Diablotin 2 session 16

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Revision as of 18:01, 23 March 2009 by BalthCat (talk | contribs) (Dominik)



Session date: 2009-03-08
Diablotin date: Third week of Seventh-month


Narrator: As the third week of Seventh-month arrives, the city is in the grips of a heat wave. There are reports that several wells in the city have gone dry, and the Ousel is running very low.
Narrator: With still at least another six weeks or so of summer to go, these are ominous signs. Already there are mutterings in some quarters that the Emperor will have to take some sort of action if needless deaths, especially among the poor, are to be prevented.


Narrator: Altheo, you are just on the point of shutting the doors at the Boar for the night - all of your girls are occupied, and no more customers are likely to arrive in these small hours of the morning.
  • Altheo will have them stockpile some grog just in case.
Narrator: Marissa is cleaning up the bar and your two bouncers are engaged in a casual game of dice to pass the time, but otherwise the downstairs is empty.
Narrator: You are somewhat surprised, therefore, by two new arrivals at this hour, until you see that one of them is Ramon, and the other is a cloaked young woman.
  • Altheo will let them in and take them up to his office.
  • Altheo will look around to see if anyone else sees them come in.
Narrator: Well, Marissa and your bouncers are in the bar area, so certainly would have seen them. Outside, you can make a spot check.
  • Altheo will usher them into his office.
Narrator: You don't see anyone in the immediate area.
Altheo: (Once we are safely in my office.)
Altheo: Hello there.
Ramon: Hello Atheo - I mustn't stay
  • Altheo nods
Altheo: So what do I need to know?
Ramon: I don't think there's much more to say than when we last spoke, except that it should be hard for Phedre to find Felise magically...
Altheo: What about her sister?
Felise: She’s willingly involved herself with them, with their evil cult.
Felise: It wouldn’t have been safe to bring her. He can find her anywhere she goes...
  • Altheo nods.
Altheo: Well don't worry. I'll look after you.
  • Felise looks concerned, but resolute.
Felise: Thank you.
  • Felise gives Ramon a hug.
Felise: Be careful, please...
Altheo: (How wealthy is Ramon?)
  • Ramon hugs her back
Narrator: (personally? Not very - he is basically cut off from his family, as far as you know)
Narrator: (his family are very wealthy, though)
Ramon: Look after her, Altheo - and thank you for doing so.
  • Ramon makes to leave
Altheo: Take the back way if you like.
Ramon: That might be wise.
  • Altheo will shake his hand befor he goes.
  • Ramon shakes Altheo's hand, with a grateful look in his eye
  • Ramon nods, and leaves
  • Altheo will go to his desk and pour himself a drink of wiskey.
Altheo: Care for a drink? (speaking to Felise)
Felise: I... no, thank you.
  • Felise is in a plain cotton dress and simple bonnet like a servant girl might wear, and looks rather nervous.
Felise: Am I staying here? Or are you going to take me somewhere else?
  • Altheo takes a sip of his drink.
Altheo: Well, thats what we need to decide right now.
Altheo: How do you feel about staying here?
  • Altheo says, trying to put her at ease.
Felise: I... am not entirely comfortable with it, I admit.
Altheo: Well, I made a few plans for this eventuality. Given the hour, I think its best that you stay here tonight, but tomorrow I'll make arrangements for you to stay someplace else.
Felise: I appreciate what you're doing for me.
Felise: Thank you.
Altheo: Your very welcome.
Altheo: I am happy to help.
Altheo: But I think it best if you tell me what you can of whats going on.
  • Felise nods.
Felise: What do you want to know?
Altheo: Well, can you tell me about this cult? About your mother and her new husband?
Felise: After our father died, Mother went on a journey. I don’t know where, but when she came back, she brought Earric with her. They were married a few months later.
Felise: From the very start, I was uncomfortable around him. The way he looked at me, and at my sister - it didn’t seem proper, even then.
Felise: And my brother quarreled with him, and Mother told Ramon not to come home any more :/
Felise: They started their ... I can’t call it anything but a cult, soon afterwards. I don’t know if it was more his idea, or Mother’s.
Felise: They tried to get me to join them, but I wouldn’t. My sister was... more malleable, I suppose, being younger. She was only 15 then.
Felise: Their group is getting bigger. Viviane tells me a little about it sometimes, all the lovely people she’s met there... Important people, some of them. People from good families, people with titles...
  • Altheo nods
Felise: I hear them talking sometimes, about their plans. Mother keeps talking about ‘the one who will die and live again’. I don’t know what that means.
Altheo: .oO(really now? interesting.)
Altheo: Do you think you could make me a list of everyone you know that is involved in the cult?
Felise: I suppose - I don't know many names.
  • Altheo nods. Anyone you do would be helpful. especially if they are important people.
  • Altheo sips his wiskey thoughtfully.
Felise: Viviane makes it seem as though they're mostly young, our age.
  • Altheo nods.
Altheo: Well that is helpful.
  • Altheo will smile reasuringly at her.
Altheo: Do you have any access to funds? Not that you'll need them if you don't. But I'm just making sure you will have everything you need.
Felise: I have a few things I can sell.
  • Felise has a small bag with her.
  • Altheo nods. Well, It may not come to that.
Altheo: I'm afraid you probably won't be living the life of a noble lady, but I can assure you, no harm will come to you, and you won't have to do anything you find inappropriate.
  • Felise nods.
Felise: Thank you.
Altheo: This may seem like an odd question, but: How are you feeling now?
Felise: I feel... frightened, and I'm concerned for my brother and sister. But I'm glad to be away from there.
  • Altheo nods.
Altheo: We probably shouldn't call you Felise anymore.
Felise: I suppose not.
Altheo: Would you like to pick a new name?
  • Altheo will sense motive her to see how together she is. She seems like she is taking this really well.
  • Felise seems like she is holding it together, maybe out of a sense that she doesn't know you well and so doesn't want to fall apart in front of you.
Felise: I don't know... I'll think about it. Or if you have any good ideas...?
Altheo: It can wait until morning. Are you tired?
  • Felise nods.
Altheo: Well, I'll have Marissa make you up a room. Tomorrow we will see about moving you to a more comfortable place.
Felise: Thank you.
Altheo: Wait here. I'll go find Marissa.
  • Altheo will head out and Find Marissa.
  • Altheo will fill Marissa in and let her know the remind the girls not to be too inquisitive about the new commer.

Altheo & Alma

Altheo: (First thing in the morning I'm going to Alma's.)
  • Alma will see Altheo in a sitting room or somesuch.
Alma: (Marielle or Sagesse having opened the door.)
Alma: Good morning M. Renaud, how can I help you?
  • Alma is surprised you called.
Altheo: Well, I have a bit of a problem. And I'm hoping it might be the type of thing you could help me with.
  • Altheo glances around to see if anyone else is around.
  • Alma ...
Alma: .oO( I have not yet learned to cure disease... I guess he can't tell though... )
Alma: How can I be of help?
Altheo: You see, a good friend of mine has a sister. A noblewoman. but her Mother has started a sort of cult. This cult involses sexual rituals of a nature even I find unholesome.
Alma: :o
Altheo: And she is trying to force her daughters into it. Which would include have sexual relations with many men, including their step-father.
Altheo: I am currently hiding her at the Rutting Boar, but as I'm sure you can immagine, Its no proper place for a young noble woman.
Alma: N... no of course not. A cult?
Altheo: Yes.
Alma: W... in the city?
Altheo: Yes.
Alma: :o
Altheo: It is led by Phedre Lozada-Boyne, and her new husband.
Altheo: Who she met while traveling outside the city.
Altheo: Because her family is quite rich, she will have quite a few resources to find her daughter.
Alma: So, you'd like me to host one of her daughters for a time?
Altheo: Yes. But it must be done in secret.
Narrator: The Lozadas are a prominent House Cat noble family. You haven't heard of the cult.
Alma: I see... my home has no magical protections should her mother contract a divination.
Altheo: I know it is a great imposition on you, but I thought it might be the type of thing that as a cleric you'd be interested in helping.
Altheo: I have been told they have arranged for it to be difficult to be scryed magically.
Altheo: And if she is found at the Boar, it will be easy for her mother to claim she was kidnapped.
Altheo: If she was found in the company of a respected noble and cleric....well, it would be very hard to discredit a lady such as yourself.
  • Alma nods.
Alma: How old is she?
Altheo: She is 21 years of age.
Alma: Indeed, especially as she's an adult!
Altheo: yes.
Altheo: Her sister is 16, but alas she has willingly joined the cult.
Altheo: She was only 15 when it started and gave in to her mothers wishes.
  • Alma looks sad.
Alma: Has the Church been informed of this cult?
Altheo: No. But I'm told it has quite a few members from respected and powerful families.
Altheo: Mostly young and easily influenced.
Alma: Congratulations to them.
  • Alma scowls.
Altheo: I hope I was right to bring this to your attention?
Alma: (Are you implying you don't want me to talk to the church?)
Altheo: (no, not at all.)
Altheo: (I'm trying to guage if your actually want to help.)
Alma: My only concern at the moment is my younger brother. He is in and out quite a bit, and ... a bit of a flirt, I suspect he might pay her a bit more attention than she'd like :|
Altheo: Well, we could arrange an apartment for her someplace close.
Altheo: I don't think anyone will be able to track her from me to you.
  • Altheo says with a grin.
  • Alma considers
Alma: She's welcome to stay here.
Alma: Would it be best ... not to use her real name?
  • Alma looks unsure as to how to proceed
Altheo: Yes. I was thinking that as well.
Altheo: Since you are new to the city, perhaps she could be a lady in waiting that has come from your County to serve you?
Alma: I'll think on it. Cézar would probably be too curious if I say she's from Béziers
  • Altheo nods.
Alma: I'll have a room prepared for her in the meantime.
Altheo: Thank you, when would it be possible to bring her over?
  • Alma stops for a moment, briefly weighing a room not prepared befitting a noble, and where she is at present...
Alma: We should be ready for her in a few hours. Perhaps she would like to join me for a late lunch.
Altheo: That would be wonderful.
Altheo: She will be here.
Alma: I would appreciate it if you could forward me as much information as you can about this group, M. Renaud. I think the church should be made aware.
Altheo: I will do that.
Alma: Thank you.
Altheo: I have asked her to make a list of anyone she knows may be on it.
Altheo: If it has powerful families in attendance, they will likely try and block any political moves agaisnt it.
Altheo: But I must admit, with the necklace and the dragon, perhaps there is more to the cult than meets the eye.
Alma: After the Great Council, you'd think people would realise this is not the time to dabble in ... cults and dark powers.
Alma: Idiots.
Alma: .oO( Or worse. )
Altheo: I agree.
Alma: I'd best get Marielle to prepare her room.
Altheo: And I find it professionally insulting that they should use sex as their lure to lead people to wickedness.
  • Altheo says jokingly.
  • Alma just looks ... awkward at that.
Altheo: I'm sorry.
Altheo: I shouldn't have said that.
Altheo: But I hope you understand, what I do for a living never, ever, involves me forcing a woman to do something she is unwilling to do.
Alma: Humour is ... subjective. I can't fault you for trying to lighten the mood, even if it is perhaps a little off the mark.
Altheo: Well, I suppose I should get going.
  • Alma nods.
Altheo: I'll make sure she gets here safe, but perhaps lunch will best be between the two of you.
Alma: I'll see you then.
  • Altheo nods.
  • Altheo will take his leave of her.
  • Alma will escort him to the door, catching Sagesse and Marielle to tell them to prepare her room and lunch.
Narrator: We will presume Felise comes over, but is fairly withdrawn during lunch and basically is happy to sleep the rest of the day - after all, she was up half the night last night.
  • Alma will not press her, judging from her mood.


Narrator: Sanadhil, you are doing some work in your office at the Castalia (well, Elisabet's office, which she graciously allows you to use one corner of) when there is a light knock at the door.
  • Sanadhil assumes it is one of Elisabet's students, and will answer
Sanadhil: hello?
Narrator: A small, slim woman with curly red hair beneath a large hat, wearing an elegant walking gown, is standing there.
Yanina: M. Orecalo, I was hoping to find you here.
  • Yanina extends one gloved hand to you.
  • Sanadhil is surprised, but smiles and will take her hand
Sanadhil: Miss Trueblood, what a pleasant surprise!
Yanina: Good to see you again.
  • Yanina says with a slight smile.
Sanadhil: likewise! To what do I own the honour of your charming company?
Yanina: I was hoping I could consult with you on a matter of ...diplomacy.
Yanina: May I come in?
Sanadhil: certainly.
  • Sanadhil holds the door open for her, and lets if fall shut behind
  • Yanina will do so.
Yanina: A... delicate situation has arisen involving the Cozovodë ambassador, and I was hoping you might be able to give me some advice on resolving it.
Sanadhil: oh?
Sanadhil: I will do my best..
Yanina: When she arrived a few weeks ago, we offered her a gift by way of welcoming her.
Yanina: A pair of engraved silver bracelets. They are quite lovely and, to my eye, tasteful. The ambassador is a woman of considerable years, and I thought they would suit her.
Yanina: However, it seems we may have inadvertently offended her. The bracelets were sent back, with no message of explanation.
Yanina: I was hoping that you, with your expertise, might be able to help me smooth over the matter.
  • Sanadhil thinks
Sanadhil: what were they engraved with?
Yanina: I brought one... you can see it for yourself.
Sanadhil: (Anything come to mind? Is this a slavery thing?)
  • Sanadhil will look at it, if she gives it to me
  • Yanina produces from her purse a silver cuff-style bracelet about an inch and a half across, engraved with a pattern of stars.
Sanadhil: hmm....
Narrator: You don't think there's anything about the design that would be offensive, unless just the fact that it has stars was a problem - if the ambassador is really really religious or something. But possibly, if the ambassador is a wizard, there could be some weird wizard thing going on - you don't know too much about wizards' behaviour, they tend to be secretive.
Sanadhil: who is the ambassador?
Yanina: Her name is Iroucha. I have only met her once, briefly.
Sanadhil: (The stars aren't in any particular pattern?)
Narrator: (not a contellation-type pattern - more like :*:*:*:*:* along the edges or something)
Sanadhil: Well, stars are an important symbol in Cozovode religion... I can't see why this particular pattern would be offensive, but priests and wizards can be very secretive about more esoteric meanings... and designs
  • Yanina nods.
Yanina: What would you recommend we do to make it clear to her we meant no offense? Would it be even more rude to bring up the subject with her, or should we just pretend it never happened?
Sanadhil: I do know some of the more commoly used motifs, but I don't know if that would be any better received, coming from an outsider...
Sanadhil: I would be inclined not to bring it up with her...
Narrator: (You think that they should probably apologize to her for any offense they have caused, but not go into great details or ask for an explanation)
Narrator: (just a simple apology and then move on, basically)
Sanadhil: not in any detail, at least - perhaps just a simple apology for any offense
  • Yanina nods.
Yanina: The previous ambassador had been here for quite a few years - it's difficult getting accustomed to new surroundings, I'm sure.
Sanadhil: I can imagine.
  • Sanadhil smiles
Sanadhil: is she quite new, then?
Yanina: Yes - when the Empress passed away, the former ambassador was recalled and they dispatched a new one in his place. I don't entirely know the reasoning why. But she arrived about a month ago.
Sanadhil: Interesting...
Yanina: There is to be a small banquet welcoming her. Perhaps you might like to attend?
Yanina: As my guest :)
  • Sanadhil smiles
Sanadhil: . o ( ack! )
Sanadhil: You flatter me... of course I am very curious to meet her.
Sanadhil: My lineage, however, is somewhat lacking.... i would be wary of offending her in that regard.
Yanina: She would know of your lineage?
Sanadhil: Well... i suppose not.
Sanadhil: I'm sure the issue could be avoided
Yanina: Well, I would not want to place you in an uncomfortable situation... at least, not so publicly.
  • Sanadhil raises an eyebrow at that
  • Yanina smiles.
Sanadhil: An interesting prospect.
Yanina: Well, let me know if you decide to join us. It will be early next month. :)
Sanadhil: I will definitely give it great consideration, thank you.
Yanina: Thank you very much for your assistance.
Sanadhil: Any time.
Yanina: I'll let you get back to your work ;)
  • Sanadhil says sincerely
  • Yanina will bid you farewell and depart, then.
  • Sanadhil retruns to his desk and starts thinking about whether or not it would be feasible to pull something like that off....


Narrator: Ysabeau, you wanted to do research into dragons and the Dragonfire War. There are a few people at the Society who might know about those sorts of matters - in particular, Professor Byrland, who studies the history of the monarchy, and Navis Culpepper, an expert in legends and folklore.
Ysabeau: (Maybe the legend and folklore dude first since that's kinda my area too)
  • Navis can be found around the Society's hall from time to time, when he's not travelling.
  • Navis is about sixty, tall and still fairly handsome, with wavy grey hair.
Narrator: You have the impression that he's well-off, but not a noble.
Narrator: (you heard him give a talk in which he mentioned travelling to the north of the city.
Navis: (Like, to Mearim and Foxwood and that area)
Ysabeau: (cool - is the first I've seen him in a while?)
Navis: (sure)
Ysabeau: Hello, Monsieur Culpepper. Have you just come back from traveling again? I haven't seen you around for a while.
  • Ysabeau flashes him a charming smile.
Navis: Hm? Oh, yes, I've recently returned from Cap Irus.
  • Navis smiles back.
Ysabeau: Oh? What were you doing there?
  • Ysabeau asks brightly and curiously.
Navis: Collecting folk tales, ballads and the like. It's such an isolated part of the Empire, older traditions have sometimes been preserved there that we have lost.
Ysabeau: It sounds lovely! I'd love to peek at your collection of ballads some time. I'd enjoy the opportunity to sing or play them some time. Or both. :)
Navis: Certainly. The material I've collected from the Niveous mountains has already been compiled into a volume, which the Society owns. I hope that this material will be equally as fruitful.
  • Ysabeau nods enthusiastically.
Ysabeau: I've already devoured the Niveous collection.
  • Ysabeau admits.
Navis: Oh, really? I'm glad you enjoyed it :)
Ysabeau: I'm glad you had the time and the inclination to put it together for poor students such as myself to be able to enjoy.
  • Navis is flattered.
Ysabeau: Say, have you ever come across mention of the Dragonfire Wars in any of the oral traditions you've collected?
Navis: Why, certainly. An event so long ago, but so dramatic, has left many tales - most, no doubt, bearing little resemblance to reality, of course.
Ysabeau: This is true, but it's also true that in many oral traditions, there is a grain of truth.
Navis: Dragons persisted in that part of the Empire - the Niveous mountains and the area to the west of them - for some time after they had been exterminated elsewhere.
Navis: Indeed, I do believe that is often the case.
  • Ysabeau smiles.
Ysabeau: (also, do I know yet whether Blackhope or the Langevins had any role to play in the wars at all?)
Narrator: The Langevin family only came to prominence in the 1700s - the Dragonfire War was in the 500s. It seems unlikely.
Narrator: Blackhope was founded as a duchy in about 1800 or so.
Ysabeau: So i understand that the Dragonfire Wars weren't named that by sheer coincidence... was there some sort of... alliance, do you think, with any of the Niveous dragons?
Navis: Well, as far as the tales go, the early Emperors were able to control dragons and use them in battle.
Ysabeau: I'd be curious to compare any surviving descriptions of dragons with the decription of the dragon that appeared during the Great Council.
Navis: Certainly. It seems as though it differs in several respects.
Ysabeau: Oh yes? Can you elaborate?
Ysabeau: (i should do another K:H check perhaps to know what the outcome fo the war was... whether it ended the emperor
Narrator: You know that the D'Avalos family's side were the winners, and the Salmeron side the losers, but not much more than that.
Navis: The main one is that dragons are always described as being one colour, though that colour varies from tale to tale, or perhaps dragon to dragon! Blue, red, green, gold... but from what I heard, the dragon or whatever it was that recently appeared had colours that shifted across its body.
Ysabeau: I haven't come across any mention of this in any of the history I've yet read - do you know if the Dragonfire War was the last time that anyone controlled dragons, or have they fought for or with humans since?
Navis: That is a very interesting question.
Navis: It's difficult to say, of course, since most legends don't come with convenient dates attached :) So while there are isolated tales of heroes who could master dragons, it's difficult to say if they date to before or after the war.
  • Ysabeau nods.
Ysabeau: Do you know where the multi-coloured dragon may have come from?
Ysabeau: Since its kind has never been mentioned before, apparently...
Navis: Indeed.
Ysabeau: I suppose it would be pure speculation but I'd be interested to hear what you have to say.
Navis: The very fact that I have never come across a description of such a beast suggests that it is not native to this plane of existence, or that it was somehow a fabrication - an illusion or other magical creation.
  • Ysabeau nods.
Navis: Although I don't know how that would be possible, given the proximity of the Disenchanter's Stone.
Ysabeau: Yes, that is quite a nice little puzzle, isn't it.
  • Navis nods.
Navis: It is quite a mystery.
  • Ysabeau nods.
Ysabeau: One I am ill-equipped to solve, but hopefully a few good minds in the government have been devoted to it.
Ysabeau: Do you know if there are other pockets of dragons within the bounds of the empire? Other than the Niveous mountains, I mean.
Navis: Are? I think it highly unlikely any could still survive unnoticed today :)
  • Ysabeau blushes prettily.
Ysabeau: Were, then.
Ysabeau: Were there any?
Navis: I believe the mountainous areas were where they likely survived longest - including along the mountain range toward Cloudveil and Kholm, and perhaps in the south near Creve Coeur and Sarande, though I have not yet had the opportunity to carry on research there,
  • Ysabeau nods.
Ysabeau: You seem to know a lot about dragons. Are they a pet project of yours? :)
Navis: Just an area of interest, among many others :)
Ysabeau: Well, thank you very much for sharing your knowledge with me.
Navis: Not at all - it was a pleasure talking with you :)
Ysabeau: I'll look forward to reading your next collection!
  • Navis seems pleased.
Navis: I'll make sure you get a copy when it's released.
Ysabeau: Really? Thank you so much!


Narrator: Dominik, you are walking home from training one evening when someone falls into step beside you.
  • Dominik glances over at the surprise companion
  • Woman is very small and slender, with frizzy blonde hair. She appears to be in her mid-thirties, and is dressed very plainly.
Woman: Just keep walking.
Dominik: I hadn't planned on stoping, but thank you for the suggestion.
Woman: I gather Fredericia talked to you about joining us.
Dominik: something had been mentioned, yes.
Woman: I’m your contact for the time being. You can call me Theo.
Theo_: If you’re still interested, there’s a job for you.
Dominik: Oh im interested Theo.
Theo_: Consider it a test. Complete it to our satisfaction and you’ll be in.
Dominik: so what am I supposed to be doing for your test?
Theo_: A noble girl’s gone missing. Felise Lozada, age 21.
Theo_: A servant reported her missing two days ago. Nothing obvious missing from her room - the girl just vanished in the night, apparently.
Theo_: But when the guards arrived to investigate, they were told nothing’s wrong. The entire family is working to cover something up.
Theo_: Her great-uncle is the Duke D’Olonne. Father’s dead, mother’s remarried to a man half her age. She has an older brother, Ramon, in the Order of the Spoke, and a younger sister, Viviane, who isn’t talking.
Theo_: Her mother, Phedre Lozada, is claiming the girl’s gone to their estate in the country to recover from an illness. She claims the maidservant was just spreading malicious gossip.
Theo_: The Duke is also saying there’s nothing to investigate here. The problem is, his story’s different than the mother’s. He’s saying he sent the girl to take care of some business dealings he has in Ariège.
Theo_: Something isn’t adding up here. Someone’s lying to us. And, the girl isn’t showing up anywhere with divination.
Theo_: Phedre and her new husband are key players in a little group we like to keep an eye on. The Order of the Black Down - maybe you’ve heard of them?
  • Theo_ says in a way that is not really a question.
Dominik: I am familiar with the pair, yes.
  • Theo_ nods.
Theo_: Do you think they would murder a daughter to keep her quiet?
  • Dominik thinks...
Dominik: Only if they were really scared... they don't strike me as scared.
  • Theo_ nods.
Theo_: Maybe something went wrong with one of their so-called rituals. An accident, and they're covering it up now.
Dominik: I didn't realize they were involving her children in them.
  • Dominik shrugs
Theo_: I don't know.
Dominik: I would think they try hard to avoid accidents. It would ruin thier mystique
Theo_: But if something's happened to this girl, something worse than running away with a boyfriend or getting pregnant and having to be hidden away for a few months, we want to know about it.
  • Theo_ nods.
Theo_: You aren't the only person working on this, rest assured.
Dominik: Its quite an interesting situation, but I'm still not really understanding what it is you want me to do, besides keeping an eye and ear open?
Theo_: You could talk to the brother. Find out what his version of the story is, if any.
Dominik: I'm sure I could track him down, but its not like he has any reason to confide in me, and intimidating a spokesmen doesn't seem to be a very clever thing to do.
Theo_: He seems to be friends with someone else you know - a brothel owner namedAltheo Renaud. Perhaps that would be one way of approaching him.
  • Dominik nods
Dominik: I will endevour to learn what I can.
  • Theo_ nods.
Theo_: I'll contact you again in a week or so.
Dominik: any other useful tidbits you want to pass along before you leave me to this task?
Theo_: I hope I don't need to tell you to be careful. The OBD are potentially dangerous, if this is somehow related to them.
Dominik: I figured that out on my own, thank you.
  • Theo_ nods.
  • Theo_ will walk away, then.
Dominik: . o O (so much for just finding a way to knock heads...)

Dominik & Ilphere

Narrator: Ilphere, after some effort, you manage to secure a private meeting with Phedre and Earric at their manor in the Grand.
  • Ilphere will discreetly make her way there/
  • Dominik accompanies her
Narrator: You are ushered in to a charming and well-decorated sitting room.
  • Dominik is keeping an eye out for the 'family'
  • Ilphere looks around curiously.
  • Phedre and Earric join you there.
  • Phedre appears slightly distracted and out-of-sorts, but greets you politely nevertheless.
Ilphere: (Does she look like maybe she hasn't been sleeping so well?)
Narrator: (Possibly?
Narrator: (certainly preoccupied)
Phedre: Good afternoon, Mlle. deQuessenet.
Ilphere: Good afternoon... Thank you so much for agreeing to meet with me...!
  • Phedre nods graciously.
Phedre: What can we do for you?
Ilphere: Well, perhaps your husband has mentioned that I have had some curious visions since becoming associated with your group...
Phedre: Yes...
Ilphere: I was hoping that you might have some insight on them...?
Phedre: It seems evident that you are making contact with forces beyond our comprehension. Perhaps even with Ophion himself.
Ilphere: (sense motive to see if that's a line)
Ilphere: (I will watch Earric and roll on him too)
Narrator: (ok)
Ilphere: (21 on her, 5 on him :V)
Narrator: (You think she genuinely believes that. Him, you have no idea.)
Ilphere: I feel that as well...
Ilphere: But what does it :*mean:*? What does he want...?
Phedre: Communications with beings so much more powerful, so different from us, are always difficult to understand. Their minds operate on a different level.
Ilphere: The stars, circling like a spiral, like a... like a wheel..
Ilphere: . o O ( ! )
Ilphere: And since then there have been other visions as well, which do not seem :*directly:* related to the Ophion...
Phedre: You are clearly more attuned to these messages than most.
Ilphere: My cousin Theron has also been affected.
Phedre: Ah... yes, I did speak to him after the last ceremony. He was quite shaken, poor boy.
Ilphere: Did he tell you what he saw...?
Phedre: He also spoke of wheels.
Phedre: I admit, I don't fully understand what is happening here - why the two of you should be singled out, but clearly you have been marked in some fashion.
Ilphere: I was hoping you mught have some idea whether it is connected, or something that has been 'let in' by our activities with the Order...?
Phedre: I believe that this cannot be a coincidence.
Ilphere: No...
Phedre: Whatever is happening, Ophion must be at its source.
Ilphere: What... pardon me if this is a foolish question... what :*is:* the Ophion?
Ilphere: I know he is known as the Filler of the Void...
Ilphere: But where do his origins lie? What does he seek to accomplish here...?
Phedre: Ophion is a deity. Imprisoned for thousands of years within the Arch, but now freed.
Ilphere: I need to understand what is happening...!
Ilphere: Like the Rat...?
  • Phedre nods.
Ilphere: (so it is the naughty thing in the arch)
Phedre: The universe has been out of balance all this time.
Phedre: The Void was... an unnatural state.
  • Ilphere nods...
Ilphere: (does she seem to believe what she is saying?)
Ilphere: (and Earric?)
  • Earric is quietly listening to all of this.
Ilphere: (19 and 7 lol)
  • Phedre does seem to believe what she's saying.
  • Earric is smiling slightly, but whether that means he knows more, or thinks this is all a load, or is just pleased with his wife, you're not certain.
Ilphere: Ah... and might I ask then... what purpose does the carnal aspect of the Order's ceremonies serve?
  • Ilphere blushes demurely.
Phedre: Like the use of certain herbs, chanting, dance... it can bring us into closer communion with our lord. Have you had any such visions when you have been engaged in those sorts of activities?
Ilphere: With the incense, yes...
  • Phedre nods.
Ilphere: But... I confess that I have been restrained when it comes to the physical aspect...
  • Ilphere blushes more deeply/
Ilphere: And yet I did see the stars then...
Phedre: Well, restraints can ... oh.
  • Phedre nods.
Phedre: Please, don't be embarassed.
Phedre: If you do choose to return to our meetings, I can let you know ahead of time if that sort of activity will be expected or not.
Ilphere: Oh thank you... I would very much appreciate that...!
  • Phedre smiles.
Phedre: But you might find that your visions become even more powerful :)
  • Dominik tries to not roll his eyes as Phedre plays Ilphere
Ilphere: Well... perhaps one day, but I am not sure I am ready for that yet...!
  • Phedre nods.
Phedre: I understand.
Phedre: I apologize for being preoccupied. Earric and I will conduct further inquiries into the visions you've described.
Ilphere: Thank you... as will I.
Phedre: I hope to speak with you again soon.
Ilphere: And you as well...
Ilphere: Thank you for your time.
Phedre: Of course.
Earric: It was a pleasure to see you again.
  • Phedre and her husband bid you farewell.


Narrator: Seth, you know that sooner or later you have to talk to Vereth.
  • Seth runs and hides! I don't wanna!
Narrator: :p
  • Seth eventually steels himself and heads over there.
  • Vereth is working on some blueprints in her office.
Seth: Hi.
Vereth: Oh, Seth.
Vereth: Come in.
  • Vereth seems quite serious.
  • Seth enters, trying to still his heart.
Vereth: Have a seat.
  • Seth sits.
Vereth: Your father already spoke with me.
Seth: Ahh ... what did he say?
Vereth: That he knew about us.
Vereth: And if I don’t stop seeing you, he’s going to ruin my business.
Vereth: And tell my husband.
  • Vereth adds, almost as an afterthought.
Seth: Ah.
Vereth: So, it's over.
Seth: Vereth, I ... I'm sorry.
Vereth: I'm sorrry too, Seth. It’s been fun, but not worth losing everything I’ve built over.
Seth: It was never my intention to put you at risk.
  • Vereth shrugs.
Vereth: It'll be all right. Your father won't do anything if we end things - he's too honourable.
Seth: That's true. Also it would not look good for him.
  • Vereth nods.
Vereth: Do you have somewhere to stay?
Seth: I ... don't know. I suppose Menard might be able to help.
Vereth: Good.
Seth: Or I could stay at the Society for a while.
  • Vereth nods.
Vereth: If you need a bit of money to tide you over while you look for work, I can lend you a little.
Seth: No, that's not necessary.
Vereth: All right.
Seth: Are you all right, Vereth? I mean ... will you be okay?
Vereth: Oh, I'll be fine.
Vereth: I'll miss you, of course, but I know you'll do all right for yourself.
Seth: Yes.
Vereth: Well, good luck, Seth.
Seth: Ahh ... you too. I'll see you soon.
  • Vereth nods.
  • Vereth comes around the desk to give you a kiss goodbye.
  • Seth kisses her, lingering as long as she will let him.
  • Vereth lets you continue for a few minutes, but doesn't let things get out of hand.
Seth: I love you, Vereth.
  • Vereth smiles fondly.
Vereth: Goodbye, Seth.
Seth: Goodbye.
  • Seth turns and leaves quickly so she won't see the tears in his eyes.
  • Seth will go and crash at the Society for a while.


Narrator: Guillame, you wanted to speak with your mother about Silvia.
Guillame: (yes)
  • Janelle is in the parlour when you track her down.
Guillame: Excuse me, Mother?
Janelle: Oh, yes dear?
  • Janelle looks up from her book.
Guillame: I wanted to speak with you on a couple of matters?
Janelle: Of course.
  • Guillame enters, and sits down
Guillame: I wanted to ask about Silvia - why she's studying at the church.
Janelle: ...
Guillame: Only...
Guillame: It seems such a specific choice, I thought there must be a reason for it.
Janelle: Your father and I always thought that one of you should go into the church. There are so few of our House there, and we thought it might help to change the situation.
  • Guillame nods
Guillame: I see...
Guillame: How is she doing there, do you know?
Janelle: She tells me she's doing well. I know that it's difficult - most of the other girls her age aren't so busy with their studies - but I think it suits her temperament.
Guillame: She's been very withdrawn recently - I thought it might have been to do with her studies...
  • Janelle nods.
Janelle: I'm not certain. At that age, it could just as easily be a boy that she's pining over.
Guillame: Maybe.
Guillame: Well, I'm a little reassured - thank you.
  • Guillame sighs
Guillame: So, the other matter I wanted to talk to you about...
Janelle: Yes?
Guillame: I visited Ciatha and discussed, well, not so much discussed...
Guillame: I told her what I needed to and asked her what she thought of it, and she was very angry, very upset.
Janelle: Oh, dear.
Janelle: Well, that's not too surprising :/
Guillame: No, I suppose not.
Janelle: I'm sorry to hear tha.
Guillame: In any case, I think the best thing to do now is maybe to wait and see what she does? Give her some time.
Janelle: Do you think so?
Janelle: I mean, did she give you any sense that she might change her mind?
Guillame: I... I'm not sure, to be honest.
Guillame: I hope that she will calm down, and maybe then we will find out what she actually thinks.
Guillame: I feel terrible for hurting her so.
Janelle: Well, it's better to do it now than in a year or two. :/
Guillame: Yes, It is much fairer to her.
Janelle: I'm sorry you're having to go through this.
Guillame: I'll be ok, I should think
  • Janelle smiles faintly.
Janelle: Well, I hope that Ciatha will calm down and be able to see that this is for the best, in due time.
Guillame: Yes... I hope so too.
Guillame: Hmm... If Silvia :*weren't:* suited to the Church, would you want her to press on with it, or are there other things she could try?
Janelle: I'm sure there are other things... Do you think she's not suited to it?
Guillame: I don't know, but I might have a talk to her, to be sure. I've also noticed... she's very perceptive.
Janelle: ...
Janelle: How do you mean?
Guillame: She asked me about somebody she didn't know, without me telling her about them. By name.
  • Janelle looks concerned.
Janelle: You mustn't tell anyone about that.
Guillame: Well, I wouldn't without talking to you first!
  • Janelle nods.
Janelle: When she was born, we saw her eyes, and... :/
Janelle: I just want her to have a normal life.
Guillame: Is it a problem? A secret?
Janelle: It's ... it happens sometimes, in our House. Or it used to. People with eyes like hers were called seers. But it doesn't - shouldn't - happen anymore. Things have changed. Our faith has changed.
  • Guillame looks surprised
Guillame: I've heard a little of seers... from my research, at the society.
Janelle: Well, if she's having visions, where are they coming from? Not from the Gods, surely. I thought that putting her into the Church might help... :/
Guillame: Are the old ways of the house so taboo? I had thought them lost or abandoned, rather than spurned...
Janelle: We just want to blend in. We've been given this title, these lands... we want to be part of this empire, not seen as strange or threatening.
Guillame: Yes, of course!
Janelle: I'm sorry, Guillame. I thought that keeping this things from you - all of you - would be the best way to help you.
Guillame: It's ok, Mother. I've never tried to pry into anything you thought us better off not knowing, but I always felt like I was able to ask...
Janelle: I don't understand it all myself. It's just stories from my parents... :/
  • Janelle wipes a few tears away.
Guillame: Did Fern tell you that I've begun my own research at the Society? I assumed she would have done...
Janelle: I heard... I wasn't sure how seriously you were taking any of this.
Guillame: Well... I've been trying to give it the time it deserves. My research is into our history below the city - if you remember any of your parents stories, they might help me...
Janelle: I'll think about it.
Janelle: But please - be careful. It's easy to forget, sometimes, how many people here still mistrust us, or even hate us.
Guillame: Yes, of course... I wouldn't want to jeopardise our family, or our house.
  • Janelle nods.
Guillame: Thank you, Mother.
Janelle: It's nothing, dear.
  • Guillame stands, bows and leaves in search of Silvia
