Aan Oglaf

From RocksfallWiki


Name: Aan
Player: Elanya
Race: Tiefling
Class: Warlock
Tribe: Oglaf
Gender: Male
Age: Mid-teens-ish
Hair: Black
Eyes: Solid glowing red
Skin: Medium brown with strong red undertones
Horns: Black
Height: 4'9"
Weight: 73 lbs


Aan has solid red eyes and thick curly black hair that grows very fast. He has short black horns that blend in with his hair. He has freckles, and small fangs. He has a forked tail, but he has a kink in the lower end of this tail where it was broken and healed poorly. He has a lot of random little scars, the ones through his lip and eyebrow (both on the right side), are probably the most immediately obvious. His right hand was broken/smashed at some point in the past and never healed correctly, so his fingers are twisted and he can’t make a tight fist with it. This makes it hard for him to hold thin/narrow things in that hand, and even thicker things will make it sore over time. He’s left handed! If he wasn’t born that way, he is now.

Known History

About a year and a half ago, a Tielfing child was left, asleep, at one of the caravan wagons. He was severely undersocialized, and had no real grasp of common, let alone orcish. Through trial and error, they determined that he understood celestial and some infernal, but was not able to fully communicate his story. He clearly needed help and, perhaps more surprising considering his situation, seemed willing to accept it. Eventually, the family was able to piece together some things - it seems that he met someone who helped him, and they brought him to the caravan knowing that the orcs would take him in. Who exactly this person is is unclear, but its because of them that he understands Celestial. Aan just calls them the Stranger if he talks about it at all, but clearly this person left an impression, as he also collects and leaves around little gifts for them in 'shrines' he builds in places that they visit.

Aan was adopted into the family by Yvelda Oglaf. They called him Aan because it is one of the sounds that he made the most frequently, and people just started using it like a name, and it stuck before they could think of something else. Since then he has developed a deeper understanding of language and his working on his social skills. There's still lot of things he doesn't understand, and he is shy and nervous around strangers. However, He did agree to be in Brauni and Chlyde's band, though its not always clear that eh completely understands what's happening. They seem to appreciate his strange vocalizations and screaming though. Recently he has manifested some magical abilities, and his mother is trying to help him learn about magic.

Aan facts!

  • He has solid red eyes and thick curly black hair that grows very fast. He has short black horns that blend in with his hair
  • He has a tail kink. There is a kink in his tal where it was broken. (pervs)
  • He has little fangs. He *does* bite, but less now
  • His skin is brown with red undertones and gets redder in the sun/heat. Basically he tans more red, but doesn’t really burn
  • He has freckles! Very cute!
  • He has a lot of random little scars, the one on his mouth is probably the most immediately obvious
  • His right hand was broken/smashed at some point in the past and never healed correctly, so his fingers are twisted and he can’t make a tight fist with it. This makes it hard for him to hold thin/narrow things in that hand, and even thicker things will make it sore over time.
  • He’s left handed! If he wasn’t born that way, he is now.
  • He’s got a very high tolerance for physical discomfort and pain, and is working on getting better about telling people if he needs help before he reaches his limit.
  • Like many tieflings, he runs hot and hates being cold. However, he doesn’t actually get cold easily, either
  • If he gets sweaty he tends to smell like freshly lit matches
  • He is much less smoll than when he was first taken in. Still scrawny, but growing tall! He does not like this.
  • He still sometimes exhibits habits he developed as a feral child, like hoarding food or eating questionable things. The most common of these is that he will pick things out of a fire to eat them, even if they are basically completely charred. These get worse when anything threatens his food security.
  • His mother will usually make sure he has some kind of snack on his person at all times (see above)
  • If he is asked to do something, he will always try his best, even if it is mundane tasks
  • He gets upset when he doesn’t know how to do things or if he isn’t very good at them
  • He’s completely illiterate (possible exception of celestial but no one has ever shown it to him), and his understanding of numbers and math is all down to anything he may have been taught after being taken in by the caravan. It's not good.
  • The language he actually understands best is Celestial - a gift from his patron so they could try and communicate with him when they first met. After that, he best understands Infernal, Orcish and Common, in that order.
  • He sometimes has a hard time understanding people if they talk fast and/or yell
  • He gets common and orcish mixed up sometimes
  • He’s scared of dogs
  • He’s scared of strangers and does not like to be Perceived
  • He likes to wear clothes with hoods and cowls he can hide his face in
  • He’s extremely loyal once you earn his trust
  • He finds cramped dark spaces comforting. He is outgrowing some of his favourites and this is Distressing
  • He collects interesting rocks and dries flowers and stashes them in Places in the caravan until he wants to make a new shrine, so sometimes people will come across one of his little stashes when they are looking for things
  • He doesn’t talk very much even now
  • When he is upset he will make little sounds to himself to self-soothe
  • He doesn’t like unexpected loud noises (mood, kiddo, mood)
  • He will do fire bathing if there is a big enough fire. This is exactly what it sounds like. He likes the heat and also it takes care of external parasites.