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Diablotin 3 session logs
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Session date: February 21, 2016
Diablotin date: End Fourth-month


<DiablotinNarrator> It's approaching the end of Fourth-month, and the weather continues to fluctuate unseasonably strangely. However, there have been official statements issued from the palace that the problem is on the verge of being resolved, and asking people to stay away from the Shade for the next several days.

<DiablotinNarrator> Inhabitants of the neighbourhood are being given shelter elsewhere for the meanwhile

<Aubrienne> (Umm, some of us live there. :P)

<Aubrienne> (Ah)

<DiablotinNarrator> Or are asked to vacate the premises to friends or family's houses if possible, but there are emergency shelters made available for those who have nowhere else to go

  • Zola wishes she knew HOW they were planning to resolve it >_>

<DiablotinNarrator> Basically the palace's statements seem to be trying to tread a fine line between "There's nothing to worry about, remain calm" and "get out of the area just in case"

Zola and Hugo meet Linthira

<DiablotinNarrator> Zola and Hugo, it's after work, early in the morning, and you are partaking of a refreshing beverage at Hugo's place

<DiablotinNarrator> Chatting about work, or current events, or what have you

  • Zola finishes telling Hugo about her trip to Jonas’... “It’s really a lovely spot he’s made for himself.”
  • Hugonel will have complained endlessly about Drusilla's antics regarding Raimond.

<DiablotinNarrator> You are somewhat surprised by a knock at the door. It's prior to dawn, and who could be visiting at this hour?

  • Zola blinks

<Hugonel> Hmm, I suppose I should answer that ...

<Zola> Were you expecting a ladycaller?

<Hugonel> I was not ... although sometimes I am pleasantly surprised.

<Hugonel> Let me just go see.

  • Hugonel looks through the peephole.
  • Eirini is waiting on the other side
  • Hugonel opens the door.

<Hugonel> Hello ... how unexpected.

<Hugonel> (how does she look? can I judge her mood?)

  • Zola sips a cherry bomb :3
  • Eirini seems tense and worried, you would say

<Eirini> Hello...

<Hugonel> What's the matter, dear?

  • Zola will stand and take a moment to brush herself off.

<Eirini> It's... you wanted to talk to Linthira?

<Hugonel> Yes...

<Eirini> This might be your last chance.

  • Zola ...

<Hugonel> What do you mean?

<Hugonel> Here, come in.

  • Zola peeks around the corner to see the two of them
  • Eirini steps inside, and is surprised to see Zola there

<Eirini> oh I'm sorry to interrupt

<Hugonel> No, no, no apology necessary.

  • Zola sees the look on Eirini’s face and decides against a snarky comment.

<Zola> We were just telling tales.

  • Zola doesn’t exactly bristle, but she’s certainly not as friendly as she was the last time they met.

<Eirini> She's willing to see you but it needs to be now.

<Hugonel> Do you think it would be all right if Zola came as well?

<Eirini> I... I think it would be all right?

<Zola> Are you worried because of what they’re planning in the Shade?

  • Eirini nods
  • Zola casts a look around for her cold weather gear.

<Zola> Figures... it spooks me too, not knowing if they’re going to make things worse somehow.

  • Hugonel puts on a warm-weather silk scarf, something a little more robust, as well as his long coat.

<Hugonel> All right, I'm ready.

  • Zola bundles up again
  • Zola downs the last of her drink
  • Zola hopes we don’t have to walk toooo much, as she’s still wearing work heels.
  • Eirini will lead you out to a waiting car

<Zola> .oO ( Thank the Gods )

<Hugonel> (who's in the car already, or is it a hired car?)

<DiablotinNarrator> There is a woman waiting in the driver's seat... neither of you recognize her. From what you can see she's tall and broad-shouldered, with curly auburn hair and a somber expression.

  • Eirini will slip into the front seat with the driver, giving you two the back
  • Hugonel will get in, trying to stay alert for anyone else around, including other cars that may be following us.
  • Zola wonders if she can figure out if the driver is fey, and what kind, from her reading.

<DiablotinNarrator> (what sort of reading?)

<Zola> (The stuff at Xan’s)

<DiablotinNarrator> (or just general visual impressions)

<DiablotinNarrator> (oh I see)

<Zola> (Yes, visual vs. reading)

<DiablotinNarrator> (I thought you meant you were going to cast a spell or something)

<Hugonel> Ah, good evening.

  • Hugonel says to the driver.

<Zola> (It wouldprobably not be a good start mindraping the driver)

<DiablotinNarrator> Although you can't see her terribly well, you do see that she's wearing a cloak made of white feathers.

<Zola> .oO( That can’t be cheap to make. )

<DiablotinNarrator> Zola, from your reading, there is a type of fey called a swan maiden, that shapeshifts by means of a cloak of feathers

  • Driver_ nods politely but doesn't reply, Hugo
  • Driver_ sets off once you're in the car
  • Zola tries to remember if swan maidens are people eaters.
  • Zola doesn’t RECALL reading about anything like that... but pats her little handgun anyway

<DiablotinNarrator> from what you're remembering, they are not, although most are warriors of some type

<Driver_> The drive takes you across the city to the south shore, and out to the edge of the city - to the Saltgrove, the burial place of (most)Patriarchs and Matriarchs since the church's beginnings

<Zola> I’ve never been out here...

<Hugonel> Me neither, not as far as I can recall. Perhaps as a child.

<Zola> .oO( We probably should have left a note. “If we go missing, it was the Psyrene song bird... that BITCH.”

<Zola> )

<DiablotinNarrator> It's quiet, just around sunrise when you get there. There are large ancient trees among the tombs, and some birds fly overhead. The smell of salt is in the air.

  • Driver_ parks the car and will get out, along with Eirini

<Zola> (I’m guessing this place isn’t high priority on the forced-spring list? :P)

  • Hugonel gets out and looks around.

<DiablotinNarrator> No, it's cold and the ground is frozen - which is probably good, or it would be pretty marshy.

  • Zola steps out of the car very carefully onto the ice and snow with her heels...

<Eirini> This way...

  • Zola will aim for Hugo so she can use his arm for backup.
  • Hugonel tries not to tread anywhere too gross-looking.
  • Hugonel will take your arm.
  • Zola waddles along as gracefully as she can
  • Eirini leads the way to a large willow tree with overhanging branches - no leaves, of course, just bare tendrils that trail along the ground

<Zola> (What colour is Eirini’s hair?)

  • Eirini 's hair is white
  • Zola wonders if it should be another colour yet...
  • Eirini glides through those branches, and steps *into* the tree, vanishing from your sight

<Hugonel> Oh!

<Hugonel> (where is the driver now?)

  • Driver_ is standing with you, arms folded and waiting
  • Zola urges Hugo forward with a nudge of her linked arm
  • Hugonel walks forward, then, towards the tree.
  • Eirini steps out of the tree a moment later, followed by another woman. This one looks older without actually looking *old*, if that makes any sense. Her white hair is long and straight, falling almost to her knees.

<Linthira> Good morning

<Zola> Oh!

<Hugonel> Ahh ... good morning, Lady Linthira. I am Hugonel Silveira.

  • Hugonel bows slightly, unsure of proper protocol.
  • Zola will also give a rickety bow

<Zola> Zola.

<Linthira> I apologise that we cannot meet under better circumstances

<Linthira> But there is a situation of grave urgency

<Hugonel> Eirini indicated as much to us.

<Linthira> The soldiers and spellcasters of your people intend to destroy the blighted Irminsul

<Zola> Of course...

<Zola> That seems like a stupid idea right out of the gate.

<Linthira> To do this, they will first attempt to drain its power

<Linthira> This is ... a grave risk.

<Zola> That’s what happened at Seda Grove, isn’t it?

  • Linthira nods sadly

<Hugonel> What will happen if they succeed?

<Linthira> To us, or to them?

<Zola> Both.

<Linthira> I can't say for certain what will happen to them... the Blight makes such results even more unpredictable

<Linthira> The power they will attempt to channel and harness will be corrupt

<Linthira> But since I don't know what they will try to do with it, it's difficult to say what the results will be

<Zola> What did they do with it in Seda Grove?

<Linthira> They created life. The Irminsul there was whole and untainted, and they used its force to bring life into their creations.

  • Zola looks at Hugo

<Zola> Creations?

<Linthira> The beings of wood and metal.

<Zola> Warforged? :o

<Hugonel> Hmmm ...

<Linthira> Is that what they are called? I feel pity for them.

<Linthira> In a way, they are also my children, as unasked for and unexpected as they are

<Zola> Will they be harmed by the destruction of the Irminsul?

<Linthira> Their life-force should remain intact - this is another Irminsul, and its life or death should not affect theirs.

<Zola> Will it just reform, like the last?

<Linthira> Yes.

<Hugonel> What will happen to you, if they succeed?

<Linthira> I will be drawn to the new site... it could be elsewhere, I cannot say.

<Zola> Is that something you want?

<Zola> ..for it to be elsewhere?

<Linthira> Each time an Irminsul dies, our power is diminished, changed... and will they continue to pursue us?

  • Zola nods

<Zola> Hugo, they should come forward and air their grievances, don’t you think?

<Zola> If there’s a way to resolve this so we all come out ahead, surely it requires their help?

<Hugonel> To whom, though, I wonder? Loick?

<Linthira> More of my children, and my sisters' and brothers' children, will perish

<Zola> Anyone who will help... the Reverend Mother, maybe even that terrifying Princess.

<Hugonel> I rather suspect the Princess Ilphere would be fascinated but perhaps not concerned.

<Linthira> If you have the power to stop them, even for a while, it would give me more time to try and heal the Blight

<Zola> We’ll surely try.

<Hugonel> Have you had any success in that endeavor? Anything you could tell us that would allow us to persuade those who might not be convinced?

<Linthira> I can heal individual creatures who have been affected by it... if I can locate them and make contact with them. Too often they resist this, and my only recourse is to destroy them to prevent its further spread.

<Zola> What abouy Raimond?

  • Zola looks to Hugo

<Linthira> But to ultimately end it, I would need my sisters' and brother's aid, and for all of us to work together is... well, it's unusual.

<Hugonel> Amanita ... do you have any sense of what is motivating her ... or even whether there is something controlling her?

<Linthira> She is not herself

<Zola> You’d need to work with the Cold Rider? o_o

<Linthira> I fear that if the Blight has infected her mind, I may not be able to heal her.

  • Linthira smiles a little at Zola's question

<Linthira> Well, with his master. He is only an envoy.

<Zola> Oh.

<Zola> Still, with all that is happening here, he doesn’t seem very reasonable...

<Linthira> He works, in his own way, to keep the Blight from spreading further into this world

<Linthira> Even if I do not agree with his methods, I can't fault his intentions

<Zola> Then what about the attacks on our people?

<Zola> I thought slowing the blight was just a side effect...

<Linthira> Our kind are not meant to mingle this closely with mortals... conflicts are bound to arise, out of confusion or boredom or malice.

<Linthira> The enmity with the shadow-kin is another matter... but not one that is within my power to solve

<Zola> What shall we do if they want to speak with you, or a representative?

<Zola> The Emperor, or the Chief Sorceror, or anyone

<Linthira> I am willing to meet with some such representative, if it means they will listen to what I have to say.

<Hugonel> We will certainly tell them what you have said, but they may need more direct contact to be convinced.

<Hugonel> And ultimately, the Imperial leadership itself may be deeply divided.

<Linthira> You can send a message through my daughter Eirini. She can reach me as needed.

  • Eirini nods, maybe a tiny bit reluctantly

<Zola> Certainly we can at least get them to delay... it seems like common sense that any power siphoned off could be tainted... we’d just be confirming something what they were denying.

<Zola> (what = that)

<Hugonel> How long do we have?

<Linthira> I don't know. Perhaps a few days? The Irminsul and the blighted fey will fight to resist their efforts, so perhaps longer, if they put up enough resistance.

<Hugonel> We'll do our best.

<Linthira> Thank you

  • Linthira will withdraw into the (her?) tree, then, leaving Eirini behind

<Eirini> I suppose I have to stay with you for a while then

<Zola> we

<Zola> Well, if we had a number...

<Zola> ... though I suppose Hugo probably won’t complain.

<Eirini> They haven't installed a phone in my tree yet :p

<Zola> You’re just going to have to get with the times

<Hugonel> I would of course be delighted to have you as a guest for a short while.

<Zola> Mmhmm.

<Zola> I guess I can’t say anything anymore, though.

<Hugonel> Don't judge, Zola.

  • Hugonel teases.

<Zola> I just admitted I yielded the higher ground -_-

  • Driver_ will drive you back to your home(s) then

Genevriel is attacked by her blighted uncle Jerard

<DiablotinNarrator> Gen, you have returned from your short getaway to the country with Madds, and are back at your aunt and uncle's house

  • Genevriel is angry with herself for falling back into her old ways, and resolves, hopefully, not to let it happen again.

<DiablotinNarrator> Since you returned, how would you say you've been doing? Just so I have a sense of what your relatives would see

  • Genevriel is a little more withdrawn than she was before the trial, but is trying actively to bring her drinking under control again.
  • Sylvise is certainly willing to help with that as much as she's able
  • Genevriel struggles with it and may occasionally be snappish, but is usually contrite after that.
  • Jerard seems rather standoffish and withdrawn, however - perhaps he's upset with your behaviour? or simply preoccupied with work or some other issue. It's difficult to say, but he has not been joining the family for meals and is retreating in his study or the conservatory much of the time.
  • Genevriel immediately assumes the worst. She knows she causes a lot of trouble.
  • Sylvise seems worried by this
  • Genevriel will cautiously ask Sylvise what's happening, and ask if there's anything she can do to alleviate Jerard's troubles.

<Genevriel> . o O (How ironic will it be if I have to move out after all?)

<Sylvise> I'm not certain... he is so withdrawn.

<Sylvise> He's meant to be taking things easy... I worry he's going to give himself another heart attack this way.

<Sylvise> He even goes out walking at all hours of the night, instead of coming to bed :(

<Genevriel> :/

<Genevriel> Has he said anything out of the ordinary to you?

<Sylvise> He's hardly said anything. I ask where he's going, and he just says 'out'. I ask what's bothering him and he says 'work'.

<Sylvise> And when he does sleep, he's been sleeping in the conservatory ... I've seen him napping there on the couch.

<Genevriel> ...

<DiablotinNarrator> Gen, that's where your plant samples are kept. You had been keeping an eye on them, but since your illness's resurgence, you hadn't paid as much attention to them as before.

  • Genevriel immediately feels very anxious. It is her fault, after all!

<Genevriel> Is he home right now?

<Sylvise> He's in the conservatory now, I think - unless he went out again :/

<Genevriel> I'll... go check.

  • Genevriel proceeds to the conservatory, thinking that if he is not there, she must destroy all the samples.

<Sylvise> do you want me to come too?

<Genevriel> No, no, that's quite all right.

  • Jerard is standing in the conservatory, just seemingly staring off into space. He's facing away from you, so he doesn't seem to notice you arrive.

<DiablotinNarrator> You can make a Perception check

<Genevriel> !roll 1d20+4

  • Zola rolls for Genevriel: [ 1d20+4 ] getting [ 2 ] which, after the modifier [ 4 ] totals [ 6 ].

<Genevriel> (Um... Destiny reroll?)

<DiablotinNarrator> (if you want)

<Genevriel> !roll 1d20+4

  • Zola rolls for Genevriel: [ 1d20+4 ] getting [ 17 ] which, after the modifier [ 4 ] totals [ 21 ].

<Genevriel> (much more to my liking)

<DiablotinNarrator> You notice, since he's facing away from you, that there is some sort of odd.. growth, or patch of discolouration, on the back of his neck, spreading up from under his shirtcollar.

<Genevriel> ...

<Genevriel> Hi Uncle... Do they say anything interesting to you?

<Jerard> ...

  • Jerard turns to look at you - he seems pale and a bit haggard

<DiablotinNarrator> Gen, you have a momentary vision of tendrils spreading out from him, stretching off into unseen distances

  • Genevriel tries not to let any reaction show.

<DiablotinNarrator> you blink again and they're gone

  • Jerard stretches his hand out towards you, and some kind of ... pod? shoots out from his sleeve, aimed at you
  • Genevriel will try to dodge that. o_O

<DiablotinNarrator> !roll 1d20+7

  • Zola rolls for DiablotinNarrator: [ 1d20+7 ] getting [ 13 ] which, after the modifier [ 7 ] totals [ 20 ].

<DiablotinNarrator> (that's a ranged touch attack, so I suspect that hits)

<Genevriel> (My AC is 12 so I assume so)

<DiablotinNarrator> It explodes in a puff of spores, and you can make a Fort save

<Genevriel> (I think the answer is 'no' but... is it an emotion spell or effect?)

<DiablotinNarrator> (it is not)

<Genevriel> !roll 1d20+4

  • Zola rolls for Genevriel: [ 1d20+4 ] getting [ 3 ] which, after the modifier [ 4 ] totals [ 7 ].

<Genevriel> (Destiny reroll... :P )

<Genevriel> !roll 1d20+4

  • Zola rolls for Genevriel: [ 1d20+4 ] getting [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ 4 ] totals [ 10 ].

<DiablotinNarrator> !roll 1d4

  • Zola rolls for DiablotinNarrator: [ 1d4 ] getting [ 3 ].

<DiablotinNarrator> Your Wis drains by 3 points as the spores affect your willpower and sense of self

<DiablotinNarrator> What will you try to do?

<Genevriel> (Burn the samples is what immediately comes to mind, and that will probably just makes things worse)

<Genevriel> (And not do anything to help Jerard, ultimately)

<DiablotinNarrator> Okay, if you want to do that, you can, but it's up to you... bearing in mind that your ability to make sensible decisions is increasinly compromised

<Genevriel> (hence the pointless act of burning samples)

<DiablotinNarrator> okay - are you going to burn them with your Burny Powers, or try to, idk, grab them and throw them in a fireplace or other mundane fire?

<Genevriel> (Burny powers that leave me a quivering heap of terror)

<Genevriel> (just trying to decide on burning hands or flaming sphere, sec)

<Genevriel> (Hands it is, aimed at the samples)

<DiablotinNarrator> okay

<Genevriel> (DC is 14)

<DiablotinNarrator> you can successfully light the samples on fire... also the table they're sitting on

  • Jerard gives an unnatural cry and will jump through the window... fortunately the conservatory is on the ground floor, but the glass shatters everywhere

<Genevriel> (Will roll to not melt into a heap of terror:)

<Genevriel> !roll 1d20+4

  • Zola rolls for Genevriel: [ 1d20+4 ] getting [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ 4 ] totals [ 13 ].
  • Sylvise rushes in on hearing the commotion

<Sylvise> What on earth?!

<Genevriel> (is 13 enough to not be freaking out?)

<DiablotinNarrator> (I don't know what the DC is on 'freaking out'... but if that was a Will save, it would be reduced by your lowered Wisdom as well)

<Genevriel> (Yeah, that's taken into account... normally her will is +5)

  • Sylvise is briefly torn between goign after her husband and putting out the fire, and will settle for attempting to put out the fire - by shoving the blazing table and all its contents out the broken window into the snow
  • Genevriel is relieved somewhat with the fire gone.

<DiablotinNarrator> (I would assume 13 is okay to keep from collapsing into a fetal position or whatever)

<DiablotinNarrator> (probably still shaken up)

<Sylvise> what happened? D:

  • Genevriel bursts into tears.

<Genevriel> The fungus. It's infected him.

<Genevriel> He shot something at me; I burned the samples.

<Genevriel> He screamed and left.

<Genevriel> Probably to the Shade.

  • Sylvise looks distraught

<Sylvise> ... I'll call Dorien. He's closest. Maybe he can find him. And I'll call the guards as well, so they can be on the lookout for him.

<Genevriel> I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry.

<Sylvise> Shh, it's not your fault... we'll find him.

  • Sylvise hurries off to the phone
  • Genevriel just cries and feels like the worst person ever, on the conservatory floor.

Argent are distracted by a commotion in the Shade

<DiablotinNarrator> Argent, you and Margaux are taking things somewhat slowly, but she's finally asked to stay overnight at your place for the first time.

  • Margaux is a bit nervous about this, apparently, but will curl up in bed with you

<DiablotinNarrator> Dorien is out.... somewhere, so you guys have the place to yourselves, at least.

<Argent> (small bonus... him and Misery are not very subtle)

<Argent> I can tell you're not comfortable... what's on your mind?

<Margaux> I'm just sorry in advance if I wake you up... sometimes I have weird dreams, or things like that. I've never slept next to someone else before.

<Argent> I don't exactly have much experience either... in fact your the first girl I've had sleep over here... in my bed.... with me in it.

  • Margaux smiles slightly at that

<Margaux> Do girls sleep over in your bed without you in it?

<Argent> Denise has crashed here a couple of times... we armwrestle for the bed, I ususally loose.

  • Margaux laughs
  • Margaux 's smile fades suddenly

<Margaux> Something feels ...wrong.

  • Argent looks around and listens
  • Margaux gets up out of bed and goes to the window to look outside.
  • Argent will join her
  • Margaux is looking in the direction of the Shade, and you can see flickering fire, and smoke billowing up from that area.

<Argent> They must be moving on the grove

  • Margaux nods

<Margaux> it's fighting back

<Margaux> ...should we go try to help?

<Argent> We weren't asked to be involved... but I am curious to see why.

<Margaux> maybe we can get a closer look

  • Argent nods

<Argent> and maybe help if someone got caught in the crossfire or are taking advantage of the confusion for their own gains

  • Margaux nods
  • Argent will grab his gear
  • Margaux will get her things back on as well
  • Margaux heads out with you in the direction of the Shade
  • Argent will cast resist fire on the both of us and see invisible on himself when we get closer (both last 1 hour)
  • Margaux keeps close to you as you hurry through the streets. Other people are out watching or running around as you get closer - the guards have a perimeter that they've established, but people are watching from wherever they can get a view

<Argent> (can we slip by the guards for a closer look... how stealthy is Margeaux?)

  • Margaux is willing to try to slip by, but she's not amazingly stealthy

<Argent> (closer it is then... maybe destiny will be with us)

<DiablotinNarrator> okay

<DiablotinNarrator> You can make a Stealth check

  • Argent will use Blessed Infiltration to roll twice and take the better.

<DiablotinNarrator> okay

<Argent> !roll 1d20+7

  • Zola rolls for Argent: [ 1d20+7 ] getting [ 18 ] which, after the modifier [ 7 ] totals [ 25 ].

<Argent> !roll 1d20+7

  • Zola rolls for Argent: [ 1d20+7 ] getting [ 1 ] which, after the modifier [ 7 ] totals [ 8 ].

<Argent> (25 it is)

<DiablotinNarrator> !roll 1d20

  • Zola rolls for DiablotinNarrator: [ 1d20 ] getting [ 18 ].

<DiablotinNarrator> well, she did okay too :)

<DiablotinNarrator> !roll 1d20

  • Zola rolls for DiablotinNarrator: [ 1d20 ] getting [ 9 ].

<DiablotinNarrator> and the guards are rather distracted

<DiablotinNarrator> you're able to find an alleyway that isn't being watched and slip around the perimeter

<DiablotinNarrator> Inside the 'zone of terror' as we'll be calling it, things are in chaos as far as you can tell. At least you aren't seeing a lot of civilians or anything - they did a relatively good job of clearing them out.

<DiablotinNarrator> But there are skirmishes in the streets in a lot of directions - guards fighting against creatures you recognize as fey, and others that are more uncertain - plant or fungus-type entities, for instance

<DiablotinNarrator> Are you going to try and intervene in any fights, or just get by them and get closer to the trees?

  • Argent looks to Margeaux

<Argent> Deeper?

  • Margaux nods

<Argent> (by the guards and into the trees then)

<Margaux> They seem like they're managing okay... if someone is really in trouble, though, we should stop to help them.

  • Argent nods

<Argent> Of coures

<DiablotinNarrator> The closer you get to the area with the trees, the more guards you'll run into. They have an inner perimeter established around the trees as well. That's where there are fires burning, although now that you're close enough, you can see they're more around the edges of the grove than actually burning the trees themselves.

<DiablotinNarrator> They've set up a fire ring to try and keep things contained, it seems like.

  • Argent is interested in who is directing the action and any unusual weapons they may be employing... and helping those who need it.

<DiablotinNarrator> Argent, there are definitely a lot of city guards here, also military personnel. Some of the soldiers are armed with tanks on their backs that spray out some kind of bluish liquid that seems to harm the plant creatures it gets sprayed on.

<DiablotinNarrator> This close to the grove, there are also some non-uniformed personnel - you aren't entirely sure who they are. Some of them could be spellcasters, but others seem like soldiers, of some kind of special unit perhaps. Some of them have odd features - metal limbs would be the most visible.

  • Argent will do his best to note features on them, the metal limbed soldiers, and the casters, if there is time and if he can.

<DiablotinNarrator> It's chaotic, but you can try to remember them - at least you can see in the dark, so that helps ;)

<Argent> <w> where now... inside that will be tough to slip through un-noticed. How's that feeling?

<Margaux> <w> uh... this way

  • Margaux leads you around another street

<DiablotinNarrator> You turn around a corner, to find that the street is swirling with mist and ice. With a chill you see up ahead of you a more familiar figure - a man on horseback with antlers. He's surrounded by troops that are attacking with guns, keeping back from his attacks.

  • Margaux pauses, uncertain

<Argent> Him?

<Margaux> ... I don't know. This feels wrong. But we can't attack the soldiers.

  • Argent looks around for the best escape route for the rider.

<DiablotinNarrator> (brb sec, you can have a moment to think about it ;)

<DiablotinNarrator> (back, sorry)

<Margaux> ... maybe we can distract them?

<Argent> (what are the soldiers using for light?)

<DiablotinNarrator> Some of them have flashlights - but it's hard to see even so, with all the fog and ice pellets in the air

<DiablotinNarrator> (like headlamps I mean - helmets with lights attached)

<Argent> (thinking)

<Argent> heres my plan... slip close to the flank with the best escape route for the rider and shout warning of being outflanks by pick wielding fey to turn the flank and let him escape... thoughts?

<Margaux> All right... do you want me to go with you?

<Argent> I can be in and out easier myself, just wait here.

  • Argent will resist cold himself first
  • Margaux will take shelter behind some steps, then

<Argent> (so slip in, bluff the warning, slip back out)

<DiablotinNarrator> OKay, you can do that. Roll for your bluff.

<Argent> (Blessed Infiltration again to roll twice)

<Argent> !roll 1d20+13

  • Zola rolls for Argent: [ 1d20+13 ] getting [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ 13 ] totals [ 19 ].

<Argent> !roll 1d20+13

  • Zola rolls for Argent: [ 1d20+13 ] getting [ 19 ] which, after the modifier [ 13 ] totals [ 32 ].

<Argent> (hope that works)

<DiablotinNarrator> Okay - you make your cry for help, and several of the soldiers turn to your direction, long enough for the Cold Rider to gallop through the gap in the lines, vault the fiery barrier, and be gone from your view.

<Argent> (now the escape)

<DiablotinNarrator> (Then I assume you'd like to get out of there before the soldiers turn on you? ;)

<Argent> (stealth?)

<DiablotinNarrator> (yeah)

<Argent> (twice again... only 3 more times after this today)

<Argent> !roll 1d20+7

  • Zola rolls for Argent: [ 1d20+7 ] getting [ 12 ] which, after the modifier [ 7 ] totals [ 19 ].

<Argent> !roll 1d20+7

  • Zola rolls for Argent: [ 1d20+7 ] getting [ 19 ] which, after the modifier [ 7 ] totals [ 26 ].

<DiablotinNarrator> you're able to evade their attention as they start to pour down the street, you can hide before slipping off in the opposite direction, back to Margaux

<Argent> <w> that worked well

  • Margaux gives you a big hug when you get back, and you can go about trying to sneak around and help where needed for a while longer.

Hettienne and Aubrienne start work on Korisse's new film

<DiablotinNarrator> This will be the following day, let's assume... it's the first day Korisse's movie, 'Shadows of Her Mind', is scheduled to start shooting.

<DiablotinNarrator> The film is shooting on a large movie lot/warehouse somewhat north-east of the city - not really far, but enough that they would provide car service to get you there.

<Hettienne> . o O (fancy)

<DiablotinNarrator> Hettie, you have of course been working on costumes already, in your spare time, so you're going to be there mainly in order to do last-minute repairs and adjustments and the like.

<DiablotinNarrator> Aubrienne, you can ride out with Jed, since they will just send the one car for both of you ;)

<Hettienne> (yay craft services!)

<Jedrezej> I hope our house hasn't burned down :p

  • Jedrezej says on the ride
  • Hettienne brings an extra big purse

<DiablotinNarrator> (hee)

<Hettienne> . o O (no Denise = hungry Hettie)

<Aubrienne> (Sorry, was away for a second. Yay car service)

<Aubrienne> Likewise.

<Aubrienne> I'm worried they're being none too careful, it being the Shade and all.

<Jedrezej> The papers were pretty cagey about what was going on last night... I don't know if you had a chance to see them.

<Aubrienne> (Have I? )

<DiablotinNarrator> (how likely do you think it is that Aubrienne got up out of bed with Tits in time to read the papers before heading off at the crack of dawn? ;)

  • Aubrienne gives Jed a look.

<Aubrienne> What were they saying?

  • Jedrezej shrugs

<Jedrezej> That there were skirmishes with fey creatures but everything's under control, just don't go look, take our word for it.

<Aubrienne> 'Everything's fine, nothing is ruined?'

<Jedrezej> Right. The smoldering ashes are nothing to worry about.

  • Jedrezej sighs

<Jedrezej> I hope they can take care of the problems... I just hope they don't destroy the neighbourhood in the process.

<Aubrienne> As if the neglect wasn't bad, now they have to actively damage the neighborhood.

<DiablotinNarrator> Hettie, you get there and are immediately busy with making sure extras (of which there are many, including many shadar-kai) have their correct clothing on, dealing with Elmdor's suit (he wants a rose for his buttonhole ;) and other various crises that come up.

<DiablotinNarrator> Aubrienne and Jed will get their respective costumes without trouble, fortunately

  • Aubrienne will chat (somewhat nervously) with anyone in her vicinity
  • Hettienne buzzes around like a busy little bee

<DiablotinNarrator> The plot of the movie, as I understand it, has Aubrienne as a young woman from the countryside who comes to take a job in a factory. Elmdor plays the factory owner, who wants to take advantage of her and attempts to manipulate and gaslight her into thinking that she is being stalked by Jed's character.

<Korisse> (basically yes)

<DiablotinNarrator> (that's the short version - Heather can tell you more ;)

<DiablotinNarrator> Before shooting begins, Korisse will ask for everyone in the cast and crew to gather for a moment so that she can say a few words.

  • Elmdor sniffs his rose
  • Korisse takes a deep breath
  • Korisse seems a little uncomfortable addressing the crowd, but this is not out of character

<Korisse> Thank you everyone

  • Korisse works to make her soft voice project

<Korisse> I have very high hopes for this film - I hope it can help open doors for shadar kai who want to work in the entertainment industry

<Korisse> Given current events - I think it is especially impotart to show, um, how... we all belong here, and we can work together to make art.

<Korisse> I appreciate everhyone who has agreed to be part of this project, thank you all.

<Korisse> ...

  • Korisse will give a little pause, and give a little more busnesslike review of the shooting order for the morning as well
  • Elmdor nods supportively
  • Aubrienne will give Korisse a hug when she has a chance
  • Korisse smiles

<DiablotinNarrator> Hettie, you're able to listen in on a lot of the chatter as people stand around waiting for their scenes. A lot of the shadar-kai especially are upset or concerned about what is going on in the Shade, although they have wildly varying rumours about what exactly that is.

  • Hettienne keeps her thoughts to herself, but that doesn't stop her eavesdropping

<DiablotinNarrator> They've burned down those freaky trees, no they haven't, but they burned a bunch of houses trying to do so, the fey were fighting back, the cold rider was there but he got away, it's a government plot to clear out the shadar-kai, etc.

<Hettienne> . o O ( Shadar-kai are the new Rats... :p)

<DiablotinNarrator> The one that may be of particular interest to Hettie, though, is a rumour that there were fighters there who had weapons built into their bodies, or metal legs, or that kind of thing.

<Hettienne> (FIghting whom?)

<DiablotinNarrator> (fighting against the fey, as best as the stories have it... it's all pretty confused and contradictory)

<Hettienne> . o O (hrm.)

  • Elmdor wonders why more people aren’t talking about Korisse’s amazing film, sips his coffee.

<DiablotinNarrator> Aubrienne, can you make a Perform check so we see how your first day of filming goes?

<Aubrienne> (using the Inner Beauty trait)

<Aubrienne> !roll 1d20+19

  • Elmdor rolls for Aubrienne: [ 1d20+19 ] getting [ 5 ] which, after the modifier [ 19 ] totals [ 24 ].

<Aubrienne> (Ugh. I think I'll use my Inspired trait too_

<DiablotinNarrator> (okay)

<Aubrienne> !roll 1d20+19

  • Elmdor rolls for Aubrienne: [ 1d20+19 ] getting [ 2 ] which, after the modifier [ 19 ] totals [ 21 ].

<Korisse> (nerves)

<Aubrienne> (Seriously?)

<Aubrienne> (Yeah. 24 isn't bad, I guess)

<Hettienne> (no destiny?)

<Korisse> (You can probably get assists for costars and your lovely director to get it up higher ;)

<Korisse> (from, even)

<DiablotinNarrator> (heh, true)

<DiablotinNarrator> Well, you can chalk it up to first day nerves - and yes, with assistance from your co-performers and Korisse you can still manage to do quite a good first day's work

<Aubrienne> (I'm not too disappointed. 24 is still a 'great' performance according to the Perform skill. :p)

<DiablotinNarrator> (yeah :)

<DiablotinNarrator> Probably Aubrienne still feels like she could do better, but everyone else says it was wonderful

<Aubrienne> (Yeah, she'll be kicking herself, but she hasn't done other people's material in a while.)

<Aubrienne> 'I promise I can do better, Kori.'

<DiablotinNarrator> It's a long day, and you will probably not get much chance to rest before going to work at the club that evening. Maybe you can snooze in the car on the way back to town ;)

<DiablotinNarrator> The shoot is expected to take about 2 weeks, barring any problems that cause delays.

  • Aubrienne naps on Jed

<DiablotinNarrator> Hettie, you're finishing up for the day when you realize your monthly friend has arrived...  :(

<Hettienne> Ah, fuck. >:|

  • Hettienne will find a wc to clean things up.

<DiablotinNarrator> can do, and I'm sure you have access to plenty of scrap rags and the like, but it's more disappointing than anything :/

  • Hettienne finds it easier to be pissed.

<DiablotinNarrator> You'll have to try again! or well, Nycki will ;)

<Hettienne> . o O (Guess I'll have to break the news tonight...)

<Nycki> (I guess we can do that since I have 5-10 minutes before Ian is ready... ;)

<Hettienne> (coo')

  • Nycki will help herself to your craft services 'samples' when you get back for your brief break before second work

<Hettienne> Try the pain au chocolat, it's fuckin' delicious.

<Nycki> nice gig you got here :)

  • Hettienne plops down into a chair and snags a pastry for herself.

<Nycki> free food, plus you get to work with your old pals, an' they even pay you too :)

<Hettienne> Yeah, it ain't half bad.

<Hettienne> ... Listen babe, I got some kinda shit news.

<Nycki> what's wrong?

<Hettienne> We gotta call Ander again. :/

<Nycki> oh, balls.

<Hettienne> Good news is, you're up :p

  • Nycki comes over to sit with you, taking your hand

<Hettienne> Guess I ain't got Mam's skill at gettin' knocked up :p

<Nycki> You okay about it? It's hard gettin' your hopes up, I know.

<Hettienne> Yeah... yeah I think so.

<Hettienne> Just a double whammy... Shitty news, plus cramps an' a mess.

<Nycki> we'll keep on tryin' until either we end up with a kid, or we get fed up of the hassle. But I'm willin' to keep tryin' as long as you are.

  • Hettienne grins.

<Hettienne> It'll be worth it, I know.

  • Nycki nods

<Nycki> You're gonna be a real good mother.

<Nycki> however it happens

<Hettienne> Thanks... You will be too :3

  • Nycki smiles

<Nycki> You take the last one of those chocolate cake thingies... you earned it ;)

<Hettienne> Heh... don't mind if I do :v

Lathra takes Ranighar to visit Xandhil

<DiablotinNarrator> Okay, Lathra - with all the chaos going on in the Shade, it might have been a day or two before you were able to find time to take Ranighar over to Xan's office, but you finally manage.

<Lathra> (Hurray for finally managing!)

  • Ranighar will accompany you to Xan's place of business.

<Ranighar> Thank you for going with me... I would never have found my way, the city is so confusing.

<Lathra> It absolutely is! The first year I was here I almost gave up trying, and starting taking excursions just to wander until I found somewhere interesting.

<Ranighar> It seems like that would not take long - there are a lot of interesting places to see, I'm sure.

  • Ranighar goes up to the door with you, but will let you take the lead as far as going inside/knocking/whatever, as he is not entirely sure what the appropriate customs are here

<Lathra> There are plenty, I assure you.

  • Lathra knocks
  • Leiris answers the door

<Leiris> Lathra! :D

<Leiris> I'm so glad to see you.

<Lathra> Hello Lieris dear! Likewise, of course!

<Lathra> I've brought a friend of your friend's brother, if you follow me?

<Leiris> a friend of... uh... well, please come in, and I can figure out what that means.

<Leiris> Is everything all right for you at home, or the temple? It's been hard to get reliable information out of the Shade lately, for obvious reasons...

  • Leiris asks as he ushers you inside

<Lathra> Oh yes... everything's fine, with me.

<Leiris> All right..that's good.

<Leiris> I'll just let M. Orecalo know you're here.

  • Leiris goes to get Xan
  • Xandhil can be got, and dragged out of his office

<Xandhil> Good afternoon, Mlle Sc...ales!

  • Xandhil looks pleasantly surprised to see your companion

<Xandhil> and Ranighar?!

<Lathra> That's right dear!

  • DiablotinNarrator smiles

<DiablotinNarrator> (ww)

  • Ranighar smiles
  • Xandhil smiles as well

<Ranighar> it's good to see you again

<Xandhil> you as well...

  • Xandhil looks between him and Lathra as if he is trying to trace the connection that brought them here

<Xandhil> Have you been here long? What brings you to Diablotin?

<Ranighar> A few days... I came partly to see friends, and to see the city's sights, but partly because of some troubling news as well.

  • Xandhil nods

<Ranighar> Oh, and your brother asked me to bring these books for you.

<Xandhil> oooh!

  • Ranighar hands over some books out of his bag.
  • Xandhil will come to accept them, and give him a quick hug as well
  • Ranighar hugs back

<Xandhil> Did you already mlle Scales?

<Xandhil> (+know)

<Xandhil> Thank you for bringing him here, in any case!

  • Xandhil peeks at the books, but will grudgingly pass them off to Leiris for the moment

<Lathra> Oh no trouble at all, he mentioned that he had an errand here and it was the least I could do.

  • Xandhil nods

<Ranighar> Yes, we knew each other back when she lived on the Shadow Plane.

  • Xandhil nods

<Xandhil> Would you like some tea?

  • Lathra nods vigorously.
  • Xandhil gestures for you both cto come and sit if you would like

<Ranighar> Thank you, yes.

<Xandhil> or something else?

  • Xandhil has maybe heard something somethign somethign gin from leiris ;)
  • Lathra cocks her head in thought for a moment.

<Lathra> I *do* rather enjoy Lieris' coffee...

  • Xandhil smirks slightly and nods at his assistant to go make that be a thing
  • Ranighar will come and sit down, while Leiris makes coffee and deals with the books ;)

<Xandhil> So, where are you staying?

<Ranighar> Ah, I had intended to stay at the temple, but that proved impossible... thankfully Lathra was able to put me up for a short while.

  • Xandhil nods

<Xandhil> we'd be happy to have you aswe well - though I don't mean to steal your houseguest

  • Xandhil says, the latter to Lathra

<Ranighar> Oh, well I don't want to impose on anyone.

<Xandhil> I know Justen wuld be upset to miss you - though I guess I dont' knwo how lobng you're here. And you said somethign about news...?

<Ranighar> But thank you, I would be happy to see you and Justen as well.

<Ranighar> Yes...

<Lathra> Well I'm sure I won't be offended if you choose to move around but Hissy would miss you awfully.

  • Ranighar chuckles

<Xandhil> ...Hissy?

<Lathra> Did you ever meet Frank? He gets a bit hissy sometimes so I gave him a pet name.

<Leiris> He's a snake.

  • Leiris interjects, bringing over the coffee.

<Xandhil> ahhh

<Xandhil> I haven't had the pleasure, no.

<Lathra> Oh well I'm sure there will come an occasion.

  • Lathra accepts her coffee warmly
  • Xandhil says, wincing internally at the puns

<Ranighar> Well... I did want to talk to you about the issues I mentioned.

  • Xandhil nods
  • Ranighar will run over the same things he told Lathra, re. people's strange visions and 'The Cyst' being mentioned

<Xandhil> if there is anything I can help with, I'd be happy to give it a shot

<Xandhil> things here have been somewhat...overwhelming lately

<Xandhil> (oh timing.... reorder that i suppose)

  • Xandhil frowns, looking concerned

<Xandhil> that's.... not.....good.

<Xandhil> But I suppose I'm not surprised.

<Xandhil> I have heard of the cyst

  • Ranighar nods, listening
  • Xandhil takes a deep breath

<Xandhil> what do either of you know about the origins of the Shadar Kai and the Elves?

<Xandhil> and the Fey, for that matter

  • Xandhil curiouses, as they are serpent priests

<Ranighar> I know some about the elves... it is written that long ago, we were one people with them.

  • Xandhil nods

<Xandhil> and the Fey as well

<Xandhil> but within that people there were... differences of interest I suppose?

<Xandhil> something happened - I'm not clearly what - that led to a division

<Xandhil> and to the rise of Serpent as a poer, the creation of time and death....

  • Xandhil shakes his head so that eh doens't get distracted

<Xandhil> The division was into four though

<Xandhil> the elves came here, to the material plane, and the shadar kai to the shadow plane, the fey to the first world...

<Xandhil> there was a fourth group, who left to exlore the oouter planes

<Xandhil> (explore)

<Xandhil> from what I understand, their time there changed them, warping their minds and physical forms so that they couldn't return here without dying

<Xandhil> at least not without some kind of host form

<Lathra> Like some kind of ghosts? Or phantasms? Or spirits? Or boogymen?

<Xandhil> they are real

<Xandhil> they're not gosts - maybe 'spirit' applies in some ways

<Xandhil> Around thirty years ago, one was discovered, possessing a woman here in Diablotin

<Lathra> Oh I didn't mean to imply that they weren't real, I'm sorry!

<Xandhil> no, it's okay

<Xandhil> it that sense, maybe boogeymen is apt - it's pretty terrifying

<Xandhil> this woman was aware of her 'passenger', but she wasn't in full control of herself

<Xandhil> it was difficult to get the creatue to communicate and to manifest itself, though they eventually did

<Xandhil> It called itself the Cyst

<Xandhil> and said it was one of many

<Xandhil> It was thought at the time that it was sort of an....advanced scout, I guess, but there was no further sign of them.... though I guess it was hard enough to find the first one

  • Ranighar frowns, listening

<Xandhil> so, this gets worse :|

<Lathra> Is this the worse? Or is there more that's worse than this?

<Xandhil> I found this out because I was asking about the blighted irminsul

<Xandhil> there is worse

<Xandhil> It was suggested that Amanita - the fey queen of Fungus who is thought to be behind the blight - is not acting under her own power

<Xandhil> and these other ceatures, the cyst, were one possibily for what might be the real origin

<Xandhil> The blighht takes over creaturs, and leaves them mindless.... easy victims for creatures that need physical forms to survive here

<Xandhil> and the irminusul.... its' basically a gate

<Ranighar> that sounds... terrible

<Xandhil> One that, if its power was usurped, could be made to lead to the outer planes

<Xandhil> and facilitate the return of the cyst

<Xandhil> at least, that's what I'm afraid of

<Ranighar> Why would the visions come to people on the Shadow Plane... could this 'blight' you speak of be affecting things there too?

<Xandhil> very possibly?

<Xandhil> I mean, we dont' have a clear idea of what the cyst want

<Xandhil> The blight ios alrady spreading on the First World

<Xandhil> and they've brought it here

<Xandhil> I wouldn't expect them not to try and make some incursion there as well

  • Ranighar nods grimly

<Xandhil> I don't think it is a coincidence that the irminsul was in the Shade

<Xandhil> I feel like there is some connection we are still missing

<Xandhil> well, connections, I should say

<Lathra> There was also that ritual to summon the frozen jerk man, that used our blood?

  • Xandhil nods

<Xandhil> I would assume that's related to your shared ancestry as well

<Xandhil> but I don't know - maybe it means that elves or shadar kai or fey would be more desirable hosts?

<Xandhil> We dont' have a lot of information abotu how it affects fey, that might help

<Ranighar> How would we find out more about that? I don't know any fey to ask.

<Xandhil> There is one, but she hasn' been very cooperative for the most part

<Xandhil> I think the person who has been able to get the most out of her so far is aubrienne

  • Xandhil can give a brief rundown to Ranighar of her brother's kidnapping and that she works with Lathra

<Ranighar> Oh, good... it's someone you know?

<Xandhil> (I assume that was to lathra?)

<DiablotinNarrator> (yes)

<Lathra> Oh yes indeed!

<Ranighar> well... I didn't meant to draw you into all of this, but it seems like perhaps you are already there.

<Xandhil> I would say...

<Lathra> Yes, perhaps I wasn't clear about that when we first started talking...

<Ranighar> I'm doubly glad that we ran into one another then.

<Lathra> I left out some details because, well, we'd only just run into each other. I don't believe I mentioned that I undertook an expedition to investigate an Irminsul in one of my constituents' brain, for example, or that we'd rescued a faerie flower queen there and brought her back to this world.

<Ranighar> uh... yes. I suppose that hadn't come up @_@

<Ranighar> thank you for this... and I believe that the books your brother sent may have more information.

  • Ranighar says to Xan

<Ranighar> I spoke to him about all of this too

  • Xandhil nods

<Xandhil> what did Rhyl have to say>

<Ranighar> Well, you know him.. mostly he went to look for things in the library that might help.

<Xandhil> fair - the extra resources will help