Diablotin 3 timeline

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Revision as of 17:47, 19 October 2014 by Ladyiolanthe (talk | contribs) (Ninth-month)


The calendar is an easy way to keep track of upcoming important dates. Feel free to add your PC's important dates, including birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, etc. We do sometimes have in-game birthday parties (usually drinks at a pub) for player characters, and weddings are almost always celebrated in-game. ;) Important dates will continue to be added as dates are announced for significant events like balls, deaths, disasters, etc.



The timeline will provide a chronological ordering of events that happen during D3, with links to the relevant session logs. Typically updated soon after each session, it can be useful tool for tracking down a particular scene you need to refer back to!



  • 1st: Titania's Cabaret suffers a series of unfortunate events, resulting in the death of a patron and the mysterious disappearance of the red-haired Psyrene Songbird, Eirini. (Diablotin 3 session 1)
  • 2nd: Denise and Hettie compare notes; so do Dorien and Argent. Gen offers to help clean the Cabaret for pay; Hettie meets with Korisse for lunch. (Diablotin forum)
  • 3rd: Gen visits Dorien to check up on him; he learns about her healing ability. (Diablotin forum)
  • 8th: The Cabaret reopens; employees learn that the casualty was one Byran Dyess, a war hero. The saboteur Hettienne encountered was a type of fae called a quickling. (Diablotin 3 session 2)
  • 9th: Argent meets with Briony and learns something more about Byran Dyess and quicklings. Denise and Hettienne receive Mikel. Dorien secures a bottle of drugged wine with Neva and Gen's help. (Diablotin 3 session 2)
  • 10th: Hugo attends a Human Serpent church ceremony and agrees to spend time with both Lucette and Thera... on the same night. Zola agrees to a private live show as Mico. (Diablotin 2 session 3)
  • 11th: Aubrienne and Lathra attend a Shadar-kai Serpent church ceremony, where they overhear something strange from an entranced Tristan. (Diablotin 2 session 3)