Thirteen 2 session 40

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Thirteen 2 session logs
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At Charlottas, the group discusses what Skalla should say. Afterwards they disperse to gets some rest and check in with loved ones. Welumque goes home to Wangowa and sends letters to her tribal leaders. Chemames takes Lucas home to meet his family after some reassurances. Svald checks on their studio and fiends a friend, Emilie, tidying up. Skalla has a nice private moment with Thekla, before she and Hildie face her mother. Finally, everyone regroups before the Thing. Jerk appears to give Hildie some support, and Emilie does the same for Svald. Charlotte provices her older niece some liquid as well as vocal encouragement, and then Skalla gives her speech.


Session date: 2022-07-30
In Game date: The same day as the previous session

The party discuss exactly what they want to say at the Thing that night

<Narrator> Last we left off, y'all had returned to Fastning Irena (the town, not the actual fort ;) ) to a cheering crowd, and made your way to Charlotta's to make further plans. There was some talk about an official statement to the Thing, which will be meeting this evening without the governor to discuss the current unrest.
<Welumque> (so are we just kind of hanging around now at Charlotta's?)
<Narrator> (That's where we currently are, yeah. I'm assuming folks had things they wanted to do/discuss before the Thing this evening.)
<Welumque> Skalla, I know you wanted to make a statement. What are you thinking of saying?
* Welumque seems pensive as she sits and talks.
* Chemames is content to sip his coffee and be back in town.
* Lucas is pretty exhausted and will just chill for a bit if possible.
<Narrator> (Skalla, Welumque had a question for you)
* NPC2 is now known as Charlotta
<Charlotta> I'll admit, I'm curious as well.
<Skalla> (I missed that comoletely, sorry!)
<Skalla> I've been thinking about that
<Skalla> I'm sure poeple will want to know what happened, but I'm more interested in where we go from here
<Welumque> And who is meant by 'we'.
* NPC3 is now known as Thekla
<Hildie> I think where we go will depend a lot on what we tell people.
<Charlotta> Which I suppose leads back to what you're planning to say.
* Skalla nods
<Charlotta> People are on edge; they're going to be looking for a further spark.
<Charlotta> The question is, do you fan the flames or try to douse the whole thing. And I think you know which way I lean.
<Skalla> I know
* Thekla looks like she's about to say something, but waits for the actual folks who were arrested to speak.
<Skalla> I don't really have any question abohut that but - I know if we want to kindle that spark, its going to affect a lot more than just what happens here
<Skalla> so its not about what the message is, but how it's delivered, and how we try an... direct the way things might take shape
<Skalla> that's what I'm less sure about
<Hildie> If we're going to do this, we need to make sure things are organized. Make sure it gets channeled and doesn't just explode all at once. We need a structure and a foundation to build on.
<Charlotta> (to Welumque) I don't suppose the Grandmothers would care for a few new clans, hmm?
* Welumque laughs.
<Welumque> You have some work to do before I can take you to the grandmothers.
<Skalla> okay - what does that look liek though?\
<Skalla> I think we can say all kinds of true things - like it is clear that people from the continent don't understand what we have been through here, that we have more in common with the colonies and owe more to our native allies than to Charinisia
* Thekla nods.
<Welumque> Your people have before you a desire for independence from your homeland, but at the same time, as we can see, independence alone can be very dangerous. It is no guarantee of civility.
<Skalla> nothing ever guarantees civility
<Skalla> I think that as outsiders they shoudln't have a say in how we conduct our affairs, and that we shouldnt be beholden to them, and that the only way to make that happen is to come together
<Charlotta> My question wasn't a joke, though, Welumque. Your people have maintained independence in the face of pressure from the Atenrosera, the Nekutyohacan, and, if we're being honest, our own people. I genuinely think they're input would be invaluable.
* Skalla nods
<Narrator> (their, rather)
<Skalla> it realy would - because its easy to say these thing but I don't know what that looks like
<Welumque> I am afraid, Charlotta, that there is not a wellspring of trust at the moment, merely a crust of fear and anxiety about the present situation, atop a deeper mistrust over many lands lost.
<Welumque> Our independence is one in which every acre of our lands is claimed by some or another colonial power.
* Charlotta nods.
<Charlotta> Perhaps that's something independent Callidoran states could address.
<Skalla> I think so. If our main responsibilities are to each other rather than overseas, I think it would be easier
<Skalla> and we know there are similar feelings in the other colonies. We can show that
<Hildie> Right now we need leadership. People who can bring different groups together to cooperate and organize. Someone who can push for both independence AND civility. People are going to be looking for leaders and symbols.
<Thekla> I believe we may be looking at them.
<Welumque> If the audience right now is Vinmark, then among us, Skalla must speak. If the audience is bigger, that is for another day.
* Hildie nods.
<Charlotta> I think, whatever is said today, while important, will be setting the stage for that day.
<Skalla> exactly
<Skalla> should we do that explicitly?
<Charlotta> We have representatives, right here in the cafe, from all peoples with a claim on Sisawinak. I believe this can be the start of the larger conversation about Callidora.
* Charlotta nods.
<Chemames> Ma'am? That's not entirely correct.
<Skalla> okay.
* Chemames looks surprised to hear himself speak.
<Charlotta> Hmm? What was that?
<Skalla> well there's lot of other s who have a claim who aren't here, for sure
<Chemames> Well, I mean, Grandmother Welumque is Lèxkweyok like me, and we have you Stordammers, the fort's Khalijani, and Mamsel Alienor is Mariannan, but the Waunohàmsèpu had settlements here the same as our people, back before you all came.
<Chemames> Not to speak out of turn... >.>
<Welumque> There are no turns here, Chemames. Thank you for your words of clarity.
* Chemames nods but still looks sheepish.
<Charlotta> Welumque is quite right. Thank you, Chemames. It wouldn't do to speak of unity and universal recognition while forgetting or ignoring some.
<Thekla> Skalla's not wrong, either, though. None of us *currently* speak for anyone but ourselves.
<Thekla> But we still have a right to speak.
* Skalla nods to Thekla
<Skalla> well....
<Skalla> if that is the case
<Skalla> is the Thing the right grouup to address?
<Charlotta> It's the forum we have, but I think it behooves us to call for a wider one.
<Skalla> okay
<Welumque> I trust that in speaking to the Thing, you will speak for all of us, Skalla.
<Welumque> We know you, we know what you stand for.
<Skalla> I'll do my best
<Skalla> I'm gonna need a pint first and probably several afterwards -_-
* Svald caws supportively
* Thekla smiles.
<Thekla> I think we can manage that.

Chemames an Lucas walk Welumque home

<Chemames> (to Lucas) I should probably go let my family know I'm back. Do you want to come with me?
<Lucas> Oh... sure.
<Chemames> (to Lucas) I mean, if you want to just stay and rest, I completely understand.
<Chemames> It's just getting...very crowded in here.
<Lucas> no, it's okay. I would like to go... somewhere, anyway, and I would rather be with you than go somewhere on my own.
<Chemames> (to Welumque, in Lèxkweyok) Did you want someone to walk home with you, Grandmother?
<Welumque> Probably that would be wise.
<Welumque> After the circumstances of my departure, who knows what they might try?
* Chemames nods, and will help Welumque and Lucas make as unobtrusive an exit as possible under the circumstances.
<Chemames> Seems like a lot is happening...
* Chemames says once you're all outside.
<Lucas> I feel like my presence here may hurt them more than help.
<Welumque> In the long term, Lucas, the colonials need to get used to people like you, and so many others. To come to terms with this place.
<Lucas> mm... people like me, yes. me, particularly?
<Lucas> I don't know if they can.
<Welumque> I hope better for them.
<Lucas> the last one of them who learned my true identity was not very inclined to forgive and forget...
<Lucas> I don't want to make things worse for Skalla and the others by allowing my presence to be used as a weapon against them :/
<Welumque> I'm sorry you feel this burden, mem.
* Chemames gives Lucas a worried, sympathetic look.
<Chemames> I get your concern,'ve done so much to help, too.
<Lucas> I don't know that it will matter to people.
* Lucas shrugs though
<Lucas> maybe no one will notice me, that would be all right.
* Chemames nods, but clearly seems a little troubled by that.
<Welumque> I'll be right there too.
<Chemames> Yeah, I'll be there too.
<Lucas> Thank you.
<Narrator> Other than the general tension in town, the walk to Welumque's is uneventful. Wangowa has held down the fort, and is very happy to see you all save and sound.
* Welumque smiles and thanks Wangowa effusively.
<Welumque> Time to put on some tea and start to write a couple letters, I think.
<Narrator> She'll fuss over you all and probably press some food on Lucas and Chemames before allowing them to leave.
* Wangowa (webchat@ has joined #thirteen02
* Lucas will accept food
<Wangowa> Tea, I've got. What letters do you need to write?
* Chemames will thank her profusely before heading out.
<Welumque> To the Grandmothers. They should know what is about to happen, and to prepare.
<Wangowa> What's about to happen?
<Welumque> Skalla is about to speak at the Thing, on the issue of the independence of the colonies and its implication for all of the peoples of Callidora.
* Wangowa frowns.
<Wangowa> What will that mean for us?
<Welumque> Well, that is a very good question. I don't think any of us knows.
<Welumque> But the Grandmothers need to know, regardless.
* Wangowa nods.
<Wangowa> We were all very worried.
<Wangowa> People are concerned it won't be safe on Sisawinak.
<Welumque> It may not be, if things get worse. That's what Skalla is trying to avoid.
<Welumque> If it's not safe for us, it won't be safe for many others either.
<Wangowa> And if she can't?
* Wangowa nods.
<Welumque> I don't know, Wangowa. We just have to pray that she can make a difference.
<Wangowa> That, I can do. Do you need anything else?
<Welumque> No, I don't think so.
<Wangowa> All right. I'll bring you something to eat and let you get to it, then.

Chemames takes Lucas home to meet his family

* Lucas will let Chemames lead the way, since he knows where he's going
<Chemames> You know, if you don't want to go to the assembly meeting, you don't have to.
* Lucas nods
<Lucas> I want to support Skalla's efforts but I don't want to make things worse for her.
<Chemames> I think it's good to help Skalla, but I also don't want you to be in danger, or distress.
* Lucas nods
<Chemames> I'm worried this will all get a lot worse before it gets better.
<Lucas> me too...
<Chemames> I want to help, but...if it gets to be too much, we can just go.
<Chemames> I can fish anywhere.
* Lucas looks over at him at that
<Lucas> what about your family, though?
<Chemames> I don't know if they'll stay, either. We already fled here during the war. What's another move?
* Lucas nods
* Hildegard ( Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
<Lucas> ... thank you.
<Chemames> For what?
<Lucas> for saying we can leave if we have to. I think... knowing that if I did have to go, I wouldn't be alone... that helps.
* Chemames will take your hand.
<Chemames> You don't have to be alone unless you want to.
* Lucas smiles a little at that
<Lucas> and your family won't hate me?
* Lucas asks nervously
* Chemames smiles.
<Chemames> They'll love you, just like, um, just like everyone else who gets to know you.
* Chemames is not as smooth as he would like. ;)
* Lucas smiles
<Lucas> if you say so :)
* Chemames looks a bit embarrassed but doesn't let go of Lucas's hand.
* Lucas keeps hold of his hand too
* Chemames will walk home with Lucas and into the semi-organized chaos of his family's longhouse, where they will be inundated with greetings, concern, and various foodstuffs and drinks.
* Lucas will self-consciously offer the food that was got at Welumque's house to the family in return
<Narrator> They'll happily take it and, much like at the pëliteyo match, Chemames family essentially welcomes Lucas as one of their own.
* Lucas is unaccustomed to being welcomed and probably is still pretty shy, but gradually will relax at least and stop immediately expecting to be confronted/kicked out
* Chemames is now known as Jerk
* Emelie (webchat@ has joined #gnomeland

Hildie, Skalla, and Svald head 'home'. Thekla goes with them partway

<Hildie> Skalla, I'm not sure we should go back to the estate before we meet the Thing. We're still wanted criminals.
<Skalla> I dno't think the givernor has the capacity to arrst us rght nw, and I think f she tried again there would be even more serious rioting
* Svald flies down to Skalla and sits next to her.
<Skalla> I also think my mother *will* skin me alove if I don't go to see her
<Hildie> Which is why we need to stay somewhere public where we can't just "Disappear".
<Skalla> and Svald probably wants to see their studio
<Skalla> they rent' going to be able to disappear us from the estate
<Hildie> Ok, if you're sure.
* Svald turns back into themself.
<Skalla> if we stay here there's more and more chane that somethine wil get started before we;re ready - and I need some quiet to think
<Svald> [quiet] I do want to see ...
<Hildie> I know. Alright, let's just keep our eyes open on the way.
<Hildie> Svald, if anything looks even remotely fishy, you get out of there quick, ok? No questions.
* Svald nods.
<Thekla> Skalla's right, they wouldn't dare, but I'd be happy to walk with you.
<Hildie> A week ago I would have said the same. Now I have no idea what they would dare.
<Charlotta> I should probably keep an eye on things here, and I'd prefer to keep out of earshot for when see your mother.
<Skalla> regardless -n Thekla you'd be very welcome
<Hildie> Yes, we'd be glad of the company
<Narrator> It's probably the better part of an hour walk back to the Stormsvallvag estate from Charlotta's (dwarven foot speed being what it is ;) ), but it's not an unpleasant day at least. The estate still seems on guard (literally, there are guards), but they seem relieved to see you all.
* Thekla will try to get a moment (at least partially) alone to talk to Skalla.
<Thekla> I guess this is where I'll leave you for now, but I'd be happy to ride into town with you later for the assembly.
<Skalla> I'd like that. You should be with us, anyway.
<Thekla> I was...*really* worried about you.
<Skalla> Sorry - things just kind of spiralled really fast
* Hildie is walking a bit ahead, trying not to seem like she is eavesdropping.
<Thekla> I'm getting that sense, yeah.
<Thekla> I feel like I got you in way over, well, all our heads.
* Skalla laughs
<Skalla> I don't think you can take credit for that - I make my own choices.
<Skalla> I was just happy to fod someone who's already organized a way to help the blackguard before I had to try and figure it out
<Skalla> I think we're on the same path, really
* Thekla nods.
<Thekla> I'm glad to walk this path with you.
<Thekla> Both the path, and the with you part, I mean. I'm glad about both, is what I'm trying to say.
<Thekla> And I'm sorry you had to, um, walk, uh, this whole last bit.
<Skalla> I'm okay, really
* Hildie smiles to herself.
<Skalla> I'll be better if something good comes out of it though
<Skalla> So, yeah. I'm glad you're here now
* Thekla smiles and nods.
<Thekla> Sorry to leave you to face the music with your mom, but I need to go check in at home myself.
* Charlotta is now known as Wangowa
<Skalla> no problem - I'll see you tonight!
* Thekla is now known as Berit
* Hildie will also say goodbye to Thekla
<Hildie> So... how do we handle your mother?
<Hildie> I'll be honest, she scares me more than that jail cell did.
<Svald> I'm just going to ... go to my studio

Svald finds someone in their studio! Fortunately, it's a friend

<Narrator> (Svald, roll me Notice, please)
<Svald> !roll 4d3-5
* @Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 2 1 2 3 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 3 ].
<Narrator> As you approach your studio, you can hear someone inside.
<Svald> !!
* Svald stops to listen more closely.
<Svald> (does it sound like there's more than one person? are they breaking stuff/throwing stuff around or just kind of shuffling about? etc)
<Narrator> It's hard to make out too much, but someone is definitely moving around in there, and it sounds like maybe they're moving things around. Not roughly or anything, but still.
* Svald will try to very very quietly open the door >.>
<Berit> (roll Stealth)
<Svald> !roll 4d3-6
* @Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 1 3 2 2 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 2 ].
<Narrator> You manage to open the door without much noise, and you can see a woman bending over to pick one of your sketches up off the ground. From the back, you don't immediately recognize her.
<Svald> WHat are you doing
* Berit is now known as Emelie
* Emelie literally jumps.
<Emelie> Gods above!
<Emelie> Svald!
* Emelie rushes to embrace you, but then hesitates.
<Emelie> Are you alright? I was so worried.
<Emelie> I heard about your friends, but there wasn't specific mention of you, so I came to check, and I found all this...
<Svald> Oh good, it's you...
<Svald> Yeah...
<Svald> -_-
<Emelie> I was trying to get everything straightened up.
<Svald> Oh... thanks.
<Svald> This is my first time bac since... everything
* Hildegard ( Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
<Emelie> Come on in, have a seat. Can I get you anything? Oh, listen to me, I'm offering you your own hospitality.
<Emelie> I hope I'm not intruding too much; I didn't mean to just barge in...
<Svald> It's alright...
<Svald> [z]You're a friend.
<Emelie> [z] Trying my most.
<Svald> It's not as bad as I was afraid.
<Emelie> How do you mean?
<Svald> I thought things would be more... broken
<Svald> I mean... Lucas said they weren't but.
<Svald> I guess I needed to see with my own eyes
* Wangowa is now known as Berit
<Emelie> I don't think anything's particularly unsalvageable. It doesn't look like whoever was in here was particularly delicate, but they also weren't as destructive as might be feared.
* Emelie tries to put on a cheerful face.
* Svald nods, and bends to lean an overturned canvas back up to standing
<Emelie> [z] You are unhurt?
<Svald> [z] yes.
<Svald> I was able to escape a lot of the violence.
<Svald> I got away before they could arrest me, then I helped Hildie and Skalla escape.
<Emelie> I'm still not entirely clear. What did they arrest them for?
<Svald> treason, I think
<Svald> for helping the black guard against the Emira.
<Emelie> Well, that's hardly treason, considering what I've heard of this new Emira.
<Svald> Seems like a lot of other people agree..
<Svald> Skalla's going to talk at the Thing soon.
* Emelie nods.
<Svald> Big things may be happening soon
<Svald> Will be, I think...
<Emelie> [z] People are big mad at the...[s] governor. Is there a word for governor? There must be, right?
<Svald> (lol is there?)
<Emelie> (Probably some kind of loan word from Stordammer)
<Svald> [z] Not really...
* Svald grins
<Emelie> [z] Okay, I don't feel quite so stupid for not knowing it, then.
<Emelie> From the sound of it, there might not be a governor much longer. Or at least not this one.
* Svald nods.
<Svald> maybe not...
<Svald> I'm going to be there to see it happen.. to make a record
<Emelie> Like this?
<Svald> Yes.. it's the only way I really know how to talk... good
* Emelie points to your painting/sketch/painting in progress of the mark riot on the dock.
<Emelie> Well, to continue your metaphor, you speak beautifully in that language.
<Emelie> I find I'm rather jealous, really. I think you put more of yourself in your work than I find myself capable of.
<Svald> oh.. well... um.
* Svald is uncomfortable with the begative self talk
<Svald> I guess I do't know where else to putit.
<Svald> (don't)
<Emelie> There are worse places, I'm sure.
<Emelie> I should let you get some rest, though, having just gotten back home.
<Emelie> I really am glad to see you safe and sound.
<Svald> Thanks. It's good to be here.
<Svald> :>

Hildie and Skalla face Berit

* Hildegard ( Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
* Wangowa is now known as Berit
<Narrator> You can find Berit in her study for the moment.
<Skalla> mother! Look - we're hme safe!
* Berit looks up, then stands up and crosses to meet you both, her face warring between relieved and angry.
<Berit> Chalice and blade, you two will be the death of me.
<Hildie> Never let her out of my sight.
* Berit pulls the both of you into a big hug.
* Skalla hugs her back
<Berit> That's less comforting when you were both imprisoned, dear.
* Hildie looks slightly uncomfortable but will hug her back also after a few moments
<Hildie> But technically true.
<Berit> Hildegaard, your mother would murder me if something happened to you.
<Berit> And you...
* Berit shakes her head.
<Berit> What *am
* I going to do with you?
<Berit> Unjust or not, running from the law, fighting in the battle, just...everything.
<Skalla> come out to support me when I give my speech to the Thing tonught?/
* Berit sighs.
<Berit> You're speaking to the Thing tonight?
<Skalla> yes.
<Skalla> about what happenes, and where we go from here
<Berit> Skalla...
<Hildie> Aunt Berit, what Skalla has to say is important.
<Skalla> It is.
<Berit> I...I don't doubt it, and people *want
* to hear from you.
<Berit> I're my daughter, and I worry.
<Berit> And you're basically my daughter, too, Hildie, and I've been beside myself these last few days.
<Berit> If anything had happened to either of you...
* Berit looks, for once, like she might cry, something you're not sure she's ever done in front of you.
* Skalla hugs her again
* Hildie does as well.
<Skalla> We're not alone. We can take care of ourrselves, and each other
<Hildie> And we have friends.
<Skalla> friends... everywhere
<Skalla> But I can't just let things go
<Berit> I know...I know. But *I'm
* supposed to take care of you both.
<Skalla> So let em try and be a daughter you can be proud of, not just worried about?
* Berit sighs again, but smiles.
<Berit> I *am
* proud of you, both of you.
<Berit> But worried? That's just going to happen.
<Skalla> I know
<Skalla> I saidn not *just
* :)
<Hildie> Hey, between her brains and my rifle, I'd worry more about whoever we're going up against.
* Berit frowns.
<Berit> That's what I'm worried about. I'm not so naive as to think this would happen without any shots being fired, but I *had
* hoped.
<Skalla> I'm hping it wont have to be too man. But we'll see
<Skalla> its not just up to us
<Hildie> It's bigger than us now.
<Skalla> (many)
<Berit> That's what I'm afraid of.
<Berit> It's bigger than all of us.
<Skalla> that's why we need more poeple to stand up
* Berit nods.
<Berit> Do you know what you're going to say tonight?
<Skalla> I
<Skalla> m... thinking about it
<Skalla> I want peopoe to knonw that thi is bigger than us, and it can start with us
<Berit> That sounds like a good place to start.
<Skalla> thanks
<Hildie> Will you come with us, Aunt Berit?
<Berit> I *am* a member of the Thing, Hildegaard. Of course I'm coming.
<Berit> But I suppose I should let you get ready. We all have an important evening ahead of us.
<Skalla> thanks mother.
* Berit will engulf you both in one more hug before letting you go.
* Chemames is now known as Jerk

The group arrives at the Thing and get encouragement from various friends, including some Jerk

<Narrator> Sunset approaches and there is palpable tension in the town as the Thing's assembly nears. Thekla will arrive to ride into town with the Stormsvallvags. A fairly massive crowd will have already gathered outside the hall as delegates arrive, the last rays of the sun casting long shadows across Fastning Irena.
<Narrator> (I assume Welumque and Lucas (et al) will be meeting folks there?)
<Welumque> (yes)
<Lucas> (yes, slightly apprehensively ;)
* Jerk will approach Hildie from out of the crowd.
<Jerk> I suspect I'm a bit late in saying this, but I'm glad to see you home safe.
<Hildie> Jerk?
* Hildie will smile at seeing him.
<Hildie> Thank you. It was.... it's been a long few days.
<Hildie> It's good to see you too.
<Jerk> Been a worrisome few days.
<Jerk> And likely more to come, it seems.
* Berit is now known as Emelie
<Hildie> Unfortunately. This is not going to end without a fight. But I've never backed down from a fight yet. I don't plan to start.
<Jerk> Well, you've got a lot of us standing with you, if not necessarily literally for the next bit.
* Hildie smiles.
<Hildie> I'm glad you're here with... us.
<Hildie> This is about everyone.
* Jerk smiles and nods.
<Jerk> Glad I can be of everyone.
<Hildie> Listen... I don't know what's going to happen in the next few days, or even the next few years... but whenever this is over...
<Hildie> I would love to go riding with you again.
<Jerk> I'd like that.
* Hildie smiles.

Emilie gives Svalds some more encouragement

<Emelie> [z] It's going to be okay. You've got friends all around.
* Emelie says to Svald, having materialized out of the crowd.
<Svald> ! oh
<Svald> [z] it's just a lot. of people. so close
<Svald> [z] I find I like that less and less
* Emelie nods, and will reach over to give Svald's hand a reassuring squeeze just before the group of people headed in are led inside the assembly chamber.
<Emelie> [z] If you get nervous or scared, just look for me in the bunch. I'm here for you.
* Svald smiles

Skalla gets some liquid encouragement from her aunt

<Skalla> [q] where's my pint >.>
<Narrator> You all find yourselves waiting, curiously, in the same room where the governor had two of you arrested. It is now crowded with allies all there to lend their support when your turn to address the assembly arrives.
* Emelie is now known as Charlotta
* Charlotta will offer Skalla a flask.
<Charlotta> Maybe something a bit stronger, eh?
* Chemames is now known as Jerk
<Skalla> oooh, I knew I could count on you
* Skalla will take a good draught
* Svald is very uncomfortable in the crowd, and just stays focused on sketching
<Charlotta> Pint would have been more conspicuous.
* Berit is now known as Emelie
<Charlotta> How are you feeling?
<Skalla> nervous
<Skalla> I'm not a great speaker
<Charlotta> I'm not sure you need to be, just an honest one.
<Skalla> crowds don't love me. half these people think I'm barely civilized already....
<Charlotta> Appropriate for a new Callidora, then, I think.
<Skalla> it's just this is important and I don't want to fuck it up
<Charlotta> You'll be fine, I'm sure.
<Narrator> Before too long, after some opening discussions, the time arrives, and Skalla is called in, along with everyone else.
<Skalla> thanks, me whispers as we are usehered in
* Charlotta is now known as Speaker

Skalla gives her speech

<Speaker> The Thing recognizes Skalla Beritsdottir Stormsvallvag.
* Skalla will stand and look around the crowd
<Skalla> Thank you for agreeing to listen to me tonight - I hope this message will carry far beyond these walls, and even our borders.
<Skalla> A few days ago, My cousin Hildegarde and I, along with my galdr, Svald, were arrested for Treason.
<Skalla> We had gone to the Governor along with Welumque of the Lèxkweyok to try and arrange a meeting between her and Naqeeb Zahraoui, who currently has been holding the fort at Ahusan al Aswad. During the attacks in the past few days we - and other of the colony - had decided to stand with the naqeeb as allies, as the Blackguard stood with us during the serpent war. We help defend the fort -
<Skalla> our allies - from forces sent by the Emira.... someone who, like our Governor, answers first to a head of state in distant Charinisia, who puts their needs and interests, as well as her own, above those who live here. Not only the people they claim as their own, but above the interests of the people whose lands they have claimed as their own.
* Skalla looks first to her aunt, then to Thekla, with a smile
<Skalla> I want to thank everyone here who showed us your support. The response we met when we returned this morning was overwhelming.
<Skalla> Our flight made it clear that this is not an issue that we are facing alone. I want to thank Welumque, and Chemames, and Lucas Flood, who all sheltered and aided us, who joined us when we were pursued, and who put their lives on the line to aid us. I want to thank Lady Alienor and the people of Marianas who gave us refuge and pushed back against the bluebacks when they came seeking us there
<Skalla> - who not only gave us passage home, but an escort to see us safely there and to show theor support. I wasnt to thank Naqen Zahraoui as well, who also sent people with us when we stopped at the fort for the same reasons. We may have been founded as separate colonies, but these are experiences that we face together. And it is not just us, these conflicts impact all who live here, in this
<Skalla> land that we call Callidora. Those whose lands we've claimed, whose lives we have changed - our native allies - this impacts them as well. And so - I call for us all to come together, to diiscuss and decide together what the course is that those who live together in this place should take.
<Skalla> Thank you!
<Narrator> The chamber explodes into an equal measure of cheers and just general shouting. Motions are made and seconded, to send out a call for all Callidora to meet. Deliberations will go on well into the evening, but the call has been made, the first step taken, and its possible, for once, that Callidora may be more than many disparate peoples, poised now to take the leap together.
