Aru Ninderulai

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Aru Ninderulai

Aru (700-) is an esteemed elder member of a small and declining noble lineage that is based in Naftusa, who has resided here since their days as an acolyte, over a half-century ago. They serve Nemnu Ula as Her Almoner - responsible for distributing charity and care to the entirety of the province, undertaking good works, and so on. For many years, they were a Hand, of the ardames (Northeast) path here at Nemnosti. After the Daghuri Plague decimated the population of the province, they abandoned that calling in order to get married at the behest of the Ninderulai lineage to one of the younger sisters of Rosem, the new Dendorfi hengi at the time. However, not only did that marriage not result in any children, but Aru soon died, and after being revived as a revenant, the marriage dissolved. Since that time, despite no longer being a formal Hand, Aru has assisted the Hand at Nemnosti in many key matters including teaching acolytes about the Hand of the Dead.