Ye Olde Adventure Worlde session 16
From RocksfallWiki
Laris calls together the city leaders, as well as the Hrieffen to discuss the approaching dragon, and plans are made. He announces the threat to the ongoing party and answers some questions from Induriel, Wahala, and Eyllia. Induriel consults with his entourage as to how they can be of assistancew. Kraaz and Korivan discuss a strategy for the Hrieffen. Saḫḫiru approaches Wahala and Eyllia to enlist their aid with evacuations if necessary. Laris tries to convince Dianthea to take shelter at his villa, but winds up conducting her to the Raven Queen's temple, where he speaks with Harbinger. Korivan and Induriel conduct separate divinations concerning the dragon, each receiving different insights.
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