Thirteen 2 session 36
Svald arrives at Welumque's and updates her on the situation. They decide that it would be better to have everyone together, and go to fetch Lucas at the church. Chemames arrives there as well and brings them news from Skalla and Hildie. They return to Welumque's, where Lucas uses snek's help to contact the two dwarves, and they make plans to meet up the next day. The next morning, however, soldiers arrive at Welumque's looking for the fugitives. Svald attempts to flee turn chaotic when one of the soldiers is able to affect the owlbear spirit, and Chemames is shot trying to protect Lucas. The soldiers are subdued or slain, and the group flees to meet up with Skalla and Hildie.
- Session date: 2023-05-07
- In Game date: Continuing on from the previous session, and into the next day
Svald arrives at Welumque's
<Narrator> (Steve, I believe we had been saying that Welumque had gone home and ended up sleeping through at least some of the events of the last game, but I'm open to other ideas if you prefer :) )
<Welumque> (that's fine, or at least, she was supporting halflings affected by the fighting, but not involved with any of the stuff the other folks were doing)
<Narrator> (*nod*)
<Narrator> (Would she be at home, then?)
<Welumque> (yes, likely)
<Narrator> (Okay, then, do we want to pick up with Svald going to find Welumque to let her know what's going on with everyone else?)
<Skalla> (Hazel has been detained by childs briefly)
<Narrator> (kk)
<Svald> (ok here I am)
<Narrator> (woot)
<Narrator> (Also, appropriately, hoot)
* Svald flies on over to Welumque's house
* Welumque is inside, folding bandages and making more biscuits for those seeking to travel off the island
* Svald will be Svald again and knock on the door... Less worried about someone seeing them here.
* Welumque answers.
<Welumque> Oh, Svald ... are you all right?
<Svald> Do you know what's going on at the thing?
<Welumque> Right at the moment? No ...
<Svald> People wanted to get in, soldiers started shooting them... Lucas is at the church helping hurt people.
<Svald> And Skalla and Hildie escaped.
* Svald is talking fast.
<Svald> They said they were going to try and find somewhere in Takoong’oto to hide
<Welumque> That's not a bad plan. Is Lucas all right?
* Svald nods
<Welumque> And you?
<Svald> I don't know what to do now...
<Svald> I don't think I should go back to the compound?
<Welumque> Well, come in, for a minute at least. We're plenty safe here.
<Svald> Alright...
* Svald steps inside, still kind ofjittery
* Welumque gets you some tea
<Welumque> Here, this will help calm you down
<Welumque> Now, is there still fighting going on at the Thing, or has the governor put a stop to it for now?
<Svald> (it was still pretty stirred up last I saw wasn't it?)
<Narrator> (It's died down last you saw)
<Svald> It's calmed down for now...
<Narrator> (The crowd had retreated, though you know troops were still headed that direction presumably to reinforce.)
<Svald> But more soldiers were headed that way.
<Welumque> All right. Well, we can't meet up with Skalla and Hildie unless we get Lucas first. We can do that, then all go off-island, or we can just go to the church and see what good we can do there.
<Svald> I would rather we all be together ;_;
<Welumque> I agree. Let's go to the church then. Just let me put my baking aside and gather a few things.
* Svald nods.
<Narrator> (It should be easy enough to gather whatever you need and pass along your baking to someone else)
Svald and Welumque gather Lucas from the Church and are joined by Chemames
* Welumque gathers up some supplies and we can head off to get Lucas, then
* Svald puts their hood up and keeps an eye out for soldiers.
<Narrator> (Can I get y'all to roll me Notice, please?)
<Svald> !roll 4d3-5
* @Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 2 2 3 3 ] for a total of [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 5 ].
<Welumque> (is this a social situation? like to notice a specific person?)
<Welumque> (if so I can substitute my Contacts)
<Narrator> (Hmm. I'll allow it. It's more just to keep track of each other in the crowd.)
<Welumque> !roll 4d3-4
* @Lan-werk rolls for Welumque: [ 4d3-4 ] getting [ 3 3 2 3 ] for a total of [ 11 ] which, after the modifier [ -4 ] totals [ 7 ].
<Narrator> There's still quite a few people on the streets, but you have little difficulty navigating the crowds. They're currently staying away from the main square around the meeting house, as well, so you're able to get into the church just fine once you make it to the city center.
* Welumque heads in, keeping an eye on Skald so we don't get separated at any point.
* Lucas is, I assume, still inside, helping tend to the injured?
<Svald> (Svald)
<Narrator> (That would be my assumption?)
<Welumque> Lucas! How are you, mem?
* Svald trails behind Welumque
<Lucas> Oh, Welumque! I'm all right, except tired and worried.
<Welumque> This is not where I expected to find you, I'll admit.
<Lucas> well, it was nearby and seemed like it would be a safe location.
<Welumque> Fair. And they haven't given you any trouble?
<Svald> >.>
<Lucas> The soldiers? No, not so far.
<Welumque> How would you feel about taking a trip off-island?
<Lucas> ah... all right, I suppose? are you going somewhere?
<Welumque> Svald and I thought, and I hope you'll agree, that we should all be together, than separated.
* Lucas nods
<Svald> we just have to find Skalla and Hildie...
<Lucas> (how are the people I was tending to doing?)
<Narrator> (Probably all pretty stable by this point. It hasn't been a *ton* of time, but it's probably been an hour or so at this point.)
* Lucas will make sure they have someone to continue looking after them, or help them get moved to a safer location, before getting ready to leave
<Narrator> Alba can keep looking after them, and probably send for a doctor/other healer as needed
<Welumque> All right, Svald, how long ago was it that you spoke to them? And do you think you could find them, maybe from the skies?
<Narrator> (Hildie and Skalla, where are y'all headed?)
<Svald> Not if they are inside...
<Hildie> (Somewhere far enough away from town that no one will stumble on us)
<Svald> (how long ago would it have been by now? an hour?)
<Skalla> (yeah, we thought we were going to have to hide out for more than like a few hours, heh)
<Narrator> (You last talked to them...yeah, probably about an hour ago)
<Narrator> (So, on the island or not, for Skalla and Hildie?)
<Skalla> (Oh I was assuming on, if there's places that are wild and secluded enough)
<Hildie> (Yeah)
<Svald> I left them about an hour ago.
<Welumque> So, not too long. But we're at a disadvantage, we can't do what we would normally do and just ask people if they've seen them.
<Svald> Would they know someone there that they might have gone to, that we *could* ask?
<Welumque> Perhaps.
<Narrator> (There's not a ton of wild land left on Sisawinak, but you can roll...Lore?)
<Lucas> !roll 4d3-4
* @Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-4 ] getting [ 2 2 1 2 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -4 ] totals [ 3 ].
<Narrator> (Lucas would know Chemames lives over there, at least)
<Welumque> (I, uhhh, don't suppose this is information relating to cultural knowledge and customs, huh?)
<Narrator> (It is not, and, sorry, I mostly meant that roll for Skalla and Hildie ;) )
<Welumque> (oh, sorry, got it)
<Lucas> (oh, ok)
<Hildie> !roll 4d3-8
* @Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-8 ] getting [ 2 1 3 2 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -8 ] totals [ 0 ].
<Svald> Does Chemames live around there?
<Skalla> !roll 4d3-5
* @Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 1 2 2 1 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 1 ].
<Skalla> (Probably trying to head off island then)
<Welumque> He lives nearby, yes.
<Narrator> (Yeah, Skalla, you know some places you could hide, but no where is *especially* remote. Most of the island is fields or town, with small areas of woods here and there.)
<Welumque> All right, let's go and ask Chemames, then.
* Svald nods.
<Narrator> (High or low, folks?)
<Svald> (high)
<Narrator> Speak of the devil, you spot Chemames running up to the church as you exit to go find him.
* NPC1 is now known as Chemames
<Chemames> Lucas!
<Svald> Oh! :o
* Lucas will hurry over to him and give him a hug
* Chemames runs up, huffing.
<Lucas> You're okay?
* Chemames hugs back, but is clearly out of breath.
* Chemames nods.
<Chemames> Skalla and...Hildie...sent find...Welumque.
<Chemames> I went to...the house...and they all...were here.
<Chemames> You're all right?
<Lucas> Thank you for hurrying all this way. Take a moment to breath, we're fine.
<Welumque> We're fine, mem. Take your time.
* Chemames is in good shape, but has quickly run several miles at this point.
<Lucas> we were going to go find them, do you know where they are now?
<Chemames> They said you'd all be able to find there. Whoo! :takes a breath: We gave them some supplies and...they said they'd head out to the woods to hide out for...the time being.
<Welumque> I don't suppose you can be more specific about where?
<Narrator> (Skalla and Hildie didn't give him directions or anything as far as I know?)
<Hildie> (Just general area)
<Svald> Even which direction they went?
<Narrator> (If off the island, presumably west? It occurs to me you could try your luck south or east, which are settled but the governor would have trouble sending too many troops into allied settlements)
<Skalla> (That's not the skalla way ;)
<Chemames> West, I think. I don't think they were going to stay on Sisawinak.
* Svald nods.
<Lucas> if I can get to somewhere more quiet, I can try to communicate with them... maybe to arrange a place to meet off the island
<Welumque> All right, then.
The group goes back to Welumque's so Lucas can try and contact Hildie and Skalla. Snek 'helps'
<Narrator> (Where are you going to head to, then?)
<Lucas> (well, I could go to my place, but it's just one room, kind of small to cram everyone in presumably. Welumque's house might be better?)
<Welumque> (sure that's fine, let's move this along)
<Narrator> (Yeah, y'all can head back there. Lucas, can I get a Lore check and Will check, please?)
<Lucas> !roll 4d3-4
* @Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-4 ] getting [ 3 3 2 2 ] for a total of [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ -4 ] totals [ 6 ].
<Lucas> !roll 4d3-7
* @Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 2 1 1 2 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ -1 ].
<Lucas> (good on Lore, not good on Will)
* NPC2 is now known as Snek
<Narrator> Much like the mortal populace, the spirits are very restless this evening, and Lucas is *very
* tired. You find yourself struggling to free your spirit from your body.
* Snek is draped across Lucas's shoulders.
<Snek> I can help.
<Lucas> okay...
* Lucas is willing to see what happens, out of exhaustion and desperation
* Snek slithers around towards Lucas's face, and quickly enters Lucas's mouth.
<Narrator> Immediately, Lucas's senses expand, and he can perceive the spirits around him, including the owlbear spirit resting within Svald. It's amazingly easy to loose himself from his physical existence, he can unerringly find Skalla and Hildie, who are presumably not too far from the mainland shore still
<Lucas> (can I communicate with them, or just see them?)
<Narrator> You can communicate. Hildie and Skalla, Lucas appears before you again, though his eyes are brighter, and you can see a faint scale pattern across his spectral skin.
<Lucas> don't worry, we're fine.
<Skalla> ...Lucas?
<Hildie> Lucas?
<Skalla> Are you?
<Lucas> just tired, nothing to worry about
<Lucas> we want to go with you, if you can find a place to hole up for long enough for the rest of us to join you.
* Skalla frowns
<Skalla> I'm planning to set up a camp near [place].
<Skalla> Chemames gave us a few supplies, so we'll be okay. You should rest first, you've been on the go for days
<Hildie> We should be safe there for a few days at least.
<Lucas> we'll come as soon as we can
<Hildie> We're ok. Take care of yourselves too.
<Skalla> yes, we'll be okay.
* Skalla looks worried
<Skalla> YOu need to stop pushing yourself so hard
<Lucas> everyone needs help, so I need to help ... it's fine
* Lucas says again
<Lucas> I promise I'll rest soon
* Skalla frowns
<Skalla> Lucas, you need to look after *yourself
* too
<Hildie> You can't help anyone if you're not resting.
<Skalla> Weh's with you?
<Skalla> (who)
<Lucas> Welumque and Svald and Chemames...
<Skalla> okay.
<Skalla> We'll take care, and you do the same. we'll see you soon, but not too soon, okay?
<Lucas> yes
<Skalla> Thank you.
<Lucas> Stay safe and we'll meet you soon.
<Hildie> Take care of yourself.
Svald and Welumque wait anxiously for Lucas to wake up, and then they all get some rest
<Svald> D:
<Svald> Lucas!! Lucas !! D:
<Svald> Nonononono.
* Svald gives Lucas a shake
<Svald> Get out! get out!!
<Svald> Welumque do something!! D:
* Welumque looks at Lucas with concern, trying to figure out if we need to do something.
<Narrator> He's essentially non-responsive, but that's not unusual when he does this sort of thing, which I think at least Welumque would know?
<Welumque> When he's in this state, sometimes the best thing to do is to just wait it out.
<Svald> What if it chokes him??
<Welumque> His spirits are different from ours.
<Welumque> If he is choking, we'll act on that.
* Svald checks to make sure Lucas is breathing ok.
<Svald> D:
<Welumque> I'm not saying it makes me comfortable, child ... but I've seen him in far worse states.
<Svald> D:>
* Snek ( has joined #thirteen02
* Snek will slither out of Lucas's mouth the moment Lucas is done with his projection.
<Svald> DDDD:
<Svald> Lucas? Lucas!!
<Lucas> mmm?
<Svald> Are you alright?
* Lucas is a bit dazed
<Narrator> Lucas, you are, if anything, more exhausted.
<Lucas> 'm okay... just tired...
<Svald> It... it went in your mouth
<Lucas> they're safe, hiding
<Snek> You need to sleep.
<Svald> Is it supposed to do that?
<Lucas> mmhmm...
<Svald> Okay... ):>
<Lucas> I told them.. we'll come soon.
<Welumque> There, there, mem. Take your time.
<Svald> DId it hurt? ;_;
* Chemames ( has joined #thirteen02
* Chemames looks very concerned, but doesn't know what to say.
<Lucas> no... it's okay...
<Lucas> just... need sleep now
<Svald> Yes, you need to rest...
* Svald looks to WElumque.
<Welumque> Yes, rest now, then we'll go find the others.
<Svald> Where..?
<Welumque> Sounds like Lucas knows where. We'll just have to find out later.
<Svald> No where can he rest??
<Welumque> (I thought we were back at my place already)
<Svald> (yeah but is there a room)
<Welumque> (sure, plenty of space here)
* Svald looks around for somewhere to take Lucas ;_;
* Lucas will just let Svald take him wherever to sleep, zero resistance
* Chemames will help Svald get Lucas to a bed somewhere.
* Svald will not let Lucas out of their sight
* Snek will coil up on Lucas once he's settled, clearly watching over him.
<Narrator> (Does anyone have anything they want to do before the next morning.)
<Welumque> (nope)
* Svald is going to sit in the room with Lucas
<Skalla> (make our camp and stuf but idk that that merits a scene or anything)
<Svald> (sleep in a chair or something)
<Hildie> (nope)
Solidiers come to Welumque's looking for the fugitives. A fight breaks out and Chemames is wounded. The group flee the island to rendezvous with the others
<Narrator> Early the next morning, Welumque, one of your folks will inform you there are soldiers on their way up the street, and they look to be headed to your house.
<Welumque> (do we have time to get out of here?)
<Narrator> (You don't have a lot of time, but you *might
* be able to book it.)
<Welumque> (hmm, maybe better to just lie my way out of it)
* Welumque goes in and lets Svald know to just keep the door closed and not come out of the room, then closes the door and comes back out.
* NPC3 ( has joined #thirteen02
* NPC3 is now known as Sergeant
* Svald quietly turns into a bear and lies in front of the door so it can't open, just in case >.>
* Chemames ( Quit (Quit:
* Sergeant ( Quit (Quit:
* Snek ( Quit (Quit:
* Sergeant ( has joined #thirteen02
* Sergeant knocks on Welumque's door, flanked by a squad of soldiers, including a royal army mage (identifiable by a slightly different uniform).
* Welumque answers the door.
<Welumque> Good morning ... sergeant?
<Sergeant> Ma'am. Have you seen Skalla Stormsvallvag, Hildegard Maelstrom, or the galdr Svald this morning?
<Welumque> No. I believe that Skalla and Hildegard are in custody, are they not?
<Sergeant> They escaped last night with the aid of the galdr. You are a known associate of all three, and we have orders to search the property. It will go easier if you tell us the truth.
<Welumque> I assure you that if they escaped, they would not have come here.
* Sergeant nods.
<Sergeant> Please step aside.
<Welumque> Ah, one moment, Sergeant.
<Svald> (can I hear any of this)
<Welumque> Let me see your orders.
<Sergeant> (Roll Notice, Svald)
<Svald> !roll 4d3-5
* @Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 3 2 1 2 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 3 ].
* Sergeant produces said orders.
<Welumque> (all right, I'll look over them. What do they say specifically?)
<Narrator> (Yeah, you can hear most of this, Svald)
<Svald> :
* Svald will point at themself and then the window
<Svald> ?
<Narrator> (The soldiers have orders to search your entire property, and discretion to arrest anyone or sieze any property if they deem it necessary)
<Welumque> (to search for the three of them? anything else?)
<Narrator> (Who are you gesturing to, Svald? I don't think you're in the same room as Welumque)
<Svald> (Lucas and Chemames)
<Narrator> (okie doke)
<Svald> (no and than god I'm not because I am a bear XD)
<Narrator> (And, yes, to search for the three of them)
<Welumque> I heard there was rioting at the Thing yesterday. You'd think the Governor would be more concerned about that.
<Welumque> You'll have to forgive me, my eyesight isn't good and this isn't in my native language. It takes a while, you understand.
* Sergeant looks impatient.
* Svald will de-bear and open the window as quietly as they can.
* Sergeant gestures for her soldiers to enter, and the mage starts casting something.
<Welumque> This looks to be in order, though.
<Narrator> (Svald, roll me Stealth and Notice again)
<Svald> !roll 4d3-6
* @Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 2 2 1 3 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 2 ].
<Svald> !roll 4d3-5
* @Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 3 3 3 3 ] for a total of [ 12 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 7 ].
<Svald> (stealth and notice respectively)
<Narrator> (Lucas, if you're awake, you can also roll Notice)
<Lucas> !roll 4d3-5
* @Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 2 1 3 1 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 2 ].
<Narrator> You can both sense someone is doing magic nearby.
<Narrator> But you do get the window open, Svald.
<Sergeant> What was that?
* Svald touches Lucas lightly on the cheek for just a second, then vaults out the window and (hopefully) turns into a raven and flies away.
* Sergeant points a soldier in the direction of where Svald, Lucas, and Chemames are.
<Welumque> There are many halflings who use this home as a residence or respite.
<Sergeant> (Roll Will, Svald)
<Svald> !roll 4d3-4
* @Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-4 ] getting [ 2 3 3 1 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -4 ] totals [ 5 ].
<Narrator> (Okay, so, I will offer you a fate point for a less than advantageous event, which would be jumping out the window and instead turning into your owlbear form ;) )
<Svald> (sure let's fuckin go)
* Lucas will try to stay calm, and hope Svald is safe
<Narrator> The mage says, "They're here," and nods in that direction.
* Sergeant draws a pistol and sword.
<Sergeant> (to one of her soldiers, re: Welumque) Watch her.
<Narrator> The soldiers head towards that room and open the door.
<Narrator> (What's Lucas doing?)
* Lucas will try to render the soldiers unconscious. like a light poisoning >.>
<Lucas> (say by having a teeny tiny little snakebite)
<Narrator> (Heh, okay. Roll me Lore)
<Narrator> (I do want to specify, this is a total of like 10 soldiers)
<Narrator> (Just to be clear)
<Lucas> (hmm I didn't know it was quite that many... do I think I can do that? I mean I don't know if Lucas would have a realistic view that that is way too many for him to try at once, or what)
<Narrator> (Honestly, if he lets himself, he can totally do that)
<Lucas> (I'll do it. it's to save Svald.)
<Narrator> (It's just drawing on stuffhe hasn't done in a while)
<Svald> (;_;)
<Lucas> (is this roll related to ... herbalism? spirits? both/either? ;)
<Narrator> (I'm going to say no? Like, it's kind of spirits, but all your magic is, and you don't get a bonus on *all
* your magic rolls ;) )
<Lucas> (fair)
<Lucas> !roll 4d3-4
* @Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-4 ] getting [ 1 2 3 3 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -4 ] totals [ 5 ].
<Lucas> (if I need, I'll also spent a fate point for +2)
<Narrator> (Might be worthwhile >.>)
<Lucas> (will do that, then)
<Narrator> A droning rattle rising in volume, filling the room as all the soldiers except for the sergeant and the spellcaster drop.
<Narrator> (High or low, Julie?)
<Lucas> (high)
* Sergeant fires off a panicked shot in Lucas's direction.
<Welumque> Sergeant! I protest!
* Chemames ( has joined #thirteen02
* Chemames throws himself in front of Lucas and grunts, collapsing to the floor.
<Lucas> no!
<Narrator> (Svald, you clearly hear the shot)
<Svald> (kool aid owlbear)
* Sergeant ( Quit (Quit:
* Lucas tries to see if I can heal him
* Chemames ( Quit (Client Quit)
<Narrator> Svald, you can bust back through, *mostly
* through the window, though I imagine that frame's going to have to be redone. ;)
* Sergeant ( has joined #thirteen02
* Sergeant backs up a step and levels her sword at Svald.
<Svald> (am I like, fully in control now?)
<Narrator> The caster behind her begins casting something else.
<Svald> (I am gonna smack them both with my mighty... paw/wing)
<Narrator> (As much as you ever are. I feel like you and the owlbear are in alignment in this moment.)
<Narrator> (Roll Fight)
<Svald> (do I get an owlbear bonus?)
<Narrator> (I'll take it into account. I've been trying to keep that stuff simple on y'all's end so you don't have to juggle various bonuses and whatnot)
<Svald> !roll 4d3-6
* @Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 2 2 1 3 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 2 ].
<Svald> (if there's anything I can do, like spend a fate point, I would like to also do that)
<Narrator> Welumque, your household is clearly sticking their heads out of doorways to see what's going on.
<Narrator> (Yeah, you can spend one if you like)
<Svald> (done)
<Narrator> (Lucas, roll Lore for the heal)
<Lucas> (this one with a +2 for healing?)
<Narrator> Svald, the Sergeant slashes at your paw as you strike, but you barely register it and the wound closes almost immediately as you follow through with your swing, scoring deep gouges across her chest. She collapses to the ground and her sword goes sliding across the floor.
<Narrator> (Yeah, Julie, that would add here)
<Lucas> !roll 4d3-2
* @Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-2 ] getting [ 2 3 2 2 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -2 ] totals [ 7 ].
<Svald> (I didn't mean to actually uh kill her but I guess OB had other ideas)
<Svald> (more worried about the mage :x)
<Lucas> (I'll spend a fate point too for +2)
<Welumque> (what is the mage doing?)
<Svald> (trying to cast something)
<Narrator> Chemames is shot in the stomach and bleeding badly, but you hold him and he groans as the bullet rises back out of the wound. You can feel some of the pain yourself as the wound begins to close.
<Narrator> (Svald, you can have pulled that swing some, but, even so, she's going to be pretty badly wounded.)
<Narrator> (And, yes, the mage is stepping back, keeping Svald in sight, and casting. Welumque has a moment to act before she finishes.)
<Svald> (ok I want to get the mage on the backswing if I can't get them at the same time >.>)
<Lucas> it's okay, it's going to be okay...
* Lucas tells him frantically
<Narrator> (They're further out into the hallway, so you'd have to go over the sergeant and the caster is going to cast before you get toher.)
* Welumque is getting out of the way, nothing I can do against a mage.
* Chemames ( has joined #thirteen02
* Chemames tries to give Lucas a brave face but groans and doubles over in pain.
<Svald> (Can I work against her in this form or no?)
<Narrator> (Not particularly effectively, though the owlbear has some resistance to magic due to its nature.)
* Lucas will try to ...absorb the pain as much as he can, at least sharing it between us maybe makes it less for him?
<Svald> (ok that's what I thought... I will go after when I can. save me, welumque!)
<Narrator> Okay, Svald, roll me Physique.
<Svald> !roll 4d3-7
* @Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 3 2 3 2 ] for a total of [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 3 ].
<Svald> (if I can spend another point I shall)
<Narrator> (You can spend one to mitigate this somewhat if you like)
<Svald> (done)
<Narrator> Svald, even with the power of the owlbear's form, you find your strength flagging, and you're having trouble moving. The mage is concentrating on you, and you can slowly try to make your way closer.
<Narrator> Lucas, it certainly hurts, but you're no stranger to pain. Chemames looks less in agony, and is catching his breath and wincing.
* Svald growls and grunts with effort.
<Svald> (I will try my best to fuckin' GET HER)
<Narrator> The mage glances at the sergeant, at Svald, and at the doorway near Welumque, and books it.
<Svald> (am I still weakened when she leaves?)
<Narrator> (For a little while, yes)
<Lucas> can you move?
* Lucas asks Chemames
* Sergeant groans on the floor and tries to crawl to her sword.
<Lucas> we need to get out of here
* Chemames nods.
* Svald steps on their hand >:(
<Chemames> I think so, yeah.
<Welumque> Agreed.
<Svald> (her)
* Sergeant lets out a scream she quickly cuts off.
<Lucas> Svald, come on, before they come back with more!
<Welumque> We should all note, however, that at no point did the investigators see any of the three parties they were looking for.
* Welumque says, packing some things into a bag.
<Svald> (Can I pick up the halflings or am I too weak still?)
<Svald> (I mean Lucas and Chemames)
<Svald> (the ones that aren't doing so hot. lol)
<Narrator> (You'll need like a minute to fully recover, Svald)
<Svald> (that's not so long when you're out of combat)
<Lucas> (if Welumque is packing a bag we might have a minute to rest I guess ;)
<Narrator> (Yeah)
<Welumque> I mean, there's no way they can instantly come back with reinforcements
* Welumque finishes packing and leaves instructions for anyone here, to find somewhere else for the time being
* Lucas will take that time to check on the sergeant and, assuming she's still alive, try to just render her unconscious.
<Welumque> All right. Svald ... Lucas ... are you ready to go?
* Svald hoots affirmatively
<Lucas> (partly so she doesn't rat us out/see which way we go, partly just for the pain...)
<Narrator> (Are you trying to heal her at all?)
* Svald will try and de-owlbear...
<Lucas> (I'll try to keep her from outright bleeding to death, yeah. just like... mid-range, not healing her so she's able to get up and chase us or whatever.)
* Chemames looks a little shaky, but looks like he's aiming to go with.
<Narrator> (Okay, I'll say you can give her magical first aid so she doesn't bleed out or anything.)
<Lucas> (in dnd terms I'll give her like a cure light or whatever ;)
<Narrator> (Cure Minor. 1 hit point. :P )
<Svald> I can fly with you, that way no one will recognize me at least...
<Lucas> Here's where they are:
* Lucas will give as good directions as he can to where Skalla and Hildie were last time he saw them.
<Lucas> If we get separated, that's where to go.
<Svald> Alright.
* Lucas will take Chemames' arm and try to help him along as we leave
<Narrator> Presumably, Welumque has easy access to a boat, so you can get to the mainland and make your way to Skalla and Hildie's camp by mid- to late-morning.
* Welumque will take extra precautions regardless, to ensure that we aren't spotted along the way.