Historical Diablotin session 6

From RocksfallWiki

Historical Diablotin Game 6 From RocksfallWiki [edit] Summary

Seventh-month, 2147:

   * 13th: News comes that Vivine's army is no more than a day away. The group spend the evening before battle talking with each other. Mar forgives Tomas enough to sleep with him again, Josserand gives his magical equipment away to young Elcedor before paying a visit to Signa, Alzbeth learns that her friend Jenessa is pregnant with Aric's child, and Lydia finally surrenders herself to Vende.
   * 14th: They fight the battle of Potter's Field, and are witnesses to the strange circumstances that end Vivine's life. 

[edit] Logs

   * Game 6

Categories: Diablotin | Diablotin games | Historical Diablotin