The Fey'd
The fey’d are probably hands down the most benevolent of all the groups. This faction has started hospital, hostels, and outreach programs for all. They believe in giving to those in need and ask little in return. Many healers find a home for their talents here
This group also has contact with the Fey. Outside of the Fey’d little is known about race, other than that they have a strange appearance compared to the other races of Faust. They are a small group of beings that live within the walls of the Fey’d main administration buildings. Some believe once the clerics lost their powers it was the Fey that taught the races the new way of healing people. They said that you had to put your very being into your work. Many have searched for them in those buildings without finding them. They appear to only choose to be seen by the Fey’d, though even not al of the fey’d has seen them
During an outbreak of pox, one lord demanded a meeting with the Fey. He was denied. In his anger he his men search every inch of the compound. No fey was found. He refused to apologize for his rudeness and break of the agreement that they fey would only present themselves when they saw there was need. Then after the breakout of pox was stopped all the fey’d left the city, and said they would only return in dire need. When the lords tried to stop them, five fey appeared in the sky holding hands. All fey’d were transported to Mirth, along with all their buildings from the city of morbid. The Fey’s have only returned to the city when another disease presented itself. This time the lords did nothing to impede their way.