her whic=le not leaving Izu in the dark
[NemnostiGM] OK, go ahead and make your roll, Alai.
[Alai] !roll 1d20+12
* Jevai rolls for Alai: [ 1d20+12 ] getting [ 19 ] which, after the modifier [ 12 ] totals [ 31 ].
[NemnostiGM] Ifa, yes, it does really look like there might be a way out down there. Whether you can get Izu to move that way, who can say?
[NemnostiGM] Alai, you clear an area and can now see Izu clearly.
[Jevai] there, see?
[Jevai] I knew she could do it.
* Ifa moves back to check on Izu, taking his hand momentarily.
[Ifa] See? We're all right.
* Alai will move forward and grab Izu, hold him tight for a moment before helping him back through
* Jevai will squeeze back to let the siblings to that
[Ifa] Thank you, Alai, Jevai.
[NemnostiGM] You can now help Izu using the rope and slowly extract the screaming priest from his near-tomb.
* Izu will gladly move out of the tunnel, coughing and hyperventilating
[Marga] ...And that's why I hate holes!
[Ifa] Sifri, I'm gonna go check out what's further down.
* Jevai will come out after him
* Alai falls out of the tunnel, dirty and exhausted
[Jevai] (or not)
[Jevai] Oh - I'll go with you
* Ifa nods.
[Izu] Thank you thank you thank you...
[Jevai] I thikn its just the other snake tunnel, but it will be good to know
* Izu grabs Alai's hand and squeezes it.
[NemnostiGM] All right, Ifa and Jevai, you go down the other way, and are able to emerge towards the bottom of the terraced hill.
[Jevai] (and then climb bck up)
[Ifa] (*nod*)
[Ifa] What was that down there?
[Jevai] not sure.
[NemnostiGM] All right, the rumbling has stopped. The terraced hill is still intact and you, although shaken, are all safe.
* Ifa will go hug her brother when she gets back to the top.
[Jevai] (or do I have any thoughts?)
* Jevai will check on Alai
* Kuspir checks to make sure people are okay
[Ifa] Thank you, Alai.
* Izu will hug Ifa as hard as he can (Which is not very)
[Izu] I'm so sorry...
[Ifa] (q, to Izu) It's okay, we're okay. Everyone is all right.
[Izu] I almost got us killed...
[Alai] Is all fine now...
[Ifa] That could have happened to anyone.
* Alai brushes the dirt from her face
[Kuspir] It's all right. Everyone is safe.
[Izu] Alai... thank you.
[Alai] Is I brought us here to crawl in hole...need to make sure all come out.
* Izu hugs Ifa again tightly.
[Izu] Thank you sister...
[NemnostiGM] (all right, do you have anything else you intend to do at the hill/temple site?)
[Alai] Tremor is worrisome.
[Ifa] Yet again, the benefits of befriending two of the best casters.
* Ifa nods.
[Izu] What... what was that?
[Jevai] (any idea with dungeoneering?)
[Kuspir] (is there anything we can see from the outside? like signs of a rockslide or anything such as that?)
[Jevai] (coul it have gjust been the bigger creatures in there?)
[Jevai] (by which I mean us)
[Alai] Lets find place to rest and clean up... you can thank me proper then.
* Alai winks at Izu
[Jevai] (I'm gonna make a roll to see if I can rule that out at least)
* Jevai rolls [ 1d20+10 ] getting [ 19 ] which, after the modifier [ 10 ] totals [ 29 ]
* Ifa laughs at that.
[NemnostiGM] From the top of the hill, you can see signs of rockslides both to the west of your location and to the east - i.e., up in the Ghengom, as well as down into the valley. It seems that despite this trauma, the hill is well-built to survive such an event.
* Izu looks slightly confused
[NemnostiGM] Jevai, whatever this was was not localized to this immediate vicinity.
[Izu] Ah.
[Jevai] (gotcha)
* Jevai can point those out
[Jevai] 9Is that normal geological activity for this area though?)
[Ifa] So that wasn't localized, just...oddly coincidentally timed.
[Alai] (any history of earthquakes here?)
[NemnostiGM] Jevai, there certainly have been earthquakes in this area many times.
[Jevai] Earthquakes are not unheard of here, it could be that
[NemnostiGM] Many people regard the Pardopasu itself as being, in part, the result of a past event many times this size.
[Jevai] Tis whole areas was created by one, a very long long time ago
* Ifa nods.
[Jevai] we're lucky the hulti temple was so well built
[Marga] I mean, that's probably *why* it was well built.
* Jevai nods to her
[Jevai] yes
[Ifa] What else can we learn from this place? Is there more to the area beneath us?
[Izu] If that was an earthquake, it was a very poorly timed one.
[Jevai] I don't think so. only these
[Jevai] (actually I'm not sure who has the ring and dagger - Ifa?)
[Jevai] the objects we found
[Izu] (Did you bring the slate too?)
[NemnostiGM] (someone picked it up)
[Ifa] (I handed the dagger to Jevai)
[Ifa] (And I think the ring, too?)
[Izu] Are the eggs intact?
[NemnostiGM] (the eggs are fine - the shells are very thick)
[NemnostiGM] (and you weren't carrying any, Izu - that would perhaps have been the only way they'd have been damaged)
[Kuspir] Let's set up camp and folks can have some food and a rest.
* Ifa nods.
[Ifa] Sounds like a plan.
* Ifa will work with the bubun to start getting camp set up.

Eikuuruu tells Marga about a child trapped by a rockslide resulting from the earthquake

[NemnostiGM] Marga, from your perch atop the terraced hill, you see some ikhano friends in the area circling out and towards the east, down near the river valley.
[Marga] (does it look like they have a snack)
[NemnostiGM] (not with them, but maybe as if they are heading towards one)
* Eikuuruu circles away from the rest of the wake and down, perching atop one of the walls of the ruined temple.
[Eikuuruu] Cra-craaa!
[Marga] Cra-craaa!
[Marga] Find something good over there?
[Marga] (in ikhanne obviously)
[Eikuuruu] Thought I would check, is the little one yours?
[NemnostiGM] (you have absolutely no idea what he's talking about)
[Marga] (i) Little one? :x
[Eikuuruu] The child. Under the rock. In the forest.
[Marga] (I) oh... oh no. I don't know. Uh. Maybe? I'm going to have to go look...
[Marga] Oof.
[Eikuuruu] We were going to go wait for it to die. More tasty that way.
[Jevai] what?
* Marga tries to get Kuspir's attention semi subtly
[Marga] (i) It's still alive??
[Eikuuruu] For now.
* Marga is just seemingly screeching back and forth with this bird
[Ifa] What's it saying?
[Marga] Uhh, hahaha, just a minute ].]
* Kuspir will head over once he notices Marga's signal
[Kuspir] What's going on?
[Marga] Uh... there's a kid in the woods
[Marga] Under a rock?
[Kuspir] maybe someone hurt in the earthquake?
[Marga] Definitely hurt. Not dead... yet...
* Marga glances at Eikuuruu.
[Kuspir] Let's go, maybe we can help them.
[Kuspir] Can they show us where?
* Kuspir asks, eyeing the vultures
[Marga] (i) We have to go see, if it's ours.
[Marga] They already are... we just have to follow the wake.
* Kuspir nods
[Eikuuruu] All right, we won't eat it if it's still alive, anyway.
[Kuspir] (how far away are we from the others in camp at this point?)
[Marga] (i) Thank you, you're the best.
[NemnostiGM] (not far, the vulture landed on the ruin)
* Kuspir yells over to the others that there's someone injured and we're going to check on them.
[Kuspir] (folks can come if they want)
* Ifa will accompany folks.
* Alai sighs, brushes some dirt of and will follow as well
* Izu will pull himself up and follow.
* Jevai will go

The group finds the trapped girl threatened by an ogre spider, which they defeat

[NemnostiGM] Led by the wake of ikhanne, you traverse the tricky ground downhill and along a creek bed into the edges of the forest Musune, dread place of legend.
[Jevai] oof, here we go
[NemnostiGM] Eventually you see evidence that a large rockslide occurred here, with large boulders here and there, as well as smaller earth and rock. In some places, trees were wiped out by the slide.
* Ifa is on high alert looking for the injured.
[NemnostiGM] Eventually you reach an area full of massive boulders and see what looks to be a young girl caught under a rock. But more disturbing is what is next to the giant boulder no more than a handful of paces away: an enormous spider beast with a horrid visage, almost human-looking...
* Jevai will keep an eye out for potential instability in the area we're moving through
[Kuspir] (I assume we should roll init and move over to roll 20?)
[Jevai] shoudl we get on voice?
[Jevai] (we fight an ogre spider to save the girl under a rock, and then we fight about whether it was an ogre spider :V)
[NemnostiGM] (You fight and defeat the great spider mainly through Marga's heroic slaughter powers)
[Jevai] (Jevai, Alai and Marga say no. They are wrong, Ifa is correct)
[Ifa] (hee!)
[NemnostiGM] The battle concluded, the vultures return to see what they can get.
* Eikuuruu lands next to the spider.
* Kuspir will check on the injured girl
[Jevai] I will leave the spider debate though to ask this girl if she is okay and what she is doing hre in the forest
* Izu will continue to tend to her wounds as best as possible
[Eikuuruu] Ugh. Inedible.
* Eikuuruu says in Ikhanesh, to Marga and the other vultures.
[Eikuuruu] No bones, no feast.

They talk to the girl, Kibai Pilting, who has been living in the Musune forest by herself

[Ifa] (to the girl) Were you out here with anyone? Do we need to be looking for other injured people?
[Kibai] I'm here on my own.
[Jevai] (how old is she, ish)
[Kuspir] Where do you live?
* Kibai speaks with a thick country accent of the Ravre.
[Kibai] I live in the forest.
* Kibai says, proudly, almost defiantly, you think.
[Jevai] What's your name and lineage?
[Ifa] Oh, wow, that's very impressive.
[Kibai] I am Kibai of the Pilting. Well ... once.
[Ifa] (Is that lineage familiar at all?)
[Izu] How long have you been alone out here, Kibai?
[NemnostiGM] (dare I ask someone to roll a K:local?)
[Ifa] !roll 1d20+10
* Jevai rolls for Ifa: [ 1d20+10 ] getting [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ 10 ] totals [ 17 ].
[Kuspir] !roll 1d20+5
* Jevai rolls for Kuspir: [ 1d20+5 ] getting [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ 5 ] totals [ 11 ].
* Jevai rolls [ 1d20+10 ] getting [ 19 ] which, after the modifier [ 10 ] totals [ 29 ]
[Izu] !roll 1d20+8
* Jevai rolls for Izu: [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 15 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 23 ].
[Marga] !roll 1d20+7
* Jevai rolls for Marga: [ 1d20+7 ] getting [ 16 ] which, after the modifier [ 7 ] totals [ 23 ].
[NemnostiGM] Jevai, you know that the Pilting are a lineage of the Turtu, a Ravre lineage not of the uplands, but from the Turtu, the rough rocky area north and east of the rivers. They live in Ojon Sogo, which only has two lineages, the Pilting and the Foskon.
[NemnostiGM] (Marga and Izu, you wuold also know most of that)
[Kibai] I've lived here for many months. And I'm fine.
[Jevai] Does hour family know you are here?
[Kibai] I have no family.
[Ifa] Why not?
[Kibai] Because I choose it.
[NemnostiGM] Jevai, your sense of her is that she's quite petite, but very wiry and maybe not as young as you had first thought, which was 12 or 13.
[Ifa] Did something happen with your family? Your old family, rather.
[Kibai] Nothing that would concern you.
[Izu] Your bone is broken. It will take time to heal.
[Izu] How will you survive until then?
[Kibai] That is obvious.
[Kibai] I'll live.
[Ifa] Well, I'm concerned in that you were injured out here on your own.
[Jevai] Mm. yes, what he said is right - even if you have been living here fine before, this will make it difficult and dangerous
* Ifa nods.
[Kuspir] We can take you with us if you want, or bring you to another place if you have somewhere you can recover and have someone to help you.
[Kibai] Where are you going?
[Kuspir] Nemnosti
[Kibai] I'll be fine here.
* Kibai says, although with much less certainty than the last time she said it.
[Jevai] Ifa and Izu's mother is a good healer, she would help you. Or we can take you somewhere like Akapa Sogo
[Izu] (Steve, is her skin warm? Just checking)
[NemnostiGM] (yes, she's warm, not a revenant)
[Izu] (cool)
[Jevai] No one would make you stay there when you were ready to leave
[Ifa] We could offer you food and a decent place to sleep while you recovered, and, yeah, you can leave whenever you like.
[Kibai] Why would you do that?
[Ifa] Because we can?
[Ifa] Why wouldn't we?
[Kuspir] Because we don't want to leave you to die here.
[Jevai] we don't want to be the kind of person who woudl abandon someone who is hurt when we have a cjhoice not to
* Ifa nods.
[Jevai] and besides, we just killed that big spider to help you, it woudl be a waste of our effort to leave you here to get eaten by something else
[Kibai] All right.
[Ifa] So you'd kind of be doing us a favor.
[Izu] Us?
[Kibai] I'll come.
* Izu nods.
[Jevai] wonderful.
[Jevai] we were going to ake camp at the top of the old hill fort, but maybe we can fin somewhere good that needs less climbing
[Kibai] I can make it up there.
* Kibai says.
[Izu] You are in no shape to climb anything. You will make the wound worse.
[Kuspir] I can carry you if need be
[Ifa] I think it's the best campsite, if we can get her up to it.
[Jevai] we're not all very good at climbing either, and its been a long day already
[Ifa] Point.
[Izu] Perhaps we should camp against the foot of the hill.
[Jevai] maybe Marga and I can look for somewhere safe as we head back there, and try that if we don't find anything?
[Ifa] Sounds like a plan.
[Jevai] (shoudl we make rolls or is the fort really jjst bthe best place?)
[NemnostiGM] (you figure actually that you could just head south along the river from here, it would be less climbing for Kibai, and the rest of you.
[NemnostiGM] You could climb back up to Gil Hargush area, but that would take some time and effort, and you're all very tired.
[Jevai] why don't we jjst keep going down through the valley
* Kuspir nods
[Kuspir] That seems sensible
[Marga] I guess so.
[Izu] If it is less climbing.
* Ifa nods.

They travel back to Nemnosti to find a disturbing scene of four unrendered bubun laid out in a spiral

[NemnostiGM] All right, you travel south for an hour or so to get well out of the forest, and then you can camp along the banks of the Khujai river, which, while not navigable, is easy to follow.
[NemnostiGM] There, you can finally make camp and get yourselves settled in for some kind of rest.
* Ifa can probably make a makeshift stretcher for the bubun to carry Kibai on.
* Kibai argues forcefully against that but eventually relents.
* Jevai will take the time to cast an extended alarm before we rest
[NemnostiGM] You spend the night uneventfully, although Izu, you have some nasty dreams about dirt choking your lungs and crushing you under that temple.
[NemnostiGM] The next day's travel is relatively easy.
[NemnostiGM] You head along the river and reach Bemnes by mid-morning, even in your slowed state. The bubun help a lot.
[NemnostiGM] Then from Bemnes to Naftusa there's an actual road, and then, up the winding path to the south bank of the Pasu, and the great River Road.
* Marga is bored
[NemnostiGM] Finally, northwest along the river road from Naftusa, through to Hertu and then at last back into the valley and to Nemnosti.
[NemnostiGM] You return to the ulajeta with your temple treasures and your unexpected guest accompanying you. But entering through the West Gate, you come upon a very unusual scene.
[NemnostiGM] Hand Jesa is standing over a group of bodies, while several of the stoneguards are standing by.
[NemnostiGM] You see, laid out against the flagstones in what can only be described as a spiral pattern, four bodies, curled around with the feet of one against the head of the other.
[NemnostiGM] Ifa, it only takes a moment to recognize that all of them are, or rather, were, bubun.
[Marga] Wh... what in the...
[NemnostiGM] Until next we gather by the firelight, young acolytes ...


Izu and Alai have a conversation, and more, in the tent in the wilderness

  • Izu is exhausted after the terror of the cave in and the day's trek through the wilderness and will crash out in his tent soon after dinner.

[Alai] Izu, are you awake?
* Alai whispers in the darkness of his tent
* Izu stirs and rolls over blearily.
[Izu] Alai?
[Alai] Yes, it is me
[Izu] Whwrong, did the watch see something?
[Izu] (What's wrong)
* Alai whispers as her image fades into view in the darkness
[Alai] Nothing is wrong.
* Alai puts a hand on his arm reassuringly
* Izu looks around confused.
[Izu] Where's Ifa?
[Alai] She is on watch... its just the two of us.
[Alai] I wanted to check on you
[Izu] Oh... ah.
* Izu feels his cheeks growing warm as he realizes that her hand is on his arm.
[Izu] I'm... I'm ok. I'm sorry I caused everyone so much trouble.
* Alai is wearing her green juskai. None of her typical other addornments are on her.
* Alai moves closer to him
[Alai] It was happy trouble. I'm glad you are good.
* Izu is whering his voice robes, which make a very convenient nightgown while traveling,
* Izu sits up more and props himself on one elbow.
[Izu] I'm glad you were there. I... I didn't know what to do. I panicked.
[Alai] I was there. You are free. Fear... it can paralyze yes.
[Alai] but how do you feel now?
* Izu nods.
[Izu] I um... I don't know.
[Izu] Are you... is this...
* Izu seems very flustered.
* Alai smiles
[Alai] I was hoping you might want to thank me for helping you
* Alai looks down when she speaks but then looks up into Izu's eyes
[Izu] Oh.
* Izu stares back into hers.
[Izu] Are you... sure you want that? I don't have much.. any... experience...
* Alai rushes forward and kisses him.
[Izu] Mmmph!
* Alai pulls back her face close to his
[Alai] what do you want?
* Izu 's eyes open wide and his body tenses up for a few seconds before he even realizes what happened.
[Izu] I...
[Izu] Um...
[Izu] Wow...
[Alai] I can kiss you in other places if you prefer
* Alai starts running a hand up his arm
* Izu puts his hand on hers.
[Izu] Why me?
[Alai] lots of reasons...
[Izu] I think... you may be disappointed...
[Alai] why so?
[Izu] I have no idea... I mean, I've read books but...
[Izu] I know that's not the same.
[Alai] book time is over. It's time to practice. I can show you a few things. Lets feel alive together.
* Alai moves his hand to her bare leg
* Izu holds it there and looks up at her.
[Izu] Can I... kiss you again?
* Alai nods and nibbles at her lower lip
* Izu moves his hand up her leg and puts his other on her lower back to pull her down onto him.
* Izu tentatively presses his lips to hers.
* Alai melts into his embrace with a soft moan
[Izu] (Fade to black)

Ifa talks to Hand Jesa about the mystery of the unrendered bubun

* Jesa comes to see you shortly after you get back.
* Ifa will have made sure Kibai is taken care of, and have washed off the dust of the road.
* Jesa will talk to you at the little chapel area reserved for the activities of the Hand. It's a fraction of the size of the great Voice temple, but still has its own proud history.
[Jesa] Ifa. How were your travels?
[Ifa] Oddly eventful, but perhaps not as eventful as here.
[Ifa] What was that scene we found upon our return?
[Jesa] I do not know yet.
* Ifa frowns.
[Jesa] Four of our bubun that were being housed in the stables were found like that.
[Ifa] Who found them?
[Jesa] Rubo Keronaf was the stoneguard on duty. He found them just like that in the morning. They had been in the bubunneta.
[Jesa] As best as we can tell, someone did this to them there, and moved them out here.
[Jesa] Their jugoras has ended, and they are unrendered. Perfectly ordinary Ancestors, with no mark of injury.
[Ifa] Hrm.
[Ifa] So again moving a body for a symbol...
[Ifa] It's concerning no one saw anything.
[Jesa] Everyone is alarmed, as of course the first and natural accusation is that this was done by Hulti. Which is within the power of their shamans, at least, powerful ones.
* Ifa nods.
[Ifa] And the spiral symbol is consistent, I'm given to understand.
[Jesa] Well ... it depends on what you mean, 'consistent'. There is a spiral on Istu Levunu, though, yes, that is true.
[Ifa] I just mean it's a common association.
[Jesa] But it is also possible that these bubun were struck by some other means - for instance, some kind of magic - and then made to look as if the attack were done by Hulti.
[Ifa] (Would that be any kind of magic I've heard of before?)
[Jesa] (give me K:arcana)
[Ifa] !roll 1d20+7
* Lan-werk rolls for Ifa: [ 1d20+7 ] getting [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ 7 ] totals [ 17 ].
[Jesa] (well you can imagine certain kinds of spells, like sonic magic, that might be usable to do damage without causing much visible damage, if any, to a bubun.)
[Jesa] (but you're no expert)
* Ifa nods.
[Ifa] I'll have to look into that.
[Ifa] Though I think perhaps the simplest explanation is best until we find specific evidence otherwise.
[Ifa] We need to make sure Alai and Jevai get a chance to examine the...Ancestors.
[Jesa] The thought that a powerful shaman could enter the grounds without being noticed by any of our stoneguards, or any other magical defenses the Lady may have in place, is upsetting to many.
[Ifa] It's certainly upsetting to me. What have they said about it? Or our additional security?
[Jesa] Both the stoneguards and sentinels report no unusual activity around the walls or at the gates over the last three days.
[Jesa] It's not impossible, of course.
[Ifa] We should think about placing some more targeted wards or alarms.
[Ifa] Though I'm sure I'm not the first to suggest that.
[Jesa] And there are such defenses already. The Lady does not reveal all the details of the various wards placed here over the years.
[Jesa] Although, of course, the bubun, living in the bubunneta along the south wall, are not actually within the buildings of the ulajeta, which does place them at risk.
* Ifa nods.
[Ifa] This is what I mean.
[Ifa] Our assailant or assailants has been hitting vulnerable targets.
[Jesa] And where the bubunne were found - near the West Gate - means that they would not have had to be moved far.
[Ifa] Speaking of, were any of the bubunne significant in any way?
[Jesa] (basically on this map https://rocksfall.org/wiki/Nemnosti_map 1 is the West Gate and 3 are the stables, which is where the bubun are kept)
[Jesa] None particularly, no. Prisoners and peasants from Naftusa, for the most part.
* Ifa nods, frowning in thought.
[Ifa] I suppose they are the Voices' responsibility at this point.
[Ifa] Has the Lady said anything about this yet?
[Jesa] She is alarmed, of course, even moreso than previously.
[Jesa] This strikes close to home.
[Ifa] Literally.
[Ifa] Is she all right?
[Jesa] I do not know. Perhaps your brother might inquire more effectively than I could.
* Ifa nods.
[Ifa] I'll check with him.
[Jesa] The loss of the bubunne is fractionally important, compared to the sense of dread and ongoing risk.
[Ifa] Right.
[Ifa] It's certainly weighing on people.
* Ifa expression softens.
[Ifa] How are you doing?
* Jesa pauses.
[Jesa] I endure, as always.
[Jesa] It is my place to bear these challenges.
[Ifa] I have complete faith in your endurance, but few burdens must truly be borne alone.
[Ifa] How can I help?
[Jesa] You are already helping well. In the matter of this investigation and also, in the matter of the marriage that you are assisting with.
* Ifa sighs.
[Ifa] I'm doing my best in that regard.
[Jesa] And I always rely on you to care for others. You will, of course, continue to do that.
* Ifa chuckles.
[Ifa] I don't think I can help it, but, yes, I will do my duty.
* Ifa says with a genuine smile.
[Jesa] I understand that you visited Bemneskoma as part of your work?
[Jesa] How are our corpseborn charges?
[Ifa] Mostly all right, I believe, other than Desam.
[Ifa] (I think that's more or less correct?)
[Jesa] Good, good.
[Jesa] (yes, as far as you can tell)
[Ifa] He's taking recent events hard, as you can imagine.
[Jesa] Of course.
[Jesa] It is at times like these that our faith carries us through.
* Ifa nods.
[Ifa] That and our community.
[Jesa] Of course.
[Jesa] If there is nothing else, I need to complete the record of this day in the logbooks. And then to prepare for more questions tomorrow.
* Ifa nods.
[Ifa] Don't let me keep you. We all have plenty to do.

Ifa talks to Ajemika about the proposed marriage of Afra and Momuzai

* Ifa will have sought out Ajemika pretty quickly after the scene with Hojon.
* Ajemika can be found at the iftibal, most of the time. Today she's going over some ledgers and inventories in a small office.
[Ifa] (Is she alone?)
[Ajemika] (yes she's alone in this office, although the iftibal is, as always, busy with life)
[Ifa] (Right, cool)
* Ifa knocks on the lintel.
[Ifa] Knots, hey, do you have a minute?
[Ajemika] Oh, ahh, hello. Yes, just one second.
* Ajemika makes an annotation, and then puts down her quill.
* Ifa enters the room.
[Ifa] (Is there an actual door?)
[Ajemika] (let's say yes)
* Ifa will close it behind her.
* Ajemika looks at the door.
[Ajemika] So it's one of those conversations.
[Ifa] I need to talk to you about a...delicate topic.
[Ifa] Yeah, sorry.
[Ajemika] No, it's all right, cousin. I had imagined you might come by.
[Ifa] So you know what I'm here about?
[Ajemika] I can guess.
* Ifa nods.
[Ifa] Just so there's no miscommunication, I want to know what you think about your father's plan to marry his mistress to your brother.
[Ajemika] I think my father is extremely headstrong and has a record of getting what he wants in life.
[Ajemika] And I have learned that it is often folly to oppose an inevitability.
[Ifa] This might be a tautology, but something is only inevitable if we allow it to be.
[Ajemika] I understand. But I do see his reasoning.
[Ifa] I see a thought process, yes. I'm not entirely prepared to call it "reasoning".
[Ajemika] If he keeps Afra here as his ... well, you used the word 'mistress', then the Sortusai will eventually get angry, I imagine actually that they are already angry, and recall her.
[Ajemika] And if he wants to keep her close, then, he must arrange a marriage for her that is ... close, and under his control.
[Ifa] (I might have already asked this, but is Momuzai the only eligible Nemni available? )
[Ajemika] (surely not)
[Ifa] (Any others that would spring to mind a similar in station but more, you know, not her boyfriend's son?)
[Ajemika] (well ... there is of course your brother Dadim.)
[Ajemika] (or for that matter, your brother Izu, but that's less ... useful)
[Ifa] (Dadim (and even Izu, as a very last resort) did come to mind)
[Ifa] He's the henge. Marriage to *any* Nemni would be under his control, and it would be easy to keep Afra as close as she wants to be.
* Ajemika sighs.
[Ajemika] Yes, of course. But you understand that Momuzai is ... tractable.
[Ifa] Why is that considered a good thing?
[Ajemika] And of course, also in need of a good marriage, where none is forthcoming.
[Ifa] There are a variety of definitions of 'good'.
[Ajemika] Ifa, if you are asking me if I would prefer if my father did not have this ... attachment? Then yes, of course I would prefer it.
[Ajemika] I think you will find, though, that all the parties to this will see a kind of logic in it.
* Ifa sighs.
[Ajemika] Afra does not wish to return to her family's control, and Father will not take the only other step that would prevent that.
[Ifa] I know you're right, but I'm worried people will see only the logic they find, and not look for other solutions.
[Ifa] If I can rephrase something you said, let me ask you this: would you make this match if *you* were henge?
* Ajemika laughs sharply.
[Ajemika] I would have done what I recommended to Father, which is to adopt Afra into the Nemni.
* Ifa throws up her hands.
[Ifa] Why not!?
[Ifa] Is he so worried people will be more scandalized he's schtupping an adoptee than if she was his daughter-in-law?
[Ajemika] Of course, the problem would be that he would have to stop ... what is that word you used? Well, anyway, fucking her.
[Ajemika] Which is of course why he rejected it. It is not enough for him to have her close and safe.
[Ifa] I...suppose I can understand that. But, if that's the case, Momuzai remains the *last* match he should be making for her.
[Ajemika] If Momuzai had another reasonable match awaiting him, I would agree.
[Ifa] What are you looking for for a match for him?
[Ifa] (Are there any matches that would come to mind?)
* Ajemika shakes her head.
[Ajemika] I am not in the business of playing matchmaker for my father. Truly, Ifa, I am not.
[Ajemika] I know his business, because ... well, that is what I do here. That is always the role of Nemni women. You understand. To keep things running.
[Ifa] That is, ultimately, what I'm trying to do.
[Ajemika] I know. I appreciate the situation you have been put in. You are still close with Afra, too, I know.
[Ifa] Thanks for your time, I don't mean to keep you, but I did want to make sure your father had talked to *you*, at least.
[Ajemika] Oh yes, say what you will about Father, but he does keep me abreast of his machinations.
[Ifa] Your father said much the same about me and Afra, as though my concern were purely personal, but I assure you as I did him, I think this match has likely negative concerns for our community and lineage, above and beyond my individual interest.
* Ajemika pauses, as if considering what to say next.
[Ajemika] Are you serious about pursuing or proposing adoption as an alternative to this marriage?
[Ajemika] Or are you more interested in proposing an alternative marriage partner for Afra?
[Ifa] Honestly? I would like to talk to Afra and ask what she would like, but your father expressly forbid me from doing so.
[Ajemika] Well of course you're going to ignore that.
[Ifa] I was seriously considering it, yes.
[Ifa] Though I of course never told you that.
[Ajemika] Naturally.
[Ifa] I told your father, if this is what Afra and Momuzai want, then I'm fine with it. The secrecy just adds to my worries.
[Ajemika] There are so many secrets here.
[Ifa] Exactly, so why do we need this one?
[Ifa] Though that kind of sounds like you might have something else in mind...?
[Ajemika] What you say is right. If we sit around scheming while the people most involved are left in the dark, we are serving no one's interest but our own - and perhaps not even then.
[Ajemika] Both of them might see enough reason in this - as I do myself - that they tolerate it despite everything.
[Ajemika] In which case - who are we to stand against it?
[Ifa] Exactly.
[Ifa] Whatever my protests, I *do* see the logic in this.
[Ifa] *In theory*, it could work fine. I just don't have the same confidence in that pleasant unfolding.
* Ajemika sighs.
[Ajemika] Other than Father, I'm not sure anyone does, cousin.
* Ifa gives a mirthless smile.
[Ifa] Right. Okay, then, I'll leave you to your work, and go now not to circumvent your father's directive.
* Ajemika smiles.
[Ajemika] Good luck.

Kuspir and Ifa talk about the proposed marriage of Afra and Momuzai

* Ifa will have taken up a good spot for being on watch, far enough from the fire it doesn't mess with her nightvision. She probably has looked lost in (concerned) thought for a while.
* Kuspir will approach to sit near her.
[Kuspir] If you want to head to sleep, I don't mind taking watch.
* Ifa turns slightly to favor him with a smile.
[Ifa] That's nice of you, but I'm content to sit here for a while yet. I'll take the company, though, if you don't mind.
* Kuspir nods
[Kuspir] Is something troubling you?
[Ifa] You might say that.
[Ifa] I have what is likely a strange question.
[Kuspir] oh?
[Ifa] When was the last time you spoke to Pomirabe before we left?
[Kuspir] Ah, not long. A day or two I guess?
[Ifa] How did he seem?
[Kuspir] He's upset.
[Ifa] Did he say about what?
[Kuspir] The business with Momuzai and Afra.
* Ifa nods.
[Ifa] Yeah...
[Ifa] It's just...so...fucked.
* Ifa does not actually curse that much, usually.
[Kuspir] Mm.
[Kuspir] It's troubling.
[Ifa] I don't see how it could possibly work, but Hojon is dead set on this match.
[Kuspir] Well... Momuzai is spineless. He'll go along with it because he doesn't have the will to refuse. And Afra... given her choices, she may see this as favourable, as compared to being taken back to her family.
[Kuspir] I don't really think it's a good idea either, but it should be fairly obvious fairly quickly if it's going to fall apart. They can divorce if the situation isn't tenable.
[Ifa] Won't that just cost more and cause more heartbreak?
[Kuspir] It might. But can you protect someone from heartbreak?
* Ifa smiles ruefully.
[Ifa] I can try.
* Ifa sighs and shakes her head, looking down.
[Kuspir] It's a noble goal.
[Ifa] An unreachable one, it would seem.
* Ifa will lean over slightly onto Kuspir's shoulder.
[Ifa] I just don't want to see people hurt.
* Kuspir puts his arm around her to pat her on the back
[Kuspir] I know. It's part of why you're good at what you do.
[Ifa] Right now, I'm not really sure that I am. I feel like I'm failing as a friend, because I can't seem to stop this from happening to people I care about. And, I feel like I'm failing as a Hand, because there *is* an argument this will help keep the community intact and all, and I just *hate* it.
* Kuspir considers that for a moment, thoughtfully
[Kuspir] I don't think being a good friend means you have to be able to stop bad things from happening to the ones you care about. It means you support them even while the bad things happen, and afterwards. Taking the responsibility on yourself for keeping bad things from happening is like trying to stop a landslide. Sometimes all you can do is help clean up after. Doesn't mean you failed.
[Kuspir] And doesn't mean you're not allowed to hate it, either.
[Ifa] Thanks, [udul], I appreciate that. It's good to have you around.
[Kuspir] Well. I'm glad I'm useful for something.
* Kuspir says with a faint chuckle.
* Ifa will lean into Kuspir for a moment.
[Ifa] You keep us all safe. You're useful for plenty.
* Ifa will stay like that for a second, before realizing that's kind of awkward and somewhat stiffly sitting back up.
* Kuspir pats you on the back a bit clumsily
[Kuspir] You sure you don't want to go get some rest? I can stay up.
[Ifa] I feel bad leaving you on your own...
[Kuspir] Ah, I don't mind. But if you want to stay, I won't make you go. You're a grown-up, you can decide for yourself if you want to be tired tomorrow ;)
* Ifa grins at that.
[Ifa] I can stay up a bit, I'm sure.
[Ifa] If you can manage, old man, so can I.
[Ifa] ;)
[Kuspir] All right.
* Ifa flinches slightly at a loud sound from Izu's tent.
[Ifa] Something tells me it would be awkward to try to sleep now, anyway.
[Kuspir] Ah... right.
* Kuspir sighs
[Ifa] I didn't exactly see that coming.
[Ifa] ...so to speak.
* Ifa giggles quietly.
[Kuspir] Well, good for them. Hope it doesn't cause any difficulties.
[Ifa] I don't think it will for Alai. For my brother...I guess we'll see. He's not always great with people, but, *shrug* neither is Alai all the time, so maybe it's a good pairing.
[Kuspir] Mm, maybe. I suppose it might not amount to anything serious. If so, hopefully they stay on good terms.
[Ifa] Honestly, Izu could use some not serious. Maybe this will be good for them.
[Kuspir] Maybe it will give Alai some distraction from ... other things.
* Kuspir clearly changed whatever he was about to say halfway through that sentence.
* Ifa smirks.
[Ifa] Why whatever do you mean?
* Kuspir looks mildly uncomfortable
[Kuspir] Well, she seems like she's looking for some companionship. So maybe this will give her what she's been looking for.
[Ifa] I would have said she was looking for specific companionship, but I guess I was wrong.
[Ifa] I don't know that this will dissuade her.
[Kuspir] Maybe so.
[Ifa] ...You know no one would blame you if you, you know...found, um, companionship.
* Ifa looks very awkward.
[Kuspir] ... I would blame myself.
* Ifa looks sympathetic.
[Ifa] I...can understand that.
[Kuspir] I don't think I would be very good for... companionship.
[Ifa] I don't think it needs to be about 'good'. Just connection.
[Ifa] I know how difficult it must be with...everything.
* Kuspir shrugs
[Ifa] I don't mean to overstep, I just worry. But you did say I can't count on keeping my loved ones from heartache.
[Kuspir] I'm all right. I didn't want to make things awkward.
[Ifa] Likewise.
[Ifa] And, if you're all right, I don't need to worry.
* Ifa gives a fortifying smile.
* Kuspir nods
[Kuspir] It's not bothering me. I just don't know what a girl like that would see in me. If she wants someone for fun, well... there are better places to look for that.
* Kuspir shrugs slightly
[Ifa] Alai can't be the only one to have expressed interest, I'm sure.
[Kuspir] No, but... hm. Most thought I needed help. Like it would be a charitable duty. Not exactly... 'fun'.
* Ifa smiles slightly at that.
[Ifa] I would imagine not.
[Ifa] Though I can't help but ask if they put it that way, or if that's you're perception.
[Ifa] (your*)
* Kuspir considers that
[Kuspir] It might be a mix of both. I think it's different because they would all have known Zurusha, known her before the accident... It changes things.
* Ifa nods.
[Ifa] That makes sense.
[Ifa] Everyone knows you and her, both...versions.
* Kuspir nods
[Ifa] It has to be tough.
[Kuspir] Mm.
[Kuspir] It isn't how I would have chosen for things to go. But... she's alive, and that's good enough. She can have her peace and quiet, and her work, and I can write to her, so... it's all right.
* Ifa smiles.
[Ifa] You're a good man, Kuspir.
* Ifa will give him a quick, arm around the shoulder hug.
* Kuspir returns the one-armed hug.