Nemnosti session 14

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Nemnosti session logs
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Session date: September 16, 2024
Negili Reckoning date: IE 768, Dezhiri


[NemnostiGM] Welcome, acolytes! Let's get out of the Dezhiri heat for a while; I've got the fire down to just embers so we can see. Thankfully there's a breeze this evening. I've taken us outdoors just this once. I want you to look back towards the ulajeta. See how beautiful it is, lit against the cliffs of the Pardopasu, in the hour past dusk? Now I want you to try to imagine this place, before the ulajeta was here. Just the valley, ancient and eternal, its trees, its cliffs, and of course the river itself. Before She was here, this was land claimed by Empire, but not really of the Empire. The Ravre managed the lands, as they still do. Humans are part of Coherence, both Omban and Ravre. They create, out of fluidity, what is solid, what is permanent, or as permanent as can be. But this is a contradiction! The Unfolding is change, but that change creates stability, now and then, when driven by intention and will. So the great centuries-old dam at Ai Dandura flooded the land and created the lake, not against nature, but as part of Unfolding. The Empire's thirst created the land we now see. And our own Lady's will has similarly imprinted itself upon the land, and not just here. Neither change nor stability are essentially good or bad. That view is a trivial philosophy. So your lifecourse too will have both of these things, the struggle for stability and the struggle to create change. And I am glad, for these things are what we come to understand as life, and as time.

The group develops a plan to investigate the haunted area of the Ghengom near the earthquake site

[NemnostiGM] Nobody really wants to go travelling in Dezhiri, when any given day could be impossibly hot. The one thing we can say about Dezhiri, though, is that it is not Gugivas. Next month, things are likely to be much worse. But after that it will be Romokh, and the holiday, which will be joyous.
[NemnostiGM] So if you are going to advance your knowledge of the earthquake, the slate, the strange haunted area in the Ghengom, and how any of this relates to the intentions of your Hulti enemies, it had better be now.
[NemnostiGM] But you have much to share with Nemnu, and with one another, before you go traipsing off into a place where you know She would prefer you not to go.
[NemnostiGM] (you are welcome to talk to one another at this point about what you have learned, and strategize about what you would like to do next)
[NemnostiGM] (and then you can go talk to Nemnu after that)
[Kuspir] (who wants to kick this off? I can gather us together but I'm not the one who really has much info about this haunt/earthquake/whatever)
[Marga] (I also don't)
[Kuspir] (I think it probably has to be Alai and/or Jevai who bring it up)
[Alai] Good to see everyone is up for this little trip, despite the heat.
[Kuspir] Of course, it's no problem.
[Jevai] thank you
[Kuspir] Can you give us some idea of what you hope to find there?
* Alai is dressed in a light coloured loose fitting Altala, with her ususal assortment of bracelets
[Alai] I'm not supposed to be following this line if inquiry... but that doesn't mean I can't help my friends.
[Jevai] Hmm. I;m not sure - that is why I think we shoudl go
[Marga] Yeah we're just going on a nice trip!
* Ifa smiles at that.
[Jevai] it may be a haunt. Or it may be some kind of spirit...
[Jevai] It could be very dangerous, that is all i know.
[Alai] We're more than capable of handling a little danger, and even alot of danger.
* Alai says with confidence
[Ifa] It wouldn't be the first time.
[Jevai] I hope so. A haunt may be the most straightforward
[Jevai] There have been reports of somethign powerful and dangerous i thst area, something to be avoided, for a long time. However, it is possibel that with the earthquake we experienced, something has changed
[Kuspir] As long as it's the kind of danger that is subject to physical attacks, I'll be able to help. Otherwise, it's not really in my area of expertise, but I will do what I can to help you.
[Alai] Sad Izu can't join us.
* Alai pouts a little
[Jevai] his help would have been valuable
[Kuspir] Someone has to hole up in the library and read things, I suppose.
[Ifa] (quietly, to Alai) About that...I need to talk to you about something. ].]
[Ifa] (q) But it can wait.
[Alai] [w] we'll have lots of time to chat during the walk
* Ifa nods.
[Alai] Lets go discuss this with the Lady before we head out, make sure all is in alignment.
* Kuspir nods
[Jevai] she may be resistant to the investigation
[Alai] She is curious. She can be convinced.
[Kuspir] well, all we can do is see what she has to say.
* Jevai nods
[Ifa] Shall we, then?
* Jevai nods
* Ifa will head that direction, then.
* Jevai will let her take the lead there ;)

The group discusses their plan with Nemnu who reluctantly accedes; She conveys that it is not a haunt, but a strange thing whose nature is not clear to Her

[NemnostiGM] All right, you head up to talk to Nemnu, who receives you in Her library.
* NPC1 is now known as Nemnu
* Nemnu is laid out in some black and grey finery, reminiscent of the old Empire, high-collared and with layers of billowing skirts.
* Jevai is dressed lightly for the weather
[Nemnu] I am pleased to see you, but my spleen is itching in wonder at your purpose.
* Jevai looks at the others, to see if she should be the one to speak uo here
* Marga looks at Jevai and Alai
* Alai looks to Jevai to see if she is going to start
* Ifa smiles.
[Jevai] Grey Lady - we woudl like to investigate the ...haunt, or presence, that is know to inhabit the area near the bold Hulti temple, in the area where the earthquake was caused
[Ifa] We seek your counsel, my Lady.
[Ifa] (Ack, just ignore my line)
[Nemnu] I see.
[Nemnu] Justify that desire for me.
[Jevai] on a number of fronts, lady, its presence, location, and the timing of various events indicate that if nothing else, it would be useful to understand whether it may have any relevance to ongoing events, in terms of politics, but also movements of the source, that we have observed lately
[Jevai] if it is involved, it could be vital to glean how
[Nemnu] Hestur. Stop. You are speaking in meaninglessnesses and vapid nothings.
[Jevai] but – perhaps our Lady is already familiar with this presence?
[Nemnu] Say what you mean.
* Jevai blinks
[Jevai] Am I, lady?
[Jevai] It might be important - if it is, we should know more
[Nemnu] More than once, I have been accused of not wanting to put my acolytes at risk. To this charge, I assume my guilt.
[Nemnu] The thing you are investigating is more powerful than some Hulti assassin or forest beast.
* Jevai nods
[Marga] It kind of sounds like You already know more about it?
* Marga ventures
[Nemnu] I know enough to know that it is very, very dangerous. And enough to know of some risks that, even by telling you of them, would cause you to be in danger.
[Nemnu] But I also can see that events are cascading out of my control and direct knowledge.
[Nemnu] And so if it is needed that I place you, my beloved, at some of that risk, then I will do so, reluctantly.
[Ifa] It seems we, and the ulajeta at large, are already in danger without this knowledge. And I would think, if anything, our service here has taught us that it is better to know than not.
* Jevai nods to Ifa
[Alai] We are capable of handling risk.
[Nemnu] I wish that I knew more about the specific danger that is out there now. Going there, you will surely learn more that will help many others.
[Nemnu] What I can say is that this ... entity ... that is probably the wrong word ... this aggregation of problems and twisted Unfolding wrapped knotlike into a kind of a Kind ... it will not wish you well.
[Nemnu] I will tell you that it is not a haunt - or at least, not as we understand it.
* Jevai nods, as she had suspected this
[Jevai] What do you know how how it came to be?
[Nemnu] More than I can safely say.
[Nemnu] But how it came to be is not the right question anyway.
[Nemnu] It is, rather, how it came to be what it now is.
[Marga] You know if You don't say they're just going to keep trying to find out...
[Nemnu] I know. And yet it cannot change my decision.
[Nemnu] Some promises made ought never to be violated.
[Marga] Alrighty then...
[Marga] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
* Jevai smiles slightly becuse of course marga is right and also - it moght be the right question for me ].]
[Jevai] How did it come to be what it is now, then?
[Nemnu] That, unfortunately, I truly do not know. And that is what I am hoping that you can perhaps find out. Time alone seems insufficient. And the earthquake seems as much a symptom as it does a cause.
[Jevai] a symptom of what?
[Nemnu] I wish I fully knew. It is the question of whether there are an array of enemies against us, whether some of this is, if not chance, at least not motivated by malice, and whether there is a connection between these Hulti and the ... whatever it is.
* Jevai nods
[Ifa] That is quite a lot we don't know, that we might be able to find answers for.
[Kuspir] Thank You for Your guidance, Lady. Is there anything else that may prepare us for what we could find?
[Nemnu] If you require any supplies, I am sure that Pavavi can provide them for you.
* Kuspir nods
* Alai nods
[Ifa] Thank you, my Lady.
[Nemnu] Be safe. Take care of one another.

The group makes preparations and gathers supplies for the trip

[NemnostiGM] (All right, let me know any supplies / special things you need to do before departing)
[Alai] (staff of the magi?)
[NemnostiGM] (lol)
[Ifa] (That's not a no...)
[NemnostiGM] (I assure you it is)
[Kuspir] (this isn't a haunt - probably - but I do feel a bit bad about not taking a Voice with us ;p)
[Kuspir] (but probably Pavavi doesn't loan those out)
[NemnostiGM] (he doesn't keep a spare in the closet)
[Alai] (rod of splendor... I hate camping?)
[Alai] (nm... just some fos)
[Ifa] (Yeah, that thing)
[NemnostiGM] (ok no problem)
[NemnostiGM] Ifa, are you taking one or more bubunne with you?
[Jevai] (potions?)
[Jevai] (do we have those?)
[NemnostiGM] If you want some potions, Naka can hook you up. What potions do you want?
[Alai] (yah some potions of heroism for the fighting types)
[Jevai] (she cna acytaully make healing potions can;t she?)
[Ifa] (How many am I allowed to take?)
[NemnostiGM] (no you can only brew potions for things you can actually cast)
[Alai] (regardless, spells I'll have on me is mage armor, endure elements, and greater magic aura... concealing all my spells and magic items... and a reservoir of 4 fos)
[Ifa] (Also, are the stats for bubunne on the wiki anywhere?)
[NemnostiGM] Uhh, great question, I thought they were up, but maybe not?
[NemnostiGM] A couple of potions of heroism is no problem.
[Ifa] They're not on their Kind page or on the Hand class page ].]
[NemnostiGM] yeah I can see that, hmmm
[Marga] any good fighty magic items?
[NemnostiGM] I just added a very brief text description on their Kind page, Josh
[NemnostiGM] It isn't pretty but it is functional
[NemnostiGM] Yes, armor and weapons of various kinds, maybe not too fancy, but if someone wants something, let me know.
[Marga] something to up saves
[Ifa] Thanks Steve :)
[Marga] cloak of resistance?
[Ifa] Can I get any equipment for my bubunne? Basic armor and weapons, I mean, not anything special.
[NemnostiGM] Yes, no problem, Josh
[NemnostiGM] Sure you can have a +1 cloak of resistance Marga.
[Marga] cool
[Ifa] Coolio. What level armor would that be?
[Ifa] I'm assuming just shield and spear for armament
[Jevai] I would also like a whatsit of resistance
[NemnostiGM] Could be studded leather, chain shirt, maybe armored coat
[NemnostiGM] not heavy armor
[Ifa] Armored coat makes sense to me. Chain shirt feels too labor/material-intensive
[NemnostiGM] anyway, just ordinary stuff, and sure, shield and spear, all makes sense to me
[NemnostiGM] how many bubun are you taking?
[Ifa] Can I take the full 8?
[NemnostiGM] Jevai, ok *fine*, Pavavi has a spare that he will let you take too.
[NemnostiGM] You can, it will definitely make you more noticeable when travelling of course, and possibly limit mobility.
[Alai] (I assmued I could get another +1 cloak like last time)
[Ifa] What do people think?
[Marga] how covert are we meant to be here?
[Marga] I mean it does more than double the size of our group for better or worse
[Kuspir] Why do you think it would be good to take more?
* Kuspir asks Ifa
[Kuspir] In case we need to move or carry something large for instance?
[Jevai] hmm. It could alrrt out enemies that this is something we are investigating.... but it may also make us slower, which culd be more of a concern
[Alai] If we need to flee in a hurry, they will likely be left behind. Consider that.
[Ifa] Well, we don't know what we're facing, so I thought it best to bring all resources to bear. That said, we can certainly manage without.
[Kuspir] We could take a smaller number, perhaps?
[Ifa] Well, they're not *necessary*, and we can certainly manage without any along to carry our things.
[Ifa] I'm fine not risking any of them.
[Alai] well a couple to carry things wouldnt be a bad idea
* Ifa smiles at that.
[Ifa] I'll bring...four, then? Just in case we *do* need to transport something.
* Jevai nods
[Kuspir] Sounds good.
[NemnostiGM] All right, you seem to be set then?
[Ifa] Good to go.
[NemnostiGM] All right, you will plan to set off early in the morning, just at dawn. Once you get up a bit in elevation the temperature of the day isn't going to be too much trouble.
[NemnostiGM] Are you planning to go the way you have in the past - up into the Ghengom and then overland through wilderness? Or are you going to go north along the road to Bemnes, and then through the valley, which is easier but surely a bit slower overall?
[NemnostiGM] ( if you need a reference)
[Kuspir] (idk that we're in a particular hurry? if people want to go the faster way that's fine though)
[Ifa] (Jevai? This is kind of your expedition)
[NemnostiGM] (it's also less conspicuous to go by wilderness, fewer people to see you. But you may not care about that)
[Jevai] (i'm okay to go through the wilderness)
[Alai] (FINE)
[Marga] (lmao)
[Ifa] (hee)
[NemnostiGM] (also I'm assuming you're not inviting/taking Rechegoko?)
[Jevai] (I feel like he might nope out anyway :V)
[Jevai] (Wanna go poke that 'haunt' with us? Uhhh... no also maybe don;t)
* Alai will consume some fos (2) and cast see invisible.
[NemnostiGM] (OK, then, ready to go)

Ifa, in an attempt to heighten her perception, renders herself blind with a magical backlash, and goes to Kuspir for aid and comfort

[Ifa] (Cool, I just needed to figure out when to try to cast See Beyond. If we'll be there and investigating it today, I can cast it before we set out.)
[Ifa] !roll 1d20+6
[Alai] (good for me, less so for Ifa)
[Ifa] (Yeah)
[Ifa] (I both fail *and* get a moderate effect)
[NemnostiGM] (so Ifa, you needed an 18, right? And you got a 7 with your nat 1?)
[Ifa] (Yep! :/ )
[Ifa] (I don't normally do magic. Do I roll the effect or do you?)
[NemnostiGM] (You can roll it. 2B or not 2B, let's see the answer)
[Ifa] (I think I might die :P )
[NemnostiGM] (well, this is not how I saw this session going)
[Ifa] (I am permanently blind now)
[NemnostiGM] (do you have ... destiny?)
[Ifa] (Nope)
[NemnostiGM] Before you depart, Ifa's efforts to widen her perception, has rendered herself totally blind through a brutally failed casting.
[NemnostiGM] Ifa, it is not that you see nothing. Rather, you see tendrils of gray, black, and silver, moving around you, in no correspondence to the objects in the world around you. You are seeing something - just not anything that is in front of you.
[Ifa] (Is there anyone within earshot?)
[Kuspir] (I'm not really doing anything before we go so I could be nearby)
[NemnostiGM] (surely someone, yes. But probably not the others in the group
[Ifa] Kuspir?
* Ifa calls out a little shakily.
[Kuspir] (if you want someone to have to go get me that's okay though Steve - just let me know)
[NemnostiGM] (you can be nearby, sure)
* Kuspir will come to see what you want
[Kuspir] Ifa? What's the matter?
* Ifa will try to turn to where she thinks Kuspir is.
[Ifa] I believe...I may have miscast my spell.
* Ifa tries to sound okay, but is clearly freaking out.
* Kuspir hurries over to you
[Ifa] I think you may need to go get Jevai and Alai.
[Ifa] They'll know something to do...
[Ifa] I can't...I can't see.
[Kuspir] Of course, I'll...
[Kuspir] you can't see?
* Kuspir puts his hands out to take yours.
* Ifa shakes her head, tears forming at the corners of her eyes.
[Kuspir] All right. I'll... I'll have someone go get them. I'm not leaving you alone.
* Ifa will reach for Kuspir as best she can.
[Ifa] All right.
[Ifa] That...that would be better, yes.
[Kuspir] Maybe it will go away on its own...
[Ifa] Right. Right. I'm being silly.
[Ifa] Sit with me a moment?
[Kuspir] no, it's not silly.
* Kuspir will sit with you, still keeping in contact with you so you know he's there.
[Kuspir] Do you want to wait to see if it gets better, or have me call for them now?
[Ifa] No, there's no need to bother them if it goes away in a little bit.
[Ifa] And then I wouldn't need to tell them how badly I screwed up a spell.
* Ifa tries for a smile and mostly manages.
* Kuspir nods, then realizes you can't see him nodding, so says 'Right' instead.
* Ifa will reach over to take Kuspir's hand if she can manage.
* Ifa will also attempt to make idle small talk while they wait.
* Kuspir will take yours if he sees you're trying to reach for his
[Kuspir] Do you want me to... I don't know. Is there anything I can do?
* Ifa is doing breathing exercises.
[Ifa] No, I's good to have you here. You're always a steadying presence.
* Kuspir puts his arm around you.
* Ifa leans into it.
[NemnostiGM] Some time passes, and the same tendrils / shadows are around you, but nothing that resembles the world around you.
* Ifa sighs.
* Kuspir glances down at you
[Ifa] Maybe we *do* need to send for Jevai and Alai.
[Kuspir] All right.
* Kuspir hesitates for a second.
[Kuspir] I'm going to get up and go to the door, just to see if I can find someone.
[Kuspir] I'm not going very far.
[Ifa] Okay.

Kuspir gets actual Source users to help with Ifa’s condition, and Alai uses her abyssal magic to extract a black ichor from her that allows Ifa to see once again

* Kuspir carefully disentangles himself and will go try to find someone who can fetch Jevai and Alai (and Marga since she should be told what's going on, but Alai and Jevai are the first priority for this)
* Alai will arrive with haste after hearing the news
* Kuspir will go back to Ifa's side as soon as he finds someone to deliver the message, and wait with her until the others show up.
[Alai] (you hear her jangling before she arrives)
[Ifa] Alai?
[Alai] what has happened?
[Ifa] I messed up my spell.
* Ifa looks embarrassed.
[Ifa] I can't see.
[Ifa] It's been a little while, now.
* Alai plops down next to her and takes her head in her hands
* Jevai will come in a shirt while later
[Jevai] (short)
[Alai] (can I guess what has happened?)
[Jevai] What's happened? Ifa are you alrigth?
[Alai] (I'll detect magic just in case)
[Ifa] Um, well, I think Alai is checking.
[Ifa] I seem to be a bit blind at the moment.
[Jevai] how long has it been?
[Ifa] Fifteen, twenty minutes, I think?
[Alai] there are traces where the Source has touched your eyes, but there is no lingering enchantment
[Jevai] oh...
[Ifa] What does that mean? This...isn't temporary?
[Jevai] The source can be fickle.
[Alai] They will not fix themselves.
[Jevai] mm.
* Alai lets go of Ifa and stands, considering
[Jevai] what are you thinking?
* Jevai asks her
[Alai] I should leave you like this for a day so you will be more careful in the future
* Alai snaps at Ifa
[Jevai] Alai!
[Jevai] you can scold her later
* Kuspir frowns
* Alai starts taking some fos
[Jevai] she won't really, Ifa
[Ifa] No, she has a point. It's really not *that* difficult a spell, I'm not sure what I did wrong.
[Jevai] is there anyone else you would like us to get? Your mother? Izu?
[Ifa] If Alai has a way to fix this, I'd just as soon not embarrass myself further.
[Kuspir] No point in worrying about mistakes at this point. Just how to fix the issue.
* Alai turns to Ifa, the source gathered.
[Marga] Heyyy I heard there was a problem with the spe--
[Marga] ... uh
[Marga] what's goin' on in here?
[Alai] Everyone else should step back a bit... Ifa... this is going to feel strange, would be an understatement.
[Ifa] What are you doing?
* Kuspir will reluctantly step back from Ifa's side
[Alai] I'm going to pull out of your head what is preventing you from seeing.
[Kuspir] Ifa accidentally went blind casting a spell. Alai's trying to fix it.
* Kuspir tells Marga
[Jevai] hmm
[Ifa] Is that...not my eyes?
[Alai] (ok rolling... DC is 22)
[Marga] ALL THE WAY blind?
[Kuspir] Yes.
[Jevai] its alright
[Alai] (nat 20 on the roll)
[Jevai] (nice!)
[Ifa] (Noice!)
[NemnostiGM] Ifa, as Alai casts the spell, the room around you begins to come back into focus.
* Alai takes her hand and you see if push into Ifa head, she sweeps it along and pulls it out, a black filth dripping from it. That black filth is the first thing Ifa sees
[NemnostiGM] You see your friends around you, anxious.
[Ifa] Oh thank goodness!
[NemnostiGM] Alai, this thing that you have drawn out, you have a sense that it is not part of Coherence. What that means, exactly, is unclear to you.
* Ifa is genuinely crying now, and will quickly get up to hug Alai.
* Jevai is lookigm st the...thing? goo? and frowning
[Ifa] Thank you thank you thank you!
[NemnostiGM] Ifa, you can see once more. However, you still see various tendrils and shadows, as if out of the corner of your eye or appearing momentarily and then, when you focus on them, blinking away.
[Kuspir] Are you all right?
[NemnostiGM] It is as if you see two superimposed images: the real world, and whatever this thing is.
* Kuspir asks, going back to Ifa's side
[Ifa] I...I think so?
* Ifa blinks her eyes.
* Alai makes sure her hand is well away from Ifa as she is being hugs
[Alai] I need to get rid of this...
[Ifa] I think there might be some residual weirdness, but I can see, so I'm...what is that?
[NemnostiGM] (in game: you are considered to be dazzled: -1 to attacks and visual Perception checks, from now on)
* Jevai can likley produce some little jar or pouch or something to slip it into?
[Ifa] (Okie doke, cool)
* Alai looks for a plant or something to feed this into
[NemnostiGM] And yes, Alai, you can store up whatever this goo is.
[Ifa] (That doesn't apply to the roll for seeing through a bubun, does it?)
[Alai] (or a jar or whatever)
[NemnostiGM] (yes, I think it would, unfortunately. But hey, it's only a -1)
[Jevai] what spell was it?
[Marga] Gross :x
[Ifa] Mine or hers?
[Ifa] (okie doke)
[Jevai] yours
* Alai will sit down, the strain of casting getting to her.
[Ifa] See Beyond. I wanted to make sure I'd be able to perceive this not-haunt we're going to investigate.
[Ifa] Alai, are you okay?
[Jevai] that shouldn't have been so dangerous... but as I said. The source is fickle
* Jevai says, but frowns at the goo in a jar
* Jevai will use here slate to DM the goo :x
[Alai] The magic was not simple, despite its appearance... I just need to recover
[NemnostiGM] Jevai, yes, I think it would detect as powerful necromancy
[Ifa] I can...I'll go get you some water.
[Jevai] (Also a natural 20 on the DM)
[Marga] Does this mean we're not going?
[Ifa] I'm okay, I promise!
[Jevai] (would I be able to tell f that was inhereny to Alai's spell or the goo itself or is there no real difference?)
* Ifa will call from the hallway as she goes for said water.
[Kuspir] Alai, are you all right? Do you need some time to recover?
[Kuspir] We could postpone the trip until tomorrow if that would be better?
[Jevai] that might be wise
[Alai] I should be fine by the time Jevai finishes her preparations.
* Jevai nods
[Kuspir] All right. Let's see how everyone is feeling when Jevai is done, and we can decide then.
[Jevai] that will push it late enough i the dy that it might be better to leave tomorrow regardless
[Jevai] but we will see. I can go and finish up... Marga can tell us best if it is too late to leave today
* Jevai waggles the jar at Alai. "Can I hold on to this?"
* Kuspir will be quite reluctant to leave Ifa, I think. You might have to tell him to go away ;)
* Alai nods
[Alai] I will want to investigate it a little further as well
* Ifa comes back with a cup of water for Alai.
[Jevai] yes, of course.
[Ifa] Investigate the...eye goo?
* Jevai will take it for now though and get back to spell prep
[NemnostiGM] All right, you spend the remainder of the day at rest and calming down from this unexpected excitement.
[NemnostiGM] Any new preparations anyone needs to take before tomorrow?
[Ifa] (Okay, so I try to cast See Beyond again...)
[Ifa] (Absolutely a joke :P )
[NemnostiGM] Ifa, the tendrils and shadows definitely have not faded at all overnight.
[Ifa] (Cool, to me if not to Ifa :) )
[Kuspir] Are you sure you feel all right to go?
[Ifa] I'll be fine, I promise.
* Kuspir nods
[Ifa] But I appreciate your concern.
* Ifa smiles.
[Kuspir] You had me worried.
* Ifa looks like she might say something else for a moment, but settles on, "I had me worried, too."
* Kuspir smiles slightly at that

The team finally sets off the next day to the area where they had previously detected the hauntlike presence, and Ifa is overwhelmed by a vision of shadowy tendrils

[NemnostiGM] All right, you set off through the wilderness - once you get out of the Pardopasu it's more or less straight north overland. The ground is fairly dry but the spring grasses still have enough green to them that the Ghengom is still showing its abundance.
[NemnostiGM] (ecause you're not making any side trips, like to Hong Sogo, it's a reasonable chunk of the day but not excessive. Five miles or so, but that's over some rough terrain. Marga, you could cover this whole trip in a couple hours, really, if you were alone. And of course, in vulture form, less than that. The rest of you though, not so much.
[NemnostiGM] You make it without any difficulty to within a few hundred yards of the area where you felt that hauntlike presence before. It's still there, that sense of unease and unnaturalness, so you must be in the right vicinity.
[NemnostiGM] Ifa, make me a Will save please.
[Ifa] (12?)
[Ifa] (Prrrobably not good enough for whatever)
[NemnostiGM] The tendrils around you seem more real and firm than they did back at Nemnosti, or along the trip. It is as if here, they are viscerally real.
* Ifa frowns and stops in her tracks, blinking.
[NemnostiGM] (In addition to being dazzled, you are also shaken, temporarily)
[Kuspir] What's wrong?
[Ifa] (kk)
[Ifa] This place is...wrong.
[Jevai] Yes.
[Jevai] that's why we've come.... is it affecting you in some way?
* Kuspir will get his weapon ready, just in case something happens, and stick close to Ifa
[Ifa] I've been seeing things since yesterday. Shadows and tendrils and...shadow tendrils. It's worse here.
[NemnostiGM] You can definitely tell the direction in which the wrongness is stronger, Ifa - it's to the north and west of you.
[Ifa] That way.
* Ifa points.
[Ifa] Do you see anything? Or you, Alai?
[Marga] Maybe we should have waited longer to come...
[Alai] (nothing with see invisibile, I take it?)
[Jevai] do you have a sense of how far?
* Jevai can slate a DM
[NemnostiGM] You're not really sure, Ifa.
[NemnostiGM] This is all very new.
* Ifa shakes her head.
[Ifa] I just know it's stronger in that direction.
[Jevai] (anythign with DM? or too far?)
[NemnostiGM] (nope)
[Jevai] It's too far to detect anything magcially
[Jevai] we can press onwars.... but be cautious
* Kuspir nods
* Ifa nods.
[Kuspir] Let's be cautious as we approach, then
* Ifa will have the bubunne screen our approach.

The group confronts an area of fluid rock in the wastelands that can turn flesh to stone, and find and rescue Azolte Rumnoska who is petrified there

[NemnostiGM] You reach an area of broken land. The earthquake clearly hit here, as there are exposed bits of rock face everywhere along the north, east, and west faces. Even from a distance of fifty yards or more, this looks like nothing you've seen before.
[NemnostiGM] You are almost able to taste the strange chill that you have felt previously in this vicinity. But it is not static - it ebbs and flows, one moment, almost stinging your eyes, and then receding to a deep, low warmth. Whatever this place is, it is in the process of radical transformation.
[NemnostiGM] Ifa, for you it is just so much information being fed into your body, it is almost overwhelming
[Jevai] (I'll activate my investigative mind)
[NemnostiGM] Where the rock is cracked, it is as if it is oozing outward from the crevices. Both shiny and dull, both rigid and fluid simultaneously. The noise it makes as it extrudes is a low moaning, as when your fingers run across a wet window or dewy flagstone at dawn.
[NemnostiGM] Worse, it is as if, upon your arrival, the scene becomes more agitated, the pace of its undulation a beating drum against the ancient Ghengom. The dark rock-water churns as if pushing against some invisible bonds, reaching out into the valley.
[Jevai] (we all see this? do I have any idea wtf we are lookig at?)
[Marga] This seems... not great
[NemnostiGM] (all right, I've put you all on the map in roll20, you can adjust yourselves relative to one another. You're all at the bottom towards the left)
[NemnostiGM] You can see these areas of moving rock, but they are not, as far as you can tell, advancing towards you. They are more like extensions of the rock face, fluid and inky.
[Jevai] (they don;t registers on arcane sight or detect thoughts)
[Jevai] (to jevai it feels like when she cast her flourish on the Lanky stone)
[Jevai] (she sees a weird human... thing)
[Jevai] (statue?)
[Jevai] (more substantial things i the roiling liquid rock)
[Jevai] (Ifa sends a bubun - it is a statue of Azolte of the Remnoska, her facd stretched out in an awful grimace, like she is trying to escape or move)
[NemnostiGM] The bubun is turned to stone by its strike. They send Marga, in flight, to rope and collect the two statues.
[NemnostiGM] They return with the statues to Nemnosti, using ant haul to strengthen Kuspir and Marga.
[NemnostiGM] Until next we gather by the firelight, young acolytes ...