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Thirteen session logs
Session 1 Next

5:58 PM <Malqatar> Raaar 5:58 PM <Kennesaw> Hellur 5:59 PM <Malqatar> Yo yo 5:59 PM <Malqatar> So what did we want to do? 5:59 PM Kennesaw → Paixao 5:59 PM <Malqatar> What is there to do around town for two fine, upstanding young men? 5:59 PM Malqatar → Bakar 6:02 PM <Paixao> Hmm, good question. 6:02 PM <Paixao> They could meet at church. ;) 6:02 PM <Bakar> heh 6:04 PM <Paixao> Or, relatedly, maybe doing some voluntold work at the hospital. 6:04 PM <Paixao> Something like that? 6:04 PM <Bakar> Oh, yeah, Bakar was going to be doing a lot of volunteer work 6:04 PM <Bakar> That would be good :) 6:04 PM <Paixao> Works for me. 6:05 PM <Paixao> They can empty bedpans together. :p 6:05 PM <Paixao> I mean, probably more like sweeping and stuff, but still. 6:05 PM <Bakar> hee 6:06 PM <Paixao> Just going to check a thing real quick. 6:10 PM <Paixao> Let me grab another window real quick 6:10 PM — Bakar will arrive at the hospital for the day and wave at Paixao as he dons his work apronk k. 6:10 PM <Bakar> gah 6:10 PM <Paixao> (S'all good) 6:10 PM <Bakar> Had that all typed out to start and forgot :P 6:11 PM <Bakar> Hate when I do that >.> 6:11 PM — Paixao waves back and makes his way over. 6:11 PM <Paixao> Good morning, Bakar. Working off another late night? ;) 6:12 PM <Bakar> Hey there stranger! I guess I'm used to late nights. Have you been here long? 6:14 PM <Paixao> Just got here. 6:14 PM <Paixao> Do you know what they were going to have you doing? 6:14 PM <Bakar> Oh, good :) 6:15 PM <Paixao> Brother Abaddon said the new building needs painting, which seemed a good way to spend a morning. :) 6:15 PM <Bakar> No, not really. Probably the usual. 6:15 PM <Bakar> Oh, that's not bad. Better than emptying bed pans. 6:16 PM — Paixao chuckles. 6:16 PM <Paixao> But it's good for humility, or so I'm told. 6:17 PM <Bakar> I think I'm pretty well stocked on that for now. 6:18 PM <Paixao> Shall we? 6:18 PM <Bakar> Lead the way! 6:19 PM <Bakar> So what have you been up to lately? Anything interesting? 6:19 PM — Paixao will head around the hospital to the new storage building, currently complete but bare wood for the moment. 6:19 PM <Paixao> Militia business, for the most part, which is nice. 6:19 PM <Paixao> Not that it's nice that it's necessary, I mean. 6:20 PM — Paixao adds quickly. 6:20 PM <Bakar> There are worse things to be doing, certainly. 6:20 PM <Paixao> Ideally, we'd be superfluous, I guess, but it's nice to be out of the house and, often, out of the city. 6:21 PM <Bakar> I understand. I like the traveling too. I get anxious staying in any one place for too long. 6:22 PM <Paixao> Oh? Prefer to avoid being tied down? ;) 6:23 PM <Bakar> Well, I guess that depends on the situation. 6:23 PM — Paixao raises an eyebrow. 6:23 PM <Bakar> #thirteen_ooc 6:23 PM <Bakar> gah 6:23 PM <Paixao> (heh 6:23 PM <Bakar> (sorry) 6:24 PM <Paixao> (Heh, s'all good) 6:24 PM <Paixao> (You want to scratch that remark, or I can roll with it :)) 6:25 PM — Bakar suddenly realizes what he said and turns a shade redder. 6:25 PM <Bakar> I mean... 6:25 PM <Bakar> Ummm... 6:25 PM <Paixao> Just looking for the right person, huh? 6:26 PM <Bakar> Yes. Sure. 6:26 PM <Bakar> >.> 6:26 PM <Paixao> And here I assumed you were fond of our noble bachelor lifestyle. :) 6:27 PM <Paixao> With the militia and all. 6:27 PM — Bakar smiles. "I am. But I mean some day it would be nice to settle down. I'm still young." 6:28 PM <Bakar> What about you? 6:28 PM — Paixao sighs. 6:28 PM <Paixao> I'm sure I'll settle down someday. Soon, if my family has any say. 6:30 PM <Bakar> Oh... 6:30 PM — Bakar frowns 6:30 PM <Bakar> I'm sorry. 6:31 PM — Paixao shrugs. 6:31 PM <Bakar> What are they planning? 6:31 PM <Paixao> They have a few partners lined up for me, and I'll get to 'choose.' 6:32 PM <Paixao> I try not to think about it, really. 6:32 PM <Paixao> It must be nice not to have to deal with all that. 6:33 PM <Paixao> Assuming you don't. Do you have family in the colonies? 6:33 PM <Bakar> Ummm... no. No family. Not anywhere, actually. 6:34 PM <Paixao> Oh, I'm sorry! 6:34 PM <Bakar> No, it's ok. 6:34 PM <Paixao> I hope that wasn't rude. 6:34 PM <Paixao> I didn't mean to offend. 6:35 PM <Bakar> No, not at all. I don't even remember them, to be honest. I was raised by the church in Asturia. 6:35 PM <Bakar> It's ok, really. 6:36 PM — Paixao is quiet for a little bit. 6:37 PM <Bakar> I'm sorry about your family. You shouldn't have to just do what they want you to. 6:37 PM — Bakar puts a hand on your shoulder. 6:37 PM — Paixao starts a bit when you do so, but turns to smile at you. 6:38 PM <Paixao> Thanks. That's nice of you to say, but we all have our burdens. 6:38 PM <Paixao> There are worse things. 6:38 PM <Bakar> I guess we do. 6:38 PM ⇐ Lan-cloud quit (uid135102@2604:8300:100:200b:6667:1:2:fbe) Quit: Connection closed for inactivity 6:39 PM <Bakar> But you deserve to be happy. 6:39 PM <Paixao> I am, for the time being. We'll see how things go. 6:40 PM — Paixao looks away for a moment before meeting your eyes again. 6:41 PM <Paixao> Uh, anyway, uh, how was growing up in the church? I thought most people who did that became priests or paladins. 6:41 PM — Paixao says rather quickly. 6:41 PM — Bakar clears his throat. 6:41 PM <Bakar> Umm... it was ok. I didn't really think much about it at the time. Lots of lessons. Very strict. 6:42 PM <Bakar> Some become prists or paladins, yeah. Others are... given other jobs. It depends. 6:43 PM <Paixao> Is that how you came to the colonies? With the church? 6:43 PM <Bakar> Yes. 6:43 PM <Bakar> They sent me here 6:43 PM <Paixao> That must have been difficult. 6:44 PM <Paixao> I understand the voyage can be arduous. 6:44 PM <Bakar> It wasn't easy. I didn't know anyone or anything about the area. I'd barely ever been out of the monastery before. 6:45 PM <Paixao> Well, you know people now. 6:45 PM — Paixao smiles. 6:45 PM <Bakar> :) 6:46 PM <Bakar> What about you? Are you from here originally? 6:46 PM <Paixao> Born and raised. 6:46 PM <Paixao> I've barely been out of Promessa, really. 6:47 PM <Paixao> Supposedly I'm going to be sent to the home island sometime soon, but it keeps getting delayed. 6:47 PM <Paixao> Not really sure how I feel about it anyway. 6:47 PM <Bakar> Really? Why are they sending you there? 6:48 PM — Paixao rolls his eyes. 6:48 PM <Paixao> To be paraded in front of a bunch of ladies' daughters like a prize goat. 6:48 PM <Bakar> Oh. I'm sorry. 6:49 PM <Paixao> I'm sure it's not as bad as I think it will be. 6:49 PM <Paixao> Just, you know, no one wants to be a, a, a commodity. You know? 6:49 PM <Bakar> Yeah. I do. 6:49 PM <Bakar> I know exactly what you mean. 6:50 PM <Bakar> :/ 6:50 PM — Paixao gives you a concerned look. 6:50 PM <Paixao> I'm sorry. Did I say something wrong? 6:50 PM <Bakar> No, it's ok. Just... I know how it feels. 6:51 PM — Paixao gives you a commiserating look and a (manly ;)) clasp on the arm. 6:52 PM <Bakar> When I was at the monastery... they used to bring all the boys out once in a while when important women came around. Women looking for trophy husbands. 6:52 PM — Bakar shrugs. 6:52 PM <Paixao> Oh, chalice and blade, that's rough. 6:52 PM <Bakar> It's life. 6:52 PM — Paixao sighs and nods. 6:53 PM — Paixao paints in silence for a little while, happy with a nice, repetitive mundane task. 6:53 PM <Paixao> So, the monastery... is that where you learned to fence? 6:53 PM — Bakar brightens. 6:54 PM <Bakar> Yes. And ride, and manners, and other things. 6:54 PM <Bakar> But fencing was my favorite 6:54 PM <Paixao> Small wonder. I've seen you practice. You're quite good. 6:54 PM <Bakar> Thanks! You're not bad yourself :) 6:55 PM <Paixao> Thanks! We should spar some time. 6:55 PM <Bakar> We definitely should! 6:55 PM <Paixao> You do pretty classical destreza, right? Straight out of Pacheco? 6:56 PM <Paixao> (just throwing out fencing stuff here :p) 6:56 PM <Bakar> (Heh) 6:57 PM <Paixao> (destreza is the Iberian (and for us [Iberian] style, and Pacheco is one of the people who taught/wrote about it) 6:58 PM <Bakar> Mostly. One of the monks had traveled and studied Liechtenauer. He taught me some grappling techniques. 6:59 PM <Paixao> Nice! 6:59 PM <Bakar> Where did you learn? 7:02 PM <Paixao> Maybe you can show me some things. Destreza was my base, but my old instructor had studied in Vitulum, so I got a fair bit of Agrippa and his contemporaries. 7:03 PM <Bakar> Maybe we can show each other a few thigns :) 7:03 PM <Paixao> I learned here. My father and, uh, grandfather taught me a lot, and then I had an instructor. 7:03 PM <Bakar> (things. Not thighs. Though maybe that too.) 7:04 PM <Paixao> (heh) 7:04 PM <Bakar> Wow, so your whole family knows how to fight? That's really neat. 7:05 PM <Paixao> *shrugs* 7:06 PM <Paixao> Kind of comes with the territory. 7:06 PM <Paixao> "Spathí tis vasílissas" and all. 7:07 PM <Paixao> (I think Bakar has enough church Mitran to translate that as "sword of the queen") 7:07 PM <Bakar> (k) 7:07 PM — Bakar nods 7:07 PM <Paixao> Family motto is kind of aspirational. 7:08 PM <Bakar> I guess... family means a lot to you, huh? 7:08 PM — Paixao looks uncomfortable. 7:09 PM <Paixao> Yeah, just... it's complicated. 7:09 PM — Bakar nods. 7:09 PM <Paixao> I don't mean to offend. 7:09 PM <Bakar> Sorry 7:09 PM <Paixao> I worry now I'm giving you a bad impression of them, especially after your previous dealings with my family. 7:10 PM <Paixao> They're mostly wonderful, I swear. 7:10 PM <Bakar> No, it's fine. I'd say I know how it is, but... I guess I kind of don't. 7:10 PM <Bakar> And trust me, you're not going to offend me. 7:10 PM <Bakar> I promise. 7:11 PM — Paixao smiles at that. 7:12 PM <Paixao> Say, would you like to come to dinner? 7:12 PM <Paixao> I know we'll have been working most of the day here, but we could get a little sparring in, if you like. 7:13 PM — Bakar starts a bit at that. "Oh, ummm... yes. Yes, please. That sounds wonderful." 7:13 PM <Paixao> Great! 7:14 PM — Bakar grins. 7:14 PM — Bakar looks down at his paint covered hands and clothes. 7:14 PM <Bakar> I'm afraid I'm not very presentable right now, though. 7:15 PM — Paixao gives you an appraising look. You can borrow some of my clothes, if you like. We're about the same size. 7:15 PM <Paixao> (Oops, should have been in quotes) 7:16 PM <Bakar> Oh, uum... I suppose that would work. 7:17 PM <Paixao> Sorry, I hope that didn't sound too, uh, something. 7:17 PM <Paixao> Pushy? Arrogant? I swear, I'm not one of those nobles who assumes they'll always get their way. 7:18 PM <Paixao> Oh, that probably sounded worse. 7:18 PM — Bakar laughs. 7:19 PM <Bakar> It's fine. I would love to have dinner with you, and I would be very appreciative of your lending me some clothes. 7:19 PM — Paixao smiles. 7:19 PM <Bakar> Did anyone ever tell you you're adorable when you're flustered? 7:19 PM <Paixao> Oh, uh, no... 7:19 PM — Paixao looks more flustered and shy 7:19 PM — Bakar grins. 7:21 PM <Paixao> That's...very nice of you to say. 7:22 PM <Bakar> Well, lying is a sin, you know. 7:24 PM <Paixao> And we are here to absolve ourselves. It'd be a shame to add more work to our tally... 7:25 PM <Bakar> Indeed. :)