Thirteen 2 session 32

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Thirteen 2 session logs
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After the battle, Lucas goes to Welumque for advice, and stays with her to offer what he can. He helps two soldiers, one of who was severely injured, and brings them to her house. He and Welumque learn that the pair was attacked by the Owlbear spirit, and send them on their way. Meanwhile, Hildie and Skalla rack down the owlbear sprit and convince it to relinquish its control. They bring Svald first back to Thekla's camp to check in, and then return to the Stormsvallvag estate. Later, Lucas and Welumque arrive to check in, and they discuss the attack. Charlotta stops in as well, and they ponder what will happen next.


Session date: 2023-03-12
In Game date: Following on form the previous session/the next day

Lucas goes to Welumque for advice

* Forthright is now known as Welumque
* Lucas goes by Welumque's home to see if she's there.
* Welumque 's house is abuzz with activity. Welumque has some makeshift bedrolls laid out for people looking to change their circumstances or just in need of a safe bed. She herself is on her feet, scooting from place to place with assistance for the various halflings.
<Lucas> Ah... is it a bad time to talk?
* Lucas asks, coming up to her side
<Welumque> Ah, Lucas ... talk about what?
<Lucas> I had a dream.
* Lucas looks troubled
<Welumque> Ah.
* Welumque looks around.
<Welumque> Yes, let's go find a place. My bedroom.
* Lucas will accompany you
* Welumque sits on the bed and pats the spot next to her.
* Lucas sits down
<Welumque> Well?
<Lucas> It was a dream of a storm, great thunder and hail of blood. The thunder became like a rattle, and I saw Serpent's eyes in the dark, as I woke.
* Welumque sits pensively.
<Welumque> Mmm.
<Welumque> What do you make of it?
<Lucas> I'm not sure. The battle, I suppose, is heavy on my heart. I don't know if it is a sign of what is to come, or memories of what is past.
<Welumque> The Emira's forces are coming, if not already here. War is upon Sisawinak.
* Lucas nods
<Welumque> But there is war, and there is war. And if Serpent is involved in this, then you know that our problems may be greater than the Governor imagines.
<Welumque> The Emira's behaviour was so strange, even for a colonial, when we were in Talat Kabira, that I wonder, whether there is some undue influence.
<Lucas> Maybe...
<Welumque> Or in some other corner, on some other side. Or are you worried that Serpent is calling to you to act?
<Lucas> Yes... well... Skalla sought my help with her efforts but when I offered to do so with my... my older skills, she said no.
<Lucas> I don't know if it was the right decision or not.
<Welumque> There would be a danger associated with that. I can understand her reticence. But it was her decision to make.
<Welumque> It is a great mantle upon your shoulders. And I will not say it is all to the ill. I have seen what you can do for good.
<Lucas> I want to help. If I can prevent worse bloodshed to come, is it worth it?
<Welumque> What do you want to do?
<Lucas> I don't know... if I could remove some of the high ranking officers of the Emira's troops, for instance, to prevent them organizing?
<Welumque> To kill them. Speak it as it is.
<Lucas> or incapacitate...
* Lucas says, but nods
<Welumque> But on your own, mem ... that is dangerous. You should not do this on your own.
<Lucas> It was what Skalla was doing! But she did not want my help.
<Welumque> It is surely not that she did not want it. But she was just as surely afraid of what it would mean.
<Welumque> The consequences of the power you wield are unknowable, especially to an outsider.
* Lucas looks unhappy
<Lucas> but it's me who has to bear that burden, like you said. and if I am willing to do that... can she take it away from me?
<Welumque> If you are coming to me for permission to help Skalla, I cannot do that. If you are coming to me for my assent for you to help, then you have it, but knowing that it may mean death or injury.
<Lucas> tell me how I can help you, then.
<Welumque> I am helping those who want or need to leave Sisawinak, to do so. It is small help, to be sure.
<Lucas> can I guide some of them? or help with supplies?
<Welumque> Of course. But you do not need reptilian assistance to do so.
<Lucas> but I need to do *something*
* Welumque nods.
* Lucas says a bit desperately
<Welumque> Then you can help. I am getting folks off the island, to a cache of wagons and supplies on the mainland.
<Welumque> Kylliki Satusdottir is the name of the woman who has been helping me.
* Lucas nods
<Lucas> I'll do whatever you need of me.
<Welumque> Then that is what you shall do.
<Welumque> I'm staying here to coordinate things, and don't expect to leave unless things get much worse.

Lucas aids some of the Emira's fleeing soldiers

<Narrator> (So Lucas is sticking around at Welumque's to help out with things?)
* Elanya is now known as Skalla
<Lucas> (I assume if what she needs is getting supplies together, or taking people to certain places, he'll leave as needs be, but in general helping with her efforts, yes)
<Narrator> (Okie doke. Roll me Notice, please)
<Lucas> (does it have anything to do with spirits? or just regular noticing things :)
<Narrator> (Just regular noticing things)
<Lucas> !roll 4d3-5
* Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 3 2 1 1 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 2 ].
<Narrator> (Steve, would you say Welumque's house is in the middle of town or more on the outskirts?)
<Welumque> (don't really know)
<Welumque> (it's in an area where a lot of halflings live)
<Narrator> (Okie doke, we'll say on the edge, but still clearly in town. It's an area specifically catering to halflings, so the houses are smaller than the dwarven or human dwellings closer to the docks.)
<Narrator> Lucas, Welumque has some errands for you to run, serving to keep you busy as you all wait for the outcome of the battle. You *think* it's calmed down a bit, as you're hearing significantly less cannon fire. As you're returning with a satchel full of medicine, you spot a pair of figures, an orc and a human, limping along the road, the human helping to hold the orc upright.
<Lucas> (can I tell anything else about them? e.g. are they speaking at all, do they look like they're soldiers, or just civilians, etc.?)
<Narrator> They're both in Ilhatani military uniforms, both of them dirty and bloody. You can see the orc has a bad wound on her side. They weren't speaking, but once the human spots you, he'll say something in Ilhatani you don't understand, then manage "Help!" in Stordammer.
* Lucas will go over to them
* NPC1 is now known as Human
<Lucas> I can help. I'm a healer.
* Lucas says in Stordammer, enunciating as clearly as he can.
<Human> Help, please! [More stuff in Ilhatani, sounding panicked].
* NPC23 is now known as Orc
<Lucas> (is there somewhere nearby I can get them to sit down/out of the way a bit, so I can examine the injuries?)
* Orc looks in significant pain, and, as you get closer, you can see great rent tears in her side.
<Narrator> (You can get them out of the street, but there's not really a place to sit other that just the ground.)
* Lucas will pull out his satchel and see what can be done, even if just to dull the pain and bandange the wound better.
<Narrator> (Roll Lore, please)
<Lucas> (with relation to healing?)
<Narrator> (Yeah)
<Lucas> !roll 4d3-2
* Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-2 ] getting [ 3 3 1 1 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -2 ] totals [ 6 ].
<Narrator> She's in a bad way, but Lucas has certainly seen worse. He can get her wounds cleaned and bandaged, with medicine applied, in an astonishingly short amount of time. The orc still looks in pain, but significantly better than she was.
<Narrator> (ww, I assume? :D)
<Svald> (lolll yes sorry)
<Narrator> (Is very funny :) )
<Orc> Thank you.
<Lucas> Do you have somewhere to go?
* Orc shakes her head.
<Orc> We need...we need to get somewhere out of sight. Where the rebels won't find us.
<Lucas> I can help you get away from there, if that is what you want.
<Orc> You have helped so much already, and I have no way to repay you.
<Lucas> Just don't hurt my people. You can do that as repayment.
<Orc> I don't think...we're in much hurt anyone...right now.
<Lucas> I know. I just mean... if you have the chance in the future to help, do that. That will be enough.
* Orc nods, and the human man will help her to her feet.
<Orc> Please, lead the way.
* Lucas will guide them to safety (at least as well as he's able - get them to a place where they can proceed onwards on their own to get away, or whatever)
<Narrator> (Presumably that's to Welumque's? Or did you have somewhere else in mind?)
<Lucas> (well, I wasn't sure if Welumque had a place where she was gathering people to leave, other than her house. if her house is the place, then there. but if there's like... a place that is off-site, like 'everyone who wants to go meet at the big oak tree at the edge of town' or something, then there instead)
<Narrator> (Welumque?)
<Welumque> (I think everyone who is going off island comes through my house first. So I can give them a good look over.)
<Lucas> (ok)
<Welumque> (Also we're not sending people who are too injured. So I need to make sure they're healthy enough to travel.)

Lucas brings the solider's to Welumque's place, and they send them on thier way after realizing they could threaten Svald

<Narrator> Lucas can lead them over to Welumque's house, then. The place is pretty busy already, but these are the first wounded from today's battle.
* Welumque will come over once the two enter.
* Welumque speaks to them in her rough Ilhatani.
<Welumque> Welcome. Who are you, and what help are you looking for?
<Orc> I am Mulazim Jihane Naji. My companion is Yassir.
* Orc is now known as Jihane
<Jihane> We're...I'm not sure. Everything went to hell in the assault. I don't know where anyone is, but the rebels...if they find us...
<Welumque> Tell me about the rebels.
* Welumque says neutrally.
<Jihane> I don't know how, but they got people behind our lines. Took out the naqib, then summoned some kind of demon bear thing.
<Welumque> A bear thing? What kind of bear?
<Jihane> I lost control of my unit when that thing got me.
<Jihane> I don't know. Some abomination of feathers and fur and claws and beak.
<Welumque> Mmhmm. Interesting.
* Human is now known as Yassir
<Welumque> Lucas, are you hearing all this?
<Yassir> A monster, bigger than a horse. Big as an elephant.
<Lucas> yes...
<Lucas> we can help them get away, can't we?
<Welumque> Well, perhaps.
<Welumque> Is that what you are looking to do, to get away?
<Jihane> I don't know. I think that may be all we can do.
<Jihane> I'm sorry, I didn't ask. Who are you?
* Welumque looks over to Lucas.
<Welumque> A friend, if you will have one.
<Welumque> You will forgive my caution. These days are ill-suited for trust.
<Jihane> I suppose that's true. I don't mean to bring trouble to your doorstep.
<Welumque> My advice to you, Jihane, is to go home. Go home, close your doors, and wait for the end of this.
* Jihane frowns and shakes her head.
<Jihane> Home is a long way from here.
<Jihane> The best I can manage is to get back to Talat Kabira.
<Welumque> And if you do that, will you be seen as a deserter?
<Jihane> I certainly hope not, but...
<Yassir> The emira has killed more for less.
* Jihane shoots him a sharp look.
<Jihane> We have a duty to return.
<Welumque> Were there others, from your company, who escaped this bear creature?
<Welumque> Are there others perhaps in need, coming this way?
<Jihane> I'm sure there are others in need. Whether they're coming this way...
<Jihane> It would be the smart thing to do, I think.
<Welumque> Lucas, get these soldiers a few spare bandages, and a little food for their travels.
* Lucas nods and will do so.
<Welumque> Now, if you will take a word of kind advice, soldiers.
<Welumque> Understand that this invasion by the Emira has caused untold pain upon those, such as my people, who did not ask for it. You would be wise to think about what consequences there will be, of all this.
* Jihane looks like she wants to argue, but stops herself and nods.
<Jihane> Goddess alone knows.
<Welumque> Go, then. And have no more to do with this place.
* Jihane nods.
<Jihane> Thank you for your aid. Goddess bless you and yours.
* Yassir looks between Jihane and Welumque like he wants to say something, but, after a moment, just moves to help Jihane along.
* Welumque turns to Lucas after they have left safely.
<Welumque> Well. That was something.
<Lucas> :/
<Lucas> should I not have helped them?
<Welumque> That is not knowable. Actions have consequences that we cannot perceive. But you did a good thing, nonetheless.
<Welumque> I think, if they had not mentioned Svald, I could have seen my way to a different reaction to them. But we must protect Svald, you understand.
* Lucas nods
<Welumque> So I think the best we can do is to send them on their way with doubt in their hearts alongside the fear of what has happened to them.
<Narrator> (Perhaps it's worth going to go check on Svald?)
<Lucas> (sure)
<Narrator> (Owlbearing can be pretty rough :P )
<Lucas> Maybe I should go see if Svald is well, after that.
<Welumque> I can come with you if you need me. But also, I am needed here.
<Lucas> It's your choice, but I can manage if you are busy.
<Welumque> (what's the state of things around here? I would want to go to Svald if it's under control)
<Narrator> (I think things are pretty under control, and you have people to manage as necessary)
<Welumque> All right, let's go together.

Hildie and Skalla track down Svald.... or rather, the Owlbear spirit

<Narrator> Hildie and Skalla, the fighting has moved away from you as the southern portion of the Emira's forces have routed and scattered, and what's left of the northern and eastern forces are retreating through the town to the beach. You've lost track of Svald in the fighting, though you know the general direction they went.
<Narrator> Thekla and the rest are pulling back to Bäcksjön to regroup, though you had the impression before you got underway that that would be temporary, and most would be heading back to their homes as quickly as possible if they're able. What are you doing?
<Elanya> We need to find Svald
<Elanya> (whoops)
* Elanya is now known as Skalla
<Skalla> We need to find Svald
<Hildie> Agreed. Then we should make ourselves scarce.
<Skalla> mmm, we'll see what things look like aftet that
<Narrator> (Are you trying to keep out of sight?)
<Skalla> (I think so, yeah)
<Narrator> (Okay, roll me Stealth and Investigate, both of y'all)
<Skalla> (in that order then)
<Skalla> !roll 4d3-7
* Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 1 3 1 3 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 1 ].
<Skalla> !roll 4d3-6
* Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 2 1 3 1 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 1 ].
<Hildie> !roll 4d3-8
* Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-8 ] getting [ 3 1 2 2 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -8 ] totals [ 0 ].
<Hildie> !roll 4d3-6
* Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 1 2 3 3 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 3 ].
<Hildie> (Also in that order)
<Narrator> (Anything y'all want to add to any of those rolls?)
<Hildie> (I don't think I have anything can can really help out stealth.)
<Narrator> (Fair enough)
<Hildie> (Unless too Nosy For Her Own Good would work?)
<Skalla> (I can spend a FP on comfortabe outdoorswoman for stealth and see if I can help cover for Hildie some with a 3 over a 1...)
<Skalla> (and hope her Investigate roll can serve us ;)
<Narrator> (I think that's not gonna work, Tuck, but Skalla can help cover)
<Hildie> (K)
<Narrator> You manage to keep a low-ish profile as you make your way across the battlefield, and Hildie spots the owlbear's path of destruction.
<Skalla> (whew)
<Narrator> (Svald, roll me Will, please)
<Hildie> At least it's easy to follow...
<Svald> !roll 4d3-5
* Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 2 1 2 1 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 1 ].
<Svald> (oh wait wrong roll)
<Svald> (should be a 2; my will is 4.)
<Narrator> (kk)
<Narrator> Svald, you managed to rein in the owlbear spirit and keep it from chasing down the fleeing soldiers, but it's still keyed up and hasn't relinquished control just yet. You currently find yourself in a copse a little ways north of the fort, near the beach, prowling.
<Svald> (grr, hoot)
<Narrator> Hildie and Skalla, you follow the trail from the battlefield north, and spot the owlbear clawing up a tree near the beach.
<Skalla> ...
<Skalla> uh...
* Skalla glances over to see if hildie has her sword still
* Skalla will stay back a aways and call out
* Hildie has a hand on the hilt, but isn't drawing it.
<Skalla> O spirit - can we please have our friend back?
<Skalla> You've done great work, but we need to keep her safe
<Narrator> The owlbear wheels on you both and hoots out a warning.
* Skalla backs up, keeping an eye on it
* Hildie takes a step back also
<w> Are we supposed to like... play dead?
maybe if it attacks us. For now, let's just keep our distances and wait.
<Skalla> Spirit we mean no disrespect. We will wait.
* Skalla holds out her empty hands
<Narrator> (Roll me Rapport)
<Skalla> !roll 4d3-6
* Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 1 2 3 2 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 2 ].
<Hildie> (Me too?)
<Narrator> (Nah, I think it's okay with just Skalla)
<Narrator> (Svald, roll me Will again, with a +2 bonus)
<Svald> !roll 4d3-2
* Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-2 ] getting [ 1 3 1 2 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -2 ] totals [ 5 ].
<Narrator> The spirit seems mollified by Skalla's deference, and with one last whuff, it's form seems to collapse in on itself, revealing a dirty, bloody, and unfortunately unclothed Svald.
* Hildie will rush over and wrap her jacket around them.
<Hildie> Hey, it's ok... You're back.
<Skalla> are you okay?
<Narrator> Svald, you feel a bit sore and overexerted, but still have a bit of a rush from the spirit.
<Svald> ... Tired
<Skalla> Next time, we're brinigng spare clotehs
<Hildie> Yeah, this jacket's probably fucked.
* Svald laughs.
<Hildie> You did good. Real good.
<Svald> (OMG LOL wrong window)
<Skalla> Should we get you back hiem to rest? I don't know what's happening with the battle
* Svald grins crookedly.
<Svald> I'm ready to go back. It's cold.
<Skalla> okay
* Skalla looks uncertain
<Skalla> We can get you settled, but I want to check in with Thekla
<Narrator> (It *is
* indeed cold. It's still like...midwinter, iirc)
<Narrator> (Er, no, like early winter)
<Skalla> (still)
<Narrator> (Yeah, still very cold to be out with no clothes.)
<Narrator> (Actually, you know what, Svald, roll me Physique, please)
* Skalla will start to lead us home, and can give Svald a piggyback if they are too tired out or their lack of shoes is a problem
<Svald> !roll 4d3-7
* Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 2 3 2 3 ] for a total of [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 3 ].
<Narrator> (For reals)
<Skalla> (that northern blood ;)
<Narrator> Svald, as mentioned, you're still on a bit of a spirit high, and you're certainly used to cold. You can trudge along with Hildie and Skalla just fine.
<Hildie> I'm not giving you my pants.
<Hildie> Just so you know.
<Narrator> You three make your way back to Bäcksjön, where a few of the volunteers are patching each other up.
* Thekla ( has joined #thirteen02
<Skalla> (I was gonna take them home home and then go see if I caould track don the others, but that's fine if its okay with Svald and Hildie)
<Hildie> (Sure)
<Narrator> (Up to y'all, then. That said, it'd be like an hour's walk home from here, then about the same back.)
<Narrator> (So other folks would likely be gone by then)
<Skalla> (Skalla assumes she could find them ;p ut if it isn't too far out of the wway anyway and Svald is doing okay then this probably makes more sense, unless Svald really just wants to get home)
<Svald> (Svald seems pretty good :v)
<Skalla> (okay)

Hildie, Skall and Svald make it back to Thekla's camp, and discuss next moves before heading home

<Hildie> Please tell me you guys have more spare pants than you did spare horses.
* Thekla looks up and smiles a relieved smile when she spots the three of you.
* Skalla waves
* Thekla makes her way over, sparing a curious glance at Svald's current state.
<Thekla> Thank the gods. I lost track of you in the battle, and when you hadn't showed up...
<Thekla> I'm glad you're all okay.
<Skalla> we're all fine, we just needed to find Svald
<Thekla> Should I ask?
<Skalla> is everyone else okay?
<Svald> Um...
* Skalla just shakes her head
<Hildie> Wardrobe malfunction.
<Thekla> Fair enough.
<Thekla> (to Skalla) A couple of wounded, but nothing terribly serious. Ambush and distance served us pretty well.
<Skalla> good
<Thekla> As you can see, most folks have already headed home. We want to draw as little attention as possible.
<Skalla> do we know what's happening now at the fort?
* Skalla nods
<Thekla> Last I saw, they were deploying to harry the emira's forces down to the coast, but I only got so good a look.
<Skalla> okay
<Skalla> then - disperse, wait for further developments? We know they were expecting reinforcements by water
<Hildie> This definitely isn't over. Not by a sight.
* Skalla nods
<Hildie> Are you able to call up your folks again if we need to?
* Thekla nods.
<Thekla> I'm pretty sure.
<Skalla> okay. You can count on us.
<Skalla> What are *you
* going to do?
<Thekla> That...I'm less sure of. Head home, I guess, but we have no way of knowing what's going to happen now.
<Thekla> Maybe I should try to go talk to the folks at the fort?
<Skalla> I could go with you...
<Skalla> YOu've done so much here already - a fantastic job, pulling everythign together, getting everyone organized
* Skalla considers
<Skalla> Maybe what you shoudl do is get some rest first
<Skalla> This isn't over, and I don't want to see you burn yourself out
* Thekla ponders that.
<Thekla> Maybe you're right.
<Hildie> Get some rest while you can. Whatever happens next, I have a feling we won't have to wait long for it.
<Thekla> That's my concern.
<Skalla> we can have some family guards keep an eye out for more activity, and come find us immediately if anything happens
<Skalla> and then meet back here
* Thekla nods.
<Skalla> If there's time, we can go tomorrow early to the fort
<Thekla> Oh, I was thinking maybe this evening. It'd be easier to approach the fort under cover of darkness.
<Skalla> Good thought
<Skalla> I'll call on you when the sun's set, then
<Thekla> So, meet back here after sundown?
<Thekla> Yes.
* Skalla smiles. I'll see you then.
<Skalla> (Then home for baths, food, and naps :V)
* Thekla nods, claps Skalla on the shoulder, and heads to check on the rest of the volunteers before she leaves.
<Narrator> You all can manage to head hold without too much trouble. We'll say people are able to scrounge up enough for Svald to wear home without being too cold or drawing too much attention.
* Thekla is now known as Berit
* Berit will be waiting for the three of you when you return, however.
<Berit> Where in the gods' names have you three been?! Get in this house right this second!
<Svald> >.>
<Skalla> We're fine, and we were coming in anyway
<Berit> Oh, you are so very far from fine, young lady.
<Berit> There is an actual battle being fought on the island right this moment.
<Berit> What were you doing out and about where no one knew where you were?
<Skalla> Hildie was with me. YOu know I can take care of myself.
<Hildie> It's my fault.
<Hildie> We were out checking on the family holdings. My leg gave out and we had to take cover for a while.
<Hildie> We're fine.
<Narrator> (Hildie, roll Deceive :) )
<Skalla> We just need baths and some breakfast, and a good rest
<Hildie> (Adding Anything for a Friend?)
<Narrator> (Hmm...I'll allow it :P )
<Hildie> !roll 4d3-6
* Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 2 3 2 1 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 2 ].
* Berit gives Hildie an arch look.
* Hildie stares back.
* Berit shakes her head and sighs.
<Berit> Go get washed up, all of you.
<Skalla> I'm sorry if we worried you.
<Hildie> Yes, ma'am
<Berit> No, you're not.
<Berit> But I appreciate you saying it, at least.
<Skalla> I am.... I just think you ought to be used to it by now :p
* Skalla ducks around her mother
<Narrator> That gets a small, begrudging smile from Berit.
* Berit continues to shake her head and heads to her study.
* Skalla will go arrange for those baths :x

Lucas and Welumque head to the Stormsvallvag estate, and the group discus the night's events together

<Narrator> You can both make your way over to the Stormsvallvag estate. It's probably late morning by this point.
* Welumque tries to be unobtrusive as much as possible heading over there.
<Narrator> (I don't want to stereotype, but I feel like you can manage that fine as halflings ;) )
<Narrator> (Where is Svald at this point, then?)
<Svald> (answered in ooc... probably eating, with Skalla and optionally hildie)
<Narrator> A servant can show you to the informal dining room, where Skalla and Svald (and Hildie?) are eating.
* Hildie can be there
* Skalla will have some more plates and tall chairs broughht in for guests
<Skalla> Please come in, join us
<Lucas> thank you...
<Welumque> So, a busy day, I take it?
<Svald> Umm...
* Svald glances at Skalla.
<Skalla> oh, we wound up spending the nighht out in the bush and just got home this mornign...
* Svald looks like they're trying not to look guilty. >.>
<Lucas> Are you all well? unharmed?
<Skalla> yes, all fine
* Svald nods.
<Welumque> We just had some visitors at my place.
<Skalla> is it busy out there?
* Svald shovels some porridge into her mouth to avoid having to answer.
<Welumque> It was not difficult for us to get over here.
<Welumque> Calm enough, given the circumstances.
<Skalla> that's good
<Skalla> how were your visitors?
<Welumque> Injured. By a strange feathered bear demon.
<Svald> :x
* Hildie chokes slightly on her pickled fish.
<Skalla> hmm
<Skalla> so they survived but fled the battle?
<Welumque> Seems that way.
<Hildie> I guess you missed a few.
* Svald gives Hildie a wide eyed horrified look
<Svald> Sshh!
* Skalla also gives her a sharp looks and then glances around at the... general house, locations where there are servants, etc
<Hildie> (Oh, my bad, I assumed we were in relative private)
<Welumque> It seemed wisest to me to just send them on their way with a few bandages and a stern warning.
<Narrator> (Y'all are, for the moment, alone, though there could be people nearby.)
* Skalla nods
<Skalla> that does seem wise
<Skalla> as expectd :)
<Svald> What did they say?
<Welumque> I think their injuries were making them reconsider their position here. They were going to try to get back to Talat Kabira, and I was not inclined to stand in their way.
<Welumque> I conveyed to them the extent of the damage the Emira's armies were causing to those who were otherwise uninvolved.
* Svald nods.
<Hildie> Were they inclined to listen?
<Welumque> Hard to say. I think, today, yes. Tomorrow, who knows?
<Skalla> do you knwo anything about who they were?
<Skalla> officers, enlisted...?
<Welumque> The orc was named Mulazim Jihane Naji. The human with her, Yassir.
<Lucas> I think perhaps one of each? the human seemed like an aide perhaps.
* Skalla nods
<Skalla> well, the names don't mean anythign to me, anywy - hopefully they never will
<Welumque> I don't think they have any reason to think anything of their encounter, other than that we are some helpful halflings trying to manage a bad situation.
<Skalla> I'm glad.
<Skalla> If you're looking for more people to help....
<quietly>I'm planning to go up to the fort tonight and see what the situation is there
<Welumque> Hmmm.
<Welumque> Alone?
* Skalla shakes her head
<Hildie> Are your people safe? Battles have a tendency to bring out vultures.
<Welumque> My people are safe enough, for now. People tend to ignore us, honestly.
* Hildie nods.
* Berit ( has joined #thirteen
* Berit wanders in.
<Berit> Skalla, I wasn't aware we had guests.
* Jihane is now known as Charlotta
* Charlotta trails in after her sister.
<Charlotta> Welumque, Lucas, good to see you. Keeping out of trouble, I hope?
<Welumque> For now.
* Welumque smiles.
* Lucas nods
<Skalla> They just dropped in, so of course I invited them to the table
* Berit nods.
<Berit> You're of course always welcome here, and now is an especially good time to keep up our ties.
<Berit> Your people are well and away from the fighting?
<Welumque> Yes, we're safe enough for the time being. Of course, anything could happen next. We aren't taking anything for granted.
<Welumque> But we certainly don't have the means to fight the Emira's troops, should it come to that.
<Skalla> Oh surely this wouldn't spread beyond the fort >.>
<Berit> Well now, I wouldn't think they'd be turned against anyone but the troops at Alhusan al-Aswad.
<Charlotta> (to Berit) Were you not listening to Skalla when she came back from Talat Kabira? Who knows what this emira will do.
* Berit scowls at her sister momentarily.
<Berit> That's all internal matters, no reason anyone else would be involved.
* Svald looks intensely uncomfortable
<Charlotta> I know you're not that naive.
* Berit scowls again.
* Skalla looks thoughtful, and then looks over at Welumque
<Skalla> those soldiers you sent on your way - where did they think that creature came from?
<Berit> What creature?
<Charlotta> What soldiers?
<Welumque> They believed it to have been summoned from behind the lines, as a demon or some such.
<Svald> A demon? oh my.
<Welumque> I did not discourage them in that belief.
<Berit> A demon?!
<Berit> Summoned at the fort?
<Welumque> So they said.
<Berit> That's a whole new development.
<Berit> Demons...
* Berit shakes her head.
<Berit> Gods save us.
<Skalla> well I don't know if tht's believable
<Svald> What even is a demon?
<Charlotta> I'm sure it was just some sort of regular summoned beast, sister.
<Lucas> people will say all sorts of things...
<Svald> Or a spirit.
* Svald says helpfully
<Charlotta> Yes, exactly.
<Hildie> Only a fool listens to rumors, but only a fool ignores them.
<Charlotta> Perfectly normal battlefield magic.
* Berit frowns.
<Berit> I think we've all had just about enough battlefield spirits to last a lifetime.
<Welumque> Well, let's hope that if soldiers such as these return to Talat Kabira with the news, this will discourage further attacks. And not inspire the Emira further.
* Berit nods.
<Berit> On that note, I should take my leave. The governor is calling a meeting of the Thing for this afternoon.
* Berit nods politely to Welumque and Lucas and makes her exit.
<Skalla> oh?
<Svald> :x
* Skalla looks to her aunt
<Skalla> Any idea how that might go?
<Charlotta> Well, her hand may be forced now. She was hoping the Emira's troops would prevail and she wouldn't have to actually act.
<Svald> Prevail? D:
<Narrator> (She here meaning the governor, not Berit)
<Svald> (ohhh ok, scratch that)
<Charlotta> Now, though...well, the "rebels" have the upper hand, so it's even more up in the air.
* Skalla nods
<Skalla> where do you think she might fall though?
<Skalla> as an ally to the Emira?
* Skalla frowns
* Charlotta sighs.
<Charlotta> I don't know. Governor Therasdottir has no relationship with this new emira, but she also can't be seen to support an insurrection.
<Charlotta> There's only so long she can refrain from acting, though.
<Skalla> how late do you think this meeting will go?
<Charlotta> If enough of us can put pressure on her to support, well, our *actual
* allies...
<Charlotta> Hmm? Heaven knows. Probably into the late evening. Why do you ask?
<Skalla> no reaason >.>
* Charlotta smiles at that.
<Charlotta> Best I don't know.
<Charlotta> Try to be home before your mother, though, if you can manage it. She's on edge enough as it is.
* Skalla smiles
<Skalla> I will but... I can't guarantee anything
* Charlotta nods.
<Welumque> Do you need anything from me and Lucas?
<Charlotta> If I may you have any sense how your clan mothers are feeling about all this? I'm sure news has spread.
<Welumque> I'm sure some of them may be very worried. Others will see this as a war between two colonial powers and nothing more, which can only be to the benefit of the Lexkweyok.
<Charlotta> I'm inclined to agree with your first point, this being an internal colonial issue, but whether it can only benefit your people...who knows how this thing will spread?
<Charlotta> I hope you're right, though.
<Welumque> We've all been through one war that didn't seem to affect us, at first.
* Charlotta nods.
<Charlotta> Exactly.
<Charlotta> I don't suppose you know anyone headed towards Chikënëmhchu (the Lexkweyok "capital") any time soon, do you?
<Welumque> Not immediately, but surely soon enough.
<Welumque> Why do you ask?
<Charlotta> I'd been thinking of writing to some friends there. I think the time is coming for a broader discussion of the situation on the continent regarding your native nations, our colonies, and our home countries. This situation with the Black Guard is only the beginning, I fear.
<Welumque> I know there would be some who would be glad to have that discussion.
* Charlotta nods.
<Charlotta> There are some here who wouldn't be happy with that conversation, but it's getting to be past time.
