Adventure World: Caravan session 2
Last we left off, the party had found an empty, ransacked farmhouse and a tiny, clearly upset little skeleton. They managed to track their way back to the attacker's camp from the previous day, and then come across them and their dwarven prisoners in the woods. When Chlyde called out, the raiders - shifters and some associated dogs - attacked. They party managed to take them out and rescue Floraidgh, but Ceana was missing.
They tracked her to a hole she had fallen in, where they were attacked by a ghostly undead. They subdued a few more and looked around, discovering that the cave led to a buried mausoleum with more unrestful spirits and a large sarcophagus of a giant with some unexpected grave goods. After some deliberation, they decided to take them, at which point the giant sat up. They subdued it as well.
They gathered the loot, helped Ceana out of the hole, and recovered the bodies of past adventurers who appeared to be followers of Kord so that Tsukav could lay them to rest. They helped the dwarves home and took their pay and loot back to the caravan.
- 7/23 session:
- 70 gp
- 1,500 sp
- 2,200 cp
- 2 silver ewers (25 gp apiece)
- 2 ivory statues of giant warriors (25 gp apiece)
- 2 potions of healing
- 1 potion of climbing
- 1 scroll of Protection from Good and Evil
- 1 Horn of Silent Alarm
- 1 Lammanian Flint holy symbol of Kord/Rull (+1 bonus to lightning or thunder damage)
- 1 Irian Rosewood rod (+1 bonus to radiant damage)
- 1 magic hammer (properties not entirely known) (edited)
- Session date: 2023-07-23
- In Game date:
Investigating the Farm
Narrator: Last we left off, you'd found an empty, ransacked farmhouse and a tiny, clearly upset little skeleton.
Narrator: What are folks up to?
Aan: will look towards where the people seem to have been dragged
Brauni: Uh, can anyone talk to little guys?
Frond: shakes her head
Narrator: (Looking for anything in specific?)
Aan: (hmm.. maybe to see if there's like, any evidence about whether they were hurt or.. worse >.>)
Narrator: (Roll me Perception or Medicine)
Brauni: (I'll look around too, I'm not the WORST at perception)
Chlyde: Talk, sure. Understand? No.
Brauni: (14)
Narrator: Brauni, you can tell they were dragged off to the north, but that's about it at this juncture.
Tsukaav: is continuing to stand guard outside, keeping an eye out in case anything returns.
Aan: (3 - natural 1)
Brauni: Uhh I guess we go follow the... drags?
Narrator: Aan, you got nothing. π
Aan: does not see what they are talking about but will trust his sister and cousin :x
Narrator: Brauni, the little skeleton will try to crawl up onto you, as you are the only familiar face.
Brauni: will handle it carefully.
Brauni: It's ok little buddy, we're gonna find 'em.
Frond: I guess we follow the tracks, yeah...
Frond: agrees with Brauni
Chlyde: Any idea what was doing the dragging?
Narrator: (Folks can roll Perception)
Aan: (can I? >.>)
Narrator: (Actually, why don't I have everyone roll Perception?)
Chlyde: (17)
Aan: (20)
Brauni: (3, nat 1 :v_: )
Brauni: (too busy paying attention to the little guy)
Aan: (we switched :V Sibling power :V)
Frond: (huh my character sheet is weird...)
Qog: (16)
Narrator: (What's up with it?)
Tsukaav: (14)
Frond: (ah I figured it out. it was set on the 'spells' tab)
Frond: (of which I have none π
Narrator: (Heh, fair)
Frond: (anyway I rolled a 4, so it's no use anyway π
Narrator: You're all able to follow the tracks north into the woods. You're fairly certain the tracks that belong to whatever did the dragging indicate multiple, human-sized creatures, as well as a number of canines of some sort.
The Campsite
Narrator: You get not too terribly far into the woods, less than a mile, when you come across the remains of a campsite, tucked into a little rock alcove. The tracks move beyond it further into the forest, but you all get a better sense of numbers. Looks like there were five humanoids and three animals.
Chlyde: (Searching for anything left behind)
Aan: (gdoes that include the ones that were dragged?)
Tsukaav: (I want to see if I can determine what kind of humanoids)
Narrator: (Roll Investigation)
Frond: (does it seem like the camp was made just last night, or was it older?)
Chlyde: (lol 5)
Tsukaav: (oh dear, that was not the skill I expected, never mind)
Qog: (I'll also take a look around)
Aan: (18)
Tsukaav: (that would be a 1)
Qog: (8)
Narrator: The camp looks like it's from the night before. You think the attackers camped here and then made their way to the farm.
Aan: knows how to scavenge a campsite ;p
Narrator: (I will also allow a History check for anyone to make an educated guess, re: what type of people)
Frond: so there are five of them, plus the three dogs or wolves or whatever these are...
Frond: if they camped here last night, then they must have attacked at the farm just earlier today... so we can probably catch up to them
Narrator: Aan, you find a discarded carved bit of bone with some runic writing on it.
Chlyde: Whatcha find there, Shrimp?
Aan: (Do I have any idea what it is? Is that Arcana?)
Narrator: (It's probably just a flat Int check, I think?)
Aan: (15)
Narrator: (Does Aan speak Dwarven or Elvish?)
Aan: (no)
Aan: will hold it up to Chlyde
Narrator: (Technically Elduar, but folks' sheets probably just say Elvish or whatever)
Chlyde: Huh...
Chlyde: frowns at it for a moment but can't make heads or tails of it either.
Qog: I know a little bit about runes. Can I give it a look?
Aan: will give it to Qog
Narrator: Qog, you can tell its written in Dwarven script, but it's gibberish to you. If you happen to read it out loud, anyone who speaks Elduar can understand it, though.
Qog: will read it out loud -- quicker than passing it from person to person.
Qog: Does that mean anything to anyone?
Narrator: Whisper and/or Elafir can recognize and explain that it's a fragment of a prayer for good hunting.
Chlyde: Dwarf hunting elves?
Chlyde: ...I could write a song about that.
Narrator: (Anyone who likes can make a History check)
Qog: (20)
Frond: (I got a 0!)
Narrator: Qog, you pay attention to stuff, even if you don't talk to people too much. You know from overhearing conversations since you've been in Hallidun that the sovereignty to the east of here is also gnomish, but has a lot of shifter tribes who raid across the border into Metsamaki here. They might use that combination of script and language.
Aan: (I will... not π )
Whisper: (7)
Qog: That would maybe explain the animal tracks ...
Brauni: huh?
Qog: This might be from shifter tribes from the east. So we could be looking at five people and three animals, or maybe just eight shifters.
Frond: Can we walk while we talk? I don't want to fall too far behind them.
Tsukaav: Eight is many.
Qog: Yeah.
Chlyde: What are they doing kidnapping people?
Whisper: slaves?
Brauni: GROSS.
Qog: I don't know. But at least carrying prisoners might be slowing them down.
Brauni: (wait do we have slaves? π we don't do we?)
Narrator: (You don't, but the tribes in the area do take thralls sometimes. That would be general knowledge.)
Whisper: waits for the group to be ready to pursue
Narrator: The tracks remain easy enough to follow. Can I get folks to make me Athletics or Survival checks, your choice.
Aan: (14 survival)
Qog: (17 Athletics)
Frond: (16 athletics)
Tsukaav: (11 survival)
Chlyde: (14 survival)
Brauni: (18 athletics )
Narrator: You can all make your way through the forest without much trouble. After a while, you spot a group of creatures moving up ahead.
Narrator: You see five shifters, armed with spears, along with three...dogs or wolves, it's hard to tell. In the middle of their group are the two dwarven women, their hands bound.
Aan: π
Brauni: Those shits
Chlyde: will call out to them and hold her hands up to them.
Chlyde: Hey there!
Narrator: Okay, why don't y'all arrange yourselves on the lower end of the map and we'll roll initiative. π
Chlyde: (So much for the peaceful approach, I guess >.>)
Here There was a Momentous Battle!
Searching for Caena
Floraidh: pushes herself more or less upright.
Aan: stays well away from Qog's new pet
Floraidh: (Dwarven) Spirits preserve... (Common) Thanks for the help.
Frond: Are you ok?
Aan: can give her another healing light
Floraidh: I think I'm all right now. Where did my wife go? Ceana? Ceana?!
Qog: will quietly ask the dog its name.
Tsukaav: (if the two dwarves don't need more healing, I'll cast Cure Wounds on myself)
Brauni: (the little guy was F's right?)
Chlyde: will run to find Ceana if she doesn't come out.
Narrator: (He belongs to Ceana, but he will jump off you over to Floraidh)
Brauni: See, I told you we'd find 'em.
Narrator: (Floraidh doesn't need healing, but you don't see Ceana anywhere.)
Frond: (I'll look around for her)
Aan: can also look
Brauni: (same)
Narrator: (Roll me Perception)
Chlyde: (7)
Brauni: (15 )
Aan: (6... too distracted by scary dog -_-)
Pica: My name is Pica.
Whisper: (15)
Frond: (10)
Qog: I'm Qog.
Narrator: Brauni, you hear a faint "Help?" from somewhere nearby. Whisper, you find a hole in the ground where it looks like someone fell through into a tunnel or pit of some kind.
Pica: You're not going to hurt me?
Whisper: (can I see anyone down in the hole?)
Narrator: You can see a good ways down it with darkvision, but about fifteen feet or so down it takes a sharper turn and you can't see around that bend.
Tsukaav: (I will come over to where the hole is, once I"m done healing myself.)
Whisper: points at the hole
Whisper: (ill climb down)
Brauni: (I'll go as well...)
Qog: No. Did those other people hurt you?
Pica: Sometimes...
Narrator: Roll me Athletics checks, Whisper and Brauni.
Whisper: (17)
Qog: Well, that's terrible. If you can help guard our caravan, I'm pretty sure the others would let you stick around. If you don't want to come with us, then I'd sneak off now if I were you.
Qog: looks toward where the others were headed.
Guess we'd better catch up with the others.
Narrator: Brauni and Whisper, you find yourself in a chamber of worked stone at the end of about 20-25 feet of tunnel. Ceana is crouched on the floor holding her leg and wincing.
Brauni: (11, ugh)
Brauni: Aw CRUD. you hurt?
Pica: seems to consider, but follows Qog.
Whisper: will scan for threats before moving to help the dwarf
Aan: looks down the hole
Aan: eeeh?
Chlyde: will grab some rope and head to the hole.
Aan: calls down
Ceana: Yeah. I'm not sure if it's broken or just really banged up.
Chlyde: will tie off the rope and toss it down.
Ceana: tries to put weight on it, makes a pained noise, and sits back down.
Chlyde: Here, tie her with this and we'll pull her up.
Tsukaav: will help Chlyde pull if needed.
Narrator: (Whisper, roll Perception)
Brauni: can carry her to where the rope is.
Brauni: (Whisper's scanning for threats, and I am.. not :v)
Aan: (did I end up sing my healing light on floraidgt or was she already healed, I wasn't sure on that)
Whisper: (8)
Whisper: (used the bardic inspiration)
Brauni: (oof)
Narrator: She was already healed
Narrator: (Hazel, can I get a Perception check from you as well?)
Aan: (oay, then if I can see her Ic an use the other one onCeana)
Brauni: Floraidh's ok, and your little guy...
Brauni: (5 :v )
Ceana: That's - oof - good to hear.
Ceana: Look out!
Narrator: A spectral figure in robes and chains rises up out of the stone casket to the south of you and floats towards Whisper, who just barely manages to avoid its touch with the warning from Ceana.
Brauni: d'oh
Brauni: Well FUCK
Here There was a Stupendous Battle!
In the Tomb of The Giant Lord
Narrator: The last spirit dissipates with a screech, and you all find yourselves in the quiet of the tomb.
Ceana: Oh, thank the gods, I can stand again.
Frond: what is this place? some old tomb I guess?
Chlyde: Looks like it...
Chlyde: Pretty metal.
Qog: checks for any writing on the casket.
Aan: will poke around in general to see if there's anything of interest
Whisper: explores, looking for more threats
Chlyde: will also poke around.
Narrator: Qog, you find some runic carving on the casket, which you recognize as Giant runes. You know "naed", which means "plight, distress", as well as another couple you don't know.
Narrator: (Anyone who is looking around, roll me Perception)
Aan: (not investigation? ;x)
Brauni: (21 )
Whisper: (7)
Chlyde: (11)
Frond: (15)
Aan: (7)
Narrator: (Sorry, or Investigation)
Narrator: How much are folks wandering around?
Floraidh: Everyone okay down there?
Floraidh: calls from above.
Frond: (I'll wander around wherever is accessible)
Brauni: (same)
Narrator: (That upper chamber is probably the first thing you'll see.)
Qog: will eventually head back to the main group
Brauni: YUP
Chlyde: (To Floraidh) We're ok!
Whisper: (ill go around the corner on the bottom)
Narrator: Six caskets line the walls to the left and right, and a giant casket dominates the dais at the far end of the room.
Aan: (lol investigation was WORSE 4 π )
Aan: will go join his sister to see the big coffin
Tsukaav: heads to where Brauni calls from
Qog: will tag along with Aan
Chlyde: also
Narrator: Frond and Brauni, upon entering the big room, you'll spot the glint of bright metal on the dais, as well as two small statues.
Frond: something shiny over here...
Brauni: oooooh what's that...
Brauni: π
Frond: goes to look at the metal thing
Brauni: also goes
Narrator: Qog, there's more writing on the big casket. You'll recognize where a name would be that's worn off, and the rune for "years" denoting a date of death, you think. There's also a rune for "lord".
Qog: That casket says 'lord.' It's probably somebody important. Be careful!
Narrator: The metal proves to be a pair of silver ewers, covered in centuries of dust.
Narrator: The two small statues are effigies of warriors, carved in bone or ivory of some sort.
Whisper: having found no other dangers, I'll wander back to the group in the larger chamber, but hang in the back
Frond: fancy
Chlyde: What'd you guys find?
Frond: (is there any symbols that might indicate religion/culture or anything? not that I would necessarily know but someone smarter than me might π
Aan: looks at things but is unlikely to know ;p
Narrator: (I'll say Whisper can have come up along that left side, so you see the whole place. At the bottom of the whole thing are a large pair of stone doors.)
Narrator: (Folks who want to can roll History.)
Brauni: just some big jugs, hahaha
Qog: (18 History)
Narrator: (Qog, Tsukaav, and Chlyde (and anyone else with more familiarity with the Grimfarr or Issenvik cultural sphere can have advantage on the check.)
Whisper: (18 history)
Tsukaav: (19 history, miraculously)
Chlyde: (Highest was a 9 XD )
Narrator: Tsukaav, you remember some of this from training back at the temple because it was military history, and thus interesting. π Qog, you know some of this from your studies of Giants and their history. This tomb dates back to the latter end of the empires, when this would have been Arkhosian territory. You believe this to be the tomb of a giant lord and some slaves of smaller species.
Narrator: There were lots of raids in this area throughout the Imperial period, and there were giants who held lands here and there for a time.
Tsukaav: Giants once lived here. This is the tomb of one of their lords, and the lord's thralls who lay with him here in death.
Chlyde: Sooooo metal...
Narrator: Brauni, you spot some bones near one of those big webbing blobs, a skeletal arm clutching something round and shiny.
Tsukaav: Perhaps the spirits were those slaves, still guarding their master, all these years later.
Brauni: look, BONES
Brauni: goes to investigate more closely
Qog: I see a lot of caskets and only a couple ghosts so far -- we could still be in danger.
Narrator: (Brauni, what exactly are you doing vis a vis the bones?)
Whisper: set of double doors the other way
Whisper: says quietly
Brauni: (I wanna see what they're holding)
Narrator: It proves to be a stone amulet, carved with the fist and lightning bolt symbol you recognize as the same type Tsukaav has.
Brauni: picks it up
Tsukaav: comes over and stops when he sees it, startled.
Tsukaav: Mighty Kord, Lord Rull, can this have been one of your own?
Tsukaav: falls to his knees in deep respect.
Narrator: The bones of the arm don't look like they're as old as the tomb itself.
Narrator: And you can see there's more in the big wad of webbing.
Tsukaav: If this is one of Kord's faithful, fallen here in this ancient place, we must lay them to rest properly.
Chlyde: Hey guys... is no one else a little concerned about all the... webs...
Aan: mmm.
Aan: eyes them
Tsukaav: Yes, of course. But we cannot simply leave.
Qog: So what's the plan then?
Chlyde: I mean... but we can, though.
Frond: isn't a tomb a proper resting place anyway?
Narrator: (Certainly debatable, but the arm in the webbing clearly wasn't properly laid to rest, and this tomb definitely is not consecrated to Rull/Kord)
Brauni: Spiders are friends, they eat the bugs. Right?
Tsukaav: Come, help me retrieve this lost servant.
Tsukaav: (how big do the webs look? like, how big of spiders are we talking?)
Narrator: (Frond, up on the dais you see another glint of metal, through a crack in the lid of the big casket.)
Frond: (I'll go take a look at that)
Narrator: (Clearly pretty big. Y'all have some experience with such thanks to your drow companions.)
Narrator: Frond, you can see there's definitely something metal in there, its temperature showing up differently to your darkvision. You think it's maybe coins?
Frond: there's something in here... maybe coins?
Narrator: (Steve, make me a Dex check for getting the remains disentangled.)
Chlyde: 's ears perk up at that.
Aan: will go look with Frond
Frond: will try to push it open just enough to look closer
Tsukaav: (all right, I will use my sword to clear away the webbing around Kord's fallen one)
Chlyde: Coins?
Tsukaav: (that'd be an 8 dex save)
Narrator: Frond, the lid takes a little effort, but slides off with one final push, revealing a giant cadaver, holding a hammer and hunting horn on his chest. Around him in the casket are quite a bit of coins of various materials.
Chlyde: Whoooooooaaaa
Qog: Are you guys really grave-robbing in a tomb that you KNOW is full of ghosts?
Narrator: Tsukaav, you're able to get the webbing cleared off, but you are also covered in webbing yourself now.
Chlyde: Honest to Gods treasure
Chlyde: I mean... he doesn't need it any more...
Qog: Haunted treasure.
Brauni: We're not grave ROBBING, we're grave-LOOKING
Brauni: so far anyway
Tsukaav: I am recovering a body that doesn't belong here
Tsukaav: ... and its treasure
Narrator: Qog, there is a rune on the hammer you think you recognize as the rune for "sun", which strikes you as unusual.
Frond: (Narrator, can I detect evil here while I'm wandering around etc.? just in case of any other undead lurking)
Brauni: I unno about taking it. Qog has a point
Chlyde: But like... it's right THERE
Qog: The hammer says "sun." I'm not sure what that means, though.
Frond: (and I suppose that would also tell me if this place is hallowed/unhallowed)
Narrator: Tsukaav, you're pretty sure there's more than one body's worth of bones in the web sack, as well as three glass bottles, a stone scroll case, and a length of polished wood, somehow looking non the worse for wear.
Tsukaav: (all right, I don't feel bad about taking that, since this is clearly spider victims, or maybe ghost victims, not buried here)
Tsukaav: (and the amulet, also)
Narrator: (Easy enough to gather together and keep separately organized.)
Narrator: (Roll me...Religion?)
Frond: (ah ha ha, is a paladin supposed to know something about religion? :D)
Frond: (1)
Narrator: It's strangely somewhat difficult to tell. You get the sense of...competing consecration? It's making it hard to parse.
Frond: It's sort of weird here. Like more than one god? or something, I don't know.
Chlyde: See? Even the Gods can't decide who owns it.
Qog: Yeah, this hammer has a sun rune -- but that's Pelor, right? And I don't think giants usually worship Pelor.
Whisper: This place could be gone in a year. Take what's useful and lets begone.
Chlyde: Yes, listen to Whisper.
Frond: yeah... if we don't, someone else will just come along and either take it or get killed trying to take it.
Whisper: will go help the injured dwarf out of the hole
Frond: will start gathering up the things in the coffin.
Brauni: on one hand, don't come cryin' to me if you get haunted. on the other hand, being haunted is pretty fuckin metal... π€
Brauni: starts helping :v
Chlyde: will reach in and grab one of the gold pieces.
Narrator: (What are y'all grabbing first?)
Frond: (I'll go for the horn I guess)
Brauni: (is there anything that looks particularly bitchin)
Brauni: (besides the horn since Frond beat me to that)
Chlyde: (If nothing happens to strike me down I'll start scooping up thecoins)
Narrator: (Horn, hammer, coins in the casket; the silver pitchers and the two statues)
Qog: (I guess I'll take the hammer.)
Brauni: (coins I guess)
Aan: will help collect stuff if that's what we are doing
Narrator: Nothing happens when Frond grabs the horn, or when Chlyde and Brauni start grabbing coins. Likewise, nothing happens when Qog takes the hammer, which feels...right in his hand. Unfortunately, a moment later, the giant's body shudders and lurches upright.
Chlyde: Oh fuck nuts.
Here There was an Epic Battle!
Leaving the Tomb
Chlyde: See? He was an asshole! The treasure is better off with us.
Brauni: Β―\_(γ)_/Β―
Brauni: I mean... I guess!!
Whisper: gets up and dusts himself off
Frond: you ok?
Frond: asks Whisper
Ceana: everyone all right?
Brauni: WE GOOD
Qog: just stares at the hammer
Whisper: I've had worse
Chlyde: We're ok... Whisper got a little more banged up, though.
Brauni: Sweet hammer bro
Frond: I can help.
Frond: can lay on hands on Whisper to heal him for 5.
Qog: Yeah ...
Aan: mm.
Whisper: thankyou
Narrator: With no more enemies forthcoming, you can gather all the coins and such in whatever bags and whatnot you have with you.
Narrator: (Though it's probably a bit of a chore shoveling all the coins around with the giant's body still partially in the casket. π )
Narrator: (Back up the hole you came in through?)
Frond: (yup, unless there's another exit?)
Chlyde: (If we're done searching the place)
Aan: (fill the ewers with coins ;v)
Aan: (there was another set of doors, yeah)
Narrator: (Whisper did find a set of doors, but they seem to be stuck pretty good.)
Frond: (then yes, just go out through the hole)
Whisper: (yes, lets begone from this place)
Narrator: It'll take some wrangling, but your all able to get out, along with Ceana, and your loot.
Floraidh: Ceana!
Chlyde: That was awesome...
Brauni: Yeah!!!
Chlyde: I'm gonna write at least like three songs about this shit.
Narrator: The two dwarves rush to embrace, and Ceana's skeleton squirrel makes a small racket hopping around her happily.
Floraidh: I was so worried...
Ceana: As was I, but our friends here rescued me. We both owe you so much.
Aan: is keeping an eye on the dogs :x as everything gets sorted out
Ceana: We should probably go warn Hallidun if there's raiders around. And I believe I owe you all some herbs and produce.
Brauni: Well, not anymore!! haha.
Pica: will watch everything that's going on with interest.
Brauni: Not those guys anyway.
Chlyde: Does that kind of thing happen a lot here?
Floraidh: nods somberly.
Qog: will go give Pica a scritch
Floraidh: Lord Laukkanen doesn't have enough soldiers to keep the border completely secure.
Floraidh: says with a hint of bitterness.
Frond: huh...
Pica: is hesitant at first, and then leans into the scritches.
Brauni: Well, that sucks
Ceana: I would understand if the answer is no, but would any of you mind helping us either take these bodies back or help us bury them here?
Floraidh: Really, sweetie?
Frond: sure, we can help
Floraidh: kicks one of the dead shifters.
Chlyde: Of course
Tsukaav: It is our duty to do so.
Ceana: Thank you.
Qog: nods
Floraidh: grumbles, but does help.
Narrator: (Carrying or burying there? I wasn't sure anyone had any digging tools or magic.)
Aan: will try and help but is not particularly well equipped to do so
Brauni: (yeah I don't have a shovel but I can carry corpses)
Narrator: (You guys are kind of made for carrying stuff. π )
Chlyde: (Yeah, I think carrying is more our thing)
Brauni: (wow racist ;) )
Aan: is not
Narrator: (Heh, I just mean mechanically, but okay π )
Aan: (I could eldritch blast some big holes in the ground :V)
Aan: (But then we can't cover them :V)
Narrator: You can all help Ceana and Floraidh get the bodies back to their farm, where they'll get together the things they owe you for Yevelda helping out with the water weird. Ceana throws in some extra spices and herbs, though obviously they don't have too much to spare at this point.
Ceana: Truly, we cannot thank you all enough.
Whisper: fashions a twig man and leaves it by the hole as a warning
Floraidh: nods.
Chlyde: will help get their scarecrow back together
Frond: Glad we could help.
Floraidh: As far as we're concerned, you're welcome any time.
Narrator: You can all gather up your stuff, and, no longer carrying the bodies but loaded down still with 75 pounds of coins and even more of produce, make your way back to the caravan with the dwarven women in tow. They'll stop in to give Verex and the others their thanks as well, singing your praises, before heading into town to let them know what happened. You do all notice that Mazok and Tulluk, two of your uncles and outriders for the caravan, have returned since you've been gone.