Adventure World: Caravan session 12

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Adventure World: Caravan session logs
Previous Session 12 Next
Session date: 2023-12-31


Everyone gets healed up. They examine the knife and find that it has ab=n inscription: Bound by Blood They take it and the book (and Lumiel!) back to the caravan. Aan takes Lumiel to rest but cant resist a few questions about Anaherael, who Lumiel says is just the best! Frond and Brauni accomany verex to visit the current Lord Laukkanen. They report about what happened with the rift and Hilja's escape. He thanks them for their help and asks them to look for Hilja, and tells them about her background and how she used to bind fey to her service with iron. He sends them to meet Nimozaran, a sorceress who can help them find the tower.

Nimozaran is a pixie who lives in a tall tower full of stairs she never herself has to climb, but she gives them a map and agrees to come to the caravan to give them some more information later. The party opts to try the swamp tower first.