Adventure World: Caravan session 25

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Adventure World: Caravan session logs
Previous Session 25 Next
Session date: 2024-06-14


Tsukaav tells Eythessa that is she wants her spear back, she will have to come find him. Then the group loads up the look and makes for the rendezvous point to meet back up with the other raiding parties. Once all are together and as healed up as possible, they head back to the main caravan, scaring off a small patrol along the way. The rain and fog pick up, and it becomes clear that the whole group has been caught in the Change, with lightning arcing off of Frond and ground turning boggy all around. Everyone is safe, but they lose a few head of cattle in the swamp. Brauni reports to Verex, who is proud of her and also intrigued by mentions of Tsukaav's ex. They invite the Moron's to a celebration, and Brauni gets to meet Giru Moron, the head of the clan, and her falcon.

Aan and Qog tell some of the youngsters about the raid, and Aan uses some of his finds to build a new shrine. Qog takes a custom bridle made by his Grandfather over to the Moron camp and finds out it is for a rhinoceros (names Kira), who he gets a chance to ride

Verex invites Ranibow to help with the feasgt. They get her talking about her family, and realized she really does think she is an half-orc, and that her "mother" basically dumped her with her grandparents and doesn't really keep in touch with her at all. she can make fantastic cloth though, and has been excited to learn more about Caravan life.