Thirteen 2 session 38
The group hides out in the townhouse until Alienor returns and tells them that the locals were not willing to cooperate with the Vinmark troops. Everyone gets some rest. In the morning, Skalla asks Svald for helps dispelling the magical tracking, and tries to reassure them some about the uncertain future. Meanwhile Lucas and Chemames talk about Lucas's past and their feelings for each other. Skalla gathers everyone in the dining room to make plans.
- Session date: 2022-06-04
- In Game date: following on from the last session, and the following day
The group settles in while Alienor checks out what is hapening
* Alienor immediately crosses to the window looking out on the street, keeping to the side to look out.
* Skalla will do the same
<Welumque> Oh dear ...
<Alienor> That sounded like it came from the square. Your people can't be that foolish, can they?
<Skalla> hard to say. I hope not?
<Skalla> tensions have been high everywhere
<Welumque> I'm afraid I have gravely underestimated the foolishness of people in the recent past.
* Welumque is checking for where the nearest escape routes would be, along with places where a wee person could hide.
<Kennesaw> (Roll Notice or Stealth, your choice)
<Nary> (all of us?)
<Welumque> !roll 4d3-7
* Lan-werk rolls for Welumque: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 1 2 3 3 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 2 ].
<Kennesaw> (I just meant Welumque, though other folks can if they like)
<Kennesaw> Welumque, you're in the front of the house, so you could always retreat to the back, where presumably there's a servants entrance. There's also plenty of human-sized furniture to hide behind or under if necessary.
* Welumque will step back a couple steps just in case.
* Nary is now known as Lucas
* Lucas is keeping a low profile too, near Welumque
<Alienor> I'm going to see what's going on. You should all be safe here.
* Alienor will grab her sword, pistol, and accoutrements from by the door.
* Skalla frowns but with wath her ut the window
* Alienor strides purposefully down the street towards the square, loading her pistol as she goes.
<Kennesaw> Skalla, you watch as she gets to the end of the block and rounds the corner towards the square, losing sight of her.
<Kennesaw> (Roll me Notice, folks)
<Svald> !roll 4d3-5
* Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 2 3 3 1 ] for a total of [ 9 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 4 ].
<Lucas> !roll 4d3-5
* Lan-werk rolls for Lucas: [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 2 2 2 2 ] for a total of [ 8 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 3 ].
* Skalla rolls [ 4d3-5 ] getting [ 3 2 3 3 ] for a total of [ 11 ] which, after the modifier [ -5 ] totals [ 6 ]
<Welumque> !roll 4d3-7
* Lan-werk rolls for Welumque: [ 4d3-7 ] getting [ 1 2 3 1 ] for a total of [ 7 ] which, after the modifier [ -7 ] totals [ 0 ].
<Kennesaw> All of you can hear shouting still, but most of you can't really catch what they're saying at this distance from inside. Skalla, it sounds like people are shouting at the Stordam soldiers to leave, and they're still trying to look for y'all.
<Skalla> I thnk we'll be okay, they're not welcome here
<Welumque> We said that centuries ago.
<Skalla> hah
<Welumque> No offense, Skalla.
<Kennesaw> Minutes tick by, but no further shots are forthcoming. The shouting get louder, however, as you think more people congregate to repel the Stordammer soldiers.
<Kennesaw> (Y'all will have a little while here, if anyone is doing anything in particular.)
* Svald is passing out
<Skalla> (not, I'm going to stay put and keep watch until Alienor gets back
* Lucas is just exhausted too and will just sit quietly unless some other drama happens.
* Lucas can check on Chemames though I guess - make sure his injuries are ok.
* Chemames has probably found some out of the way place to sit.
<Kennesaw> (Svald, there's probably a couch you can lie on for the moment.)
<Kennesaw> (Or are you going in search of a bed?)
<Svald> (whichever is closest)
* Svald makes themself into a little Svaldball somewhere
<Chemames> I really hope it doesn't escalate here, too.
<Lucas> Me too...
<Lucas> If it does, though, you can get away. You are probably safer without us around.
<Chemames> I'm not going anywhere.
<Chemames> Just because I don't *want
* to be in danger doesn't mean I'm going to run from it.
* Lucas looks both touched and a bit uncomfortable.
<Lucas> I... I don't want anyone else to die for me >.>
<Welumque> No one here is dying for anyone today.
<Chemames> That's certainly the goal.
<Welumque> That was an instruction, not a wish, Chemames, my young kinsman.
* Skalla glances at Hildie during this chat but says nothing
<Chemames> Yes, [grandmother]. (Said respectfully)
* Chemames tries to give Lucas an encouraging smile.
* Lucas tries to smile back but it's probably a pretty half-assed effort
* Lucas will just sit down with him and lean against him quietly.
* Chemames leans back.
<Kennesaw> The shouting begins to die down and, after a while, Skalla, you see Alienor round the corner on her way back to the townhouse.
<Skalla> she's back
<Svald> hu... huh?
* Skalla sais though most eople seem to be resting
* Svald startles awake
<Welumque> What's going on?
* Welumque has been resting her eyes.
<Skalla> it's okay
* Svald sits up and rubs their eyes
<Skalla> things seems to have setttled down
<Skalla> I'm sure she can tell us more here
* Svald tucks their knees up under their chin.
* Alienor enters, looking around.
<Alienor> Everyone alright here?
* Svald nods.
<Lucas> Yes...
<Skalla> yes, what happened? Do you kow ehat that shot was?
* Alienor sighs and nods.
<Alienor> Those regulars were getting pushy, and some damn fool fired a warning shot. He's lucky the soldiers stayed calm and it didn't turn into a bloodbath. After a good while of shouting on both sides, the regulars were 'convinced' to head back to Fastning Irena, though I'm not sure if they think there's nothing to find here or just realized that searchin
<Alienor> g won't go well for them.
* Skalla nods
<Lucas> That's good
<Skalla> svald has suppressed some kind of tracking magic on me, but it was tempirary. I thik that we can deal with it, but everyone needs rest
<Skalla> especially those three
* Alienor nods.
* Skalla says, nodding to Lucas, chemames, and Svald
<Alienor> I'll have the servants make the beds ready and have some food prepared.
<Alienor> You're welcome here, of course, but, I feel I have to ask what your plans are going forward.
* Skalla takes a deep breath
<Skalla> We haven't had a chance to think about that, or discuss it.
* Svald has sort of that thousand yard stare
<Skalla> I might wait and see if the people at Alhusan Alaswad are going to do, and maybe go with them
* Alienor nods again.
<Skalla> but it would be good to kow what;s happening in Fasting Irena as well.
<Alienor> I'm going to send someone there to see what's going on, but if you have other ways, by all means use them.
<Alienor> In the mean time, rest, catch your breath. You'll be safe here for the time being.
<Welumque> Thank you for your kindness.
<Lucas> Yes, thank you.
* Skalla nods
<Skalla> omce veryone's rested we'll see what we can manage
* Alienor will call for a servant and they'll get you all situated to get some food and rest.
* Skalla will make arrangements with her cousin to tae some watches while the others sleep
<Skalla> (I think we are the best rested)
<Kennesaw> (I would assume the two of you can work it out, yeah)
<Kennesaw> (Presumably, y'all can all get a pretty full rest, so I guess it's just a matter of when you're wanting to get up. I could see folks sleeping through to the next morning, honestly.)
<Svald> (I would)
<Skalla> (yeah that was my expectation)
<Lucas> (yeah)
Skalla asks Svald for magic help and theY talk some abut the future
* Skalla willl have Hildie wake her as soon as Svald is up, if she's not the one on watch then
<Kennesaw> (That can be arranged, I'm sure.)
<Svald> (define 'up' I guess)
* Svald is just sitting on the bed/couch whatever until someone comes to get them
<Skalla> (awake and ideally rested)
* Skalla will go check on svald, in any case
<Skalla> Svald?
<Svald> Hi.
<Skalla> how are you doing?
<Svald> ... What do you think is going to happen to my studio? My paintings?
<Skalla> Im' not sure. It might be searhed. My family would ry and keep them from wreaking too much havock
<Svald> Would they be able to, do you think?
<Svald> What if we can't go back...
<Skalla> I hope so.
* Svald doesn't look convinced
<Svald> it's my whole life...
* Svald says very quietly
<Skalla> it could be a while. But if my family can't stop them, it means that things have gonne much worse. I'm hoping they're ll okay right now
<Svald> ;_;
<Svald> I'm sorry. It's stupid, with everything else. People are getting killed.
* Svald covers their face with their hands
<Skalla> Things are changing a lor really fast right now
<Skalla> (a lot)
<Skalla> for everyone.
<Skalla> but I think weve both been through something like this before.
<Svald> Y.. yeah...
<Skalla> Starting over, if we have to
<Skalla> Hopfully we can keep more.
<Svald> It's just paint... r.. right.
<Skalla> That's not what I mean
<Skalla> I mean - its hard, but we can get through it if we have to. Hopefully we don't
* Svald nods unhappily.
<Skalla> Right now, I need your help to keep everyone safe
<Svald> Uh huh, I know.
<Svald> I'll do my best.
<Skalla> thanks. Then we can try and find out what's happening on the island, and make plans.
<Svald> You want me to go? I can go. TO the island.
<Skalla> The first thing is to make sure they're not still tracking me.
<Svald> Right... okay...I'll, um. I'll get ready
<Skalla> Thank you
<Skalla> lt me know what you need form me, okay? Not just from this
* Svald looks like they might cry
<Svald> I'm fine
<Svald> I'll be fine
* Skalla doens't look real convinced, and will give them a hug
* Svald is definitely gonna cry now :v
<Skalla> its okay. No one expects this to be easy.
* Svald sniffs
<Svald> I know. Sorry.
<Skalla> for what?
<Svald> BEing such a baby
* Svald tries to smile
* Skalla grins
<Skalla> I'd rather deal with you than a real baby any day
* Svald laughs.
* Svald wipes their eyes.
<Skalla> gods though can you imagine me as a mother :V
<Svald> ... no
<Svald> not really :v
* Skalla grins
<Skalla> so good thing I've got you and the other to worry about instead :)
<Svald> I won't let you down
<Skalla> I know.
* Svald will prepare whatever it is they need for this working.
<Kennesaw> (That should be easy enough to gather. Go ahead and roll Will)
<Svald> !roll 4d3-4
* Lan-werk rolls for Svald: [ 4d3-4 ] getting [ 1 1 3 1 ] for a total of [ 6 ] which, after the modifier [ -4 ] totals [ 2 ].
<Svald> (I will spend a point for +2, that sucks :v)
<Kennesaw> (Okie doke)
<Kennesaw> Svald, it's been a while since you've done this kind of work, but you're pretty familiar with it. It takes you maybe a half hour total, sensing and unweaving another tracking spell, but you're able to shape a working such that Skalla should be untrackable by spell for about a week or so.
<Svald> Alright... that should do it. Probaably for a week... I'll keep an eye on it
<Skalla> thank you
<Svald> I can go do the other thing now.
<Skalla> I think before you do that, first, you shoudl eat
<Skalla> and we need to confer with the others
<Svald> Oh... I guess.
<Skalla> I'm concerned tht they might be expecting you, for one thing
<Svald> I could do that same spell on myself.
* Skalla nods
<Skalla> we might need to make sure theyre not tracking anyone else as well. I think I'd pribably be the easiest though
<Svald> You or I or Hildie... They can get at all of our things.
* Svald looks sad thinking about their studio again.
<Skalla> maybe.
<Skalla> let's gather evryone together and talk about it over somethig to eat.
<Svald> Alright...
<Skalla> meet in the dining room, then
* Skalla will start with going to find Welmque
* Svald nods
<Skalla> (and were is Granny :V)
* Svald will go and wait, but as a coyote so people won't try and talk to them
* Svald curls up in a corner of the dining room to wait.
<Lucas> (Steve is just making lunch, he'll bb soon)
Chemames and Lucas have a heart to heart followed by some mouth to mouth
* Chemames ( has joined #thirteen02
* Svald ( has joined #thirteen02
* Lucas will find wherever Chemames was sleeping, once we've all had a chance to rest.
<Chemames> (He might have honestly been put up in the same room as Lucas, actually.)
<Lucas> (ok, that makes it easy)
* Lucas will go to check on him, then, once we're awake
* Chemames is sitting up in bed.
<Chemames> I don't think I've ever slept somewhere this fancy before.
<Lucas> mm... it's weird
<Lucas> how are you feeling now that you had some sleep?
<Chemames> Sore, but...I'm okay.
<Chemames> You?
<Lucas> All right
<Lucas> Hungry, I guess.
<Chemames> Me too.
* Lucas nods
<Lucas> You scared me...
* Lucas says quietly
* Chemames takes a moment to respond.
<Chemames> I scared me a little, too, to be honest.
<Chemames> But I didn't want you to get hurt.
<Lucas> I mean it that I don't want anyone to die for me. I... I'm not worth that.
<Chemames> I don't want to be contrary, but you don't get to decide that.
* Lucas frowns a little
<Chemames> I mean, the first part, sure, but the's not really up to you.
<Chemames> Don't get me wrong, I don't want to die.
<Chemames> But, if it comes to it, I get to decide what or whom it's worth risking it for.
<Lucas> Then let me be clear. I was scared to lose you, so scared, that I would kill for you. I would take other people's lives to save yours. I've done it before and I would do it again, and I hate that I can find it in myself to do that.
* Chemames will go to hug Lucas.
<Chemames> Okay, okay, I...can understand that. I'm not sure what I'd do to someone if they hurt you, wouldn't be good.
<Chemames> I'm sorry if I sound like I'm being flippant about it.
<Chemames> I just...I care about you and want you to be safe.
<Lucas> so what does that mean for ... for us? Just because I love you, does that make your life worth more than some guard's, or some random passerby? They probably have people who love them too, so why do I get to decide? What's that say about me, if I'm willing to make that choice? Can you really care about someone who has made that choice, and probably will make it again?
* Lucas says fervently, and probably not quite realizing what he said
<Chemames> ...
<Chemames> Clearly I can.
<Lucas> ...
<Lucas> oh.
<Chemames> I...will do my best not to put you in that situation, *because
* of how I feel about you, but I'm still going to try to help and keep you safe.
* Lucas nods, not sure what to say
<Chemames> Are you okay?
<Lucas> I don't know. I... I haven't felt like this before.
<Chemames> I haven't either, if it helps.
<Lucas> It feels like.. it's not really real. I mean that it's hard for me to believe that someone wouldn't hate me once they knew what I was really like. I don't mean to tell you what you should or shouldn't feel, but ... it's not easy for me to just trust it.
<Lucas> I keep thinking that sooner or later you'll figure out what I really am, that I tricked you into liking me.
* Chemames considers.
<Chemames> I think I know you pretty well at this point, and learning new things about you hasn't changed that. I think there's a difference between who you were, what you did, and who you are and what you do now. I'm not...dismissing the old things, but I think you might be discounting the new.
<Lucas> ...I'm not a boy. I lied about that too. If I'm trying to be honest with you, I need to tell you that too.
* Lucas blurts a bit miserably.
<Chemames> Huh?
<Lucas> I... I'm [whatever the word is in Lucas's own language for being two-spirit/trans/whatever their concept is exactly.]
<Lucas> not a boy. it was just easier to let people think I was, and not say anything...
<Chemames> Oh, okay.
<Lucas> that's okay with you?
<Chemames> The colonizers don't seem to really understand [said term], so I get it.
* Lucas sighs with relief
<Lucas> okay...
<Chemames> And you're a pretty powerful will-worker. It makes sense.
<Chemames> Did you...want it to matter to me?
<Lucas> no, I just wasn't sure. If you... liked boys, maybe you would not like me if I wasn't one? I don't know. It sounds dumb when I say it like that.
<Chemames> No, I get it. I have an uncle who only likes guys.
<Chemames> you.
* Lucas nods slowly
<Lucas> I like you too. More than like you...
<Lucas> I wanted to tell you for a while, but I wasn't sure how.
<Chemames> Well, I more than like you, too. I guess maybe I should have said something before now, huh?
<Lucas> mmm, I don't know, it's not like I did any better.
* Lucas says shyly
* Chemames reaches for Lucas's hand.
* Lucas takes his hand
<Chemames> we know.
* Chemames smiles.
* Lucas smiles back, and leans in to .. kiss? not sure how exactly to do that? will try anyway?
* Chemames is happy to give it a try.
* Skalla will knock gently on the door
<Skalla> Lucas? Chemames? Are you up?
* Lucas jumps
<Lucas> we're here, just a second!
<Skalla> I'm just tryng to get everyone together i the dining room
<Lucas> um... okay, we'll be there soon!
<Chemames> Yes, uh, be right there!
* Lucas says in a 'everything is very fine and normal' tone of voice.
<Skalla> ..okay! I'll see you in a bit...
* Chemames will have frozen in place and look at Lucas wide-eyed.
<Lucas> more. later.
* Lucas says, about able to manage one-word sentences.
* Chemames nods and grins.
* Lucas will try to become calm and presentable and head to the dining room meeting.
Skalla collects Welumque as well
* Welumque is resting comfortably, apparently having lied to you all every time she had told you she was fine and didn't need sleep.
* Welumque will of course wake up sometime though.
<Skalla> (eyeah this is the next day)
<Skalla> Welumque?
<Skalla> ...are you still resting? Sorry :x
<Welumque> No, it's no matter, I'm fine, child. What is it?
<Skalla> I wanted to get everyin together, for some breakfast and to discuss our plans
<Welumque> All right, I suppose there's no point putting that off any longer.
* Welumque stands up.
<Skalla> I think everyone's up
<Welumque> Did Svald get enough rest?
<Skalla> I think so
<Skalla> I thikn they're a bit overwhelmed with everything, but they'll be okay.
<Skalla> I think it might help to know what we're doing next, and what our goals are now.
<Skalla> so hopefully we can figure that out
* Skalla will gather everyone in the dining room