AWRR Chapter 2

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AWRR Chapter logs
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Session date: 2023-02-19

Katherina checks in with her sister after the ball, and they talk about boys (of course!). Later, Nik stops by for tea as invited with the girls and their mother, and they discuss all manner of things, including books, Lavinia's food, dragonmarks, and Nik's experience of the city and season so far.

Leonora discusses her efforts at the ball with her husband, Magga, and the best approach to find someone who might accept their proposition. They discuss the Allards, and Leonora suggests that Magga should attend the next social occasion with her.

Coifárë stops to listen to one of Victorina's street lectures, and offers to help find her some more formal venues through their ecclesiastic contacts.

Gueiris and Coifárë meet up at tea shop and discuss the former's current circumstances and his invitation from Lamont and their mutual concern for him.

Lamont invites Nik and Gueiris out to a fancy club, where they meet up and make introductions and have a slightly tense moment over their mutual friendship with Lavinia. Coifárë crashes the party, and they later head out to an opera after party. Coifárë and Lamont have a private conversation, and Coifárë checks on on a very drunk Nik who reveals the deepest desire of his heart - to see naked people! He is later escorted home by Lamont, while Gueiris laments missing half the action after being chastised by the lord of his House.

Victorina stops in to meet with Chitara to discussed their shared cause, and seek some feedback on some new material she is working on.

Coifárë and Chitara meet up to visit a bookshop, and make future plans to meet up to try painting in the wilds.

Rosalie reminds her brother that they are expecting company for tea, and makes him promise not to push a courtship agenda. When Lamont arrives, they make friendly conversation and find they all have some interests in common. Lamont invites Rosalie to visit one of the city's museums. He does his best, with Rose's help, to politely decline an invitation to join Sebastien at a gabling house, but agrees to go riding with him instead.


Boy Talk With Katherina and Lavinia

Katherina: shuffles into Lavinia's room once we're home and getting ready for bed

Lavinia: will be in her room undressing from the party and considering the evening.

Katherina: Oh that was just so much fun! I wish we had balls every day... though I am a little tired...

Katherina: How did you find it?

Lavinia: I'm sure you must be. You were running around like a blink dog all evening.

Lavinia: It was... interesting.

Katherina: perks up

Lavinia: begins removing her makeup in the mirror.

Katherina: Interesting how?

Katherina: grabs some things off your dresser and will start doing the same, peering over your shoulder

Lavinia: Well... I had some very nice conversations. And the gardens are always lovely.

Lavinia: What about you? How did you find the evening?

Katherina: smiles slyly

Lavinia: sighs and scoots over on her bench to give you room

Katherina: oh yes the gardens were *quite* the experience So many beautiful flowers... so many quiet little alcoves...

Katherina: plops down beside you

Lavinia: Yes, very good for reading or a picnic

Katherina: Of course I had a wonderful time ^-^

Katherina: Oh surely that's not what our host intended, not at a Sehanine Ball...

Lavinia: Katherina!

Katherina: What!? That is what it is, you know.

Lavinia: Yes, but you still shouldn't SAY so.

Katherina: laugh

Katherina: why ever not? Everyone knows trysts are half the reason for having a masquerade. I'd like to go to a proper one someday, where folks aren’t announced, even...

Katherina: speaking of ...such things.... did you recall your promise?

Lavinia: I don't recall PROMISING anything, dear sister.

Katherina: mmmhmm, that's not what I recall at all! Katherina: but even so. DID you consider it? Lavinia: How could I not, after all your badgering.

Katherina: oh wonderful! You know if you speak like that you will only give me encouragement. So - who is it?

Lavinia: blushes

Katherina: of course you can give me more than one. I saw you speaking with several handsome gentlemen...

Lavinia: Well...

Lavinia: I suppose...

Katherina: eyes gleam, but she waits impatiently for you to spill Lavinia: ...Lord Kyrnon WAS very dashing... Katherina: ooh! I was sure you were going to say lord Evenor - you gave me such a look when he was speaking with me! tell me more about Lord Kyrnon.

Lavinia: gives you another look at the mention of Lord Evenor.

Lavinia: I'm sure that Lord evenor is not interested in me. Not after you got hold of him.

Katherina: pouts Vinnie if you have the slightest interest in him I will give way to your interest. He was sweet but there were many sweet gentlemen, I thought.

Lavinia: He asked about you during our dance.

Katherina: :o

Katherina: blushes just a little, then waves her hand

Katherina: Well, how thoughtless of him.

Lavinia: I believe that may be the only reason he asked me.

Lavinia: I don't know.

Lavinia: He seemed so... sweet... until then.

Lavinia: But... men.

Katherina: smirks

Katherina: You sound so jaded! but yes, that is disappointing. I shall be extra cold to him on your account

Lavinia: Don't you dare!

Katherina: But you see, this is why you must tell me which ones are of interest, so that I can steer them towards you properly.

Katherina: I shall be! he was cruel to you and it is simply what he s=deserves

Lavinia: Lord Evenor is a good match. You would do well if he is interested in you.

Lavinia: Besides, we both know I cannot compete with you in physical appeal

Katherina: Vinnie, all you lack is confidence. It is the true secret to all charms. I am no more lovely than you. Just bolder, that's all, because I refuse to let mother or the world put me in a place I do not desire. No man who was rude to my sister is "good match", no matter his station.

Lavinia: Oh Kitty...

Katherina: now, about Lord kyrnon.... you say he was dashing?

Lavinia: That was not part of the deal, little sister. I have given you a name. Now, if I'm not mistaken, it is your turn.

Katherina: Oh if that's the way you wish to play it.... very well

Katherina: *tosses her hair and puts down the cloth, looking at her face to see how clean it is, and then glances at you impishly in the mirror

Lavinia: grins

Katherina: A boy I should like to kiss is... why - Councillor Callais of course ^-^

Lavinia: stares at you.

Katherina: What? he is very handsome, of course. And rich, and powerful. And he has been known to have dalliances, of course...

Lavinia: Kitty!!

Lavinia: He is old enough to be your... I don't even know! Great grandfather perhaps???

Katherina: Yes but he is an elf so it hardly matters. It just means he should know well the business of kissing!

Katherina: Giggles, clearly enjoying your reaction

Lavinia: Are you being serious or are you putting me on like last month with the custard recipe?

Katherina: Oh no I'm quite serious! I think it would be wonderful to kiss him. He's so formal all the time, imaging being the one to shake that up a little? But it is purely a fantasy, don't worry overly much. There are plenty of other boys.

Lavinia: sighs exasperatedly and rolls her eyes.

Lavinia: Hopefully some born in the same century as you.

Lavinia: Who don't already have grandchildren.

Katherina: Mmm, oh yes, his grandchildren... >.>

Lavinia: Now THAT would be a fine match for you.

Katherina: Well on that note - I am off to bed, sweet dreams, sister!

Katherina: May you dream of handsome men!

Lavinia: blushes again.

Lavinia: Kitty!

Katherina: skips off back towards her room

Lavinia: I swear sometimes...

Lavinia: She is a changeling. That's the explaination. I don't know where else she would get it from.

Nik Atends Tea with Lavinia and Her Family

Lavinia: will be waiting in the parlor with her mother and sister for Nik to arrive. She has made several different tea cakes and other snacks, including the aforementioned strawberry tart. Nik: will present himself at the appointed time, carrying a few small wrapped packages. He wears a tailored suit of the most current style, with a teal blue coat. Lavinia: will rise when the butler leads you into the drawing room. Lavinia: Lord Evenor! It is a pleasure to see you again. Katherina: rises also Katherina: Yes, good afternoon Nik: Good day, Lady Feigrsteinn, Hersir Feigrsteinn, Miss Katherina. Thank you very much for your invitation! If it pleases you, I have a few small gifts. Nik: offers each of you a present, which feels like it is a small glass jar. Katherina: Oh, how gracious! Lavinia: Oh! That's very nice of you, Lord Evenor! Lavinia: beams Nik: It is the merest token of my affection. They are healing salts from my family's hot springs - if you add them to your bath, they can soothe aches and pains. Lavinia: Thank you so much, My Lord. Your family's springs were very rejuvenating when I visited them during my... episode. Maria Orsino: enters the parlor, dressed in a white morning dress from at least two seasons ago, but stylish nonetheless Nik: I am glad to hear you found them comforting, in a time of difficulty. Maria Orsino: Good morning, dears. Oh and I see that your guest has arrived. My, you're a tall one, aren't you? Katherina: Oh mother, of course he is! but we should all go sit, shouldn't we, Vinnie has worked very hard on this tea and we must all appreciate it properly. Lavinia: Oh, it was nothing, really. Katherina: says with a slightly arch look at Nik Nik: It's a pleasure to see you, Lady Feigrsteinn. I will endeavour to be more accommodating. Maria Orsino: Thank you, young man. May I have the pleasure of your introduction, properly now I mean? Nik: I am Nikession Amathalis, Lord Evenor, at your service, my lady. Nik: bows politely Lavinia: Mother, he is the one I have been corresponding with since my convalescence. His family owns the springs at Therma Alba Maria Orsino: Pleased to make your acquaintance, Lord Evenor. And I as you know am Maria Orsino. Maria Orsino: Yes, of course, dear. Katherina: Now, shall we go into the parlour? Nik: will go where you tell him Katherina: It shall be much more pleasant not to have to crane my neck so to speak with out guest! Katherina: will lead everyone to get more equitably seated around the tea table Lavinia: will seat herself near Lord Evenor Nik: Your home is very charming, my lady. Everything is so refined. Maria Orsino: You're very kind and observant to say so, Lord Evenor. Katherina: settles beside her sister Lavinia: Much of the furnishings are from Grimfarr, My Lord. Nik: Oh, how fascinating! I am not too familiar with Grimfarr, or indeed many places. I would love to learn more about it, when I have the opportunity. Lavinia: Oh, I have spent many summers there. It is beautiful, but it does get very cold in the winters. Katherina: Highmark is much more exciting. Nik: Well, I have certainly been enjoying my time here! There is so much to see, I feel as though I have barely scratched the surface of its enjoyments. Lavinia: is trying to nonchalantly observe where Nik is looking during the conversation, whether more at her or Katherina. Maria Orsino: Of course, there are many distractions here in Highmark. But tell me of yourself, Lord Evenor. You were raised in Thantopolis? Or in Therma Alba? A little of both? Nik: (probably mostly at your mother, tbh, trying to be polite to her! but otherwise about equally dividing his attention between you) Nik: I was quite ill as a child, my lady, and spent my youth at Therma Alba in an effort to improve my health. My parents did not wish for me to be too subjected to the rigours of city life. Katherina: Oh that must have been very dull! Nik: Well, I read a great deal, and I have been fortunate enough to have most enjoyable correspondence with friends such as Hersir Feigrsteinn to liven the days. Maria Orsino: Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about your convalescence. But you're well now? Nik: Yes, my lady, my health is much improved since I came of age. Maria Orsino: I'm so glad to hear it. Lavinia: I am sure the waters must have finally taken their effect then, My Lord. Katherina: Yes, you look very well now! But what sorts of things do you read then? Anything that may be of interest to ladies such as ourselves? ^-^ Nik: Oh, I partake of many subjects... but as to what might be of interest to young ladies such as yourselves, I do enjoy a good romance novel. Katherina: face lights up completely, and then glances at her sister and tries to tamp it down a bit Lavinia: Oh! My sister does love her romance novels as well, my lord. Nik: And what about yourself? You do not care for them? Lavinia: Oh I... I'm not much of a reader generally. I stick to my cookbooks and correspondences for the most part. Katherina: bites her lip to keep on behavious for her sister's sake Katherina: Oh yes - you do always have your nose in there... but to such an end. You must try these tarts my lord, she has truly outdone herself, I think. Nik: Ah, so it is your knowledge of cooking that created such delicacies? Nik: says, sampling one of the aforementioned tarts. Lavinia: Well, yes, I can create the food itself of course, but without the knowledge of its taste and ingredients it is never quite right. Maria Orsino: Yes, Lavinia has quite a talent in that regard. Your tailor will be well-compensated, make no mistake. Lavinia: blushes slightly Katherina: Yes, that is a very dashing suit... Lavinia: Indeed, very stylish Nik: Oh, do you think so? Lord Stillmarch was kind enough to recommend his own tailor in town, so I must give credit to him. Katherina: stuffs a tart in her mouth because she is supposed to be cold, not complimentary Lavinia: Oh, are you and Lord Stillmarch acquainted, then? Nik: Indeed, I have corresponded with him for some time as well. Lavinia: I met him at the party. He seemed rather... melancholy. I do hope he is alright. Katherina: I'm not sure I have had the pleasure - who is Lord Stillmarch? Lavinia: He is... was... Algernon's cousin. Katherina: Ahhh, I see. Katherina: Well, I generally prefer the company of more genial gentlemen. melancholy has no place at a ball, of all places! Lavinia: Kitty! Lavinia: The poor man was grieving! Katherina: Well a ball is no place for the grieving, that's all I mean. Nik: I think he was rather weary, perhaps he had not rested well. I'm sure he was not intending any insult. Maria Orsino: So you have a long friendship with the Marquess, then? Nik: I first met him some four years ago, my lady. Since then we have corresponded as his schedule permits. His military service does of course keep him from always writing regularly. Maria Orsino: Naturally. Katherina: Oh, is he the one who gave you those letters, Vinnie? Lavinia: Oh, yes... Nik: looks a bit curious but doesn't want to pry Lavinia: Ummm... His cousin Algernon Machel was... my betrothed. He brought me some letters that Lord Machel had written me. Nik: Oh, I see, I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope his letters were able to give you some comfort. Lavinia: Thank you, My Lord. Katherina: That's very kind of you. I just want her to hurry up and read them so she can tell me what all they contained ^-^ Lavinia: Kitty... Maria Orsino: Dears, let's turn the conversation to something less grim. Lavinia: Yes, thank you, Mother. Katherina: Oh, I'm sorry... hmm... Have you perhaps read Alas The Dawn by Melodie Fayre? It is such a sweet book and I must convince my sister to try it. Perhaps you can help me persuade her? Lavinia: Kitty, you know how I feel about such nonsense. Katherina: I told her it is not lewd at all, but she won't trust me! Nik: Oh, yes, "At Last The Night"... so you enjoyed it? I have heard it's quite popular, I must read it one of these days. Katherina: sigh Katherina: You surely must, my lord. Nik: Well, I will take your recommendation to heart. Katherina: It is a piece of such passion to turn even the coldest heart.... I find it hard to believe anyone who enjoys the genre could have missed it Nik: Perhaps by the next time we meet, I will be able to discuss it with you 🙂 Maria Orsino: While you are here in Highmark, will you be attending to any of your family's affairs or business? Katherina: glances at Lavinia Well. Perhaps. Lavinia: glances at Katherina and smiles very slightly. Nik: Oh, well, my father is busy with council of course. I am merely here to partake in the season, although of course if there is anything he requires of me, I will assist. But I think for the moment, my parents will permit me to be... free of responsibilities. After all, I have never visited the city before. Maria Orsino: Yes, of course, that makes perfect sense. Lavinia: I do hope you are enjoying your stay so far, My Lord. Nik: Very much so! Every day brings some new experience or sight to see, and I am gratified to be able to spend time with friends such as yourself. Lavinia: smiles at that. Nik: These tarts are truly remarkable, you made them yourself? Katherina: Yes, with her magic! Katherina: Everythign she creates is fantastic, though never up to her standards. Lavinia: It's my gift, My Lord. Not as useful as some, perhaps, but I do love it. Nik: Oh, but I think being able to make delicious food is quite useful, moreso than many. You can use your gift to bring joy to people every day 🙂 Lavinia: I do hope so. :3 Nik: My own gift is not so directly helpful to others, being only useful to myself at the present time. Lavinia: Oh? Lavinia: How so? Nik: Well, I mentioned I had been unwell as a child. When my mark manifested, it helped alleviate my illness, so that I no longer had so much difficulty in exerting myself. Lavinia: Oh! Lavinia: So it makes you healthy? Nik: In essence, yes. It helps me to breathe more easily. Lavinia: I imagine that it will be very interesting to see where that leads when it grows in power. Maria Orsino: That is a gift to be treasured. My dear aunt Helena had troubles with breathing for decades. Katherina: Oh yes, I can imagine some interesting applications... Lavinia: gives Kitty a wide-eyed stare Katherina: returns an innocent look Nik: In my family's line, there are those who have skill at healing - I hope that one day, perhaps I can share my gift with those who would benefit from it. Lavinia: I... hope that is how it develops, then, My Lord. Lavinia: kicks Katherina under the table. Nik: We shall see, I suppose! Nik: says in blissful ignorance Katherina: I'm sure there are many who would benefit form your attentions... were that to be the case ^_^ Nik: There are certainly many who are not well - our hot springs are always busy with those who come seeking relief from cares and sickness. Nik: Perhaps one day you can visit there again 🙂 Lavinia: Oh... that would be lovely, My Lord. It is such a lovely place. It was a very pleasant change from the city. Nik: And this time, I would be more able to partake of the offerings with you! Lavinia: blushes DEEP red Lavinia: Oh, I... uh... Nik: Um, I mean, of course, in a respectable fashion. Katherina: smirks and sips her tea Lavinia: Of... of course, My Lord...

Leonora and Magga Talk Strategy

Coifárë attends Victorina' Lecture

Gueiris and Coifárë Meet For Tea

A Night On The Town

Victorina Meets with Chitara

Rosalie and Her Brother Come To an Agreement

Lamont Arrives For Tea


No Changes
