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Nemnosti session logs
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Session date: March 4, 2024
Negili Reckoning date: IE 768, Fikho


Welcome, acolytes! The lands around the province of Naftusa, and even our own home here at Nemnosti, bear the scars of centuries of conflict. Although it has now been many decades of peace, to learn the history of this place is to become aware of its history of war. But the ruins you play in are not merely trifles for children to jump about on. They are the bones of communities long lost, though not forgotten, just as Ancestors carry the past with them into the present. We remember the two great castles of the second war against the Pretender, Gil Hargush to the north, Gil Pirtu to the east. Or Vulusilt in the south, the tower that protected us in the first war. Or Lurusiru Osti, destroyed after the Great Purge. All once full of life, full of joy. Fear not, though, acolytes, for Nemnosti has outlived them all - the ulajeta has strong walls and stronger bones still. And so while we know that all things are transitory, the Lady ensures that we carry our knowledge into the future. But too, we know that there will always be those who oppose us, and we must be ready to defend our home against aggressors. For if we are not the bones of the cloister, then we shall all become bones ...

The party travels overland through the Ghengom to Hong Sogo

[NemnostiGM] You awaken early in preparation for your journey into the Ghengom to continue to investigate the death of Surgu Takovenga. Food has been prepared for your travel by Regivus, who manages the cellars, and your gear made ready as needed, as well as supplies of fos for those who want them.
[NemnostiGM] Jevai, you have lodged your glyphs during the wee hours, and are ready to depart.
[NemnostiGM] Ifa, a bubun has been made available for you if you wish one.
[NemnostiGM] You can all gather together to leave, and discuss any final matters that need your attention.
[Ifa] (Just to clarify: 1 bubun is available to me? (I can command 2, so I wanted to check))
* Marga is in an upbeat mood :)
[NemnostiGM] (yes, just one for travelling, at least this time)
[Ifa] (Cool cool)
* Izu will have made sure to tell at least Kuspir what he learned about the mask.
* Jevai looks a little tired
[Jevai] (tell us noooow)
[Ifa] (Who was my bubun? ;) )
* Ifa will show up with herself and her bubun loaded with supplies for herself and others.
* Izu will show up with himself and not much else, not being used to travel outside the ulajeta.
[Marga] Who's ready for a HIKE? :D :D
[Ifa] (What's the weather like?)
* Alai arrives wearing a different pair of khobesku, these showing more signs of wear, covered in blue wave pattern scrollwork. She wears a red juskai and matching mebel, with green and yellow leaf patterns, and the ususal collection of bracelets, rings, a bone choker and her silver headband with black stones.
[NemnostiGM] The weather today is warm enough here, but you know that it will only get colder the farther uphill you get. So you'd be wise to bring a warm cloak, at least, even in mid-spring.
* Alai gives a resigned sigh to Marga's enthusiasm
[Izu] Kuspir, I have learned a little about the mask the killer was wearing. I'm not sure how much it helps, but it may be something.
[Kuspir] Oh?
* Marga is wearing her favourite well worn khobesku with her vulture feather armour under a warm woolen cloak :)
[Izu] I knew I had seen it before, I assumed in one of the ulajeta's books. But it turned out to be in a margin note. It was drawn there with the characters GU-NU-RE-MAI beneath it.
[Kuspir] What does that mean?
[Jevai] what book?
[Izu] I don't know. It was in a book about the great purge, in a section about a demon of vengeance.
[Izu] I believe someone may hold a grudge for things long past.
[Izu] And whoever it is has studied here.
* Ifa is wearing her armor for today, a hand-me-down set of banded mail that she's kept in as pristine condition as she can manage.
[Kuspir] Hm.
[Izu] Or at least had access to that book
[Jevai] (I assume this means nothing to me ;p)
[Ifa] (Or any of us?)
[Marga] Wow a demon? Yikes!
[Jevai] it is clearly a person, not a demon, whatever they re trying to evoke.
[Izu] It was just a story. One of those told by the Old Folk
* Jevai thinks
[NemnostiGM] (doesn't mean anything to any of you, no. It only meant something to Izu because he had recognized the mask, last time.)
[Ifa] But a story someone is trying to tell.
[Izu] Indeed
[Jevai] So, then it could be something known to the old folk, and not just out of that text...
[Ifa] To themself if nothing else.
[Izu] True, but who drew the mask in the text?
[Izu] That part was hand drawn in the margin
[Kuspir] Maybe something to ask Her about.
* Ifa nods.
[Jevai] Hmm.
[Ifa] That was my thought.
[Izu] I thought you should know first.
[Kuspir] Well, it's good to know. We can keep it in mind, if we see anything else that relates to the old folk.
[Kuspir] I think that we should travel to Hong Sogo first. My thinking is that it will take us two days to get there if we don't push ourselves too hard so that we're exhausted and arrive at night.
[Marga] Yeah!
[Kuspir] We can camp overnight along the way and arrive in the daytime on the following day.
[Jevai] first? Before we investigate where his camp was?
[Ifa] (If I recall, we don't know *exactly* where his camp was, right? We were just hoping to find it because we know the general area?)
[Jevai] (we have loose directions form the divination, yeah)\
[Kuspir] I think yes. Because we don't know how long it might take us to find the camp, so we could be wandering there for several days, and I don't want to delay in getting to speak to the son. But also because of the direction of our path - it makes more sense to go to Hong Sogo first, then we can continue towards the area of the camp. On the way back, if we wish, we can stop by to see the other
[Kuspir] son, the corpseborn one.
* Ifa nods.
[Ifa] Sounds like a plan.
* Jevai nods
[Marga] Let's gooo, no time to waste!
[Alai] I should have brought something to read.
[Ifa] Everybody ate a good breakfast, right? Lot of walking today.
* Ifa looks at Alai curiously.
[Marga] You can read and walk at the same time?
* Marga looks impressed
[Ifa] While we walk?
[Izu] If you'd like, I can recite some of the sacred scriptures.
* Marga scrunches up her nose
[Marga] There's so much cool stuff to see!!
[Alai] Lets just focus walking.
[Marga] Rocks, plants, animals... the sky!!
* Jevai smiles
* Kuspir will set off, hefting his supplies on his sturdy back.
[Izu] As you wish.
[Jevai] we could tell stories
[Ifa] That sounds fun. Go on, then Jevai, start us off. :)
[NemnostiGM] The journey is probably no more than five miles directly, but the course west and north to Hong Sogo overland is anything but simple. There are areas where rockslides are common that must be avoided, and other areas where the ascent is simply too steep.
* Ifa follows along behind Kuspir.
[NemnostiGM] It is probably 3000 feet lower in Nemnosti than in Hong Sogo, making the climb up the rocky dried riverbeds arduous. While Marga could no doubt make it alone in a pleasant afternoon's climb, it is far more challenging for the rest of you.
[NemnostiGM] (Marga, please make a Survival roll to see how well you guide folks along the way)
* Jevai can tell some ravre stories alog the trek
[Marga] !roll 1d20+9
* Lan-werk rolls for Marga: [ 1d20+9 ] getting [ 12 ] which, after the modifier [ 9 ] totals [ 21 ].
[NemnostiGM] The trip is definitely not an easy one, for those of you unaccustomed to it, but mostly you're following dry streambeds and other obvious paths where it would be very hard to get lost.
[NemnostiGM] By nightfall, you're near enough to Hong Sogo that tomorrow it would only be a short walk, without being so close as to alert the villagers.
* Jevai is definitely tired and grateful to stop
[NemnostiGM] You can make a camp readily. Any preparations for the evening?
* Izu is stumbling like a bubun by the time we get to camp.
[Jevai] if there have been strangers seen in the are, we shoudl probably set a watch
[Jevai] (area)
[Ifa] (Can bubun stand watch?)
[Ifa] (Out of curiosity?)
[Ifa] (Like, if you have them a bell or something? I know they can't talk.)
[NemnostiGM] (absolutely!)
[Ifa] That makes sense.
[NemnostiGM] (you can give them a command to bang a pot or just even come poke you)
[Ifa] I'll take second.
[NemnostiGM] (of course they can't think too much - so you run the risk of a false positive)
[Izu] Can they actually make any noises? Even like groans or yells?
[Jevai] I can put up a spell that will wake us if anyone comes un==into the area
[Ifa] (Is that an in or out of character question, Tuck?)
[Izu] (Gah, sorry that should have been the other channel)
[Jevai] if we think that woudl be enough
[Ifa] Well, better safe than sorry, right? Why don't we do both?
* Jevai nods
* Kuspir nods
[Jevai] I'll dislodge it right before we go to bed
* Ifa will get to work making dinner for everyone, presumably some form of soup.
[Kuspir] Thank you.
* Izu will try to help out where needed.
[NemnostiGM] All right, you can settle in. Jevai, are you lodging something and then dislodging it?
* Izu will get out his journal once everyone is settled and begin writing for a bit.
* Jevai will take 20 min draw out the alarm spell then, probably while Ifa is cooking, just scratching it out on one of the stones that's alreay nearby with a knife
[Jevai] !roll 1d20+10
* Lan-werk rolls for Jevai: [ 1d20+10 ] getting [ 13 ] which, after the modifier [ 10 ] totals [ 23 ].
[Jevai] (extended alarm, shoul last 8 hours)
[Ifa] Good stones around here for that, Jevai?
* Jevai definitely seems pretty orn out when she is done.
[Jevai] Mm.
[NemnostiGM] All right, are you actually setting a watch then or just alarm + bubun?
[Ifa] Come have some soup.
[Ifa] (I said I'd take second watch.)
[Kuspir] (I'll take a watch - I can take first)
[Jevai] (mental version, and she will let people know the passcode in case they need to leave the area for anything)
[Marga] (I'll take third I guess :)
[Alai] (how many watches?)
[Kuspir] (4 maybe? 2 hours each?)
[Izu] (I'll take last watch. I'm always up early anyway)
[Ifa] (*nod*)
[NemnostiGM] OK. You settle down for the evening.
[NemnostiGM] Kuspir, make a Perception check.
* Jevai is gonna sleep like the dead unless we do get disturbed ;)
[Kuspir] !roll 1d20+12
* Lan-werk rolls for Kuspir: [ 1d20+12 ] getting [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ 12 ] totals [ 20 ].
[Jevai] I am at 13/16 hp :V
[NemnostiGM] You definitely hear some strange noises, but nothing you can identify clearly. You grew up in the lowlands of Zhustir, so this high up in the province is always full of unusual sounds.
[NemnostiGM] The rest of the night passes uneventfully.
[NemnostiGM] The morning breaks and there is a fog on the hills that makes visibility poor. Fortunately you don't have far to go and are well-oriented.
* Kuspir will get up and walk around a bit in the morning, just to see if I see anything weird (footprints or whatever) that might indicate what I was hearing last night.
[NemnostiGM] (sure, make a Survival check)
[Ifa] What're looking at?
* Ifa will ask idly while packing up camp.
[NemnostiGM] (or Perception, I'll let you do either)
[Kuspir] !roll 1d20+12
* Lan-werk rolls for Kuspir: [ 1d20+12 ] getting [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ 12 ] totals [ 18 ].
[Kuspir] (perception)
[NemnostiGM] You don't see anything
[Kuspir] Oh, I heard some odd sounds last night. I was just looking to see if I could see any footprints or anything. But nothing I can make out.
[Izu] What kind of odd sounds?
[Ifa] What kind of sounds? Marga would probably know what it was.
[Marga] Yeah what kind of sounds?
[Kuspir] (how can I describe it, Steve?)
[NemnostiGM] You'd describe them as erratic thumping, perhaps?
[Kuspir] sort of a thumping sound
[Marga] (ringing any bells?)
[Alai] who's having much more fun than the rest of us?
[NemnostiGM] (not really - could easily be any number of animals)
[Marga] Could be anything
* Marga says with a shrug :)
* Ifa shrugs, lifting her pack.
[Ifa] Everyone good to go?
[Kuspir] I figured it was just some kind of animal or whatnot, but just wanted to check I didn't see anything strange.
[Marga] Yeah!!
[Marga] Next stop, home!
[Kuspir] Let's be on our way, then.
* Jevai gets on oe last big stretch
[Izu] (To Marga) What kind of animals are out here?
[Jevai] Who all has been to Hong Sogo?
[Marga] ME me me!
* Jevai smiles
[Marga] (what kind of animals?)
* Ifa smiles at that.
[Jevai] yes.
[NemnostiGM] As you crest a final hill you see the village of Hong Sogo, nestled against tiny snow-fed Lake Hong, which you could probably walk around in half an hour. The three hundred or so people here hunt, garden, and herd goats, but mainly subsist off the lake's bounty.
[Jevai] I was goig to say, maybe you can tell the others what to expect?
[Ifa] (Have any of the rest of us?)
* Jevai has
* Marga can prattle on about Hong Sogo *and* the local fauna
[Ifa] (It's not far, so I assume we could have, but I don't know if we would have been called upon to do so.)
[NemnostiGM] (probably not honestly, unless there was a real reason to)

The party goes to Hong Sogo, visits the Gago iftibal, and meets with Tocha Gago and Bazuz Takovenga

[NemnostiGM] Hong Sogo is a simple sort of place, with a couple of medium-sized longhouses and a smattering of outbuildings and smaller dwellings, along with a single Voice temple that hardly looks the part. But it is known to have been here for many centuries, longer than Nemnosti itself for certain, watching by lakeside, waiting.
[NemnostiGM] (https://rocksfall.org/wiki/Hong_Sogo)
[NemnostiGM] The lake itself is now near its maximum, fed by the recent melts, and the water laps up against the gardens next to the houses. A stream flows southwest from the lake, where it will eventually meet up with the Pasu and to Nemnosti and beyond. By midsummer most of this will be dry and the fishing will have stopped.
[NemnostiGM] Marga, you grew up here, and it is astonishing how little things have changed. You have returned here only rarely since becoming an acolyte, but every time you do you can't help but feel a slight weakening in your stomach. Before you stands your father's great longhouse.
[Marga] Oh, hahaha, here we are
[Marga] (what is expected here?)
[NemnostiGM] The Gago iftibal is a building of rough-hewn stone and just a few longer timbers, held together with moss, clay, and earth, overlooking the lake. It is perhaps fifty feet long and half as wide, with a slanted roof to release the heavy snowfall that is frequent this high up.
[Marga] *Sweats* :)))
* Jevai is going to have some of her lodged spells to hand... just in case...
[NemnostiGM] Here, Tocha of the Gago, the Snapping Dog, makes his home. The front central beam bears the skull of a great wolf grimacing out at any foolish intruders.
[NemnostiGM] As you approach, you hear the howl of one voice, then another, in a grotesque emulation of a wolfpack. The sound of a great skin drum echoes from within the great building, and then armed figures rush out to surround you, first a half dozen, then twenty or more.
* Ifa puts a hand on Marga's shoulder.
[NemnostiGM] Behind them is the figure of the Snapping Dog himself, who saunters almost casually out, a thick studded club in one hand which he uses as a kind of walking-stick, or perhaps a sceptre of authority.
[Ifa] (q) Are you all right?
* Kuspir waits calmly
[Jevai] (and this is why)
[Marga] :)))
[Marga] Hi Daddy :)
* Jevai resists the urge to sigh
* Ifa tries to give the armed men and their leader her best smile.
* Tocha is a bald man with a goatee, entering his middle years but physically extremely impressive. He looks over you all with a critical eye.
[Kuspir] Good day.
[Tocha] Did you have a pleasant evening?
[Kuspir] It was restful, yes.
[Ifa] It's very nice of you to ask.
* Tocha walks through his pack of loyalists and comes forward to inspect you, almost intentionally avoiding Marga until the very end.
[Tocha] Hello, little one.
* Jevai watches this carefully, but isn't giong to say or do anything unless he gets... snappy
[Marga] Hi! :)
* Marga says again
[Tocha] You're slouching.
[Marga] Oh, whoops.
[Tocha] You should remember to stand tall.
* Marga straightens up.
[Marga] Right!
[Tocha] Who are these, then?
* Tocha waves his club vaguely in the direction of the others.
[Marga] (I can't remember everyone's full names so)
* Marga introduces everyone starting with Kuspir :)
[Marga] We're supposed to find out more about what happened to Surgu Takovenga.
[Kuspir] We are looking for his son, Bazuz.
[Tocha] Are you, now?
[Marga] Yes sir!
[Tocha] And you think I should allow you to interrogate one of my lieutenants because ... ?
[Ifa] Oh, we don't mean to interrogate him, sir.
[Marga] Oh they don't want to *interrogate* him, just have uh, a little talk!
[Marga] If that's okay :3
* Ifa nods.
[Kuspir] Because I'm sure that he wants his father's murder to be solved as much as anyone else, and he may be able to help in that task.
[Ifa] We don't want to be a bother, but we're hoping he can help us find answers about what happened to his father. For his sake and the general good.
[Tocha] Well, then, I grant you permission to enter the iftibal.
[Ifa] You are most gracious, sir.
[Kuspir] Thank you.
* Tocha waves a hand and the group of men disperse, some into the iftibal, others off to other activities
[Marga] Thank you so much!
[Tocha] Come then, there's some of yesterday's goat still.
* Kuspir will go into the iftibal for a delicious meal of goat I guess...
[Marga] Oh, that's great! I love goat!
* Tocha turns away and leads you into the longhouse.
* Jevai will go with
* Ifa follows along.
* Jevai wonders if it is like. rfucking raw otr some other nonsense ;p
[Ifa] (Do I leave the bubun outside? What's the protocol there?)
[NemnostiGM] (yes, probably leave it outside)
* Ifa will do so.
[Alai] */me give her head a little shake and follows everyone in
* Alai give her head a little shake and follows everyone in
[NemnostiGM] (it's not forbidden but it is like bringing your donkey into a house. Well, a little bipedal donkey.)
[NemnostiGM] The inside of the longhouse is cluttered with signs of recent revelry. There are kids here and there, some of whom do bear some resemblance to Marga, you think. Some of the women are clearly Gagos and seem to have positions of some authority, but others are clearly menial.
[Tocha] Bazuz. They are here.
* Jevai onders if the sounds Kuspir heard were wings of the vultures checking us out the night before
* Bazuz is a young man in his twenties, very strong and exceptionally tall, wearing leathers.
[NemnostiGM] (https://rocksfall.org/wiki/Bazuz_Takovenga)
[Kuspir] Good morning.
* Alai gives a slight smile
* Ifa gives him a consoling smile.
[Ifa] Sorry to intrude upon your grief.
[Kuspir] We wanted to talk about your father.
[Bazuz] Have you found who killed him?
[Ifa] That's what we're trying to do. The person who killed him wore a mask, so he was unable to identify them.
[Kuspir] Not yet. We were seeking his camp site, so we could investigate further.
* Bazuz is trying to hold himself together, you can tell.
[Ifa] (Izu did a drawing of the mask, right?)
* Marga is trying not to stare at BAzuz _
[Izu] (Yeah)
[Ifa] (Any chance he would have brought it?)
[Izu] Bazuz, does this mean anything to you?
* Izu will hand him the drawing of the mask.
* Bazuz looks at it and shakes his head.
[Bazuz] Is it something the Pretender's men wear?
* Jevai will let the sociable peope do the questioning
[Ifa] Not that we know of, no.
[Ifa] (I think?)
[Jevai] (correct)
[Izu] We believe whoever killed your father was wearing it.
[Izu] What about the words gu-nu-re-mai?
* Bazuz shakes his head.
[Bazuz] No, is this one of your Crone's tricks?
[Izu] No. It is not.
[Kuspir] Do you know of anyone who would have wanted to harm your father? anyone with a grudge against him?
[Bazuz] Do I know of anyone? You ask that as if that is not obvious. You filthy valley cunts killed him and then you come up here and blame strange masked men!
* Bazuz rises to his feet.
[Marga] Oh gosh :( They really didn't
[Marga] Nemnu is really upset actually
[Kuspir] Well, we think he died up in his hunting grounds, and the body was moved after.
[Kuspir] Not down in the valley.
[Bazuz] Why would you say that?
* Bazuz says, sounding at least half accusatory and half curious.
[Ifa] We spoke to him.
[Kuspir] And there was no sign of him being killed at the stone where he was discovered. Actually it seemed like someone carried the body there.
[Marga] His body showed up on Istu LEvunu one day, but he had been dead long before that.
* Marga affirms
[Bazuz] And he told you of this masked figure? You know he saw many things.
[Izu] We saw it. With the source.
[Marga] There were footprints where someone had carried him up there.
* Ifa nods.
[Kuspir] Yes. He thought that it might have been a vision of his - also someone following him in the day before his death.
[Bazuz] This is trickery. My bitch aunt did something, and then surely cried many fake tears.
[Marga] I'm really sorry, it isn't though :(
[Ifa] You think Ailal had something to do with your father's death?
[Bazuz] You don't?
* Ifa looks at Kuspir and Jevai.
[Bazuz] She was ashamed of him. Ashamed of all of us.
[Ifa] She seemed genuinely upset when we spoke to her about it, and she did seem to want to know what happened.
[Marga] Why would anyone be ashamed of you :O
[Marga] (collective you)
* Ifa motions vague assent to Marga's statement.
[Kuspir] Why do you say that?
[Bazuz] Because we are unruly. We are disordered.
[Ifa] You should see meals at Nemnosti.
[Bazuz] My father and I were never close, but we knew where we stood. We were ... we ARE of the land, and the people.
* Ifa nods.
[Kuspir] When was the last time you saw your father?
[Marga] I'd rather say passionate!
* Bazuz considers.
[Bazuz] It was about two, three months ago.
[Bazuz] He came here to talk to Voice Sumasi.
[Kuspir] Do you know about what?
* Bazuz shakes his head.
[Bazuz] Probably things that aren't real.
[Bazuz] He fought so hard against these things, for so long. FOR SO LONG.
* Kuspir nods
[Bazuz] And then to be slaughtered, for what? FOR NOTHING.
[Ifa] Well, we're hoping to at least find some justice for him.
[Ifa] You're right, it's terrible what's happened to him.
[Ifa] And to you, and your whole family.
[Bazuz] He would have been weak, before the Pretender's spies.
[Kuspir] if that's what it was, we'll find out the truth.
[Ifa] Has there been particular activity in that regard, lately?
[Jevai] Can you tell us more about these spies you have been seeing?
[Bazuz] We saw them in the fall, but they went away in winter. Unsurprising. Winter up here is not for lowlanders.
[Marga] That's for sure!
[Bazuz] We have heard that they have been back, though, this month.
[Jevai] what were they doing?
[Bazuz] Scouting, spying? Perhaps testing the borders?
[Kuspir] Could we speak to Voice Sumasi too? (I am asking ... I guess Tocha? or someone else nearby)
[Bazuz] They have not come here, but if they had, we would not be feasting on goat.
[Tocha] Voice Sumasi makes his own decisions.
[Jevai] -_-
[Ifa] So just in the general area?
* Bazuz nods.
[Ifa] Anywhere in particular?
[Kuspir] Well could someone let him know we are interested in talking to him? If he chooses not to, that's his choice.
[Bazuz] Not right next to Momichas, but other than that, in the Ghengom.
* Ifa nods.
[Izu] We believe your father may have been somewhere west of Gil Hargush when he died. Do you know of any places he would likely have camped near there?
[Tocha] These Taizians have been a problem. If they did this ... we will be a problem.
[Bazuz] I don't know. He travelled constantly, to escape the voices.
[Izu] The travel helped to escape them?
[Bazuz] He said it did. I don't know.
[Izu] It must have been very difficult for him.
* Kuspir nods
* Tocha waves a hand and nods at one of his soldiers, who goes out presumably to get the priest.
[Ifa] We're hoping to find his last campsite to see if there's anything we can learn from it.
[Kuspir] We're headed in that direction next.
[Ifa] I know it may be a bit of a long shot, but we have *very* talented casters with us.
[Bazuz] All right.
* Ifa looks over to smile at Jevai and Alai.
[NemnostiGM] (give me a Diplomacy, Ifa)
[Ifa] !roll 1d20+14
* Lan-werk rolls for Ifa: [ 1d20+14 ] getting [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ 14 ] totals [ 20 ].
[Ifa] (Not the best, but not bad)
[Bazuz] I don't know any more than you do. My father always felt he could trust me, but he always talked of voices and visions. I mostly learned to ignore them.
[Ifa] It sounds as though it was a struggle for everyone, and I believe his biggest regret was the effect it had on you and the rest of the family.
* Ifa tries her very best to be consoling.
* Bazuz nods, but remains silent.

The party talks to Voice Sumasi Zipizmo in Hong Sogo

* Sumasi enters the iftibal. He's an elder Voice, about seventy or perhaps older. Izu, you've met him once or twice when he's come down to Nemnosti, but that hasn't been for a while now. He is the head of the temple here, where many of the oldest Ravre Ancestors reside.
* Izu will nod to Sumasi in greeting.
[Sumasi] (https://rocksfall.org/wiki/Sumasi_Zipizmo)
[Kuspir] Good day, Voice Sumasi. Sorry to disturb you.
[Sumasi] This is about Surgu?
[Kuspir] Yes. I understand he talked to you a few months ago. Was that common that he came to consult you?
[Sumasi] He did ... when his mind was clear enough.
[Ifa] Do you recall what you last spoke about?
[Sumasi] Surgu carried with him much guilt, about not being able to care for his family. About feeling as if he were being hunted by invisible enemies who he could never defeat.
[Marga] That's so sad :(
[Izu] What did he say about those enemies?
[Sumasi] I wish I had believed him.
[Kuspir] Believed him?
[Sumasi] Who is to say that he was not right?
[Jevai] hmm.
[Sumasi] We call this vision, or hallucination, or illusion. But it is all Unfolding.
* Ifa nods.
[Sumasi] And in the end, perhaps it killed him.
[Jevai] Did th visions he spoke of have any common symbols, themes, occurances..?
[Ifa] A disturbing thought, but he seemed...like he could differentiate somewhat in this regard.
[Sumasi] No, nothing consistent.
* Ifa nudges Izu.
* Jevai nods
[Ifa] Does this mean anything to you?
* Izu will hand him the drawing
[Sumasi] Hmm, what is this?
[Izu] We believe his killer was wearing it.
[Jevai] +
[Sumasi] I don't think I have seen it. Why would his killer be wearing such a thing?
[Ifa] Beyond simoly hiding their identity, we don't know.
[Izu] If we knew that, I believe we would have a better idea of who they were.
[Ifa] (simply*)
[Jevai] On that ote..
* Sumasi looks at it, turns it around.
* Jevai looks b]from hm back to Bazus z and Tocha.
[Jevai] These Spies - how do you know what is that they were?
[Jevai] or where they were from?
[Bazuz] I don't. And I did not see them myself.
[Bazuz] They were described to us as being Taizian soldiers.
[Jevai] by who?
[Ifa] Described by who?
[Bazuz] By those who saw them. Vultures, hunters, scavengers.
* Jevai nods
[Jevai] Thank you.
[Sumasi] May I keep this?
* Sumasi holds up the paper.
* Izu raises an eyebrow at that.
[Izu] I can draw another.
[Izu] Keep it.
[Ifa] (Can we roll like Sense Motive or anything on that?)
[NemnostiGM] (sure, anyone who wants to can)
[Ifa] !roll 1d20+9
* Lan-werk rolls for Ifa: [ 1d20+9 ] getting [ 17 ] which, after the modifier [ 9 ] totals [ 26 ].
[Izu] !roll 1d20+14
* Lan-werk rolls for Izu: [ 1d20+14 ] getting [ 5 ] which, after the modifier [ 14 ] totals [ 19 ].
[Kuspir] !roll 1d20+12
* Lan-werk rolls for Kuspir: [ 1d20+12 ] getting [ 2 ] which, after the modifier [ 12 ] totals [ 14 ].
[Jevai] !roll 1d20+8
* Lan-werk rolls for Jevai: [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 14 ].
[NemnostiGM] (you sense he's curious, but nothing more specific)
[Izu] Please, if you think of anything that might help or see this anywhere, send us word.
* Kuspir nods
[Kuspir] and if we learn any more information, we'll let you know
* Kuspir says to Bazuz
* Ifa nods.
* Bazuz nods back.
[Izu] Master Sumasi, do you know the words gu-nu-re-mai?
* Sumasi considers.
[Sumasi] !roll 1d20+12
* Lan-werk rolls for Sumasi: [ 1d20+12 ] getting [ 2 ] which, after the modifier [ 12 ] totals [ 14 ].
[Sumasi] I don't. It almost sounds like it is not Ombesh, perhaps.
[Sumasi] What is it?
[Izu] I don't believe it is. We don't know, but we believe it is associated with the mask.
[Sumasi] Well, I will ask around.
[Izu] Thank you.
* Kuspir looks to the others to see if anyone has more questions
[Tocha] Well, as lovely as this has been. Get out.
[Kuspir] Thank you for your hospitality.
[Marga] (is that to the priest or us)
[Tocha] (seems to be to you)
[Ifa] Yes, thank you.
[Marga] It was nice to see everyone again!
* Tocha looks at you as if to say something, then shakes his head.
[Ifa] Bazuz, before we go...would you like us to see about having your father brought here to be with your other Ancestors?
[Bazuz] I imagine my aunt would not prefer that.
[Ifa] You are his son. You have just as much right to say where he goes.
[Ifa] We can also ask him, but I thought we should at least offer.
[Bazuz] If you and Nemnu's Voices wish to release him ,that is within your power.
* Kuspir will get ready to go
* Ifa frowns for a beat, then nods.
* Jevai is also ready to go
* Ifa will head out, giving another respectful nod to Tocha as she does so.
* Alai gladly follows the group out
[NemnostiGM] All right, so you are going to head out in the direction of Gil Hargush?
* Marga steals a glance back at her dad before ducking out ].]
[Kuspir] (yeah)
[Ifa] (Presumably)
[Marga] Well, that was nice!! Wasn't that nice? I thought that went great.
[Izu] Your family is very odd.
* Ifa smiles, and offers Marga some trail mix.
[Kuspir] It went about as well as I could have expected.
[Jevai] It did go great, Crackle
[Alai] So nice to strut and yell for us.
[Ifa] That wasn't nearly so frightening as people made out like it would be.
[Ifa] Well, he does have to keep up appearances.
[Jevai] He was in a good mood
[Izu] That was a good mood?
[Ifa] Yeah, it did look like they'd been celebrating or something.
[Ifa] I wonder what.

The party runs into Rechegoko Naznaz, who agrees to take them to his final campsite

[NemnostiGM] You head overland towards Gil Hargush, knowing that the object of your attention - the place where Surgu was killed - will be perhaps impossible to discern.
[NemnostiGM] Most of Naftusa province is dry and craggy - in the Ghengom, it is covered in low grasses, and in the Turtu to the east, by bare rock and scraggly shrubs.
[NemnostiGM] But in the far north, the great forest Musune rests in the middle of the Khujai river valley where it receives more than its share of the province's rainfall.
[NemnostiGM] And just to the west of Musune, on a high hilltop, just where the forest valley begins to give way to the uplands, lie the ruins of the ancient castle, Gil Hargush, now abandoned for over three centuries.
[NemnostiGM] Everyone please make a Perception check.
[Alai] !roll 1d20
* Lan-werk rolls for Alai: [ 1d20 ] getting [ 11 ].
[Jevai] !roll 1d20+10
* Lan-werk rolls for Jevai: [ 1d20+10 ] getting [ 1 ] which, after the modifier [ 10 ] totals [ 11 ].
[Izu] !roll 1d20+14
[Marga] !roll 1d20+9
* Lan-werk rolls for Izu: [ 1d20+14 ] getting [ 4 ] which, after the modifier [ 14 ] totals [ 18 ].
* Lan-werk rolls for Marga: [ 1d20+9 ] getting [ 4 ] which, after the modifier [ 9 ] totals [ 13 ].
[Jevai] (bah)
[Marga] (also bah haha)
[Kuspir] !roll 1d20+12
* Lan-werk rolls for Kuspir: [ 1d20+12 ] getting [ 1 ] which, after the modifier [ 12 ] totals [ 13 ].
[Alai] (17 I have a +6 bonus)
[Ifa] !roll 1d20+8
* Lan-werk rolls for Ifa: [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 18 ].
[Izu] (Destiny reroll?)
[NemnostiGM] (you can if you want)
[Izu] !roll 1d20+14
* Lan-werk rolls for Izu: [ 1d20+14 ] getting [ 12 ] which, after the modifier [ 14 ] totals [ 26 ].
* Jevai is completely distracted by some cool rocks, that actually turn out to not even be cool :)
[NemnostiGM] Izu, you hear something behind you and to the left - perhaps a ways away, behind some rocks.
* Izu stops and turns to look.
[Marga] Something wrong?
[Izu] Something is behind us. Vultures?
[Izu] Behind those rocks
* Marga looks
* Kuspir turns and looks as well
[Alai] (how far?)
[NemnostiGM] Marga, you turn to look. From behind them, you hear a familiar voice call out, 'Cra-craaa!'
[NemnostiGM] The speaker stands, and you see the great beefy body of the vulture Rechegoko Naznaz.
[Rechegoko] (https://rocksfall.org/wiki/Rechegoko_Naznaz)
[Marga] Oh! Hi!!
[Marga] Cra-craaa!! :D
[Ifa] (q, to Marga) A friend, I take it?
[Ifa] And quite a friend...
[Rechegoko] You were not quiet.
[Marga] No, we're a big bunch it's true!
[Marga] But this is great!
* Rechegoko looks confused.
[Rechegoko] Why?
[Marga] Maybe you can help us find what we're looking for...
[Jevai] hmm?
* Jevai looks over once e realized other people have stopped and are talking to smeoe and will wander back from the rock outcrop she was examning
[Rechegoko] What is that?
[Marga] We're looking for the last place Surgu Takovenga was camped...
[Rechegoko] Oh. Oh.
* Rechegoko looks very sad.
[Marga] So you know, huh... :/
[Izu] We are trying to find out what happened to him.
* Rechegoko sits down on the rocky ground and wraps his huge arms around his knees and begins to rock gently.
* Izu looks at Ifa with a quizzical look.
[Ifa] Oh, no, hey, we're going to find out what happened.
* Ifa will instinctively go to comfort him.
[Marga] Oh no
[Ifa] It's all right. Well, not all right, but we're doing everything we can.
* Marga will put a hand on his beefy shoulder
* Rechegoko flinches as you touch him.
* Marga draws her hand back then
[Marga] Sorry, sorry! :[
* Ifa casts a curious glance at Marga.
* Marga squats down beside him instead.
[Ifa] Did you know Surgu well?
* Rechegoko shakes his head.
[Rechegoko] Only a little.
* Ifa will have knelt down near him, but not touching him after seeing the response Marga got.
[NemnostiGM] (Anyone with Linguistics can make a check)
[Ifa] !roll 1d20+4
* Lan-werk rolls for Ifa: [ 1d20+4 ] getting [ 20 ] which, after the modifier [ 4 ] totals [ 24 ].
[Alai] !roll 1d20+12
[Izu] !roll 1d20+10
* Lan-werk rolls for Alai: [ 1d20+12 ] getting [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ 12 ] totals [ 20 ].
* Lan-werk rolls for Izu: [ 1d20+10 ] getting [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ 10 ] totals [ 18 ].
[Jevai] !roll 1d20+9
* Lan-werk rolls for Jevai: [ 1d20+9 ] getting [ 12 ] which, after the modifier [ 9 ] totals [ 21 ].
[NemnostiGM] OK, Ifa, you are very sure, now that you've heard him say a few sentences, that Rechegoko is not a native Ombesh speaker.
[Rechegoko] I should have told him.
[Marga] Told him...?
[Rechegoko] I am a coward and I should have told him and now he is dead.
* Marga prompts gently
[Ifa] (What language would he likely speak natively?)
[Rechegoko] That he was being followed.
* Ifa nods.
[Ifa] He mentioned as much.
[NemnostiGM] That's the thing, Ifa: you have absolutely no idea. Around here there aren't exactly lots of languages spoken.
[Marga] It's not your fault... but you can help us now
[Marga] Who was following him?
[Rechegoko] I was afraid.
[Ifa] Did you see who or what was following him?
[Rechegoko] Not of the follower. But of the telling.
* Rechegoko is still rocking gently.
[Ifa] What was frightening about telling?
[Rechegoko] Talking to people.
[Izu] Ah.
[Marga] ;_;
* Alai will cast detect thoughts while people are talking to Rechegoko
[Izu] That... I understand.
[Ifa] That's understandable. I get scared talking to people sometimes, too.
[NemnostiGM] OK, Alai, go ahead and roll.
[Ifa] Can you tell us what or who was following Surgu?
[Alai] !roll 1d20+11
* Lan-werk rolls for Alai: [ 1d20+11 ] getting [ 3 ] which, after the modifier [ 11 ] totals [ 14 ].
[NemnostiGM] (that's still fine, I believe, that should be exactly your DC?)
[Alai] (yes)
[Alai] (I quickly get an assessment of his intellegence, and one round later try to read surface thoughts- he gets a save... DC 20)
[NemnostiGM] (OK, he is definitely thinking. After a moment, you can tell that he is quite smart, for a beefy boy, smarter than Kuspir and Marga for sure)
[NemnostiGM] !roll 1d20+3
* Lan-werk rolls for NemnostiGM: [ 1d20+3 ] getting [ 2 ] which, after the modifier [ 3 ] totals [ 5 ].
[NemnostiGM] Alai, you can tell that he is really stressed out about there being so many people around, and also feeling ashamed.
[Rechegoko] I didn't see who it was. Just that it was one person.
[Ifa] When did you see them?
[Alai] Let give him space
* Alai says to the rest of the group and will back off while keeping him in range of the spell
* Kuspir will go away from this guy a bit (but stay within earshot)
* Izu will pull out his journal and begin sketching the mask again.
[Marga] D'you think there are any ikhanne around who might have seen?
* Marga asks gently
* Ifa nods to Alai, then glances at Marga.
[Rechegoko] I don't think so.
[Marga] Nuts. :/
[Izu] The person following him... were they wearing this?
[Rechegoko] It was ... around two weeks ago, that I discovered the tracker.
* Izu will hold up the sketch of the mask.
[Rechegoko] I never saw them.
[Rechegoko] I could tell it was a single person, and even find a footprint or two.
[Izu] hmm
[Marga] Would you be able to show us where you found the tracks? Please?
[Ifa] How old were the tracks when you found them?
[Rechegoko] The tracks were fresh at that time. But they won't have lasted. Not with the winter melt.
[Rechegoko] Are you going to the campsite?
[Alai] (is just checking that his internal monologue is matching his statements)
[Marga] We'd like to
* Jevai is alread giving this guys space and will back off a little more
[NemnostiGM] (yes, as far as you can tell, Alai. He is really upset, so it's pretty jumbled)
[Rechegoko] It isn't too far. It's all burned.
[Ifa] Would you be willing to show us where it is? Or tell us? We don't want to bother you.
[Izu] "Ashes lie were once a man lay..."
* Rechegoko nods.
[Rechegoko] I'll go.
[Marga] Thank you so much
[Jevai] Can I ask you a few other things on the way?
[Jevai] (things)
[Rechegoko] Yes, jasinam.
[Jevai] thank you.
* Jevai smiles
[Ifa] (Is that word at all familiar?)
[NemnostiGM] (Alai, you get the sense that he does not like to answer questions, like, at all)
[Jevai] We've heard reports that there were Taizians seen in the mountains before winter and since the melt. Have you seen any strangers like that?
[NemnostiGM] (Ifa, that's the word for sigillants, like their official Ombesh title)
* Rechegoko nods.
[Rechegoko] They're playing games.
[Ifa] (Ah, okay)
[NemnostiGM] You head off in the direction that Rechegoko leads you, and can ask him questions if you like.
[Jevai] games?
[Rechegoko] To be seen, and then to not be seen.
[Rechegoko] To taunt the dog, then back away.
[Jevai] so they are doing it on purpose?
* Rechegoko nods.
[Marga] Oh, to bug my dad?!
[Marga] Wow, that's not the best idea, hahaha
[Jevai] DO you think they are really from Taizi?
[Rechegoko] Oh, yes.
[Rechegoko] But I don't think that's who killed Surgu.
[Izu] Rechegoko... Do you know the words gu nu re mai?
[Ifa] Why not? I'm inclined to agree, but I'm curious why you think that.
* Rechegoko shakes his head no to Izu's question.
[Rechegoko] Whoever was following him, very clever, very skilled.
[Ifa] In tracking him, or...?
[Jevai] Hmm.
* Rechegoko nods.
* Ifa frowns, considering.
* Izu will hang back with Kuspir after asking his question.

Rechegoko takes the party on a detour around a place he says is haunted

[NemnostiGM] Anyone who wants to, make a Survival check.
[Marga] !roll 1d20+9
* Lan-werk rolls for Marga: [ 1d20+9 ] getting [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ 9 ] totals [ 15 ].
[Jevai] !roll 1d20+7
* Lan-werk rolls for Jevai: [ 1d20+7 ] getting [ 11 ] which, after the modifier [ 7 ] totals [ 18 ].
[Izu] !roll 1d20+5
* Lan-werk rolls for Izu: [ 1d20+5 ] getting [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ 5 ] totals [ 14 ].
[Kuspir] !roll 1d20+4
* Lan-werk rolls for Kuspir: [ 1d20+4 ] getting [ 5 ] which, after the modifier [ 4 ] totals [ 9 ].
[Ifa] !roll 1d20+1
* Lan-werk rolls for Ifa: [ 1d20+1 ] getting [ 2 ] which, after the modifier [ 1 ] totals [ 3 ].
[Ifa] (hee)
[NemnostiGM] You travel for an hour or so. Jevai, around that point, Rechegoko makes an unusual turn in his path, subtle, but noticeable, and not explainable by the terrain.
[Jevai] ...
* Jevai will motion for marga to hang back a bit, letting him lead, and use her shield speech spell
[Marga] Huh?
[Jevai] [marga, we've turned oddly, do you know why we might have done this?]
* Marga looks around, thinking...
[Marga] (do I?)
[Jevai] (only Marga can hear me, but ppl can see we re talking)
[NemnostiGM] (no, it doesn't make any sense, now that Jevai pointed it out. Where you were heading was perfectly walkable, but he's taken you out of your way)
* Ifa will try to keep up pleasant conversation with Rechegoko while Marga falls back.)
[Jevai] [is the the trail? Or s somethign else happening?]
[Marga] ...I dunno?
* Marga frowns.
[NemnostiGM] (you can't make sense of it at all, either of you)
* Jevai looks at alai and give her a Look of 'somethign is up'
* Marga will casually saunter up to keep pace with him
[Marga] (q) So umm... how come we turned?
[Rechegoko] Oh. Ahh ... haunted.
[Marga] Ohhhh.
* Marga nods.
[Ifa] Oh? What's haunted?
[Rechegoko] Back there. Leave it.
[Marga] Trail's haunted.
[Jevai] (is he telling the truth?0
[Ifa] Ah, okay.
* Ifa casts a glance at Izu.
[NemnostiGM] (SM )
[Jevai] !roll 1d20+8
* Lan-werk rolls for Jevai: [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 19 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 27 ].
* Izu will make a mental note of the area he is referring to.
[Izu] [w to Ifa] Another time. We have more pressing issues.
[Ifa] [w] No, I know, just...something to keep in mind.
* Izu nods.

The party investigates the terraced hilltop where Surgu was killed and his camp burned, and fights a two-headed snake

[NemnostiGM] You travel for a while longer before arriving at a high terraced hilltop, west of Gil Hargush. You can see the great ruin in the distance, but this hilltop also appears to have some low ancient structure atop it. By this point, the shrubs and grasses have given way to more abundant foliage in places.
[NemnostiGM] Once this place was a human place. Now it is truly returned to the wild. The Laigrunuf lineage in Bemnes were once Ravre who held rights over this area, but they have become civilized and no longer spend time here.
[NemnostiGM] Even the Ravre hunters are wary of Musune and Gil Hargush - it is a place where there are many overlapping creases in the Unfolding.
[NemnostiGM] As you grow even closer, you can see that this hilltop has definitely had stairs built into it, centuries ago, although they are mostly now broken. But right atop the hill there is definitely a small wall, and some other stones.
[NemnostiGM] (all right, we're going to go over to roll20)
[Jevai] (Have I been out here before?)
[Marga] ruh roh
[NemnostiGM] (probably not specifically here, no. But in this area, yes.)
[Jevai] (kk)
[NemnostiGM] (we'll stay in IRC as well though, not on voice, until something actually happens. Just to get it down in text.)
[Rechegoko] The site is up on top.
[Ifa] He camped up here?
* Rechegoko nods.
[Marga] Alrighty then...
[NemnostiGM] Marga, you and Rechegoko, as vultures, can navigate this terrain easily. Everyone else, it's rough going.
[Marga] Watch your step, gang!
* Ifa follows along, watching her step as instructed.
* Marga starts making her way up the hill.
[Jevai] don't get too far ahead...
* Jevai wll take her time
* Alai will cast Eagle Eye to get a view of the top of the hill
[NemnostiGM] OK, roll, Alai.
[Alai] !roll 1d20+11
* Lan-werk rolls for Alai: [ 1d20+11 ] getting [ 1 ] which, after the modifier [ 11 ] totals [ 12 ].
[NemnostiGM] make your roll
[Alai] !roll 1d20+11
* Lan-werk rolls for Alai: [ 1d20+11 ] getting [ 14 ] which, after the modifier [ 11 ] totals [ 25 ].
[NemnostiGM] (OK, you can definitely see up against the wall, signs of a fire, probably several days ago, there is an icon on the map)
[Kuspir] (should we be moved up there, then?)
[Alai] definitely signs of fire... approach careful to not ruin any traces
[NemnostiGM] You can move yourself up . Anyone other than Marga or Rechegoko will need to make a Climb roll
[Jevai] (That was her spell, I don't think we can see it yet)
[NemnostiGM] (yeah that's Alai's Eagle Eye only)
[Jevai] !roll 1d20+5
* Lan-werk rolls for Jevai: [ 1d20+5 ] getting [ 16 ] which, after the modifier [ 5 ] totals [ 21 ].
* Alai will look for assistance with the climb
* Kuspir will put his hand out to aid her
[Alai] !roll 1d20-1
* Lan-werk rolls for Alai: [ 1d20-1 ] getting [ 15 ] which, after the modifier [ -1 ] totals [ 14 ].
[Ifa] !roll 1d20-4
* Lan-werk rolls for Ifa: [ 1d20-4 ] getting [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -4 ] totals [ 2 ].
[NemnostiGM] that's not right for Ifa
[NemnostiGM] how does Ifa have -4
[Ifa] (A -6 armor check penalty)
[NemnostiGM] dear lord you suck
[Ifa] (It's hard to climb in armor, and I have no ranks in Climb)
[NemnostiGM] All right, Ifa, you are up where Rechegoko is and you fall a little bit.
[NemnostiGM] !roll 1d3
* Lan-werk rolls for NemnostiGM: [ 1d3 ] getting [ 2 ].
[NemnostiGM] 2 damage
[NemnostiGM] Kuspir, Jevai, and Alai, you can all be up.
[Rechegoko] Here, Hand, I help.
[Marga] Ifa! D:
[Ifa] Oof, thanks, sorry. Not used to this, especially in armor.
* Rechegoko picks you up with relative ease and boosts you to the next level.
[Ifa] (to Marga) I'm okay! I'm getting some help. :)
[Rechegoko] !roll 1d20+10
* Lan-werk rolls for Rechegoko: [ 1d20+10 ] getting [ 4 ] which, after the modifier [ 10 ] totals [ 14 ].
* Marga gives you a thumbs up then :)
[Ifa] (Steve, where do I find the stats for bubun again? I know you've sent them to me before, but I can't find them.)
* Rechegoko manages, but definitely it is awkward and your limbs are tangled.
[Ifa] (Also, do I need to roll for the bubun?)
[NemnostiGM] (yes, +3)
[Ifa] !roll 1d20+3
* Lan-werk rolls for Ifa: [ 1d20+3 ] getting [ 13 ] which, after the modifier [ 3 ] totals [ 16 ].
[NemnostiGM] As you climb up, Alai, you notice just a moment too late that there is a hole in the rock face just to your southwest. A moment later, the head of a creature shoots out of it.
* Ifa will check on Rechegoko, now that combat is over.
[NemnostiGM] You fight a two-headed snake atop the terraced hilltop ruins west of Gil Hargush.
[Kuspir] (we fight a two headed venomous snake)
[Rechegoko] Ohh ... that hurts
* Rechegoko is really very injured
[Ifa] Sorry!
[Kuspir] Everyone okay?
[Rechegoko] It's not your fault.
[Ifa] Let me get this cleaned and bandaged...
* Kuspir will look around the site to see if there's anything else to see here
[Ifa] Nice spellwork, there, folks. And good job with the hammers. :)
[Marga] Thanks! Love a hammer. :)
[Ifa] Clearly I need to do some training with the Stoneguard, running around in armor.
* Jevai will do a walk around the hilltop and see if she can detect anything else hidden in the ground before going over to the campsite
[NemnostiGM] The site appears to have been an ancient ruin of a longhouse, perhaps. It's about the right size. It was clearly defended and defensible, once upon a time.
[NemnostiGM] Jevai, you don't detect anything else moving in the ground, although there's clearly a series of tunnels underneath you.
[Jevai] That's the only one, but it does have a lot of tunnels under here.
[NemnostiGM] Kuspir, you can make a Perception, as can anyone else who is looking around.
[Kuspir] !roll 1d20+12
* Lan-werk rolls for Kuspir: [ 1d20+12 ] getting [ 4 ] which, after the modifier [ 12 ] totals [ 16 ].
[Ifa] !roll 1d20+14
* Lan-werk rolls for Ifa: [ 1d20+14 ] getting [ 11 ] which, after the modifier [ 14 ] totals [ 25 ].
[Marga] !roll 1d20+11
* Lan-werk rolls for Marga: [ 1d20+11 ] getting [ 13 ] which, after the modifier [ 11 ] totals [ 24 ].
[Ifa] (That's for Izu. Ifa's still tending to Rechegoko.)
[Jevai] !roll 1d20+10
* Lan-werk rolls for Jevai: [ 1d20+10 ] getting [ 18 ] which, after the modifier [ 10 ] totals [ 28 ].
[NemnostiGM] There isn't much else of note on the hilltop area itself - other than the obvious ruined structure, now centuries long gone, and the burnt area against the one standing bit of wall.
[NemnostiGM] Jevai, there is definitely a smell that you recognize, though, in among the ashes.
[Jevai] (I as goign to ask if I coul tell wether it as natural or magical fre, but perhaps the smell will help)
[NemnostiGM] You can find among the ashes various buckles, whatever bits of metal Surgu had on him at the time of his death. Most of the wood, leather, anything else, has been completely burned. But it is what is within the ashes that is most notable. Burnt ochre, and lots of it.
[Jevai] Ochre...
[Jevai] why.
[NemnostiGM] (anyone who wishes may make a K:religion)
[Jevai] (does this mean anythig to me?)
[Jevai] !roll 1d20+10
* Lan-werk rolls for Jevai: [ 1d20+10 ] getting [ 5 ] which, after the modifier [ 10 ] totals [ 15 ].
[Ifa] !roll 1d20+10
* Lan-werk rolls for Ifa: [ 1d20+10 ] getting [ 18 ] which, after the modifier [ 10 ] totals [ 28 ].
[Ifa] !roll 1d20+10
* Lan-werk rolls for Ifa: [ 1d20+10 ] getting [ 16 ] which, after the modifier [ 10 ] totals [ 26 ].
[Ifa] First is me, second is Izu.
[Kuspir] !roll 1d20+6
* Lan-werk rolls for Kuspir: [ 1d20+6 ] getting [ 19 ] which, after the modifier [ 6 ] totals [ 25 ].
[NemnostiGM] Ifa, you're used to not being as good at the bookish stuff as Izu, but you're no slouch. And this, you know well. It is a sign of a ritual performed by Hulti shamans on non-people, indicating that their goods (and sometimes their bodies) are considered unclean and burnt among ochre.
[Ifa] Oh no...
[Jevai] what?
[Ifa] (Just me, or would Izu know, too?)
[NemnostiGM] (Izu can also know, but you know it just a little faster and better)
[Ifa] It's a Hulti ritual, for destroying 'unclean' things.
[Jevai] :|
[NemnostiGM] In your estimation, only a shaman, or one highly trained in ancient religious practice, would know it.
[Jevai] I was afraid of that.
* Jevai sighs
[Ifa] Most likely a shaman did this, though someone very familiar with ancient Hulti rituals *might* know it.
[Marga] That sounds pretty bad. Is it pretty bad?
[Jevai] their rites, and their demons...
* Ifa nods sadly.
[Ifa] Yeah, Marga, it's really bad.
[Kuspir] Is it them, or is it someone trying to make it look like it's them?
[NemnostiGM] You also estimate that there's at least a couple pounds of ochre in here - not what anyone would ever be carrying casually. And there is no ochre to be found in the vicinity.
[Jevai] This was planned
[Ifa] How so?
[Jevai] They did come after him because he was shoror
[Jevai] They had to have brought this with them
* Ifa nods.
[Ifa] Oh, yes, they almost certainly targeted him for his Kind.
[Ifa] They don't...they didn't think he was a person.
* Ifa looks very troubled by that.
[NemnostiGM] Ifa, Izu, and Kuspir, you would all know that the most powerful shamans can lay to rest, not only haunts, but bubun ... or shoror ... or, even at the most powerful, saints Themselves.
[Kuspir] Hmm.
[NemnostiGM] Do you have anything else to do here at the site before heading back?
[Jevai] (And hey are source users, right?)
[NemnostiGM] (shamans don't have any special powers relating to Source, but many of them, as part of their ritual practice, do indeed use source)
[Kuspir] (I don't think so, unless someone has any spells they wanted to try here?)
[Jevai] (okay)
[Kuspir] (but since both Terry and Tuck are gone it's hard to say)
[Jevai] (but this person particular seemed to be a source user)
[Ifa] (Yeah, I feel like Terry probably had some stuff in mind for Alai to do, divination-wise. That's her big thing.)
[Jevai] (Yeah but it has been over a week)
[NemnostiGM] You journey back to Nemnosti, which is not too hard from here. You're tired and weary, and while there are other things to be done, those must wait for another day.
[NemnostiGM] Rechegoko will agree to come with you at least to rest and have his wounds treated a little further, though he seems unhappy at the prospect.
[NemnostiGM] As for the rest of you, you have much thinking to do, and surely, to tell the Wellspring Herself what has transpired.
[NemnostiGM] Until next we gather by the firelight, young acolytes ...


Ifa and Jevai chat after their return to Nemnosti

* Jevai will catch up with Ifa once poeple disperse as we arrive back at the ulajeta
* Ifa is probably undoing her armor, *very* ready to get out of it. She'll give Jevai a friendly smile when she sees her fall into step with her.
[Ifa] Right now I'm envying you and Alai your spellcraft.
[Jevai] do you need any help with that?
[Ifa] Sure, if you don't mind. If you can just get those ties there.
* Jevai can assist
* Ifa indicates ones which might be difficult for her to reach.
* Ifa definitely seems more...subdued than usual.
[Jevai] there
[Jevai] cast off the burdens you can, I suppose
[Ifa] Whew. Thanks, I really appreciate it. It would have been ten more minutes of fiddling with knots and buckles if you weren't here.
[Ifa] Something on your mind? Lots, I assume.
[Ifa] There usually is.
[Jevai] I dn't thik I'm alone in that, not this time
[Ifa] Not by a long shot.
[Ifa] Well, you know, cast off some burdens if you like.
* Ifa smiles.
[Jevai] I odn't know if this will do that.
[Jevai] But - are you still going to talk to Desam?
* Ifa will be putting her armor away while she talks, taking great care with the clearly well-worn set.
* Ifa nods.
[Ifa] I think we owe it to him and Surgu, at least.
* Jevai nods
[Ifa] Do you think he'll have more insight?
[Jevai] I don't know, but he might
[Ifa] Yeah...
[Jevai] I am wondering how long he was watched, maybe Desam would have been in a place to notie something like that.
[Ifa] It's possible. It sounded like Bazuz didn't get much of a chance to.
* Ifa frowns.
[Jevai] what?
[Ifa] Hmm? Nothing, I'm just...I can't believe someone killed him just because he's shoror.
[Ifa] Surgu was a good and decent person.
[Jevai] I don't think they did. I think that's part of it. But if that was al, they ould have left his body at the camp. So that was not the only reason
[Ifa] Oh, no, I know there's more to it.
[Ifa] But, in the end, that's why they chose him, specifically, it seems. Also, isolated, target of opportunity, all that, I get it.
[Ifa] Still...
[Ifa] Do you think it might happen again?
[Jevai] I am afraid that it could.
* Ifa frowns deeper.
[Jevai] if there are Hulti, if they have made such a clear move now
[Jevai] even if they thought we might not be able to trace the camp, ort the mask, and link it to them...
[Jevai] They hate us
[Ifa] They? All we know is one person did this.
[Jevai] mm.
[Ifa] Am I missing something that would indicate a larger threat?
[Ifa] Honest question; you *are* smarter than me. ;)
[Ifa] Or, you know, most people. Though Alai would probably argue on principle.
* Jevai smiles distractedly at that
[Jevai] I don't need flattery. But I'm also unsure. If one person did all of this, they are still a powerful and significant threat
[Ifa] It's not flattery if it's true. And I agree.
[Ifa] Honestly, it might be scarier if it's just one person.
[Jevai] It' a powerful statement to try and back up alone
[Ifa] You're not wrong.
[Ifa] I suppose Kuspir went off to make the official report? I wonder what Her response is going to be.
[Jevai] She'll be upset
[Jevai] But maybe not surprised, I'm not sure
[Ifa] Few things surprise her, I think. She has a lot of experience to draw from.
[Jevai] I"m going to tell Pughan to... well. That there is a threat.
* Ifa nods.
[Ifa] Do you think he'll take any precautions? ].]
[Jevai] No..
[Jevai] Why would he :|
[Ifa] :/
[Ifa] Would like some company?
[Ifa] If for nothing else but someone to gripe to when he doesn't listen?
[Ifa] Though you could probably just go with Marga as she patrols, I guess.
[Jevai] It's fine, I come and go all the time, but thank you. I might come find you when I get back.
* Ifa smiles.
[Ifa] Speaking of Marga, though, that friend of hers. .
[Ifa] I knew she liked to climb, but damn.
[Jevai] heh
[Jevai] yes, her and Alai can tag team that one I suppose
[Ifa] It might take two people, yeah.
* Ifa chuckles.
* Ifa sighs.
[Jevai] maybe three?
* Ifa laughs.
[Jevai] two to hold him down, maybe, so he doesn't run away
[Ifa] I think three's a crowd, so four is...a riot? I don't know, too many for me.
[Ifa] Aww, the poor guy. He *does* kind of seem like he'd run away.
[Jevai] Marga is fast ;)
* Ifa gives Jevai an arch look at the double entendre, then her face falters and she busts out laughing.
* Jevai smiles
[Ifa] Thanks, it's nice to laugh given...everything.
[Jevai] my pleasure
* Ifa smiles.
[Jevai] I'll let yo go get some rest
[Ifa] Yeah, I should really go rinse off. Metal shirt plus padding underneath...so much sweat.
[Jevai] Yes, take care of yourswelf, Ifa :)
[Ifa] You too, Jevai.

Jevai talks to Pavavi about Hulti powers and the 'demon' Gunuremai

[NemnostiGM] All right, Jevai, you can find Pavavi in the Lady's storerooms of treasures, where he can be found often, puttering away at some project or another.
* Jevai will set aside some time to talk to Pavavi in the days after they return form investigation in the hills
[NemnostiGM] (https://rocksfall.org/wiki/Tamandu_Sempi)
* Pavavi smiles as he sees you.
[Pavavi] Hello, young Hestur!
[Jevai] Hello :)
[Jevai] are you very busy right now?
[Pavavi] Oh well, you know, there is always more to do to keep the Lady's treasures organized. But for you, always I have time.
[Jevai] the work of lifetimes, I know - and thank you
[Jevai] This is about a different matter, and it is a bit serious
[Pavavi] All right, what can I do for you?
[Jevai] Did you hear about the murder of Surgu Takovenga?
* Pavavi nods.
[Pavavi] Yes, of course. Very sad. I didn't know him, but even so.
[Jevai] yes... I was asked to help with the investigation, because of where he was found.
* Pavavi nods.
[Pavavi] I heard something about that.
[Jevai] It's very sad, and upsetting
[Jevai] There's some things I was hoping you might be able to help me understand, but they woudl be from a long long time ago, for you, and I know it is not something you prefer to discuss
* Pavavi 's eyes narrow.
[Pavavi] Well, ask it then.
[Jevai] Here is the thing: we believe that he was killed by a shaman, and that this person intends to target, at the least, other shoror.
[Pavavi] Hmmm.
[Jevai] My understanding is that they have ways to...unmake shoror, and bubun, and even haunts and saints, but I don't know what this requires.
[Pavavi] That is so. It depends on their power.
[Jevai] How poerful would they need to be, to do such a thing?
[Pavavi] To unmake shoror? Quite powerful. To strike at the Lady Herself? ... Much more powerful. Much more dangerous.
[Jevai] we know that they can do the first
[Jevai] .... are haunts more or less difficult?
[Jevai] there was one, along the path to the camp where he was attacked.
* Jevai says, though now she wonders if it is actually still there
[Pavavi] Haunts are the simplest.
[Pavavi] It is not so different from what Voices and Hands can do.
* Jevai nods
[Jevai] what is required for this process? do they just need to be in their presence?
[Pavavi] Yes, that is my understanding.
* Jevai nods
[Jevai] Is there any way to protect against it?
* Pavavi shakes his head.
[Pavavi] Not that I know of.
[Jevai] :|
[Pavavi] During the various Purges, there were shamans who specifically trained as assassins.
[Pavavi] It was a dark time.
* Jevai nods
[Jevai] This person wore a red and black mask, which might be associated with a character called "Gunuremai"
[Jevai] Does that mean anything?
* Pavavi frowns.
[Pavavi] Oh.
[Pavavi] Yes.
* Jevai waits in the hope that he will elaborate
[Pavavi] Gunuremai is like ... a demon?
[Pavavi] A creature from myth, but also, very real.
[Jevai] ...a real demon?
[Pavavi] Well, they become real, by the shaman taking on their ... persona?
[Pavavi] It is like .... well, the analogy is imperfect, but it is like a Lady's Name.
[Pavavi] That taking on this aspect, one takes on the qualities of this entity, even though the entity itself does not exist in reality. I am perhaps not doing as good a job as I might, in explaining it.
[Jevai] ...more it is more than just wearing a mask and acting like the creature?
[Pavavi] I don't know, but I believe so.
[Pavavi] I only took the very earliest steps in my training as a shaman, many years ago.
* Jevai nods
[Jevai] but the mask woudl be part of taking on this persona?
* Pavavi nods.
[Pavavi] And taking on the mission of vengeance.
[Jevai] vengeance?
[Pavavi] Gunuremai is a demon of vengeance. A creature whose role is relentlessly to right injustices.
[Pavavi] And if this shaman has taken on that role, that is why they would choose that one, as opposed to another.
[Pavavi] It is, almost, as if they have transformed in Kind.
[Jevai] is it a...permanent transformatin?
[Pavavi] I don't believe so. But my knowledge of such matters is incomplete.
[Jevai] or is it oonly when they wear the mask?
* Jevai nods
[Pavavi] I do not believe that it is akin to a magical mask, though.
[Pavavi] It is not that you or I could simply don the mask to gain these powers.
[Jevai] no, I understand. It is a focus, yes?
* Pavavi nods.
[Jevai] for their own power
[Pavavi] Yes, that is a good framing.
[Pavavi] I need you to understand, though, Hestur. If what you say is correct, this individual is exceptionally dangerous. Not just to Surgu and his Kind. But to this whole place.
[Pavavi] A shaman will seek allies, co-conspirators, unwitting dupes, and more, to aid them in their goals.
[Pavavi] This is not simply some local village priest or friendly healer.
[Jevai] yes, that is what I was going to ask... how much they could achieve alone, and what they would need, to even start such a campaign...
[Pavavi] I don't know.
[Jevai] but they can't be alone, can they?
[Pavavi] It has been many, many years since i had anything to do with my ancestors' people, or my old faith.
[Jevai] I know, I appreciate that you would share this with me - I wouldn't have asked if I didn't feel ir was serious.
[Pavavi] I do know there has been much debate and turmoil among the Old Folk.
[Pavavi] Traditionalists, radicals, advocates for conciliation, advocates for aggression, more.
[Pavavi] The Third Council of Romaz, that was just a decade ago. But what happens at such matters, I do not know .
* Jevai nods
[Jevai] to chose a this demon of vengeance.... I expect the history with this place would be enough?
[Pavavi] While Nemnosti is not the only place to have such a history, yes, there is much here that would be remembered.
[Jevai] so, it doesn't need to be more personal.... but it could be?
[Pavavi] It could be. I can't say.
* Jevai nods.
* Jevai is just thinking for a moment, with a general look of concern
[Jevai] Is there anything.... anything we should be looking for? that might indicate... I don't know.
[Pavavi] I don't know.
* Jevai nods, knowing that was kind of a wild grasp
[Pavavi] A powerful shaman has many capacities.
[Jevai] what else can they do?
[Pavavi] Well, at the most basic level, things like this.
* Pavavi stands there, and a glass orb comes from off the shelf and to his hand.
[Pavavi] The extension of the spirit beyond the body.
[Pavavi] With power and training, to extend to the ability to see and hear beyond the body.
[Pavavi] To heal and to harm.
* Jevai frowns
[Pavavi] This information and more, we surely have in the library here.
[Jevai] Yes... I know others are researching as well.
[Jevai] is... is it connected? What they can do the the other Kinds... mainuplation of the spirit... is it the same?
[Pavavi] It is all connected. For shamans, their cosmology is that all things are interconnected. It is like Coherence in some ways.
[Jevai] ....I didn't realize they saw things *so* differently, if they don't accept the Coherence...
[Pavavi] They do ... it is just understood differently. The traditions start from the same place, but have diverged for many centuries.
* Jevai nods realizing that she is getting way off track here
[Jevai] I'll look more into this, thank you.
[Jevai] If we find anything more....specific, can I come to you?
[Pavavi] Of course.
[Jevai] thank you.

Marga talks to Rechegoko while he has been recuperating at Nemnosti

[NemnostiGM] Marga, Rechegoko has been resting and being cared for by Naka and the other trained healers. He was really beaten up by that snake thing and definitely was in no shape to be left on his own. You can tell he's not really happy to be at Nemnosti though, and make some time to check in on him in one of the spare acolytes' rooms where he's recuperating.
[Marga] (how long is he likely going to have to stay here?)
[NemnostiGM] (your guess is several days)
* Marga will volunteer to bring him some soup or whatever :)
* Rechegoko smiles when he sees you.
[Rechegoko] Hi.
[Marga] Hi! :) I brought soup!
* Marga tries to restrain her usual volume :v
[Rechegoko] Oh, uhh, thanks.
[Rechegoko] I don't really eat much soup.
[Marga] I thought you'd probably rather eat here than in the [dining hall or whatever we have]
* Rechegoko says, as he takes it and starts eating voraciously.
[Rechegoko] There are a lot of people there.
[Marga] Mm-hm!
[Marga] How are you feeling now?
[Rechegoko] Sore. Hungry.
[Marga] That big ol' snake really got you good.
[Marga] Hungry's good though! :D I can bring you more food! I mean, if you want.
[Rechegoko] Sure.
[Rechegoko] Thanks.
* Marga stands there for a second smiling but not really knowing what to say haha
[Marga] And um.
[Marga] Well! If you decide that you wanna see more of the place I'd be happy to show you around. Or like, the outside part. You could meet Eikuuruu maybe!
[Marga] No pressure though, haha :)
[Marga] It's a big change from the hills here
[Rechegoko] It's better than I thought.
[Marga] Oh? That's good to hear. :)
[Marga] What were you expecting?
[Rechegoko] More questions. More people in my space.
[Rechegoko] I usually scare people.
[Marga] I don't think you're scary :3
[Rechegoko] I usually say the wrong thing.
[Rechegoko] So I don't say things.
[Marga] I remember when I first came here... it was so big and weird
[Marga] Oh man ME TOO
[Rechegoko] You say a lot of things.
[Marga] Except I say them anyway, hahaha
* Rechegoko laughs.
* Marga grins
[Marga] . o O (c.... cute)
[Rechegoko] You are still investigating Surgu's murder?
[Marga] Yeah... Well, the smart people are.
[Marga] I just show them where to go, mostly.
[Marga] They would die if they had to hike to Hong Sogo on their own.
* Marga laughs.
[Rechegoko] He was a good person. Not like me, but ... like me.
* Marga tilts her head like a confused dog
[Marga] How do you mean?
[Rechegoko] Alone.
[Marga] Ahh, right.
[Rechegoko] I will leave soon, once I'm healed up.
[Rechegoko] I don't want to bother people here.
[Marga] I don't think you're bothering them... You're not bothering me!
[Marga] I ... like getting to talk to you a bit more :3
[Marga] But I understand.
[Rechegoko] I don't mind you.
[Marga] Aw, thanks. :3
* Marga takes that as a compliment :D
[Marga] So uh... you want some more soup? :D
[Rechegoko] Sure, but ... do you think you could find some meat too?
[Marga] Oh sure! Of course!
* Marga beams :D
[Marga] I'll be back in um, two flaps of a vulture's wing :v

Alai communes with the Abyss and reports on what she has learned to Kuspir

[NemnostiGM] Alai, after your return to Nemnosti, many questions still puzzle you about Surgu's death. The magics needed to access those answers are known to you, but they carry risks, and the Abyss always lurks. But it seems worth those risks, if it will get you closer to answers.
[NemnostiGM] (all right, so your DC is ... 20, I think?)
[NemnostiGM] (if I did my math right)
* Alai finds a quiet place to perpare her magics... she pushes the thoughts of the dept she owes the Abyss away... there will be time for that afterward.
[Alai] (ok)
[Alai] !roll 1d20+11
* Elanya rolls for Alai: [ 1d20+11 ] getting [ 15 ] which, after the modifier [ 11 ] totals [ 26 ].
* Lan-werk rolls for Alai: [ 1d20+11 ] getting [ 14 ] which, after the modifier [ 11 ] totals [ 25 ].
[NemnostiGM] You feel the pull of the dark power against your temples, and yet you are able to hold it at bay. A moment of shadow, followed by a moment of clarity, and you are through.
* Alai rolls the questions off quickly.
[Alai] Was Surgu slain by Hulti powers?
[Alai] Is his killer still in the area?
* Rechegoko is now known as Abyss
[Alai] Had Surgu met his killer before the night he was killed?
[Alai] Are the other Revenants in the area in danger?
[Abyss] YES. YES. NO. YES.
* Alai roils from the voice. Some of her dark fears confirmed.
* Nary is now known as Kuspir
* Alai stands from her meditation and will seek out leader of the investigation, Kuspir.
* Kuspir can be found somewhere nearby
[Alai] Ah Stonewarden, I need moment of your time.
* Elanya is now known as Jevai
[Kuspir] Of course.
[Alai] Let us find place to sit and talk... I have taken effort of divinations on our investigations.
* Kuspir nods and will go find a quiet place to sit with you.
* Alai rubs her temple, while sitting, her gaze downward.
[Kuspir] You seem troubled. Was it bad news?
[Alai] Yes, and cost of such magics.
[Alai] We suspected Suspur was slain using Hulti abilities... this is true.
* Kuspir nods
[Alai] His killer still lingers in the area, which we also suspected, but I can confirm this.
[Kuspir] That is unfortunate, but it is valuable information to know that they are still nearby.
[Alai] It does not aid locating them.
* Alai shakes her head.
[Kuspir] Not directly, perhaps, but it lets us know we must still be on our guards.
[Alai] Useful, at least in reducing who we must consider, Surgru had not met his killer before he was slain.
[Kuspir] Hm.. that lets us know, at least, that it was not one of his friends or family, or someone who had a conflict with him.
[Alai] which is wonder how they learned of him.
[Alai] or his habits... someone betrayed him.
[Kuspir] maybe
[Alai] does not preclude betrayal was unintentional.
* Kuspir nods
[Alai] and lastly I learned that Revenants are still in danger... this is not finished.
* Kuspir frowns
[Kuspir] That is ... worrying. It is best that I tell all of this to the Lady when making my report. Do you have any other things to add?
[Alai] I... if our enemy looking for victims... reclusive and separated...
* Alai does not finish the sentence
* Kuspir looks troubled
[Kuspir] I'm sure we can provide added protection for any who require it. Assuming they are willing to accept.
* Alai nods
[Alai] I'm sure you have much to do.
* Alai will stand to go
[Kuspir] Thank you for this. It's very useful information.
* Alai nods and will head off
* Kuspir will get ready to go make his report to Nemnu

Jevai warns / challenges her brother Pughan about the threat to revenants from the Hulti shaman

[NemnostiGM] Jevai, armed with the information you learned from Izu about the masked figure, and from Alai's divinations, you head up to Akapa Sogo to try to find your brother Pughan.
[NemnostiGM] Fortunately you are able to track him down at the Nadenigh iftibal in the cool, dry caves at the north end of the town.
* Jevai braces herself mentally for his nonsense, and will go over
[Jevai] Pughan, I need to talk to you
* Abyss is now known as Pughan
* Pughan looks at you suspiciously.
[Pughan] Why?
[Jevai] I have a challenge for you
[Pughan] Okay ...
[Jevai] (who else is around? Like will this be at all a private conversation if we have it here, or shoudl we go somewhere else?)
[NemnostiGM] (you are almost surely in a big cave where there are other people)
[NemnostiGM] (there are more private areas but it's still a longhouse, just in a cave
[Jevai] Walk with me?
[Pughan] All right...
* Pughan sounds resigned but also curious.
[Jevai] How have yoy been keeping? I've heard rumors of interesting thigs happening in the high hills
* Jevai will lead him somewhere we can talk fairly privately, ven if that is outside
[Pughan] Huh, what kind of rumors?
[Jevai] Taizian spies?
[Pughan] Hmm. Wonder what they want.
[Jevai] Rechegoko said he'd seen them, that they were teasing the snapping dog
[Pughan] Huh. So ... they're dead now?
[Jevai] not yet, apparenlty. they're having a little came of cat and mouse I think. I think he's having fun with it - for now.
[Pughan] Dog and mouse, hahaha.
[Jevai] he was in a good mood, for him, when we were up there
* Jevai smiles
[Pughan] You said you have a challenge for me.
[Jevai] I do
[Jevai] YOu heard about Surgu Takovenga?
[Pughan] Mmm. Yeah. Didn't really know him much, but yeah. Ailal's people live here in town.
* Jevai nods
[Jevai] I was asked to help look into his murder, mostly because of where they left the body
[Pughan] Hmm. Makes sense, you have powers.
[Jevai] We won't know who it was, but we have learned a lot, and none of it is good.
[Pughan] Oh?
[Jevai] He was killed by a Hulti shaman. They... unmade him, and left his body to rot long enough that he couldn't be brought back. Because he was shoror.
* Pughan spits on the floor of the iftibal.
[Pughan] Probably Pekai bastards.
[Jevai] It wasn't someone that he knew.
* Pughan shrugs.
[Pughan] Surgu was a loner, he didn't know people.
[Pughan] Crazy fucker.
* Jevai nods
[Jevai] It made him vulnerable... but he is just the first.
[Jevai] This was a statement killing.
[Jevai] an announcement of intent.
[Jevai] Do you understand?
* Pughan seems unconcerned and shrugs.
[Pughan] Name your challenge, sister.
* Jevai smiles
[Jevai] You'll find its pretty straightforeard, hopefully as simple as it sounds - don't get yourself killed by this person. If you think you are being followed - you probably are.
[Pughan] I won't be stupid. Everyone thinks I'm stupid but they don't give me enough credit.
[Jevai] I wanted you to know that there is a threat, that their magic can hurt you in ways you can't fight against. That's all.
[Jevai] This person was wearing a red and black mask....
* Pughan nods.
[Pughan] And you think they're Hulti.
[Jevai] I know that they used Hulti magics and rituals, and that this mask is from Hulti lore. So yes, they are Hulti.
* Pughan doesn't seem fazed even by that.
[Pughan] Well, I won't get killed, promise.
[Jevai] Good. If you see or hear anythig - please let me know.
[Pughan] Sure.
[Jevai] thanks.
[Jevai] but you're fine? Nothing else of interest happening in your life?
* Pughan shrugs.
[Pughan] Sure. Nothing much happens around here.
[Pughan] Dad talks about bees. Mom talks about you.
[Jevai] I heard she was talking about you, from Auntie Naka
* Pughan shrugs.
[Pughan] So?
[Jevai] So if there's any girls? People? Of any particukar interest to you, you might consider letting her know.
* Pughan shrugs.
[Pughan] Not that she wants to hear about.
[Pughan] The boys and I go down Naftusa way now and again. Nice city girls down there.
* Jevai smirks at that
[Jevai] I don't know if that qualifies as of particy=ular interest, but noted.
[Pughan] You get a pass from all that talk because you are fancy and important.
[Pughan] I get to be here and hear it all.
[Jevai] I'm not fancy or important
[Jevai] do I look fancy?
[Pughan] To Mom you are.
[Jevai] You're important to mom too, that's why you have to listen to that talk.
[Pughan] Fine, I will.
[Jevai] I shoud probably go let her talk at me too, but take care, okay?
[Pughan] I will.
[Jevai] thanks. I'll see you around.

Izu and Kuspir tell Nemnu what their investigation has learned so far

[NemnostiGM] Kuspir and Izu, you finally have gathered enough information that you believe it its time - if not past time - that you apprise Nemnu of the findings of your investigation.
[NemnostiGM] Izu, you are one of the people in charge of appointments, so it's easy enough to pencil yourself in.
* Kuspir will get ready to go talk to Nemnu on the day after we return.
* Izu will get Kuspir and they can head up together to see her.
[NemnostiGM] The Lady is in Her waiting-room, unsurprisingly, waiting. (Actually Izu you probably wheeled her in there a while ago.)
* Kuspir greets her with a salute when we arrive
* Izu will bow (Or whatever similar gesture is appropriate)
[Izu] My lady. Thank you for seeing us.
[Nemnu] You are both welcome. I have awaited your news with eagerness.
[Kuspir] We have much to report.
[Kuspir] We talked to his son Bazuz, at Hong Sogo. He was angry, aggressive, but I do not think he had any knowledge of the reason for his father's death.
[Kuspir] He cast blame on us, in general, or on spies from Taizi, but I think he was merely seeking someone to blame.
[Nemnu] Understandable.
[Izu] We have evidence to believe that a Hulti... or else one who is very familiar with the old folk and their ways... killed him.
[Nemnu] Oh?
[Kuspir] Then we located Surgu's last campsite, as far as we could determine, west of Gil Hargush, on top of an old tower or ruins of some kind. It would have been quite some distance from where his body was found. There was a serpent there, with two heads, that attacked us and we fought it. It seems strange that an aggressive creature would be found near where he camped, but maybe it wasn't there
[Kuspir] when he was there.
[Kuspir] In the ashes of the fire, there was signs of some of his things being burned, with a large quantity of ochre.
[Kuspir] As well, Izu - can you tell her of what you found when you spoke with the dead man?
[Kuspir] (sorry, Her :p)
[Izu] He believed he was being followed, which was not unusual for him, but I think this time he may have been right. We learned through talking to him and through divination that his killer was wearing a mask.
* Izu will hold up the drawing for her.
[Nemnu] That is unfamiliar to me.
[Izu] Ingo and myself found a sketch of this mask in one of the books in the library. A book on old hulti stories. Beneath it was the words Gu-Nu-Re-Mai.
[Izu] The story mentioned a demon of revenge. This is specualtion, but I believe that whoever the killer is may be seeking some kind of vengeance.
[Nemnu] Vengeance against Surgu?
[Izu] Against the ulajeta.
[Kuspir] Alai also performed a divination to learn more information. She found that Surgu did not previously know or had met his killer, that the killer used Hulti methods, that the killer remains in the area, and that other shororre are at risk.
* Nemnu pauses. Izu, you've learned over time, somehow, to figure out when she's pausing and when she's just sitting and listening.
[Nemnu] Is there more?
* Nemnu asks after a moment.
[Kuspir] And Jevai talked with Pavavi about the mask, and the name Gunuremai, and learned that this is a .. a mantle? a focus? that a shaman would put on to take on the role of this particular demon. This person would be very dangerous and powerful.
[Kuspir] That is all we know for now. Ifa and I will go soon to speak with his other son, to see if we learn anything else, but already this was enough to give me concern and think we should let you know, before proceeding onwards.
* Nemnu pauses again, this time for longer.
[Nemnu] What, then, is 'onwards'?
[Kuspir] To try and identify the person, since they seem to still be in the region and still a threat.
[Izu] Others are in danger. We must catch them.
[Nemnu] Must you?
[Kuspir] In the meantime, it may be prudent to place extra guards, or let shororre know that they could be at risk and to inform us of anything strange, even if it seems like nothing serious? A feeling of being watched or followed, or anything strange they see or hear?
[Kuspir] Do you not think we should, Lady?
* Izu looks a bit confused at that (From Nemnu)
[Nemnu] If this shaman, or demon, or whatever it is, is truly so powerful. Then perhaps it is too dangerous for you.
[Izu] ...my lady?
[Kuspir] I do not necessarily think we must confront them directly. But to identify them and find where they are or what else they might intend... is that not what You want us to do?
[NemnostiGM] (you guys can make a SM - but it's a hard one, warning)
[Izu] !roll 1d20+14
* Lan-werk rolls for Izu: [ 1d20+14 ] getting [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ 14 ] totals [ 22 ].
[Kuspir] (do I get my +1 for dealing with the Nemni?)
[NemnostiGM] (I suppose Nemnu technically counts)
[Kuspir] !roll 1d20+13
* Lan-werk rolls for Kuspir: [ 1d20+13 ] getting [ 14 ] which, after the modifier [ 13 ] totals [ 27 ].
[NemnostiGM] Izu, something is definitely off but you don't know what it is. Kuspir - you can tell, for the first time in your experience, that She is terrified.
[Kuspir] My Lady, we will follow Your guidance, but to let this go - it would be a risk to everyone, not just us.
* Nemnu pauses again. A long silence.
[NemnostiGM] Izu, at this point you're unsure as to whether she's going to speak again.
[Izu] My Lady, what are your wishes? Whatever must be done, we will do it.
[Nemnu] Summon to me Rupun of the Lurusiri. I will think on this.
* Izu nods.
[Kuspir] Perhaps we - or someone - should inform other ulale? Borgegus Ula might also wish to know of this, if it poses a threat more generally.
[Nemnu] I will talk to Ikhesi and have him alert the Wayfinder.
[Izu] And in the meantime? Should we continue our investigation?
[Nemnu] With utter caution.
[Izu] Of course. Thank you, My Lady.
[Nemnu] Thank you. That is all.
* Kuspir will salute again and leave, rather unsettled
* Izu will bow and do likewise.
[Izu] (Once out of the area) I have never seen her like that... I believe this is more serious than even we suspected.
[Kuspir] She's frightened.
* Kuspir says quietly.
* Izu gives you a look.
[Izu] Frightened?
[Kuspir] Mm.
[Kuspir] I am going to ensure that we place extra guards. She didn't instruct it, but I think it's prudent.
* Izu nods.
[Izu] We should make sure that any who leave do so in groups.
[Izu] Especially shororre.
[Kuspir] We can try, yes.
[Izu] I cannot imagine what could scare Nemnu. I do not want to.

Ifa and Kuspir go to the corpseborn town of Bemneskoma and talk to Surgu's son, Desam

[NemnostiGM] They say that in Daligash, especially in the big cities, that the corpseborn live among the rest of society, blending in, unnoticed. That a corpseborn with enough money can be granted access to the highest ranks of society, such that the mufan system has decayed entirely.
[NemnostiGM] But this is not Daligash, but the elder parts of Khutu, and here, the corpseborn of the province keep themselves apart in the village of Bemneskoma. While it is just a short walk from its sister town of Bemnes, it is a place where few true people, other than the Hands, spend any time at all.
[NemnostiGM] You travel downriver to Naftusa, then wind down and along the river valley to Bemnes, before heading up into the hills. The trip itself takes a good chunk of the day.
[NemnostiGM] Ifa, you've been this way several times before. Bemneskoma is well-known to the Hands of the region, given your order's special charge over the corpseborn.
[NemnostiGM] Kuspir, you probably have not been to the village itself, though of course you know of it.
[NemnostiGM] The village is a collection of shacks and shanties, mostly built of wood with occasional loose brick and stone for support, with perhaps 200 people in total.
[Ifa] I really do need to work on making my way up these steep trails. Don't want a repeat of that business with the snake.
* Ifa says cheerfully.
[Kuspir] Well, I hope you don't need to.
[Ifa] Better to be able to and not need it.
[Ifa] I can't always have bubun to give me a boost.
[Kuspir] Mm. But the snake was a strange thing.
[NemnostiGM] (are you bringing a bubun with you this time?)
[Ifa] (Are there people out and about?)
[Ifa] How do you mean?
[Ifa] (Would I normally?)
[Ifa] (Rather, would it be insulting or similar if I did bring one?)
[Kuspir] It just seems odd. Why would he camp there if there's a snake den? He was an experienced hunter.
[NemnostiGM] (it wouldn't be insulting, no. It's more a question of whether you feel you would need one)
[Ifa] (Well, if the temple had provisions or anything to bring out there, I'd probably get a bubun or two to carry it.)
* Ifa nods.
[NemnostiGM] (good idea)
[Ifa] And I would think it would be difficult to miss something like that, for an experienced hunter.
[Ifa] Hmm.
[NemnostiGM] (you do sometimes bring provisions out here, normally in drought times, but anytime is welcome)
[Ifa] (I'll do that, then, just to be nice and grease the wheels, as it were.)
[Ifa] Well, I guess he was aware something was following him. Maybe he thought he could handle the snake but they couldn't?
[Ifa] (Are there folks out and about in the village?)
[Kuspir] Perhaps.
[Ifa] Or are you thinking that wasn't its den?
[Ifa] Which would make it higher unusual.
[Ifa] (highly*)
[Kuspir] I don't know. It just seemed strange to find a creature so aggressive at a place where he had been camping. Maybe it wasn't there when he was, but I'm not certain.
* Ifa nods.
[Ifa] Maybe Marga might have some idea? I have to confess, it's not my area of expertise.
* Kuspir nods
[Ifa] None of this is, really, but I'll help how I can.
[Kuspir] Are you worried about Zurusha? with all of this...
* Kuspir asks uncertainly
[Ifa] I'm really...yes. Yes I am.
[Ifa] I'm worried about all of them, but Zurusha...she's been through so much.
[Ifa] And we can't, like, guard her, really.
[Ifa] Any more than she's already hidden away.
[Kuspir] I guess she's about as safe as anyone can be, though.
* Ifa nods.
[Ifa] That's what I tell myself.
[Ifa] Someone would need to be a fool to try to come for her, and anger our Lady.
[Ifa] But they already seem to be picking a fight with her.
[Kuspir] Surely there would be easier ways to .. make their point. Than targeting Zurusha, I mean.
[Ifa] Surely there would be better points to be made.
[Ifa] But you're right. I will...try not to worry too much.
[Ifa] You be sure to do the same.
* Ifa gives Kuspir a small smile.
[Kuspir] I'll try.
[NemnostiGM] At first, there are a few people looking at you, but mostly keeping their distance. Then, once they figure out that you are a Hand, which only takes a minute or two, there is a significant warming, and people smile and come out to accept whatever goods you brought with you from the temple.
[NemnostiGM] To a degree, though, they still keep clear of you, Kuspir.
* Kuspir will hang back unless needed for something
* Ifa will hand out supplies (and probably some treats like dried fruit or something).
[Ifa] (Are there any of them I know by name or at least recognize?)
[NemnostiGM] You do know that the elder / (rough) leader who you talked to once is a woman by the name of Birobe.
[NemnostiGM] There are other familiar faces but you don't know all their names.
[Ifa] (Is Birobe around where I can see?)
[NemnostiGM] After a few minutes, Birobe comes out.
[Ifa] Is Birobe around, by any chance?
[Ifa] (Oh, heh, jumped the gun)
* Ifa will go greet her.
* Ifa gives her a big smile.
[Ifa] Good [time of day]. I don't know if you remember me, I'm Hand Ifa Nemni.
* Birobe is a woman in her early middle years who has been, roughly, in charge of things here in Bemneskoma recently.
[Birobe] Ifa, yes. Of course.
[NemnostiGM] (https://rocksfall.org/wiki/File:Birobe.JPG)
[Ifa] This is my brother-in-law, Kuspir Vabaseli, a stoneguard.
* Birobe looks down at the ground.
[Birobe] Thank you for visiting our community, Hand Ifa and Stoneguard Kuspir.
* Kuspir gives a brief nod but doesn't say anything
[Ifa] I wish we were only here on a charitable mission. We were wondering whether Desam was around?
[Ifa] Unfortunately, we have some ill news for him.
[Birobe] I'm sorry to hear that. Yes, Desam should be here.
* Birobe nods in the direction of one of the youths standing nearby, gawking at the unusual scene. They run off in the direction of one of the houses.
[Birobe] That explains your unexpected timing of your visit.
[Ifa] I hope we haven't been too much of a disruption.
[Birobe] Of course not, Hand Ifa. Your visit is welcome.
[Ifa] You're kind to say so. Best we not put this off, I suppose. Thank you for your kind welcome, Birobe.
[Birobe] Allow us to make space for you to talk with Desam.
[Ifa] You're most gracious.
* Ifa nods.
[NemnostiGM] You see a young man come, following the youth who had gone to get him. He's in his early twenties and you can definitely see the family resemblance to Surgu, Bazuz, and Ailal.
[NemnostiGM] (https://rocksfall.org/wiki/Desam)
* Desam looks down at the ground as he approaches.
[Desam] I am lowly in your presence, Hand.
[Ifa] Desam, I take it? I'm Hand Ifa Nemni. Sorry to meet you under these circumstances.
[Desam] Circumstances?
[Ifa] (I take it that's normal behavior for a corpseborn interacting with a Hand?)
[Ifa] I'm sorry to have to tell you, but your father is dead.
[NemnostiGM] (yes, or with people in general)
[Ifa] (*nod*)
[Desam] My ... father. You mean Surgu.
[Ifa] Uh, yes, unless I've been misinformed.
[NemnostiGM] (make a SM - either of you)
* Ifa tries to give him her best sympathetic look.
[Desam] No, that's right.
[Ifa] !roll 1d20+9
* Lan-werk rolls for Ifa: [ 1d20+9 ] getting [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ 9 ] totals [ 16 ].
[Kuspir] !roll 1d20+12
* Lan-werk rolls for Kuspir: [ 1d20+12 ] getting [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ 12 ] totals [ 20 ].
[NemnostiGM] Ifa, he is clearly upset though trying to hold it together. Kuspir, you note that ... but also something else, something like alarm perhaps? You can't say for sure.
[Ifa] I'm sorry for your loss.
[Ifa] (Are we still outside?)
[Desam] I am not certain what is appropriate to say. I know it is tainted to speak of one's birth parents with too much warmth.
[Desam] I appreciate that he gave me life and ensured that I came here on the tide.
[NemnostiGM] (Kuspir, you are definitely getting some vibes off this guy beyond grief)
[Ifa] There is more, though...perhaps it's best said in private?
[Desam] If you wish.
[Ifa] (I'm assuming we can just take him aside as need be?)
[Ifa] (q) It's all right. We know he visited you.
[NemnostiGM] (yes, you can either take him aside here, outdoors, or possibly try to go to his home, though you don't know if it would be private there)
* Ifa will just lead him away from earshot of the others, so she can see around in case anyone is snooping.
[Kuspir] Do you know anything about his death? Someone who might have wanted to harm him?
[Ifa] (Not that I assume anyone is any more than just curiosity, but still.)
[Desam] Yes, he visited me, many times, over the years. It helped him, I think, in his lonely times.
[Desam] You know that he was a revenant, and that in coming back, it was not a kindly rebirth. That he saw and heard things that weren't real.
* Ifa nods.
[Desam] How ... how did he die?
* Ifa looks at Kuspir to verify we should tell.
* Kuspir nods
[Ifa] Magic, we think. We're still looking into all of it.
[Ifa] Someone *was* following him.
[Ifa] That's why we wanted to know if you knew if he had any enemies. Anyone who might have targeted him, wanted to hurt him.
* Desam breaks down weeping.
[Ifa] (Am I culturally allowed to touch corpseborn?)
[NemnostiGM] (you are, but you have to hallow yourself afterwards. )
* Ifa moves to comfort Desam.
[Desam] It's my fault, all my fault ...
* Ifa will give him time to weep before pushing any further.
[Ifa] I'm sure that's not true, Desam, but if you could tell us anything...
[Kuspir] We don't think the person knew him, or ever even met him, but they would have had to know certain things about him.
* Desam takes a while to come together, but eventually sits on the ground, arms around his knees.
[Desam] My ... Surgu ... would often say he felt he was being followed. For years. Always.
* Ifa nods.
[Desam] I always ignored it. Even the last time, when it was worse.
[Ifa] He said himself he had trouble distinguishing. It's not your fault.
[Desam] The last time we spoke, it was the winter. Early in Jinush, perhaps.
[Desam] He was worse. Much worse. Going on about being followed, hunted.
[Desam] Voices in his head.
[Desam] Like whoever or whatever was after him could find him, wherever he hid.
[Desam] I didn't ask too much. Because, like I said ... I just didn't believe him.
* Ifa gives Kuspir a worried glance.
[Desam] I know, Hand Ifa, that it is wrong to love my sire as I would love my corpseborn parents. But I always did love Surgu.
[Ifa] He'd lived with it for a long time, Desam. It's understandable it wouldn't seem out of the ordinary.
* Ifa gives him a reassuring smile.
[Ifa] I don't think it's wrong to love someone.
[Ifa] And I know he loved you very much.
[Desam] But you don't understand. I now see that I did this.
[Ifa] You are right that *someone* did this, Desam, but it wasn't you.
[Ifa] (Can I have brought one of Izu's sketches of the mask?)
[NemnostiGM] (yes, that's a very reasonable thing you would have done)
[Ifa] Does this mean anything to you?
[Ifa] Surgu's assailant was wearing it.
* Desam looks at it, then shakes his head.
[Desam] No ... I haven't seen that.
[Ifa] Did anyone ask about Surgu lately, perhaps?
* Desam breaks down almost completely, as if dreading this question.
[Desam] In ... In Naftusa...
* Ifa nods encouragingly.
* Desam manages to pull himself together somewhat.
[Desam] It was ... I don't know, sometime in the winter. I sometimes go and work in Naftusa as a day laborer.
[Desam] There are things bubun aren't good at but no person wants to do.
* Ifa nods.
[Desam] A person came to me at the end of the day, offered me a drink. Didn't seem to bother them that I was corpseborn.
[Desam] The whole thing is a blur. I don't know if it was something in the drink, or in their voice, or ... I don't know, some magic.
* Ifa will let him talk, worried that he'll clam up or break down again if she interrupts.
[Desam] Some corpseborn can do that. But this person, wasn't one of us.
* Ifa tries to look as comforting and encouraging as possible.
[Desam] I was just hungry and lonely and this person had such ... something.
[Desam] I know that I talked to them, that they asked about Surgu.
[Desam] But the memory of it is all faded ,worn away.
[Ifa] Do you remember anything about them?
[Desam] That's the thing, I can't recall if they were man or woman, tall or short, old or young. Just the sense that they were kindly, and warm, and companionly.
[Desam] That they fed me and gave me drink, and coin in my purse.
[Ifa] When was this?
[Desam] I think it was in Zhuno.
[Ifa] So it's been some time.
[Desam] A couple weeks before the last time I saw my father.
* Ifa nods.
[Desam] And I didn't say anything, because ... what worse thing would there be,for someone with his affliction, than to feed it?
[Desam] And where I couldn't even remember anything clearly about the encounter.
[Desam] What could I have said to him that would have helped?
* Desam weeps once more.
[Ifa] I'll allow there's a good chance the two events are related, but I will also say that what happened to your father is *not* your fault.
[Ifa] And we will keep doing everything we can to find out what exactly happened and who hurt him.
[Ifa] I promise.
[Desam] When was he killed?
[Desam] Where?
[Desam] Tell me it all. I must hear it.
[Ifa] (What exactly is the timing at this point?)
* Ifa can convey all that information to him.
[Ifa] (should I hold back where he was left, that sort of stuff?)
[NemnostiGM] (it's late in Fikho, probably 2 weeks since you found him, 3 weeks since his death, roughly speaking?)
[NemnostiGM] (up to you)
[Ifa] (Sorry, that one was directed at Julie. And also presumably Heather who's been following along :P )
* Ifa will try to leave out the more sensational parts of it.
[Kuspir] (I'm fine with telling him.)
* Ifa will only include more if he asks, then.
[Desam] Why are the Nemni investigating this?
[Ifa] He was left on Istu Levunu. Do you know it?
* Desam shakes his head.
[Ifa] It's an old standing stone. We think his being left there was possibly a message for our Lady.
[Desam] What kind of message? Surgu didn't have anything to do with Nemnosti.
[Ifa] No, but he was shoror, and that might be significant. As I said, we're still looking into it.
[Desam] I wish I could remember more about that evening.
[Desam] I think it was a woman. I think it was. .... Maybe.
[Ifa] Desam...would you be willing to talk to someone else about this?
[Ifa] I think we may have someone who could help you remember.
[Desam] Talk to whom?
[Ifa] A friend. Her name is Alai.
[Desam] I don't know. I don't know what to do.
[Ifa] You won't be in trouble, I promise, and it may help us find whoever murdered your father.
[Desam] I ... will help.
* Ifa gives him a smile.
[Ifa] Thank you, Desam.

Jevai does research on what Hulti think about other Kinds

[NemnostiGM] Jevai, you are not a deep thinker on religious matters, but you are an expert researcher. With some work, you are able to determine that the Hulti concept of spirit is similar to the dualistic belief in ibu (body) vs. lemu (spirit) in the Corps, but with the difference that shamans are able to extend their spirit outside their body, during life.
[NemnostiGM] You also find texts that discuss their beliefs in terms of assuming different 'faces' or 'mantles', which are like elements that are appended onto the spirit, allowing one to influence the world in different ways. This seems to be like what Pavavi was talking about with respect to Gunuremai.
[NemnostiGM] They clearly accept that there are various different human Kinds, but only people and ancestors are regarded as correct / proper.
[Jevai] (does it talk about why they see others as improper?)
[NemnostiGM] There is a lot more and you have great difficulty sorting through it all, not least because of the principle of rujavai (habitual confabulation) whereby whole texts have been produced by shamans and other Hulti scholars purely for the purpose of deceiving outsiders.
[Jevai] . o O (its brilliant and I hate it)
[NemnostiGM] They regard bubun as like enslaved bodies, revenants as broken/mad/dangerous, and saints as basically humans assuming the role of gods or demons - saints basically are demons, almost, in their concept.
[Jevai] (but they use demons :thinking emoji:)
[Jevai] (What havethey got for gods/what are 'gods' for them?)
[NemnostiGM] Like the Corps, the Old Folk have a pantheistic religion, i.e., no gods that they revere. The Universe is god, perhaps?
[Jevai] (but we give saints too much power, so they are bad?)
[Jevai] (do they have issues with other powerful spirits, like Ushukuna? how do they see something like her? as a demon?)
[NemnostiGM] You aren't able to find anything in this research period that bears on how Hulti view things like Ushukuna, or the Luetkan whale-gods.

Jevai and Eng-dur meet and discuss his predicament, and the investigation of Surgu's murder

[NemnostiGM] Jevai, it is the night of the new moon, late in Fikho. Your research has borne some fruit, but so many questions remain.
[NemnostiGM] You don't know whether he will have answers for you, but regardless, the time has come when whatever keeps Eng-dur in this state is at its strongest or nearest, and you can speak to him at the Lanky Stones.
[NemnostiGM] You manage what sleep you can get in advance, and then head across the courtyard to where you expect to see him.
[NemnostiGM] A moment, and the shadows of the great stelae flicker, forming in your peripheral vision into something more substantial, until before you, you see a form that is unmistakably not human, but still unmistakably Eng-dur Chuchuru, your Upward.
[Jevai] (so what is this like, force ghost syle and I'm jst standing there maybe talking to yself (or the stones) if anyone happens by? all im my head?)
[NemnostiGM] (yup, maybe it is all in your head!)
[Eng-dur] Ahhhhhh ... it's warm.
[Jevai] (cool cool, that's fine. I need to know mire about 'unmistakably not human' though)
[Jevai] It's spring
[NemnostiGM] (more like, whatever he is is not really corporeal and not really a human body )
[Jevai] (melty around the edges like an AI generation ;p)
[Eng-dur] Are the loza bushes in bloom yet?
[Jevai] soon. Another week or so maybe?
[Eng-dur] Am I here, or are you just the Pebble in my head?
* Jevai smiles
[Jevai] In your boot, perhaps. If you still had boots.
* Eng-dur giggles.
[Jevai] how are you?
[Eng-dur] My boots are made for traversing the great bridge between this place and the still place.
[Eng-dur] As for how I am ... I am the pebble in the boot of Coherence, perhaps!
[Jevai] is it like crossing a bridge, to come here?
[Eng-dur] A festering carbuncle betwixt the hairy lips of whatever entity dares to keep me here entrapped.
[Jevai] hah
[Eng-dur] It is like a bridge, yes! But not a bridge of stone, but of knotted sinews whose nature I cannot discern
[Jevai] and the other side is jjust stillness...?
[Eng-dur] It is very hard to understand for me, even now. If it unfolds, it does so in ways inscrutable to me.
[Eng-dur] And so it appears to be still.
* Jevai nods
[Jevai] and empty save for you?
[Eng-dur] Not empty, I think.
[Eng-dur] Just not filled with that which I can perceive.
[Jevai] hmm
[Eng-dur] In that space, I am displaced, abject, outsider.
[Eng-dur] I can perceive myself because I am in contrast with the rest.
[Jevai] I've been doing some interesting reading
[Jevai] about the Hulti
[Eng-dur] What do the Old Folk have to do with this?
[Jevai] I don't know. But have you heard of thier concept of mantles?
[Eng-dur] I'm not sure about that. Tell me.
[Jevai] mm. They believe that with the right kind of focus, you can forge a connection with different... entities? Sprits? that allow you to channel aspects of them, or thier powers.
[Eng-dur] Hmm, interesting.
[Eng-dur] Do you think you are channelling me, or some element of me?
[Jevai] its like they can connect to other manifestatins of coherence with their lemu
[Jevai] I think - there is a connection of some kind, and this is the first thing that has given me some way of trying to understand it
[Eng-dur] Hmm, hmm-hmmm! Very interesting.
[Jevai] what do you think?
[Eng-dur] I think, that like all philosophies, it is wonderful, and probably also flawed, perhaps fatally so.
[Eng-dur] But that does not mean you should not think it!
[Eng-dur] But just note that if it is too true, it means that I do not exist at all, except through you.
[Jevai] is it something you have already considered?
[Eng-dur] I have considered many things. But it is hard to think so much, without my Pebble to bounce up against walls to see how far away they are.
[Jevai] but also, I disagree about that conclusion.
[Eng-dur] I miss our conversations.
[Jevai] I do too...
[Jevai] I am glad for this connection, whatever it may be
[Eng-dur] You seem worried.
[Jevai] I am.
[Jevai] A Hulti shaman murdered a man... Surgu Takovenga.
[Eng-dur] Oh?
[Jevai] they made sure his body couldn't be made shoror again, and left him on Istu Levenu to be found
* Eng-dur breathes out heavily.
[Eng-dur] Levununde ...
* Jevai blinks
[Jevai] what?
[Eng-dur] Levununde ... isn't that what She said to you?
[Jevai] yes
[Eng-dur] Istu Levunu is the Dropping Gate, or the Gate of the Drop.
[Eng-dur] There are many theories offered as to why it has that name.
[Eng-dur] I cannot say which is true. It is ancient, far more ancient than any of us.
[Jevai] I know that. But it was hard to find any useful information on it....
[Eng-dur] There may be none, at least, not in books. Who can say which Ancestor would know more?
[Eng-dur] It comes from a time before our people knew letters.
[Jevai] even theories.... the best I could find was that it was meant to mark the edge of the Ghengom, where it drops away... but that doesn't eel very satisfying. It hard\ly needs a stone.
[Eng-dur] I can't say, Pebble. Not with any certainty.
[Eng-dur] It isn't a matter I gave much attention.
Session Time: Mon Mar 11 00:00:00 2024
[Jevai] no... it doesn't seem likely this Shaman knows more, rather than just having chosen it for its location and prominence
[Eng-dur] Why do you think the shaman chose it specifically?
[Jevai] because of its age, to demonstrate a connection of their work and intent to something older than the ulajeta, because it is on a common path, so it would be found more easily... I think that there were a lot of things that needed to unfold in a particular way for us to piece together what we have, that would have been hard to predict
[Jevai] maybe someone would have known what the mask was
[Jevai] there are few who are as skilled with Divination as Alai, and I'm the one who asked her...
[Jevai] the chance of Izu having seen, and remembering, the mask, and finding it again in all the boooks at the temple...
[Eng-dur] A mask?
[Jevai] the chance that we could have found the campsite where - yes.
[Jevai] the mask. The mantle.
[Eng-dur] Ah, I see. So the shaman was wearing a mask, serving as a mantle?
[Eng-dur] I do not know much about Hulti things, Pebble. You think too fast for me.
[Jevai] yes. For a demon of vengeance
[Jevai] it's been in - no, it's been consuming my thoughts of late.
[Eng-dur] That sounds bad, I grant. But if you haven't done anything to warrant such vengeance, then perhaps it is a done matter.
[Jevai] it is not.
[Jevai] Other Shororre are still in danger. The killer is still in the area...
[Eng-dur] I will say this to you, then, Pebble, because I know our time together is too small.
* Jevai listens
[Eng-dur] It may sometimes seem a cause for despair, that Unfolding carries with it the chaos of the river, where each drop of water cannot be seen or its course predicted.
[Eng-dur] But it is also the case that we know that the river flows downstream, always. And surprising Coherence results from that. You say your friends carry pieces of knowledge and seeming good fortune, without which you would not have what you already have.
[Eng-dur] But can that not be a sign of yet another force, one working against the nothingness?
* Eng-dur smiles.
[Eng-dur] You have always taken so much on yourself, Jevai-my-Pebble. But you are not alone.
[Eng-dur] Nor are you here alone in the world with me.
[Eng-dur] But in the world-at-large, the great world. I am very envious.
* Eng-dur wavers slightly, as if the shadows are beginning to decohere.
[Jevai] I'm not despairing.
[Jevai] I know I'm not alone.
[Eng-dur] That is good. For despair leads only to tears.
[Eng-dur] Well, then, that makes one of us.
[Jevai] I'm here.
[Eng-dur] But am I?
[Jevai] tell me what happened to you
[Jevai] and I will figure it out
* Eng-dur dissolves still further into shadow.
[Eng-dur] I fell.
[Eng-dur] But I have caught a branch.
[Jevai] from the stone?
[Eng-dur] I don't know yet.
[Eng-dur] I'll let you know if I find out.
[Jevai] Okay
[Jevai] Just don't let go.
[Eng-dur] Not yet.
* Eng-dur dissipates completely.
* Jevai will stand there for a little longer, gathering her thoughts