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: Session date: 2023-08-06
: Session date: 2023-08-06
: In Game date: Following on form the previous session and a week later
: In Game date: Following on form the previous session and a week later
===Back At Camp===
Narrator: Last we left off, you'd all just returned from your inadvertent adventure rescuing some dwarves and looting a giant tomb. Upon arriving at the caravan with your newly acquired loot, you discovered two of the clan's outriders had returned. You'll also a pair of unfamiliar wagons with a couple of bored-looking guards just outside the village gates.
Narrator: Preparations are clearly under way for an imminent departure, with tents getting broken down, gear and supplies being stored, etc.
Aan: (what race are the guards?  also orcs?)
Narrator: (No, they're a mix of gnomes, dwarves, and humans; and the wagons are much more basic than y'all's.)
Dorn: (one of Frond, Tsukaav, and Chlyde's dads) spots you all as he's getting his team of oxen hitched.)
Chlyde: Dorn! You'll never guess what we found!
Dorn: Hey, there you kids are. Your mom was expecting you back a while ago.
Dorn: Oh? What'd you find?
Chlyde: We found a giant's tomb! With treasure!
Dorn: raises an eyebrow at that. He's not the most expressive guy, so that's significant surprise coming from him.
Dorn: How did that happen?
Aan: hews close to his siblings for the moment
Dorn: Weren't you just picking up some vegetables?
Chlyde: will tell him and anyone else who will listen the story of the missing farmers and the battles with ghosts and the tomb, possibly embellishing slightly.
Frond: that's mostly right
Narrator: (Roll me Persuasion or Performance as you prefer, Tuck)
Frond: agrees to show that Chlyde isn't just making shit up ;)
Chlyde: (22)
Narrator: A couple of your youngest siblings and cousins will have gathered and listen raptly to your (mostly true) telling of your adventure. Dorn nods and looks ever so slightly impressed.
Chlyde: Man, it was awesome!
Chlyde: I'm gonna get at least three new songs out of this.
Tsukaav: Many great deeds.
Tsukaav says, apparently in agreement.
Qog: We should probably drop off this 75 pounds of coins somewhere.
Frond: or see if we can get them changed into something more portable while we're here...
Dorn: (to Frond, mostly) Best get all that stored then, we're about to be heading out. Kirar could probably use some help getting your undar ready to go, and the brukuror are...did you just say 75 pounds of coins?
Frond: it's a lot of copper... but yes
Chlyde: At least!
Chlyde: And also silver and ivory and like... magic stuff!
Aan: might slip away during the story recounting to go do Aan things before we go :x
Dorn: Okay, well, as I was just about to say, the brukuror ("mothers", meaning Verex and her daughters) are in the village finalizing some arrangements, but they'll definitely be interested in that.
Narrator: (What 'Aan things', Heather?)
Frond: I'll go help Kirar.
Chlyde: Where are we heading to?
Aan: (tidy up and add a few more little things to the little shrine he made when he was here, and collect things from various hidey holey that would need to move before the caravan takes off)
Aan: (probably some things from hideey holes can go to the shrine anyway :x)
Dorn: South, down to Kongasharja. That's their sheriff's wagons near the gate, picking up the lord's share of the harvest. We'll travel with them to help guard along the way.
Tsukaav: (I'll help however I would normally do so, but seeming perhaps a bit distracted)
Narrator: (Heather, make me a Religion check)
Chlyde: (Have we been to that area before?)
Aan: (10 ;p)
Narrator: (You (and anyone else around who would care to) can roll History)
Whisper: (2)
Narrator: (Heather, Aan puts together one of his little shrines in an out of the way place. It's calming and gives him a pleasant feeling, but he doesn't feel quite the same connection that he gets occasionally from the simple devotion.)
Tsukaav: (got you beat, 3)
Chlyde: (16)
Qog: (4)
Aan: will keep fussing with it until he is called away to help with other things
Narrator: (Chlyde, you know the caravan's been there before, a few times. Last you remember would have been six or seven years ago, when you were very much still a kid.)
Narrator: (Other folks, all these towns blend together, so who knows. 😉 )
Chlyde: Haven't been there in a while.
Chlyde: I wonder if that old woman who used to give me raisins is still there.
Dorn: Well, you can certainly look her up when we get there, I'm sure. Now leave your old man to his work, and get to yours, brukog (children, 'kids').
Whisper: slips off to ensure/help the rest of the drow be ready for departure
Chlyde: will head off to tell more people about the epic adventure and maybe do some actual work on the side... when she has time for it.

Revision as of 00:56, 17 September 2023

Adventure World: Caravan session logs
Previous Session 3 Next


The party returns to camp to find that the caravan is packing up to head south to Kongasharja, travelling with the sheriff's people who were collecting harvest shares for the lord of the area. The youths share the story of their adventures and then move on to help with the preparations (at least, some do...)

Frond checks in with Kirar who is packing their wagon with the help of her brother Ugarth.

Frond meets her mother, aunts and grandmother coming back from the village with Taimi, the sheriff of Kongasharja.

Kiar accompanies Tsukav to lay to rest the bones recovered from the cavern that included worshippers of Kord.

Whiser checks in with Lis, the head of the Huinë, on his return, and goes to et some rest

Qog takes his new hammer to his mother, who relates a prophecy about it and tells him it is blessed and can grow to whatever size is needed: "Death knelled / The crown's fall / Death felled / Raise the wall / Titan sundered / The mountain's call / Storms thundered / Doom of all"

They make it to Kongasharja after a week of travelling and get a sense of the town as they roll in. Once the camp is set up, those who are well enough (not you Brauni) disperse to have their own small adventures.

Chlyde, Whisper and Tsukav go to the nearby tavern, where they find it difficult to make friends with the locals. They win some points with how they handle an attempted pickpocketing, but decide to call it a night.

Aan spends some time gleaning in the area, then comes across Certa, one of the younger Drow, playing her violin and singing. After she notices him, she keeps playing for a while and attaccts a larger audience of youngsters. Aan gives her a shell.

Qog checks up on Pica, the rescued dog, and the two of them find a young halfling, Rio Medialuna, poking around the camp. After checking with his elders, Qog bring the kid in to look around.

Kirar and Frond go to check out a temple they notices overlooking a waterfall, and find that it is a temple to Sehanine, which is unusual for the area.


Session date: 2023-08-06
In Game date: Following on form the previous session and a week later

Back At Camp

Narrator: Last we left off, you'd all just returned from your inadvertent adventure rescuing some dwarves and looting a giant tomb. Upon arriving at the caravan with your newly acquired loot, you discovered two of the clan's outriders had returned. You'll also a pair of unfamiliar wagons with a couple of bored-looking guards just outside the village gates.

Narrator: Preparations are clearly under way for an imminent departure, with tents getting broken down, gear and supplies being stored, etc.

Aan: (what race are the guards? also orcs?)

Narrator: (No, they're a mix of gnomes, dwarves, and humans; and the wagons are much more basic than y'all's.)

Dorn: (one of Frond, Tsukaav, and Chlyde's dads) spots you all as he's getting his team of oxen hitched.)

Chlyde: Dorn! You'll never guess what we found!

Dorn: Hey, there you kids are. Your mom was expecting you back a while ago.

Dorn: Oh? What'd you find?

Chlyde: We found a giant's tomb! With treasure!

Dorn: raises an eyebrow at that. He's not the most expressive guy, so that's significant surprise coming from him.

Dorn: How did that happen?

Aan: hews close to his siblings for the moment

Dorn: Weren't you just picking up some vegetables?

Chlyde: will tell him and anyone else who will listen the story of the missing farmers and the battles with ghosts and the tomb, possibly embellishing slightly.

Frond: that's mostly right

Narrator: (Roll me Persuasion or Performance as you prefer, Tuck)

Frond: agrees to show that Chlyde isn't just making shit up ;)

Chlyde: (22)

Narrator: A couple of your youngest siblings and cousins will have gathered and listen raptly to your (mostly true) telling of your adventure. Dorn nods and looks ever so slightly impressed.

Chlyde: Man, it was awesome!

Chlyde: I'm gonna get at least three new songs out of this.

Tsukaav: Many great deeds.

Tsukaav says, apparently in agreement.

Qog: We should probably drop off this 75 pounds of coins somewhere.

Frond: or see if we can get them changed into something more portable while we're here...

Dorn: (to Frond, mostly) Best get all that stored then, we're about to be heading out. Kirar could probably use some help getting your undar ready to go, and the brukuror are...did you just say 75 pounds of coins?

Frond: it's a lot of copper... but yes

Chlyde: At least!

Chlyde: And also silver and ivory and like... magic stuff!

Aan: might slip away during the story recounting to go do Aan things before we go :x

Dorn: Okay, well, as I was just about to say, the brukuror ("mothers", meaning Verex and her daughters) are in the village finalizing some arrangements, but they'll definitely be interested in that.

Narrator: (What 'Aan things', Heather?)

Frond: I'll go help Kirar.

Chlyde: Where are we heading to?

Aan: (tidy up and add a few more little things to the little shrine he made when he was here, and collect things from various hidey holey that would need to move before the caravan takes off)

Aan: (probably some things from hideey holes can go to the shrine anyway :x)

Dorn: South, down to Kongasharja. That's their sheriff's wagons near the gate, picking up the lord's share of the harvest. We'll travel with them to help guard along the way.

Tsukaav: (I'll help however I would normally do so, but seeming perhaps a bit distracted)

Narrator: (Heather, make me a Religion check)

Chlyde: (Have we been to that area before?)

Aan: (10 ;p)

Narrator: (You (and anyone else around who would care to) can roll History)

Whisper: (2)

Narrator: (Heather, Aan puts together one of his little shrines in an out of the way place. It's calming and gives him a pleasant feeling, but he doesn't feel quite the same connection that he gets occasionally from the simple devotion.)

Tsukaav: (got you beat, 3)

Chlyde: (16)

Qog: (4)

Aan: will keep fussing with it until he is called away to help with other things

Narrator: (Chlyde, you know the caravan's been there before, a few times. Last you remember would have been six or seven years ago, when you were very much still a kid.)

Narrator: (Other folks, all these towns blend together, so who knows. 😉 )

Chlyde: Haven't been there in a while.

Chlyde: I wonder if that old woman who used to give me raisins is still there.

Dorn: Well, you can certainly look her up when we get there, I'm sure. Now leave your old man to his work, and get to yours, brukog (children, 'kids').

Whisper: slips off to ensure/help the rest of the drow be ready for departure

Chlyde: will head off to tell more people about the epic adventure and maybe do some actual work on the side... when she has time for it.
