Thirteen 2 session 33

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Thirteen 2 session logs
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Welumque sends an update with her clan mothers, and Lucas spends the day helping in a field hospital, tending to the wounded. When evening falls, everyone meets up with Thekla at Bäcksjön, and heads to the keep. There they speak with Naqeeb Zahraoui about her plans for what she will do next - which may be to invade Talat Kabira while the Emira is at her weakest. Welumque and Skalla agree to speak to the governor and try and arrange a meeting, and head to where the Thing is convening to try and meet with her that night. Skalla checks in with her aunt to let her know what is happening. This proves wise, as after when speak to Governor Therasdottir, she has all those present from Vinmark arrested for treason and conspiracy.


Session date: 2022-03-26
In Game date: The day after the previous session

Welumque makes arrangements to send updates to her clan mothers

<Narrator> We last left off with everyone having met up at the Stormvallvag estate, Skalla having mentioned her intention to go to Alhusan al-Aswad that evening to see what the situation at the fort was like. Did anyone have anything they wanted to do during the day?
<Welumque> (how do Lexkweyok normally communicate over long distances? not sure what the literacy rate is or even if written messages are trusted. I was thinking of writing the clan mothers to the south, to provide them information.)
<Narrator> (Traditionally, they'd send messengers, but a fair number (particularly elites like the clan mothers) are literate in Gaulois these days, so you can write to them just fine if you prefer.)
<Welumque> (yeah that's what I figured. OK, I mean, a message still needs to be sent by a messenger regardless - I'm assuming there is not a formal postal service for Lexkweyok? I will write the clan mothers, let them know in some detail what has happened so far, express my concerns about the Emira's erratic behavior, and stress the need for preparation in case this war expands.)
<Lucas> (I'll just try to keep providing healing assistance where I can)
<Narrator> (Okay, sounds good.)
<Narrator> (Welumque, are you sending this with any particular urgency? On average, a messenger can get to Chikënëmhchu from Sisawinak in about five days, but can push to shave some time off that.)

Lucs offers his aid to a field hospital

<Narrator> (Lucas, where were you wanting to offer your services?)
<Lucas> (well, I'm not sure where injured people are most likely to be gathered, or where I can reasonably get to. I'm not only offering healing to one side/faction, I'll heal whoever is around, so I guess it depends on where I can get to?)
<Narrator> (Roll me...Contacts or Investigate, your choice)
<Lucas> (investigate is marginally better I guess, so I'll do that)
<Lucas> !roll 4d3-7
* Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 3 3 2 2 ] for a total of [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 3 ].
<Narrator> (Volume-wise, your best bet would likely be heading to the fort, but you're not entirely sure how safe that still would be at this point. Barring that, you've found out the Stordam army has set up a field hospital for what troops of the emira's ended up retreating west.)
<Welumque> (the other thing I will need to do is ensure I am well stocked with supplies of food and basic medicines/bandages in case I need more. But not sure how supply lines are right now.)
<Lucas> (well, I'll try the field hospital then)
<Narrator> (Welumque, you're pretty well-stocked at most times, I would think, but it definitely *has* been more difficult for the past bit since you all got back from your trip. If you want to try to track down more, you can roll Contacts.)
<Welumque> (ok i'll do that)
<Welumque> !roll 4d3-4
* Lan-werk rolls for Welumque: [ 4d3-4 ] getting [ 3 1 3 2 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -4 ] totals [ 5 ].
<Narrator> Lucas, the field hospital isn't particularly large, given most of the emira's troops retreated east, but there's still work to be done. You're seeing the usual bullet wounds and the like, but also a fair number of what you're pretty certain are claw and bite wounds.
<Narrator> (Roll me...Lore, I guess, for medicine?)
<Narrator> (Welumque, you of course know who you can talk to who might have some surplus they'd be willing to part with.)
<Lucas> !roll 4d3-2
* Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-2 ] getting [ 1 2 2 1 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -2 ] totals [ 4 ].
<Narrator> Lucas, this is, unfortantely, all to familiar work for you, though it's been a little while. You notice a medic struggling with a soldier, her hands covered in gore as she works to close wounds in the orc's stomach.
* NPC1 is now known as Medic
<Medic> Somebody hold him down!
* Lucas will hurry over to try and assist (although holding down an orc is probably a challenge...)
<Medic> (to the soldier) Son, I know, I'm sorry, but I've got to get these tied off if you're going to have any chance.
<Narrator> (You can try to hold him down, or try to use magic to sedate him maybe)
<Lucas> (I'll try to sedate him then, if that is an option)
<Narrator> (Roll Lore again)
<Lucas> !roll 4d3-2
* Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-2 ] getting [ 3 2 3 1 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -2 ] totals [ 7 ].
<Narrator> You place your hands on the orc's head and whisper quietly, and his movements become gradually less pronounced as he subsides into a peaceful slumber.
<Medic> Thank you. They were going to write this boy off, but he might have a chance now.
* Medic says while continuing to work.
* Elanya is now known as Skalla
* Lucas just nods
<Medic> You're not army, obviously. What're you doing here?
<Medic> Hand me that catgut right there, please.
<Lucas> I'm a healer. I just wanted to help where I could.
* Medic nods towards a table near her.
* Lucas says, handing the catgut as requested
<Medic> That's a noble sentiment.
<Medic> Damn shame it's needed.
* Lucas nods again
<Lucas> Do you think there will be many more injured here?
* Lucas will ask at a time when it's not immediately crucial for her to be lightly distracted by my questions
<Medic> I think it depends. Battle's still going on the other side of the island. Last I heard it was a full rout, but news from over there is pretty sketchy.
<Medic> If the 'loyalist' forces can't embark and don't surrender...could be a lot more.
<Lucas> Hm.
<Lucas> so you think they want to retreat but can't?
<Medic> Loading a bunch of scared people onto a limited number of ships, under fire? That's going to be a disaster.
<Lucas> :/
<Lucas> and they wouldn't surrender?
<Medic> I have no idea.
* Lucas nods
* Medic looks like she would shrug if she wasn't elbow-deep in a person's guts at the moment.
<Medic> I hope they do, for their sake.
* Lucas nods again
* Lucas will stop distracting her, then, and just try to assist as necessary
* Medic will accept the help, tying off blood vessels, doing her best to clean out the wounds and cavity. By the time she's done, she's fairly covered in blood, but she looks more satisfied than concerned.
<Medic> Up to the gods and the boy, now. Thanks for your help.
<Lucas> I'm glad I could help.
<Medic> Helmi. I'd shake your hand, but...
<Lucas> I understand
* Medic is now known as Helmi
<Helmi> Well, no rest for the wicked.
* Helmi will move on to the next patient.
* Lucas will continue on to help them as well, or wherever is most needed
* NPC22 is now known as Snek
<Snek> (only to Lucas) Will that soldier be all right?
<Lucas> Maybe. It was a bad injury, but he's got a chance now at least.
<Snek> What are they fighting over?
* Lucas tries to think how to explain it...
<Lucas> One side's leader is ... maybe crazy? I don't know her reasons. But she can force them to fight, and the others will try to defend.
<Snek> They should get rid of that leader.
<Lucas> Well... they may want to, but it's probably not an easy thing to do.
<Lucas> She would be well-guarded, for one thing.
<Snek> It's sad so many have to suffer because of the one person.
<Lucas> Yes, it's true.
<Lucas> It might continue even if she was gone, I don't know. Now that it's started, it might be hard to stop just by removing one leader.
* Snek seems troubled (they're surprisingly expressive for a snake), but doesn't say anything else.
<Narrator> Lucas can continue to help with casualties as they come in.

Everyone meets up with Thekla in advance of going to the fort

<Narrator> (Anyone else have anything they wanted to do?)
<Skalla> (rest until it's tme to meet Thekla)
<Narrator> (Is anyone else accompanying Skalla?)
<Hildie> (Yup)
<Skalla> (yeah, HIldie and Svald welcome if they want to come)
<Narrator> (Lucas and/or Welumque? You at least know of Skalla's plan, though Lucas, you're probably pretty tired from work on wounded all day.)
<Lucas> (well, I'd go if I can, even if tired. I can rest later... maybe...)
<Welumque> (if I'm not needed at home urgently, I can go)
<Narrator> (Okay, Skalla, Hildie, and Svald, roll me Stealth checks, please)
<Svald> (where are we?)
<Svald> (like are we in nature )
<Hildie>  !roll 4d3-7
<Narrator> (This is for sneaking out of the estate without being spotted, so I'd say not really)
<Skalla> !roll 4d3-7
* Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 2 2 2 1 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 0 ].
<Hildie> !roll 4d3-7
* Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 1 2 2 2 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 0 ].
<Skalla> (You had a space in front of yours Tuck)
<Svald> !roll 4d3-6
* Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-6 ] getting [ 2 2 3 3 ] for a total of [ 10 ] which, after the modifier [ -6 ] totals [ 4 ].
<Svald> (well add 2 if we're in the woods I guess but a 4 is probably Enough )
<Narrator> (Yeah, 4 is fine)
<Narrator> Skalla and Hildie, I'll give you a choice. Someone can try to stop you now, and you'll have to deal with it immediately, or someone will spot you leaving and will likely tell Berit before you return.
<Skalla> (I'll opt fpr Consequences Later :V)
<Hildie> (Yes, maximum drama!)
<Narrator> Okay, as far as the two of you are concerned, you get away without a problem, and you two and Svald can make your way across the island to Bäcksjön. Lucas and Welumque, you can make your way there as well, obviously not needing to be particularly sneaky about it.
* Helmi is now known as Thekla
* Thekla will be waiting at Bäcksjön. She smiles to see Skalla, Svald, and Hildie though she'll give an inquiring look at Welumque and Lucas.
<Thekla> Glad to see you. No big trouble at home?
<Skalla> no, nothing much. you?
<Thekla> Nothing too bad. Most everyone's at the Thing for the evening.
<Skalla> same.
<Skalla> Nothitn I expect much good to come of it.
<Skalla> Do you know Welumque and Lucas?
* Thekla nods and sighs.
<Thekla> At least in passing. I'm a bit surprised to see you both here.
<Thekla> I take it your sympathies lie with our friends in the fort?
<Welumque> My sympathies lie in the restoration of peace and the ending of hardship for my people and the other innocents here on Sisawinak.
<Welumque> Right now, the Emira seems to be presenting the greatest threat to that.
<Lucas> I've been helping whoever needs help...
* Thekla nods.
<Skalla> They were both with us when we were at Talat Kabira
<Thekla> Ah, all right. I guess let's get going, hmm?
* Skalla nods
* Svald also nods.
<Narrator> You can all get under way to the fort, not too terribly far. The cannons are quiet, and the usual night sounds seem somehow more ominous for their lack.
<Narrator> How are you all wanting to approach the fort?
<Skalla> maybe we shudl send them a message first?
* Skalla looks to Svald
<Svald> I can take something, or send it...
<Skalla> I think send, so we don't get separated
<Svald> alright...
<Svald> (it's at night so I guess I would call an owl?)
<Svald> (we're basically family now)
<Skalla> where do we want to approach from?
* Skalla will ask Thekla
<Thekla> I figured we'd just approach the west gate.
<Narrator> (You can very easily call an owl)
* Svald will attach whatever message Skalla wants and then send it with instructions to fly inside the fort and find a person & let them remove it etc
* Skalla will scribbe out a note to that effect - table for a party of 6 at the west gate ;)
<Narrator> A tiny little owl answers your summons, and submits to take your message. It gives a soft, squeaky little hoot and takes off.
<Svald> :3c
<Svald> . o O (cuuuuute)
<Skalla> :3

===The group speaks with Naqeeb Zahraoui
<Narrator> As you approach the west gate, one of the two major gates of the fort, you see there is a pair of soldiers waiting for you.
* Snek is now known as Soldier
<Soldier> This yours?
<Skalla> The owl, yes
* Soldier holds up the little piece of paper.
<Soldier> Naqeeb Zahraoui is waiting for you. Come on.
<Narrator> (Roll me Empathy, folks)
<Hildie> !roll 4d3-7
* Lan-werk rolls for Hildie: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 3 2 2 2 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 2 ].
<Svald> !roll 4d3-8
* Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-8 ] getting [ 1 3 1 1 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -8 ] totals [ -2 ].
<Svald> (lol)
<Skalla> !roll 4d3-8
* Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-8 ] getting [ 3 2 1 1 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -8 ] totals [ -1 ].
<Lucas> !roll 4d3-5
* Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 1 1 1 2 ] for a total of [ 5 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 0 ].
<Welumque> !roll 4d3-5
* Lan-werk rolls for Welumque: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 3 2 2 2 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 4 ].
<Narrator> Hildie, though you know they were victorious, the soldiers in the fort still look a bit grim. Welumque, you get the sense that, though they're relieved to still be alive and victorious, there's now a real question of what comes next.
* Soldier takes you all through the fort to the Naqeeb's office.
* Soldier is now known as Zahraoui
* Hildie will take note of the soldier's morale as we go through.
<Zahraoui> Ms. Beritsdottir, and...delegation. This is a surprise.
<Welumque> Naqeeb, we are honoured that you would see us at such a difficult time.
* Skalla nods
<Skalla> yes, thank you for seeing us.
* Skalla can make any necessary introductions
* Zahraoui nods and will greet everyone.
* Hildie will salute her.
<Zahraoui> I take it this isn't exactly an official visit, then?
* Zahraoui smiles sadly and returns Hildie's salute.
<Zahraoui> I'm not sure that's entirely necessary.
<Skalla> Ms. Gundashand has been organized people from town to help support your people - we wanted to see what things look like for you here, and what more we might be able to do from our position
<Zahraoui> So it's you we have to thank for the help on our western flank.
<Thekla> Among many others, Naqeeb.
<Zahraoui> And the owlbear?
<Skalla> I believe that was a spirit
<Zahraoui> Well, a beneficial one for us, at least.
<Skalla> It acts of its own volition
<Zahraoui> As most spirits do. I have some limited experience with them.
* Skalla nods
<Zahraoui> As to how things look, well...tactically, fantastic. Strategically...I have no way of knowing.
<Skalla> The Thing is meeting tonight, but I'm not optimistic we'll hear anything helpful from them
<Zahraoui> We captured over two hundred of the emira's troops, and some six hundred defected to our side.
* Zahraoui nods.
<Zahraoui> I'll take 'not helpful' over 'openly hostile'.
<Hildie> How many does she have left?
<Skalla> that seems good - the defections at least, as long as your provisions can susteain them. and you have room for them
<Zahraoui> A hundred, a hundred and fifty. They managed to get some onto their ships and set sail.
* Skalla nods
<Zahraoui> Room and provisions aren't an *immediate
* problem. We face no active opposition on the island at the moment, and the emira doesn't have the strength to attempt another assault.
<Zahraoui> She doesn't even have the strength to defend Talat Kabira, *if* that were our goal.
<Zahraoui> She put herself in a precarious position, took the shot, and missed.
<Zahraoui> That doesn't mean she's not still potentially dangerous, but she's actually not my real concern at the moment.
<Skalla> what is?
<Zahraoui> Your people, and the Mariannais.
<Skalla> ahh.
<Zahraoui> They are both allied with the emira, and through her the sultana.
<Hildie> And if you march on Talat Kabira, it pushes them towards intervening...
* Zahraoui nods.
<Skalla> I hope the governor understands what woudl happen if she where to move to support her now...
<Zahraoui> We have no ill-will towards Talat Kabira; we're Khalijani. But we have no way of knowing what will happen if it remains in the hands of the emira.
<Zahraoui> She could have reinforcements in a few months, and we'd have to do this all over again.
<Svald> :|
<Hildie> What is your end game? Get rid of the Emira? Surely the emira won't just let that happen? You'll have to fight sooner or later and you have the advantage now.
<Skalla> Maybe this defeat will lose her support at home?
<Zahraoui> She is the sultana's cousin, and, even if it's not her, they'll send someone else.
<Zahraoui> As I said, we're all Khalijani, but I'm not sure we can be Ilhatani any longer.
<Hildie> (I meant Sultana, sorry)
<Skalla> I understand that
<Skalla> Many of us feel the same abotu Vinmark
<Skalla> I'm sure its the same in Mariannais
* Thekla nods.
<Skalla> and all the rest of the colonies
<Zahraoui> I cannot make such decisions for others. Truth be told, I'm not entirely comfortable making them for my troops here, and they put me in charge.
<Skalla> I know.
<Skalla> I thihk here on sisawinak we have somethihn of a unique position - connectiosn to other colonies, and to peoples of this land. Those of us who were around for the last war, I think, value those connections
* Zahraoui nods.
<Skalla> I tihnk that... coudl be true, no matter who we fought with
<Hildie> There are plenty who would disagree, though. Lots of folks are still tied to their homelands.
<Welumque> It would be interesting to know the mind of Governor Therasdottir at this time.
<Welumque> Not just what is said at the Thing.
<Zahraoui> I don't suppose any of you have any insight there?
* Svald glances at Skalla.
<Skalla> Not direct no
* Skalla looks at Welumque though
<Skalla> Do you think you could talk with her?
<Skalla> I know she respects you
<Welumque> When I spoke to her, she indicated she was unwilling to act overtly against the emira. No matter how foolish or erratic she was.
<Welumque> But I wonder how far that goes, when the island is at war.
<Skalla> I think there is a differene in acting against her and acting to support her
<Thekla> Well, it sounds like it's not any more.
<Skalla> if she avoids taking any action, beyond perhaps aiding her retreat, that woudl be good
<Welumque> I would think that inaction would be her most likely course, regardless of whether I talk to her.
<Welumque> I am not averse to the idea, but I do not know if I could get in to see her in a timely way, without some very urgent cause.
<Zahraoui> Do you think that's likely to hold, even if we march on Talat Kabira?
<Zahraoui> I'm not saying we will, but I'm not entirely sure we have an alternative.
<Welumque> I think she might seek her queen's counsel, in that event, before taking action on her own. But I do not know.
<Zahraoui> On Sisawinak, we're rebels. If we were in Talat Kabira, we'd be the government. Or at least in a position to set one up.
* Zahraoui nods.
<Thekla> Is that your goal?
<Zahraoui> I'm not sure we have an alternative. Is Vinmark likely to take us? Mariannas?
<Zahraoui> Would the Lèxkweyok allow us to join them?
<Zahraoui> We only have so many option, and I'm not sure they're viable.
<Welumque> I have written to the clan mothers already.
<Welumque> I think the Lexkewyok are very nervous. They have seen these little skirmishes turn into things that involve all peoples, once before already in living memory.
<Welumque> That was quite different, of course.
<Skalla> Holding Kalat tabira will make it harder for them to send reiforcements, woudlnt' it?
<Hildie> Not if they land them in allied territories.
<Skalla> that sets off exctly what Welunque is talking about
<Hildie> I know.
<Skalla> I think it is inevitable
<Hildie> I wish I could disagree, but at this point...
<Welumque> My people are traders. Right now, Naqeeb, you sound like you want something of us, without offering anything in return.
<Welumque> This is not unfamiliar to the Lexkweyok. We have often been asked of much, and given little, by colonial powers.
<Welumque> And we have often been told by governors and such, that these decisions require assent from Charinisian authorities. And those decisions never seem to come.
<Welumque> So I am telling you now, what I think the clan mothers will say. That if you wish to take this action, then you must be willing to show us that you mean it.
<Skalla> I think this is a little different. For one thing - she hasn't asked you for anythig, and also, we're not talkign about colonial powers at this point. None of us are getting anythign from Charinesia
<Skalla> at least, nothing that we want
<Zahraoui> Show you how?
<Zahraoui> And we are not offering nothing.
<Zahraoui> We are over 2000 veteran soldiers, under arms.
<Zahraoui> Who have already fought to defend Lèxkweyok lands before, if you recall.
<Welumque> And every acre of that land is now claimed by Vinmark, or Mariannas, or both.
<Welumque> I am not saying that you have the capacity to change that.
<Zahraoui> But you'll hold it against my people nonetheless, it seems.
<Welumque> I will not.
<Welumque> I live in Sisawinak, amidst all peoples. I come to see the heart in all of them, the goodness, even.
* Zahraoui nods, and takes a breath.
<Welumque> But the clan mothers, they are more traditional than I am. They do not live in such proximity.
<Zahraoui> I apologize; it has been a long day.
<Skalla> understandable, Naqueeb
<Zahraoui> I am not a diplomat, and that is what my people need right now.
<Welumque> How are the lines of communication between you and Governor Therasdottir right now?
<Zahraoui> Nonexistant, though I would welcome such.
<Welumque> If I were to seek an audience with her, what would you have me convey from you?
<Zahraoui> That we wish no harm, and seek only our own liberty.
<Zahraoui> We would welcome negotiation.
<Zahraoui> We have all fought to defend Sisawinak and her people before; we do not wish to see them hurt.
<Welumque> Can I give her your guarantee that you will keep firm the boundaries of the [fake fantasy Hudson] in whatever actions you will take?
* Zahraoui nods.
<Zahraoui> We have no wish to invade Vinmark.
<Welumque> I realize, of course, that here in Sisawinak, all are affected by the actions of one. But I can make the case to her.
<Welumque> Skalla, if you wanted to accompany, you would be welcome.
* Skalla look at Thekla
* Thekla nods.
<Skalla> Okay
<Thekla> Is it better to show unity with numbers, or would too many push her into a defensive stance?
<Welumque> That, I do not know.
<Skalla> . o O (I will only be save from being murdered by my mother by my aunt....)
<Skalla> maybe if we can speak for numbers
<Skalla> but hold them a little loser
<Skalla> (closer, lol)
* Thekla nods.
* Thekla ( Quit (Quit:
* Thekla ( has joined #thirteen
<Thekla> A somewhat different constituency than our mothers, but still...
<Zahraoui> Then I wish you all success. Please convey that I would be willing to meet with Governor Therasdottir at her convenience.
<Skalla> We will.

The group decides to try and see the governor at the Thing. Skalla checks in with her aunt

<Narrator> You can all be seen out of the fort, and make your way back to Fastning Irena. It's starting to get pretty late. Were folks going to try to go see the governor this evening?
<Welumque> (as soon as possible, not sure whether that is feasible though)
<Skalla> (She's with the Thing still ins't she?)
<Narrator> (You have no way of knowing unless you go check)
<Skalla> (or is she not part of that?)
<Skalla> (if welumque says to do it now, then we can go and check)
<Narrator> (She sits with it, but is not actually a part of it)
<Skalla> (right)
<Hildie> (We shold probably wait to see what the Thing says, no?)
<Skalla> okay - I say we go to the chambler and... I'd like to talk to my aunt beforehand, either way.
<Skalla> so - lets go to the coffee house and find out what's happening
<Skalla> and then decide from there
<Hildie> (k)
<Narrator> Your aunt is also at the Thing
<Skalla> (yeah but I can probably get a note for her to step out and meet me)
<Narrator> (You don't have to be a member to attend, you just obviously can't vote. You can shout plenty, though ;) )
<Skalla> (well okay - we can stop bck and just see if the Thing is still in session and try and talk to Charlotta if it is?)
<Narrator> (All right)
<Narrator> You can tell the Thing is still in session from at least a block away, as various shouts of agreement and loud jeers echo from the assembly hall out into the street. There's a good-sized crowd around the building.
<Skalla> well, the governor is probably alsothere still, then...
* Skalla will see if she can confirm and try and get in to her aunt
<Narrator> (Are you trying to avoid your mother?)
<Narrator> (And is anyone else doing anything?)
<Narrator> (Svald, the owlbear spirit is keyed up, but not to the degree that it seems like it's going to try to manifest. It's just kind of reacting to the ambient vibe.)
<Skalla> (uhh... yes but I recognize t may not be possible >.>)
* Lucas will just stay close to Welumque, a bit overwhelmed/intimidated by all the shouting
<Narrator> (Lucas, Snek is having something of a similar reaction, though their's is more to huddle down defensively)
<Narrator> (Skalla, roll me Stealth)
<Skalla> (Looking to see if there are other skills I can use to help, heh - mayeb Rapport, if i can get sooene form the crowd I know to distract my mother for me?)
<Narrator> (Sure)
<Skalla> !roll 4d3-5
* Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 1 2 3 3 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 4 ].
<Narrator> Yeah, you know lots of people here, so you can get someone to go run interference on your mom.
<Narrator> Roll Stealth.
<Skalla> (I did that wrong - that should be a 3. but now I roll the stealth with a +2?)
<Narrator> (Yeah)
<Skalla> !roll 4d3-5
* Lan-werk rolls for Skalla: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 2 1 2 2 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 2 ].
<Skalla> (okay)
<Narrator> Yeah, you can get your aunt's attention while your mom is distracted. You also see that Governor Therasdottir is in attendance.
* Thekla is now known as Charlotta
<Charlotta> Skalla, what are you doing here?
* Charlotta says after approaching.
<Skalla> Can I talk to you?
<Skalla> maybe where there's les yelling?
<Skalla> (less)
* Charlotta ushers you outside.
<Charlotta> Less yelling is about the best we can hope for. What is it?
<Skalla> I need your advice
<Narrator> Of course.
<Narrator> (ww)
<Charlotta> Of course.
<Skalla> I, uh... I told Naqueeb Zahraoui that I would speak to the governor for her, with Weleumque of the Lexkweyok
<Charlotta> You...what? When?
<Skalla> I spoke to her tonight an the governor .... probably once she's out of here
<Skalla> How is it going in there?
* Charlotta sighs and runs her hand over her face.
<Charlotta> About the same as ever. Half want to act immediately, half want to wait and see, and we get nowhere.
<Skalla> what action are they pressing for?
<Charlotta> Some want the governor to march on the fort tonight, some want to recognize the Guard, which, they haven't declared anything yet, so I don't know how we would...
* Skalla nods
<Skalla> The Naqueeb wants to meet with the governor
* Charlotta whistles.
<Charlotta> That's a tall order.
<Charlotta> Worth a shot, I suppose.
<Skalla> is there... anything I hould say? shuldn't say?
* Charlotta puts a hand on Skalla's shoulder.
<Charlotta> Whatever you think is right.
* Charlotta squeezes Skalla's shoulder encouragingly once before letting her arm fall by her side again.
<Skalla> Can you... help me with mother? >.>
* Charlotta chuckles.
<Charlotta> I'll do my best.
<Skalla> thank you.... so will I.
<Skalla> now to wait until she's free, I guess!

Welumque is able to secure a meeting with the governor, and deliver the message - however the Queenguard arrests Skalla, Hildie and Svald

<Narrator> (Okay, so did Welumque want to try to get a message to the governor?)
<Welumque> (yes, if that's feasible)
<Welumque> (basically, requesting an audience ASAP, and signalling that it's about the current situation)
<Narrator> (She knows people. I think she can manage it without much difficulty. After a little while, a associate of hers will ask you to come with her to a room adjoining the meeting hall.)
<Welumque> (ok, so is it just me and Skalla who are going?)
<Lucas> (am I going with, or do I have to stay outside or whatever?)
<Narrator> (I'll leave that up to y'all. I imagine they'll allow whoever Welumque brings with her.)
<Welumque> (ok, whoever wants to come then)
<Skalla> (well I'm in, clearly)
<Lucas> (well, I'll go because I'd rather be with Welumque in a scary meeting than alone in a scary crowd)
* Charlotta is now known as Governor_Therasdottir
<Hildie> (I'm in)
<Welumque> Governor Therasdottir, thank you for seeing me on such short notice and under such circumstances.
* Governor_Therasdottir looks grim.
<Governor_Therasdottir> Mamsel Welumque, I was told this was important and pertinent to the issue at hand?
<Welumque> It is. My compatriots and I have just come from a meeting with Naqeeb Zahraoui.
* Governor_Therasdottir pauses momentarily as she processes this.
<Governor_Therasdottir> You and *all* your compatriots?
* Governor_Therasdottir looks at each member of the group in turn.
* Skalla meets her gaze levelly
<Welumque> Is that so surprising, truly?
<Governor_Therasdottir> That's immaterial. What did you come to say?
* Skalla gances at welumque, letting her take point her
<Welumque> There are many who now feel that, after the emira's failure here, the course for the Khalijani of good heart to take might be an assault on Talat Kabira.
<Welumque> I will not say that all believe so, and all who do believe so, nonetheless know the risk.
<Welumque> But one of those risks, of course, is that the alliance with Vinmark, which though surely tenuous now, might inspire you to protect your ally, the emira.
<Governor_Therasdottir> The Black Guard plans to march on Talat Kabira?
<Welumque> I cannot provide details, but ... yes. Or at least, that is a strong possibility.
* Governor_Therasdottir nods.
<Governor_Therasdottir> I'm sorry, please continue.
<Welumque> The Naqeeb wishes to convey that she holds no ill will towards Vinmark, and welcomes continued dialogue and negotiation. And that of course, the borders of Vinmark must remain inviolate.
* Governor_Therasdottir nods thoughtfully.
<Welumque> Beyond that, I believe she wishes a fuller understanding of how her actions might affect the decisions of you, or the Thing.
<Governor_Therasdottir> I'm sure she would.
<Welumque> Given the opportunity, she would be very pleased to meet with you directly to discuss.
* Governor_Therasdottir considers.
<Governor_Therasdottir> Would you be willing to act as a messenger for negotiations for such?
<Welumque> My people have always acted as intermediaries in such matters, Governor. Of course.
<Governor_Therasdottir> Thank you. If you'll excuse me for a moment, I'll return shortly with a message with my terms.
* Governor_Therasdottir exits the room.
<Narrator> (You will have a couple minutes before she returns)
<Skalla> hmmm....
<Welumque> Well?
<Skalla> I'm not sure
<Skalla> what do you think?
<Welumque> It is an exceptionally difficulty time for her.
<Hildie> Something doesn't seem right, but I can't put my finger on it.
<Skalla> yeah. She agreed to even consider that very quickly
<Hildie> I have a bad feeling about this.
<Skalla> My aunt thought there was very little chance she'd consider a meeting
* Skalla will go to the door she left through and look out
<Skalla> I think the idea of them marching may have spooked her
<Narrator> The door opens, and the governor walks in flanked by four blue-coated royal soldiers.
* Skalla looks at them
<Skalla> Governor...
<Governor_Therasdottir> Mamsel Welumque, I have here a letter for the current commander of Alhusan al-Aswad, if you will deliver it at your convenience, please.
<Welumque> Certainly.
<Welumque> (is the letter in a sealed envelope or just loose?)
<Narrator> (sealed)
<Governor_Therasdottir> Skalla Beritsdottir Stormvallvag, Hildegard Maelstrom, and...associate, you are under arrest for conspiracy and treason.
