Farai Nemni

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Farai Nemni

Farai (396-415-431), born as Gaisa and known to the Lady as Pogi, was an acolyte and singer at Nemnosti through the period of the Second Khutu-Taizian War and thereafter. She was through double descent a Nemni, and her mother was a direct though distant descendant of Osper Nemni himself, the first hengi. After the end of the second Khutu-Taizian War and the razing of Gil Pirtu and the abandonment of Gil Hargush, Nemnu Ula fell into a period of long dormancy, while Farai was killed in one of these attacks, and brought back as a revenant. While Nemnu lay dormant, Farai stayed by Her side day by day to sing to the Grey Carver, sleeping and eating little. Nemnu did not fully stir until 418, with the arrival of the first harbinger of the Year of the Twin Comets, and only then did Farai cease her vigil. Nemnu never forgot Farai's actions and bestowed many honours upon her afterwards. Farai's Songs are still sometimes sung at Nemnu's request.