Diablotin 2 session 22
- Session date:
- Diablotin date:
[Narrator] Altheo, things seem to be under control at the Boar when you get back - Marissa did a fine job managing the place while you were away, as you expected she would.
[Narrator] When you've been back a few days, Julian stops by to visit you.
- Altheo will meet with him in his office.
- Ser_Julian looks tired, as though he hasn't been sleeping well, or perhaps at all.
[Ser_Julian] How's business? [Altheo] Better than yours it would seem.
- Altheo goes to pour us both a drink.
[Ser_Julian] Things are difficult right now.
- Ser_Julian accepts the drink gratefully.
[Altheo] How so? [Ser_Julian] On multiple fronts. [Altheo] Well, I'm keeping very busy, but nothing new has come up about the dragon affair. [Altheo] but tell me your troubles. [Altheo] I am a bartender after all.
- Altheo smiles at his friend.
[Ser_Julian] The necklace... I think the Hush were the ones who stole it from the Society. I don't know whether they released the creature deliberately or accidentally, but either way, I'm reluctant to report these findings to anyone.
- Altheo nods.
[Altheo] But do the Hush have any reason to release that thing? Unless they got taken over by somebody else. [Ser_Julian] I don't know as much about the Hush as I would like to, but from anything I've heard, they're splintering. [Ser_Julian] Just as the Warlord would like to take over the Spokesmen and bring them under her authority, she's trying the same thing with the Hush. [Altheo] That seems like fighting two tough battles on two very different fronts to me. [Ser_Julian] Some of its members are resisting the idea, certainly. [Ser_Julian] Did you know Ser Kaladon Escalera? [Altheo] I don't think so. [Ser_Julian] A Spokesman, of course, and a distant cousin of the Emperor. He apparently killed himself a few days ago. [Altheo] Apparently? [Ser_Julian] It's being very hushed up. Maybe the Imperial family just want to avoid the gossip, but... [Ser_Julian] I worry that he knew something. [Ser_Julian] And either took his life because of it, or was killed and made to look like a suicide. [Altheo] Do you think its the new Warlord behind all of it? Or was this something that was a long time coming? [Ser_Julian] I don't know. [Ser_Julian] That necklace... I can't shake the feeling that it all comes back to that, somehow, even though it seems crazy. [Altheo] I don't think it seems crazy at all. [Altheo] Its the linchpin that started all this.
- Ser_Julian nods, takes a drink.
[Altheo] If we unravel that plot, we are bound to see the rest of the peices. [Ser_Julian] There's something else, as well.
- Altheo sips his drink and waits for his friend ot continue.
[Ser_Julian] Sister Luisa, who runs the orphanage since Clea died, came to speak to me this morning. There was a break-in there a few nights ago. [Ser_Julian] Clea never threw anything out if she could help it, and I guess Luisa's much the same... there are records there going back decades. [Altheo] My records were stolen?
- Ser_Julian nods.
[Altheo] was it part of a bundle? or just mine? [Ser_Julian] It was a mess, and it's hard to tell if others are missing or not. But.. I checked on yours, and couldn't find them anywhere.
- Altheo nods.
[Altheo] What would those records say?
- Ser_Julian takes a deep breath.
[Ser_Julian] I didn't want to have to tell you - you've made your own life, and I didn't want to interfere with that.
- Altheo takes a long pull, and reachs for the bottle.
[Ser_Julian] Your mother's name was Genevieve... Genevieve Corriveau. [Ser_Julian] Tatiane's eldest daughter... she was wild, she ran around with boys, I don't know if she even knew who your father was. [Ser_Julian] Tatiane asked me to take care of you, to keep you safe from... that world. I don't know how well I managed, but I did what I could.
- Altheo listens, drinking faster than usual.
[Altheo] So that girl that had the necklace in the first place...she was what my neice? [Ser_Julian] Ninon... your cousin. [Altheo] How do you know Tatiane Corriveau? [Ser_Julian] I've known her since we were young...
- Ser_Julian says a bit evasively.
[Altheo] Is she still alive? [Ser_Julian] Oh, quite. [Altheo] Then why would she give me up to be protected, and leave Ninon to live as she does? [Ser_Julian] She's just about my age, but not as decrepit.
- Altheo snirks at that.
[Altheo] And is my mother actually dead? [Ser_Julian] Ninon's father - and her mother, for that matter - were there to take care of her. [Ser_Julian] Yes, I'm sorry. She died having you - that much was true.
- Altheo contemplates this...his eyes far away.
[Altheo] Whoever stole this...would they know I was a spokesman as well?
- Ser_Julian nods grimly.
[Ser_Julian] When you left the orphanage, there would have been a note made that you were joining the Order. I suppose they wouldn't necessarily know if you were still a member, though. [Altheo] really? I hadn't realized the records were so firm. [Altheo] Well then... [Ser_Julian] You have several cousins... uncle, aunts... I don't know if you want to track them down, but it shouldn't be too hard... [Altheo] I'll need to think about that. [Altheo] But have you questioned Tatiane about the necklace?
- Ser_Julian nods.
[Altheo] And what did she say? [Ser_Julian] She got it from my uncle. She was his mistress for a time...
- Altheo laughs.
[Altheo] Well, for a moment there I thought she was YOUR mistress... I wasn't quite sure what to think of that. [Ser_Julian] She said that he probably got it as payment for a hit, but she may have been exaggerating.
- Ser_Julian looks embarassed.
[Altheo] (SM, was she HIS mistress too?) [Altheo] (15, but I'm betting he has a crappy bluff) [Ser_Julian] (you think maybe)
- Altheo is a bit surprised he is actually upset that his friend cheated on his wife. But hides it from him.
[Ser_Julian] It was before I was married... [Altheo] ah.
- Altheo smiles.
[Ser_Julian] And before she was, for that matter. [Altheo] Youth is such an interesting time. [Ser_Julian] Heh. [Altheo] I think it was a hit.
- Ser_Julian nods.
[Altheo] Sister Alma beleived the same thing. [Altheo] Is she really a Crime Lord now? [Ser_Julian] She took over much of my uncle's network when he died. [Altheo] I don't suppose she would help find out who broke into the orphanage. [Ser_Julian] Maybe she would. It concerns her, after all. [Ser_Julian] Do you want me to ask her? [Altheo] I would. [Ser_Julian] All right. [Ser_Julian] I'm sorry. [Altheo] There is a very slim chance it may have been a business rival...but I doubt it. There was one half-elf that was giving me problems a little while ago. [Altheo] Hey, your plan almost worked.
- Ser_Julian chuckles at that.
[Altheo] I almost ended up respectable. [Ser_Julian] Would this half-elf know where you grew up? [Altheo] He is a pimp in the shambles. I doubt it, but I've never hidden that I grew up in an orphanage. [Altheo] He might have put in the effort to track it down, but I doubt it. [Altheo] Its probably somebody looking into me for a different reason.
- Ser_Julian nods.
[Altheo] Could be the necklace investigation, could be the sex cult, coult be the shadow dimension thing....Like I said, I'm keeping busy.
- Ser_Julian nods again.
[Ser_Julian] The Hush seem to have been targeting Ninon for some time. I'm concerned that they're broadening their interest in Tatiane's family. [Ser_Julian] Then again, Ninon's a special case. [Altheo] Why? [Ser_Julian] Her brother's in the Hush. I don't know what side, though. [Altheo] Ah. [Altheo] Well, I suspect it probably is the Hush. They have the resources to know I'm more than I pretend to be, and they are probably curious as to why.
- Ser_Julian nods.
[Ser_Julian] That seems most likely to me as well. [Ser_Julian] It's their kind of tactic, too. [Altheo] So where do we stand with the Hush? As spokesmen I mean? [Ser_Julian] Officially? I think we pretend they don't exist whenever possible. [Ser_Julian] Unofficially, we co-operate with them if it doesn't interfere with our own principles. [Ser_Julian] And from my own personal point of view, I think they're a bunch of shifty bastards. [Altheo] I guess what I meant was. It looks like they got a major threat released from that necklace, but it also looks like we have a common problem with the Warlord. [Altheo] I'm assuming the Spokesmen and the Hush are both resisting the Warlords take over? [Ser_Julian] Well, at least some of the Hush, as far as I can tell. The Lord Marshall is, as you might expect, unhappy with the idea himself. [Altheo] I bet. [Altheo] I think its a bad idea to be sure. [Altheo] at least with the Spokesmen it is.
- Ser_Julian nods.
[Ser_Julian] I don't know what will happen. But I felt I had to let you know what was going on, even if I don't fully understand it myself. [Altheo] Thank you. [Altheo] I appreciate it.
- Altheo pours them both a drink.
[Altheo] So what was Sir Alcina's little secret in the end? [Altheo] I supose she isn't my half sister or something? [Ser_Julian] No, no.
- Ser_Julian chuckles.
[Ser_Julian] She's been spying on the Revelators for the Order for some time. [Ser_Julian] Long enough that I think she's started to believe their philosophy herself. [Altheo] I do think she ratted us out to Nestor. [Altheo] But what happened after we left your place? [Ser_Julian] Did you know Nestor Dryden was a priest? [Altheo] No, I didn't. [Altheo] Of what order? [Ser_Julian] I don't think he makes it publically known. Order of the Owl, though he's Houseless. [Ser_Julian] So I think his allegiance is... open to question, at least. [Ser_Julian] Alcina told me that he was a priest, I checked it out, and she's right, at least on paper. As long as she's ratting on both sides, I'll keep her around ;) [Altheo] Well, good to know. [Altheo] :)
- Ser_Julian finishes up his drink.
[Ser_Julian] I should get on my way. I'll be sure and contact you if I find out anything more. [Altheo] Thank you. [Ser_Julian] Be careful, Altheo. [Altheo] And let my grandmother know, she is always welcome at the Boar.
- Ser_Julian smiles.
[Ser_Julian] I'll be sure to mention it. [Altheo] I picked the wrong professions for that. [Altheo] But I'll do my best. [Altheo] You too, I'd hate to lose you.
- Ser_Julian nods.
- Ser_Julian bids you farewell, then, and departs.
[Altheo] Your still the closest family I have. [Altheo] ;)
- Ser_Julian smiles affectionately at that.
- Sanadhil will be at the society making a clean transcription of the scroll
[Ilphere] Ah! Sanadhil! There you are...! :)
- Sanadhil looks up
[Sanadhil] good afternoon, Ilphère [Ilphere] I have made an interesting discovery...!
- Sanadhil sprinkles some sand over the part he's just finished
[Sanadhil] oh? [Ilphere] Well! My parents have been having the garden tidied up and I was walking by the fountain with Menard... The one where Dominik found me when I had that peculiar dream...? [Ilphere] It is a memorial to Emperor Ruchard Rademacher...! It bears his likeness. [Sanadhil] so he is the one from your dream then? [Sanadhil] I can't recall whether he was one of the ones you'd picked out from the portrait books [Ilphere] Yes... He is the one who disappeared in the night in 1724. [Ilphere] I believe he must be the one I saw...! [Sanadhil] interesting - it would make sense. [Sanadhil] is there any way of pursuing it, do you think? [Ilphere] Apparently there is another memorial to RUchard inside the palace... I may* be able to gain access to it, and it may yield more clues...! [Ilphere] Certainly I believe he is tied in somehow with the visions Theron and I have experienced...
- Sanadhil nods
[Sanadhil] that would also be sensible.... I wonder if this connection started with him, or if he is only another example of it [Ilphere] I definitely want to find the answer to that... I do not wish to disappear from my bed in the night...! [Sanadhil] that would be troubling... At least we'd have a few more clues to go on, so far as tracking you down. [Ilphere] I'm sure it will not come to that, though...! :) [Sanadhil] indeed... [Sanadhil] So, what do you make of the sleeping Tal-antar? [Ilphere] I find it strange that we should have found her before any of her own descendants... [Sanadhil] I wonder why... I wish I could speak to some living Shadar-kai agin...
- Sanadhil will come find you early, at school
- Ilphere is in the stacks.
- Sanadhil hunts you down - he is well groomed and so forth and seems quite animated, but there are telling signs that indicate he hasn't slept
[Sanadhil] There you are!
- Sanadhil says, quiet but excited
[Sanadhil] She came back. [Ilphere] Oh, ... oh! [Ilphere] Last night...?!
- Sanadhil nods
[Ilphere] What happened?! [Sanadhil] I asked her a little more.... i told her of the city, but not of the sleeping queen [Sanadhil] they think it is cursed [Ilphere] Cursed? Why...? [Ilphere] BEcause of what happened to the people there...? [Sanadhil] yes [Sanadhil] I don't know if they have the full story [Sanadhil] I gave her a copy of the scroll though.... [Ilphere] So that would be why no one has come looking for her...? [Sanadhil] I didn't tell her about the sleeping queen [Sanadhil] however they do have more books that talk about the fall of the city [Sanadhil] possibly [Sanadhil] they have sent expeditions there [Ilphere] Well she or someone else is bound to figure it out from that scroll, I would think...! [Sanadhil] not everyone has returned [Ilphere] Ah, I see... [Sanadhil] I don't know if Dozilva has all the details [Ilphere] I wonder if this could be a chance to establish relations between our two peoples...! [Sanadhil] possibly... they seem rather Xenophobic. [Sanadhil] As mlle L'Averti said, it id dangerous to venture there [Sanadhil] However. [Ilphere] However...? [Sanadhil] I think I must, if miss l'Averti will agree. [Ilphere] What do you plan...?
- Ilphere narrows her eyes...
[Sanadhil] if I can get back to the library and find Dozilva there, she's said she'll talk to me more. she might be able to bshow me these other texts! And think of what else there is to learn... [Ilphere] How fortunate you are to have made such a contact...
- Ilphere tries to hide her disappointment, feeling that she is about to be left behind in this venture... :(
- Sanadhil is apparently too excited to be perceptive today
[Sanadhil] I'll manage it somehow.... [Sanadhil] but there are a lot of other bthings I'd like to work out first, if we can [Ilphere] Oh...? [Sanadhil] I still wish i knew more about vrag [Sanadhil] they consider him a lost god [Ilphere] HE was imprisoned in the Arch... [Sanadhil] though apparently there are also Shadar'kai who seek to bring him back to power [Sanadhil] They know he's been released [Sanadhil] she told me as much the first time we met [Ilphere] Is it general knowledge? [Sanadhil] I don't know. [Sanadhil] Names, and the meaning of names, are very important to the Shadar-kai. they're meant to be very descriptive and precise, I think. Dozilva's name, and her place at the library, implies that she might not be a good one to judge by on that account [Ilphere] WHat do you mean? what does her name signify...? [Sanadhil] Walker-in-the-forgotten-ways [Ilphere] Ah, I see... [Sanadhil] I'm still amazed she came at all [Sanadhil] but apparently she takes her promises seriously
- Ilphere nods...
[Sanadhil] I thought you would be excited, in any case! [Sanadhil] what do you think should be done about the sleeping queen? [Ilphere] Well... [Ilphere] Perhaps she could be returned to her people... it might foster a better relationship... [Sanadhil] that's what i was thinking [Ilphere] I would very much like to be a part of that... [Sanadhil] I want to find out more about what they woudl do with her [Sanadhil] if they consider her cursed still....
- Sanadhil nods
- Ilphere asks, vaguely hopeful...
[Sanadhil] of course
- Sanadhil smiles
[Sanadhil] I certainly can't manage it all alone... [Sanadhil] And I have no idea what to expect rom the rest of the society [Sanadhil] We should speak to Mlle L'Averti again [Sanadhil] she may know more [Ilphere] Yes, some of them seem frightfully conservative, moreso than I had expected...! [Sanadhil] about how she might be received by her own people, i mean
- Sanadhil nods
[Sanadhil] this war, or whatever, was over a thousand years ago, and the god she worshipped is clearly not en vogue now... [Sanadhil] Your people doens't seem to have any lasting quarrel with the Shadar-kai, and indeed seem to have quite forgotten about them [Sanadhil] unless it seems like they might renew their interest in the subjugation of humanity *now*....
- Sanadhil pauses, and files away another thought
[Ilphere] Well, that would be prudent to find out, along with how they might receive her, yes! [Sanadhil] well, should we contact her then? [Ilphere] They don't *seem* particularly interested though, so I can't imagine one person, powerful though she might be, might convince them it's worth another go... [Ilphere] Yes, definitely...! [Sanadhil] well, I'll see about setting up a meeting then - though it might be best to schedule around your availability [Sanadhil] the rest of us aren't planning an imperial wedding :) [Ilphere] Alright... I am free (times) as far as I know...! [Sanadhil] i'll work out something and let you know as soon as possible, then [Ilphere] Wonderful! :)
- Ysabeau is in a hall on campus where we usually practice, then...? Unless we practice at like, your house or something. ;)
- Ysabeau 's house is likely not big enough to accomodate several musicians plus gear.
- Symon will have met you on campus after one of your classes, and have brought another instrument.
- Ysabeau smiles to see him.
[Symon] (There'd be more learning aids in a classroom too :P) [Ysabeau] Hi Symon! [Symon] Hi Ysa :) How was your day? [Ysabeau] It was pretty good. I chatted with some Society members about the things we brought back from the Shadow-city. [Ysabeau] How was yours?
- Symon rolls his eyes.
[Ysabeau] Not good? [Symon] Evening with the family. All my father talks about is business. [Symon] It's boring, that's all. [Ysabeau] Ah well, business is what keeps you up to your neck in instruments to play. ^-^ [Symon] Increasing the tonnage of steam engines, blah blah blah. [Symon] Yeah, true...
- Symon looks a little sheepish.
[Symon] I guess sometimes it's the quiet implication that perhaps my instruments aren't as ... productive... [Ysabeau] Yet.
- Ysabeau winks.
[Symon] :) [Ysabeau] We seem to get a few more gigs with every passing month. [Symon] Well, best case scenario is getting a patron as wealthy as my father, not actually being as wealthy... but that's good enough for me :)
- Ysabeau nods.
[Symon] Speaking of gigs... I hear your friend is betrothed. Imagine that! Acquainted with the fiancée of the Prince Imperial! [Ysabeau] My goal is being able to afford to buy my own house and live comfortably... [Ysabeau] Oh, yes, Ilphere.
- Ysabeau smiles.
[Ysabeau] The best thing is that they really care for each other. [Symon] Really? A marriage at /that/ level and they like each other?
- Ysabeau nods.
[Ysabeau] I know... a rarity. [Symon] Yeah, I guess miracles do happen :) [Ysabeau] But happily it has worked out that way for them. [Symon] Do you think they need a quartet? :) [Ysabeau] Well, I am not sure how much of the decisions they get to make since I understand it's to be a triple wedding. [Ysabeau] Emperor, prince and princess imperial married off all at once. [Symon] That's a little strange, don't you think? If the average person did that, you might think they were country bumpkins. [Ysabeau] Well, maybe the Emperor has other plans and needs to get the marriages all done at once instead of dragging them out. [Ysabeau] I don't pretend to understand what goes on his Imperial Majesty's mind. [Symon] It could be another good opportunity for us though, to be at both of the big Imperial events. We could make a habit of it :) [Ysabeau] Yes, don't worry - the thought hadn't escaped me. [Ysabeau] I do try to drop hints when the moment seems right. :) [Ysabeau] But Ilph has a LOT on her mind, as you can imagine. [Symon] Good point, you run the risk of seeming crass, I suppose.
- Ysabeau nods.
[Ysabeau] I think we did well at the Emperor's ball; that's in our favour. [Symon] Perhaps, since the affair is once again so big, we might just get in touch with the Imperial staff from last time? [Ysabeau] I hope the master of ceremonies, who is probably the REAL power behind the wedding and its related festivities, will have remembered us. :) [Ysabeau] I suspect there'll be auditions again, Symon - we'll just have to keep our ears open and be there. [Ysabeau] Since we played at the last event, they ought to let us in the gates for auditions, at least. :)
- Ysabeau plucks some strings and fiddles with tuning keys until the tone meets her approval.
[Symon] So, you really found another world? Down an alley? [Ysabeau] I don't know if I'd call it another world so much as another layer of this world, so much, maybe. And perhaps even this world is merely a layer also reflecting another place. [Ysabeau] The city through the alley is a mirror image of our own Diablotin, only with alien architecture and alien gods.
- Symon sits down, viol in hand.
[Ysabeau] There's a river right where our Ousel is, though it's all dried up. And where our palace is on the island, they had a temple to Ophion (or Vrag as he was known to them, I believe), shaped like a snake. [Symon] It's like a fantasy tale.
- Ysabeau nods.
[Ysabeau] Complete with tragedy and an ensorcelled queen.
- Ysabeau laughs.
[Ysabeau] Seth was asking me why I wasn't busily composing a ballad about our trip there, while we were waiting for the rest. [Symon] I know they do a lot of complex research at the Castalia, but... still... [Symon] A portal to another world right in the middle of the city. [Symon] And you went! [Ysabeau] Now that Master Orecalo has translated the scroll we found there, I think I've got a ballad. [Symon] And brought stuff back!
- Ysabeau nods.
[Ysabeau] It's not all air and fluffiness, though, Symon. [Symon] You said it's at the society?
- Ysabeau nods.
[Ysabeau] That city is dead and full of flitting memories of horrible things that happened. [Ysabeau] And those people who built it, invaded our world, and enslaved our people. [Ysabeau] The founders of our city won it back from them. Then, later, someone from our world started killing off their people horribly and painfully. [Symon] Well, I never said I didn't think it was creepy... but it's still incredible. [Ysabeau] They're all dead now. [Symon] I'm disappointed I didn't go to Mister Orecalo's presentation now :/ [Ysabeau] Well, I suspect this is only the first of many excursions there, so if you want to go, you ought to be able to in the future. [Symon] Well, it didn't really seem like my sortof thing then... [Symon] Perhaps later, if you go back to look for inspiration, I might come too. [Symon] I don't see much point in visiting such a dark place otherwise... if it gets dangerous, I'm not about to save my skin with the viol :P [Ysabeau] I don't know that I want to go back. I am fond of my world of light and colour. But I may go back if others go. [Symon] I think the city needs more light and warmth right now than it does gloom, so we might be better looking for inspiration here :) [Ysabeau] They had a palace where our Castalia is, and that's where their queen lies, stopped. [Symon] Not that I don't see the beauty of sad music... [Symon] Stopped? Like, petrified? [Ysabeau] No... when the woman from our world unleashed something that turned their people into the walking dead, the elite classes chose to die by their own hands rather than face such a death. But they cast a spell on this one woman so that she's frozen in a moment of time for eternity. [Symon] And she's just ... in the tower, alone?
- Ysabeau nods.
[Ysabeau] Alone with the corpses of her retainers. [Symon] Are they all dead except for her? You would expect ... that there would be looters if nothing else. [Ysabeau] That's one of the mysteries of the place. [Ysabeau] We did find one skeleton of elvish descent in the temple, who had coins from here and Cozovode, as well as coins of others. [Ysabeau] I think the other coins might be from that plane. But I don't know where he got all the coins or anything. Maybe he was a looter. [Ysabeau] There were shadow creatures there that attacked us. [Ysabeau] We were able to fight them off, but maybe he wasn't so lucky. [Symon] I'll have to take a look at everything you brought back. [Ysabeau] The Aveyrone coins he had were all from 1740 or thereabouts. [Ysabeau] Which was the emperor after Ruchard Rademacher disappeared...
- Ysabeau me muses allowed.
[Symon] Well unless you think Emperor Ruchard was an elf, it's probably not him :P
- Ysabeau smiles.
[Ysabeau] No, I doubt he was. But maybe someone had an idea where the emperor might have disappeared to. Or it could all just be a big coincidence. [Symon] Well who knows what's gotten lost between the worlds in the past centuries, if a ... hole like that's been here all along!
- Ysabeau nods.
[Ysabeau] You should go look at the artifacts since it has kindled your interest. [Symon] I'd best say my prayers each night :P [Symon] I will! Did you see anything... about culture? Sculpture? [Symon] I'd bet any instruments would have long since decayed...
- Ysabeau shakes her head.
[Ysabeau] Just the weird buildings themselves. [Ysabeau] The temple to Ophion was all carved to look like snake scales, though. [Ysabeau] And inside there was an altar in a snake's gaping jaw. [Ysabeau] The jaw closed if you pressed a plate in the floor, and the fangs were poisoned. [Ysabeau] Not a deadly poison, at least not to elves. We believe they made sacrifices there. [Symon] Like, live sacrifices? [Symon] Guess it's a good thing the city was deserted... [Ysabeau] Probably live sacrifices, yes. [Ysabeau] I'm glad it was deserted, but it did make it very eerie. [Symon] Well, we should probably get some practice in before some one kicks us out :)
- Ysabeau smiles, still a little distant but bows her head over the viol, positions the bow and plays a decent chord.
- Symon waits a bit before beginning to play along.
- Ysabeau and Symon have a good jamming session. ;)