Diablotin 2 session 59

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Diablotin 2 session logs
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Session date:
Diablotin date:


[DiablotinNarrator] It is the third week of Fifth-month, a rainy and windy day that keeps all those who don't have go anywhere indoors if at all possible.

Ysabeau and Marl

[DiablotinNarrator] Ysabeau, you have managed to secure an appointment to meet with the Emperor, at last, in hopes of getting paid for your composition - and perhaps gaining a more permanent position at court.

  • Ysabeau will be dressed better than a worn day dress this time, since she knows in advance.
  • Ysabeau makes her way to the palace with time to spare so she isn't late.
  • Marl will meet with you at the palace, in one of its many parlors. There are servants in and out as necessary, and one of his attendants is also nearby, so you aren't totally alone with him.
  • Ysabeau curtseys gracefully as she greets the Emperor.

[Marl] Good afternoon, Mlle. Chanuier.

[Ysabeau] Good afternoon, Your Majesty.

[Ysabeau] Thank you for seeing me... I know things must have been extremely busy for you, lately.

[Marl] I apologize for the delay in this meeting - as you say, recent events have kept me unfortunately occupied.

  • Ysabeau nods.

[Ysabeau] My condolences for the loss of your cousins. I hope young Tessera is well.

[Marl] She is settling in tolerably well, though of course she is missing her mother.

  • Ysabeau smiles sympathetically.

[Ysabeau] I understand what that can be like.

[Marl] She is still quite young - I'm sure she will soon recover her good spirits.

[Ysabeau] Children can be quite resilient.

  • Ysabeau agrees.

[Ysabeau] From your speech the day of the dedication, I gather that you and your Empress are to be congratulated on your own impending parenthood?

[Marl] Yes, thank you. We are very pleased.

  • Ysabeau smiles.
  • Marl does as well.

[Ysabeau] Do you know when the young prince or princess will make their grand entrance?

[Marl] Around the end of Tenth-month, if all goes well.

  • Ysabeau nods.

[Ysabeau] I'll pray for mother and child's health.

[Marl] Thank you.

  • Ysabeau nods and tucks a lock of hair behind her ear.

[Marl] I also need to convey my appreciation for your composition. It was more wonderful than I had hoped, and it received many words of praise.

  • Ysabeau beams.

[Ysabeau] Thank you, Your Majesty. You honour me.

[Marl] No more than you deserve.

  • Ysabeau glances down modestly and blushes... she does find it hard to take praise.

[Marl] There is also the matter of payment... The Count of Childress over there will ensure that you receive your recompense before you depart.

  • Marl says with a nod to his attendant.
  • Ysabeau glances over at him and smiles to acknowledge him.
  • Ysabeau turns back to the Emperor. Is that the end of the audience, then?

[Marl] Would you be interested in a more long-term appointment here?

  • Ysabeau looks thoughtful.

[Ysabeau] I would be, Your Majesty... but I would ask a few questions, if I may.

[Marl] Certainly.

[Ysabeau] As you may be aware, I sing as well as compose and play... if I accepted a post here, would I no longer be able to sing for the operas?

[Marl] I see no reason why not, as long as you were still able to fulfill your responsibilities here.

  • Ysabeau nods.

[Ysabeau] I am also part of a quartet, as well... the Vallon Consort. Would we still be able to play together? I suppose it is similar to the question of the operas.

  • Ysabeau smiles.

[Marl] Again, so long as it does not interfere with your duties, I see no reason why not. It might also be possible for them to gain positions in the Imperial orchestra, if that were something they desired.

[Ysabeau] It may be. They are good musicians, Your Majesty.

[Ysabeau] Well, both of your answers beg the question: what would my duties here entail?

[Marl] You would be a court composer. You would compose pieces as necessary for special events, for entertainments, and so forth. You could also be involved in performing these pieces, if you are so inclined.

[Ysabeau] (Does he seem to have more to add? If not then I have another question.)

[Marl] I don't know too much about how long it takes to compose something - I imagine there are many variables, such as how long or complex a piece is. But I should think you would have adequate free time to pursue your other interests.

  • Ysabeau nods, smiling.

[Ysabeau] It depends in great part on how inspired I am, too, Your Majesty.

  • Marl nods.

[Ysabeau] But you are right, while working on your symphony I still had time for other things...

[Ysabeau] Would you wish for me to be available to play for you, or for other members of your court, as needed? Like the time you had me play while you worked.

[Marl] Your primary responsibility would be the compositions, but from time to time you might be called upon to perform.

  • Ysabeau nods.

[Marl] So long as you are available - if you aren't, there are of course many other musicians at court.

[Ysabeau] Of course.

[Ysabeau] Would I be required to live here, Your Majesty?

[Ysabeau] My preference would be to keep my own house in the Place D'Iena...

[Marl] It would be preferable, for convenience. But if you are strongly opposed to it...

[Ysabeau] I am just concerned that there may be too many distractions at court, Your Majesty.

[Ysabeau] I need quiet and solitude to compose.

  • Marl nods.

[Ysabeau] If it's necessary I could split my time between here and my home.

[Ysabeau] Retiring to the house when I need the quiet.

[Marl] I understand that. A quiet suite could probably be arranged - something in one of the less-used towers, perhaps.

[Marl] And of course you would have access to the various music rooms here, and the other musicians in my employ.

  • Ysabeau brightens, thinking of some of the more skilled/famous ones whom she'd love to get to know.

[Ysabeau] Your Majesty's terms are very generous. I would probably regret it for the rest of my life if I did not accept.

  • Ysabeau smiles, tucking that stray lock behind her ear once more.

[Marl] We will ensure that you have everything you need. Keep your house for now, should you find you need it, but a suite here will be set up for your use.

  • Ysabeau curtseys.

[Ysabeau] Yes, Your Majesty. Thank you.

[Marl] If you have members of your immediate family, they may of course also join you here if they wish.

[Ysabeau] When would you like me to start?

[Marl] As soon as you are able.

  • Ysabeau nods.

[Ysabeau] I have a sister; I'll have to ask her what her preference is.

[Marl] Very well.

[Marl] If there are no further questions, the count will see you out.

[Ysabeau] Just one... I have a dog. Could he stay in the suite?

  • Marl smiles slightly at that.

[Marl] Certainly, if that is your wish.

  • Ysabeau blushes.
  • Ysabeau nods.

[Ysabeau] Thank you, Your Majesty.

[Marl] Thank you, Mlle. Chanuier.

[Ysabeau] Thank /you/, Your Majesty.

  • Marl chuckles.

[Marl] Good day, then. See the Chamberlain when you are ready to see your suite.

[Ysabeau] Yes, Your Majesty.

  • Ysabeau makes the proper obeisance and goes with the Count, then?
  • Marl departs, and you are shown out by the Count of Childress, who also provides you with your payment - a note for 300 imperials.
  • Ysabeau thanks him and goes on her way, I suppose... to a bank!

Alma and Corwen

[DiablotinNarrator] Alma, you have made an appointment to see Corwen Storms, head of the Castalia and former apprentice of Loch du Champe.

  • Alma is prompt!
  • Corwen is a tall, rather broadly-built grey-haired man in his late sixties, wearing Castalia robes.
  • Corwen receives you in his office.

[Corwen] Good afternoon, Sister. What can I do for you?

[Alma] Good afternoon, Mister Storms.

[Alma] I am hoping to find out whether I can access some of the late Castalia Head du Champe's records, as a part of my research for the Church into the Arch.

  • Corwen looks mildly puzzled.

[Alma] I hoped that they might be kept here at the Castalia.

[Corwen] Loch du Champe was never head of the Castalia, though of course he had many ties here - but he *was* my mentor, so I suppose it makes sense you would come to me.

  • Alma looks embarassed and opens her notes and looks over them quickly.

[Corwen] He did leave some of his notebooks to me. What particularly are you seeking?

[Alma] I ... apparently misunderstood something I read... though it does say that you might have continued on with his research.

[Alma] So I'm not completely crazy.

  • Corwen chuckles at that.

[Corwen] He worked in the guard, and later was Chief Sorcerer. But he did also conduct his own research, and made use of the Castalia quite regularly.

[Corwen] And of course he studied here, but that was before I knew him.

[Alma] In particular I'm looking for information from about 2220, perhaps any divinations related to the Arch. However I would be interested in anything related to the Arch, and the Founding of the city.

[Corwen] Ahh.

[Corwen] He was no diviner, so I doubt there would be much in the way of divinations in his notes unless they were conducted by other people at his behest.

[Alma] (Velten mentioned one, right?)

[Corwen] There is some considerable material related to the founding of the city, however.

[Corwen] I believe he intended to write a book about that, though he never actually completed it.

[Alma] I would love to look at his notes on the Founding.

  • Corwen nods.

[Alma] I did hope that perhaps there might be some divinations performed on his behalf about 2220 however, perhaps about a child...

[Corwen] I believe there are half a dozen notebooks on the matter, at least.

[Alma] I'm not sure that would be something that would stand out quite easily.

[Alma] Or rather, it would, but it would be rather hard to find in the notes from a year or two's work

[Corwen] A child?

  • Alma looks a little awkward as she searches for a diversion -_-

[Alma] It's a matter of some delicacy... but I have reason to wonder if Mr. du Champe may have looked into the birth of a child.

  • Corwen furrows his brow.

[Alma] It's only a hunch, at present...

[Alma] (SM)

[Corwen] I don't recall anything like that, but I can't truthfully say I've read every single page of his notes, either.

[Alma] (25)

[Corwen] It would be around 2220, you said?

  • Corwen seems truthful.

[Alma] Yes, though who knows when any inquiries might have finally been made?

[Corwen] So 2220 or later?

[Alma] I understand that it's ... a bit of a shot in the dark.

[Alma] Yes.

  • Corwen nods.

[Corwen] It would be a large amount of material to comb through, looking for something we're not sure what it might look like.

[Corwen] But I'm willing to have a look.

[Alma] I suspect it would be something he would not have left public...

[Alma] If I could provide... assistance, personally, or with research assistants, I would be more than happy.

[Corwen] Well, none of his notes were really intended for public consumption. They were his personal notebooks...

  • Alma nods

[Alma] I just assume he had a long view of things :)

  • Corwen smiles at that.

[Corwen] It's no slight against you or your assistance, Sister, but I would prefer to do the looking myself.

[Alma] I understand.

[Corwen] You know who else you might talk to, is his colleague Antje Dinh. They worked together closely for many years, she surely knows something.

[Alma] Oh?

[Alma] She resides in the city?

[Corwen] Nowadays, I believe so - she used to travel more, but she's quite elderly now of course.

[Alma] How would be best to contact her?

[Corwen] She is ... not the most outgoing woman, but I could send a note of introduction with you, if you intend to pay her a visit. It couldn't hurt, anyway.

[Alma] I would appreciate it, Mr. Storms, thank you.

[Corwen] Not at all, Sister. And I will certainly contact you if I find anything related to divinations about a child in 2220 or the years thereafter.

[Alma] And the records about the founding, they are available here?

[Corwen] Yes, that is at least all in one place, and reasonably easy to consult.

  • Alma smiles.

[Alma] Thank you very much for your time.

  • Corwen can produce about half a dozen notebooks on the subject and allow you consult them.

[Corwen] I have to ask that you not remove them, of course, but you can consult them here at your leisure.

[Alma] Of course.

[Corwen] It's been a pleasure, Sister. I hope your research proceeds well.

  • Corwen jots you a quick note to take to Antje before you depart.

Everyone else

  • Nycaise has asked those of you who are coming with her to the Shadow Plane to meet at the Society early in the morning on the 20th of Fifth-month.
  • Nycaise is waiting in one of the smaller side-chambers when you arrive, a scroll case in her hand.
  • Sanadhil arrives a little early
  • Ilphere strolls in soon after.
  • Seth arrives in a timely fashion.

[Sanadhil] (did she gives us the basic 'you should prbably dress in black and such, instructions?)

  • Sanadhil would probably do so anyway...

[DiablotinNarrator] (no)

  • Dominik arrives in his armor with his sword

[Ilphere] (I'm still in black anyway)

  • Sanadhil eyes Dom

[Sanadhil] That may be a bit excessive, M. Radmacher...

  • Guillame also arrives armed and lightly armoured, looking a little drained, but alert.

[Dominik] It may be.

  • Nycaise locks the door once all of you are inside.

[Nycaise] Thank you all for coming. We will be stepping into the Shadow Plane momentarily. We'll arrive in the great library in the city of Llorfir, on the western coast.

[Nycaise] My contact will be waiting for us there, and, provided that all goes well, you will be able to speak with him in reasonable privacy for some time.

[Nycaise] The man you will be meeting, in case you haven't all heard, is named Rhyl ussQu'rret, the head librarian there. He is a scholar who travelled the planes in his youth, and, incidentally, my grandfather.

[Nycaise] This doesn't give me any great influence over him, if you were hoping it might. He's generally friendly towards me, and curious about humans in general, but he can be oddly temperamental at times.

[Nycaise] Don't touch his books, for instance, unless specifically given permission.

  • Nycaise says with perhaps a slightly longer glance at Sanadhil.
  • Sanadhil nods

[Nycaise] Are there questions before we go?

[Seth] Is he fully fluent in our language?

[Nycaise] He is reasonably fluent, yes. There may be the odd word here or there he doesn't know.

[Seth] Are there particular topics that are taboo or best avoided?

[Nycaise] I don't think so. I suppose if you stumble across one, you'll find out, but I'm not aware of any. He's in many ways more open-minded than many shadar-kai, I suppose because he's seen other ways of living.

[Seth] Is he aware of the general nature of the questions we intend to ask?

[Nycaise] I told him you were interested in the history of his people, and he knows about the explorations we have conducted in Sarasagel and in the dream-world.

[Seth] Very well. Of course, that raises the pertinent issue of whether we really know what we want to ask, but I am sure we all have our own interests.

  • Sanadhil nods to Seth

[Sanadhil] I believe we are set to proceed, then?

  • Sanadhil looks to the others
  • Ilphere nods eagerly..!

[Seth] I have no objection.

[Guillame] I think so, yeah

[Nycaise] Very well, then.

  • Dominik shrugs
  • Nycaise unrolls the scroll and lays it flat on the table. Its surface is not parchment, but is black and seems to shift like a pool of water.

[Nycaise] I'll go first.

  • Nycaise touches her hand to the surface of the scroll and seems to be... sucked into it before your eyes.
  • Sanadhil follows
  • Guillame touches the scroll
  • Ilphere will go next.

[Ilphere] (oooOOooo neat)

  • Seth goes in.
  • Dominik takes one final glance around the room and goes in

[DiablotinNarrator] The place in which you emerge is a building of white stone, a spire or tower perhaps, lined with books and scrolls and graven tablets. There are narrow windows that admit a slight breath of cool air, but of course no light.

  • Rhyl is standing nearby.

[Rhyl] Ah, greetings. I have been expecting your arrival.

  • Rhyl says in slightly accented Aveyrone.
  • Rhyl is a handsome shadar-kai man of indeterminate years (perhaps the equivalent of somewhere between thirty-five and forty-five). His skin is quite light, a pale grey, and his hair is pearl-white.
  • Rhyl wears an iron-grey silk robe embroidered with intricate designs. His only visible body modification is a pair of close-fitting rings through either side of his lower lip.

[Sanadhil] Greetings, sir - we are honoured that you have agreed to meet with us

  • Sanadhil will introduce himself and the others in turn.
  • Rhyl bows slightly in greeting.

[Rhyl] The library is not open to patrons at present, so you need not fear being noticed.

[Sanadhil] (starting with Ilphere, 'cause she's a princess ;)

  • Sanadhil wonders if Dozilva is here :3
  • Sanadhil nods

[Rhyl] Nevertheless, we should move to somewhere more private.

[Sanadhil] of course.

  • Rhyl escorts you to what you presume must be his office - a chamber that seems to have several layers or levels, connected by rope ladders leading upwards. The room you enter into has a low table and sufficient cushions for you to sit on the floor around it.
  • Sanadhil will sit, then, if we are directed to do so
  • Nycaise takes a seat.
  • Rhyl also sits.
  • Ilphere sits down gracefully.
  • Dominik takes a seat as well instead of standing the entire time.

[Sanadhil] Mlle L'Averti has told us that you are basically informed about out travels and experiences in the Shadow Plane - I expect we all have specific questions, but before we begin, was there any further elaboration you would like to hear?

  • Guillame sits with the others
  • Sanadhil will be at his most Diplomatic

[Rhyl] You are not from Aveyrone, I take it?

  • Sanadhil shakes his head. "From Cozovode."

[Rhyl] Fascinating!

  • Sanadhil smiles.

[Rhyl] I travelled there once, many years ago. I would be very interested to hear about how it has changed some time.

[Sanadhil] I would be happy to induge.

[Rhyl] But today I gather you have questions for me, so I will try to keep from asking too many of my own.

  • Sanadhil nods

[Sanadhil] One of the topics that some of us were most interested in was the sleeping queen we encountered in Sarasagel - Imraen no Qu'rret

  • Rhyl nods.

[Rhyl] Tales are told that she was frozen in sleep to save her from the final attack on that city - but most believe them legends only.

[Rhyl] It seems it is true, however!

[Sanadhil] Indeed - quite true.

[Sanadhil] I would be very interested to hear what else is known about the loss of the city.

[Sanadhil] but also, more about who she is.

[Rhyl] It was once a great and holy place, but it had been dwindling for some time before its fall.

[Rhyl] She was the final ruler to reign there, though she was born in your plane.

[Ilphere] We had heard that it is considered cursed now...?

  • Sanadhil nods
  • Rhyl nods.

[Rhyl] At first, it was dangerous to be there, because of the bane-mist.

[Sanadhil] the bane-mist?

[Rhyl] I do not know if it was an entity itself or a magical effect, but it was often fatal to those who were exposed to it. Those it killed would later rise again and attack their neighbours...

[Rhyl] Very unpleasant, it seems.

  • Sanadhil nods

[Sanadhil] Hmm.

[Rhyl] Even after that had moved on, however, the many deaths that had occurred there made it seem ill-favoured... cursed, I suppose.

[Rhyl] And there are also the bleed-throughs from your plane there, which make it unsettling for us to spend much time in.

[Rhyl] Although they are harmless, so far as I have ever seen.

[Sanadhil] Do you know what caused the bleed-throughs?

[Sanadhil] or causes, I suppose..

[Rhyl] It is a .. thin place, I suppose is the best way to think of it. Many passages back and forth between our worlds took place there, and perhaps that made the barrier between them grow weaker.

  • Sanadhil nods.

[Rhyl] I do not know if that is the true explanation, but it seems possible.

[Sanadhil] Indeed...

[Seth] What do you know of the gateway we used to pass between the worlds? Its history, origins, nature?

[Rhyl] I suspect it was used by my people during the time they ruled Saraknyel. Beyond that, I'm afraid I do not know much more. Permanent passages between the worlds are not common, but they do exist in other places. Perhaps there was an art to making them that is now lost, or perhaps they are a rare but natural occurrence.

[Seth] Is it still known to your people?

[Seth] The one we used, I mean?

[Rhyl] Not commonly. To the few who have travelled to Sarasagel, I suppose.

[Seth] How many are there who have done so?

[Rhyl] Very few that I am aware of.

[Rhyl] I know of only a handful, perhaps.

[Rhyl] Some have gone there and not returned, also.

[Rhyl] Possibly they perished, or possibly they passed into your world and did not return here for whatever reason.

[Sanadhil] is there any real interest in the place at present?

[Rhyl] Not really. It is quite distant, and most people think of it only rarely I suspect.

  • Sanadhil nods

[Rhyl] It is not considered to be a place where great treasures lie buried, for instance :)

[Sanadhil] That was certainly not our experience, in any case.

  • Sanadhil smiles slightly

[Sanadhil] Other that the one scroll.

[Ilphere] Unless you include the queen herself...

  • Rhyl nods.
  • Sanadhil nods

[Sanadhil] Is she something that your people might have keener intererst in, knwing that it is not just a legend?

  • Rhyl considers that.

[Rhyl] A few might be interested in attempting to wake her.

[Rhyl] But I believe it would be a mistake.

[Seth] Why would it be?

[Sanadhil] On what grounds?

  • Sanadhil asks curiously.

[Rhyl] It would probably be very difficult for her, and disruptive to our present government - so much so that some might consider her a threat and wish to see her eliminated, particularly if she believes she is still our ruler.

[Rhyl] I do not know whether she could make the transition to understanding how much things have changed.

  • Sanadhil nods.

[Seth] What can you tell me of her birth and early life?

[Rhyl] Our histories recount that she was born during the time our people held Saraknyel. Her mother perished during the loss of the city to your people, and the child was only rescued by luck. She was brought to Sarasagel, and grew to adulthood there before its fall.

  • Guillame is conflicted

[Guillame] I understand the problem of disruption, but... it seems rather... unethical to leave her thus, if a cure were available?

  • Rhyl makes a shrug sort of gesture with his hands.
  • Guillame accepts that, for now.

[Sanadhil] I'm not certain she would wish to be awakened, in any case.

  • Sanadhil says to Guillame
  • Ilphere nods to Sanadhil...

[Sanadhil] though I undertsnad how you might see that as problematic as well.

[Ilphere] In her dream, she rules an empire that spans two planes...

[Guillame] . o O (That doesn't make it right to leave her trapped there...)

[Rhyl] The name she chose upon achieving adulthood suggests an antitheist turn of mind. There has always been such a strain of belief in our society, but it was less common in her day, so the choice is unusual.

[Sanadhil] Perhaps she was influenced by her experiencs as a child....

[Seth] While in the city, while in the presence of our arch, I had a vision of the queen as an infant, and some cryptic instructions from her mother.

[Rhyl] Oh?

  • Rhyl looks to Seth.

[Seth] It was in the dream, rather.

  • Seth recounts the ritual as he experienced it in the dream-within-a-dream.
  • Sanadhil seems thoughful, and glances at Ilphere

[Rhyl] It sounds as though the ritual was intended to bind her to the... Arch, as your people call it.

  • Sanadhil nods.

[Sanadhil] What do your people call it?

[Rhyl] If they were to call it anything, it would be the Well. In our land, it was seen as a flat circle, lying upon the ground.

[Rhyl] But it would be unusual for any but scholars to think much of it at all.

[Sanadhil] What happened to it?

[Seth] But clearly your people, at that time, knew this ritual and saw it as essential to ... something?

[Rhyl] It has been ...broken, damaged, since before we came to your plane. I suspect that was most likely the reason for the conquest in the first place.

  • Sanadhil nods

[Seth] How?

[Rhyl] (which of your several questions should I answer ;)

[Rhyl] (give me a few seconds before asking the next one! ;)

[Rhyl] Essential to rulership, I suppose. To being tal-antar.

[Seth] And yet it was destroyed ... thus preventing any further succession?

  • Sanadhil eyes Seth.

[Sanadhil] One question at a time, perhaps....

[Sanadhil] I am still interredted to hear what happened to the arch on this plane.

[Rhyl] I had mentioned there has always been an antitheist faction among my people... it seems that some of them damaged the Well, apparently enough so that it could no longer function.

[Sanadhil] Fascinating....

[Rhyl] They were executed, of course, but they seem to have found the act worthwhile nevertheless.

[Ilphere] What was their motivation...?

[Rhyl] To prevent the influence of the deity on our society. The antitheist position holds that deities are beyond our knowledge, their motivations obscure and potentially dangerous. To allow them to exercise control over us is thus foolhardy.

  • Sanadhil nods

[Ilphere] The deity being... Vrag?

[Sanadhil] That is very similar to the Cozovodë position....

[Rhyl] In this case, yes.

[Sanadhil] Is Vrag still influential at all in your society?

[Rhyl] It is my belief that our plane is cut off from its influence, and indeed that of any deities. We have no priests among our number, for instance. There are still a few who cling to the old religion, but they are considered eccentrics at best.

  • Sanadhil nods

[Sanadhil] fascinating.

[Seth] Do you know how, exactly, the Arch ... the Well, that is, was damaged? By spell, or by physical force, or some other means?

[Rhyl] I do not know precisely - perhaps by a combination of the two.

[Seth] Do you know where it is now?

[Rhyl] Still in Sarasagel, I assume. I have not seen it myself, though.

  • Seth nods.

[Sanadhil] ... hmmm

[Sanadhil] Do you know if there are other extand records from the time Sarakynel was under Shadar-kai control?

[Sanadhil] I'm interested in studying that period...

[Sanadhil] Particularly in understainding the religious influence of the Shadar-kai on the local poplation

[Rhyl] I suspect that most records that were made at the time were lost there - the exodus from the city seems to have been hasty, anything that was brought would have been haphazard.

  • Sanadhil nods

[Sanadhil] What about records of the nature of Vrag worship among your people?

[Rhyl] Followed by the exodus from Sarasagel, and I doubt that much survived at all.

[Sanadhil] We did recover a number of...curious artifacts from the city

[Rhyl] Oh?

[Sanadhil] And we also know that there were some changes in the celestial order that accompanied the change in leadership of the city from the Shadar-kai to the early Averyonne

  • Sanadhil nods

[Sanadhil] A statue, in particular, recovered from a temple.

[Rhyl] I would be curious to see this.

[Sanadhil] The statue is a contruct of some kind, and very dangerous...

[Rhyl] Ah.

[Sanadhil] Studying it at all requires supervision, but that may be possible to arrange - we would need to consult with others.

[Rhyl] I believe that the final years of the old religion here were very tumultuous times.

  • Sanadhil nods

[Rhyl] They had lost contact with their deity, after all - desperate measures were probably taken.

  • Sanadhil nods

[Sanadhil] what kind of desperate measures?

[Rhyl] Bargains with extraplanar forces, sacrifices...

  • Sanadhil nods

[Sanadhil] that seems t fit with the evidence

[Sanadhil] I'm interested to know what may have been involved prior to that break down as well, however.

[Rhyl] My impression is that it was a highly hierarchical, ascetic faith, but this is mainly based on what I know of the worshippers today, I admit.

  • Sanadhil nods

[Sanadhil] Do you think it is possible that *they* would have any reliable records?

[Rhyl] It could be... I don't know.

  • Sanadhil hmms to himself again.

[Ilphere] Is there any way we could get into contact with them...?

[Rhyl] They tend to be wary of outsiders even of my race, so it might be difficult to gain their trust, but perhaps something could be arranged.

[Sanadhil] That would be wonderful, if it could be done.

[Ilphere] I would be most interested, if it is possible...

  • Sanadhil nods to Ilphere

[Rhyl] I shall see, then.

[Seth] This is perhaps a sensitive issue, but ... what can you tell me of those who are of mixed race, human and your people?

[Rhyl] What do you wish to know about them? There are very few that I am aware of, at least here. Perhaps more in your plane...

  • Sanadhil nods thanks to Rhyl, without interrupting Seth's line of questioning

[Seth] How would one ... identify people of mixed race?

[Rhyl] After a generation or two, it would be difficult to do so by their appearance, I think.

[Rhyl] There are probably many in your Empire who have some fraction of shadar-kai blood, diluted by many generations.

  • Sanadhil nods

[Sanadhil] Some of the names are suggestive, also...

  • Rhyl nods.

[Guillame] Do any of the other old religions still hold here? I am particularly interested in the followers of Rat, as much of the history of that religion is lost to us.

[Rhyl] The gods of your people were never worshippped here, as far as I know. I am sorry I don't know more.

[Sanadhil] What of other gods?

[Rhyl] None that I am aware of. If there were any aside from Vrag, I have never heard of them.

  • Sanadhil nods
  • Guillame nods also

[Sanadhil] My understandong of the greater cosmology linking the planes is that Vrag was originally a servant of The Center....

[Sanadhil] A sort of pure celestial plane of some sort?

[Sanadhil] And Vrag was its interpreter. What that of it was seen to your people?

[Sanadhil] (how it was seen)

[Rhyl] I think 'servant' is the wrong word. It bounded the Centre, dividing it from the emptiness beyond.

  • Sanadhil nods

[Sanadhil] yes, that sounds right

[Ilphere] And Kavreshar...?

[Ilphere] Was that entity known here as well...?

  • Rhyl considers.

[Rhyl] The name sounds familiar to me, but I'm not certain from where.

[Rhyl] It is in Celestial, is it not?

[Ilphere] (I have Celestial... is it?)

  • Sanadhil looks pensive at that

[Ilphere] (does it mean anything in that language?)

[Sanadhil] . o O (I should learn that...)

[DiablotinNarrator] (not that you know, Ilphere)

[Ilphere] I'm not sure... It has no meaning that I know of in that tongue, at any rate...

[Rhyl] My Celestial is rusty... perhaps I am mistaken.

  • Sanadhil thinks if it means anythign in Infernal?

[DiablotinNarrator] (something about bringing something, maybe? you're not sure. It's a bit like saying 'what does David mean in English' :p)

[Sanadhil] hmmm...

[Sanadhil] It may have some meaning in Infernal, but I will have to look in to it further.

  • Rhyl nods.
  • Sanadhil will make a mental note to do the same with Emkathon
  • Sanadhil looks to the others

[Sanadhil] Do we have anythig further at this time?

[Seth] I do not.

  • Ilphere shakes her head...
  • Sanadhil looks to Guy
  • Dominik stands

[Nycaise] We should be going, then.

  • Nycaise stands as well.
  • Sanadhil nods
  • Ilphere gets to her feet.
  • Sanadhil also stands, and will give Rhyl a polite bow

[Ilphere] Thank you very much for your time...!

[Sanadhil] Thank you, again - this has been very informative, and given me much to think about.

[Rhyl] You are welcome.

  • Rhyl stands as well, to see you out.
  • Sanadhil will silent/still cast locate creature on Dozilva while others are saying their farewells :3

[DiablotinNarrator] (she isn't within the range)

  • Guillame nods thanks to Rhyl as we leave
  • Sanadhil will still/silent case sending, then :3

[DiablotinNarrator] (ok)

[Sanadhil] [to D] My dear, I came here on other business - Wish I had time to stop and see you in person, but I wanted to say hello.

[DiablotinNarrator] "Hello to you too. Too bad we couldn't meet, but I will see you soon. I hope your other business was productive."

[DiablotinNarrator] You make your way back to where you came in, where the portal still waits in the air. You can see the room at the Society through it, though drained of colour.

[Sanadhil] (oh wait, I can't actually still/silent cast sending, but I would try to do it subtly anyway ;)

  • Dominik waits for the rest to go through then follows

[DiablotinNarrator] You all arrive back at the Society safely, and Nycaise rolls up her scroll.

[Nycaise] I hope that was useful for you.

[Sanadhil] very yes, thank you.

[Guillame] . o O (I hope so too!)

[Guillame] Thank you very much for being our guide

  • Nycaise will depart, then, leaving you to your own conversations.

Everyone else, and Ysabeau

[Sanadhil] That is a lot ot think about

[Sanadhil] It is a shame that there are more early records, though

[Sanadhil] I would like to go back and see if we can finds what remans of their arch...

[Dominik] any point in finding the well and examining it, or did we find that thing already

[Sanadhil] It would be worth seeing what was done to damage it

[Sanadhil] if that plane is cut off.... I would be very curious to see how it was done!

[Guillame] I suppose...

[Seth] The ironies and parallels are remarkable.

[Sanadhil] indeed.

[Sanadhil] I expect the warlord would be interested as well?

[Seth] Oh, I imagine so, if no one has any objections if I discuss this with her?

[Sanadhil] We would need her permission for another expedition, so yes, please do.

[Ilphere] I do not...

[Sanadhil] [:to Ilphere]: and we may be able to use this as an opportunity to venture back to the dream.... if we feel prepared to do so.

[Ilphere] :Indeed...!:

  • Ysabeau follows familiar voices to a door to one of the Society's side rooms.
  • Ysabeau will listen at the door if it's closed. But if it's open I will say hello to you all.

[Sanadhil] (If nycaise left it may well be open? I don't know...)

[Sanadhil] if we do plan another expedition, should we include the usual suspects?

  • Ysabeau knocks on the door. Expeditions are fun!

[Seth] Yes, as long as they are amenable of course.

  • Ilphere frowns slightly.

[Dominik] I am interested in the jaunt, as they make such exciting trips, but some notice is required as I am taking a new position at the palace

[Ysabeau] (No one opens the door? Lol.)

  • Sanadhil looks up at the knock

[Sanadhil] oh?

[Ysabeau] It's early for a party, isn't it?

[Ilphere] :Have you broached the subject of returning to the dream with Seth?:

[Ysabeau] I heard something about an expedition.

  • Ysabeau speaks so you can identify the knocker.
  • Dominik will open the door and stand aside to let Ysabeau in.

[Dominik] I've been offered and accepted to be a personal attendant to the Emperor.

[Ysabeau] Oh?

[Sanadhil] Congratulations.

[Ysabeau] Congratulations, Dominik. :)

[Guillame] Wow, congratulations

[Ilphere] What good news...!

[Seth] Congratulations indeed.

[Dominik] Apparently my efforts in dealing with the demon on the bridge caught Marl's attention.

[Sanadhil] the demon?

  • Dominik will close the door

[Ysabeau] A demon? On the bridge?

[Ysabeau] Not one of the ones I mentioned, is it?

[Sanadhil] At the Bridge of Vanities?

  • Dominik nods

[Dominik] It was called a Nighthag, or so I've been told.

[Sanadhil] hmm.

[Ysabeau] Not one we knew about, then.

[Sanadhil] what happened?

[Guillame] What was it... yes, what happened?

[Dominik] A servant I would guess. It was mounted on a black horse with flaming hooves. Magic was being used to bar people from entering the bridge.

[Ysabeau] On purpose, do you think?

[Ysabeau] Given the events at the other bridge?

[Ilphere] A diversion...

[Dominik] Myself and a couple of others dealt with the creature, but not before that evenings trafic had been redirected, making the disaster at the other bridge much worse.

[Ysabeau] Do you think Kavreshar was behind it?

[Dominik] I have no clue as to who was behind it.

[Ysabeau] Fair enough.

[Ysabeau] I'm glad you're all right.

  • Ysabeau turns to the rest.

[Ysabeau] So what's this about an expedition?

[Sanadhil] That is a matter which is still in the early organizational stages.

[Sanadhil] But we may have cause to return to the shadow Plane

[Dominik] You know how to find me. I must be going.

[Ysabeau] Oh, has new information come to light?

[Ilphere] we will speak soon, Dominik...

[Ysabeau] I'll probably see you around the palace, Dom...

  • Dominik nods to Ilphere and leaves the room, closing he door behind him.

[Sanadhil] As I said - we are at a very preliminary stage at the moment

[Ysabeau] Well, I might be interested in accompanying you, if you go.

  • Sanadhil nods

[Sanadhil] Of course. We will keep that in mind.

[Ysabeau] Thank you.

  • Sanadhil smiles

[Sanadhil] On that note, I have other matters I must attend to.

[Ysabeau] (SM)

[Ysabeau] (30)

[Ysabeau] Oh, before you go...

[Ysabeau] Next time we're all together, I was hoping we might be able to discuss something...

  • Sanadhil is in the midst of rising

[Ysabeau] I've been saving up; I finally have enough to cast a Legend Lore spell.

[Ysabeau] The thing is, I'm not sure where it would be put to best use in order to further our research...

[Sanadhil] Ahh, I see...

[Ysabeau] It's the equivalent of nine months' salary for me so you can understand, I wouldn't wish to use it frivolously.

[Ysabeau] Anyway. Just something to think about for the next time we are all at a meeting.

[Ysabeau] The other thing to bear in mind is that depending on what we want to use it on, it could take months to get an answer.

  • Sanadhil nods
  • Ysabeau will explain how the spell works for those of you who aren't familiar with its workings...

[Ilphere] (we have a passing knowledge :V)

  • Sanadhil nods

[Ysabeau] (San and Ilph do... don't know about Guillame and Seth)

[Sanadhil] : This may be a good time to mention another potential expedition....?

[Ilphere] : Yes.

[Sanadhil] Certainly another meeting would be in order.

[Sanadhil] I have been thinking of another expedition, in any case....

  • Ilphere nods to Sanadhil...

[Guillame] (no idea here - I will listen and learn)

[Sanadhil] To explore what may be the tombs of the founders, and perhaps of patriarch Thaleus....

[Ysabeau] Oh! That would be brilliant!

[Sanadhil] I'd like to discuss that as well.

[Sanadhil] There may be information there that would be of use

[Ysabeau] I agree.

[Ilphere] We will need to get special authorization, but we believe it would be quite productive...

[Sanadhil] But I'd like to include the Countess as well, as I assume the church will need to send someone

  • Sanadhil nods
  • Ysabeau nods.

[Ilphere] Concerning what happened with the Arch around the time of the founding of Diablotin....

[Ysabeau] As long as we all know about the meeting in advance, we should all be able to make it.

  • Ysabeau smiles.

[Ysabeau] Is there a day that suits everyone?

[Ilphere] Everyone is not here, so it is hard to say...

[Sanadhil] Yes - perhaps after the next meeting would be best.

[Ysabeau] Well enough.

[Ysabeau] As for the Legend Lore... if we end up with more than one question, I would just need the required components and I could ask more than one question.

[Sanadhil] Of course

[Ysabeau] I have the ivory sticks and they're fine to re-use but if there's something else you think would benefit from the spell, if you can provide the incense then I will donate the time.

[Sanadhil] We can discuss that later as well - I really must be going now.

[Ysabeau] Very well. Have a good day M. Orecalo.

[Sanadhil] You as well.

  • Sanadhil smiles politely

[Sanadhil] And to the rest, good afternoon.

  • Sanadhil gives Ilphere a polite bow, since she is a princess and all
  • Ilphere smiles and nods farewell to San.

[Guillame] I'm afraid I have rather a lot to attend to, but I'll be sure to be at those meetings.

  • Sanadhil will go off on his way then.

[Guillame] Good afternoon, all.

  • Guillame leaves also.
  • Ysabeau would have offered her condolences in the pause, Guillame...

[Ysabeau] (I wasn't sure if someone was going to say anything more in the conversational vein.)

[Ysabeau] (But if no one looked to be about to add anything I'd have done that, for sure.)

[Ilphere] Well... I suppose I should return as well...

[Ysabeau] I'll walk with you!

[Ysabeau] I have some news.

[Ysabeau] Have a good day, M. Argo!

  • Ysabeau follows Ilphere out and tells her about her new job at the palace...
