Saza Gago

From RocksfallWiki
Saza Gago

Saza (720-), known as Widdershins, is an exceptionally powerful sigillant, probably the most able of her generation to come from the Ravre. Saza is the sister of the Gago hengi, Tocha, and grew up in Hong Sogo, but now spends most of her time travelling on her own, building and maintaining a network of sigils and inscriptions throughout the region. She has little to do with Nemnosti but has always seemed to have a kind of respect for Nemnu Ula as long as she does not interfere with the Ravre. Saza is temperamental and notoriously difficult to befriend, and has earned a reputation as someone to be avoided. Still, her power and skill are desperately sought after both by Ravre leaders as well as many of the nobility of the Pardopasu.