Vylor's Journal

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The following are summaries of the entries in Vylor Trinshen’s Journal:

Sixth Month, 18th day, 816 AF

We’ve almost made it. One month of travel to reach this goal. My old bones are tired, but the journey was worth it. Ever since I stumbled on the key to the Holding Chest, I knew this trip would be of value. Sixth Month, 22nd day, 816 AF

So much for the Sentinels of the Ancients. They are moss covered and crumbling. One of the diggers climbed up and chipped off a tooth from The Hound. Tomorrow we will go into the Fortress. I am so eager, I doubt I will sleep tonight. Sixth Month, 23th day, 816 AF

The first floor of the Fortress proved frustrating and time consuming. It is clear we are not the first to come here after so long. The floors and walls are in terrible decay and much that might have been of value has been stripped from them. The floors and walls are in terrible decay, making our search slow and dangerous. My research says the Chest in on the second floor of the south tower. I hope to reach it tomorrow.

Sixth Month, 24th day, 816 AF

Success! We found the Chest. The ancient magic had faded, just like the Ancients themselves. I could only recover sections of two books, but what a find they are. I dare not dwell too deeply on them where. The mist will attack their delicate parchment. I must get them home and study them in a safe environment.

We lost two diggers. One in a floor collapse on the trip to the south tower and the second must have gotten superstitious and run off, as nobody remembers him leaving.

Several pages have been torn out…

Ninth Month, 8th day, 816 AF

I’ve managed to break the code. What the section details is a journey taken by a group of Paladins and Battle-masters to seal the remained Spires. It describes the conformation that all the Spires in Novelhum were destroyed in the Dark War, but several survived in Anistyre. It even had the “incantation of sealing”, which I surmise could be used to open a Spire. Details of the Incantation are written in this section Imagine what lost knowledge and treasures may have survived in the sealed Spires. If I can find one, its contents could be priceless

Ninth Month, 12h day, 816 AF

I ran into Rin, the Master Digger, from my last journey. He was in bad shape. All the diggers from our trip were missing or dead. He is convinced that we are cursed. I tried to calm him and tell him what I had learned, but he would not listen. Superstitious fool.

Ninth Month, 30th day, 816 AF

My home is gone! I’ve lost the books! Someone broke in and set the place to fire. I had concealed the books inside a statue while I journeyed to discuss funding from my colleagues in the Order for my next trip. While my concealment protected the books from theft, a roof beam fell on the statue during the fire and exposed the old parchment to the heat of the fire. They are nothing but ash now. Only the record in this journal remains of my discovery.

Tenth Month, 6th day, 816 AF

Rin is dead. I had spoke to him about my journey plans and the Spires not two days ago. It is too much to believe that the fire and Rin’s death are not connected. I must get to Nagumend! It has become too dangerous here.

First Month, 3rd day, 817 AF They say First Month crossings are the worst and they were correct. WE hope to land by early Second Month. The journey has been long enough that I feel safe in pulling this precious book out of hiding to write in it.

When I arrive in Nagumend, I’ll send letters to Carlin Havelock and my old firend Mik in Menthras. They’ll help me out in my endeavors, I am sure, and keep me safe.

Second Month, 15th day, 816 AF

I have not escaped my dangers by crossing the Sea of Destiny. I dare not write in my precious book again. I must keep it safe. I hope my arrangements I’ve made in Mentras will be enough. Twice I have just escaped a man pursuing me, I am certain of it.