Thirteen 2 session 39

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Thirteen 2 session logs
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The group discusses their options, and decide to have Lucas check in with Charlotta about the situation in Vinmark. After hearing her report that the people are up in arms and the governor is hemmed in, they decide to return. Alienor offers to accompany them with some of her house guard, to show support in Marianas. Lucas checks in qith Svals and is able to reassure them that their studio hasn't been thoroughly trashed. They take a boat back, and stop in at Alhusan al Aswad to check in with Naqeeb Zahraoui, who also sends troops. Lucas checks in with Chemames, who says he is happy to wait a little longer to explore what is developing between them. They return with their international incident in the making to a raucous crowd at the pier, and make their way to Charlottas Coffeehouse.


Session date: 2022-07-02
In Game date:

The group discusses their options, and they decide to check in with Charlotta astrally

<Narrator> (I believe Skalla was gathering everyone to discuss next steps?)
<Skalla> (Yeah - I guess we can leave Hildie on guard?)
<Narrator> (Yeah, that works.)
* Lucas and Chemames will arrive together to the dining room, Lucas at least being a bit flustered.
<Skalla> Thanks everyone - I hope we're all feeling a little more rested
* Chemames ( has joined #thirteen
* Chemames blushes slightly.
* Welumque seems much more rested, though pensive.
* Svald seems like a coyote
* Svald licks their lips and yawns
<Skalla> we need to figure out what our next staps are - this is just a temporary refuge
<Welumque> The situation is very fluid. Even in the time we've been here, things may have changed quite a lot.
* Lucas nods
<Skalla> I'd like to know what's happening at Alhusan al Aswad
<Skalla> if they are planning to decamp and go on the march, maybe we could hook up with them?
<Chemames> Back to Talat Kabira?
<Skalla> I guess. I'm not overly ecited about it really, but I'm not sure about other options here. GO back to Fasting Irena?
<Lucas> and get arrested?
<Lucas> again...
<Skalla> exactly.
<Welumque> I think we would be deeply misguided to put any trust in the Emira's goodwill.
<Skalla> I know we have allies there - some I'd really like to talk to. And my family. But I'm already...concerned about the consequences this is having for others.
<Lucas> I could try to communicate to people like I did with you before, in spirit.
* Skalla glances at Chemames apologetically
<Lucas> It might not be ideal but maybe I can get some information from them without putting us at further risk.
<Skalla> maybe...
<Welumque> If we are only looking to ensure our safety, my people can take us all in. And I will admit, in my dreams, I see that path before us. But simply fleeing to safety feels like surrender.
<Skalla> but as Welumque said, the situation is so fluid
<Skalla> it does - I admit that's one reason I was thinking about the fort
<Chemames> (to Lucas) Who would you get in contact with?
<Lucas> I don't know. I guess it depends who Skalla thinks would be useful to talk to?
* Lucas looks to Skalla for thoughts on that
<Skalla> Charlotta maybe? I'd say Thekla but I don't think she knows you at all
* Hildie ( has joined #thirteen
<Lucas> well, I don't know if she needs to know me, if I can convince her I know you.
<Skalla> Charlotta is probably more likly to have her finger on the town's ulse I think... if she's okay
* Lucas nods
<Lucas> well, if you have any specific things you want me to tell her, or ask about, I can try that.
<Skalla> they're wise to Svald's magic... maybe its the safer way to go... if you can do it safely
<Skalla> I want to knw what the situation is in town, if there have been any other arrests. Maybe if *she* has any advice or thoughts...
<Welumque> I agree that information is what we need most of all right now.
<Lucas> All right... do you want me to try that now?
<Welumque> I think that would be good. Skalla?
* Skalla nods
<Skalla> is there anythign elseou think he shoudl ask?
* Skalla asks Welumque
<Welumque> Hmm...
* Welumque considers.
<Welumque> Where the community stands. How the sentiment is among the ordinary people.
* Skalla nods
* Lucas nods
<Lucas> It might take me a little time, but I'll do my best.
<Skalla> that's fine. Did you have any breakfast yet?
<Skalla> If not, do that first
<Lucas> oh, no, I guess I didn't...
* Lucas will have some food quickly
<Skalla> and anyone else who hasnt eaten yet - let's take the chance while we can
<Hildie> Don't have to tell me twice.
* Svald can't remember if they did or now
<Welumque> Agreed.
<Svald> (not)
<Narrator> You all can have some food and Lucas can head off to do his spell.
<Narrator> (Roll Lore for me, Lucas)
<Lucas> !roll 4d3-4
* @Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-4 ] getting [ 3 1 3 3 ] for a total of [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ -4 ] totals [ 6 ].
<Narrator> (What time of day did Skalla gather everyone?)
<Lucas> (I feel like it must have been like mid-morning ish? we got to sleep in a bit, as far as I know.)
<Narrator> (Okie doke)
<Narrator> (High or low?)
<Lucas> (but like Lucas and Chemames woke up, had their talk which probably took only 15 min or something, and then got called to the meeting, so it can't be very late I don't think)
* Chemames is now known as Charlotta
<Lucas> (high)
* Svald is just going to sleep in the corner for a while

Lucas checks in with Charlotta

<Narrator> Lucas, you find your spirit self in Charlotta's cafe, the proprietor herself behind the counter. The room looks crowded, but the patrons look more insubstantial to you, and you just get a vague sense of background conversation.
* Charlotta 's eyes go wide when she sees you.
* Charlotta looks around, noting no one else reacting to your presence.
<Lucas> I need to talk to you.
* Charlotta motions you to follow her and walks into her office.
* Charlotta closes the door behind you both.
* Lucas follows
<Charlotta> Handy spell, Mr. Flood. Are you all right?
<Lucas> Skalla asked me to talk to you. We are safe, in hiding right now. We're trying to find out what is happening in town - if there have been more arrests, or more violence.
* Charlotta smiles mirthlessly.
<Charlotta> Well, there's been more violence, certainly, but no more arrests.
<Lucas> what sort of violence?
<Charlotta> The royal soldiers have retreated back to Fastning Irena, and the governor's mansion.
<Charlotta> How much do you know of what's going on?
<Lucas> If you can tell me your view of what's happened, it may be helpful. Our view is necessarily limited right now...
<Lucas> Skalla thought you would have a better sense of how the people are feeling, what the general sentiments are in the community.
* Charlotta nods.
<Charlotta> The crowd got wind of Skalla and Hildegard being arrested, and why they arrested. That set them off, and a lot of people tried to get in to directly address the governor and the Thing. At some point, the soldiers guarding the assembly house fired into the crowd. That scattered people, but just for a little while.
<Charlotta> The governor apparently sent for reinforcements to enforce a curfew, but by then people had gotten a bit more organized and resisted, marching to the docks and the governor's mansion, demanding my nieces be freed. As that hasn't happened, people are still up in arms, literally.
<Charlotta> Neither side has taken direct action as yet, but it's just a matter of time.
<Charlotta> Skalla's safe, though? Hildie as well?
<Lucas> Yes, they're safe.
<Charlotta> Soldiers have been out in the city looking for the both of them, and luckily there hasn't been a major outbreak of violence so far.
<Charlotta> I'm not sure everyone knows they escaped.
<Charlotta> It's all a lot of rumor and hearsay right now.
<Lucas> What do you think they should do? Would it be best to lay low for now, get off the island, or do you think it would be better to return? Do you have any information on what's happening at Alhusan al Aswad, as well?
* Lucas nods
<Charlotta> I haven't heard anything new about the fort, I'm sorry.
* Lucas nods
<Charlotta> As to my nieces...*I
* would say they should come back, but Berit would probably prefer they stay away until things have a chance to calm down.
<Lucas> Do you have anything else you want to convey to them?
<Charlotta> Just tell them to be careful, that their family loves them, and they shouldn't let anyone else decide for them what they're going to do.
<Lucas> All right.
<Charlotta> You be careful, too.
<Lucas> I'll pass that along to them. Thank you, and.... I think Skalla wanted to get word to someone else, Thekla? If you have a chance, let her know that Skalla's okay?
* Charlotta nods.
<Charlotta> She's been in here some, stirring people up. I'll be sure to let her know.
* Lucas nods
<Charlotta> Lucas...
<Lucas> yes?
<Charlotta> Nevermind. Just be safe.
<Lucas> we'll try.
<Charlotta> You'll all be in my prayers...though I'm also keeping my rifle ready, too.
<Lucas> We might need both.

After hearing Lucas's reort, the party decides to return to Fasting Irena

* Lucas will return his spirit back to his body.
* Charlotta is now known as Chemames
* Chemames will have been waiting.
<Chemames> Are you all right?
<Lucas> A bit drained, but I'm all right.
<Chemames> You were able to talk to her?
<Lucas> Yes, I spoke with Charlotta.
<Lucas> (are Hildie and Skalla here too or do I need to find them?)
<Narrator> (Up to them)
<Hildie> (I can be there)
* Welumque is probably up and around.
* Welumque comes in.
<Welumque> How were your travels, mem?
<Lucas> I was able to reach Charlotta, and talk with her.
<Skalla> (Yeah probably waiting)
<Skalla> What did she say?
<Lucas> She said that many people rose up to demand Skalla and Hildie's release, once they heard why they were arrested. The soldiers fired into the crowd, and that dispersed them, but only for a little while. The governor sent for reinforcements, but the people had time to organize further, and marched on the governor's mansion, demanding their release.
<Skalla> huh.
<Lucas> As they haven't heard that you've escaped, nor any other information, they continue to protest.
<Welumque> Well, look at that, the people actually have some sense for once.
<Lucas> She didn't know anything about what was happening at the fort.
<Hildie> Why haven't they told anyone we've escaped? It would calm the crowds and help to smoke us out at the same time.
<Lucas> She didn't say, but I assume that would make them look weak.
<Lucas> they can't even hold two prisoners.
<Hildie> Mmmm
<Skalla> People may not have believed them, also
<Skalla> it not something they can prove
<Hildie> True
<Lucas> I asked her what she thought you should do, and she said she would tell you to return, but that Berit would want you to stay away until things calm down. In the end she just said that no one could make that decision for you, and you have to do what you think is best. She wanted you to know that your family love you.
* Skalla smiles at that
* Hildie smiles
<Lucas> I also asked her to let Thekla know you were safe and she said she has been rabble-rousing but next time she comes to the coffee house, she will let her know.
<Hildie> Thanks, Lucas.
<Skalla> fantastic
<Hildie> That does sound like her.
<Chemames> So, that is definitely a different situation.
<Welumque> Well, then, Skalla ... we return?
<Welumque> And if we do, what do we aim to do when we do so?
<Lucas> Of course the guards are still looking for you, but we knew that already.
<Hildie> Yeah, I'm all for doing something, but what exactly is our plan here?
<Lucas> It could be that they are looking so frantically because they want to be able to be seen to release you and calm the situation down... that's just a guess, though.
<Skalla> its possible
<Chemames> Is that...what you want to do?
<Hildie> I'm not willing to bet my life on that possibility
<Skalla> I'd like to go back and show people that we are okay, but it's not like things can just go back to how they were after that
<Skalla> I don't think that's will be entirely up to us. But what I'd like to see.... hmm.
<Hildie> If we go back, I think we have two choices. We can go back in surrender, or in defiance.
<Skalla> Oh that's not a question. The question is where doews defiance lead
<Hildie> I think you know where it leads. For better or worse.
<Welumque> Knowing that the people are angered already makes defiance a more reasonable choice.
<Hildie> It leads to the same place it lead for the Black Guard.
* Skalla nods
<Skalla> Okay.
<Chemames> Okay?
<Welumque> So, we go with the aim of standing with the people of Sisawinak - all the people. In defiance of tyranny, in defiance of needless war.
<Skalla> Yes. I think I'm okay with that. We go back.
* Skalla nods to Welumque.
<Skalla> But there *is
* probably going to be war fo some kind.
* Welumque nods to Skalla.
<Welumque> Yes, sadly. But we can perhaps alter its trajectory and duration.
* Lucas will go over to coyote!svald
<Hildie> Two colonies in revolt. How do you think the rest will side?
<Skalla> It's not just the colonies, though
I know you must be upset... you don't usually stay in an animal's form this long. do you want to talk about it?
<Hildie> No, it's not.
<Skalla> The allies we have made here are *our
* allies, not the old world's
<Hildie> What I mean is that we should send out feelers. See what the mood is in the other colonies. If they'd be willing to help.
<Skalla> I don't think we need to do that
<Skalla> I'm sure the mood is the same everywhere
<Hildie> We're going to need all the help we can get.
* Svald shakes their head
<Skalla> maybe but that can come after
<Skalla> I just want to think about how we're going back into town
<Skalla> the rest isn't just on us
<Hildie> No, but it's something to think about for the long term.
* Svald goes back to being a human but stays sitting on the ground
<Welumque> I agree. We're not politicians, and shouldn't aim to be. At most, we are a symbol, and what we are doing here is shaping that.
* Lucas just sits down beside Svald and will keep them company, then.
<Welumque> We didn't choose to be a symbol, but here we are, regardless.
* Skalla nnods to Welunque
<Hildie> Symbols are great, but they don't win wars. Soldiers do.
<Skalla> So - how do we get back in withou being arrested on the way.
<Hildie> Depends. Where do we want to go?
<Hildie> Charlottas?
<Skalla> yes
<Lucas> It looked busy when I was there... but probably busy with people who would be on your side?
<Hildie> How often does she get supply carts for the shop?
<Narrator> (She doesn't, from this part of the island.)
<Narrator> (Her stock comes from the Khalijani side, or just from the docks.)
<Hildie> (Hmmm)
<Skalla> I would expect so, yes
* Skalla says to Lucas
<Skalla> I don't mind just strolling in boldly, It does sound lik he governor's forces are a bit hemmed in at the moment
<Hildie> We can probably make it if we cut cross country. Avoid the main roads.
<Hildie> But they will probably have mages looking out for us.
<Skalla> maybe.
* Skalla looks at Lucas and Chemames
<Skalla> It's you two I'm most concerned about
<Chemames> What do you mean?
<Skalla> If we do run into any trouble, I don't want to see you get injured further
<Chemames> Neither do I,'re the ones they're looking for.
<Lucas> we wouldn't be safer if we went off separately...
<Skalla> I'm pretty sure they're looking for Lucas too now, at leaast.
* Lucas nods
<Chemames> Maybe we could get an escort or something?
<Welumque> I think at this point, they could be looking for any of us. After all, they came to my house.
<Chemames> Right...
* Skalla nods thoughtfully
<Skalla> That's a good idea Chemames
<Skalla> Thekla could do it.
<Skalla> we'd just need to tell her where to meet us
* Alienor ( has joined #thirteen

Alienor offers to go with them to show suppport form other colonies

<Alienor> Perhaps you would care for further company?
* Alienor says from the doorway.
<Skalla> oh?
* Skalla turns to her
<Skalla> what have you got?
<Alienor> Myself and my guards.
<Alienor> I could summon more if you think it necessary.
<Skalla> I think the statement might be sufficient
* Skalla looks at the others for thoughs
<Welumque> Yes, there's a value in a smaller group.
<Welumque> A larger group might be saying, come, join us, take up arms.
<Welumque> Or to justify a disproportionate response from the governor.
<Alienor> I don't want to provoke a fight, but it sounds as if now is the time to send a message, no?
<Skalla> exactly
<Lucas> Charlotta said that people were gathering at the docks as well as at the Governor's mansion.
<Lucas> I don't know if it would be easier to get to the docks and go from there?
<Hildie> We could probably get there by boat.
<Hildie> Less chance of meeting guards that way, at least until we dock.
<Chemames> If the bluebacks are held up in the fort, then they aren't blocking the harbor.
<Skalla> I don't know about that. Their forces are holed up on the island there, they woudl probably be willing to come out to meet us on sea
* Chemames frowns.
<Skalla> but maybe not under a Marianas flag?
<Alienor> There are boats we can take.
<Alienor> We would also be sailing past Alhusan al Aswad...
<Skalla> hmm.
<Skalla> okay. Maybe we coudl stop n for a visit >.>
* Welumque nods.
<Welumque> All right.
<Skalla> okay. I think we have a plan then - is everyone onboard?
* Hildie nods.
* Chemames looks at Lucas and Svald with concern.
<Svald> Sure.
* Lucas nods
<Svald> when?
<Alienor> Give me an hour or so to make arrangements, then at your convenience.
<Skalla> thank you, again.
* Alienor nods.
<Alienor> It is the right thing to do.
<Narrator> (Anything folks need to do beforehand?)

Lucas checks in with Svald, and looks in on their studio

<Narrator> (Lucas, did you want to try to talk to Svald privately?)
<Lucas> (yeah, if they will let me)
* Svald is just sitting wherever they were when the meeting ended
<Lucas> are you okay?
* Lucas asks them once people have dispersed a bit
<Svald> I'll be fine...
<Lucas> but right now, you aren't?
<Svald> Everything is just... a very lot.
* Lucas nods
<Lucas> I know... it's not what any of us wanted.
<Lucas> if there was one thing we could do that would help you, what would it be?
* Svald tucks their knees up to their chest and puts their forehead down on them.
* Lucas puts one arm around Svald's shoulders
<Svald> No, nothing...
<Svald> only if I had my sketchbook... but they probably took i
<Svald> (it)
<Lucas> where was the last place you had it?
<Svald> my studio
<Svald> for all I know everything is gone now... all my work...
<Lucas> I'll try to find it for you.
<Svald> no... it's too dangerous... it's not worth it.
<Lucas> I mean... looking in the spirit. I'll go there and see what things look like.
<Lucas> then I can at least tell you what to expect.
<Svald> you should save your energy...
<Lucas> This is worth it for me.
<Lucas> You are worth that energy. Okay?
<Svald> ...
<Svald> okay...
* Lucas hugs you
* Svald just looks profoundly miserable
* Lucas will go find somewhere quiet to try and project his spirit to Svald's studio and look at the situation there, if possible.
* Svald is going to be a wolf and find somewhere to lie down again.
<Narrator> (Roll Lore again)
<Lucas> !roll 4d3-4
* @Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-4 ] getting [ 3 3 2 2 ] for a total of [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ -4 ] totals [ 6 ].
<Narrator> The process is basically the same as last time, and you find yourself in Svald's studio. Your projection remains mostly in the spiritual world, so often non-living objects can be muted and hard to distinguish, but that's not the case here. If anything, Svald paintings and sketches seem alive, vibrant and visceral. Looking into them from this perspective is genuinely like looking at the world through Svald's eyes.
<Narrator> It looks as if some things might have been moved around - at least one painting is currently lying on the ground - but nothing seems particularly damaged.
<Lucas> (can I see the sketchbook somewhere?)
<Narrator> (Roll Notice)
<Lucas> !roll 4d3-5
* @Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 2 3 2 1 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 3 ].
<Narrator> Not being able to move anything, it is somewhat difficult to search, but you eventually find it in a pile of things that have been moved around. It looks like it wasn't treated with particular care, but it doesn't look worse for wear.
<Lucas> (ok, I'll come back then)
* Lucas will go find wolf!Svald and sit down with them again.
<Lucas> I saw your studio. It looked like things had been moved around, but nothing seemed very damaged. I even saw your sketchbook, it was in a pile with some other things, but it was okay.
* Svald closes their eyes and sighs a little sigh
<Lucas> one painting was on the ground but even it was okay.
<Lucas> I could see them like they were ... alive. they looked beautiful.
* Svald raises their head
* Svald sits up and shifts back.
<Svald> Really?
<Lucas> Yes.
* Svald smiles a little
* Lucas smiles back
<Lucas> It will be all right.
* Lan-phone ( Quit (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
* Svald nods sadly

The party gets underways, and stops in at Alhusa al Aswad to pick up some more supporters

* Alienor will have made arrangements for you all to sail on a small boat around to Fastning Irena, passing the Khalijani port at Alhusan al Aswad along the way.
<Alienor> Coming alongside the Khalijani settlement, you can see Black Guard-uniformed soldiers on the docks, moving equipment onto a couple waiting ships.
<Alienor> (Ack, ww)
* Skalla will hail them
* Chemames is now known as Soldier
<Skalla> Hail there
<Soldier> Well met.
<Skalla> I'm wondering if you have someone free who could rn a message up to the fort?
<Soldier> We're a bit busy here, and the fort's busier.
<Soldier> What do you need?
* Lan-phone ( has joined #thirteen
<Skalla> I wated to send a message to the Naqueeb
<Skalla> I'm Skalla Beritsdottir of the Stormsvallvag
* Soldier stops what he's doing.
<Soldier> Say that again?
<Skalla> Skalla of the Stormsvallvag
<Hildie> /me chuckles.
<Soldier> You're one of the one's they're up in arms about to the west? Who helped us fight?
<Soldier> I can take your message to the fort myself. What do you need to tell the naqeeb?
<Skalla> That's me - several of us, really
<Skalla> Tell her that we are well - that we're planning to sail back into fasting Irena with some prvate support from Marianas
<Skalla> we can wait here for a bit, in case she wants to send anything in reply
* Soldier nods and will jog off in the direction of the fort.
* Soldier is now known as Bitamna_Zahraoui
* Bitamna_Zahraoui rides up maybe 40 minutes later with another group of soldiers.
<Bitamna_Zahraoui> Mamsel Stormsvallvag, I'm heartened to see you are well.
<Skalla> Naqeeb - it's good to see you as well
<Skalla> My cousin is with me, and Welumque and Lucas and Svald as well
* Skalla can also introduce Alienor
<Bitamna_Zahraoui> I'd be happy to welcome you all to the fort, but Raqib Lazaar tells me you're on your way back home?
<Skalla> (yes I can also introduce chemames ;)
<Skalla> Yes. We heard that there has been some push back against our arrest and I thknk... it's better to take advantage of than then to just stay on the run indefinitely
<Bitamna_Zahraoui> I find I'm in something of a similar position.
<Bitamna_Zahraoui> What are your plans once you return?
<Skalla> Plans is a bit more... contcrete than I think we can make without actaully talking to poeple there. But I expect things are going to siral into something larger
<Skalla> Also similar to your position I expect
* Bitamna_Zahraoui nods.
<Bitamna_Zahraoui> We're rather forced into seizing the moment, it seems.
<Skalla> I think this is going to get much bigger than either of us
<Bitamna_Zahraoui> I agree.
<Bitamna_Zahraoui> Is there any way I can offer assistance? I think our fortunes are intertwined at this juncture, and we owe you and yours a debt.
<Skalla> If you have some people to send with us... I think it wouldl help this become a stringer statement that ti goes beyond any one colony
<Skalla> (Stronger, bah)
* Bitamna_Zahraoui smiles.
<Bitamna_Zahraoui> I thought you might say something like that.
<Bitamna_Zahraoui> These women and men are ready to accompany you.
* Bitamna_Zahraoui gestures around her to the folks who rode with her from the fort.
<Skalla> Thank you.
<Skalla> I'm happy to have my fortune entertwined with yours
<Bitamna_Zahraoui> I'm sure this won't be the last time we speak. Good luck.
<Skalla> you as well.
* Skalla can get these soldiers settles on our ship and then we can get underway :V

Lucas checks in with Chemames

* Chemames will be near the front of the ship, looking out ahead.
* Lucas will come to sit near him
<Lucas> it's kind of bad timing, isn't it...
<Chemames> What do you mean?
<Lucas> oh...
<Lucas> I just meant... I said later, but I didn't mean - didn't think - that it might be a lot later.
* Chemames smiles.
<Chemames> I don't mind waiting for you.
<Lucas> I just feel like I was promising things I couldn't keep.
<Chemames> We can't control everything.
<Chemames> I'm not even sure we can control much of anything.
* Lucas nods
<Chemames> But that doesn't mean we don't try, don't make plans and all that.
<Lucas> I guess I'm not used to planning for things in the future.
<Chemames> I'm sorry that's been the case.
<Chemames> I get it, but still.
<Chemames> Maybe I can help remind you you can have a future.
* Lucas smiles a little at that
<Lucas> I'd like that.

The party arrives back to Fasting Irena to joy from the crowd!

<Narrator> (The trip by sail is pretty short, but folks have a little time to talk if anyone wants to have a conversation on the way.)
<Lucas> (I would talk with Chemames if there's a chance)
* Skalla would like to talk wth Welumque
<Narrator> (Let's do the Chemames one in 02 then?)
* Bitamna_Zahraoui is now known as Chemames
<Skalla> Welumque - can I talk to you for a moment?
* Svald is keeping to themself.
<Welumque> Of course, Skalla.
<Skalla> Thank you. I just wanted to make sure that you are comfortable coming in as part of this statement we are making, considering how it may affest your people
<Welumque> Thank you for taking the time to consider that aspect.
<Welumque> I do not speak for my people, although of course I know that others may regard it differently.
<Skalla> yes
<Skalla> That's my concern.
<Skalla> I do know this will affect them regardless...
<Welumque> As for me, Sisawinak has long ago fallen away from Lexkweyok hands. I may wish it were different, but it is not.
<Welumque> And we are talking now about the right of all peoples to live here, unmolested by foreign authorities.
<Welumque> So I think I must stand with you. I do not have any other meaningful choice.
<Skalla> I would like to see that whatever comes out of this... rebellion we are embarking on will have a better outlook for all our peoples
<Skalla> please feel free to hole me to that commitment in the future
<Welumque> It is not your commitment that I doubt in any of this.
<Welumque> Although many of your people have recently given me reason for mistrust, yours is, and has always been, firm.
<Skalla> Thank you. I'll keep doing my best
* Chemames ( Quit (Quit:
* Alienor ( Quit (Quit:
<Narrator> As the chartered boat heads into the harbor and Fastning Irena (fort and town alike) heave into view, you can spot soldiers on the walls at the fort and more than the usual crowd on the docks. It doesn't look like a lot of work is getting done at the moment.
<Narrator> As you get closer, it looks like the crowd on the docks are demonstrators; you can spot a burning effigy of what you think is supposed to be a blue-uniformed soldier in clear view of the fort.
<Hildie> Huh...
<Skalla> well. here we go, then
<Hildie> Welcome home.
<Svald> o.o
<Narrator> Near the front of that crowd, as the boat is about to dock, those of you who know her can spot Thekla leading chants of "Let them go!"
<Skalla> ?me stands up
<loudly> Who are we letting go?
* Skalla stands up
<Skalla> THEKLA!
* Thekla ( has joined #thirteen
* Thekla pauses a second.
<Thekla> IT'S THEM!
* Thekla rushes to meet you where your boat docks.
<Skalla> We let ourslves go :)
* Hildie salutes her.
<Skalla> and we brought.... support
<Hildie> We escaped a few days back. Been laying low for a bit.
* Thekla lunges forward to wrap Skalla in a big hug.
* Skalla hugs her back
<Skalla> It's good to see you
* Thekla lets go after a long moment but grabs Skalla and Hildie's hands and raises them up.
<Narrator> There's a big cheer from the crowd.
<Thekla> Chalice and blade, I was so worried.
* Thekla has to shout to be heard, even so close.
<Skalla> Sorry!
* Skalla has more to say but maybe not shouted at a crowd
<Skalla> We're okay!
* Skalla can shout that one louder though
<Narrator> More cheers from the crowd.
<Narrator> You're all in very real danger of being carried along whether you want to or not.
* Skalla nods
<Skalla> THANK YOU!
* Skalla calls out to the crowds
* Hildie waves to the crowd.
<Narrator> (Roll me...Rapport)
<Welumque> (is this everyone?)
* Skalla rolls [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 1 1 3 1 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 0 ]
<Hildie> !roll 4d3-7
* @Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 3 2 3 2 ] for a total of [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 3 ].
<Narrator> Hildie, you are able to exert some control and get the crowd to move you all to Charlotta's, which seems like it was already pretty busy to begin with.
* Svald is going to turn into a raven to avoid the crush :x
* Charlotta ( has joined #thirteen
* Svald will fly to the cafe though
* Charlotta almost drops the kettle she's holding when you all walk in, but manages to catch herself, put it down, and rush over to wrap both of her nieces in a big hug.
* Skalla hugs her back too - big day for hugs :3
<Charlotta> Thank the gods!
<Charlotta> Your both okay?
<Charlotta> Where's Svald?
<Hildie> We're ok. Just took us a bit to get here. Svald is on the way.
<Charlotta> (You're, rather)
<Skalla> probably on the roof
<Skalla> we brought some friends
<Charlotta> So I can see. Well, drinks all around, then. You'll need to fortify before you go see your mother, I'm sure.
<Hildie> How's she doing with all this?
<Charlotta> Mamsel Welumque, come take a load off. Lucas, you as well. Come in, come in, everyone.
<Welumque> Thank you for your hospitality.
<Charlotta> Berit is cautious by nature, but I think she's beginning to recognize timing may not allow delay.
* Lucas will come in and try not to get squished
* Skalla nods
<Skalla> I think we should probably make an *actual* statement of some kind
<Charlotta> The Thing is meeting again this evening, without the governor, to discuss, well, everything.
<Charlotta> That might be the best venue.
<Skalla> fantastic
* Svald come and sit in the rafters >.>
<Hildie> You know, if we really want to get the word out, we know someone with a printing press.
<Skalla> we do, but they can report from the Thing
