Nemnosti session 15

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Session date: September 29, 2024
Negili Reckoning date: IE 768, Dezhiri


[NemnostiGM] Welcome, acolytes! You should remember, from your studies, that our Lady began Her mortal life as a stonecutter. And all around us here at Nemnosti, we see the evidence of Her love for stone and its power.
[NemnostiGM] Stone is hard; it is firm; it stands for centuries, long past the span of any of us, even past the span of the saints Themselves. It is a symbol of our ability to create that which will last beyond us.
[NemnostiGM] But stone is also brittle, as any carver will tell you. Still against the hard cliff faces of the Pardopasu, the quarries are dug the way they always have been - not only by hand, but in the confluence of fire and water.
* NemnostiGM pulls a large, porous-looking rock from a bucket next to her and places it a distance away from you on the flagstones.
[NemnostiGM] I pulled this from the river this morning. And now, stand back, and watch.
* NemnostiGM speaks a word and waves her hand, causing the rock to heat and glow. And then, all in a moment, it cracks with a loud, sharp noise, splitting in three with fragments spilling onto the nearby ground.
[NemnostiGM] A dry rock would heat but stand firm. But water and fire together crack even hard stone.
[NemnostiGM] And so we are careful with the power of stone, what it holds within it. It feels static and eternal, but that is an illusion. Its force awaits just the right stimulus to take action.

The team gets Jorota to help unpetrify the bubun, followed by Azolte Rumnoska, whose leg is badly broken

[NemnostiGM] You have returned from your trip to the strange area near where the earthquake started, and not far from the Hulti temple. But you have returned with perhaps more questions than answers, and certainly with an unexpected haul.
[NemnostiGM] The strange area of fluid ink-black stone had entrapped Azolte Rumnoska, whose petrified form you found and rescued from whatever fate was about to befall her. Along with one of Ifa's bubunne, you bring the two petrified forms back to the ulajeta to see if you can shed light on it.
[NemnostiGM] You have put the two statues in one of the stables / storage areas along the south-facing wall of the cloister.
[NemnostiGM] (All right - now it's up to you to do whatever you're doing)
[Lan-home] (maybe we should send Alai to go get us soe NPCs ;)
* Lan-home is now known as Jevai
[Kuspir] (magic users depetrify the bubun first to make sure it works, then assuming it works, try Azolte?)
[NemnostiGM] (Alai can go get Jorota if you don't want to cast it yourself, but she reports having a groin injury that needs some immediate rest lol)
[Jevai] (Alai or Jorota?)
[NemnostiGM] (Alai, lol)
* NPC1 is now known as Jorota
* Jorota shows up a short time later, looking grumpy.
* Jorota surveys the scene.
[Jorota] Anyone want to tell me what happened here?
[Jevai] hello Zhivai... how much did Alai tell you?
[Jorota] Not much.
* Jevai nods and looks to the others
[Jorota] You folks seem to get into more trouble than my kid.
[Jevai] We were investigation s strange ripple in the csource for The lady
[Kuspir] We found an area with this strange moving stone, and this woman's statue embedded in it...
[Ifa] These two were petrified by some sort of grey, liquid stone.
[Jevai] We recovered someone who appears of have been petrified, and a Bubun, who suffered a similar effect
[Ifa] We'd like to unpetrified, if possible.
[Ifa] (like to have them, rather)
* Jorota nods.
* Jevai loosk atthe others again "We should probaly speak to the lady beofre discussing the details of what we found to broadly"
[Marga] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[Jorota] You should definitely do that. Fortunately I can be trusted.
* Jevai smiles
[Jevai] yes
[Jorota] All right, do the bubun first, or the person?
[Jevai] becasue it was a strange effect, I think it would be wiser to start with the bubun
[Kuspir] maybe do the bubun first, since we don't know what the results will be...
* Kuspir nods
* Jorota takes some fos and casts a spell
[Jorota] !roll 1d20
* Jevai rolls for Jorota: [ 1d20 ] getting [ 17 ].
* Lan-werk rolls for Jorota: [ 1d20 ] getting [ 7 ].
[NemnostiGM] The bubun is restored to flesh, and immediately collapses onto the ground, dead.
[Jevai] (like, de bubunified? Is that normal in any way?)
* Jevai frowns
[NemnostiGM] (well, you know it was struck by the liquid stone, which is what caused it to be petrified. )
[NemnostiGM] It appears to be an ordinary corpse.
[Ifa] (What sort of damage did being struck do?)
[NemnostiGM] (hard to say, because it took the damage and then immediately turned to stone. But some kind of bludgeoning / blow from the rock)
[Marga] Huh.
[Jevai] maybe we should also get a voice, just in case...
[Jorota] Well.
* Jevai will look over Azolte and see if she seems to be injured
[NemnostiGM] Azolte's face is definitely grimacing. You don't know whether that's a good thing or a bad thing. But she appears to have been upright and standing when she was petrified, at least.
[Jevai] (Is that what happens when you 'kill' a bubun though? they just becoe a regular corpse?)
[NemnostiGM] (yup, just become an ancestor)
[Jevai] she seems hurt, perhaps, but she was standing... maybe she will bw okay...
[Ifa] We could have a Voice attempt to contact her.
[Ifa] Just to check.
[Jevai] can they do that in this state?
[NemnostiGM] (K:religion for anyone who wants to)
[Marga] Huh.
* Marga says again, completely out of her depth :v
[Jevai] !roll 1d20+11
* Lan-werk rolls for Jevai: [ 1d20+11 ] getting [ 1 ] which, after the modifier [ 11 ] totals [ 12 ].
[Jevai] (I clearly have no idead ;p)
[Ifa] !roll 1d20+10
[NemnostiGM] Jevai, you are pretty sure this is the first bubun that has ever been petrified.
* Jevai rolls for Ifa: [ 1d20+10 ] getting [ 15 ] which, after the modifier [ 10 ] totals [ 25 ].
* Lan-werk rolls for Ifa: [ 1d20+10 ] getting [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ 10 ] totals [ 17 ].
[Kuspir] We should go get Izu anyway, if anyone knows, he will.
* Ifa nods.
[NemnostiGM] Ifa, you definitely do know that petrification has been used in lieu of preserving a body, to temporarily 'freeze' decay, in the absence of a relevant Hand. Used to happen in war, with important people. Once unpetrified, the person can be rendered bubun or even resurrected.
[Ifa] (Could someone communicate with them with magic, then, in theory?)
[NemnostiGM] (No, not normally.)
[Ifa] I'll go find him.
* Ifa will go fetch Izu.
* Izu will probably be in the library so easy to find and can come straight away.
[Izu] Whoa... what happened to them?
[Kuspir] (can we summarize what happened ;)
[NemnostiGM] (sure)
[Kuspir] (so that maybe we get to actually talk to this person sometime within the span of this game session ;)
[Ifa] So we're unsure whether it's safe to unpetrify them. What do you think?
[Jorota] If she's dead now as stone, she won't get any less dead as flesh.
* Jevai nods
[Izu] My magical theory is not as great as some, but petrification should not change their state, just suspend it.
[Jevai] but at least you'll be able to question her some
[Jevai] we don;t know what her state was before her petrofication - I think she was alive, but just in case
[Ifa] So worth you trying, yes?
[Izu] I would say so. Theoretically.
[Jorota] All right, so I'm doing this?
* Jorota tries not to seem too annoyed.
[Jevai] yes please
* Jorota takes a hefty dose of fos and casts the spell.
[Jorota] !roll 1d20
* Lan-werk rolls for Jorota: [ 1d20 ] getting [ 13 ].
* Jevai rolls for Jorota: [ 1d20 ] getting [ 12 ].
* NPC2 is now known as Azolte
[Jevai] 9sorry, ouble rolling is off now)
* Azolte returns to flesh and clutches her leg, which appears to be broken.
[NemnostiGM] (someone can make a Dex check to catch her before she falls down)
[Izu] !roll 1d20+2
* Lan-werk rolls for Izu: [ 1d20+2 ] getting [ 1 ] which, after the modifier [ 2 ] totals [ 3 ].
[Marga] (reflex?)
[NemnostiGM] (I just meant an ordinary 1d20 + Dex modifier, not a save)
[Jevai] !roll 1d20+1
* Lan-werk rolls for Jevai: [ 1d20+1 ] getting [ 13 ] which, after the modifier [ 1 ] totals [ 14 ].
[Marga] !roll 1d20+3
* Lan-werk rolls for Marga: [ 1d20+3 ] getting [ 18 ] which, after the modifier [ 3 ] totals [ 21 ].
[NemnostiGM] Izu, you dive to try to catch her, trip on a flagstone, and hit your knee.
[Izu] Oof!
[NemnostiGM] Jevai, you get pretty close, but Marga slips through and holds the newly unpetrified woman and helps her to the ground.
* Jevai will get out of Marga's way if they are all trying to react at once, and maybe try and help Izu up instead ;p
[Marga] ope...
* Ifa frowns at Izu.
* Azolte screams loudly.
* Ifa will move to help Azolte.
[Izu] That could have gone better...
[Marga] Well, she's alive!
[Izu] True
[Ifa] !roll 1d20+10
* Lan-werk rolls for Ifa: [ 1d20+10 ] getting [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ 10 ] totals [ 18 ].
[Ifa] (for Heal)
[Jevai] We are at nemnosti now, and we will take care of you
[NemnostiGM] Ifa, she's definitely got at least one and maybe two long bones broken in her lower right leg.
* Jevai tries to reasssure her while Ifa does her thing
[NemnostiGM] Not life-threatening on its own, with treatment, but more than you can directly fix here.
[Azolte] Wha .. ahhh ..whaaaaat?
[Jevai] (I assume she can throw together a basic first aid spling kinda situation for now)
[Ifa] (Do we have like stretchers or anything for moving wounded? And/or a space specifically dedicated for medical stuff?)
[Ifa] (Infirmary, etc.?)
[Jevai] (bubun :V)
[Ifa] (Heh, fair)
[NemnostiGM] (yes, the ulajeta is well-equipped. Your mom is in charge of medicine for the ulajeta, so that's who you'd go to.)
[Ifa] Marga, do you think you can lift her without jostling too much?
[Ifa] We should get her to my mom.
[Marga] um, maybe?
* Marga can certainly try that
* Azolte seems highly disoriented.
[Marga] You got turned to stone...
* Izu will limp along after them to the infirmary.
[Marga] Whatever happened before that, I think we're kind of hoping you could tell *us*?
[Jorota] Do you still need me here?
[Ifa] (Is there any kind of magic for pain relief?)
* Jevai shakes her head
[Jevai] Thankyou for your help
[NemnostiGM] (great question, I'm trying to think of one)
[Jevai] (I'm sure there's herbal stuff at least)

The team takes Azolte to be treated by Naka Igriz, and they interrogate her about why she was up near the site

[NemnostiGM] All right, you take Azolte off to see Naka and get her leg splinted up more formally.
* Jorota is now known as Naka
* Naka can be found puttering around after dinner, grooming Ghoko with a thin rake.
[Naka] Oh, hello, children, and ... Izu, what did you do to yourself?
[Izu] Hi, mom. It's just a scratch. there are more serious matters.
* Naka sees Azolte.
[Naka] Who is this?
* Naka is already moving into action, clearing off a space.
* Marga carefully sets the woman down.
* Azolte is still disoriented and in some pain, but a bit calmer.
[Izu] They found her petrified. She's badly hurt.
[Azolte] Petrified, how? Never mind, not the most important thing.
[Azolte] (ww)
[Naka] Petrified, how? Never mind, not the most important thing.
* Naka gets to work organizing things and checking out Azolte's injuries.
[Naka] Broken, both bones. A boulder?
* Naka gives Azolte something to drink.
[Naka] Here, take this. For the pain.
* Azolte drinks it, and calms down.
[Naka] All right, I'm just going to give that a moment to take effect, and then I'm going to set it.
[Naka] You're going to be off that leg for a while.
[Izu] I think I'll just... be outside for that.
[Naka] No, you stay, you watch, young man!
[Izu] D:
[Naka] You don't get to go around doing foolish things without seeing the consequences.
[Izu] I wasn't even with them!
[Izu] Fine...
* Naka just shakes her head, as if she's heard these excuses before.
* Ifa will just help her mom without comment.
* Izu will give Ifa an annoyed look.
* Naka moves the leg around, and whatever she gave Azolte has clearly done the trick. Using Ghoko as an extra pair of hands, she deftly splints the leg.
[Naka] !roll 1d20
* Lan-werk rolls for Naka: [ 1d20 ] getting [ 14 ].
[Naka] There.
[Azolte] Thank you. Thank you.
[Naka] There's a stretcher in the corner. Get it, and we'll move her to a bed nearby. She can rest there.
[Naka] I can't promise you it will ever heal perfectly. But I've done what I can.
[Azolte] What ... what happened to the others?
* Azolte asks no one in particular.
[Kuspir] Others?
* Azolte turns silent as she is starting to realize where she is and who she is talking to.
[Azolte] You, I know you.
[Azolte] We spoke, in Hertu. And you.
* Azolte looks at Kuspir and Ifa.
* Ifa nods.
[Kuspir] Yes. You're in Nemnosti now, we found you and brought you back here.
[Ifa] You had been turned to stone.
[Ifa] We found no one else with you.
[Azolte] How did you find me?
[Kuspir] We went to see the area that was disturbed, and found you there.
* Azolte nods slowly.
[Azolte] All right. Do my people know I'm here?
[Kuspir] No.
[Kuspir] Can you tell us what happened?
[Marga] We literally just got back
* Azolte pauses, as if uncertain what to say.
* Ifa tries to give her an encouraging look.
[Azolte] The black stone, I got too close. It struck me on the leg. There was pain, and then it was if I was being surrounded by tendrils of stone. Then, nothing.
[Jevai] what is the black stone?
[Azolte] I don't know.
[Jevai] (sm?)
[NemnostiGM] (Sense Motive for anyone who wants to)
[Jevai] !roll 1d20+10
* Lan-werk rolls for Jevai: [ 1d20+10 ] getting [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ 10 ] totals [ 19 ].
[Izu] !roll 1d20+16
* Lan-werk rolls for Izu: [ 1d20+16 ] getting [ 14 ] which, after the modifier [ 16 ] totals [ 30 ].
[Ifa] !roll 1d20+11
* Lan-werk rolls for Ifa: [ 1d20+11 ] getting [ 19 ] which, after the modifier [ 11 ] totals [ 30 ].
[NemnostiGM] Yes, you can definitely get the sense that she is holding a lot back, maybe not lying precisely (what she told you makes sense with what you know) but definitely anxious and holding back.
[Marga] (I shan't XD)
[Kuspir] !roll 1d20+14
* Lan-werk rolls for Kuspir: [ 1d20+14 ] getting [ 16 ] which, after the modifier [ 14 ] totals [ 30 ].
[Izu] What aren't you telling us?
[Ifa] We can't help if we don't know what's going on.
[Azolte] I am very grateful for you rescuing me. But now I am very tired.
[Naka] Look, you can interrogate this poor woman to your heart's content later. For now, get her out of my infirmary and into a bed.
* Ifa can help do that.
[NemnostiGM] All right, you can move Azolte into one of the spare rooms nearby. It's a simple, plain acolyte's room, no locks on the doors, no real amenities other than the basics.
[Kuspir] Do you want us to tell your family you're here?
[Azolte] Yes, please. I'll get out of here as soon as I can.
[Ifa] Can you tell us what you were doing there?
* Azolte pauses.
[Azolte] I don't wish to seem ungrateful. You seem like good people. But I have to wonder why you yourselves were there, before answering.
[Kuspir] There was a report of a disturbance in that area, we went to check on what was happening.
[Azolte] What kind of disturbance? Who reported it?
* Kuspir looks to Jevai
[Jevai] I did.
[Izu] Who were you there with?
[Azolte] With three of my people.
[Ifa] What were you doing there?
[Azolte] Presumably, something similar to you.
[Izu] Do you remember what happened to your companions? Were they petrified too?
[Azolte] I don't know. I was in the lead - I went first. They were behind me, staying back, I think.
* Izu looks to the group.
[Izu] You didn't find any others?
[Jevai] no
[Azolte] Perhaps they escaped.
[Izu] That would have been prudent.
[Ifa] Would you like us to send for them?
[Azolte] Well, to let my people in Hertu know I'm here. Yes.
[Ifa] Anyone in particular?
[Azolte] Rondal, the hengi. He will know what to do.
* Ifa nods.
[Jevai] did he send you there?
* Azolte pauses, then nods.
[Ifa] What did you know about the site before going?
[Azolte] I knew that it was dangerous. We were not going in blind.
[Ifa] We had been there before, but I'm curious what drew your people's attention. How did you even know about it?
[Azolte] You seem like a caring person. I do not wish to seem ungrateful. But you are not entitled to my answers.
* Izu frowns
* Ifa smiles.
[Kuspir] Let me be frank with you. Your people left you there. We rescued you. Are you sure they have your best interests at heart?
[Ifa] I am a caring person, and I don't wish harm to come to you or anyone else. But you seem to be under the mistaken impression you'll be able to keep your answers from us.
[Kuspir] The last time we talked, you didn't want them to find you. Now you want to have us tell them you're here. What changed?
* Ifa lets her smile fade to a blank mask.
[Azolte] I know that your Lady could extract it all from me, should she wish.
[Azolte] I am not naive as to the power of the Carver to cut it out of me.
[Ifa] We wouldn't need to bother Her with it.
[Ifa] And it's unnecesary. We've proven we're willing to risk ourselves to help you.
* Marga whispers to Jevai, "this got ... kind of hostile? really fast? or is it just me?"
* Jevai glances at the others and will step out in the hall and gesture for Marga to join her
* Marga does so
[Marga] I guess...
[Marga] I'm just not smart enough to follow what's going on, hahaha. Oh well.
[Jevai] its a confusing situation but think - we are researcher and acolytles with the full support of the Ulajeta behind us. She and her people showed up from nowherre, travelling in a large group with no kown origin or destination, what drove them to investigate such a dangerous place?
[Marga] You think it's why they came here?
[Jevai] I think they could be hiding dangerous secrets, and her hostility reflects that
[Jevai] these sorts of things aren't really my strength either. If Ifa and Kuspir can;t get her tp open up then I doen; think I have any better chance
[NemnostiGM] (all right you can give me an Intimidate, Ifa)
* Jevai will have a quiet chat i ic2 ;)
[Ifa] !roll 1d20+10
* Lan-werk rolls for Ifa: [ 1d20+10 ] getting [ 4 ] which, after the modifier [ 10 ] totals [ 14 ].
[Ifa] (Ugh)
[Azolte] I have to think about my kin, and how they will regard my actions here, perhaps as a betrayal.
[Azolte] Our goals are our own, and not for sharing with outsiders.
[Ifa] That...strikes me as further proof that perhaps they don't have your best interests at heart.
[Azolte] Let me judge that for myself.
* Ifa nods.
[Ifa] I can do that, for now.
[Izu] Well, you will have time to think about things. Those legs will need time to heal.
[Azolte] I know you cannot let me leave without giving the answers you seek.
[Ifa] I have to way my respect for you and your welfare against that of everyone in and served by our ulajeta.
[Azolte] Let my people know I am here, and then we will see.
* Ifa nods.
[Ifa] (weigh, rather)
[Kuspir] We'll let you rest in the meantime. You'll be safe here.
[Ifa] Can we get you anything? Something to eat? I imagine it's been a bit.
[Ifa] Though I don't know how petrification affects appetite...
[Azolte] I just want to rest.
* Ifa nods.
* Ifa steps outside.
* Kuspir will follow
* Izu as well
[Kuspir] [q] I'll make sure a guard is posted here, in case there are any problems.
* Ifa nods.
[Ifa] [q] That's a good idea. I guess we'll need to go contact her people.
* Ifa sighs.
* Jevai loks up when the others come out
[Izu] Perhaps you should all consult with The Lady before anything further.
[Ifa] I wish she'd be more forthcoming. That place is dangerous for everyone, and the more we know the better we can deal with it.
[Kuspir] [q] I think before that we need to talk to the Lady, but yes. I think we do need to tell them, but be prepared for it to cause more problems.
[Ifa] Right.
[Ifa] Shall we, then?
[Jevai] I was telling Marga 0- we are backed by the resources of the Ulajeta and still considered it dangerous. What woudl have been worthbthat risk to her people?
* Kuspir nods
* Jevai says, also quietly
[Kuspir] It might not have been like that when they got there...
* Kuspir replies quietly
[Ifa] Well, there's power there, certainly.
[Kuspir] It could be that either something they did caused it, or made it worse.
[Ifa] And it is some version of sacred.
[Ifa] So there could be several reasons.
[Jevai] I don;t thon they caused it - they may have antagonized it sin some way, but it was knowsn as a hostile area for a long time
[Kuspir] I mean specifically the ... living rock substance.
[Kuspir] Not the entire disturbance of the area.
* Ifa nods.
[Ifa] I'm really hoping it's not spreading.

The team goes to see Nemnu about what has happened; She reveals that the entity is an Unkind Stone, which she created during the Great Purge to use against the Hulti

[NemnostiGM] All right, you can make your way up to the Lady's chambers and talk to Nemnu. Izu, it's easy enough for you to arrange a meeting.
* Naka is now known as Nemnu
* Nemnu is dressed simply, what with this meeting having been arranged quickly and without the ordinary time for Her to get prepared.
* Izu will escort the rest in to see her.
[Ifa] Thank you for seeing us, my Lady.
[Nemnu] All right. Explain.
* Jevai can describve the scene we say, with the living rock roiling out of the caves
* Jevai can also tell her all the magic we tried and what the results were there
* Jevai will look to Ifa ro elaborate there though
* Ifa will offer her own observations made through the bubun.
[Jevai] (because you have whisp o vision)
[Ifa] (*nod*)
[Nemnu] What you describe is all very disturbing.
[Ifa] It's a novel phenomenon, even for Jevai. We thought perhaps you might have more insight?
* Nemnu pauses. Well, for all of you except Izu, a pause is just a period where She's not speaking. Izu, though, you can recognize a real Nemnu pause when it comes.
[Nemnu] I do, although there is much unanswered.
[Nemnu] I am not sure where to begin.
[Nemnu] The entity you encountered is an Unkind Stone.
[Marga] It definitely wasn't very nice
[Nemnu] Its purpose stands in opposite to Coherence. Not as Unfolding, but as a kind of ... de-coherence. To deprive Kinds of their Kindness.
[Nemnu] It is an entity of my own creation.
* Izu does a double take at that.
[Izu] ...My Lady?
[Nemnu] Or perhaps 'entity' is the wrong word. It is not an entity, as much as it is a ... force.
[Ifa] But still a force of your own creation?
[Nemnu] It is, yes.
* Ifa looks somewhat confused and definitely disturbed.
[Izu] Why?
* Jevai is just considering how what thinght work metaphysically
[Jevai] from the last purge?
* Nemnu nods.
[Nemnu] Hestur, you see through me so well.
[Nemnu] (Nemnu does not actually nod)
[Nemnu] (that is not a thing she can do)
[Jevai] if had been bound by the hulti temple... it makes sense
[Nemnu] We were fighting for our own existence.
* Jevai nods
[Jevai] ...what was it made for?
[Nemnu] You must understand, we truly feared for ourselves. Lurusiru was destroyed. Nemnosti was at risk.
[Ifa] Why didn't you warn us?
[Nemnu] I did not know it had been set free. I hoped that it had not. I used you, as I use all my acolytes, to confirm.
[Nemnu] I think I did warn you, Ramarima. Perhaps not with enough urgency.
[Ifa] But that is akin to asking a child to touch a pot without warning them it may be hot.
[Marga] You coulda been more specific...
* Ifa nods emphatically at Marga's statement.
* Izu looks a bit disbelieving at all this.
[Jevai] to be fair - we did ask to touch the pot. She said it could hurt
[Nemnu] It was, at the end of things, contained.
[Marga] Doesn't seem very contained...
[Ifa] 'Was' is an important word in that sentence.
[Jevai] No - I thknk that is... my fault.
[Ifa] How so?
[Jevai] When we disturbed the slate and the fdagger at the hulti temple
[Jevai] I thikn it was released then
[Nemnu] You are of course right. It has been released now. But the slate and the dagger are only symptoms.
[Ifa] Would returning them re-seal it?
[Ifa] How did you contain it in the first place?
[Jevai] there is more ti theur use I don;t understand yet, Ifa
[Nemnu] This is all matter of deep arcane knowledge, to explain it would take months.
[Ifa] You have always had a facility for explaining things at a level we acolytes can understand.
[Nemnu] You will perhaps think me monstrous, but the goal was to cause fear among the Hulti, fear of becoming nothing.
[Jevai] I think more importantly - can it be contained again?
[Marga] Yeah that's pretty messed up.
[Nemnu] It was war. I am not proud of all my decisions, but I know why I made them. Because I was afraid.
[Nemnu] I am afraid again, and I am hoping to not fall into that dark place, now, with two centuries and more to reflect on my actions.
[Nemnu] When it was done, I fell into slumber for three years. Three years that I left my own people undefended, because I could not bear to tell them what I had done during the war, to defend them.
[Nemnu] Lurusiru was gone, the Emperor was in a rage, my allies loved me but were busy with their own people.
[Nemnu] By petrifying and then enveloping a person, it turns them into a non-person ... an Un-kind.
[Jevai] What does that mean?
[Jevai] what is an Un-kind?
[Izu] It means they are nothing. Not any kind.
* Jevai shakes her head and waits for Nemnu to answer
[Nemnu] Yes, but also more. Not all things are Kinds.
[Nemnu] An unkind is meant to be the absence of kind-ness.
[Nemnu] That which is left, the vacuum or abyss when Kind is unmade.
* Nemnu definitely is not thinking about Alai right now, nope!
[Jevai] Hmm.
[Marga] . . .
[Jevai] Ifa...
[Jevai] you need to tell her what happened to you
[Jevai] (also this IS serious heresy too isn;t it?)
* Izu looks at Ifa
[Jevai] (and tell Her)
[NemnostiGM] (I mean you're not an expert on heresy but this sure isn't normal!)

They tell Nemnu about how Ifa went blind, and how her vision has been affected since Alai restored her

[Nemnu] What happened to you, dear Ramarima?
[Ifa] Before we left to investigate this time, I attempted a spell to help me see the incorporeal. I...failed.
[Ifa] In so doing, I became blind.
* Ifa studiously avoids looking at Izu.
[Ifa] Since then, I have been...seeing things.
[Ifa] Shadows and shapes across my vision.
[Nemnu] I am confused. You were blind - just for a moment?
[Ifa] I was blind for...perhaps a half hour? It was not going to go away, but Alai cast a spell to restore my sight.
[Ifa] It worked, mostly.
[Izu] Mostly?
[Ifa] I'm fine.
[Ifa] (q) I think.
[Jevai] there is something about all of this...
[Jevai] When we looks at the unkind stone... there was soethign about it that was familiar.
[Nemnu] Familiar?
[Jevai] When Upward and I cast the warding on the Lanky stones... there was something that was stange then, with the glyph
[Jevai] it felt like that
[Nemnu] That is strange.
[Jevai] yes
[Jevai] I am concerned that it is related, that it is not just a random fluctuation in the force that affected Ifa's casting
[Nemnu] Your vision, then. Alai restored it with some of her magic, and now you see, but with shadows.
[Ifa] But my casting wasn't specifically related to the UnKind Stone.
* Ifa says more to Jevai.
[Jevai] no
[Izu] What have you been seeing?
[Jevai] but neither was the glyph
[Ifa] (to Nemnu) That's correct, my Lady.
[Ifa] Ah.
* Ifa will describe what she has been seeing.
[Nemnu] That is strange also.
[Izu] (Can I SM on Ifa to see if she's hiding something?)
[NemnostiGM] (sure, and Ifa can roll a bluff if she wants to / if she is hiding something)
[Ifa] (I mean, I guess so?)
[Ifa] (I don't think she is.)
[Izu] !roll 1d20+16
* Lan-werk rolls for Izu: [ 1d20+16 ] getting [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ 16 ] totals [ 22 ].
[Ifa] (At least, I'm not doing so intentionally.)
[Izu] (Ok, just checking since she was being a bit evasive of Izu)
[NemnostiGM] Ifa probably is feeling bad for having put herself in danger when you weren't there, maybe?
[Ifa] (With what is for you a lower roll, you might pick up she seems perhaps a little off-kilter about it, but not why ;) )
[Izu] (Cool)
[Ifa] Does it seem related?
[NemnostiGM] (did you describe how you were dazzled when you saw the unkind stone?)
[NemnostiGM] (cause that definitely leans towards Related)
[Jevai] (yeah, that;s what jevai was getting at certainly)
[Ifa] (Yeah, I would have)

They talk to Nemnu about how the Unkind Stone may be related to the recent Hulti actions

[Nemnu] It all seems to be related. As I said, I do not think this is only about that one place.
* Ifa nods.
* Jevai also nods
[Ifa] Has the UnKind Stone had this type of effect before?
[Nemnu] I think that, from the death of Surgu Takovenga to the earthquake and indeed, to the arrival of visitors in Hertu, it is all related.
[Nemnu] To my knowledge, until recently it was contained, where it had been for two hundred and thirty years.
[Ifa] But when it was in active use?
[Nemnu] No, during the war, it did not have such an effect, to my knowledge.
[Nemnu] But it was under my control then. Now it is not.
[Izu] Can you control it again?
[Nemnu] I hope so. Perhaps. I have begun research already, but now that I understand more fully what is happening, it will help.
[Jevai] The Hulti remember it. I think it is part of why, as they become more active, they are targeting this place and its people of various kinds in the way they have.
[Nemnu] That is surely so.
[Jevai] that is certanly part of the connection
[Ifa] Were You unable to unmake it, then?
[Nemnu] It was contained.
[Ifa] You thought you might need it again.
[Nemnu] I did.
[Nemnu] I might still.
[Ifa] Did anyone else in the ulajeta know about it?
[Nemnu] You mean, anyone now alive? No.
[Ifa] Why not? Did you trust none of us?
[Nemnu] A few, my apprentices, know something of my research into Kinds, and know enough to know that it is not all pleasant.
[Nemnu] I did not wish to burden any of you with this knowledge.
[Ifa] To echo something I told our erstwhile guest, we cannot help You if we do not know the danger.
[Izu] Speaking of oour guest...
[Nemnu] I will consider myself chastised by your lecture, my young acolyte.
[Ifa] I did not mean to chastise, my Lady. I question, in the manner You taught us.

They discuss with Nemnu about Azolte Rumnoska and, under utter discretion, She reveals that the Rumnoska are the Sarguni, followers of Sargunel Ula who was subject to an Unkind Stone wielded by the Emperor Eluli Ula Himself

[Ifa] But, yes, our guest. Azolte of the Remnoska was recovered from the site.
[Ifa] She had been petrified.
[Ifa] As well as injured. She's recovering here at the moment.
[Nemnu] I see.
[Jevai] Her poeple had one to the unkind stone to investigate it
[Izu] Her legs are both broken.
[Ifa] (I think just one)
[Ifa] (Just both bones in the lower legs)
[Jevai] (yeah just oen leg but two breask :V)
[Izu] (Oh, gotcha)
[Ifa] Clearly they knew about it, and were investigating. Likely she was sent ahead to find it.
[Ifa] We don't know their purpose in doing so.
[Nemnu] Did you ask her about it?
* Ifa looks at Kuspir.
[Jevai] she was disinclined to explain
* Nemnu pauses, again. This time none of you can mistake this for anything else.
[Nemnu] I understand now.
[Nemnu] Or at least, I understand more.
[Jevai] can you tell us, lady?
[Kuspir] I'm not certain she is safe if she returns to them. There is much she isn't telling us.
[Jevai] (Lady)
[Nemnu] I can. But it will bring you all to grave risk.
[Nemnu] But you have already risked much.
[Nemnu] So I will simply ask you whether you are willing to risk more.
[Kuspir] Of course, Lady.
[Izu] Always.
* Kuspir speaks for himself, at least
[NemnostiGM] Alai will speak up: "I will."
[Marga] it's worse not to know...
[Jevai] I expect that there is some risk regardless. and yes, it is.
* Jevai agreees with marga
* Ifa nods.
[Nemnu] She is surely here looking for her ula.
[Nemnu] Has she or have her people used any other name with you?
[Ifa] (Did they? I don't recall.)
[Marga] Wait her what?
[Nemnu] When I made the Unkind Stone, during the war, I made another, and sent it to the care of my own superior, the Emperor Himself.
[Nemnu] He did not use it, at that time.
[Ifa] But since?
[Marga] Uh are we just skipping over this saint? What saint???
[Kuspir] Sarguni
[Nemnu] He did, yes. On a saint. Sargunel Ula.
* Kuspir says after a moment's thought
[Nemnu] Ah, Medimur, you do know!
[Marga] Who?
[Kuspir] Sakasa knew it and she told me. She knew their hengi long ago, and remembered him being called by such a name.
[Nemnu] A saint who was foolish enough to oppose Eluli Ula, a century ago.
[Ifa] And was thus unmade?
[Nemnu] He was.
[Jevai] is there a way to revrse what has been done to the unkind?
[Jevai] ...that you know of?
[Nemnu] That is a very good question, and one to which I do not know the answer. But I have been working on it already, and will continue to do so.
[Nemnu] Ozel, you will begin to see some of that on which we have talked already.
[NemnostiGM] (Alai will nod)
[Nemnu] Sargunel's birth lineage was Rumnoska. When I heard the Rumnoska were here, I wondered. But now it is clear.
[Ifa] How did they oppose Eluli Ula?
[Nemnu] In a manner such that if I told you, Eluli would also do to all of you what He did to Sargunel. And probably that he would also do to me.
[Nemnu] I do not ask you to oppose the Prime.
* Ifa 's eyes get big at that.
[Ifa] What should we tell them? We need to warn them off this path.
[Nemnu] The good news, if it is so, is that Sargunel is not, and has never been, in the Ghengom or anywhere near Nemnosti.
[Nemnu] The bad news is that somehow they have come to believe that it is so.
[Jevai] perhaps they are seeking knowidge of the unkind stone to understand what happened to him...
[Ifa] Or to use it for revenge.
[Izu] Is his physical body still extant? Even though he was unmade?
[Jevai] but, perhaps there is some link between t and what it meand to be...un-kinded?
* Jevai nods to Ifa, though that hadn;t occured to her
[Nemnu] All right, now you are thinking the thoughts that I am thinking. Which is good. It shows that the Courses still train you well in thinking.
* Ifa chuckles mirthlessly.
[Nemnu] I do not have answers to these latest questions.
* Jevai nods
[Ifa] Does Eluli Ula know of our recent troubles?
[Nemnu] I desperately hope He does not.
[NemnostiGM] (Izu, give me a SM)
[Izu] !roll 1d20+16
* Lan-werk rolls for Izu: [ 1d20+16 ] getting [ 11 ] which, after the modifier [ 16 ] totals [ 27 ].
[Izu] (+2 if my bonus with dead people helps)
[NemnostiGM] You are quite certain that Nemnu is utterly, utterly terrified of Eluli Ula.
[Ifa] Because if he does, we're in further danger?
[Nemnu] If He does, you are all dead.
* Ifa frowns deeply.
[Marga] D:
[Nemnu] He would kill you because of what He thinks you would know, regardless of whether you would know it.
[Ifa] What could possibly be so dangerous to Him?
[Ifa] I know you can't answer, but...
* Ifa sighs.
[Nemnu] Indeed.
* Izu keeps her mouth very tightly closed.
[Izu] His
[Jevai] Thank you trusting us, Lady
[Nemnu] Do research the Sarguni and Sargunel. But be very cautious speaking that word where it can be heard.
[Jevai] Shuld we speak to them further?
[Ifa] I think we have to.
[Ifa] Though I fear anything we say will just further their interest.
* Jevai nods
[Nemnu] Is that all, then, for this evening?
[Ifa] I think we have more than enough to consider for now. Thank You for seeing us, my Lady.
[Marga] (quietly) oof
* Jevai just needs to go sit and think for a bit
[Marga] I'm so lost
[Jevai] I think it was trending that way since she first refused to anwer us

[Marga] I guess...
[Marga] I'm just not smart enough to follow what's going on, hahaha. Oh well.
[Jevai] its a confusing situation but think - we are researcher and acolytles with the full support of the Ulajeta behind us. She and her people showed up from nowherre, travelling in a large group with no kown origin or destination, what drove them to investigate such a dangerous place?
[Marga] You think it's why they came here?
[Jevai] I think they could be hiding dangerous secrets, and her hostility reflects that
[Jevai] these sorts of things aren't really my strength either. If Ifa and Kuspir can;t get her tp open up then I doen; think I have any better chance

Kuspir talks to Pomirabe about Ifa, and Pomirabe shares his own family problems as a way to distract his friend

[NemnostiGM] Kuspir, you have a lot on your mind after the events of the past couple of days. The good thing was that you ran into Pomirabe this morning, and he suggested you get together for drinks tonight. He can surely see you have things on your mind.
* Nemnu is now known as Pomirabe
[Kuspir] (where are we meeting?)
[NemnostiGM] You arrange to meet him in one of the lounges in Carver's Hall, a small room with walls inlaid with bookshelves on all sides, but mostly not for serious research. It's quiet but well-apportioned.
* Pomirabe shows up about five minutes after you arrive, a couple of bottles in hand, and goes to a shelf where some glasses sit.
[Kuspir] What do you have there?
[Pomirabe] Well this one is wine. This one is stronger. Which am I opening?
[Kuspir] The stronger one.
* Pomirabe nods.
[Pomirabe] It's like usoz, only from Daligash, a little less spicy and a little more sweet. Dajamar, I think it's called, after the place they make it.
[Pomirabe] Remember when we used to sneak in here with a bottle of beer at night and think we were getting away with so much?
* Kuspir nods
[Kuspir] Simpler times.
[Pomirabe] They were.
* Pomirabe hands you a glass and one for himself.
* Kuspir accepts it
[Pomirabe] How have you been?
[Kuspir] Honestly... it's been difficult lately.
[Kuspir] How about you?
[Pomirabe] Well, in good news, my career as a marriage negotiator is almost concluded. Bad news for Afra and Momuzai, the bridewealth has been sorted and the betrothal should come any day.
[Kuspir] Hmm.
[Kuspir] Don't get too good at this, or they'll ask you to do it again.
[Pomirabe] I've grown accustomed to being the sane one in the family.
* Kuspir nods
* Pomirabe sips his drink.
[Pomirabe] Well, here's to their happiness.
[Kuspir] Yes, hopefully it isn't a disaster.
* Kuspir takes a drink as well
[Pomirabe] Kids seem to be doing well.
[Kuspir] Yes, they're all right, at least as well as can be expected.
[Pomirabe] What's on your mind, brother?
[Kuspir] Oh... a lot of weighty things. Some broader in their effects, and some that only burden me alone.
[Pomirabe] I won't pry into business not my own.
[Pomirabe] But you can't be a good protector if you're unprotected yourself
[Kuspir] I can't speak of the bigger matters, but the smaller ones, at least... if you can promise discretion.
[Pomirabe] Of course.
* Pomirabe takes a drink.
[Kuspir] Before we departed the other day, Ifa tried casting a spell, but it didn't work properly. She went blind.
[Pomirabe] Whoa!
[Pomirabe] That's awful.
[Kuspir] She called for me and I went and sat with her while we waited to see if it would go away on its own. It didn't.
[Kuspir] It was frightening, I'm sure much more for her than for me.
[Kuspir] Fortunately Alai was able to do some kind of other spell to remove the blindness, but it could have just as easily been permanent.
[Pomirabe] That's amazing!
[Pomirabe] Wait, is that forbidden magic or something? Is that what this is about?
[Kuspir] I don't know about forbidden, it was strange though.
* Pomirabe nods.
[Pomirabe] Okay, so ... what is it?
[Kuspir] It was as if she pulled the darkness from her eyes and put it into a jar. But that's not what I was troubled by, or at least, not what I meant to say.
[Pomirabe] All right.
[Kuspir] While Ifa sat there with me, she was scared, and I was trying to comfort her, and... I almost kissed her.
[Kuspir] I mean - I didn't. But the thought was there.
* Kuspir adds hastily
[Pomirabe] Oh. OHHH. Well, she is pretty, in a certain way, and I mean, the resemblance is there.
[Kuspir] Mm.
[Pomirabe] In the moment, she was hurting, and you were there for her.
[Pomirabe] You comforted her, like how she's been there for you these past few years.
[Kuspir] I suppose it's not as though I actually did anything wrong. But it feels like I did.
[Pomirabe] Look, I know you're not looking for absolution, but here it is anyway.
* Pomirabe takes a stiff drink.
[Pomirabe] My grandfather fucked half the women in my family. And when he died, we all said nice things about him and mourned his loss. Now that's something in need of forgiveness.
[Pomirabe] I know I'm not supposed to say that out loud, but it's not like it's a secret.
[Pomirabe] Not a real secret.
[Pomirabe] You have nothing to feel bad about. Damn, even if you had kissed her, you would have nothing to feel bad about.
[Pomirabe] She's a Hand, not a corpseborn.
[Kuspir] I'm sure she would be furious if I had done anything. I guess it might have taken her mind off being scared, if she could yell at me.
[Pomirabe] Want me to kiss her and report back? I mean, I'd need to check with Kizne first, but I think she'd understand. ;)
[Kuspir] You're not married to her sister... I think the effects would be different.
[Pomirabe] If you're looking for me to tell you not to do it, I mean, I can do that if you like.
[Pomirabe] But really, it was probably just a momentary thing, because she was blind.
[Pomirabe] Kuspir Vabaseli: Never met a messed-up Nemni woman he didn't want to "console".
* Pomirabe pauses.
[Kuspir] -_-
[Pomirabe] Sorry. That was too much.
[Kuspir] I'm worried that as long as I keep working with her, I'll be thinking about this. I need to just put it out of my mind and go back to the way things were.
[Pomirabe] But seriously, you need to have some experience of what living in a truly fucked-up family is like before you start feeling bad about what you *didn't* do to your sister-in-law.
[Kuspir] I don't want to do anything to upset her, or Geme, or the kids if they ever found out, or anyone.
[Pomirabe] Can I make a suggestion and not have you hit me?
[Kuspir] You can try...
[Pomirabe] I know some very discreet whores in Naftusa. Very nice, clean, quiet.
* Kuspir sighs a little
[Kuspir] It's not... it's not about sex. I mean, I suppose it is, sort of. But it was more about... having my arms around someone who needed me.
[Kuspir] I don't think needing my money would be the same thing.
[Pomirabe] Granted.
[Pomirabe] Look, I don't know everything that's going on right now with your team but I do know enough to know that it's got you all in a weird state.
[Pomirabe] So it's hardly surprising.
[Pomirabe] It's not wartime but it's like that - some stability in a time when everything feels upside down.
[Pomirabe] It doesn't mean you're in love with her.
[Kuspir] I can't be thinking about her like this. She's my wife's baby sister, she was a little girl running around throwing handfuls of flowers at her siblings when we got married. I'm going to just... well, like you said. It's the stress of everything. I can't stop working with her, so I'll just have to stop myself from doing anything stupid.
[Pomirabe] Here's to that!
* Pomirabe finishes his drink and pours another.
[Pomirabe] You could help me with my problem.
[Kuspir] All right.
* Kuspir finishes his drink as well.
[Pomirabe] My son is dating Lovosa Halunemni.
[Kuspir] Oh? They're just kids, though. It might not be anything serious.
[Pomirabe] Sure. But my team back home has been investigating her father.
[Pomirabe] Turns out the Halunemni are making a lot of new friends in town.
[Kuspir] Investigating him for what?
[Pomirabe] For annoying the Dendorfi, mostly.
[Kuspir] Is that a crime these days?
[Pomirabe] Nezel, she's a good captain, but the whole operation serves the interests of the nobility, when it suits their fancy.
[Pomirabe] You're right that it probably doesn't matter, it's not like Rembes is about to marry the girl.
[Pomirabe] And it's not like I'm using him as an informant.
* Kuspir nods
[Kuspir] Does he know about any of that?
[Pomirabe] Of course not.
[Kuspir] Well, you never know what kids hear. But if he doesn't know, then there's no danger he'll accidentally say something to her, I suppose.
* Pomirabe nods.
[Pomirabe] You're right.
[Kuspir] And if you tried to tell him to stop seeing her, they would just sneak around behind your back and that would probably be worse.
[Pomirabe] Also true.
[Pomirabe] So maybe neither one of us has a problem really that needs fixing.
[Kuspir] Heh.
[Kuspir] Well... not a problem either one of us could fix without causing a bunch of other problems, anyway,
[Pomirabe] Exactly. And we are meant to be the solvers of problems, not the creators.
[Kuspir] I'll drink to that.

Ifa tells Izu about the plan for Dadim to become betrothed to Alai

* Ifa will place a hand on Izu's arm.
[Ifa] (q) We should talk.
* Izu will nod and follow her out.
* Ifa will head outside to try to find some (at least relative) privacy.
* Izu will take her to his own quarters nearby.
* Ifa is very quiet on the walk over.
[Izu] Your sight... is it fully returned?
* Ifa gives a sad half-smile at that.
[Ifa] More than, really. I'm seeing things I didn't before.
* Izu nods.
[Ifa] That's...not what I wanted to talk to you about.
[Ifa] At least not first.
* Izu waits for Ifa to take her time.
[Ifa] This might seem unimportant in comparison, or not, I don't know, but I thought you should hear it from me.
[Ifa] Negotiations are happening to marry Alai into the Nemni.
* Izu cocks his head sligthly at that.
[Izu] Ah.
[Ifa] To Dadim.
[Izu] I see.
[Izu] It is... a good match.
[Ifa] ...It is.
* Ifa tries to gauge Izu reaction.
[Ifa] !roll 1d20+10
[Ifa] (Oh, no roller in here)
* Izu seems disappointed and sad, but not completely surprised or devastated.
[Izu] Thank you for telling me.
* Ifa gives him a sympathetic look.
[Izu] Have they both agreed?
[Ifa] They haven't even been told yet. -_-
[Izu] Ah.
[Izu] So still very preliminary then.
[Ifa] Hojon operates in a monumentally stupid manner in this regard.
[Ifa] On the contrary, it's near finalized.
[Ifa] Hojon doesn't deem it necessary to inform the intended ahead of time.
[Izu] Alai will not be happy about that.
[Ifa] I'm sure you are right.
[Ifa] I do think she'll recognize the utility of the match.
[Ifa] I'm not currently concerned about her reaction. I'm concerned about yours.
[Izu] Mine?
[Izu] Why?
[Ifa] I didn't know if...if there was anything you wanted to do about it.
[Izu] Ifa, I am, perhaps, naïve. But even I was not naïve enough to believe that this was ever more than temporary. I just... didn't realize things would change so soon.
[Izu] It's not my place to interfere.
* Ifa nods.
[Ifa] I'm sorry.
[Ifa] I didn't give you enough credit.
[Ifa] I thought you would be more upset.
[Ifa] I think, perhaps, I would be, in your position.
[Ifa] Or maybe it's just how frustrated I already am with Hojon's nonsense.
[Izu] I am upset. But not with you and not with her. Hojon is being foolish, but I believe he means well.
[Izu] Besides... she is a stubborn one. I don't believe marriage will change her behaviors in a noticable way regardless of what happens.
* Ifa laughs.
[Ifa] Oh, yeah, I have no illusion about that. With her *or* Dadim.
[Izu] Indeed
[Ifa] But it gives them both some social cover, and allows Alai to stay here indefinitely, which is good.
[Ifa] For her and the ulajeta both.
[Ifa] But, for what it's worth, I *am* sorry.
* Ifa will give Izu a side hug.
* Izu will hug her back.
[Izu] Thank you.
[Izu] Besides... I have other things to worry about right now.
[Ifa] I look forward to the day only you Voices have to deal with Hojon.
* Ifa sighs.
* Izu laughs.
[Ifa] Yes, there's...a lot right now.
[Izu] Is this what was bothering you earlier?
[Ifa] I really don't like the idea of this UnKind Stone.
[Izu] Mmm.
[Ifa] War is war, but unmaking...
[Ifa] The *feels* wrong.
[Ifa] That*
[Izu] They were doing it to us first.
[Ifa] That makes it okay?
[Ifa] That's a child's reasoning.
[Izu] No. Not ok. Justifiable, perhaps.
* Ifa nods.
[Ifa] Understandable, at least.
[Ifa] But I don't like it.
[Izu] It's war. You aren't supposed to.
[Ifa] There are those who do.
[Izu] But I see your point.
[Ifa] And resorting to something once makes it easier to do again, again, for some people.
[Ifa] I'm not worried about the Lady so much, but...
[Izu] The Emperor.
* Ifa nods.
[Izu] Be very careful who you speak of that to.
[Ifa] Of course.
[Ifa] I don't want to put further people in danger, for one thing.
[Izu] The Lady was right, there are some things that are dangerous just to know about.
* Ifa smirks.
[Ifa] Tell that to Jevai and Alai.
[Ifa] Besides, that's why this ulajeta exists. To learn things.
[Ifa] Even if it's dangerous.
[Izu] Ifa... I believe I may know what it was that The Emperor does not want us to know.
[Ifa] ...You do?
[Izu] I believe so. I have sworn not to tell anyone. Even you. For your own safety.
[Ifa] Can you tell me to whom?
[Izu] No. I am sorry.
* Ifa nods.
[Ifa] I trust you to know when and if I need to know.
[Ifa] How can I help you bear this knowledge?
[Izu] I promise you that if the need arises, I will.
[Izu] You already are.
* Izu smiles.
* Ifa smiles.
[Ifa] What's family for?
* Izu will hug his sister.
* Ifa hugs back.
[Izu] I don't like keeping secrets from you.
[Ifa] I don't like keeping *important* secrets from you.
[Ifa] ;)
[Izu] me laughs.
[Ifa] Knowing gossip you don't, that's just a perk of my work here.
[Ifa] Let me ask you a different question, though. If you know what it is that is so dangerous, is there anything we need to *do* with that knowledge?
[Ifa] Will it hurt more people?
[Izu] Not now, no. Not unless others find it out.
* Ifa nods.
[Ifa] So we're back to keeping the Rumnoska from looking too closely.
[Izu] Yes. I think that's the best idea all around.
[Ifa] Now if we can only figure out how.

Jevai takes Ifa out to view the Lanky Stones with her new sight, and she sees a humanoid figure, and they talk about Kuspir

* Jevai will come and find Ifa after she's had some time to decompress and absorb at least some of that
* Ifa will be in the smithy taking out her feelings on a horseshoe or somesuch.
* Jevai will try and find you in one of the usual places one mght expect ti find ifa... forge, chapel, idk where else
[Ifa] Hey Sifri.
* Ifa says with a tired smile.
* Jevai will hang back in the doorway until you seem to be in a pace where you can be interrupted safely
[Jevai] hi
[Jevai] are you busy?
[Ifa] Not particularly so. Just making myself busy.
[Ifa] What's up?
[Jevai] I wanted to ask you to look at something for me
* Ifa will douse the horseshoe for the moment.
[Ifa] Okay? What do you need me to look at?
[Jevai] the lanky stones
[Ifa] Sure. What are you thinking I'll see?
* Ifa will be putting away her tools and apron while conversing.
[Jevai] I'm not sure
[Jevai] maybe nothing
[Jevai] as I said, there was smething strange when Upward lodged the glyph, and I felt it too when I aded the flourish...
* Ifa nods.
[Ifa] I'm happy to take a look for you.
[Jevai] thank you
[Ifa] Well, I'd help regardless, but anything to take my mind off of...everything.
[Jevai] I want to know if there is anything like what you saw... well, you know.
* Ifa nods.
* Ifa will head with Jevai over to the stones.
[Ifa] What did it feel like?
[Ifa] The strange thing from before.
[Jevai] let me know if you see anything strange, even as wel approach, I'll take you to the glyph
[Jevai] it felt.... wrong. I'm not sure I can be more specific, but I could feel it in my bones
* Ifa nods.
* Ifa will keep her eyes peeled.
[NemnostiGM] You look at the stones closely.
[NemnostiGM] (make a Perception check)
* Jevai will tae her to the glyph specifically if she doesn;t see anythig before that
[Jevai] (also i assume that was for Josh not me but lmk :V)
[NemnostiGM] (yeah, for Ifa to make a Perception)
[Ifa] (Nat 20, for a 30 overall)
[Ifa] (I rolled over on the roll20 campaign)
[Jevai] 9ahh)
[NemnostiGM] Ifa, even in the midsummer sunlight, you can see that this place is surrounded by a lattice of smoky tendrils, perhaps not quite as powerful as the Unkind Stone, but great nonetheless.
[NemnostiGM] (Please make a Will save)
[Ifa] (A 7 ].])
[NemnostiGM] (once again, as you were out in the Ghengom, you are shaken.)
* Ifa freezes in place, a look of terror on her face.
[Jevai] ...let's come away
[NemnostiGM] You are overwhelmed, not just by the quantity of tendrils, but by their form. It is as if they have built themselves into the shape of a humanoid form.
* Jevai says calmly
[Ifa] There's a thing there.
[NemnostiGM] It's almost as if it's smiling at you, Ifa, from wherever it is.
[Ifa] Like a person, but not.
[Jevai] okay
[Ifa] It's smiling. Void, it's smiling...
* Ifa shakes her head and takes a step back.
* Ifa turns and clings to Jevai.
* Jevai will walk her back
[Ifa] Jev...what is that? Has it *always* been like that?
[Jevai] I dont know. Does it look ike a particular person?
[NemnostiGM] (ok, where are you both now? like how far away from the stones?)
[Jevai] 9I assume they just look normal to me)
[Ifa] (At least a little ways away, however far Jevai took Ifa)
[Jevai] (yeah)
[Jevai] a normal sized person?
[Ifa] The tendrils I've been seeing, they form the shape.
[NemnostiGM] (yes, it was human shaped and sized)
[Ifa] So many, but, yes, roughly human-sized.
[Ifa] (I assume it wasn't distinct enough to try to judge if it's someone specific?)
* Ifa will describe it as best she can.
[NemnostiGM] (you couldn't tell)
[Jevai] did it seem like it had fully formed itself?
[Jevai] or was it continuing to do so?
[NemnostiGM] (it's hard to say, Ifa. You were too overwhelmed to make that distinction)
[Ifa] I...I'm sorry, I don't know.
[Jevai] its okay. Thank you.
[Ifa] Does it mean anything to you?
[Jevai] I don't know what it means
[Jevai] I thought there might be sething, but I didn't know what to expect...
[Jevai] (something)
* Ifa nods.
[Jevai] I know that, at the time, upward seemed quite rattled by it, though of course he dismissed it later...
[Ifa] Perhaps I can look some point.
[Ifa] It was certainly disturbing.
[Ifa] I guess it took my mind off things for a moment, but then...
* Ifa sighs, and seems to be doing a little better.
[Jevai] hmm?
[Jevai] then what?
* Ifa pauses.
[Ifa]'s nothing.
* Ifa blushes.
[Ifa] Have you ever seen anything like the shadow tendrils or person?
* Ifa tries to change the subject.
[Jevai] No... not from your description
[Jevai] but I might try something, now that I kow its there
[Ifa] What are you going to try?
[Jevai] ...See beyond
[Ifa] Jevai!
[Ifa] I know you are much, *much* more skilled than I am, but that's still very dangerous.
[Jevai] possibly... but I think it could be beneficial, at least in understanding what you are seeing... and how you are seeing, if that makes sense
* Ifa nods.
[Ifa] I just don't want anything to happen to anyone else.
[Jevai] I know
[Jevai] you cna sit with me while I do it, if you like?
[Ifa] I would, if you don't mind.
[Jevai] alright - I can prepare it in my room
* Ifa will accompany Jevai.
[Jevai] hopefully it will come out better than the monument spell. That thing was embarassing
* Ifa smiles.
[Ifa] We all make mistakes.
[Jevai] indeed
* Jevai will get out her stuf and sart the lodging then
[NemnostiGM] (OK, go ahead and make your roll to lodge)
[Ifa] Can you talk while you do that, or do I need to stay silent?
[Jevai] you can talk I may not be able to respond, depending on whre I am in the lodging
* Ifa nods.
* Jevai lodges it easily and safely ;)
[Jevai] (29)
[Ifa] Can I talk to you about something...sensitive?
* Ifa is clearly uncomfortable.
[Jevai] Of course...
[Ifa] When I miscast my spell, and I was waiting to see if it was permanent, Kuspir was there.
* Jevai nods as she prepares the stone for painting
[Ifa] I was really scared, and it was nice to have him there, it made me feel safer, but...
[Ifa] I don't think I should feel that strongly about him.
* Ifa definitely does not meet Jevai's gaze.
* Jevai considers
[Jevai] how do you mean, strongly?
* Ifa sighs.
[Ifa] Not like a sister-in-law should.
[Ifa] Sorry, I'm not some blushing virgin or anything, just...this is different.
[Ifa] There are *so* many more important things to think about, and I am, but this has been on my mind ever since.
* Jevai continues preparign her matrierals, part of the process that is basically rote for her at this stage
[Jevai] Is this something you feel for him when you are not terrified, and there is someone who has been a strong, stable and safe presence in your life to give you comfort?
[Ifa] That's something I've been trying to figure out.
[Ifa] I mean, obviously we get along, and I do like spending time with him.
[Ifa] He makes me feel safe.
[Ifa] And that's certainly been in short supply recently.
[Jevai] that's logical... you've known him for a long time, and its part of his job, too
* Ifa nods.
[Ifa] But I also feel...other things, around him, too.
* Ifa looks embarrassed again.
* Jevai is mostly focused on what she is doing, luckily ;)
* Ifa sighs.
[Ifa] Obviously, there are other things I should be more concerned about.
[Jevai] So, you like him, but you feel bad, because of Zurusha?
* Ifa nods.
[Ifa] I mean, it's more complicated than that, but, yes, that's what it boils down to.
[Jevai] that's already complicated enough...
* Ifa nods.
[Ifa] Hence trying to put it out of my mind.
* Jevai nods
[Jevai] People will tell you it will pass in time... and it will, but it may not be an easy or pleasant time
[Ifa] I'm sure you're right.
* Ifa does not sound particularly sure.
[Jevai] or a short time
[Jevai] I'm sorry I don;t have anything more useful to say... perople dont; tend to come to me for advice about these kinds of things
[Ifa] I think maybe that's why I brought it up. I figured if anyone can give me some clear advice about it, it'd be you.
[Ifa] And I appreciate it.
[Ifa] How's your spell coming?
[Jevai] it's complete now
[Ifa] So we should go take a look?
* Jevai says, laying the last stroke on the stone
* Jevai nods
[Ifa] Just promise me you'll be careful.
[Jevai] I will
[Jevai] And I;ll think some more, too, about your situation
* Ifa smiles.
[Ifa] I appreciate that.
[Jevai] right, let's go
* Ifa nods.
* Jevai will head back out to the stones
* Ifa follows.
* Jevai will unlodge it before we get there
[NemnostiGM] All right, Jevai, you dislodge the spell and your perception is heightened.
[NemnostiGM] When you get there, you can make a Perception check (with a +10 modifier)
* Jevai will peer curiously at the pond as we pass it. too ].]
[Jevai] !roll 1d20+22
[Jevai] (40)
[NemnostiGM] Jevai, to your vision it's not quite as Ifa described it - smoky or shadowy. It's more like mist or fog, waves of it here and there, sometimes more nebulous, sometimes more firm.
[NemnostiGM] But you see, just as she saw, a figure in the mist - *made* of ... mist? Short, thin, definitely human shaped and sized.
[NemnostiGM] It extends a hand, almost as if it is reaching out to you at first, and then ... waving?
* Jevai waves back
[Jevai] (I assume Ifa sees this but in evilvision)
[NemnostiGM] (Ifa, you can make another Will save, and I'll give you a +3 bonus)
[Jevai] Can you hear me?
[Ifa] (17)
* Jevai will let Ifa cling to her or hide behind her if she wants to
[NemnostiGM] The entity nods, and is trying to speak to you, but you can't hear it. This spell only affects vision. But you think it might have been saying, "Hello, Pebble."
[Ifa] (Do we both think it was saying that?)
* Jevai steps towards it
[NemnostiGM] (maybe? Jevai is sure because she has heard that before and also thinks she knows who this is already. You're less sure. It did try to say something.)
[NemnostiGM] All right, you approach the entity. Now what?
[Jevai] I can't hear you
[Ifa] Do you recognize it?
[Jevai] I'm...not sure
[NemnostiGM] The entity tries to speak again. You think you make out the words 'bright' and 'sun', Ifa. Jevai, he's saying "Funny seeing you out in the bright sun." Or something like that.
[Jevai] How? how long?
[NemnostiGM] The entity seems confused.
* Ifa keeps looking back and forth between Jevai and the entity.
[NemnostiGM] Jevai, you think he says "Bring your friend next time."
* Jevai nods
[Jevai]'s good to see you.
[NemnostiGM] "You too."
* Jevai will hold out a hand to him
[NemnostiGM] The figure reaches out and you can almost feel him, although another part of you knows there's no physical sensation.
[NemnostiGM] Ifa, you're confused more than anything at this point.
[NemnostiGM] "Until then."
[Jevai] Until then.
[NemnostiGM] Until next we gather by the firelight, young acolytes ...