The Aveyrone Empire

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The Empire is a large and diverse entity, and Diablotin encapsulates that diversity on a smaller scale. Merchants and bankers, beggars and thieves, knights and priests, all rub shoulders (and sometimes more intimate body parts) on a regular basis. That said, a short summary of some of the beliefs of the populace will be helpful, as long as you bear in mind that not all people are the same, and this is not an exhaustive list.

Government Structure

  • Emperor
  • Inner Council
    • Lord Chancellor
    • Lord Chamberlain
    • Lord Treasurer
    • Warlord
    • Patriarch
    • Secretary of State
    • Chief Sorcerer
  • Outer Council
    • all of the above
    • Lord Marshal of the Sacred Order of the Spoke
    • Lord Admiral
    • Master of Ceremonies
    • Lord Butler
    • Lords/Ladies of the Privy Chamber (6)
    • Master of Horse
    • Lord Steward
    • Head of the Castalia
    • Captains of the Guard
    • Reverend Fathers/Mothers
  • Great Council
    • all of the above and all bearers of noble title

Titles and their holders (as of 2247)

  • Theonée Deverara, Lady Chancellor - head of the civil service and judiciary (appoints judges, distributes titles, diplomacy, information management, heads the Great Council when it is in session)
  • Martine Sathin, Lady Chamberlain - head of the palace (appoints and manages palace staff, dispenses room and board to all inhabitants of the palace, manages state occasions)
  • Nestor Dryden, Lord Treasurer - in charge of all financial matters (taxation, tariffs, trade duties, salaries, expenditures, allowances)
  • Cornelia Nash, Warlord - head of the military
  • Patriarch Morlan - head of the church
  • Yanina Trueblood, Secretary of State - in charge of the Emperor's correspondence, decrees, and announcements
  • Lyra Hartzell, Chief Sorceress - oversees all magical matters
  • Butler Belden, Lord Marshal of the Sacred Order of the Spoke - head of paladins
  • Lord Admiral of the Fleet - head of navy, shipping
  • Matthieu Arguelles, Master of Ceremonies - responsible for all pageantry, balls, and entertainments
  • Lord Butler - in charge of food and drink for the palace
  • Lords of the Privy Chamber - help the Emperor with his personal toiletries and grooming, and accompany him much of the time
  • Master of Horse - in charge of transportation, stables, hunting, Emperor's security when he travels
  • Lord Steward - head of the servants of the palace, in charge of their supplies
  • Captains of the Guard: Trimmon Belden (Rhenea), Adam Kolbe (Pearl City), Vallis Brock (Place d'Iena), Hyacinthe Laverty (The Castalia), Clerran Falconer (The Grand), Eirion Courtemanche (The Pavillion), Franeka of Gouge (Imperial City)
  • Reverend Fathers/Mothers: Esmena vak Andras (Bear), Janina Kauzlarich (Lizard), Mayne Ridderkerk (Ox), Nestor Savelle (Wolf), Theron Conemaugh (Owl), Dainian Swiger (Cat), Velten du Champe (Rat)
  • Corwen Storms, Head of the Castalia

The Arch

See: The Arch


Love, Sex, and Gender

Men and women are considered more or less equal in the Empire. Women are warriors, leaders, and rulers only slightly less often than men in most regions. Except among the upper nobility, marriages are not arranged by families, but are freely contracted between consenting adults of the same House. Young people are considered adults at the age of fifteen, and can marry after that point. Premarital sex is frequent, but is generally not a topic for polite conversation. Divorces are readily available (for a fee) in cases of abuse, bigamy, and impotence. Divorces on grounds of mutual incompatibility are more difficult (read: expensive), but are still possible, leaving both partners free to remarry. Some birth control is available, but its effectiveness is dubious. Abortions are available, and are encouraged in cases of inter-House pregnancy. They are not always safe and sanitary, but are sometimes preferable to the alternatives. Homosexuality is tolerated by some, criticized by others.


The faith of the Empire is the Way of the Wheel. It is an ancient belief system whose origins are lost in the mists of time. There are six deities, who are equated with the six Houses: the Bear, the Lizard, the Ox, the Wolf, the Owl, and the Cat. There are constellations with these names, which slowly rotate about a central point in the sky. Theologians take this as a symbol of the one greater, nameless God who rules over the rest, or perhaps is composed of the rest, but such matters are not the concern of ordinary people, who simply venerate the Six in their own right. The Way of the Wheel is a fairly philosophical religion. Its followers believe in reincarnation, and hold that each person is reborn six times, in order for them to experience as many aspects of life as they can. After six lifetimes, the soul is evaluated by the Six, who judge it based on how far is has progressed. If it is found worthy, it journeys to the Centre, the home of the One God. Otherwise, it is consigned to the Void, an endless emptiness, black and cold. So how are you supposed to get to the Centre? By being a good person, certainly, but also by learning and experiencing new things, as you strive to gain wisdom. There are various holy texts that followers of the Way of the Wheel read for wisdom and meditation, including The Blade of Reason, Six Paths to the Centre, and the Almas Genara, the oldest and most esoteric volume.

In actual practice, many inhabitants of Diablotin have little time or respect for religion, except as a convenient source of swear-words, and consider themselves to have done their duty if they make a yearly donation to the church. In the countryside, people are generally more backwards, and actually believe in this sort of thing, but a bit of time in the city often cures them.

The Church

The priesthood is open to both males and females, and clerics may marry - however, they are forbidden from taking the throne of the Empire. At the time of their consecration (after a period of six years of study), they must choose to which God they wish to devote themselves. This does not mean that they will cease to respect the others, but that they will serve one foremost. From that point, they will dress in robes of the colour of their Order (Bear: dark green, Lizard: light blue, Ox: dark brown, Wolf: silver, Owl: purple, Cat: red). Most people choose the God associated with their own House, but there are exceptions to this rule. The six priesthoods, or Orders, are not separate religions, and the duties of priests overlap considerably - all varieties can perform religious services, such as weddings, funerals, and ordinary worship. Ordinary services are held once a week, on the day that is not devoted to any one of the Six (or to all of them, depending on who you ask). The hierarchy of the priesthood shows the way in which the Orders are separate, but unified. Each church is served by at least one priest who is called Brother or Sister, of any Order, and possibly several, if it is large enough. The Empire is divided into Havens, each comprised of a few dozen churches. Each Haven is headed by a Reverend Brother/Sister, who is selected from among the priests of that area to lead them. Above this level, each Order is headed by a Reverend Father/Mother, who is in charge of all priests of their Order for the entire Empire. Finally, the entire church is headed by a single Patriarch/Matriarch. This person is chosen from the Reverend Fathers and Mothers. Like the title of Emperor passes from House to House, the title of Patriarch or Matriarch passes from Order to Order. When he or she assumes the title, however, the Patriarch or Matriarch is no longer part of one Order, but of all and none. To represent this transition, he or she wears a white robe, banded at the hem and cuffs with the colours of the six orders. He or she normally holds the title until death. The church's military arm is the Order of the Spoke.


  • Literacy is fairly high, around 60% (with most illiterate people being from the lower social classes).
  • Technology in the Empire is at the level of roughly the real-world year 1750: firearms have become more common, though more traditional weapons are still employed. Printed material has come down in price, to the point where several regular broadsheet newspapers are now published in Diablotin.
  • There are other nations outside the borders of the Empire, but they are generally considered savage, barbarian lands by city-dwellers.
  • The current date in the Aveyrone Empire is 2247 A.F. (After the Founders). Most people, however, think in terms of reigns rather than decades. Thus, if asked what year it was, most people would say that it was the 14th year of the reign of Empress Idaia. The year has 366 days. There are twelve months of 30 days each, and six days left over at the end of each year as holidays. Each week has 7 days. There are four seasons, as in the real world, although the climate of Diablotin is closer to that of western Europe than Canada.
  • Magic and the supernatural are a part of life for the Empire, though not an everyday sight for most people. Monsters, ghosts, miracles and curses are known to exist, but are not so ordinary that no one cares anymore.

Map of the Aveyrone Empire


  • Brown: mountains Light green: forest Dark green: swamp/marsh Yellow: desert
1. Selvagens 2. Taftan 3. Blackhope 4. Cloudveil 5. Breese 6. Norumbega 7. Caphareus 8. Woodbine 9. Cap Irus 10. Mearim
11. Foxwood 12. Kholm 13. Geserich 14. Typhayne 15. Demavand 16. Rufisque 17. Ventana 18. D'Olonne 19. La Roche-sur-Yon 20. Gentilly
21. Ransart 22. Epinal 23. Baudissin 24. Des Sables 25. Marignane 26. Friaul 27. Montfaucon 28. Auraria 29. Marinthia 30. Aethalia
31. Iles Furneaux 32. Lucentum 33. Mericourt 34. Algau 35. Urmia 36. Colwyn Bay 37. Combermere 38. Creve Coeur 39. Sarande 40. Brissarthe
41. Carn Eige 42. Calydon 43. Trois Pistoles 44. Malstrom 45. Wray 46. Korytsa 47. Tyros 48. Psyra 49. Teruel 50. Daruvar
51. Greywatch 52. Coindelière 53. Romershoven 54. Lapis 55. Margraten 56. Siguenza 57. Corcyra
A. Jura B. Greenforge C. Gouge D. Béziers E. Alarches

Historical Documents

An Early Account of the Founding of the Empire

Emperors and Empresses of Aveyrone