Diablotin broadsheets

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Diablotin has a number of broadsheet-style newspapers of varying and variable quality. They are all readily available for minimal cost, and most are widely read.

In 2247:

  • The Imperial Herald is the official mouthpiece of the palace, and thus is often the first source for major breaking news stories. It tends to be serious and authoritative, though often ignores or trivializes more controversial subjects. Some consider it to be basically propaganda with few redeeming truths. It is issued at least three days a week. Its editor is Serge Vaillancourt.
  • The Oracle claims to be the most popular independent broadsheet in the city. It is generally well-respected as a source of information, generally attempting to verify the accuracy of its stories and tracking down anonymous informants. It is typically published three times a week, unless there is some urgent news requiring a special edition. Since its beginning, it has been under the direction of Karl Hollenbach.
  • The Pole-Star is a religiously-oriented journal, predominantly Pasithian in tone, though occasionally more conservative voices slip in. It is published once a week. Its current editor is Sister Olivia Peasley.
  • The Sentinel of Freedom is a radical pamphlet, published sporadically and secretively, with pseudonymous authors who pen political and religious screeds of varying stripes - possibly based on the principle of whatever will attract the most attention. Its editor apparently operates under the pseudonym Anarchasis.
  • The Scourge is essentially a gossip sheet, replete with scandals and noble affairs but avidly read by many common folk nevertheless. It is published approximately once a week, sometimes more frequently if there is noteworthy news. Its editor is Phelix Witherington.
  • The Mercury is a newer journal, publishing mainly lighter entertainment, stories and songs, but also some current events that are of popular interest. It generally steers clear of serious or heavy subjects, but also avoids the more salacious tone of the Scourge. It is published once a week. Its editor is Millicent Claar.

In 2280-81:

  • Nas Glas (Our Voice) is a primarily Rat-language newspaper that reports on issues of interest to the Rat community.