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(Rosalie and Sebastien visit Lamont)
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: Session date: 2023-03-19
: Session date: 2023-03-19
: Session date: 2023-03-19
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Kitty and Vinny discuss their previous day's escapades - Vinnie tells her sister about her indiscrete behaviour on the ride and her deep feelings for Gueiris.  Kitty confesses that not only did she attended the Sehanine ceremony, but she is thinking of joining the church as an acolyte.
Kitty and Vinny discuss their previous day's escapades - Vinnie tells her sister about her indiscrete behaviour on the ride and her deep feelings for Gueiris.  Kitty confesses that not only did she attended the Sehanine ceremony, but she is thinking of joining the church as an acolyte.
Gueiris meets up with Coifárë and they share gossip about the carriage ride and the Sehanine ceremony as well as Lamont.
Gueiris's mother tell him she has a new prospect lined up for him: Magus Juno Morticia Auspex.  Despite his initial reaction, when Gueiris meets with Juno, he finds that she is actually someone he could see as a friend.
Nik visits with Lamont after he is safely installed at Therma Alba.
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===Lamont's Mother Visits Him==+
===Lamont's Mother Visits Him===
Margaret Layne Allard Scrye: will have made the trip to Highmark to come see Lamont, arriving at Griffon's Crest sometime in the early afternoon.
Margaret Layne Allard Scrye: will have made the trip to Highmark to come see Lamont, arriving at Griffon's Crest sometime in the early afternoon.
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===Nik, Coifárë, and Katherina attend an Orgy
===Nik, Coifárë, and Katherina attend an Orgy===
Nik: will meet Coifare at the club
Nik: will meet Coifare at the club
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===Nik and Coifárë Have a Heart-to-Heart
===Nik and Coifárë Have a Heart-to-Heart===
Nik: (so this is after Kitty has bade farewell and headed off, and I guess we are just... chilling? getting a snack/drink?)
Nik: (so this is after Kitty has bade farewell and headed off, and I guess we are just... chilling? getting a snack/drink?)
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Coifárë:  I’m really glad I met Nik. He’s so sweet and enthusiastic, in a myriad of lovely ways. I hope he can hold onto that. All this with Lamont and his uncle and everything…our society has too much of a tendency to destroy beautiful things. Corellon aid me, I’ll do my best to make sure it doesn’t do that to Nik’s spirit. For now, I’ll be here for him and we’ll do what we can for Lamont. Also, I suppose we should find Kitty before she gets into too much trouble. She’s quite enjoyable company, but I worry she’s attempting to leap into the ocean before having splashed in a puddle. Best we make sure she doesn’t fall under on her first night out.
Coifárë:  I’m really glad I met Nik. He’s so sweet and enthusiastic, in a myriad of lovely ways. I hope he can hold onto that. All this with Lamont and his uncle and everything…our society has too much of a tendency to destroy beautiful things. Corellon aid me, I’ll do my best to make sure it doesn’t do that to Nik’s spirit. For now, I’ll be here for him and we’ll do what we can for Lamont. Also, I suppose we should find Kitty before she gets into too much trouble. She’s quite enjoyable company, but I worry she’s attempting to leap into the ocean before having splashed in a puddle. Best we make sure she doesn’t fall under on her first night out.
===Leonora and Maga Discuss Family Business===
===Leonora and Maga Discuss Family Business===
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Coifárë: And here I thought it best strategically to think several steps ahead.
Coifárë: And here I thought it best strategically to think several steps ahead.
===Gueiris Meets a Potential Suitor===
Gueiris: will have arranged for both hard liquor and tea to be available for the expected guests
Gueiris: is dressed in a navy vest and white shirt with a high collar
Juno Morticia Auspex: will arrive with her cousin in tow at the appointed time precisely. She is a handsome vryloka woman of somewhat severe countenance, with bright red hair pulled back into a bun, grey eyes, and pale complection. She is wearing a floral print dress in the current style, though she looks perhaps a tad uncomfortable in it, and leans on a cane.
Agyness Cziernos: is a tall, strong vryloka woman in her late thirties, with very short black hair and dark eyes. She is wearing an immaculate military uniform.
Gueiris: stands while the ladies are announced by the footman
Agyness Cziernos: will approach first to shake hands with Gueiris. Gueiris likely knows who she is, as she was famously one of the military commanders at the cleansing of Nachtur just over a decade ago.
Gueiris: Welcome to Kyrnon Manor.  I am Lord Gueiris Kyrnon Maranue.
Agyness Cziernos: Lord Kyrnon, a pleasure.
Gueiris: The pleasure is all mine.  May I offer you a refreshment.  I was unsure of your preference, so I had a variety arranged.
Agyness Cziernos: looks at her cousin.
Juno Morticia Auspex: Tea would be most welcome, my lord.
Juno Morticia Auspex: gives a gracious, if abbreviated, approximation of a curtsy.
Juno Morticia Auspex: Our family was most honored by your mother's invitation.
Gueiris: Mine is honored as well by your acceptance.
Gueiris: arranged for tea for Juno and himself, and looks to Agyness for consensus
Agyness Cziernos: nods and smiles for the tea.
Agyness Cziernos: Don't mind me, I'm practically not here.
Juno Morticia Auspex: glances at Agyness, gives a small smile, and rolls her eyes surreptitiously.
Gueiris: makes sure everyone is seated comfortably and waves the servants away
Juno Morticia Auspex: sits with very proper, military posture.
Agyness Cziernos: does the same, but takes a seat as far from Gueiris and Juno as she can.
Juno Morticia Auspex: How are you finding the season, Lord Kyrnon?
Gueiris: It is more interesting than I expected, and worrying at the same time.
Juno Morticia Auspex: How so?
Juno Morticia Auspex: I'm sure we've both faced worse on a battlefield.
Gueiris: I've been fortunate to re-encounter friends I have not seen in some time, which has been a wonderful boon to me.
Gueiris: Although one of them, The Marquess of Stillmarch, has been ill of late.
Juno Morticia Auspex: nods.
Juno Morticia Auspex: The War Office had me deliver some correspondence to him not too long ago, and I do fear for whatever his physicians are doing for him.
Juno Morticia Auspex: He was not at all well.
Gueiris: frowns
Gueiris: That is concerning, although I have heard that things may be turning around for him.
Juno Morticia Auspex: That is good to hear. I'm not as familiar with the Marquess as I was with his older brother, but their family has suffered enough tragedy.
Gueiris: Agreed.
Gueiris: Have you been in Highmark long?  I don't recall seeing you at other events this season.
Juno Morticia Auspex: I missed the beginning of the season in transit from Per An, and have been quite busy with my duties at the War Office.
Juno Morticia Auspex: In truth, I'd prefer to have remained, but, when orders are given and duty calls, one must answer.
Gueiris: Yes, duty.
Juno Morticia Auspex: Obliquely our topic for today, I should think.
Gueiris: I want you to know that this situation that we find ourselves in was thrust upon myself, I suspect, as unexpectedly as yourself.
Juno Morticia Auspex: I should rather think so. I'm sure I'm hardly what a handsome young man such as yourself imagined for a match, any more than I wished to postpone actual worthwhile endeavors to participate in the marriage market.
Agyness Cziernos: laughs and then catches herself.
Agyness Cziernos: You'll have to forgive my cousin, my lord. She is more used to Thantopolitan brusqueness than Highmark polite society.
Agyness Cziernos: puts slight emphasis on the last two words while giving Juno a significant look.
Gueiris: My time back in this polite society has not been lengthy.  Even I am still trying to find my proper steps at times.
Juno Morticia Auspex: smiles.
Juno Morticia Auspex: Proper steps are...something of a problem for me at times.
Juno Morticia Auspex: gestures towards her cane momentarily, still with a smile.
Juno Morticia Auspex: I apologize for any offense, my lord.
Gueiris: Apology is not needed.  No offense was given.  I've heard blunter comments and much worse before.
Gueiris: Since you did make mention, would it be impolite to ask what is the issue requiring the cane?  Old injury?
Juno Morticia Auspex: Childhood illness, actually. Magic could only do so much as it had settled from corpus to animus, so it doesn't precisely register to a spell as something that needs fixing.
Juno Morticia Auspex: I get by well enough with the cane, and it would feel awkward to me without it at this point.
Juno Morticia Auspex: It is somewhat more awkward with a dress than pants, but my family insisted.
Juno Morticia Auspex: While Agy got to wear her uniform...
Juno Morticia Auspex: scowls good-naturedly at her cousin, who holds up her hands defensively.
Gueiris: Next time we meet, you should wear what best suits your comfort.  Surely you can find some compromise.
Juno Morticia Auspex: That would be my dearest hope, Lord Kyrnon.
Gueiris: Or at least forward something ahead, and change once you've escaped their attention.  I doubt you cousin would think less of you for doing so.
Gueiris: and I would rather see you comfortable.
Agyness Cziernos: I pulled similar stunts when I was your age.
Juno Morticia Auspex: smiles at Gueiris.
Juno Morticia Auspex: I appreciate your consideration.
Juno Morticia Auspex: What sorts of activities normally provide your diversion?
Gueiris: Outside of the expected social events, I have focused my attention on honing my skills,  and occasionally meeting family obligations for support to the local constabulary.
Gueiris: My days as a mercenary ended when I rejoined polite society.
Juno Morticia Auspex: Permanently, or for the time being?
Gueiris: I wish I knew the answer to that.  It really depends on how my duty to my family plays out.
Juno Morticia Auspex: gives Gueiris a sympathetic look.
Gueiris: And yourself?  Other than the War Office?
Juno Morticia Auspex: I also spend time honing my skills, though that's somewhat more difficult for me in Highmark. I've had to get my guild certification so that I can use their facilities.
Gueiris: Krynon has facilities that can be made available to you, if you would like.
Juno Morticia Auspex: looks at Agy.
Juno Morticia Auspex: Would that be legal? I don't want to get in trouble with the law, particularly if that might mean running afoul of Lord Kyrnon here.
Agyness Cziernos: The Houses have a fair bit of leeway. I'll ask Lady Machel, but it's probably all right.
Juno Morticia Auspex: turns back to Gueiris.
Juno Morticia Auspex: It would be most kind of you to allow me to make use of your family's facilities. At the very least, it is a much shorter trip than to the Explorer's Union hall.
Juno Morticia Auspex: Perhaps we could make plans to train together?
Juno Morticia Auspex: You're a sorcerer, if I recall? At least by the most current edition?
Gueiris: I would like that.  Yes, I am an Elementalist.
Gueiris: Trained by my parents before they passed.
Juno Morticia Auspex: nods, and again looks sympathetic.
Juno Morticia Auspex: Perhaps you can teach me a thing or two, as my expertise lies elsewhere.
Gueiris: I would be happy to show you what I can.
Gueiris: although I have little teaching experience.
Juno Morticia Auspex: I have a fair bit of learning experience. I'm sure we'll muddle through.
Gueiris: smiles
Gueiris: So to be candid about what is coming up, I am going to be invited to an event at Therma Alba.  Are you familiar with the local?
Juno Morticia Auspex: Very much so. I spent time there when I was a child, though it's been some time. It's quite lovely.
Gueiris: It is going to be expected that I invite you to join me there, with your cousin to join us as well.
Gueiris: looks over to Agyness
Gueiris: I imagine you may be pressed into accepting.
Agyness Cziernos: chuckles.
Agyness Cziernos: I've actually been meaning to Thantopolis for a while, so I'm happy to accept. We can make arrangements to join you.
Juno Morticia Auspex: smiles.
Juno Morticia Auspex: Splendid.
Gueiris: Well it works out well, in that regard.
Gueiris: I have a personal interest in someone who will be attending.  I have not figured out how I will be navigating this situation.
Juno Morticia Auspex: pauses momentarily.
Juno Morticia Auspex: Ah. Well, you're an attractive and affable man in society, that's to be expected, I suppose. I don't want to impose, despite my family's intentions.
Juno Morticia Auspex: And I appreciate the forewarning.
Juno Morticia Auspex: looks perhaps a bit crestfallen.
Gueiris: I feel that we can be friends, and under different circumstances, have found away to make more of this arrangement... its just that I have made a connection with someone else, and I must see where it will go.
Gueiris: I know that may not be what you want to hear.
Juno Morticia Auspex: Regardless of what I had hoped to hear, it is within expectations. As I said, I would not want to interfere, and I do wish you all happiness. I'm sure we can be friends, of course.
Juno Morticia Auspex: gives an only partially forced smile.
===Nik Visits With Lamont at Thema Alba===
Nik: will come to Lamont's bedroom on the morning after he's arrived at Therma Alba.
Stillmarch: is sitting up a little in bed  with a book in his lap but doesnt seem super focused on it, and looks up when the door opens
Stillmarch: oh, good morning
Nik: is carrying a tray with some light breakfast foods - fresh fruit, warm bread, and some little rolls of meat and cheese.
Nik: good morning! I brought you some food - well, I saw the staff bringing it your way so I took it off their hands.
Stillmarch: sits up a little more and sets the book aside
Stillmarch: That's very kind of you, but not necessary
Nik: sets the food down for you and will come to perch lightly on the edge of your bed
Nik: well, I was coming here anyway, it was no trouble.
Stillmarch: Thank you.
Nik: smiles
Nik: how are you feeling?
Stillmarch: Oh...  very tired, still, though my thoughts are somewhat clearer.
Stillmarch: the headache does seem fully banished, at least.
Nik: that's good at least.  and you can rest as much as you want here.
Stillmarch: nods.
Stillmarch: I think I'm meant to visit the pools in a little while
Stillmarch: picks at the fruit
Nik: I would go with you, but my father says you need quiet and so I shouldn't bother you too much.
Stillmarch: nods again
Stillmarch: This is meant to be your time away from home...
Nik: oh, well, I'm going to go back to Highmark soon, but only for a short while.  then I'll come back and hopefully bring plenty of friends.
Nik: but you know, I don't mind being here with you, Lamont.
Nik: looks down, a bit shy
Stillmarch: smiles a little, a bit tightly though
Stillmarch: I don't deserve such kindness from you.
Stillmarch: All of this....
Stillmarch: says, indicatingthe room and all with a weak wave
Nik: Do you really believe that? I think you deserve all the kindness in the world.
Stillmarch: I don't know.  I still feel very wrteched, and my moods are perhaps not to be trusted.
Nik: nods
Stillmarch: but I am nonetheless deeply in your debt
Nik: Well, please be kind with yourself, or if you can't yet, then let me be kind to you in the meanwhile.
Nik: You don't owe me anything.
Stillmarch: I may very well owe you my life, Nik.
Nik: It's just what friends do for each other, isn't it? You helped me when we were caught in the storm.
Nik: blushes at that
Stillmarch: frowns a little at the recollection
Stillmarch: I'm not sure it's quite the same.
Nik: well... I'm sure you would have done the same for me if our positions were reversed.
Stillmarch: nods, as though that he can accept
Stillmarch: nonetheless, I am very grateful
Nik: Once you regain your strength I'll be delighted to take you on a walk around the grounds.  I know it's been a while since you were here, and there are some new additions 🙂
Stillmarch: I will look forward to it
Nik: smiles
Nik: Is there anything else you need? I see you have found a book, do you want some materials for writing letters to anyone?
Stillmarch: Not now, I I think. my thoughts are still too scattered, and I haven't the energy to collect them
Nik: nods
Nik: If you do need anything when I'm not around, the staff will certainly get you anything you require.
Stillmarch: thank you
Nik: well.... I don't want to keep you from your breakfast.  I ought to let you have some peace and quiet.
Nik: says, slightly reluctant to leave
Stillmarch: looks doewn at the tray
Stillmarch: I may just...sleep a little more, in any case
Nik: Of course.  I think everything there will keep for a few hours.  The bread might not be warm anymore, that's all 🙂
Stillmarch: Then I shall suffer the consequences
Stillmarch: says with a tired smile
Nik: But eat what you can, when you have the strength.  Even if you don't feel a strong appetite, you need your energy to recover.
Stillmarch: sighs
Stillmarch: Now you sound like my mother >.>
Nik: I remember when I was first healthy and it suddenly seemed as though I was eating three times as much as I used to, but it was just that I had no appetite for it before.
Nik: I hope it will be much the same for you, that as your illness recedes, your appetite will return.
Stillmarch: nods
Stillmarch: I will try to encourage it.
Nik: If there's anything I can do to help encourage as well, I'll gladly try it 🙂
Stillmarch: looks down at the trayb and defiitely not at Nik
Stillmarch: Of course.
Stillmarch: But, you don't need to worry about me so much now.
Nik: smiles faintly at that
Nik: Well, I'll endeavour not to pester you.  But forgive me if I cannot quite stop my concern just yet.
Stillmarch: I have put my trust in your father and his staff.  I already feel improved - I'm sure when you return in a few days, I will be much my old self
Stillmarch: tries to said with a bit of confidence, but does still sound very tired
Nik: I hope so.  I do hope you'll be able to partake in the enjoyments here, once I return.  But for now, I'll let you rest.
Nik: takes Lamont's hand for a moment and gives it a little squeeze
Stillmarch: thank you
Nik: holds your hand for a few seconds longer and then will let it go so he can get up and leave you to rest.
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*[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fK-MIuDyS6jbFmvjZ_jnyfrlt9cvrCgaXGziqTcv2kk/edit Letter form Rosalie to Vinnie]
*[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fK-MIuDyS6jbFmvjZ_jnyfrlt9cvrCgaXGziqTcv2kk/edit Letter form Rosalie to Vinnie]
*[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1F7s9b7MHz49i3JHs-W0jXrweEFH-N_CEK5LnOMftByU/edit Note from Rosalie to Sébastien]
*[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1F7s9b7MHz49i3JHs-W0jXrweEFH-N_CEK5LnOMftByU/edit Note from Rosalie to Sébastien]
*[https://docs.google.com/document/d/128VKCBfXZRW6N42sb8IaZhKNPgrhl8NYTrF2_PGJywA/edit Note form Sébastien to Rosalie]
*[https://docs.google.com/document/d/128VKCBfXZRW6N42sb8IaZhKNPgrhl8NYTrF2_PGJywA/edit Note from Sébastien to Rosalie]
*[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gSPxc_salMApAlnpAg1vZVQOIELLvbpXWeEZCFtBFMA/edit Letter from Leonora to Marquess Stillmarch]
*[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1f24jiTwIyEBYz5p64su9vo_lEYoI1UghGesNA2B1I50/edit Letter from Coifárë to Tavaron Morinehtar]
*[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LyJHVUYmwplog7nYZdoxCYFaRJU0xxrhBeNx2Xol5UM/edit Letter from Lamont to Lady Leonora Wengal]
*[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1H0RrcRlFlw75LT8HXWw1jlO-lF1ZY1mzYqZvrz4Yxvk/edit Letter from Lamont to Coifárë]
*[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NazJhUOmcCUf00_WfjRUax6qiyljwzJ3H_cmr1uqY8I/edit?usp=sharing Undelivered letter from Gueiris to Lavinia]
*[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BHlQcqEAuTAcnIo96yE2SU5WApORdJIn-qw2I8sdCEg/edit?usp=sharing Letter from Gueiris to Magus Juno Morticia Auspex]

Latest revision as of 14:02, 8 April 2023

AWRR Chapter logs
Previous Chapter 4 Next


Session date: 2023-03-19


Session date: 2023-03-19

Rosalie and her brother visit with a quite ill Lamont at home, as Sébastien's rank is sufficient that it would be difficult to turn away when he insists. They share some news, and Rosalie leaves him with a care package.

Katherina and Victorina meet up to discuss the progression of Victorina's work. Katherina offers to take some pamphlets to distribute at the Sehanine full moon ceremony, and they go to pick them up form the printer together.

Lamont's mother arrives in town, after receiving two letters of concern from his friends. She helps him write a letter in reply to Nik so that he can go to Therma Alba and recover.

Nik and Coifárë meet up at Lavigne's in advance of the Sehanine Full Moon ceremony at the Temple of Our Lady of Passion. Coifárë explains to Nik what he can expect, and the two briefly discuss what's happening with Lamont before they are joined by an enthusiastic Katherina, who makes her intentions for the evening quite clear. The three retire together beyond the veil. Later on that evening, Nik has an emotional break down on Coifárë and the two discuss his feelings and their mutual concern for Lamont.

Leonora shares a morning coffee with her husband and discuss Yadda's debut. They are joined by Nenea, who has prepared an extensive list of possible candidates for her to consider. They review those who meet her priority qualifications: dragonmarked Sentinel House men who are attractive and available.

Gueiris arrives to pick up Lavinia for their carriage ride, and reveals a deception he has played: an illusory chaperone. They discuss their feelings and intentions, and Gueiris offers to share his mark of binding with her. She declares that this is something she will need to consider, but the two embrace passionately for most of the trip.

Kitty and Vinny discuss their previous day's escapades - Vinnie tells her sister about her indiscrete behaviour on the ride and her deep feelings for Gueiris. Kitty confesses that not only did she attended the Sehanine ceremony, but she is thinking of joining the church as an acolyte.

Gueiris meets up with Coifárë and they share gossip about the carriage ride and the Sehanine ceremony as well as Lamont.

Gueiris's mother tell him she has a new prospect lined up for him: Magus Juno Morticia Auspex. Despite his initial reaction, when Gueiris meets with Juno, he finds that she is actually someone he could see as a friend.

Nik visits with Lamont after he is safely installed at Therma Alba.


Rosalie and Sebastien visit Lamont

Rosalie: will ride with Sébastien to Lamont's estate

Sebastien: Chats encouragingly with his sister

Sebastien: Do you want me to give you a moment or two alone when we're there? I can probably manage it.

Rosalie: blushes

Rosalie: Oh, no, that's okay. I mean, you wrote the note. It wouldn't be too forward?

Sebastien: grins well, we shall see!

Rosalie: sighs One day, I must teach you the art of subtlety

Sebastien: I can be quite subtle... but we shall see

Rosalie: draws in a deep breath Anyway, I've been meaning to discuss our event this year. Decisions need to be made.

Sebastien: Oh yes! I think we should sponsor a race! Everyone loves a day at the track :D

Rosalie: Well, I was thinking maybe we can do a house party this year. We can certainly have our own games.

Sebastien: Oh I suppose so hmm - here or at the estate?

Sebastien: Maybe a dinner and an evening of games?

Rosalie: I should like to show off the work on the estate. There's been so many improvements.

Rosalie: Perhaps we can invite guests to stay for a couple of days.

Rosalie: I feel so pulled in every direction when it's a single ball. I should like to have time to interact with more people at length

Sebastien: Oh wonderful! enough time to really tie one on ;)r=

Rosalie: Perhaps, but I was more thinking it might be good for you to entertain the ladies a bit more, this time, Seb

Rosalie: When you enjoy the games too much, the hosting duties fall all to me

Sebastien: Oh hoo what, in public my dear? ;)

Rosalie: swats his arm By staying away from the tables and talking to them, you lout

Sebastien: chuckles You know I'm teasing Rose. I shall do my best not to get too distracted but you must know that there are ladies who quite enjoy the tables!

Rosalie: smiles I just want you to be settled, you know. It's my right as your sister to pester you about a partner.

Sebastien: Well you may pester me today I suppose, as we're about to go visit this particular lord with a basket of comforts you prepared especially for him, aren't we ;)

Rosalie: looks down at her basket Well, it's mostly just teas. And a couple of books...

Sebastien: Very thoughtful

Rosalie: shrugs, looking a little embarrassed it's what I like when I am ill.

Sebastien: I'm sure he'll be very grateful. I believe we've arrived though. I'll come 'round and help you out.

Rosalie: will dismount from the carriage with Sébastien's aid

Stillmarch: (they probably encounter some resistance when they arrive but Sebastien can pull rank with (feigned?) ignorance and joviality well enough that you are asked to wait for a bit before brought to a sitting room where Lamont is waiting for you. He looks quite pale and is wearing a fancy dressing gown with a blanket in his lap)

Rosalie: greets him, looking concerned Your grace, I do hope we aren't imposing too much. How are you feeling?

Stillmarch: Thank you. And please, I welcome the company.

Stillmarch: sounds very tired and run down

Stillmarch: Pardon me if I don't rise, your grace

Sebastien: Oh no, no trouble Stillmarch. keep yourself comfortable, we won't tire you out too much.

Rosalie: We've brought some restorative teas and a couple of the histories for entertainment.

Sebastien: frowns a bit in concern, and will take a seat

Rosalie: sets the basket on a table nearby

Stillmarch: Thank you, that's very kind.

Rosalie: Are you feeling any better?

Stillmarch: pauses

Stillmarch: I am feeling better at the moment but there have ..unanticipated setbacks

Sebastien: Probably that's the company - the feeling better, I mean ;)

Rosalie: twitches in her seat and folds her hands together Being miserable alone is certainly less appealing than being miserable with company. says smiling lightly

Stillmarch: As you say - My other visitors were turned away, save one, here on formal business.

Sebastien: Well, we did promise not to impose too long, if your doctor says it's no good for your health

Stillmarch: sighs "So I am told, your grace."

Rosalie: looks thoughtful

Rosalie: Well, my brother is very good at getting into places others are told no. It's the charm. And the title. You need only call if you should like our company again.

Stillmarch: That is appreciated, thank you

Rosalie: It is no trouble, really. The ride here was quite beautiful, and I enjoy the present company.

Sebastien: Yes, quite happy to be of service.

Stillmarch: I'm glad to hear it. I hope your will forgive me, though, if I'm not sure when we migh b able to carry out our planned excursions...

Rosalie: waves a hand You focus on getting well, and the rest can certainly wait.

Stillmarch: I am in your debt my lady, and yours, again, your grace.

Sebastien: oh pishposh, not at all.

Sebastien: We're all friends here, aren;t we?

Rosalie: looks at Sébastien with a wry smile Well, unless we're siblings, of course.

Stillmarch: nods

Sebastien: What, we can't be both, Rosie? You truly are my best friend, and you know it!

Stillmarch: smiles slightly at the siblings

Rosalie: Only under threat of torture if I'm not.

Rosalie: Anyway, since you missed the matches, would you like the play-by-play from Sébastien first, or the gossip I heard?

Stillmarch: Oh... whichever you think would be of more interest I suppose.

Rosalie: Ah, well, I brought a book for the majority of the sport, so I know where my interests lie.

Sebastien: It's completely wasted on her, I say! I'm not sure what gossip she think's she heard with her head dpwn half the time.

Rosalie: shrugs slightly Sometimes people think you can't read and listen at the same time.

Sebastien: well, then what all did you hear, then?

Rosalie: shares a few light-hearted gossip items

Stillmarch: very perceptive, to have caught all that while reading.

Sebastien: Oh she's always had quite a keen mind, you know. Wasted on managing me ;)

Stillmarch: nods

Rosalie: If I weren't managing you, I might have too much time on my hands.

Sebastien: chuckles I may be providing the world a service then, eh Stillmarch? ;D

Stillmarch: Or denying them one, perhaps

Rosalie: smiles

Rosalie: All the more reason to see you married off, brother.

Sebastien: Oh Rosie - I can take care of myself you know :V Now Stillmarch, let me tell you about some of the plays, a shame you missed he third match, some excellent martial work there... will natter on about foosball stuff

Stillmarch: nods along with polite interest but is visibly becoming more tired the longer we sit

Rosalie: recognizes at some point he is beginning to tire and subtly gains Sebastien's attention Perhaps it is time we make our farewells. There is still much for us to do today, and I fear we've imposed for too long.

Sebastien: Oh! Of course - you've been most gracious to let us trouble you for so long. I hope your health improves quickly, and I shall hold you to that ride once you have recovered.

Stillmarch: Yes. I am most grateful for the company, but I believe I should rest.

Stillmarch: seems to start to rise and then reconsiders

Rosalie: I do hope you are well soon. I am looking forward to our outing. Shall I ring for service on our way out?

Stillmarch: Yes please, thank you

Rosalie: Of course.

Victorina and Katherina Talk Politics

Victorina: Victorina sits at an outdoor cafe having a celebratory tea.

Katherina: will have escaped her home for a pre-arranged meet up, and drag over a higher chair to settle herself into

Katherina: Vicky - there you are!

Katherina: I nearly went to the wrong cafe!

Victorina: "Kat-kit, escaping another social obligation?" She waves over a server, "Another cup and some tea please."

Katherina: Oh nothing too much, just another dreary tea with my mother and her friends... They'll be so busy playing whist and gossiping about people half their age they won't even miss me. And thank you!

Victorina: "I don't think I will ever understand high society. The majority wastes their time and old money on frivolities instead of reinvesting in the country and the people that got them where they are "

Katherina: Well, I won't deny I enjoy a frivolity or two, but i do think many have too much time on their hands. However, my mother and her friends so support various charities and such, though mostly in grimfarr

Victorina: "And how well do the charities do? Or is it just a superficial thing?"

Victorina: She winces and takes a sip. "I apologize. I don't mean to sound so harsh and pessimistic. I'm not sure what's come over me."

Katherina: Oh no - they are quite serious about them! They organize events to raise funds and awareness of all sorts of different issues, and help fun things like schools and libraries and orphanages and hospitals, those sorts of things

Katherina: It's really just a matter of finding more sympathetic ear and then they'll be throwing balls and banquets to raise money for our cause :)

Victorina: "Well, I think I made some headway in that area." She'll tell her friend about her meeting the priests and the letter she recently sent off.

Katherina: Oh that's wonderful! you know... I was thinking of visiting a temple of Sehanine >.>

Katherina: I'm not sure how disposed to liste the participants might be but I can try and pass out some leaflets or similar....

Katherina: is imagining herself slipping them into the pockets of discarded articles of clothing >.>

Stillmarch: (disposed to listen that should be)

Victorina: "Truly? Well then, let's head over to the printer's and see if they have any of the new batch available."

Katherina: Fantastic! You'd be welcome to join me if you like - Though I should say that I understand they can become quite... rowdy and intimate, shall we say.

Katherina: But I know someone else who is going and I'm not sure I could stop myself now - so I may as well have some other purpose too, right?

Victorina: "Oh?" Victorina waggles her eyebrows, "Someone your parents would approve of or not?"

Katherina: Oh well - likely they would but he's not really on the market, as they say. He's too young for an elf to be considering such things, just the same age as me.

Victorina: "Mixed species relationships can be so confusing. No offense meant."

Katherina: giggles Well you must have to deal with similar back home, though?

Victorina: She shrugs. "Those with a serious interest in marriage do. Not me though."

Katherina: laughs Well I have no serious interests either, to be frank. But you asked about my parents ;)

Victorina: She giggles. "Indirectly as it was, I did."

Katherina: Well I am quite fond of the bachelorette life and plan to embrace it as long as I can.

Katherina: Shall we go to the printers, then?

Victorina: "Yes, let's go."

Lamont's Mother Visits Him

Margaret Layne Allard Scrye: will have made the trip to Highmark to come see Lamont, arriving at Griffon's Crest sometime in the early afternoon.

Narrator: (Would Lamont just be in bed?)

Stillmarch: (Yes, I think he has been sleeping a lot)

Margaret Layne Allard Scrye: will barge in without knocking.

Stillmarch: (into his room?)

Stillmarch: (or the house)

Narrator: (Oh, his room, totally)

Margaret Layne Allard Scrye: Monty? Monty! Ah, yes, there you are, dear.

Stillmarch: 's eyes open and he turns his head slowly

Stillmarch: ...Mother?

Margaret Layne Allard Scrye: crosses over to the bed and lays her hand on Lamont's forehead.

Margaret Layne Allard Scrye: Dear, you look positively awful. And why are your curtains closed? You should get more sun and air in here.

Stillmarch: closes his eyes again as she does

Stillmarch: It was so bright...

Margaret Layne Allard Scrye: Have you been abed this whole time?

Stillmarch: I tried...

Margaret Layne Allard Scrye: will go to open the curtains and windows while she continues to talk.

Margaret Layne Allard Scrye: Tried what now, darling?

Stillmarch: winces away form the sudden light

Stillmarch: probably looks even worse in the natural light

Stillmarch: to go out

Margaret Layne Allard Scrye: Well, I don't fault the impulse, but I can't imagine you got very far.

Margaret Layne Allard Scrye: What is Thurston thinking? You have healers come, yes?

Stillmarch: yes...

Stillmarch: it's not their fault

Margaret Layne Allard Scrye: Hmm, let's not be too hasty. Perhaps you should be seen by some more. All this from a country ride?

Margaret Layne Allard Scrye: shakes her head.

Margaret Layne Allard Scrye: It simply will not do. Have you been eating?

Stillmarch: makes a face

Margaret Layne Allard Scrye: Don't give me that, you're a grown man now. You have to eat to keep up your strength.

Margaret Layne Allard Scrye: Your friends are quite concerned about you, you know.

Stillmarch: nods

Margaret Layne Allard Scrye: Dear Colmacil Vilyawen wrote to me of their concern, and that after your friend Lord Evenor had done so as well.

Margaret Layne Allard Scrye: I'm certainly glad you're making friends, but to die on them would be quite gauche.

Stillmarch: will try and sit up a little, with mixed results, still kind of squinty eyed from lighht and sleep

Stillmarch: I don't want to die.

Margaret Layne Allard Scrye: I should rather hope not.

Margaret Layne Allard Scrye: Now, what do you plan to do about it?

Stillmarch: oh.... it's so hard to think...

Stillmarch: I want...

Stillmarch: reaches into his shirt as if he's looking for something, then remembers its not there, and instead tried tu sit up more and get something off the bedside table, which takes some apparent effort

Stillmarch: will pass her Nik's letter

Margaret Layne Allard Scrye: Hmm, what's this now?

Stillmarch: I want to go

Margaret Layne Allard Scrye: Well now, see, Lord Evenor does seem quite concerned, as I said. Has Thurston been interfering with your correspondence?

Margaret Layne Allard Scrye: To Therma Alba? That seems like a fantastic idea. It's worked wonders before.

Stillmarch: I'm... not sure

Stillmarch: I think he reads it. Sometimes.

Margaret Layne Allard Scrye: Sentinels.

Stillmarch: I haven't been able to write

Margaret Layne Allard Scrye: shakes her head.

Margaret Layne Allard Scrye: Well, I certainly can. Is there some message you'd like me to deliver?

Stillmarch: Tell him I would like to come, if they can make the arrangements. Or, mif you would write for me... I could still sign it...

Margaret Layne Allard Scrye: will retrieve ink, pen, and paper and set to writing the letter.

Margaret Layne Allard Scrye: It will do you a world of good to get out of Griffon's Crest, I should think.

Stillmarch: yes.

Stillmarch: I should think @_@

Stillmarch: Thank you.

Margaret Layne Allard Scrye: Think nothing of it. I wish you'd written to me. I may have duties elsewhere, but you remain my son.

Margaret Layne Allard Scrye: will cross over to the bed with the pen and paper for Lamont to sign.

Stillmarch: will scrawl a rather inelegant but more or less legible version of his signature on the paper that's recognizable if you squint, and then lie back, tired.

Margaret Layne Allard Scrye: purses her lips.

Stillmarch: I wasn't sure...

Margaret Layne Allard Scrye: That you were my son? I your were elsewise, I would find some champion to challenge you for that comment.

Margaret Layne Allard Scrye: Rest now, and I'll see you're letter sent. I'll be here when you wake.

Margaret Layne Allard Scrye: leans down to place a kiss on the top of Lamont's head.

Stillmarch: Thank you.

Stillmarch: will go back to sleep

Nik, Coifárë, and Katherina attend an Orgy

Nik: will meet Coifare at the club

Narrator: (Oh, heh, I meant the gentleman's club, but this works, too)

Nik: (oh ok, I can change it if you want)

Narrator: (It might be a better setup? I feel like Coifare will be more considerate than just, "Hey, meet me at the sex temple")

Coifárë: will be waiting for Nik at Lavigne's (said gentleman's club which I don't believe we've yet named).

Nik: Good day! I wasn't quite sure what to wear, I hope this is suitable?

Nik: is wearing a nice silk robe

Coifárë: is wearing something similar, in more traditional elduar styles than they usually sport.

Coifárë: I suppose it depends upon what your plans for the evening are, but I think it's both handsome and suitable.

Nik: smiles

Nik: I don't know that I have any particular plans - I suppose I shall observe and see what comes up?

Coifárë: smirks a little at that.

Coifárë: A wise stance to take.

Coifárë: I find it best to let the evening take you where you will, though perhaps you should take some care with intoxicants. You'll want to remember come tomorrow. 😉

Nik: That's a good point. I felt quite under the weather after the last get-together, so perhaps I should be more restrained.

Coifárë: nods.

Coifárë: That could also be arranged, of course.

Coifárë: Shall we?

Nik: Certainly! I'm quite keen to see what this is like, after so much anticipation!

Narrator: We'll say the Temple of Our Lady of Passion is a short carriage ride away from Lavigne's. Nik can spot attendees who are being publicly inconspicuous as they arrive.

Nik: Is it considered an embarrassing thing to attend?

Nik: asks, curious

Coifárë: It depends, really. Some Houses view these events as baser pursuits. For us elduar, well, the Moon Maiden is one of the Seldarine.

Coifárë: This would be an instance where I would disagree with the sentiment of "when in Highmark," but, as you can see, even they do not truly abide by their own rules.

Nik: nods

Nik: There are certainly plenty of people in attendance.

Nik: And of such a wide variety!

Coifárë: smiles at that, and will lead Nik inside.

Narrator: The pair will find themselves in a short queue as attendants offer guests masks, help apply the silvery painted marks for the phases of the moon, and take coats and the like. Soft music drifts through the small vestibule, though the source is not entirely identifiable.

Nik: looks around with interest, although trying to be polite and not stare

Narrator: The people seem to be a mix of species, ages, and social classes, though this far up the mountain they trend towards the upper and upper middle classes.

Coifárë: Do you want to go masked this evening? So people prefer the anonymity, either for propriety or just excitement.

Nik: oh... well, to be honest, I feel like my hair somewhat gives me away even if I were to wear a mask 🙂

Coifárë: It's more about plausible deniability than anything, but you have a point. 🙂

Nik: So, what sort of events will take place? I see there are some refreshments.

Coifárë: The party is separated by, hmm, intensity, I guess you could say. The first rooms will be just a standard party, with music, dancing, drinks and food.

Coifárë: From there, you can pass through the first veil to where people are interested in more intimate connections, but would still like some privacy in the adjoining rooms.

Coifárë: It gets progressively more intimate and public from there.

Coifárë: Oh, you'll also need a lunar mark. That's the paint just there. It's an at a glance symbol of the sort of partners you might be interested in. New moon means none, full means all, crescents mean men or women, depending upon which way it's facing, half means both.

Nik: Oh, uh... it doesn't obligate you to take part, does it? I mean it merely indicates preferences?

Coifárë: nods.

Coifárë: Yes, it's just preferences, though where you decide to get it can signal intent to some degree.

Coifárë: Back of the hand is a solidly neutral placement, for instance.

Nik: nods

Nik: Then full would be fine.

Nik: will extend his hand for the marking

Coifárë: smiles as Nik gets his mark. For themself, they likewise take a full moon symbol, on their right cheek.

Coifárë: will offer their arm to lead Nik into the first chamber, which proves to be an expansive ballroom, divided in places with gauzy curtains to make various alcoves. Completely different music from that in the vestibule drifts over the space, though in this instance there is a band on a central stage providing it. Illusory stars twinkle in the air above the party-goers, creating various constellations not actually seen in the sky outside.

Nik: Ah, this is lovely! How beautiful 😄

Nik: More parties should have stars.

Coifárë: You should come to Aethrennar for the Festival of Images sometime.

Nik: oh?

Coifárë: The Imager Houses turn the city into all kinds of things. One street frozen palaces of ice, another made entirely of light, a shadowed jungle, an underwater grotto...it's beautiful.

Nik: oh, that does sound exquisite! I've experienced so little of the world, but that would be a way to see many different places all at once, in a way.

Coifárë: Well, you'll have plenty of time to explore life's possibilities, I'm sure.

Nik: I suppose so, but I feel a need to make up for lost time, if that makes sense.

Coifárë: Well, this is certainly one place in which to do so. :)

Coifárë: Should we get some drinks?

Nik: Yes, that sounds good to me!

Coifárë: will lead Nik over to an extensive refreshments table.

Nik: will examine the selections and pick a drink that seems light and harmless ;)

Coifárë: So, what is your plan for the evening?

Nik: Well, I'm not sure if there are likely to be other people I know here... but I don't want to keep you from participating if that's your wish. You don't need to babysit me 🙂

Coifárë: The evening's young just yet, and I enjoy spending time with you. It's not babysitting by any means.

Nik: smiles a little shyly at that

Nik: Well... then for now, perhaps just to enjoy the music and the refreshments, and see where things lead?

Coifárë: smirks and will turn to face the musicians, though still angled slightly towards Nik.

Nik: I wanted to let you know... I haven't had any word from Lamont, but my father did examine him and said he was quite ill.

Coifárë: frowns.

Coifárë: "Quite ill"? That's a significant statement coming from your father, isn't it?

Nik: Yes... I think he didn't want me to be too worried, but also didn't want to mislead me about the severity of his condition.

Nik: I had him deliver a little note to Lamont on my behalf, but now I worry that perhaps the things I asked are too much for him... I mean even something such as travelling to Therma Alba might be too difficult.

Coifárë: Is Lamont's condition so fragile as that?

Nik: I don't know. Perhaps my worries are unfounded.

Coifárë: I'm not saying that at all.

Coifárë: Surely with your father's aid, Lamont could make the trip to Therma Alba in almost any condition.

Nik: Yes, probably that's so. If he wishes to, at any rate...

Nik: I suppose he might not reply to me because he doesn't wish to. but that is merely my own doubts...

Nik: fiddles nervously with his drink, taking a large gulp

Coifárë: I would imagine he has plenty to occupy his thoughts, and if he is as ill as your father says...I wouldn't take it amiss.

Coifárë: will give Nik an encouraging smile.

Nik: smiles back

Katherina: ...Lord Evenor? Is that you?

Nik: oh, Miss Katherina! So good to see you 🙂

Katherina: is addressing your back - she is masked but probably still recognizable to those who know her, wearing a fairly simple dress and holding a glass of something pink

Nik: turns around to greet you

Katherina: Oh how wonderful!

Katherina: Is this your friend? eyes Coifare

Coifárë: Indeed I am, but I don't believe I've had the pleasure.

Coifárë: smiles at Katherina.

Katherina: Oh hell then! I'm Katherina Whitbottom Orsina, and I met Lord Evenor throughmyy sister Hersir of Feigrsteinn, with whom Lord Evenor has coresponded for several years

Nik: I am glad you were able to make it here! Did your parents not object?

Coifárë: Oh, you're the younger Whitbottom! A pleasure to make your acquaintance finally.

Coifárë: will kneel down to speak more directly to Katherina.

Coifárë: It's regrettable it's taken so long.

Katherina: Oh well... I may have.... dissembled to some extent... >.>

Nik: will also assume a seat to speak more comfortably

Katherina: gives an enchanted smile to Coifare and hold out her hand, showing the crescent mark showing today at least she is most interested in boys

Nik: Well, my own father believes I am at a book reading at the library, so I quite understand...

Coifárë: will kiss the proffered hand, though they give a smirking frown at the mark.

Coifárë: A pity...

Katherina: Oh that's perfect! I aactually did bring a over story for myself, just in case. A fiend of mine has written some materials on the acceptance of the Akhasic states into the union and I did promise her I woudl ry and distribute them in society.

Coifárë: Oh, well, they do have an extensive library here, though your father might object to the subject matter...

Nik: chuckles at that

Coifárë: What friend is that, Miss Whitbottom?

Katherina: And... well... I don't know. I wasn't sure which one to pick for my first time here and I keep thinking mayne I should change it...

Coifárë: They do only represent preferences, so please take no offense at my statement.

Katherina: blushes a little Oh no, no offence at all! Quite the opposite, I am quit flattered ^-^

Katherina: as for my friend, her name is Miss Allement, and she'd from Ebemar

Coifárë: Oh, and forgive my rudeness. I'm Otorn Coifare Morinehtar Nónayúyo Brescia, Colmacil of Vilyawén. Apologies for the mouthful, but I'm sure there are better ways to occupy such.

Coifárë: Not Victorina Allement?

Katherina: Oh yes, - do you know her then?

Katherina: And what shoudl i call you? Otorn Brescia?

Coifárë: We're acquainted. I've attended a few of her speeches, and helped to introduce her to some connected friends.

Coifárë: And I think Coifare is perfectly acceptable for an event like this, unless you think me terribly forward for saying so.

Katherina: Oh no, as our mutual friend can attest, I'm not one for formality and propriety at the best of times. Coifare it is, and quite please to meet you :) I can see how he was persuaded to attend such an even with your guidance! May I ask how you met?

Katherina: looks between the two

Nik: We met at the party at Lord Callais' manor, by way of a mutual friend, Lord Stillmarch.

Coifárë: nods.

Coifárë: I stumbled upon the two of them sleeping together.

Nik: chuckles at that

Coifárë: Rather, I suppose only Stillmarch was sleeping.

Nik: He was quite exhausted.

Coifárë: The poor man had quite fallen asleep on Nik's shoulder.

Nik: I didn't have the heart to wake him.

Katherina: eyes sparkleOh I see is thsi lord a particular friend of yours, Evenor?

Coifárë: turns to Nik with a comically curious face.

Nik: Like your sister, I have corresponded with him for some time. He has been most welcoming to me since my arrival in Highmark. But I believe his intentions do not lie in my direction.

Nik: says, looking a little pink about the ears

Katherina: Looking all the more curious Oh well, then he is a fool, clearly! How fascinating though. Are you here then to cure yourself of a heart-break?

Coifárë: More seeking distraction from worry, I think. Stillmarch has taken ill to a most concerning degree.

Nik: nods at that

Nik: Perhaps I can offer some prayers for his recovery.

Katherina: Oh no! Well for your sake I shall hope he recovers quickly both his health and his senses.

Coifárë: And what are you hoping for here tonight, Miss Whitbottom? 😉

Katherina: Oh well.... I have long been curs=ious about all the rumors one hears of such events... And knowing there are friends around is a bit emboldening, don't you think?

Nik: I think attending with friends is surely more enjoyable than being alone 🙂

Coifárë: I suppose that depends upon one's intentions, but I do find the company inspiring.

Katherina: Well, precisely! as bold and shameless as my sister thinks me, it is comforting to know that I'm not truly alone in my interests, or wrong for pursuing them how I chose rather than however they are chosen for me. That's all.

Nik: Oh, I don't think you're alone at all! I'm glad to keep you company here for as long as you wish 🙂

Katherina: Well - I do think that once I have finished a drink to settle my nerves I may wish to venture beyond the veil...

Katherina: blushes

Katherina: I understand that there is another you fancy, but in my opinion friendship can encompass quite a number of things without becoming too serious so... if you'd like I'd be happy to have you accompany me. But certainly I'm not afraid to seek other company either, if I am being too forward.

Narrator: (Is she talking to Nik specifically?)

Katherina: *mostly talking to Nik, especially for the first line, but also glances at Coifare, with a blushing smile

Nik: Well... I am certainly not opposed to such a venture 🙂 Is it acceptable with you as well, Coifare?

Coifárë: I would be more than happy to join such an excursion, though I wouldn't want to impose, of course.

Katherina: Oh well - wonderful! Then as my family likes to say... Whitbotttom's up ;)

Katherina: raises her glass and will take a big drink for such a small lady

Nik: will also finish his drink as a toast

Coifárë: smiles and will follow suit.

Katherina: Then - shall we?

Nik: Please, lead the way!

Katherina: will haply do so

Coifárë: will take a moment to watch Katherina walk in front of them, smirk at Nik, then follow along.

Nik and Coifárë Have a Heart-to-Heart

Nik: (so this is after Kitty has bade farewell and headed off, and I guess we are just... chilling? getting a snack/drink?)

Nik: is sitting up with his robe kind of loosely draped around him, just kind of spaced out.

Coifárë: is still leaning back on cushions/pillows, likewise only loosely draped in their robe. They'll reach out to stroke Nik's back affectionately.

Coifárë: Everything all right?

Nik: oh... yes. everything was good!

Coifárë: Mmm, I'll say.

Coifárë: Though that's not quite what I was asking.

Nik: smiles, but it looks a bit unsteady and his face crumples up as he starts to cry.

Coifárë: Oh, Nik!

Coifárë: quickly sits up and will wrap him in a hug.

Nik: seems surprised by this development himself

Nik: I... I'm fine, it's nothing, I don't know why I'm crying....

Coifárë: hugs Nik, just trying to be a comforting presence.

Coifárë: It's probably not nothing. It's okay to cry.

Coifárë: There've been worse post-coital responses, let me assure you.

Nik: it's not... you...

Nik: says, a bit sniffly, leaning on you

Coifárë: I didn't think it was, I was just joking.

Nik: nods

Coifárë: wraps Nik up and will stroke his hair reassuringly.

Nik: just cries for a little bit, until he wears himself out

Coifárë: is content to let him do so, likely with occasional quiet reassurances.

Coifárë: It's okay, Nik. Everything will be all right.

Nik: I'm just... worried about Lamont, I think... or something... I don't know, it's confusing...

Nik: manages to say between sniffles

Coifárë: I think that's entirely reasonable. I'm worried about him, too.

Nik: It feels like there's nothing I can do...

Coifárë: Well, I think we're making some headway. I'm given to understand Lamont's mother arrived in Highmark this morning, so now we've some reinforcements.

Nik: oh... she did? That's good....

Nik: wipes his eyes a bit, trying to compose himself but not quite managing

Nik: he asked me to write to her, so I did, but I didn't know if she would really come or not...

Coifárë: I also wrote to her. We worked together on the temple at Vilyawen last year. That's how Lamont and I met, actually. He was visiting her while she worked.

Nik: oh.... that's nice. I mean.... that you knew her. I was just some stranger...

Coifárë: Margo's fantastic, and I imagine she'll help set things to rights.

Coifárë: Hardly. You're a friend of her son, and I'm sure you'll get along famously when you get the chance to meet her. She's quite lovely.

Nik: nods

Nik: it doesn't seem fair that Lamont has to live with his uncle. I mean... I know why it is, but it's awful for him...

Coifárë: Well, not so much longer as things go.

Nik: but that's why he has to get married to someone, and if he didn't have to worry about that so much, then... well... maybe then things would be different...

Coifárë: How do you mean?

Nik: he said that things couldn't happen again because he needed to.. to focus on getting married...

Coifárë: is quiet for a moment.

Coifárë: I know that there are bloodline considerations, but...Nik, you're the future Curiate Amathalis. You could pursue a suit if you wanted to.

Nik: looks mildly surprised at this

Nik: I don't know if my parents would accept that... they'd say I shouldn't rush into things. they think rushing means getting engaged sooner than after you know the person for ten years though, I think.

Coifárë: It works a bit different with humans...

Nik: is it the same for you? or your family, do they think you should get married?

Coifárë: laughs.

Coifárë: They could care less, really. My father just wants me to be happy, and my House...I'm a full-line Brescia, but just barely. If I die without an heir, well, I have plenty of cousins who would happily step in for Vilyawen.

Coifárë: I'm of more service to the temple and the people of Vilyawen then I am to my House, really. Practically superfluous.

Coifárë: says all this lightly, but there's a hint of manic melancholy to it that Nik might pick up on.

Nik: oh... that seems sad, though. I mean, not that they want you to be happy, that part is nice. But... you aren't superfluous.

Nik: holds your hands in his.

Coifárë: It has its benefits.

Coifárë: squeezes Nik's hand.

Coifárë: People would pay a lot more attention to my outings if I was more important.

Nik: well... maybe. but you aren't here just to be useful to people, too. you... you should get to be valued for who you are, not just what you can offer.

Coifárë: leans over to give Nik a kiss on the cheek.

Coifárë: You're sweet.

Coifárë: But I wasn't kidding before. You absolutely could pursue Lamont if you wanted.

Nik: I guess.... unless it was just an excuse though >.> to let me down easy and not hurt my feelings...

Coifárë: Didn't your father say Lamont was very ill?

Nik: nods

Coifárë: I think that's the more likely explanation, then. Don't you?

Nik: I don't know. I guess I won't know unless I get a chance to ask him.

Nik: sighs

Nik: this is all more complicated than in books...

Coifárë: Art imitates life, but can really only strive for the same complexity.

Coifárë: hugs tighter for a moment.

Coifárë: Hopefully you'll get a chance to talk to Lamont soon.

Nik: nods, leaning his head against your shoulder

Nik: and you too... I know he matters to you too. is that strange? I think if it was a book one of us should be jealous of the other, but I don't feel that way.

Nik: maybe you are secretly jealous of me, though?

Nik: says with a little smile

Coifárë: smiles at that.

Coifárë: Perhaps a bit that I wasn't there for your time together...

Nik: smiles at that

Nik: I think I was probably even less competent than I was tonight...

Coifárë: *squeezes Nik's hand.

Coifárë: It's a skill, certainly, but enthusiasm is its own spice as well.

Nik: well... you know... I could always use more practice if you wanted to try again 🙂

Coifárë: It is still early...

Coifárë: Though I could use something to drink, at least.

Nik: nods

Nik: that is probably wise...

Coifárë: This is pretty comfortable, though.

Coifárë: And, Nik, I want to say, joking aside...yes, I do care for Lamont, and, despite short acquaintance, I care for you. I think...this may relate to my lack of jealousy. I care for a lot of people, and I just want to see them happy.

Nik: nods

Nik: I don't know what my feelings for Lamont really are. Maybe it is only a... temporary infatuation, because he was the first person to really pay attention to me at all. I care about him, and that isn't going to change whether or not we are, well, friends or something else.

Coifárë: nods.

Coifárë: I'm of the opinion that temporary infatuations are still eminently worth pursuing, and taking seriously for their duration. But, yes, it's good to hold on to the friendship regardless.

Coifárë: So, whatever else, we'll continue our efforts to free him from his uncle's tyranny, whatever form it takes.

Nik: thank you :3

Coifárë: Should we go get that drink now?

Nik: Yes, that sounds good!

Nik: I'm glad that Coifare was so kind about things. I feel a bit foolish for making them listen to my problems, but at least it seems like they weren't bothered by it. I hope I haven't disappointed them at all tonight. They're really very lovely... I can see why Lamont would admire them as well. Kitty is a charming girl, if a little flighty, but Coifare seems like they are more balanced in their outlook, as well as their affections. If I turned out a little bit like them when I was older, I think that wouldn't be so bad... if I can't be with one person I care about more than anything, then caring about lots of people seems like a good way to live. Perhaps not the most socially respectable, all things considered, but that doesn't matter as much to me - or them, it seems like - as being happy.

Coifárë: I’m really glad I met Nik. He’s so sweet and enthusiastic, in a myriad of lovely ways. I hope he can hold onto that. All this with Lamont and his uncle and everything…our society has too much of a tendency to destroy beautiful things. Corellon aid me, I’ll do my best to make sure it doesn’t do that to Nik’s spirit. For now, I’ll be here for him and we’ll do what we can for Lamont. Also, I suppose we should find Kitty before she gets into too much trouble. She’s quite enjoyable company, but I worry she’s attempting to leap into the ocean before having splashed in a puddle. Best we make sure she doesn’t fall under on her first night out.

Leonora and Maga Discuss Family Business

Leonora: is sitting in the breakfast room in Inglenook, enjoying her tea and biscuits while enjoying the springtime morning sun.

Magga: Good morning, my dear

Leonora: Magga, my sweet lovecake. Come, sit. Have a biscuit.

Magga: Don't mind if I do...

Magga: comes and helps himself to one ... or two...

Leonora: Yadda did very well for herself at the foosball match, don't you think?

Magga: Yes, certainly well enough. I hope that she'll enjoy her time here.

Leonora: Well, her first season out, it's a little hard. So many little adjustments she needs to make. Even if she were human and had lived in Highmark her entire life, it's not simple.

Magga: I wonder if there are any other young people of similar background who might befriend her.

Leonora: I was thinking of that young Nik fellow, the elven lad. He seemed to be trying to find his way.

Leonora: But I also don't know. I do wish there were more goblins around. No point in musing about that though.

Magga: Indeed. Well, he seems harmless enough.

Leonora: A little on the small side, naturally.

Magga: chuckles at that

Magga: Elves can't help being puny, it's just in their nature.

Leonora: smiles.

Leonora: Now, dear, some would have called me puny when I married you. And we know how that really turned out, now don't we darling?

Nenea Spargo: will have entered with a sheaf of papers and clear her throat somewhat awkwardly.

Magga: Ah, Nenea, good morning!

Nenea Spargo: Lord Wengal, Lady Wengal, I hope this isn't a bad time.

Leonora: sits up, realizing that she had surely been leaning over towards Magga.

Leonora: Oh, Nenea! Not at all, come on, you must have some news for me.

Nenea Spargo: nods and approaches.

Nenea Spargo: I completed my survey of possible sires late last night, so I thought I would present it this morning.

Leonora: Hmm ... I suppose 'sire' is a better term than 'stud'.

Leonora: Very well, would you care to sit?

Nenea Spargo: nods and will do so.

Nenea Spargo: I meant no offense, my lady, and if there is another term you prefer, I would of course be happy to use it.

Leonora: laughs.

Leonora: Nonsense. I could come up with even more embarrassing terms, but I suspect Magga would want to leave. 'Sire' will do fine.

Nenea Spargo: nods again, and will pass over several sheets of paper.

Leonora: takes them, trying not to seem overeager.

Nenea Spargo: I debated over the organization. I settled upon simple alphabetization, but perhaps you would prefer by order of familiarity or suitability?

Leonora: Alphabetical is fine, thank you.

Leonora: Any other system would just need to be revised over time anyway.

Nenea Spargo: As you wish, my lady.

Leonora: So, let's go through these one at a time. Which one is your favourite so far?

Nenea Spargo: I wouldn't presume to make such a choice, my lady.

Nenea Spargo: Aplhabetically, the first candidate then would be Captain Brock Asger Himrall, Jarl Hraunfit, first son of Hertug Karolina Himrall of Issenvik.

Leonora: Hmm, all right. A captain, so someone who has been in the military for some time at least? How old is he?

Nenea Spargo: Twenty-six. He's currently on leave for the season, but assigned to the Storm Fleet .

Leonora: All right. Unmarried with no immediate attachments or prospects?

Nenea Spargo: For the most part. His family has had offers, but he remains dedicated to his military career for the time being.

Leonora: Is his leave related to anything in particular, or just a normal leave? Why's he here, as opposed to in Issenvik?

Nenea Spargo: Standard attendance of the social season. Many younger officers of House stock are given leave for the season, subject to military necessity, of course.

Leonora: House Himrall is a good family.

Nenea Spargo: nods.

Nenea Spargo: They have extensive military experience, though that's not unusual for the Sentinel Houses, of course. Their aid in the cleansing of Nachtur was helpful, indeed, and outside their usual purview.

Leonora: All right. Anything else I need to know about this one, or should we move on?

Nenea Spargo: He's said to be quite handsome.

Nenea Spargo: says with a neutral face.

Leonora: I'll bear that in mind.

Magga: Well, don't want ugly babies

Leonora: No, of course not. I'm sure that Nenea has weeded out the truly ugly ones, though.

Magga: says with a smile

Nenea Spargo: Ah, of course.

Nenea Spargo: makes a couple of marks on her paper, crossing out several lines.

Nenea Spargo: Next, then, would be Lieutenant Lamont Vincent Allard Machel, Marquess Stillmarch, of whom you are already familiar.

Leonora: Ahh, Stillmarch. Yes, a good choice. I've heard he's been sick, though. Not sure whether that is just a temporary matter.

Leonora: I'd also want to know more about what his uncle would think of any of this. Thurston Allard is still the boy's warden, I believe?

Nenea Spargo: Steward of his estates until Marquess Stillmarch turns twenty-five, or marries, whichever comes first.

Nenea Spargo: There are some concerning rumors in that regard.

Leonora: Oh, how so?

Nenea Spargo: I have heard several members of society opine that the Marquess's extended illness is due to his uncle's neglect rather than a weak constitution upon his own part.

Leonora: Well, Mr. Allard never impressed me as a loving figure. But still, Stillmarch is old enough to feed himself and get himself to a doctor, by this point.

Leonora: I share the worry that there is something going on, though.

Nenea Spargo: Is there anything to be done?

Leonora: Not certain at the present. But if there is, then regardless of whether the young Marquess is our choice or not, it would be worth our while to help him. Once he comes into his own right, he could be a powerful ally.

Magga: When you purchase a horse, it's quite customary to have a doctor examine it. Maybe you should apply similar principles here.

Leonora: Well, if it comes to that point, we will do so. To date, I haven't so much as hinted at this proposition to him. And he wasn't at the Council Cup, alas.

Nenea Spargo: nods.

Nenea Spargo: nods.

Nenea Spargo: As you say, my lady. In light of this, though, should I mark off Mister Allard as a possibility?

Leonora: Hmmm ... leave him for now.

Nenea Spargo: nods and makes a note further down her own sheet.

Nenea Spargo: Proceeding on, then, we have Fyan Sir Akan Sinan Nabari. Widowed, and older, but a renowned warrior and still hale.

Narrator: (Magga and Leonora would be at least passingly familiar with him, as he was at the first battle to cleanse Nachtur, and is a famous demon hunter.)

Leonora: Hmm, I hadn't considered a widower, but I suppose there is a certain logic to it.

Nenea Spargo: He is the younger brother of the current head of House Nabari, and of excellent stock. His dragonmark expressed before he was ten, and he's fought in every major conflict of the last four decades.

Leonora: How many living children does he have?

Nenea Spargo: Two. His daughter is a paladin like her father, and his youngest child is an MP. His eldest died in the tail end of the Ahkasic Wars.

Leonora: Well, if he were the choice, we would need to make issues like inheritance crystal clear. I'm presuming that he has considerable personal and family wealth at his disposal.

Nenea Spargo: nods.

Nenea Spargo: While the Nabari have never been the wealthiest of Houses, neither are they in any sort of dire straits.

Leonora: I suppose it's good to know, too, that he has a proven record of fertility.

Leonora: Assuming he can still, you know, get the job done.

Nenea Spargo: I've heard nothing to the contrary, though he has been widowed some twelve years now.

Magga: Might be out of practice...

Leonora: tries not to chuckle.

Leonora: All right, are there any others, Nenea?

Nenea Spargo: Many, though only two more from the great Houses, both from House Uthyr.

Leonora: All right, let's have them.

Narrator: Pendragon Esclabor Uthyr, 18, recent graduate of the Aramais Academy of Military Sciences, and his cousin Bedevere Palamedes Lanval Uthyr, 24, attache to the ambassador to Per An .

Leonora: Eighteen is quite young.

Leonora: Any reason to prefer one or the other cousin?

Nenea Spargo: Lord Uthyr is dragonmarked, and better bred in such regard. Mister Lanval is rumored to be marked, but I could not directly confirm such.

Leonora: I suppose that goes beyond your assigned duties!

Nenea Spargo: Oh, I didn't mean...

Nenea Spargo: blushes.

Leonora: laughs.

Nenea Spargo: coughs.

Leonora: Not checking out these offerings for yourself, are you?

Nenea Spargo: Ahem.

Nenea Spargo: Some of them may suit my family's needs for a match, yes, though I consider that a secondary concern in my search, of course, my lady.

Magga: Well it wouldn't do you any harm to give them a good inspection.

Leonora: Oh that reminds me, I heard from my mother. She is very grateful for all your assistance to my cause, of course. I'm sure when the time comes you will have no difficulty.

Nenea Spargo: I am not inclined to any sort of haste in such regard, my lady. Rest assured, my focus is on aiding your search.

Leonora: Of course, I have full faith in you.

Leonora: Well, these all seem interesting. The Uthyrs, I assume, are going to most of the events, as is Himrall. No need to arrange an introduction for me.

Leonora: Nabari is a trickier case, as I imagine he doesn't just pop by courtly balls and such. We may need to arrange an introduction.

Leonora: And then as for Stillmarch - let's keep that avenue open. I'll write him, perhaps. I wrote his uncle shortly after the Sehanine masquerade.

Nenea Spargo: nods.

Nenea Spargo: There are of course other possibilities, further down the list in wealth, breeding, or title, but still conceivable.

Leonora: Pun intended, no doubt.

Nenea Spargo: maintains a studiously neutral expression.

Nenea Spargo: As you say, my lady.

Leonora: I can imagine a more impoverished House seeing some real advantage in this arrangement. We can certainly make it financially worthwhile.

Leonora: But I don't want to make this too crassly financial a transaction, if we don't have to.

Nenea Spargo: Of course, my lady, though my understanding is that, precedence aside, House Grugalen's coffers put it in the upper quarter of the Great Houses financially.

Leonora: Yes, I'm sure that's true.

Nenea Spargo: If I may be so bold, while some among the Houses may disdain business, Hralgaab Grugalen shares no such prejudice.

Nenea Spargo: It is an advantage to bear in mind.

Leonora: Yes, of course.

Leonora: Magga, dear, did you have any more questions for Nenea?

Magga: My main concern is that you be happy, my love. I leave the decision-making in your hands, and trust your good judgment. As long as Nenea thinks that these are good options, I don't have any reason to dispute that.

Leonora: The only other question I have is whether any of them, or their near kin, are likely to prove to be bigots.

Leonora: After all, this child, or children, will be raised by bugbears as well as humans.

Leonora: But it may be too early to know any of that.

Nenea Spargo: House Himrall does have some ongoing clashes with the northen goblin tribes, though those conflicts have been cooling since the Fomorian War, and they have aided in the reclaiming of Nachtur. House Nabari has has worked closely with goblin tribal groups in Yondon, and were among the loudest proponents for the recognition of the marks of Prophecy , Inspiration , and Synecdoche . Machel and Uthyr are more split, but the Allard's have no particular reputation of bias.

Leonora: Very well, that's good information to have, at any rate.

Leonora: All right, thank you, Nenea. I'll think on this some more. Of course, if any other information should come to light, let me know.

Nenea Spargo: nods, and will stand.

Nenea Spargo: I will remain observant, and am always happy to be of service. By your leave, my lord, my lady.

Lavinia and Gueiris Share a Carriage

Gueiris: arrives to pick Lavinia up in a large carriage, with a soft top that is pulled back leaving it open to the air. He steps down when he arrives. Seated facing the back is his cousin Jazlyne, with a large white lace hat to keep the sky off her head. She has a bored look on her face.

Lavinia: will meet them wearing a simple yellow and blue summer dress with ribbons.

Lavinia: My Lord Kyrnon! It is a pleasure to see you once more!

Lavinia: also sports a matching hat to keep the sun off.

Gueiris: Hersir, the pleasure is all mine. I hope this meager carriage is enough for our trip.

Gueiris: wears a navy vest and white shirt, with cuffs ending on the forearms

Lavinia: My Lord, for your company I would make do with a straw cart!

Lavinia: I mean...

Lavinia: Yes, it's perfectly suitable.

Gueiris: Let me help you in and we shall be on our way.

Lavinia: will step into the carriage with Gueiris' help and climb up on the seat opposite him.

Gueiris: signals the driver to head out

Lavinia: It is quite a beautiful day...

Lavinia: says with an awkward glance at Jazlyne.

Gueiris: Very much so... I should make introductions... now that we are under way.

Gueiris: This is my cousin Jazlyne. She is in a quiet mood today.

Lavinia: I'm very pleased to meet you.

Lavinia: Have you been in Highmark long?

Gueiris: I'm sure she would comment on how dull the place is and how frustrating her household has become... but alas I've done something quite dastardly.... which I do hope you will endure.

Lavinia: looks at Gueiris non-plussed

Lavinia: My Lord?

Gueiris: Korin, my nephew, and Jazlyne's youngest came down with a bug this morning. I just could not hold cancelling our chance for time together, but I could not think of a reasonable stand in....

Gueiris: so this humble image of my cousin is accompanying us.

Lavinia: ...image?

Lavinia: reaches a hand out to touch Jazlyne's arm.

Gueiris: a magical illusion... the driver is a friend of my parents and is maintaining it.

Lavinia: watches her hand go right through and pputs her other hand to her mouth in surprise.

Lavinia: Oh!

Gueiris: I know it is highly improper, and I understand if you would rather have this carriage turned around.

Lavinia: I...

Lavinia: looks at Gueiris.

Lavinia: No, My Lord. I think it's quite... clever.

Lavinia: So we are... quite alone then?

Gueiris: effectively yes

Lavinia: blushes slightly

Lavinia: If Kitty knew about this I would never hear the end of it.

Gueiris: boldly moves to the seat beside her

Gueiris: It's up to you to tell her... wouldn't such an adventure make her envious

Lavinia: I suppose it might.

Lavinia: My lord.... Gueiris... since we are alone, may I ask you something directly?

Gueiris: after all my deceptions, I feel obligated to acquiesce to any of your requests.

Lavinia: You are very charming. Remarkably so. I do not pretend to believe that I am the first recipient of those charms.

Lavinia: You are also worldly. Far more so than I.

Lavinia: I suppose what I'm asking is... what are your intentions?

Gueiris: I will lay everything out for you.

Lavinia: takes a deep breath.

Gueiris: My Aunt wants me to marry to help strengthen the Kyrnon political and financial status....

Lavinia: Ah... I see.

Gueiris: To escape being bound to my Aunt and Uncle, I need to marry... and marry well.

Gueiris: What I want is to find someone to love and be my companion and partner in life.

Gueiris: The rest of the family obligation be damned.

Lavinia: takes a moment to digest that.

Gueiris: That is the truth of the situation

Lavinia: I am in a... similar... situation myself.

Lavinia: Before now, I had only thought to marry for a family connection. To please my mother and ensure the continuation of the family lineage.

Lavinia: I suppose I never considered that there could be something more.

Gueiris: I feel like I've been dancing between blades, trying to keep my Aunt pleased, yet still try and find what I truly desire.

Lavinia: What is it you truly desire?

Gueiris: A wife that I love and share goals with. We find our path together.

Gueiris: I guess I'm a romantic

Lavinia: smiles.

Lavinia: I feel like a character in one of my sister's books.

Lavinia: Just tell me... that I'm not merely a... diversion. A momentary curiosity. If so, I understand but... I don't think I can be that for you.

Gueiris: I value your time, as much as I value mine. I'm not looking for diversions.

Gueiris: We don't have to have this figured all out right now.

Gueiris: We can enjoy each others company, and make sure that this is where we want to spend our time.

Lavinia: I think I'd like that.

Lavinia: will reach down and put her hand in his.

Lavinia: Thank you for your candor.

Gueiris: It's what you deserve after I secreted you away.

Lavinia: laughs.

Lavinia: I dare say this may almost amount to a kidnapping in some circles.

Gueiris: will brush a hand on Lavina's cheek

Gueiris: You can't really blame me for such a crime, when this is where I get to be.

Lavinia: smirks.

Lavinia: You really are a charmer, aren't you?

Gueiris: you think now that we are here together I would just stop

Gueiris: chuckles

Lavinia: laughs as well.

Lavinia: I certainly hope not. I'm coming to expect it.

Gueiris: Eventually I will have to tone it down... I mean the children will be so embarrassed.

Lavinia: What chil.... Oh!

Lavinia: slaps his arm gently

Lavinia: You are getting quite ahead of yourself my lord!

Gueiris: Very true, but I'm glad to hear you agree on embarrassing the children.

Lavinia: I'm sure any hypothetical children will be embarassed regardless of what we do. That seems to be children's perogative.

Gueiris: We are getting a little ahead of ourselves. I mean we've barely even kissed.

Lavinia: clears her throat and blushes.

Lavinia: Well.

Lavinia: I suppose...

Lavinia: We could possibly...

Lavinia: ...practice that a bit more before we consider children.

Gueiris: will lean over

Gueiris: Lets take advantage of the opportunity

Lavinia: will reach her head up and close her eyes.

Gueiris: KISS


Lavinia: (El Escandolo!)

Gueiris: Lavinia notices Guieris radiates heat, now that you've been that close to him

Lavinia: Mmmmm...

Gueiris: (discussions after kissing session with the roof up)

Lavinia: You're warm.

Gueiris: At least you know who to snuggle up to on cold nights

Lavinia: giggles

Lavinia: It's comforting.

Gueiris: Fire magic in my blood. Keeps the heat and cold from bothering me.

Lavinia: Lucky. I spend every winter under ten layers of clothing trying to stay warm.

Lavinia: When you're this small you don't have much body heat to spare.

Gueiris: I might be able to teach you, if you have the knack for it.

Lavinia: Really?

Lavinia: sits up a bit at that.

Lavinia: I mean... I'm doubt I would be any good at it.

Gueiris: My magic is a combination of innate ability and training... if you have some of the innate ability, its possible to draw it out of you.

Gueiris: Although, there is no guarantee you would align with fire element.

Lavinia: How did you discover your... innate ability?

Gueiris: well both my parents were elementalists, its common in the Maranue lines, so me having the ability isn't much of a surprise.

Gueiris: My father figures it out early and hence started my training.

Lavinia: nods.

Lavinia: When I was very young I wanted to be a wizard. I thought that would be very glamorous and exciting. Mother did not approve.

Gueiris: If you are really into reading, wizarding could be glamorous and exciting.

Lavinia: laughs.

Gueiris: From what I understand, its lots of study and practice.

Lavinia: I'm not much for reading beyond cookbooks, but I've never really tried, I suppose.

Gueiris: Its possible I could use my dragonmark to see if you have any innate magical potential... I've never tried something like that before, though.

Lavinia: What... what does it do, exactly?

Lavinia: I'm sorry, I hope that's not too blunt a question.

Gueiris: I'm the one who brought it up. The question is perfectly reasonable.

Gueiris: House Maranue marks are based on Binding... broad sounding I know.

Lavinia: Well, ours are "Hospitality". Trust me, I understand.

Gueiris: Mine's a little more... intimate... than making food for someone.

Gueiris: touches the center of Lavinia's chest (no boob)

Lavinia: Oh...

Gueiris: I make a link between my essence and yours.

Lavinia: My essence?

Lavinia: Like my soul?

Gueiris: Yeah kinda like that.

Lavinia: Is that... safe?

Gueiris: I control the link... and use it to channel power, strength, energy, in either direction.

Gueiris: Its risky to transfer too much.

Lavinia: So you can... drain someone's soul?

Gueiris: more like use their energy as my own, or let them use mine.

Gueiris: It's not something I use lightly or frivolously, or even without permission.

Lavinia: nods.

Lavinia: What does it feel like? Does it hurt?

Gueiris: Imagine having a long day, or having a bad night of sleep, and you just feel tired, worn out.

Gueiris: that's a little like it feels when its drawn out.

Lavinia: Fascinating...

Lavinia: That certainly puts my pies to shame.

Gueiris: receiving it... well... its like a rush of energy... its a little intoxicating.

Gueiris: Nobody is going to be bothered by being given a pie.. or at least they shouldnt if they're wise.

Lavinia: True

Gueiris: back to the original topic... if you have innate magical abilities, I may be able to sense them as energy I could draw on... or fill.

Lavinia: I... I'm sure I don't. It's probably not even worth looking.

Gueiris: I didn't scare you did I? I mean its not the easiest thing to talk about.

Lavinia: No... no, it's just... I'm not sure that I'm quite... ready for that...

Lavinia: It seems very... intimate.

Gueiris: Your trepidations are very valid.

Lavinia: Really?

Lavinia: seems genuinely surprised at that.

Gueiris: Of course. I don't know if you caught the nuance of my explanation, but the link formed is always under my control. It's a vulnerability and trust that should always be earned.

Lavinia: nods.

Lavinia: looks up into your eyes.

Lavinia: Maybe... in time.

Gueiris: I would be honored at such time to have earned your trust

Lavinia: For now, this is nice.

Lavinia: leans her head against his chest.

Gueiris: I most definitely agree

Gueiris: Do you know how often I would have wished for a pie, when I was stuck on a march.

Lavinia: laughs.

Lavinia: Probably as often as I wished I could be out seeing the world while I was making pies.

Lavinia: People always want what we don't have, do we not?

Gueiris: nods

Gueiris: Although I would argue that we both have something that we want... so the always is not absolute.

Lavinia: smiles.

Lavinia: So where do we go from here?

Gueiris: I'm pretty sure I have to drop you off... but we should plan to meet again.

Lavinia: Yes.

Lavinia: Somewhere we can have some measure of privacy, perhaps.

Lavinia: Gods... I sound like my sister, scheming like this.

Gueiris: There are clubs and such that an outing amongst friend could be arranged... with some more private parlors... thats the best I have.

Gueiris: I'm surprised I even came up with this carriage plan.

Lavinia: Well, to be honest, as long as you're there, I'm happy with any plan.

Gueiris: I'll write and see what I've managed. You do the same if you have inspiration.

Lavinia: Mmmm.

Gueiris: sneaks one more kiss in before dropping Lavinia off

Lavinia: will gladly oblige and then reluctantly step down onto the curb and look back at him.

Katherina and Lavinia Discuss Their Hopes and Feelings

Katherina: was fortunately hard to find yesterdayafter you returned for your ride, so you blessedly escaped teasing and prying and probably thought yourself lucky

Katherina: was also late to breakfast today

Lavinia: will be beaming and humming to herself all morning.

Lavinia: makes her way up to her sister's room after breakfast.

Lavinia: Kitty?

Katherina: is sitting on he bed gazing out the window, but turns when she hears her name

Katherina: Oh Vinnie!

Lavinia: Are you quite alright? We missed you at breakfast.

Katherina: Oh, i'm extremely well - just sometimes its so nice to stay cozy in bed for just a little longer and cling to your dreams a little, isn't it?

Lavinia: smiles a bit wistfully.

Lavinia: I know the feeling.

Katherina: If you are concerned you could make me something ;)

Lavinia: grins and sits next to you on the bed.

Katherina: But yes - you seems to be all wrapped up in your dreams still too. :3

Lavinia: What are you in the mood for?

Katherina: Mmmm, something rich and indulgent, which is just how I feel!

Lavinia: will hold out her hands and concentrate for a moment to materialize a pan au chocolate for you, dusted with powdered sugar, and some marzipan cookies.

Lavinia: What's got you in such a mood?

Katherina: smiles delightedly and takes the pain au chocolate

Lavinia: will nibble on one of the cookies, despite having just finished breakfast >.>

Katherina: Oh, well. I don't think you would understand the particulars but just.. how freeing it can feel to do something that feels so very true to yourself.

Lavinia: smiles.

Lavinia: I think I understand that. Possibly more than you might suspect.

Katherina: Oh?

Katherina: YOu do seem to be walking on air.... And you must tell me the cause!

Lavinia: Kitty... I have your confidence, yes? As a sister? And a friend? I know you can keep a secret if the mood strikes you.

Katherina: Oh, absolutely!

Katherina: raises her finger for a pink sweaer, just like when we were much littler

Lavinia: will raise her own pinky and lock it around yours.

Lavinia: I take this as a serious vow. No telling anyone.

Lavinia: will look to make sure the door is closed.

Katherina: I promise.

Lavinia: Yesterday I met Lord Kyrnon for our carriage ride. That much you know. But it seems that we were... alone. He had made certain arrangements.

Lavinia: Kitty, I think I'm in love.

Katherina: Oh ho? arrangements?

Katherina: In love!

Lavinia: feels the heat rise in her cheeks

Katherina: well I certiaily hope these arrangements were a charm spell :V

Stillmarch: (certainly)

Lavinia: \I don't know what else it might be... I've never felt this way with someone

Katherina: But this is wonderful! Tell all!

Lavinia: We had the most wonderful conversation and we talked of ourselves and each other, but I suppose the part you want to know is that we... we kissed. For a long time. And more.

Lavinia: I had to tell someone. My heart has been fluttering since I left him.

Katherina: grins in absolute elation Kissed - and *more? Oh Vinnie, I am so delighted for you!

Lavinia: Well... slightly more. I... sat in his lap. It was very... comfortable...

Lavinia: Nothing like what you are probably thinking. 😛

Katherina: grins wickedly oh you didn't find it a little bit of a hard seat? >:D

Lavinia: Kitty!

Lavinia: He was a perfect gentleman!

Katherina: Vinnie you know perfectly well that those are only the action of a much more typical 'gentleman'


Lavinia: It was most wonderful.

Katherina: Which! I am not condemning anyone here, but I know you have been more... conservative in your approaches. A new infatuation can be quite overwhelming.

Katherina: Did he say anytihg of his feelings? or intentions?

Lavinia: That is an understatement. I feel like I've fallen into a vat of icing. I may be drowning, but it is so, so... sweet.

Katherina: and think how you have chided me for such things ;)

Lavinia: frowns slightly.

Lavinia: I'm sorry, Kitty. I suppose I have been rather overbearing as a sister.

Lavinia: Though youo are still an imp.

Katherina: giggles oh you have no idea ;) But you must answer my question.

Lavinia: We talked a great deal of feelings. And some of intentions. We have plans to meet up more in the future. I believe that he feels similar to me, although I have no idea how such a miracle could happen.

Lavinia: Kitty, he is all I never knew I wanted.

Lavinia: furrows her brows suddenly.

Lavinia: Wait.

Lavinia: What do you mean I have no idea?

Katherina: wait?

Katherina: hmm?

Lavinia: Kitty...

Lavinia: What did you do?

Katherina: what?

Lavinia: Don't play dumb, I know you far better than that.

Lavinia: I have just bared my soul to you. You can at least do me the courtesy of respecting my intelligence.

Katherina: you had me swear a very solemn vow only to reveal to me news that could only bring me joy! But all I hear now in your tone is judgement :(

Lavinia: seems a bit stung at that.

Lavinia: I'm... sorry.

Lavinia: You're right.

Katherina: And I have been sitting here all morning giving serious consideration to my future you know.

Lavinia: To your future? Do you mean marriage? Have you also found someone?

Lavinia: I'm sorry. I do treat you as a child sometimes. I forget that you are a woman grown now.

Lavinia: I understand if you don't want to tell me, but I am still your sister. I care for you deeply. I hope you know that.

Katherina: Hmm, no, I wasn't thinking of marriage, though I do suppose at some point I might fins someone who moves me so, or find myself in some other circumstance that would make it feel more appealing.

Lavinia: You know that mother will expect it...

Katherina: Oh, she will be busy for quite some time with you, I should think ;)

Lavinia: Perhaps not as long as you think, but I see your point.

Lavinia: You have some time.

Katherina: you do as well, f you wish to be sure that what you are feeling is something that will carry you through the rest of your life, you know.

Lavinia: Right now I feel like it could carry me through all the planarverse and back.

Katherina: You have a lot of faith in this man's endurance ;)

Lavinia: blushes slightly at that.

Lavinia: Well. I am sure his endurance is quite sufficient.

Katherina: Well even the ones who have no staying power can have a charming enthusiasm...

Katherina: smiles thoughtfully

Lavinia: Kitty, I know that I haven't always been the most... understanding. But you know that I care for you deeply, right? If you ever need me, or if there's anything you need to tell me...

Katherina: Oh Vinnie, I would never question it. I just think there are think sometimes that you would rather not know. I don't like to worry you, is all.

Lavinia: frowns.

Lavinia: Well, now that DOES worry me.

Lavinia: Are you alright? Is everything ok?

Katherina: I'm very well! will you promise to tell no one?

Lavinia: Of course.

Lavinia: raises her little finger crooked to you.

Katherina: will pinky swear again

Katherina: Well then. I'm thinking of joining the temple of Sehanine, as an acolyte.

Lavinia: puts a hand over her mouth in surprise.

Lavinia: Kitty what...

Lavinia: But you...

Lavinia: You're not even...

Katherina: but what?

Lavinia: 's eyes go wide.

Lavinia: Kitty... where were you last night?

Katherina: Oh I'm sure you can draw a conclusion....

Lavinia: seems unsure what to say, opening and closing her mouth several times.

Lavinia: Did you...

Katherina: Oh I did many things! But I also had a long talk with one of the priests... i think... there.

Katherina: I suppose I don't know her rank or specific role, but that doesn't matter. She was very helpful, and answered a great many of my questions, raising many new ones.... But Vinnie I am serious.

Lavinia: But... why?

Lavinia: Is this just about... you know?

Katherina: It's about a lot of things! I won't say the sex isn't part of it, but there is more to it. It could be a way for me to help more people like Vicky, you know, with different causes and the like, and be with people who understand how i feel and will help me... navigate my own way through the great mysteries of life.

Katherina: says the last bit like maybe she's quoting someone else

Lavinia: This is so... sudden.

Katherina: It is a lot to consider i know. I'm not committing to anything lightly, nor would they let me

Lavinia: I didn't know you even favored Sehanine. Or the gods in general for that matter.

Katherina: shrugs

Katherina: It was a very special evening, for me

Katherina: and it's better than running off to join an adventuring guild, you must admit

Lavinia: Mother would... well I don't even know what she would say.

Katherina: well it is a church of secrets, Vinnie, should needn't say anything as she needn't know!

Lavinia: You would join in secret?

Lavinia: Surely she would find out.

Katherina: perhaps, But that' not you problem, Vinnie. I can handle mother.

Lavinia: Kitty, you are my sister. Surely you realize that your problems ARE my problems. That's how family works.

Katherina: smiles wryly And if she should disown me for my shocking behaviour, at least I would have somewhere to go!

Lavinia: Please just promise me you will truly think about this, long and hard before making any decisions.

Katherina: Of course I will! I will be going back to the temple though. Perhaps I shall make some prayers for you and Lord Kyrnon ;)

Lavinia: This is... a lot to consider.

Lavinia: But you are still my sister. I love you.

Lavinia: No matter what.

Katherina: I love you too, and I wish above all for you to think of your own happiness. I shall always do my best to ensure it. Now... did you already eat all the cookies? :<

Lavinia: I appear to have, yes.

Lavinia: But if you ask very nicely, I suppose I could make more.

Katherina: Well now who's an imp! and crumbs all through my bed, no doubt! But... yes please ^-^


Gueiris and his Mother Discuss Prospective Spouses

Alexeria Kyrnon: will send a servant to bring Gueiris to the parlor, where she is sitting at a desk with a large ledger and papers in front of her.

Gueiris: arrives freshly washed after a bout in the practice yard

Gueiris: Aunt, you asked for me?

Alexeria Kyrnon: Have a seat.

Alexeria Kyrnon: gestures.

Gueiris: will sit, a curious look on his face

Gueiris: what is this all about?

Alexeria Kyrnon: I have some exciting news.

Gueiris: is it about Morro? I heard something about troops being committed?

Alexeria Kyrnon: That's in the works, but this is news of a more personal nature. Are you familiar with Lord Cruor, the Praefectus Cziernos?

Gueiris: I can't say I am. Why?

Alexeria Kyrnon: He has a daughter of about your age, and he is in the market for a match for her. We've entered into preliminary negotiations.

Gueiris: Since when?

Alexeria Kyrnon: Since yesterday. You'll be meeting the young lady tomorrow afternoon.

Alexeria Kyrnon: She is a magus in the Cziernos house guard, recently returned from service with the expeditionary force in Morro.

Alexeria Kyrnon: Military, a caster, and dragonmarked, all from a prominent family. She is a fantastic catch.

Narrator: (match, rather)

Gueiris: I thought you had me correspond with the Hersir of Feigrsteinn because she was a good match?

Alexeria Kyrnon: One must always have contingencies.

Alexeria Kyrnon: How was your ride with the Hersir Feigrsteinn?

Narrator: (Tupper, what the heck is going on? o.O )

Gueiris: is glad his red skin makes it hard for blushing to be noticed

Gueiris: It went well... the whole thing is going well. I've even been invited to join her at Therma Alba.

Alexeria Kyrnon: Join her? Therma Alba is a Thantopolitan holding.

Gueiris: Lord Evenar is hosting an event at his family holding.

Gueiris: This is what you wanted... go out... socialize... make connections?

Alexeria Kyrnon: Precisely, in the interest of the best possible match for our House. Feigrsteinn is an appropriate match, to be sure, but it is perhaps too soon to commit when a better one might be in the offing.

Alexeria Kyrnon: I'm sure it will be no trouble to secure an invitation for Magus Auspex; her family is Thantopolitan, after all.

Alexeria Kyrnon: You must do your best to maintain good relations all around, while I do the work of making the best match.

Gueiris: closes his eyes and focuses, then reopens them

Gueiris: I will do what I can to maneuver my way through these volatile threads.

Alexeria Kyrnon: Excellent. I have every faith in you.

Gueiris: Does this daughter have a name?

Alexeria Kyrnon: Magus Lieutenant Juno Morticia Auspex Cziernos.

Alexeria Kyrnon: A talented necromancer and promising commander, I'm told.

Gueiris: rolls his eyes

Gueiris: really a necromancer?

Alexeria Kyrnon: I'm afraid I don't understand your question.

Alexeria Kyrnon: says in a tone that says she does, and disapproves.

Gueiris: When was the last time you've been to Thantopolis?

Alexeria Kyrnon: It's been some few years.

Gueiris: It's not one of my favorite places... but I will endure as required.

Alexeria Kyrnon: The vineyards are quite lovely.

Alexeria Kyrnon: And, even if we can secure this match, it's unlikely you'll spend too much time there in any event.

Gueiris: I guess we'll just have to see how things play out.

Gueiris: Anything else you wanted to discuss?

Alexeria Kyrnon: I believe that is all for the moment, Gueiris.

Alexeria Kyrnon: Though, in future, I would prefer you seek out alternative chaperones rather than conjuring them. It wouldn't do for you to get a reputation.

Gueiris: Of course, Aunt. I will be more careful in the future.

Alexeria Kyrnon: nods and returns to her work.

Gueiris: nods and leaves, stewing in his own thoughts

Gueiris and Coifárë Share a Drink and Some Gossip

Coifárë: will be having a drink at Lavigne's the next day after the full moon celebration.

Narrator: (presumably also soon after Gueiris's ride with Lavinia)

Gueiris: (I dont think it was that rude :))

Narrator: (hee)

Gueiris: arrives to meet with his friend, all smiles

Coifárë: smiles to see Gueiris and waves him over.

Coifárë: You look to be in good spirits.

Gueiris: Why shouldn't I be... I had a good day. What are you drinking?

Coifárë: '03 Galad reserve. Care for a glass?

Gueiris: I wouldnt mind

Coifárë: lifts a finger to flag down the bartender.

Gueiris: full moon last night... a good night for you?

Coifárë: So, good day? Do tell.

Coifárë: smiles not at all coyly.

Coifárë: No complaints. I'll trade you story for story.

Gueiris: Deal. Who first?

Coifárë: Hmm. High card?

Gueiris: seems fair

Coifárë: will produce a deck of cards and offer it to Gueiris to pick one.

Gueiris: takes one from the middle of the deck

Gueiris: looks at the card

Gueiris: 10 of swords... not looking good for me

Coifárë: follows suit.

Coifárë: Six of cups. Spill. 😉

Gueiris: I compromised my principles and performed dastardly deeds... all to spend a carriage ride with a girl

Coifárë: gives an overdramatic scandalized look.

Coifárë: I've never been prouder.

Gueiris: gives a chuckle

Coifárë: Who's the lucky miss?

Gueiris: Just how I suspect you would react. Can you not guess?

Coifárë: Hersir Feigrsteinn?

Gueiris: nods affirmative

Gueiris: but what was so dastardly about that you ask?

Gueiris: Let me explain.

Gueiris: So to have the appropriate propriety, Jazlyne was to have joined us as chaperone.

Coifárë: Please do.

Gueiris: Unfortunate circumstances forced her unavailability.

Coifárë: Truly unfortunate, I'm sure.

Gueiris: I mean it would not have been too bad having her there... she likely would have just knitted and snickered at us.

Coifárë: The province of older siblings everywhere.

Gueiris: But what was I supposed to do... I didn't want to call it off.

Gueiris: I mean, what would you do in my circumstance?

Coifárë: Of course not.

Coifárë: Hmm. Bring a tractable servant?

Gueiris: You haven't seen my Uncles household... not exactly the most unconservative bunch... military discipline and all.

Gueiris: So you know I still have a few contacts from the Company in Highmark...

Coifárë: nods.

Gueiris: one just happens to know how to drive a carriage... and just happens to be skilled at illusionary magic.

Coifárë: grins.

Gueiris: So phantom Jazlyne was glad to maintain propriety

Coifárë: Ingenious.

Gueiris: although there was quite a bit less snickering and knitting

Gueiris: and a little extra privacy

Gueiris: smiles slyly

Coifárë: And what would one, or two as the case may be, do with such privacy?

Gueiris: deep conversations... and maybe a little more. Lavinia is a proper lady, you understand.

Gueiris: It took me four hours at the training yard to settle myself down this morning.

Coifárë: laughs.

Gueiris: takes a drink

Coifárë: I can imagine, though luckily don't need to commiserate.

Gueiris: I'm a little out of control... magic tricks like that... sneaking...

Coifárë: Well, I think that depends. What are your intentions towards Hersir Feigrsteinn?

Gueiris: I like her... more than I ever expected... things are going well.

Gueiris: It's possible she could be everything I've wanted... someone to be a partner... travel... get out from my Aunt and Uncle.

Coifárë: Then I think a little 'out of control' is perfectly understandable.

Coifárë: I didn't realize you were feeling this strongly. I think it's a good look on you. 🙂

Gueiris: It's different from my silly infatuations I get sometime.

Coifárë: I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss infatuation, but I take your point.

Coifárë: I'll admit, I don't know the Hersir so well. Tell me about her.

Coifárë: I mean, if you are serious about her, I'll of course need to befriend her as well.

Gueiris: Well... she wants to travel, but hasn't had much of a chance. Enjoys reading... has typical family drama... her father died not too long ago.

Coifárë: nods sadly at the last.

Gueiris: I mean she had been engaged to Algernon... before... well, to be honest I never asked her too much about it, but I dont think they had met in person much.

Coifárë: nods.

Gueiris: shakes his head

Coifárë: She was engaged once before that, right?

Gueiris: Yeah, I had heard that too... also passed. Bad luck?

Coifárë: That would be my thought, though there are wilder rumors of Sehanine's disfavor, but I wouldn't pay any attention to such. It could just as likely reflect the Moonbow's favor and wicked sense of humor.

Gueiris: I'm not one to put much credence in luck. Although am I setting her up for tragedy? What I do... my vocation... comes with dangers.

Coifárë: Few of our station are ever completely safe. I would imagine some few years of genuine love is preferable to a life of milquetoast stability.

Coifárë: And I wouldn't sell your skills short. I'm sure you've a long life of daring campaigns ahead.

Gueiris: I just need to make sure she understands that, and accepts it, I guess. Hands on the table and all.

Coifárë: nods.

Coifárë: She seems sweet and loyal on short acquaintance.

Coifárë: And, if she wants to travel, the life of a soldier's spouse affords such opportunities.

Gueiris: who knows, maybe reform The Company... but I'm not thinking about such things right now.

Gueiris: So your turn... do I have to worry about you being chased out of the city from breaking hearts?

Coifárë: *smiles at that*

Coifárë: I don't think that will be a problem.

Coifárë: I attended the full moon celebration at Our Lady of Passion with Nikession.

Coifárë: He has been wanting to expand his horizons, so...

Gueiris: Well, you could have expanded them without offering him the rack.

Coifárë: I don't think you'll hear him complaining.

Coifárë: I think he has a better sense of his limitations than others. We avoided the more...esoteric portions of the celebration.

Coifárë: Your paramour's sister on the other hand...

Gueiris: Excuse me?

Coifárë: We ran into Katherina at the event. She was quite... enthusiastic.

Gueiris: And you indulged this enthusiasm?

Coifárë: Something to consider, perhaps, if she may be a future family member.

Coifárë: I am nothing if not accommodating, though I can provide more traditional chaperonage in the future if you're concerned.

Gueiris: puts his head on his hand

Coifárë: I'll admit, I did lose track of her while spending time with Nik. He's quite concerned about Lamont, and thoroughly infatuated.

Coifárë: It's very sweet, really.

Gueiris: of all the possible people in Highmark... what is Lavinia going to think when she finds out?

Coifárë: Bear in mind, she attended on her own. Seems to me something like this was going to happen regardless, though if my actions cause you any difficulty, I truly and sincerely apologize.

Coifárë: It was a Sehanine ceremony, though. It's unlikely Feigrsteinn will find out unless her sister confesses of her own volition.

Gueiris: I can't fault you for being you, and you are likely correct... I just need to figure out how to... I don't know...

Coifárë: grimaces.

Gueiris: Confesses? Those two are close, I could tell just from the little time I spent with them... its going to come out.

Coifárë: I've put you in a bit of a spot, haven't I?

Gueiris: I'm probably going to have to explain our relationship... its fine. I can be persuasive and sincere.

Gueiris: At least I'm forewarned.

Coifárë: Is it truly so difficult to explain? 😉

Coifárë: I will be sure to look out for Katherina in future, though. I suppose it is still early in her debut.

Gueiris: Its not difficult... its just... I have to put in the right context so that she doesn't suddenly feel like I've been playing her, considering the liberal mindset of my close friend.

Coifárë: I shall be on my best behavior, I promise.

Gueiris: lies!

Coifárë: chuckles.

Coifárë: Around Feigrsteinn, at least, then.

Coifárë: Truly, your happiness is mine, too, and if she is where your heart lies, I will do my best to aid its journey home.

Gueiris: I know you will. I just don't want to have to walk away from my heart, cause you and her conflict.

Coifárë: Do you think she'll be cross?

Gueiris: I anticipate shocked would be the first reaction... after that, I guess it depends on how the conversation goes between her and her sister.

Gueiris: I could be over-reacting.

Coifárë: frowns.

Gueiris: Don't be like that. Done is done. Who knows, maybe I'll be the one that gets surprised when we have some privacy again.

Gueiris: So Nik and Lamont, eh? Any news on Lamont?

Coifárë: Not directly, but I know his mother got into town yesterday.

Coifárë: So that's someone close to him we can trust to also have his best interests at heart.

Gueiris: that is good news

Coifárë: Nik is trying to get him out to Therma Alba, and hopefully we'll hear about that soon.

Coifárë: Nik is...oof, he has it bad for Lamont.

Coifárë: I can't blame him, but Lamont clearly has so much going on...I would hate to see either of them get hurt.

Gueiris: Sounds like something out of one of those novels. Lets hope they can come out unscathed.

Coifárë: nods.

Gueiris: Lamont getting help is great. I was starting to get worried we might have to move to more extreme options to ensure his safety.

Coifárë: I had something of that same concern as well. I think between Margo and Curiate Amathalis, we have some powerful allies in making sure Lamont is all right.

Coifárë: At least for the short term. Long term, I think it's a matter of getting him away from his uncle. I did suggest Evenor could aid with that if he was so inclined...

Gueiris: Lets get him healthy and back amongst his friends first

Coifárë: nods.

Coifárë: Well, it's something he's mentioned to both me and Evenor.

Coifárë: That he needs to focus on marrying, and soon.

Coifárë: Though I get the impression he means a good Sentinel match for preference.

Gueiris: It would have to be an impeccable match to preclude interference from his uncle.

Gueiris: at least that was the impression he gave me

Coifárë: Nik is the future Curiate Amathalis.

Coifárë: Though I'm sure Lamont has other prospects as well.

Gueiris: one step at at time.

Coifárë: And here I thought it best strategically to think several steps ahead.

Gueiris Meets a Potential Suitor

Gueiris: will have arranged for both hard liquor and tea to be available for the expected guests

Gueiris: is dressed in a navy vest and white shirt with a high collar

Juno Morticia Auspex: will arrive with her cousin in tow at the appointed time precisely. She is a handsome vryloka woman of somewhat severe countenance, with bright red hair pulled back into a bun, grey eyes, and pale complection. She is wearing a floral print dress in the current style, though she looks perhaps a tad uncomfortable in it, and leans on a cane.

Agyness Cziernos: is a tall, strong vryloka woman in her late thirties, with very short black hair and dark eyes. She is wearing an immaculate military uniform.

Gueiris: stands while the ladies are announced by the footman

Agyness Cziernos: will approach first to shake hands with Gueiris. Gueiris likely knows who she is, as she was famously one of the military commanders at the cleansing of Nachtur just over a decade ago.

Gueiris: Welcome to Kyrnon Manor. I am Lord Gueiris Kyrnon Maranue.

Agyness Cziernos: Lord Kyrnon, a pleasure.

Gueiris: The pleasure is all mine. May I offer you a refreshment. I was unsure of your preference, so I had a variety arranged.

Agyness Cziernos: looks at her cousin.

Juno Morticia Auspex: Tea would be most welcome, my lord.

Juno Morticia Auspex: gives a gracious, if abbreviated, approximation of a curtsy.

Juno Morticia Auspex: Our family was most honored by your mother's invitation.

Gueiris: Mine is honored as well by your acceptance.

Gueiris: arranged for tea for Juno and himself, and looks to Agyness for consensus

Agyness Cziernos: nods and smiles for the tea.

Agyness Cziernos: Don't mind me, I'm practically not here.

Juno Morticia Auspex: glances at Agyness, gives a small smile, and rolls her eyes surreptitiously.

Gueiris: makes sure everyone is seated comfortably and waves the servants away

Juno Morticia Auspex: sits with very proper, military posture.

Agyness Cziernos: does the same, but takes a seat as far from Gueiris and Juno as she can.

Juno Morticia Auspex: How are you finding the season, Lord Kyrnon?

Gueiris: It is more interesting than I expected, and worrying at the same time.

Juno Morticia Auspex: How so?

Juno Morticia Auspex: I'm sure we've both faced worse on a battlefield.

Gueiris: I've been fortunate to re-encounter friends I have not seen in some time, which has been a wonderful boon to me.

Gueiris: Although one of them, The Marquess of Stillmarch, has been ill of late.

Juno Morticia Auspex: nods.

Juno Morticia Auspex: The War Office had me deliver some correspondence to him not too long ago, and I do fear for whatever his physicians are doing for him.

Juno Morticia Auspex: He was not at all well.

Gueiris: frowns

Gueiris: That is concerning, although I have heard that things may be turning around for him.

Juno Morticia Auspex: That is good to hear. I'm not as familiar with the Marquess as I was with his older brother, but their family has suffered enough tragedy.

Gueiris: Agreed.

Gueiris: Have you been in Highmark long? I don't recall seeing you at other events this season.

Juno Morticia Auspex: I missed the beginning of the season in transit from Per An, and have been quite busy with my duties at the War Office.

Juno Morticia Auspex: In truth, I'd prefer to have remained, but, when orders are given and duty calls, one must answer.

Gueiris: Yes, duty.

Juno Morticia Auspex: Obliquely our topic for today, I should think.

Gueiris: I want you to know that this situation that we find ourselves in was thrust upon myself, I suspect, as unexpectedly as yourself.

Juno Morticia Auspex: I should rather think so. I'm sure I'm hardly what a handsome young man such as yourself imagined for a match, any more than I wished to postpone actual worthwhile endeavors to participate in the marriage market.

Agyness Cziernos: laughs and then catches herself.

Agyness Cziernos: You'll have to forgive my cousin, my lord. She is more used to Thantopolitan brusqueness than Highmark polite society.

Agyness Cziernos: puts slight emphasis on the last two words while giving Juno a significant look.

Gueiris: My time back in this polite society has not been lengthy. Even I am still trying to find my proper steps at times.

Juno Morticia Auspex: smiles.

Juno Morticia Auspex: Proper steps are...something of a problem for me at times.

Juno Morticia Auspex: gestures towards her cane momentarily, still with a smile.

Juno Morticia Auspex: I apologize for any offense, my lord.

Gueiris: Apology is not needed. No offense was given. I've heard blunter comments and much worse before.

Gueiris: Since you did make mention, would it be impolite to ask what is the issue requiring the cane? Old injury?

Juno Morticia Auspex: Childhood illness, actually. Magic could only do so much as it had settled from corpus to animus, so it doesn't precisely register to a spell as something that needs fixing.

Juno Morticia Auspex: I get by well enough with the cane, and it would feel awkward to me without it at this point.

Juno Morticia Auspex: It is somewhat more awkward with a dress than pants, but my family insisted.

Juno Morticia Auspex: While Agy got to wear her uniform...

Juno Morticia Auspex: scowls good-naturedly at her cousin, who holds up her hands defensively.

Gueiris: Next time we meet, you should wear what best suits your comfort. Surely you can find some compromise.

Juno Morticia Auspex: That would be my dearest hope, Lord Kyrnon.

Gueiris: Or at least forward something ahead, and change once you've escaped their attention. I doubt you cousin would think less of you for doing so.

Gueiris: and I would rather see you comfortable.

Agyness Cziernos: I pulled similar stunts when I was your age.

Juno Morticia Auspex: smiles at Gueiris.

Juno Morticia Auspex: I appreciate your consideration.

Juno Morticia Auspex: What sorts of activities normally provide your diversion?

Gueiris: Outside of the expected social events, I have focused my attention on honing my skills, and occasionally meeting family obligations for support to the local constabulary.

Gueiris: My days as a mercenary ended when I rejoined polite society.

Juno Morticia Auspex: Permanently, or for the time being?

Gueiris: I wish I knew the answer to that. It really depends on how my duty to my family plays out.

Juno Morticia Auspex: gives Gueiris a sympathetic look.

Gueiris: And yourself? Other than the War Office?

Juno Morticia Auspex: I also spend time honing my skills, though that's somewhat more difficult for me in Highmark. I've had to get my guild certification so that I can use their facilities.

Gueiris: Krynon has facilities that can be made available to you, if you would like.

Juno Morticia Auspex: looks at Agy.

Juno Morticia Auspex: Would that be legal? I don't want to get in trouble with the law, particularly if that might mean running afoul of Lord Kyrnon here.

Agyness Cziernos: The Houses have a fair bit of leeway. I'll ask Lady Machel, but it's probably all right.

Juno Morticia Auspex: turns back to Gueiris.

Juno Morticia Auspex: It would be most kind of you to allow me to make use of your family's facilities. At the very least, it is a much shorter trip than to the Explorer's Union hall.

Juno Morticia Auspex: Perhaps we could make plans to train together?

Juno Morticia Auspex: You're a sorcerer, if I recall? At least by the most current edition?

Gueiris: I would like that. Yes, I am an Elementalist.

Gueiris: Trained by my parents before they passed.

Juno Morticia Auspex: nods, and again looks sympathetic.

Juno Morticia Auspex: Perhaps you can teach me a thing or two, as my expertise lies elsewhere.

Gueiris: I would be happy to show you what I can.

Gueiris: although I have little teaching experience.

Juno Morticia Auspex: I have a fair bit of learning experience. I'm sure we'll muddle through.

Gueiris: smiles

Gueiris: So to be candid about what is coming up, I am going to be invited to an event at Therma Alba. Are you familiar with the local?

Juno Morticia Auspex: Very much so. I spent time there when I was a child, though it's been some time. It's quite lovely.

Gueiris: It is going to be expected that I invite you to join me there, with your cousin to join us as well.

Gueiris: looks over to Agyness

Gueiris: I imagine you may be pressed into accepting.

Agyness Cziernos: chuckles.

Agyness Cziernos: I've actually been meaning to Thantopolis for a while, so I'm happy to accept. We can make arrangements to join you.

Juno Morticia Auspex: smiles.

Juno Morticia Auspex: Splendid.

Gueiris: Well it works out well, in that regard.

Gueiris: I have a personal interest in someone who will be attending. I have not figured out how I will be navigating this situation.

Juno Morticia Auspex: pauses momentarily.

Juno Morticia Auspex: Ah. Well, you're an attractive and affable man in society, that's to be expected, I suppose. I don't want to impose, despite my family's intentions.

Juno Morticia Auspex: And I appreciate the forewarning.

Juno Morticia Auspex: looks perhaps a bit crestfallen.

Gueiris: I feel that we can be friends, and under different circumstances, have found away to make more of this arrangement... its just that I have made a connection with someone else, and I must see where it will go.

Gueiris: I know that may not be what you want to hear.

Juno Morticia Auspex: Regardless of what I had hoped to hear, it is within expectations. As I said, I would not want to interfere, and I do wish you all happiness. I'm sure we can be friends, of course.

Juno Morticia Auspex: gives an only partially forced smile.

Nik Visits With Lamont at Thema Alba

Nik: will come to Lamont's bedroom on the morning after he's arrived at Therma Alba.

Stillmarch: is sitting up a little in bed with a book in his lap but doesnt seem super focused on it, and looks up when the door opens

Stillmarch: oh, good morning

Nik: is carrying a tray with some light breakfast foods - fresh fruit, warm bread, and some little rolls of meat and cheese.

Nik: good morning! I brought you some food - well, I saw the staff bringing it your way so I took it off their hands.

Stillmarch: sits up a little more and sets the book aside

Stillmarch: That's very kind of you, but not necessary

Nik: sets the food down for you and will come to perch lightly on the edge of your bed

Nik: well, I was coming here anyway, it was no trouble.

Stillmarch: Thank you.

Nik: smiles

Nik: how are you feeling?

Stillmarch: Oh... very tired, still, though my thoughts are somewhat clearer.

Stillmarch: the headache does seem fully banished, at least.

Nik: that's good at least. and you can rest as much as you want here.

Stillmarch: nods.

Stillmarch: I think I'm meant to visit the pools in a little while

Stillmarch: picks at the fruit

Nik: I would go with you, but my father says you need quiet and so I shouldn't bother you too much.

Stillmarch: nods again

Stillmarch: This is meant to be your time away from home...

Nik: oh, well, I'm going to go back to Highmark soon, but only for a short while. then I'll come back and hopefully bring plenty of friends.

Nik: but you know, I don't mind being here with you, Lamont.

Nik: looks down, a bit shy

Stillmarch: smiles a little, a bit tightly though

Stillmarch: I don't deserve such kindness from you.

Stillmarch: All of this....

Stillmarch: says, indicatingthe room and all with a weak wave

Nik: Do you really believe that? I think you deserve all the kindness in the world.

Stillmarch: I don't know. I still feel very wrteched, and my moods are perhaps not to be trusted.

Nik: nods

Stillmarch: but I am nonetheless deeply in your debt

Nik: Well, please be kind with yourself, or if you can't yet, then let me be kind to you in the meanwhile.

Nik: You don't owe me anything.

Stillmarch: I may very well owe you my life, Nik.

Nik: It's just what friends do for each other, isn't it? You helped me when we were caught in the storm.

Nik: blushes at that

Stillmarch: frowns a little at the recollection

Stillmarch: I'm not sure it's quite the same.

Nik: well... I'm sure you would have done the same for me if our positions were reversed.

Stillmarch: nods, as though that he can accept

Stillmarch: nonetheless, I am very grateful

Nik: Once you regain your strength I'll be delighted to take you on a walk around the grounds. I know it's been a while since you were here, and there are some new additions 🙂

Stillmarch: I will look forward to it

Nik: smiles

Nik: Is there anything else you need? I see you have found a book, do you want some materials for writing letters to anyone?

Stillmarch: Not now, I I think. my thoughts are still too scattered, and I haven't the energy to collect them

Nik: nods

Nik: If you do need anything when I'm not around, the staff will certainly get you anything you require.

Stillmarch: thank you

Nik: well.... I don't want to keep you from your breakfast. I ought to let you have some peace and quiet.

Nik: says, slightly reluctant to leave

Stillmarch: looks doewn at the tray

Stillmarch: I may just...sleep a little more, in any case

Nik: Of course. I think everything there will keep for a few hours. The bread might not be warm anymore, that's all 🙂

Stillmarch: Then I shall suffer the consequences

Stillmarch: says with a tired smile

Nik: But eat what you can, when you have the strength. Even if you don't feel a strong appetite, you need your energy to recover.

Stillmarch: sighs

Stillmarch: Now you sound like my mother >.>

Nik: I remember when I was first healthy and it suddenly seemed as though I was eating three times as much as I used to, but it was just that I had no appetite for it before.

Nik: I hope it will be much the same for you, that as your illness recedes, your appetite will return.

Stillmarch: nods

Stillmarch: I will try to encourage it.

Nik: If there's anything I can do to help encourage as well, I'll gladly try it 🙂

Stillmarch: looks down at the trayb and defiitely not at Nik

Stillmarch: Of course.

Stillmarch: But, you don't need to worry about me so much now.

Nik: smiles faintly at that

Nik: Well, I'll endeavour not to pester you. But forgive me if I cannot quite stop my concern just yet.

Stillmarch: I have put my trust in your father and his staff. I already feel improved - I'm sure when you return in a few days, I will be much my old self

Stillmarch: tries to said with a bit of confidence, but does still sound very tired

Nik: I hope so. I do hope you'll be able to partake in the enjoyments here, once I return. But for now, I'll let you rest.

Nik: takes Lamont's hand for a moment and gives it a little squeeze

Stillmarch: thank you

Nik: holds your hand for a few seconds longer and then will let it go so he can get up and leave you to rest.

