Rupun Lurusiri

From RocksfallWiki
Rupun Lurusiri

Rupun (697-), known as Bent-river and to the Lady as Besura, is a short, elderly Voice of the Dead of the huthajai path, who is the only living follower of the ancestor-saint Lurusiru Ula, whose remains are held at Nemnosti. Rupun is not powerful in the Voice but is held in great esteem, and serves as the caretaker both of the ruins of Lurusiru Osti as well as the nearby abandoned village of Lurusiru, neither of which has been inhabited for three centuries, a traditional role occupied by only a single figure in each generation. Rupun was an acolyte and retains all his customary privileges at Nemnosti, but is not a frequent visitor there except when he comes to consult his patron saint.