Adventure World: Caravan session 26

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Adventure World: Caravan session logs
Previous Session 26 Next
Session date: 2024-08-11


The caravan prepares to leave Ardid for Vilyawen - but not before Ranibow makes off with a jar of sourdough starter! Along the way, they find the body of someone from the messenger guild who has clearly been murdered, but are able to recover a (probably magically) stashed sealed envelope with the seal of House Brescia of Aethrennar on it. Around his neck he wore a holy symbol of Avandra, and a leather tag with the words "Firin" and "Harda". The body is entirely soulless, and t is clear that powerful necromancy was cast on it. In the end, they take the letter, the pouches and symbol, and the cloak to return to a messenger guild when we next encounter one.

Frond and Tsukaav find a traveller riding a Unicorn on one of their patrols and bring him back to the caravan. He introduces himself as Ondo of Vilyawen, and his mount as Yerna, or Anyara. He is definitely NOT a disguised noble, 100% no way. he is familial with the Vresks (Kanduk's people), saying that they have done with for the Morinehtars (the local nobles), as he as as well, as he definitely 100% is not one of them. Anyara grudgingly permits Ranibow to give him scritches, but after a longer conversation with Aan and Qog, (possibly Aan's longest), he gives Aan three hairs to use in his shrine building. He recognizes that Aan is a warlock and serves a divine patron, and says that he has a pleasing aura, and calls him Amanya (Blessed in Elduar).

Along the road, Kirar tries to draw out a few more detains from Tsukaav about Ethessa and their relationship, finding out that Tsukaav left without saying goodbye when he returned from his study abroad, as he was afraid he might not be able to leave her if he did. Now he wonders if running into her again was a sign.

At the gate, the guards kneel and address Ondo as Halcyon Brescia, His Royal Highness, and relay that the gates were closed because his wife was worried about him. However, they are speaking elduar, so of those present, only Ranibow understood what was being discussed. Once inside, he directs the caravan towards the Vresk encampment.

Vilyawen is a riot of color, with a myriad of building styles. There are eladrin, of course, but gnomes, shifters, satyrs, elves, pixies, and stranger folk mingle through the forested town. Carvings and sculptures abound, with large statues watching over the town from the surrounding heights. There's a market up ahead, and many of the 'houses' look temporary or at least not like year-round dwellings. Kanduk and Krath (his father) head off to find their family, with Brauni in tow.

Frond, Kirar and Ranibow all head in to the town to have more of a look around. They talk a bit more about orcish customs (marriage customs in particular), and eventually wind up at the House of All Hearts, a Sehanine temple. There Frondfind out, almost incidentally, that she is Pregnant!


Kanduk takes Brauni to meet his mother, and sisters. He tells her a bit more about his family and introduces her to lots of dogs before they get to the family. His mother, Qaplah of the Vresk, serves up a very spicy stew, bit they seem generally amenable to her marrying Kanduk!

Frond tells her mother about the prengancy, and the gather the Brukhuror who are also very pleased, and make her special dumplings for a celebratory treat. They do a midnight rite to learn more they learn she is having twins, and is due in about 6 months.

Aan overhears someone in town mention Anaherael's name. Certa asks them for details, and they tell her it is the name of a performer who has been headlining down at the amphitheatre. When they pair go there, they learn that she and her people have gone away for a week to do something for the local lord. Aan is extremely excited at the prospect of seeing his Patron, and decides to make her soethins special with the hair he got from Anyara.