Diablotin 3 session 44

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Diablotin 3 session logs
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Session date: November 20, 2016
Diablotin date:


<DiablotinNarrator> It is the end of Sixth-month, with the weather growing hotter by the day. Summer heat brings out the noise and smells of the city, as people leave open their windows and debris festers in the gutters.

<DiablotinNarrator> It's delightful!

  • Genevriel perversely keeps closing the windows in the apartment to try to keep out the smells. :P
  • Dorien is used to noxious smells.

Dorien and Misery try to find a retailer for their goods

<DiablotinNarrator> Dorien, you and Misery are back from your trip to Psyra, and working at getting your new lab set up.

<Dorien> (Yay!)

<DiablotinNarrator> You've rented a space in a not-too-bad building in the Castalia, and purchased some equipment and supplies to get your work underwar.

<DiablotinNarrator> er.. underway :p

<DiablotinNarrator> you might also need some work underwear :p

<Dorien> (Do I need seperate work underwear? What's wrong with my casual ones?)

<Dorien> (heh)

<DiablotinNarrator> (don't ask)

<DiablotinNarrator> (let's just say 'lead plating')

<DiablotinNarrator> (if you and Misery ever want to have kids ;)

<Dorien> ( >.> )

<DiablotinNarrator> Misery is back to work full-steam on Korisse's movie, which has finally picked up speed again, although they now need to use magic to make it look like winter for any exterior shots.

<DiablotinNarrator> It's good experience for her, and she seems to really enjoy it, but it isn't bringing in a lot of money... and neither is your business yet, being still in its very early days.

<Dorien> (Nod)

<DiablotinNarrator> As such, you're tossing around ideas of how to bring in some extra cash, that don't involve drug dealing or working for the mob >.>

<Misery> Hey, I saw a new alchemy type shop opening up in the Shade.

  • Misery suggests one evening

<Dorien> Oh? What kind?

<Misery> Not sure. It's just called "SUBSTANCE by Irrez".

  • Dorien (Do I know that name?)

<DiablotinNarrator> (nope)

<Misery> But I walked by and there's a bunch of bottles and potions and ingredients and stuff.

<Dorien> Huh. Maybe we should check it out. Can't hurt to scope out the competition.

<Misery> Yeah, and I was thinking, if he was interested, maybe we could whip up some basic things like sunrods or tanglefoot bags or whatever, and just sell them through another shop. For a bit of extra money.

<Dorien> That's not a bad idea. There's not much room here for a shop of our own, but we could certainly wholesale. Maybe he could use a dedicated supplier.

<Dorien> Or she, I suppose.

  • Misery nods

<Dorien> Do you know this Irrez at all?

<Misery> No, but I asked my father, and he says he's not in the Nhau'kel anyway.

<Dorien> Well, that's good, at least.

<Misery> We could go check it out, at least.

<Dorien> Though they're not the only game in town.

<Dorien> Yeah.

  • Misery nods

<Dorien> Worth a look.

<DiablotinNarrator> So, on your next free day, you can venture over to see ... SUBSTANCE.

  • Dorien will wear something decently nice.
  • Misery accompanies you

<DiablotinNarrator> The shop is fairly nondescript but respectable-looking from the outside.

<DiablotinNarrator> It looks quite new, as well.

<Dorien> (What sort of thingsare in the window?)

<DiablotinNarrator> (Heather, what do you think?)

<Irrez> (some fancy looking alchemical equipment for decor, a display of basic things, a few more complicated/expensive things that are more set apart)

  • Dorien will take note of what they are selling and, more importantly, what they are not selling that he can make.
  • Dorien will head inside
  • Brazvi lurks in a corner.
  • Brazvi is a Shadar-kai with hair pulled up into a topknot-bun, with shaved sides; wearing tan wide-legged trousers, and a simple clean white shirt with suspenders.

<DiablotinNarrator> There is an attendant at the counter, a young Shadar-kai man, who greets you when you enter.

<Attendant> <sk> Good day, welcome to Substance. How can I help you?

  • Brazvi watches you.

<Dorien> Hello. We just noticed that you'd opened up and decided to stop in.

  • Dorien scans the shelves

<Dorien> Nice shop.

<Attendant> (are you speaking back to him in SK or in Aveyronnais?)

<Dorien> (Oh, I didn't notice the <sk>. Yes, in shadar kai)

<Attendant> Certainly, you're welcome to browse. Let me know if there's anything you would like.

<Dorien> Thank you. Are you the proprieter?

<Attendant> No, I'm just an employee. Would you care to speak with Irrez?

<Dorien> Yes, please, if that wouldn't be too much trouble.

<Attendant> Of course.

  • Attendant will go through a door at the back of the shop, and returns a short while later with the owner.
  • Irrez emerges, pushing up some safety goggles, and removig his work gloves, and looks around
  • Dorien grins slightly.
  • Brazvi nods to Irrez.

<Dorien> Hello! Thank you for seeing us. You must be Irrez?

  • Irrez s wearng a leather apron over nice work clothes, and has long-ish hair in a vriety of green shades that is currently pulled back out of his face
  • Irrez nods

<Irrez> Yes, welcome to my shop.

<Irrez> How may I be of service? Are you looking for something in particular?

<Dorien> Thank you. My name is Dorien, and this is my associate Miz'ehrhy. You have a very nice establishment.

  • Misery nods politely

<Dorien> Actually, I was hoping that we might be able to help you.

  • Brazvi slides over to stand by Irrez

<Irrez> Oh?

  • Irrez scrutinizes you more carefully, trying to figure out what your deal is
  • Dorien will nod a greeting at Brazvi, noticing they're arrival in the conversation.

<Dorien> We run a small alchemy supply company based not far from here. We were wondering if you had a need for suppliers for some of your items. I've noticed you don't stock (insert alchemy jargon here), for instance.

<Irrez> hmm - wholesalers, is it?

  • Irrez considers

<Irrez> Do you have samples?

<Dorien> Researchers mostly, but we do some wholesaling as well.

<Dorien> Not on me at the moment, but I could certainly provide some.

  • Irrez nods

<Irrez> ahh, I see.

<Irrez> If you can brig me some samples of your work, we can discuss the prospect

<Dorien> Of course. Are there any particular items you'd like us to provide?

  • Brazvi leans back on the counter behind them
  • Irrez considers

<Irrez> Thse you mentioned woud be fine, but I am more interested i wholesaling someple common thigs that sell quickly - the more basic stocks. Sunrods, birth control potions. These sorts of things.

<Misery> We could provide those.

  • Misery says, with a glance to Dorien

<Dorien> Of course. That should be no problem at all. I can have some for you tomorrow.

  • Dorien smiles at Misery
  • Irrez nods

<Irrez> that will be fine

<Misery> If you did agree to this proposal, what sort of cut would we get?

  • Misery asks, since this is ultimately about making money >.>
  • Brazvi eyes Misery
  • Dorien studiously avoids glancing at Brazvi
  • Irrez considers

<Irrez> I would offer you 60% of profits on the items of your manufacture

  • Irrez tosses out
  • Misery nods
  • Brazvi sizes up Dorien.
  • Dorien nods thoughtfully.

<Misery> We'll discuss it, thank you.

<Dorien> Thank you very much for your time.

<Dorien> It's nice to see a fellow alchemist in the area.

  • Irrez nods again

<Irrez> Yes, that is always good.

<Irrez> I will see you tomorrow.

<Dorien> Til tomorrow.

  • Dorien will head for the door a bit awkwardly.
  • Brazvi watches you leave
  • Misery goes with you

<Misery> well... they seem very... professional.

  • Misery says, once you're outside.

<Dorien> That's one way to put it. Those two creep me right the fuck out.

<Misery> they do?

<Dorien> Well, mostly the quiet one. It felt like I was on a petri dish.

<Misery> Oh.. yeah, a bit. Maybe they're just a bit overprotective.

<Dorien> Maybe.

<Misery> 60% is a good deal, though.

<Dorien> Either way, they sound like they'd be good customers at least.

<Dorien> Yeah.

<Dorien> A very good deal.

<Dorien> Hopefully your hunch will pay off.

  • Misery smiles and takes your hand.

<Misery> See, I'm always helpful :)

  • Dorien gives her a kiss.

<Dorien> More than you'll ever know.

  • Dorien will head home and work on getting quality samples together :)

Genevriel meets Philida, who appears to be another oracular-type person

<DiablotinNarrator> Gen, now that you're back from your trip to Psyra, Channel Silvia has made arrangements for you to meet with the other woman who may have powers like your own, Philida Chantranes.

<DiablotinNarrator> She offers a room in her house for you to have privacy so that you can talk.

  • Genevriel dislikes meeting strangers but has thankfully had time to mentally prepare herself to do just that.
  • Genevriel shows up a few minutes early, as if this were a medical appointment.
  • Silvia welcomes you to her house

<Silvia> How are you?

  • Genevriel greets Channel Silvia with a small gift as a thank you for going through the trouble and for letting her use a room.

<Genevriel> I'm well, thank you.

<Silvia> oh, thank you, that's very kind.

  • Genevriel passes you a bottle of gourmet olives she brought back from Psyra.
  • Silvia smiles

<Silvia> Lovely :)

<Genevriel> You're welcome... I hope you like them.

<Silvia> I do, thank you.

  • Genevriel is relieved.
  • Silvia will bring you to a sitting room where there is some tea already waiting, and a tray of pastries.

<Silvia> Philida should be here shortly.

  • Genevriel nods and tries to overcome any residual anxiety.

<Genevriel> What is she like, if you don't mind my asking?

<Silvia> She's a veteran, like yourself. She's had trouble recovering after the war, but has found some comfort at the temple of Serpent. I don't know her incredibly well, but she seems like a person who is absorbed in her own thoughts a great deal. Distracted, but not by anything that others can perceive.

  • Genevriel smiles a little ruefully. "Now I'm curious how you'd describe me if she asked the same question."
  • Silvia smiles

<Silvia> Perhaps not so differently. You're both people who seem to have a burden you carry, and struggles to overcome, but who do your best.

  • Silvia turns as there's another knock at the door.

<Silvia> That must be her - I'll be right back.

  • Genevriel nods and rubs her clammy hands on her pants.
  • Silvia returns a little while later with a very short woman in her 30s, with short wavy brown hair that looks like she's only just letting it grow out from its military crop.
  • Genevriel stands up to greet the newcomer formally by extending a clammy (from nerves) hand.

<Silvia> Genevriel, this is Philida. I'll leave you to talk, but if you need me for anything, I'll be nearby.

  • Philida shakes your hand, also seeming a bit nervous

<Philida> Hello...

<Genevriel> (Does she wear gloves? That's my saving grace, she can't feel the clamminess, heheh)

  • Philida does not

<Genevriel> Hello...

<Genevriel> (Does she have blackened arms?)

  • Philida 's skin that you can see appears normal
  • Genevriel feels surprised and a little bit confused, but recovers herself quickly.

<Genevriel> Would you... um... like some tea?

<Philida> Thank you...

  • Philida will sit down, as Silvia leaves you two to talk

<Philida> Ah, I understand you... you hear them too?

  • Philida asks uncertainly
  • Genevriel pours tea for Philida and herself before sitting back down.

<Genevriel> I hear voices... whether they're the same ones you hear, I couldn't say.

  • Philida nods

<Genevriel> Mine speak in Celestial. And yours?

<Philida> There are a lot of different voices. Some of them I understand, and some I don't. I guess the ones I understand must be speaking Aveyronnais, or I wouldn't understand them...

  • Genevriel nods.

<Genevriel> What do they say?

<Philida> 'We will not fade away'

  • Genevriel shudders; that sounds like something the dead would say.

<Philida> Other things sometimes, but that's the main one.

<Philida> I think it's.... the dead talking to me.

  • Philida confesses uncertainly

<Genevriel> Mine are different... they say "We are all One."

<Philida> there were so many dead, and maybe they think I can do something for them...

<Philida> but they don't stop, and I don't know what they want.

  • Genevriel tries not to let her disappointment show.

<Genevriel> I don't know what mine want, either.

  • Philida nods

<Genevriel> But... I don't get the feeling that they are all dead.

<Philida> I don't really know that mine are... I just don't know who else they could be.

<Genevriel> I think some of them could be, but others aren't.

<Genevriel> In my case, I mean.

<Genevriel> I wouldn't presume to know who or what yours are.

<Genevriel> ...

<Philida> but ever since it started, I can cast spells... I mean, I never could before, it just started when...

  • Genevriel nods.

<Genevriel> Me, too... fire and healing magic, mainly.

<Genevriel> What about you?

<Philida> some are, well, sort of like what priests can do. But I can do things with what they call primal magic - manipulating the elements, I guess?

<Genevriel> Is it all Divine magic, though...?

<Genevriel> Like, do you have to pray to be able to do any of it, or do you draw on some magical energy from within yourself?

<Philida> It's divine.

  • Genevriel nods.

<Genevriel> Did you get marked in some way?

<Philida> at least, that's what Sirris said after he watched me do some.

  • Genevriel nods.

<Genevriel> My arms, for example - they're burnt and they won't heal.

  • Philida nods
  • Philida pushes up her sleeve, and you can see there on her forearm a large brand or scar, shaped like a circle with a dot at the center

<Philida> this won't heal either.

<Genevriel> Hmmm...

<Genevriel> Do you feel drawn to the stars at all?

  • Genevriel thinks that could be a bullseye or a wheel with a hub at its centre. Damn gods, why can't they just talk plainly.

<Philida> I... when I go out at night, it just feels too big and empty. I try not to, now >.>

<Genevriel> :/

<Genevriel> Have you ever tried talking to your voices? Do they ever reply to you? Or is it all one-sided? They tell you stuff but they can't or won't answer any questions you may have?

<Philida> I try talking back all the time. Out loud, or in my head. They just keep going. Sometimes what they say seems like it's ... related to things that are happening to me, like they know. But they don't answer questions or anything that direct.

<Philida> Is that like yours?

<Genevriel> Maybe.

<Genevriel> I can hear and understand "We are all One" all the time, like it's my pulse or my breath, but the other things they say are in Celestial, as I mentioned.

<Genevriel> I didn't know any Celestial so I've been learning.

  • Philida nods

<Genevriel> I finally can understand a little of what they're saying, but really have only had one incident similar to what you're describing, so far.

<Genevriel> That was just a few days ago.

  • Philida nods
  • Genevriel looks thoughtful.

<Genevriel> I'm not sure that what we hear is the same entity or entities... But since neither of our patrons is especially forthcoming with information, I'm not sure how we'd know. Unless you feel all right sharing what we hear.

<Genevriel> Maybe together we can figure out what is going on and what the fuck they want from us.

<Philida> I can try. Like I said, I don't understand all of it, but some parts I do.

  • Genevriel nods.

<Philida> I want to understand it too... it feels like it must have happened for a reason, but figuring out what that is...

<Genevriel> Is frustrating at best and infuriating at worst.

<Philida> yes

<Philida> why me, what do they want, is it even something I can do?

  • Genevriel nods.

<Genevriel> One of my biggest fears, perhaps unfounded, is that they'll want me to do something against my own moral compass. But because I owe them, how can I refuse?

<Philida> do you feel like they saved your life too?

<Genevriel> Yes, though for a long time I wished they hadn't.

  • Philida nods

<Philida> Me too.

<Genevriel> Even now, some days, I just wish I could be dead.

<Philida> I'm sorry :(

  • Genevriel shrugs.

<Genevriel> It is what it is.

<Genevriel> So...

<Genevriel> Have you had Sirris or Silvia try to figure out what other language or languages your voices speak?

<Philida> no... I guess I hadn't thought about it.

<Philida> but I could.

  • Genevriel nods.

<Genevriel> It's a place to start. If they can identify the language for you, then you can learn it, and start to understand a little bit more, perhaps.

<Genevriel> If it's Celestial, I could help you learn.

<Philida> All right. I'll try.

  • Genevriel nods.

<Genevriel> Meanwhile... this is what they said to me the other day: "As the fire allows the seeds to grow stronger, so your strength emerges from your suffering. Like the lyre, our song speaks through you, and you will carry our words: we are all one. Here at the hub of the wheel, where all is still, we embrace you. Be at peace, child."

  • Philida 's eyes widen slightly

<Genevriel> Based on that, they seem to want me to spread the word about them, and so I have tried to do when I pray for healing for people - give credit where it's due, and all- but... I don't know what the One is or what they want so the thought of more actively promoting them makes me want to vomit.

<Philida> Mine talk about the hub of the wheel too. I thought... well. I think it means the Void. I don't know what else it could be.

(to be continued...)

Lathra, Aubrienne, and Argent check out the 'care home' that Raimond has been sent to

<DiablotinNarrator> Lathra, you and Aubrienne and Argent and Leiris have planned a day trip (on some day Aubrienne's not filming ;) out to the care home where Raimond is apparently staying.

<Lathra> (Yes, I'm sure it will be lovely)

  • Aubrienne is happy to drive folks.

<DiablotinNarrator> A delightful jaunt in Aubrienne's car, enjoying the lovely warm weather!

  • Argent is fine with that

<Leiris> So... when we get there, what's the plan?

<Aubrienne> Good question.

<Aubrienne> Any luck with the lawyers?

<Lathra> Well, if all goes well, we are given a tour of the facilities, I examine Raimond's care regimen, I am satisfied and we go home and report

<Lathra> Other than that, we wing it.

<Leiris> I prepared spells I thought might come in handy, depending on what we encounter. Memory Lapse and Seek Thoughts might be useful, if they aren't being forthcoming.

<Argent> sounds like a plan

<Lathra> Thank you Lieris

<Leiris> Ah, what thoughts should I try to seek for?

<Leiris> since we might not have a chance to discuss it there

<Aubrienne> The Irminsul, perhaps?

<Argent> I was gonna suggest tree dreams

<Leiris> All right

<Leiris> trees, then

<Lathra> Yes, that would be interesting - I'm also worried that they might put on a show for us but actually be mistreating him, so if you can pick up on that it'd be enlightening?

<Aubrienne> There's always Detect Thoughts for that, maybe.

<Leiris> I could look for thoughts about Raimond - I don't know if I can find out specifically if they're mistreating him, but I could find out whether they're thinking about him at all

<Lathra> OK

<Leiris> and if we narrow down who is thinking about him, or about Irminsuls, or both, then we know better who to target

<Lathra> (Is it too late to have done a divination about this trip?)

<DiablotinNarrator> (it takes about 10 minutes, so you could do it on the drive, I suppose!)

<Lathra> (OK!)

<DiablotinNarrator> What's your question?

<Lathra> "At the facility, what should we look for?"

<DiablotinNarrator> (okay, sec to come up with an answer)

<Lathra> (kk!)

<Lathra> Oh! Hrm.

  • Lathra stops staring out the window

<Lathra> That's interesting... we should look for a man with silver eyes.

<Aubrienne> Silver eyes, huh?

  • Lathra nods

<Lathra> That's right dear

<Argent> thats rare

<Argent> (do I know anyone with silver eyes?)

<Aubrienne> (Julie, if it's all right, I'd like to cast Visualization of the Mind (Wisdom) before we head out. Otherwise, my Perception and Sense Motive suck. ;))

<DiablotinNarrator> (well, some shadar-kai have silver eyes)

<DiablotinNarrator> (that's all you can think of though - it would be very unusual for a human, obviously)

<DiablotinNarrator> yes, sure, you can do that

<DiablotinNarrator> Okay - any further preparations anyone wants to make before arriving?

<Lathra> (I'm good, just gonna keep reminding myself what all my spells do)

<Aubrienne> (Think I'm good)

<DiablotinNarrator> Okay, after a couple of hours' drive, you are nearing your destination

<DiablotinNarrator> Lynwood Manor is an old, rambling stone building that looks like it was built over centuries, with the oldest parts appearing to date from a time when life in the countryside was considerably more violent.

<DiablotinNarrator> (1431734487253-aerialcotehelebarrygamblecrop.jpg is my mental image, fwiw)

<DiablotinNarrator> (some fortified bits, with newer living quarters stuck on)

<DiablotinNarrator> Tall grey stone walls greet you as you pull up the drive. It looks secure, if a bit gloomy, but there are trees and gardens that you can see from here, so perhaps it's just the exterior that gives you a feeling of bleakness.

<Aubrienne> Nice place, if a bit...grim.

<Lathra> It's be a lovely place for a party, but I'm not sure I'd want to live here...

<Leiris> Maybe that's why whoever lived here turned it into a rest home.

  • Argent will hop out and open car doors for people

<Aubrienne> Thank you, Argent. :)

  • Lathra steps out gracefully, wearing the clothes she wears for her most conservative clients.

<DiablotinNarrator> As you exit the car, a woman in a plain blue dress and a little hat comes out the door to greet you.

<Aubrienne> Though I feel I should have accessorized with a chauffeur's cap, now.

  • Aubrienne smiles pleasantly at the nurse.

<Nurse> Good day, how can I help you?

  • Lathra doesn't quite supress a delighted gasp as she spots the little hat

<Lathra> Good afternoon! My name is Lathra Scales, Raimond Neherin's physician. We've come hoping to inspect your hat.

<Lathra> I mean the conditions here, and his treatment.

<Nurse> ... Ah, welcome?

  • Aubrienne suppresses a giggle.

<Lathra> To reassure his wife Dasra that he's being properly cared for.

  • Nurse nods

<Nurse> Please, step inside, and I'll ask the Matron if she has a moment to speak with you.

<Aubrienne> That would be lovely, thank you.

  • Nurse leads you into the building, which is quite simply furnished in the parts you can see anyway - no carpets or fancy decorations, just very functional.

<Nurse> Wait here, please.

  • Nurse gestures to a bench where you can sit.
  • Lathra sits
  • Argent will stand and take the opportunity to look around for any signs of staff names, people who support the operation (donators), or anything of the like that may be around
  • Nurse heads off, presumably to find the person in charge.
  • Aubrienne will idly do a Detect Magic and glance around.

<DiablotinNarrator> You can make Perception checks if you're looking around.

<Argent> !roll 1d20+21

  • Balthcat rolls for Argent: [ 1d20+21 ] getting [ 20 ] which, after the modifier [ 21 ] totals [ 41 ].

<Lathra> !roll 1d20+8

  • Balthcat rolls for Lathra: [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 18 ].

<Aubrienne> !roll 1d20+13

  • Balthcat rolls for Aubrienne: [ 1d20+13 ] getting [ 3 ] which, after the modifier [ 13 ] totals [ 16 ].

<Aubrienne> (oy)

<Leiris> !roll 1d20+15

  • Balthcat rolls for Leiris: [ 1d20+15 ] getting [ 16 ] which, after the modifier [ 15 ] totals [ 31 ].

<Lathra> <w to Aubrienne> did you see her hat, though?

<Aubrienne> <w to Lathra> Yeah, her...hat.

<DiablotinNarrator> Argent, you are scanning the room, and you see, looking up, that there is a faded coat of arms on the boss at the centre of the ceiling - a pair of blue and gold lizards.

  • Leiris nudges Lathra as an attendant walks by, pushing a patient in a wheelchair.

<Leiris> <w> that guy

  • Lathra looks

<DiablotinNarrator> The patient seems more or less catatonic, sitting and staring off at nothing. The orderly, or whatever he is, however, is wearing dark glasses that conceal an odd metallic glint you can just catch a glimpse of as the light catches them the right way.

<DiablotinNarrator> Aubrienne and Lathra, you don't notice anything in particular, other than what the guys are pointing out ;)

<Argent> anyone recognize that coat... pair of blue and gold lizards?

<Aubrienne> (Can I K:Nobility on the boss, assuming that won't bring the ceiling down on us? ;))

<DiablotinNarrator> (sure)

<Aubrienne> !roll 1d20+9

  • Balthcat rolls for Aubrienne: [ 1d20+9 ] getting [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ 9 ] totals [ 18 ].

<DiablotinNarrator> That's the coat of arms of the Claar family.

<Lathra> (Can I drop Tracking Mark on the orderly without him knowing?)

<Aubrienne> (Does that mean anything to me beyond a coat of arms?)

<DiablotinNarrator> (I forget by now who all has heard the name Suzetta Claar, but if so, then yes, it means something :)

<DiablotinNarrator> Lathra, yes, you can do that, it doesn't have any verbal components, so you can do it pretty subtly.

<Aubrienne> (Oh, I do know that name. Had to do some research to cover faulty memory.)

<Lathra> (OK, will negates)

<DiablotinNarrator> !roll 1d20

  • Balthcat rolls for DiablotinNarrator: [ 1d20 ] getting [ 15 ].

<Aubrienne> Hrm.

  • Aubrienne frowns after looking at the coat of arms.

<Aubrienne> That might be bad.

<Argent> oh?

  • Leiris clears his throat noisily as the nurse returns with an older woman

<Nurse> This is Matron Idalia, she'll help you.

  • Aubrienne is all smiles for the nurse and the matron.
  • Idalia wears a wheel medallion, and a priest's robes.

<Idalia> Hello, I understand you're inquiring about a patient.

<DiablotinNarrator> (Order of the Cat robes, to be specific - red ones)

<Lathra> Yes, indeed we are! Lathra Scales, pleased to make your acquaintance!

  • Lathra offers a gloved hand
  • Idalia will shake your hand

<Argent> (any chance I know anything about Matron Idalia... K-Religion... or is that a name I've heard and forgot)

<DiablotinNarrator> (it isn't a name you've heard before)

<Argent> (ok)

<Idalia> It's a pleasure to meet you, Mlle. Scales.

<Idalia> And your associates?

  • Idalia asks, glancing at the others

<Aubrienne> Aubrienne Romilly, Matron. Lovely to meet you.

  • Aubrienne will also offer her hand.

<Leiris> Leiris Cuville.

  • Leiris will shake hands with her as well.

<Argent> Argent Lundi

  • Argent says with a nod after everyone else

<Idalia> Very well - how can I be of assistance?

<DiablotinNarrator> Lathra, that orderly + patient have walked around a corner and out of sight, but another man passes by in the other direction, walking briskly but with a slight odd clank to each step.

<Lathra> Well, I was hoping to be able to inspect Raimond Neherin's quarters, and be given a briefing on his proposed treatment, so that I can put his wife's mind at ease that he's being properly cared for. They haven't let her come and visit him here you know? She's quite distraught.

  • Lathra glances at the feet of the clanking man

<Idalia> Oh, dear. I'm afraid that our treatment is quite intensive - we can't allow visitors for that reason, as it could cause set-backs in their progress. But I assure you that he is being well cared for, with all the comforts we can provide.

<Aubrienne> Perhaps you could provide some details, even if we can't see Raimond. Mlle. Scales is his personal caretaker, after all.

<Idalia> Any details about specific patient regimens are confidential.

  • Idalia says, a bit more firmly

<Aubrienne> Certainly it can't hurt to put a worrying wife's mind at ease.

<Lathra> Confidential from his wife? Surely not...

<Idalia> We can only discuss his care with his legal guardian. And you, I believe, are not that person.

<Lathra> I am certainly not, but I'm here on her behalf.

<Idalia> I do apologize that we can't be more helpful.

<Lathra> (sm?)

<Idalia> Please give Mme. Neherin my best wishes, and assure her that all is well.

<Idalia> (sure)

<Lathra> !roll 1d20+12

  • Balthcat rolls for Lathra: [ 1d20+12 ] getting [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ 12 ] totals [ 18 ].
  • Idalia is perfectly sincere and sorry that she can't help you.

<Lathra> (Can I make a call on "I assure you that he is being well cared for, with all the comforts we can provide."?)

<DiablotinNarrator> (you think that is a vague statement but that she seems to believe it, anyway?)

<Lathra> (OK)

<Argent> (yeah do I get the feeling she's being honest or as disuassive as she's being to conceal?)

<DiablotinNarrator> (you can roll)

<Lathra> Is there a tour you give new patients? Can we at least see the facility?

<Argent> !roll 1d20+23

  • Balthcat rolls for Argent: [ 1d20+23 ] getting [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ 23 ] totals [ 31 ].

<Idalia> I'm afraid not. Some of our patients are very fragile, and we try to provide as calm and peaceful an atmosphere as we can.

<DiablotinNarrator> At that, there is a scream from somewhere off in the depths of the building, which is quickly stifled.

  • Idalia looks a little alarmed at that, but smiles.

<Idalia> As you see...

<DiablotinNarrator> Argent, you do think she's hiding something. possibly many somethings.

<Lathra> What was that?!

  • Nurse looks anxious

<Nurse> I'll just... go make sure everyone is well.

  • Nurse hurries off.
  • Lathra moves to follow her
  • Idalia steps in your way

<Idalia> As I mentioned, some of our patients have serious health concerns. They can be a threat to themselves or others at times.

  • Lathra stops, startled, and makes a "you're in my way" face

<Idalia> We cannot allow you to go further - for your own safety as well as that of our patients.

  • Leiris is using the distraction to cast something...

<Leiris> !roll 1d20

  • Balthcat rolls for Leiris: [ 1d20 ] getting [ 5 ].

<Lathra> I am certainly able to manage my own safety dear, and if your patients are so dangerous then I'm afraid I shall have to report to Raimond's wife and mother that this is certainly *not* a suitable facility for him in his fragile condition.

  • Idalia shakes her head, momentarily confused

<Idalia> ... where was I?

<Aubrienne> You were about to show us where Raimond is?

<Idalia> Yes, as I was saying, we do appreciate your concern, and would be glad to offer you a brief tour of our facility.

  • Aubrienne says hopefully.

<Aubrienne> You're too kind.

<Lathra> Wonderful, that seems in everybody's best interests.

<Idalia> Please follow me.

  • Lathra beams and follows, commenting on the "lovely crest"

<Idalia> The facilities are quite old, but they serve our needs well, and of course it was very generous of the Claar family to permit the use of the estate.

<Aubrienne> Quite generous. -_-

  • Idalia will talk about the building and some about the treatments, in very general terms, as she walks you through to the courtyard/garden area, where some patients are seated in the sunshine.

<Idalia> As you can see, we make sure our patients get plenty of fresh air and sunlight, on days when the weather permits.

<DiablotinNarrator> Another woman walks past, and you can see that her right arm is made of metal.

<Idalia> A number of our orderlies and staff are veterans themselves - we find it helps, since they understand the tribulations our patients have suffered better than anyone.

<Lathra> (Is she staff or a patient?)

<DiablotinNarrator> (she appears to be staff)

<Idalia> Plus, of course, providing work opportunities :)

<Lathra> Indeed! Where do you find so many qualified caregivers?

<Idalia> Oh, they have come highly recommended, of course.

  • Idalia 's tour is pretty brief, hitting some nice scenic spots of the facility, before bringing you back to the door where you entered.

<Idalia> I do hope this has helped put your minds at ease. If Mme. Neherin wishes to return herself, I'd be happy to speak with her again as well.

<Aubrienne> We'll be sure to let her know.

<Leiris> Yes, thank you.

<Aubrienne> Thank you for your time.

<Lathra> (Looking around during our tour, can I track where the silver-eyed man had been at all?)

<Nurse> (you can make a Perception check)

<Lathra> !roll 1d20+8

  • Balthcat rolls for Lathra: [ 1d20+8 ] getting [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ 8 ] totals [ 18 ].

<DiablotinNarrator> (you spotted him going through a door into an area that you weren't taken to on the tour - but you could remember where it is, for sure)

<Lathra> (OK)

<DiablotinNarrator> All right, you guys leaving?

<Lathra> (Yeah I think so)

  • Leiris will wait until you're all back in the car

<Aubrienne> (Back at the car) Well, we could still do some scouting while we're here.

<Leiris> She wasn't thinking about Irminsuls, but the guy with the glasses was.

<Aubrienne> Hmm.

<Lathra> I certainly wasn't reassured by our time there, and I think even Raimond's mother would be alarmed to hear that he's quartered with "unsafe" patients.

<Leiris> I sort of think maybe she's just the front - the person who's there to make everything seem nice.

<Aubrienne> (Julie, did/does it look like there are any open windows, or any other small openings into the building?

<Lathra> Did anybody else notice all the people with metal... bits?

<DiablotinNarrator> I'll say no for right now, because we need to move on - but you could try coming back another time, or we could pick this up in a solo if you want to keep investigating now

<Aubrienne> (kk :))

<DiablotinNarrator> (but if you want to keep talking, you can do so in gnomeland, of course :)

<Lathra> (kk!)

(to be continued...)

Denise strikes a deal with Collete and Francois

<DiablotinNarrator> Denise, you wanted to talk to Collete and Francois

<Denise> yes

<DiablotinNarrator> You can arrange a time to meet up with them - where would you like to meet?

<Nurse> Francois

<Denise> (hmm, good question - maybe some old gang hangout, or I can let them pick)

<DiablotinNarrator> sure, old hangout works :)

  • Collete will give you a hug when she and Francois show up, and you can tell that she's a few months pregnant.

<Denise> woah!

<Collete> heh

<Denise> You're all knocked up :D

<Collete> yeah, well...

<Denise> Congrats?

<Collete> thanks

  • Denise grins again, at her and Francois

<Collete> it was mostly his idea, but hey, I ain't gettin' younger, so... why not?

  • Francois seems delighted

<Denise> I guess so!

<Denise> I guess Argent was right :3

<Collete> he was?

<Denise> I was talkin' to him t'other day, an he made a joke about it

<Collete> huh

<Francois> if it's a boy we're gonna name it Francois too :)

<Denise> An' if its a girl? :D

<Collete> He wants Francine but I dunno.

<Denise> Colline? ^_^

  • Collete smiles at that

<Collete> That's nicer'n Francine anyway :)

<Collete> how're you doin'?

<Denise> anyway, i guess that proooooolly works out good for why I wanted to see you guys

  • Collete nods

<Denise> I'm great!

<Denise> I got engaged an stuff :3

<Collete> hey, great - to that Enver fella?

<Denise> unhuh!

<Denise> he's real swell :3

<Collete> well, congrats, when's the big day?

<Denise> well, we ain't got it all settled out, 'cause there some other family stuff goin' on we gotta work around some

  • Collete nods

<Denise> but sometime in eleventh I think

<Collete> you gotta invite us :)

<Denise> of course :D

<Collete> so, what'd you wanna see us about?

<Denise> well, you remember that favour we all got from Alea Pervenche for givin' her that knife back?

<Collete> Yeah...

<Collete> you got somethin' you gotta call it in over? someone in trouble or whatever?

<Denise> I think maybe I might need it to find some stuff out

  • Denise says seriously

<Denise> but yeah

<Denise> but, like, it's somethin' we all got together - I already sorted things out with Argent

  • Collete nods

<Denise> but I wanted to see if it would be okay with you guys.... I got some other stuff thogh, that you might be interested in instead :3

<DiablotinNarrator> What other stuff?

<DiablotinNarrator> (ww)

<Francois> What other stuff?

  • Francois asks, intrigued

<Denise> well, the first is some money, 'cause I got a whole bunch for somethn @_@

  • Francois and Collete's eyes widen with interest at 'whole bunch of money'

<Denise> like um....

  • Denise eyes Colette's belly

<Denise> like... 500 gold.

<Francois> whoa

<Francois> that's a lot

<Collete> yeah, who'd you knock over for that?

<Denise> heh

<Denise> that's a real loooong story @_@

<Denise> but it's like, all clean even

<Collete> huh

<Denise> th' other things is.....

<Denise> lemme show you a thing

<Collete> okay...

  • Denise looks around to make sure there isn't anyone *else* around

<Denise> it's a super big secret though, but I know I can trust you guys

<Collete> sure thing

  • Denise says again, super serious
  • Francois nods
  • Denise will turn into a rat!

<Collete> holy shit!

<Francois> where'd she go? an' where'd the rat come from?

<Collete> that's Denise :o

  • Denise nods, then turns back into herself

<Collete> how'd you do that? :o you got some magic item or somethin'?

<Denise> nope....

<Denise> its... A gift

<Collete> huh...

<Denise> an, like..... its one I cod get for you guys too

<Collete> like in the old times?

<Denise> (could)

<Denise> yep

<Collete> we could do that too?

<Denise> that's why it's a real big secret.... folks already don't like us, an they'll get more like that if they knw it's comin' back

<Denise> yep

<Collete> what would we have to do?

<Denise> well, I'd have to get it set up, first

<Denise> an then I'd show you the rest from there

<Collete> okay...

<Collete> but so, like... what's the trade-off?

<Denise> well, like, there's the thing about what folks mght do if they foudn out - it could be dangerous that way

  • Collete nods

<DiablotinNarrator> (sec)

<Denise> an I guess there's stuff like how there's special things that can hurt us more, like silver weapons, but like...

<Denise> who even uses them :p

<Francois> yeah, that's not a big deal

<Denise> I guess maybe if someone were really comin' after us, but you guys ain't soft

<Collete> so for that, we trade the favour?

  • Collete asks, trying to clarify the terms of the deal

<Denise> un huh

<Denise> the gift - that might get around more with other folks, but you'd be some of the first folks for that.... plus the money.

<Collete> well, I dunno what we would've even used it for... but it seems like a lot for that.

<Collete> 500 imps, plus the rat thing?

  • Denise shrugs an nods

<Collete> I just mean, like.. you don't gotta give us all your 500 imps for that :o

<Denise> >.>

<Denise> its okay

<Collete> really?

<Denise> I got more left

<Collete> well, if you say so

<Collete> sure, then, you got a deal :)

  • Collete shakes hands with you
  • Denise grins

<Denise> great!

  • Collete and Francois can stick around and catch up with you for a while :)
  • Denise is happy to chat and can take them to the bank after to get that part done ;)

Zola is rather incensed by an assassination attempt on Noren

  • Noren has been having a lot of meetings and giving speeches and making appearances as the campaign is now fully underway
  • Noren is of course happy to have you come along whenever you're available
  • Zola does more than come, she wants to help show him off!
  • Zola Gather Crowds like a pro

<Noren> Thanks honey :)

<Zola> No problem sugarplum :*

  • Bright is also pleased with your contributions to the election campaign ^-^
  • Zola does her best to have fun with it... the worst that can happen is we might lose :3
  • Noren and Bright and you can finally get some dinner, after a long day.

<Noren> This is exhausting :p

<Zola> Awww, I know.

<Bright> Oh come on, you've got to have a little more stamina than that ;)

  • Zola gives him a side hug around the table
  • Noren smiles and doesn't let Bright irritate him ;p

<Zola> Not as much as me, but I don't hold that against him :3

  • Bright chuckles

<Bright> You're doing great so far.

  • Bright says mostly to Noren but partly to you
  • Zola smiles

<Noren> thanks

<Zola> Glad I'm managing to pull off grabbing attention without keeping it :P

<Zola> It's been a while since I've been a backup singer :)

  • Noren gives you a kiss on the cheek
  • Zola smiles and sips her dinner wine

<Zola> Are there any polls or anything?

<Bright> It's a bit early yet. Maybe in a few weeks.

<Bright> Give folks a chance to start making up their minds.

  • Zola nods
  • Bright 's companion/bodyguard Calix comes up and leans over to whisper something in his ear.

<Bright> oh, void. okay.

<Zola> Something the matter?

<Bright> Sorry to dine and dash, I'll pay you back for my share of the bill later.

<Zola> No worries. Everything's OK?

<Bright> Fine, just need to run. See you tomorrow :)

<Zola> Alright. Ta-ta :)

  • Bright hurries out.

<Noren> ... We're never going to get paid back for that steak :p

<Zola> We can just eat it, and then stiff him for some other bill sometime if you'd like :3

  • Noren chuckles

<Noren> That's true.

  • Zola leans over and spears something from his plate and chomps it

<Noren> I wonder what the big emergency was :p

  • Zola hmmms.

<Zola> Maybe he'll say tomorrow?

<Noren> Maybe.

<Zola> (SM if he was afraid worried or just rush-worried.)

<Noren> (you can roll)

  • Zola rolls [ 1d20+18 ] getting [ 15 ] which, after the modifier [ 18 ] totals [ 33 ]

<DiablotinNarrator> You think he was worried/nervous/excited.

<Zola> I don't think anything bad was happening...

<Zola> Maybe there was some auction on a fancy car or something.

  • Zola shrugs

<Noren> heh

<Zola> Some alone time isn't a terrible surprise addition to the evening :)

  • Zola kisses his cheek in return

<Noren> No, that's true - it's nice to get a few moments for just us :)

<Zola> You having such dreadful bed-time and breakfast hours is a real drag :)

  • Noren nods

<Zola> Hopefully when you win you'll get to set the wake-up time in Rhenea to a healthy 10 or 11 :)

<Noren> well, here's to another day of the campaign down, and only... what, a hundred or something more to go?

  • Noren lifts his glass for a toast

<Zola> Oh!

  • Zola gets hers
  • Zola clinks

<Zola> To a hundred days of far too much running around? :)

  • Noren 's glass shatters in his hand and he looks surprised for a moment before realizing it was a gunshot.

<Zola> D:

<Zola> Noren?

<Zola> (Is he hurt?)

  • Noren ducks automatically, getting down and trying to pull you down with him.

<Noren> I'm okay, just stay down

<Zola> Are you sure?

  • Zola looks him over, patting down his chest

<DiablotinNarrator> The people in the restaurant are freaking out, of course, running around, screaming.

  • Noren has some blood on his hand and his face

<Noren> It's just a few scratches from the glass, nothing serious.

  • Zola will cast Cure Light Wounds anyway.
  • Zola has Heal of +0
  • Zola rolls [ 1d8+5 ] getting [ 3 ] which, after the modifier [ 5 ] totals [ 8 ]
  • Bright comes running back over to your sides

<Zola> We ca... Bright?

<Bright> shit, are you okay? :o

<Zola> Yes, I think so.

<Bright> I'm so sorry, I was ... I should have been here.

<Zola> We can't just ... can we find them?

<Zola> Who did this?

  • Zola stands up a little, ducking but looking out where it might have come from

<Bright> You need to get out - Calix is chasing the shooter, I'm going after them too - but I needed to make sure you were safe.

<Zola> ... I can help.

<Zola> ... where is he?

<Bright> Come on, let's get out the back

  • Bright says to you both

<Zola> (I'm guessing I can't see Calix)

<Bright> (no, he's presumably outside somewhere)

  • Zola screams in frustration
  • Zola will let herself be pulled along though

<Zola> I could catch up to them.

<Zola> What if Calix needs help?

<Bright> you need to look after Noren

<Zola> You c-... right.

<Zola> Right.

<Bright> I'll take care of things.

<Bright> Take him to your place, Zola, not to his - I'll meet you both there later.

  • Zola will take Noren out back then.
  • Bright sweeps his scarf over his shoulder, and runs off
  • Zola will cast Vanish on herself and then Noren just before they step out to get a good half minute of invisibility

<Noren> wh...

<Noren> okay @_@

  • Zola throws in Heroism and Good Hope too
  • Noren is pretty shaken up but will go with you
  • Zola will presumably hail a cab, unless Bright's car is idling somewhere.
  • Bright is nowhere to be seen at the moment
  • Zola remembers her little gun and pulls it out and keeps it barely out of sight
  • Noren and you manage to get to your apartment without further incident
  • Zola charms and @_@'s the cabbie and also probably aims the gun at him through the seat for a bit >_>

<Noren> why.. why would anyone try to shoot me?

<Zola> .oO( No offense )

  • Noren asks, shaken

<Zola> I don't know... maybe it's that whore Renaud

  • Noren pours us both a drink

<Zola> She's a lowlife, maybe she's worried because of how good you're doing.

  • Zola knocks it back rather quickly.

<Noren> maybe, but... it's so extreme @_@

<Noren> if you're in the mob, shouldn't you at least try to bribe me to drop out, or send stories to the tabloids about my indiscretions first?

<Zola> ...

<Zola> (HAVE there been any real attempts at smearing him yet? Also what indiscretions?)

<Noren> (nothign major - some gossipy pieces about his relationship with you, mainly, but it hasn't been extreme or anything)

<Noren> Not that I have any indiscretions >.>

<Noren> but they could make some up, surely :p

  • Zola leans over and kisses him on the cheek

<Zola> I am a little indiscreet dear, but thank you :)

<Zola> Maybe they're just rotten

  • Noren sighs

<Noren> well, so much for trying to sleep tonight

<DiablotinNarrator> A while later, there's a knock at your door, startling both of you.

<Zola> I was going to be up for a while anyway... I could keep watch if you-

<Zola> Oh

<Zola> @_@

  • Zola grabs her pistol off the coffee table
  • Noren goes with you to the door, but sticks behind you because you're the one with the gun.

<Zola> Who is it?

<Bright> It's Bright.

  • Bright sounds .. not so great. out of breath, maybe?
  • Zola opens the door a crack and peeks
  • Bright is indeed there, and holding his arm in a way that suggests it's injured
  • Zola opens it the rest of the way and ushers him in
  • Zola peeks again to look for Calix

<Zola> Is Calix here?

  • Bright kind of passes out on the floor as you usher him inside

<Zola> Oh, Gods!

  • Calix shows up a few moments later, presumably having parked the car somewhere :p
  • Zola will see to Bright

<Calix> oh, there he goes :p

<Zola> What happened?

  • Zola checks him over.

<Calix> It's a long story.

<Zola> Did you catch the bastard?

  • Zola will get Noren to help her move Bright unless he's wounded enough to need a Cure immediately.

<Calix> Yes. He's in the trunk. Is Bright okay?

  • Noren will help you move Bright to the couch.
  • Bright 's injuries don't seem terribly bad, but he is unconscious. maybe he just fainted from exhaustion or blood loss or something, or maybe he's poisoned...
  • Zola checks him over for anything like a bulletwound or puncture
  • Bright 's got some cuts and scrapes, the worst seems to be his arm, which is broken.
  • Zola will try to fix some of that with a CLW
  • Zola rolls [ 1d8+5 ] getting [ 4 ] which, after the modifier [ 5 ] totals [ 9 ]
  • Bright comes around and seems a bit less hurt

<Bright> mhm... hey gorgeous

<Zola> Hey, are you feeling OK?

<Bright> better

  • Bright gives you a kiss, pulling you closer with his uninjured arm

<Zola> Ooh!

<Noren> hey :p I'm the one that almost got shot.

<Zola> Are you sure you're not poisoned or anything?

<Bright> I got a kiss for you too if you want it ;)

  • Bright offers Noren, which suggests he is probably going to be okay ;p
  • Zola mphs a bit in that lastsentence :P
  • Zola is not entirely sure this means Bright is OK, him being who he is... >_>

<Calix> Not to interrupt this touching scene, but there's an attempted assassin in your trunk.

<Bright> Right.

<Zola> I want to see him.

  • Zola clambers off of Bright

<Bright> All right... hm.

<Bright> We can't really bring him in here - do you want to come to the car?

<Zola> Yes, that's fine.

  • Zola hands her pistol to Bright for now >_>
  • Bright will lead you down to the car, leaving Calix to supervise Noren.

<DiablotinNarrator> When you get to where the car was parked, however, there's an obvious problem - the trunk has been kicked out from the inside, and whoever was in it is gone.

<Bright> Shit, my car :(

<Bright> I mean... and the assassin, too.

<Zola> Bastard!

<Zola> (Is it like crazy-bent metal kinda kicked out or just kicked open)

<DiablotinNarrator> (like crazy bent metal)

<Zola> What did he look like?

<DiablotinNarrator> (like someone should not have been able to kick it that hard, if they were regular humans)

<Bright> It was a she, she didn't look that strong, but she could run like crazy.

<Zola> That BITCH.

<Bright> We could try to track her from here, but ... she's got a real headstart I think.

<Zola> It's now or never?

  • Bright is willing to give it a try, but you can search for a while without success.

<Zola> She's friends with the bastard who shot up Geff's wedding.

(to be continued...)

Hettienne and Nycki commiserate about pregnancy

  • Nycki drags herself home and flops down onto the couch

<Nycki> ughhhh this whole bein' knocked up thing is a crock

<Hettienne> It ain't no picnic...

<Nycki> how're you doin', babe?

<Hettienne> (what time is it roughlt?)

<Nycki> (maybe about 5pm)

<Hettienne> Well, mostly just real tired today...

<Hettienne> You?

  • Hettienne sits down next to you

<Nycki> same, plus add a side of harfin' up breakfast in an alley.

<Hettienne> Yeah, the smell outside about knocks me over.

  • Nycki nods

<Hettienne> Soon as I catch a whiff, it's so long supper

  • Hettienne grimaces

<Nycki> we really did a number on ourselves, huh? ;)

<Hettienne> Hehe, reckon so :v

<Hettienne> They say the pukin' gets better at least... usually

  • Nycki nods

<Nycki> hope so, guys at work are already wonderin' what my problem is

<Hettienne> When you think they're gonna figure it out?

<Hettienne> some spies, says I

<Nycki> heh

<Nycki> well, one of the girls already did, but she said she wouldn't say nothin' to the rest

<Nycki> guys are a bit slower on that sorta thing :p

<Hettienne> On lotsa things

<Nycki> heh

<Nycki> hey, look, there was a couple things I wanted to talk about, if you got a bit of time

<Hettienne> Oh, sure, yeah

<Hettienne> What's shakin'?

<Nycki> well, I gotta figure out what to do 'bout my place sometime. Ain't make no sense to leave it sittin' empty.

<Hettienne> Well, what're the options?

<Nycki> well, I could sell it, that'd be one. Or I guess we could move over there, but I was pretty sure you wanted to stay here, an' I'm fine with that.

<Nycki> I guess Denise an' her boy are gonna be lookin' for a place, maybe they'd be interested.

<Hettienne> I am pretty attached to this place

  • Hettienne admits

<Nycki> yeah - it's got more character :)

<Nycki> mine was fine, but I never was real attached to it myself

<Nycki> mostly just a place to sleep, you know?

  • Hettienne nods.

<Hettienne> We oughta ask Dee, then.

<Nycki> okay

<Nycki> or if there's anyone else you can think of that might want a good deal on a well-defended house ;p

<Hettienne> I'll give it a think, heh

<Nycki> the other thing's a bit more... well. I dunno what'll come of it, if anything.

<Hettienne> Oh?

<Nycki> word is, Lord Grey's thinkin' on retirin'. Maybe figures, get out while things ain't too crazy, I dunno.

<Nycki> folks been askin' me if I'd consider it. Not that it's up to me, but like... if they asked, would I say yes, sorta thing.

<Hettienne> :o

<Hettienne> Holy shitbricks :o

<Nycki> I think they're just feelin' out a bunch of folks right now. seein' who might be interested, an' who says 'fuckin' no way'

<Hettienne> what d'you think about it?

<Nycki> it'd be like runnin' a fuckin' shitshow, is what I think. but... I can't say it don't got some appeal, bein' in charge.

<Nycki> but it wouldn't be just me dealin' with the shit, you know? it'd be you, an' the kids...

  • Nycki puts a hand on your belly, and one on hers.

<Hettienne> Does the old Grey got kids?

<Nycki> yeah... a bunch.

<Hettienne> Well... if you wanna do it, I say grab it with both hands

<Hettienne> You ain't made for safe shit :p

<Hettienne> I dunno what happened to me :p

<Nycki> but the one before, he didn't, 'cause some slapdick decided to try an' poison him, an' got his wife instead, an' ... it was a mess.

<Nycki> that's the sorta thing that can happen

<Hettienne> Way I figure is... just 'cause somethin bad *might* happen, doesn't mean you shouldn't try for somethin' good I guess?

  • Nycki smiles a little at that

<Nycki> somethin' bad might happen regardless, I guess. ain't no point worryin' on gettin' poisoned when we could get hit by a trolley crossin' the street ;)

<Hettienne> That's the spirit! :v

<Nycki> plus, bein' Lady Grey, I'd get a bunch of protection set up for me, an' the house, an'.. they take that shit serious.

  • Hettienne nods.

<Nycki> maybe safer than just doin' my regular job, I dunno.

<Nycki> An' Lady Grey's got a nice sound. they need a woman in charge ;p

<Hettienne> Yeah, about damn time.

<Nycki> well... I guess if they do ask, I'll go for it. Might be it'll come to nothin', like I said.

<Nycki> Either the boss'll decide to stick around longer, or they'll settle on someone else for the job.

<Hettienne> You'd be great though

<Nycki> aw, thanks

  • Hettienne gives your hand a squeeze.
  • Nycki squeezes back

<Nycki> we got a bit of time before you gotta go to work... I wish I didn't feel like just passin' out ;p

<Hettienne> Hah, I know right?

<Hettienne> You feel like eatin' anything?

<Nycki> unhhn... maybe some toast.

<Nycki> nothin' too smelly :p

<Hettienne> awright, let's see what we can manage...

  • Nycki will help you with finding some non-offensive food ;)
  • Hettienne will try to find us something that won't just come right back up... and maybe after we can rub each other's shoulders and commiserate some more :3

<Nycki> :3

<Nycki> (so cuuute)

<Hettienne> (:3)
