Adventure World: Caravan session 6

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Adventure World: Caravan session logs
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Tsukaav asks his mother about the Shadowfell. The morning afte their adventure, Aan and Whisper tell Frond about their adventure, and she takes the information to the Brukuror. Voda forbids anyone from dealing with the ghost. Verex and Yevelda both offer to help in their own ways though, investigating the ghost and its guardian. The party leads to go on their contracted mission to Valkalma.

In Valkalma, they stay at an inn, where they meet some intersting characters: a gnome who knows a little bit about the Shadowfell situation, a pair of travelling Dwarven bards who take an interest in Brauni's music, and a variety of locals who have tales to tell and game of strength and cards to offer.

In the morning, after Frond and Kirar check in with the local lord, the group opts to see if they can find the dragon grave that Kanduk's dad had been looking for. There they find some dwarves managing the dig, and the confrontation turns violent when their story doesn't match what the group already knew. Once the fight breaks out, a shadowy figure appears to support them, but Brauni is able to drive it off with a spell, and the dwarves still standing run away, saying that Kalarel is not paying them enough, leaving some of their number behind either dead or unconscious.


Session date: 2023-09-17
In Game date:
