Diablotin 3 session 18

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Diablotin 3 session logs
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Session date: July 12, 2015
Diablotin date:


<DiablotinNarrator> As it nears the end of First-month, the unusually cold weather continues in Diablotin. People are beginning to comment on the strange freeze, and how long it's been going on. Some draw connections to the continued sightings of fey creatures about the city.

<DiablotinNarrator> There has also been a disaster in the Shade, although who to attribute the blame to is yet unclear. The pleasure-house known as The Penumbra was recently subject to a terrible fire, which destroyed part of the building as well as damaging several neighbouring establishments.

<Denise> (totally unrelated I'm sure >.>)

<DiablotinNarrator> In solidarity, Titania's is hosting several of the performers from the Penumbra over the next few evenings, and donating parts of the proceeds to help rebuild the pleasure-house.

<Denise> (oh Myyyy!)

<DiablotinNarrator> These performers include Fintel a Leyrin, a poet and storyteller, Aunisstra do Mtor, a dancer, and Rikkah sel Andis, a singer (and perhaps not completely coincidentally, Jed's mother)

<Aubrienne> (Yay for Jed's mom, boo for fire)

<DiablotinNarrator> (I don't have a specific order for scenes, so if you need/want to go earlier or later, just let me know. Otherwise, I'm gonna start with Hettie :)

Zola and Hugo discuss their concerns about the fey

  • Zola has coralled you into her dressing room to show off her new dress, sometime earlier in the day and has been gushing about it for a while.
  • Hugonel enthuses appropriately.

<Zola> It only took him a few days @_@

<Hugonel> It's lovely!

<Zola> I'm going to have to think of a special occasion to bring it out on stage...

<Zola> I've been thinking we should put on a big performance, something like a musical... get everyone involved!

<Hugonel> A musical - hmm, that's an interesting idea.

<Zola> Wouldn't that be fantastic? A story running through all the acts... something dramatic.

<Zola> I'm sure we could work everyone in... with the right idea

<Hugonel> I'm game.

<Zola> Excellent! I'm going to break the idea to Tits soon... even though we don't have an actual story yet... at least then she'll know it's been coming when we find something suitable.

<Hugonel> Any thoughts as to what story we would tell? Something historical? Contemporary? Fantastic?

<Zola> No, not yet... it's more the idea of us all weaving our contemporary acts together... well, mostly contemporary.

<Zola> I've got to run the idea by Theo too.

<Zola> Maybe he knows of something, or will have some ideas.

  • Hugonel nods.

<Zola> Maybe with all the troubles with the fey we might want to stick to contemporary stories anyhow >_>

<Hugonel> I'm happy to help, Zola. Especially now, when the future of the cabaret seems so uncertain, it's worth it to think big.

<Zola> Yes, I was thinking the same! Something big, dramatic!

<Hugonel> We might need a bigger venue...

<Zola> Hmm, that'd somewhat defeat the purpose wouldn't it?

<Hugonel> I know, I'm just thinking.

<Hugonel> Well, these are details to get sorted out.

<Zola> If we scale it right, it should be fine... and if it becomes so popular people are lining up to get in...well that's all the better, right? :)

  • Zola nods

<Hugonel> Quite right.

<Zola> There's been something else I've been wondering about ...

<Zola> Have you been looking into Eirini any more?

<Zola> And Jonas?

<Hugonel> Honestly, I haven't. After that meeting with the Emperor, I've decided to lay low and let things settle. I've got enough trouble without creating more for myself.

<Hugonel> Why?

<Zola> Well, it's been bothering me...

<Zola> What makes you think Jonas might be lying?

<Hugonel> I've been doing a lot of reading into fey creatures.

<Zola> I know, I was there for much of it :)

<Hugonel> If he really is a fossegrim, which is the best identification I can figure for him, then we have to accept that he may be, at nature, a deceiver.

<Zola> It's true, but what if the books are just wrong?

<Hugonel> I know he doesn't seem it. I know he seems trustworthy. But I'm not as good with non-humans as I am with humans, and I can't be sure. So you'll have to forgive me if I don't trust him, or Klara, or Eirini, or any of them.

  • Zola nods

<Hugonel> The books might be wrong, or maybe we just need better books. I can't go far wrong by not trusting anything to do with the whole situation, though.

<Hugonel> We have no idea what these things' motivations are.

<Zola> What worries me, is that Tits seems so certain she can vouch for him... and if you think he's lying about Berthillion, is he lying to her too?

<Zola> And why lie at all? Why turn us against Klara?

<Zola> What if she's not even the leanan sidhe? What if she's something else?

<Hugonel> What do you want me to say, Zola? Any of those things could be true. All the more reason not to trust Jonas.

<Zola> Well, shouldn't we find out? What if Tits is in danger?

<Hugonel> Tits has her father to look out for her. I think I was clear as day at our audience that I don't see any reason to trust any of them.

<Zola> I'm not saying we trust anyone...

<Zola> I'm saying we find out for sure.

<Zola> Or at least try

<Hugonel> Even if it puts us at risk? Maybe we should just go back to our jobs, Zola, and stay far away from this.

<Zola> I'm not sure we're going to be able to do that, short of leaving the city.

<Zola> They're here already, and it seems like things are only going to get more ... messed up.

<Hugonel> Sure, but we don't have to draw more attention to ourselves by meddling, do we?

<Zola> I don't know...

<Zola> I just thought... well, maybe if we talked to Klara she'd just confirm Jonas' story and we could be a little less ... unnerved?

  • Zola says that like she knows it's not entirely sensible.

<Hugonel> And you think you'd believe her over him?

<Zola> I meant if she just said the same thing as Jonas.

<Zola> Of course if she says something different we don't really know who is lying anyhow -_-

<Hugonel> Or else they're actually working together.

<Hugonel> I don't think this is a good idea, Zola.

<Zola> Well then why would he rat her out?

<Hugonel> I don't see what we have to gain from this.

<Hugonel> Either one is lying, or the other, or both, or neither, and we have no way to verify other than by asking. And we have good reason to think that both of them are part of a conspiracy whose nature and goals remain unclear to us.

<Zola> They're already in our house, Hugo, is hiding in the closet really any safer?

<Hugonel> Yes, but we're not bothering them, so they have no reason to kill us.

  • Zola frowns, obviously not satisfied with that

<Zola> What if they try anyway, and we aren't prepared? Or if they're using Tits? What if she's been dominated or something?

<Hugonel> Then there's certainly nothing you or I can do about that.

<Zola> I don't believe that.

<Zola> You're so smart, we should be able to figure something out.

  • Zola strokes your cheek.

<Zola> Will you try to think of some way, for my peace of mind?

<Hugonel> If I think of something, I'll let you know.

  • Zola purses her lips.

<Zola> That didn't sound very much like commitment

  • Zola sighs

<Hugonel> I'm commitment-averse, Zola darling. You know that.

  • Zola laughs

<Zola> You jerk!

<Zola> Joking when I'm all upset -_-

<Hugonel> I just wanted to make you laugh. And succeeded, I might add.

<Zola> I just hate this uncertainty.

<Hugonel> We all do.

  • Zola sulks anyway, as is her prerogative

Hettie gets a visit from her brother, Alain

<DiablotinNarrator> Hettie, having a few extra performers around just makes it that much busier for you - you can delegate some things to your asssistant Flavia, fortunately :)

  • Hettienne buzzes around the backstage area.

<DiablotinNarrator> You've just sent a bunch more dancers out the door, and as they hustle off, you see your brother Alain standing there (definitely not admiring them as they go past...)

<Alain> Hey, sis

  • Hettienne looks up, surprised.

<Hettienne> Alain!

  • Hettienne shakes a couple of stray sequins off her cuffs and comes over to see him.

<Alain> I know you're busy - but I was here anyway, so I thought I'd drop by and say hi

<Hettienne> What brings you to the club?

<Alain> Needed to have a word with Ander Suterre.

  • Hettienne fronws slightly.

<Hettienne> Ander? What for?

<Hettienne> You in some kinda trouble?

<Alain> Nothing bad.

<Alain> He asked to talk to me, actually.

<Hettienne> Nothin' *bad*?

<Alain> Nah, he's just lookin' at gettin' into the newspaper biz.

<Hettienne> Oh...

<Alain> Wanted some words of wisdom.

<Alain> Which of course I have.

<Hettienne> Well that's... interestin'

<Hettienne> O_o

  • Alain shrugs

<Hettienne> Wonder what made him decide on that particular career move

  • Hettienne is just a bit nonplussed

<Alain> Well, I don't know that he wants to do it himself, so much as get it done.

<Alain> Some kinda local neighbourhood paper

<Hettienne> Huh, well how d'you like that

<Alain> He had some complaints about the way the big papers report on Rat stories. Or, you know, don't.

  • Hettienne nods.

<Hettienne> I can see that, for sure.

<Alain> I think it ain't a bad idea, but it'll take some doing.

<Alain> And it might not make everyone real happy.

<Hettienne> The other papers?

<Alain> Them, an' maybe the government. Not sure.

<Hettienne> Enh... fuck 'em.

<Alain> Other underground papers have managed in the past, so no reason it couldn't happen again.

<Hettienne> You just be careful though/

  • Alain nods

<Alain> Like, The Sentinel - that ran for years and years, and the folks behind it never got busted.

<Alain> An' they ragged on the government plenty.

<Hettienne> Right...

<Alain> Anyway - how's things?

<Hettienne> Oh good, yaknow. Busy.

<Hettienne> We got some extra talent in on account o' that fire at the place in Shade,

<Alain> Right, I heard about that. Folks don't know whether to blame the fey or the Colour Guard. Or the Shadar-kai themselves, I guess ;p

<Hettienne> I half think if it was faeries, we'd know about it... They don't seem much bothered about bein' subtle now.

<Alain> Any more fey sightings around here? Seems like they like it here.

<Hettienne> Well... not *this* week :p

  • Alain chuckles

<Alain> well, if anything crops up, feel free to give me the scoop

<Hettienne> You know it! ;)

<Hettienne> How about you?

<Hettienne> HOw's things?

<Alain> Busy, too. Can't complain I guess.

<Alain> Dee came by to see me the other day, that was nice.

<Hettienne> Oh yeah? That's good t'hear :)

<Alain> ... she asked if I had any of Georges' old clothes that maybe I could give up.

<Hettienne> ...Oh. :/

<Alain> I know some of 'em you made, so I didn't want to just give them away in case there was anything you wanted to keep, like...

  • Hettienne hesitates.

<Hettienne> I.. I dunno. If it ain't all wore out... maybe we could keep it in the family. >.>

  • Alain nods
  • Hettienne is ambushed by unexpected feels

<Alain> Some of 'em I want to keep... that red sweater he used to wear a lot.

<Alain> they mostly all fit me anyway.

<Hettienne> Oh, that were real nice.

  • Hettienne smiles wistfully.
  • Alain smiles too, sadly

<Hettienne> C'mere honey...

  • Hettienne hugs him.

<Alain> I still can't believe he's gone.

  • Alain hugs back

<Hettienne> I know, sweetie.

  • Hettienne sniffs a bit.

<Hettienne> You gotta come around more and eat some o' Den's cookin'.

<Hettienne> You're too skinny...

<Alain> Okay. I'll try to.

<Alain> I don't wanna keep you, I'm sure you've got work to do.

<Hettienne> Yeah, I guess...

<Hettienne> But I mean it, come by whenever.

<Alain> I will.

<Alain> It ain't good for me to be alone so much >.>

<Hettienne> That's right...

<Hettienne> We'll talk soon, yeah?

  • Alain nods
  • Alain will give you another hug and head off, then

<DiablotinNarrator> As he heads off, you realize Flavia is sort of lingering nearby, like she does when she has a question or something but is worried to ask you about it

<Hettienne> What is it, girl?

<Flavia> Oh, um... nothing, really. ...Is that your brother?

<Hettienne> Yeah, why?

<Hettienne> (sense motive)

<Flavia> (go ahead :)

<Hettienne> !roll 1d20+9

  • Zola rolls for Hettienne: [ 1d20+9 ] getting [ 16 ] which, after the modifier [ 9 ] totals [ 25 ].

<Hettienne> !roll 1d20+9

  • Zola rolls for Hettienne: [ 1d20+9 ] getting [ 15 ] which, after the modifier [ 9 ] totals [ 24 ].

<Hettienne> (25 it is)

  • Flavia is blushing, and looking more embarrassed than just her usual shyness
  • Flavia probably thinks he's cute ;p

<Hettienne> (HMMMM what house is she)

<DiablotinNarrator> (Bear)

<Hettienne> (HMMMM)

  • Hettienne cracks a little grin.

<Hettienne> 'S name's Alain.

<Flavia> Oh. I just, uh, hadn't seen him before.

<Flavia> @_@

<Hettienne> Well, he works for the paper, so he's pretty busy. Don't come around here much.

  • Flavia nods

<Hettienne> But with all that's happening, I guess he's lookin' for a scoop from his big sister ;)

<Hettienne> He might be hangin' around a while tonight, just sayin'.

  • Flavia smiles

<Flavia> Okay.

<Flavia> ...I should get back to work, I guess.

<Hettienne> Alright then, shoo! ;)

  • Flavia will shoo

Denise overhears a conversation wherein Guillame Rionet attempts to convince Ander to run for political office

<DiablotinNarrator> Denise, Ander is pretty busy tonight with people wanting to talk to him. Alain comes by, as he had promised, and they talk for a while about newspaper stuff. Some old war buddies of Ander and Ralf's stop in to chat. And then that old guy who's been around before comes in.

  • Denise prepares to be bored >.>
  • Ander welcomes him politely, and the old guy sits down, glancing around the club but not seeming too terribly interested in the show

<Old_guy> I hope you've been considering our previous discussion, M. Suterre.

  • Denise fiddles with her coaster

<Denise> . o O (blah blah blah)

<Ander> I been thinkin' on it, yeah.

<Ander> It'd be a pretty big change.

<Old_guy> It would. But you seem to be making some changes of your own in any case.

<Ander> An' what guarantee would I have that it'd even work?

  • Old_guy gives him a bit of a Look, like "seriously?"

<Old_guy> Do you mean, could we ensure that it would happen, or would it be effective?

<Ander> Well, the second. I know you got the strings to pull for the first one.

<Denise> . o O (bah what are they even talking about :p)

<Old_guy> That's up to you.

<Old_guy> But you don't strike me as the type of man to take a position like that, and then not use what he's been given.

<Old_guy> If you were, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

  • Ander looks pensive, and a bit concerned

<Old_guy> You could do a great deal of good for our community.

  • Denise glances at him, mildly curious

<Ander> Yeah, 'our' community >.>

<Old_guy> We do have that in common, at least. I won't pretend that it wouldn't benefit my goals as well.

<Old_guy> Having more Rats in positions of power can only help our people.

<Ander> Yeah, I get that.

<Ander> I'm just not sure I like the rest of the burdens that come with it.

  • Old_guy nods

<Old_guy> I understand that, believe me.

<Denise> (is ralf here?)

<DiablotinNarrator> (no, he isn't)

<Denise> ('kk)

<Old_guy> In any case - leaving aside this issue for the moment. I have a small donation to make, for your efforts.

  • Old_guy passes Ander an envelope that you feel sure has a wad of cash in it.
  • Denise makes mildly disgruntled faces into her beer, wishing it was closer to enmpty so she could wander off...but eyes the envelope
  • Ander takes it, a bit awkwardly

<Ander> It's gonna go right into the school.

<Old_guy> That's fine, of course. I trust your judgment as to where it can best be used.

<Denise> (wjat school? do I have any idea what *that* is, at least?)

<DiablotinNarrator> (well, there's a school in your neighbourhood, the one that Yvie goes to. I don't think you know much about how it's funded necessarily?)

<Denise> (fair >.>)

<Old_guy> We could do this more straightforwardly, though, if you were to take me up on my offer.

<Denise> . o O (Things not to mention to Pa ;p)

<Ander> I'm thinkin' on it.

<Old_guy> Elections come up in six months - there isn't too long to think.

<Denise> . o O (whut?)

  • Ander nods

<Ander> What if it weren't me? Maybe someone I know, like...

<Old_guy> I'd need to review your suggestions for candidates, if so. I'm willing to back this plan because I have confidence in you - not in 'someone you know'.

  • Ander nods

<Ander> Well, I'll think about it.

  • Old_guy nods

<Old_guy> I require a decision soon.

<Old_guy> And now, if you'll excuse me, my son just arrived, and I'm sure he doesn't want to bump into me here.

  • Old_guy shakes hands with Ander, nods politely, and will get up to leave
  • Denise waits for him to go
  • Ander swigs his drink with a sigh

<Denise> boss, what does that guy even want?

<Ander> ...He wants me to get elected to the Great Council.

<Ander> One way or another.

<Denise> Government stuff?

<Ander> yeah

<Ander> Politics

<Denise> . o O (no wonder he sounds so boring :p)

<Ander> more Rat votes

<Denise> that..... doens't sound real fun >.>

<Ander> well...

<Denise> but i guess that's good, maybe?

<Ander> he's right that it would be good for us. for our folks, I mean.

  • Denise nods

<Ander> I just dunno if I wanna be the one to do it. if I *oughta* be the one.

  • Denise doens't know much about this stuff

<Denise> well, prolly lots of folks would vote for you, though

<Ander> Mm.

  • Ander says noncommittally
  • Denise says with great certainty

<Ander> An' then I'd get to vote the way someone else wants me to.

<Denise> would you have to?

<Ander> I dunno.

<Ander> I don't even know if he'd ask for things I don't agree with. It's just that he could.

<Denise> like what?

<Ander> well... he's got one big reason for wantin' me - an' whatever other Rats he can get in

<Ander> 'Cause the Emperor ain't gonna live forever.

  • Denise looks blank

<Denise> well, yeah...

<Ander> an' his plan - his dream - is to get a Rat on the throne.

<Denise> huh!

<Denise> him?

<Ander> nah, I don't think so. Too old

<Ander> He's got kids, though.

<Denise> you? ^-^

<Ander> hahahah

<Ander> no!

<Ander> .. d'you know who he is, Dee?

  • Ander realizes you might not
  • Denise shakes her head

<Denise> who?

<Ander> He's Guillame Rionet. The Lord Chancellor.

<Denise> o_O

<Denise> oh. Huh.

  • Ander nods

<Denise> well.... like... I dunno, then. I don't know anything about politics stuff :/

<Ander> It's okay. Ain't anyone can make the decision for me, anyway.

  • Denise nods

<Ander> Just somethin' I gotta figure on my own.

<Denise> what would it mean if you say yes?

<Ander> .. you get to be the bodyguard to a Councillor? ;)

<Denise> an like.... what about your bosses? >..

<Denise> heh

<Denise> that sounds posh

<Denise> ^-^

  • Ander smiles

<Ander> Oh, well - they'd like me to do it, I'm sure.

<Ander> but on their terms.

<Denise> would they be wantin' you to vote certain ways too?

<Ander> that's part of what I worry about.

  • Denise can figure that much out at least :V

<Denise> :/

<Denise> well... but like still lookin' out for folks, right?

<Ander> Sure, yeah.

<Denise> :/

<Ander> but what our folks need an' what Rat nobles want ain't always the same.

<Ander> even if we're all Rats

<Ander> say, how 'bout you get me another drink?

  • Ander says, finishing the one he has

<Denise> that I can do

<Ander> Thanks.

  • Denise can hop off to do so

Zola introduces Bright to a chilly-seeming Rikkah

<DiablotinNarrator> Zola, you're just getting ready for the set you're performing with Rikkah, when you spot Bright and his usual entourage coming into the club

<DiablotinNarrator> His Shadar-kai bodyguard seems to have given him some fashion tips for the evening, as he's dressed in some leather straps that have to be a bit on the chilly side ;p

  • Zola waves happily to get his attention, and blows him a kiss
  • Bright waves back

<Zola> (If there's time before the set, I'll go over, if not, I'll see him after?)

<DiablotinNarrator> (it'll have to be after - so I can make you roll for your performance ;)

  • Zola is in a sleek black bustier/dress in SK style with SK accessories, aside from the low front and slits on the side, she's positively modest in comparison to Bright :P

<DiablotinNarrator> heh

  • Zola turns her attention back to Rikkah and making sure she's memorized all the words @_@

<Rikkah> <w> it'll be fine :)

  • Rikkah assures you

<Zola> Thank you :)

<Zola> I just haven't really sung in Shadar-kai before... it was all very boring things we learned in school :)

  • Rikkah smiles

<Rikkah> Well, at least this won't be boring

<Zola> :D

  • Rikkah lets you lead the way onto the stage

<Zola> Hopefully we'll make a good impression so there's even more in the crowd tomorrow :D

<Rikkah> I hope so!

<DiablotinNarrator> (feel free to roll your performance :)

  • Zola offers Rikkah her arm and escorts her onto the stage
  • Zola rolls [ 1d20+13 ] getting [ 13 ] which, after the modifier [ 13 ] totals [ 26 ]

<Zola> (or I could roll per song :P)

<DiablotinNarrator> (heh. 13 is adequate ;)

<DiablotinNarrator> (you did fine)

<DiablotinNarrator> The crowd seems to enjoy your performance!

  • Zola will bow with Rikkah, shares the love
  • Rikkah also seems pleased with how it went

<Zola> We did well :) Now to outdo ourselves tomorrow!

<Rikkah> Yes, quite!

  • Rikkah has a few small suggestions of things to improve for tomorrow, but nothing huge
  • Zola considers them all.

<DiablotinNarrator> After that, do you want to slip off to see Bright?

<Zola> What're you doing now? You could come have a drink and meet some friends of mine, if you'd like :)

<Rikkah> Oh, that would be lovely :)

  • Zola offers her arm and will lead Rikkah over to meet Bright and his friends
  • Bright stands to give you a hug and kiss

<Bright> That was a marvellous show - I'm glad I was able to get here in time to see it :)

<Zola> I'm quite pleased to see you too, darling :)

  • Zola tickles her black fingernails along his exposed skin
  • Bright grins

<Zola> You're missing something though

<Bright> Do you like this? It was Calix's idea...

<Bright> oh, I am?

  • Zola reaches up and turns his head a little to plant a big black kiss on his cheak

<Zola> There.

  • Bright smirks

<Bright> How could I have forgotten that?

<Zola> Bright, this is Rikkah sel Andis.

<Zola> Rikkah, Bright Rionet, a good friend of mine :)

<Bright> Pleased to meet you

<Rikkah> And you

  • Rikkah seems a little ... frosty?
  • Bright orders more drinks for you two
  • Zola will order something from the special additions for herself.
  • Zola is maybe a little distracted taking in Shadar-kai tarty-Bright

<Bright> So, is it Shadar-kai night every night this week? :D

<Zola> (Yes?)

<Bright> (yes, presumably)

<Zola> That's the plan, to help Rikkah and her folks get back on their feet. You heard about the fire? :(

<Bright> Yes, it's so awful...

<Bright> So once I heard about the theme, I couldn't resist ^-^

<Zola> Tell all your friends, so tomorrow's even busier :)

<Bright> I certainly will!

<Zola> Maybe if I do well enough, Rikkah will have me in to visit after they reopen :)

  • Zola gives her a smile

<Rikkah> Well, we don't usually have human performers. But who knows? There's a first time for everything.

<Rikkah> People come there expecting to see Shadar-kai, after all.

<Bright> It's a marvellous place - have you ever been, Zola?

<Zola> (I'm thinking at least a few times if Tits goes?)

<Zola> (She'd certainly be curious)

<DiablotinNarrator> (sure - you certainly could have gone before)

<Zola> Yes, I've been just a few times, mostly with Tits.

<Zola> Do you go often?

<Bright> Once in a while. You have to be in the right sort of mood, you know?

<Bright> You might get exotic dancing, or else an hour of poetry you can't understand ;)

  • Rikkah finishes her drink rapidly

<Zola> They still haven't figured out who set the fire have they, Rikkah?

<Rikkah> No... it was in the early hours of the morning. Fortunately no one was badly hurt.

<Zola> Yes, fortunately :/

<Zola> I imagine on top of getting everything set up again you'll need to pay for extra security too.

  • Rikkah nods
  • Rikkah glances up as Aubrienne and Jed are just coming on stage

<Rikkah> Well, I should be going. Thank you again - it was good to sing with you, Zola.

<Zola> And you!

  • Rikkah bids a polite good evening and departs

<Zola> (Do I need an SM roll to tell if she was annoyed a Bright in particular :P)

<Zola> (I'll roll anyhoo)

  • Zola rolls [ 1d20+13 ] getting [ 18 ] which, after the modifier [ 13 ] totals [ 31 ]

<DiablotinNarrator> (You think she was annoyed at Bright, yes.)

<Zola> Have you met Rikkah before?

<Bright> No, but I've seen her perform at the Penumbra before.

<Zola> She seemed a little cold... I wonder what that's about.

  • Bright shrugs
  • Zola strokes along his chin

<Zola> You don't misbehave in her house, do you? :)

<Bright> Do I look like the kind of fellow who misbehaves? ;)

<Zola> Yes, you look like a very naughty fellow.

  • Bright chuckles

<Bright> If you have time, maybe we can go back to your dressing room for some suitable punishment? ;)

<Zola> I'm not sure a proper punishment can be done so quickly...

  • Zola laughs a bit

<Zola> Who am I kidding

  • Zola gives him a kiss on the cheek
  • Bright smiles

<Zola> I suppose I could fake it, being a mean punisher, if I had to

<Bright> No, you're far too kind ;)

<Zola> At least to nice boys like you.

<Bright> You'd cave in after about two minutes of being cruel ^-^

  • Zola tugs him close for a kiss using some of his straps

<Zola> I could go longer than that!

<Bright> .... prove it? ;)

<Zola> I'd just need some inspiration.

<Zola> I might have to read some of those kinky novels for a day or two first :)

  • Bright laughs

<DiablotinNarrator> (are you going to drag him off to your dressing room, or make him wait until closing time? ;)

  • Zola will scoot in close and put her arm around his shoulders to stroke his hair, and watch Jed & Aubrienne
  • Zola practices her cruelty using his exposed flesh and the passing of time

<Zola> Though you might want to ask Calix why Rikkah was so chilly, maybe he'd know?

  • Bright shrugs

<Bright> Maybe

  • Bright seems more interested in you ;)
  • Zola is generally OK with this!

Hugo advises to Thera

<DiablotinNarrator> Hugo, you are sharing MC duties tonight with Fintel, so you do get a bit more free time than usual

  • Hugonel will definitely try to enjoy the opportunity to watch the show and hang out while being paid

<DiablotinNarrator> (do you want to stay backstage, or mingle in the crowd?)

<Hugonel> (I'm happy to mingle around)

  • Hugonel is wearing a grey and silver scarf in honor of our thematic evening, and a nice suit with a grey cummerbund.

<DiablotinNarrator> You are mingling around, then, and you see that Thera is there, sitting off alone in a corner.

  • Hugonel will stop at the bar to grab an extra glass of wine and then go over to her table.
  • Hugonel sets the glass down and takes a seat.

<Thera> Oh, hello, Hugo.

<Hugonel> Thera, my dear, what a lovely surprise to see you here.

<Thera> You don't seem too surprised - or was that extra glass of wine for whoever you happened to meet? ;p

  • Hugonel laughs.

<Hugonel> You've discovered the dark secret to my romantic success.

<Hugonel> Wander around with alcohol until finding a beautiful woman to share it with.

<Thera> heh

  • Thera accepts it, anyway

<Hugonel> How have you been?

  • Thera gives a slight shrug

<Thera> Things are... odd.

<Hugonel> What's the matter?

<Thera> I don't know that I can explain it.

<Hugonel> Try me. I've seen a lot of strange things over the years.

<Hugonel> And I care.

<Thera> >.>

<Hugonel> I don't mean to pry. But I do care.

  • Hugonel says honestly.

<Thera> What if you had a marvellous opportunity, and you weren't sure whether you should take it or not.

<Hugonel> Hmm. It depends on what kind of opportunity, and what I'd have to give up to get it.

<Hugonel> If it's a romantic opportunity, I'd probably just take it and not think too much about it.

  • Thera sort of chuckles at that

<Thera> No, I'm not sure 'romantic' is the correct word.

<Hugonel> Marital?

<Thera> no...

  • Hugonel looks into Thera's eyes.
  • Thera looks back, frowning slightly

<Hugonel> What's going on?

<Thera> I have a gentleman who is interested in me, Hugo. Wealthy and powerful. I don't know that I am interested in him, as such, and there would be other repercussions, outside of my own desires. But it would be very...

  • Thera fumbles for the right word

<Thera> ... ambitious.

<Hugonel> All right. Well ... first of all, as I'm sure you are aware, you could have almost any wealthy and powerful gentleman you desire. What does this one provide - given that it's not a marriage - that others might not?

<Thera> well... I should say, I don't know for certain that it's not marriage. The subject hasn't been raised, but it's not ... impossible, at any rate.

<Thera> Maybe impolitic.

<Hugonel> All right. What do you gain out of it?

<Thera> Wealth, influence, maybe a title... having half my family hate me...

<Hugonel> The curiosity is eating me alive, Thera - just who is this mystery man?

<Thera> The Emperor.

  • Thera sips her drink

<Hugonel> Hmm. Well. That's something, isn't it.

  • Hugonel considers.

<Thera> it's something.

  • Thera agrees

<Hugonel> You can do better.

<Thera> oh?

<Hugonel> The Emperor is, by all accounts, a good man. But he's got to be, what, seventy years old. So you trade your youth spent as the paramour of the most powerful man alive followed by ... what, exactly?

<Hugonel> Decades as 'the former consort of the former emperor'?

<Thera> A title, enough money that I could live comfortably for the rest of my life, no need to marry unless I choose to...

<Hugonel> I'm not denying that there would be some appeal. But let me ask you this: what's in it for the Emperor?

<Thera> o_O

<Hugonel> I'm not saying that you're not an extraordinarily beautiful, alluring, wonderful woman.

<Hugonel> Only a fool would deny that.

<Hugonel> But ... why would he want a public consort now? Or are you to be hidden away?

<Thera> Oh, well... he isn't married, so I don't suppose there would be any strong reason to keep me hidden. But he's fairly private - I don't think he'd want to parade me around to parties.

<Hugonel> But - he would presumably ask for exclusivity, yes?

<Thera> Yes.

  • Thera says quite definitely

<Hugonel> So your next decade or more will be spent with a wrinkly old man, possibly with smelly feet, who just happens to wield unchecked power over us all?

  • Thera wrinkles her nose

<Thera> I'd assume he bathes at least ;p

<Hugonel> One would hope.

<Hugonel> My point is, I suppose, if I must say it, although it pains me to do so, is that there are any number of titled single men out there, your own age, some of whom are themselves very wealthy, who would marry you in a heartbeat.

<Thera> I don't think there are quite as many of these marvellous prospects as you imagine.

<Thera> Men my own age are in rather shorter supply since the war.

<Hugonel> I had noticed rather less competition over the past few years. I had supposed it was because I was becoming handsomer.

  • Hugonel sighs.
  • Thera sighs as well

<Thera> Look... I could end up married to a wrinkly man with smelly feet regardless. At least this way, I can get out of it if it becomes unbearable.

<Hugonel> Can you?

<Hugonel> How do you know how easy or hard it would be to ... extricate yourself?

<Thera> It isn't as though he hasn't had other mistresses before.

<Hugonel> A mistress is one thing ... what you are talking about is more ... contractual.

<Thera> I'm not signing anything ;p

<Hugonel> Then you shouldn't expect anything in return. Men like that don't have any cause to keep to unsigned promises.

<Hugonel> This wealth and title you refer to could be nothing more than a mirage, the sly words of a cunning old dog.

<Thera> My mother wasn't noble. My father gave up a great deal to marry her. I don't have a lot to fall back on, and there are plenty of Wolf girls with more money and less questionable pasts.

  • Hugonel nods.

<Thera> you think I should hold out for marriage? ;p

<Thera> Empress Thera?

<Hugonel> You know that this story is not unfamiliar to me, Thera. I'm nobody, like you. A man with a big name and many friends, playing a game. I don't know what you should do, but I do know the ways of the palace and politics. It's always complicated.

<Thera> Gods, then Aunt Zivia really would murder me in my sleep.

  • Hugonel laughs.

<Hugonel> Murdering the empress is, I believe, treason punishable by death.

<Thera> I half wonder if he doesn't like me because I remind him of her when she was young ;p

<Hugonel> Possible, but an unnecessary hypothesis. You are a very striking woman, and any man would be lucky to have you, as consort or as wife.

<Thera> Well, young-ish, anyway. I'm getting close to thirty, Hugo. maybe this is my best chance for... something better.

<Thera> I don't know :/

<Hugonel> Have you talked to Tristan about it?

<Thera> is it the sort of thing you'd talk about with your sibling? ;p

<Hugonel> No. No, I suppose not.

<Thera> He'd tell me I should follow my heart. He's romantic that way.

<Hugonel> I'd suggest that you talk to Sirris, but I worry that he is too far removed from the sorts of day-to-day human concerns that bother us.

<Hugonel> The conversation might start with parables and end in tears.

<Thera> heh

<Thera> I suppose it can't hurt to talk to him.

<Hugonel> He's always been a stable force in my life when things were ... odd.

  • Thera nods

<Thera> Maybe I could learn to like him. He's not ugly, or ... smelly, despite your claims ;p

  • Hugonel laughs.

<Hugonel> No, indeed. I was only saying that out of rank jealousy. With an emphasis on the 'rank'.

<Thera> And since he's old, maybe his demands wouldn't be too frequent :p

<Hugonel> Perhaps he's as flaccid as his foreign policy initiatives.

<Thera> ew.

<Hugonel> See how helpful I am?

  • Thera rolls her eyes

<Thera> come on, Hugo... take me away from here and show me a good time - maybe it's our last chance.

<Hugonel> How can I say no to that? After all, last chances only come along once.

  • Hugonel downs his wine and takes Thera's hand.

Aubrienne tells Titania about her dream encounter

  • Aubrienne will be decked out in SK attire for the show, certainly much more risque than her usual suit.

<DiablotinNarrator> Aubrienne, your performance with Jed taking the lead goes well, you think!

<DiablotinNarrator> The audience certainly seems to appreciate it - or maybe that's the costuming choices ;)

<Aubrienne> (Do I need to roll or anything? I'll take 'well' :))

<Aubrienne> (heh)

<DiablotinNarrator> (I'll assume it's Jed's roll, you're just supporting him :)

<Aubrienne> (I think I can manage that Aid Another roll)

<DiablotinNarrator> (indeed)

  • Aubrienne will try to track down Tits at some point when she's not so busy, so maybe not til later in the evening.
  • Titania can be tracked down later, sure

<Aubrienne> (Office, I assume?)

<Titania> (yeah)

<DiablotinNarrator> (that's the easiest place to get some privacy with her, anyway)

<Aubrienne> Well hey there, pretty lady.

  • Aubrienne says from the doorway.
  • Titania smiles to see you

<Titania> Your act was great tonight - say congrats to Jed for me too :)

<Aubrienne> Thanks, I'll be sure to.

<Aubrienne> Everyone was on their game tonight. The crowd seemed really into it.

<Titania> definitely

<Titania> Maybe we should do collaborations more often

<Aubrienne> It's nice we could offer the folks from the Penumbra a place to perform.

<Aubrienne> Quite thoughtful of you.

<Titania> well... we've had our share of troubles too lately.

<Titania> I felt like it was the least I could do.

<Titania> Since at least our building is still standing. For now ;)

  • Aubrienne will shut the door, then close for a kiss.

<Titania> mmm :)

<Aubrienne> I'm sure it will continue to do so.

<Titania> and I have to say, your outfit looks gorgeous.

<Aubrienne> I had been hoping to do a private premiere for you, but time kind of got away from me.

<Aubrienne> But I am fond of encores...

  • Titania smiles

<Titania> can I offer you some refreshments? ;)

<Aubrienne> Always. :)

<Aubrienne> So, I have a possible strange question for you.

<Titania> oh?

  • Aubrienne will take a seat on the couch.

<Aubrienne> You don't happen to know what the plans are in regards to the fey, do you?

  • Titania gets you a drink and will come to sit with you

<Titania> I know a bit about what's going on. I can't say I'm involved in high-level planning meetings, but I hear a thing or two.

<Titania> I think the top priority at the moment is to deal with the ones that are causing immediate trouble in the city. They've issued cold iron weapons to the guards, for instance. That sort of thing.

<Titania> But more broadly, they're still trying to figure out what's going on, why this is happening in the first place.

<Aubrienne> Aren't we all?

  • Aubrienne sighs

<Titania> I know there was at least one proposal to go to the Shade and chop down those trees, but after Seda Grove, it was felt that might not be ... diplomatic.

<Aubrienne> Like burning an embassy or something, I guess.

<Titania> Something like that.

<Titania> If there's some greater power behind this, then I think they want to talk to it.

<Titania> or attempt to, anyway.

<Aubrienne> That might be good, if there was a way to negotiate.

  • Titania nods

<Aubrienne> Sorry, I don't mean to bug you about this, or take advantage for information, I just...something happened the other day.

<Titania> oh? what happened?

  • Titania takes your hand

<Aubrienne> Well, Lathra has a client I've been helping with, and we brought your aunt to see him, and she took us into his dreams.

<Titania> ... I was going to ask which aunt, but that answers that.

<Aubrienne> Which was a bizarre experience on it's own, but...

<Aubrienne> My brother was there.

<Titania> In the dream?

<Aubrienne> Yes.

<Aubrienne> I think it was actually him.

<Aubrienne> Ilphere said she thought the dream was more than a regular dream.

  • Titania nods, listening

<Aubrienne> It had one of those trees, like we think was at Seda Grove, the portal tree things.

<Aubrienne> And Jean-Faust came through it.

<Aubrienne> We spoke for a moment, but he said he had to get back.

<Titania> huh

<Titania> so he's alive?

<Aubrienne> I believe so, yes.

<Aubrienne> I...I want to try to go get him back.

<Aubrienne> Ilphere said it would be possible, at least to travel to where he is.

  • Titania nods

<Titania> Of course you must try.

  • Aubrienne leans forward to give Tits a hug.
  • Titania hugs you back

<Aubrienne> Thanks for understanding.

<Aubrienne> I know it probably all sounds a little crazy, but I just couldn't not try.

<Titania> if it was one of my brothers, I'd do the same thing. I don't see how you couldn't try.

  • Aubrienne takes Tits' hand again and gives it a kiss.

<Aubrienne> You're the best boss ever. ;)

  • Titania smiles

<Titania> I know ;)

<Titania> you're not going by yourself, are you?

<Aubrienne> Well, Jed said he'd come with me.

<Aubrienne> We'll probably need more help, but I don't want to put anyone in danger.

  • Titania nods

<Titania> I wish I could go too. But I'd probably be more of a hindrance than a help.

<Titania> But surely there must be some people you could ask?

<Aubrienne> It means a lot that you would want to go.

  • Aubrienne has a happy, slightly odd look on her face.

<Titania> well... I love you.

  • Titania says, as if a bit surprised herself

<Aubrienne> ...I love you too.

  • Aubrienne responds somewhat quietly, squeezing Tit's hand.

<Titania> didn't expect that, huh?

  • Titania says gently
  • Aubrienne smiles, somewhat awkwardly, slowly growing to a big grin.

<Aubrienne> No, I don't think I did.

  • Titania leans over to kiss you
  • Aubrienne kisses back, putting her arms around Tits and sighing contentedly.

Lathra provides Orlan with a safe refuge from admiring fans

<DiablotinNarrator> Lathra, with more Shadar-kai present than usual, including some of your acquaintance, you're kept quite busy tonight

<Lathra> (any that I work with? Or mostly people from the temple that I might know casually?

<DiablotinNarrator> (Aunisstra is there, she's one of your clients)

<Lathra> (kk)

  • Lathra brings a medical kit around with her as she socializes.

<DiablotinNarrator> You do notice another of your little flock - it's difficult to miss when Orlan shows up at the club, as he tends to get rather swarmed with fans

  • Orlan will seize the opportunity to escape from them by talking to you ;)

<Orlan> Hi there - could we go backstage, or somewhere more private anyway?

  • Orlan is a little bit frazzled

<Lathra> Well of course we can dear! Here, I'll show you the way, hold this.

  • Lathra passes him a full drink as she picks up another from the bar.
  • Orlan accepts it gratefully
  • Lathra takes him to the green room, since it's comfier than her storage area.
  • Orlan will follow you

<Orlan> this is much better @_@

<Lathra> Everybody thinks you're used to it by now, I expect!

  • Lathra has probably discussed crowds of fans with Orlan a bunch of times

<Orlan> Well... I am, in a way, but it's just impossible to go anywhere incognito.

<Orlan> Anyway... thanks for the rescue :)

<Orlan> I was hoping I'd get to see you

<Lathra> Well, no problem at all, dear. I'm afraid I may not be able to stay indefinitely - I *am* on duty, after all - but if I'm called away and you want to stay here, I can let the staff know.

  • Lathra pats her medical kit at "on duty"

<Orlan> Oh, no, I entirely understand. I might just slip out the back when I get the opportunity.

<Orlan> I wanted to let you know, though... Bella left her fiancé

<Lathra> Oh! That seems for the best - does she know what she'll do next?

<Orlan> It's all a bit up in the air at the moment.

<Orlan> I thought, if it was all right, maybe I could suggest she could talk to you for advice. You're so good at it, after all, and have been so helpful to me.

<Orlan> But I didn't want to just volunteer you, if you're too busy.

<Lathra> She is *always* welcome to come to me for advice! Yes, yes of course.

  • Orlan smiles at that

<Lathra> I don't guarantee that it'll always be advice that *you* like, but I'll try to make it *good* advice if I can.

<Orlan> Wonderful, thank you so much

<Orlan> I... I just want her to have the help she needs. I don't expect that she's going to fall into my arms now.

<Lathra> Good.

  • Lathra nods
  • Orlan sips his drink

<Orlan> how are you doing? we don't always need to talk about me and my problems :)

<Lathra> Oh, well I'm ok dear. I must admit I'm rather worried about the rash of magical assailants that has been plaguing the city, but I think I'm doing as much as I can to help with that.

  • Orlan nods

<Lathra> I got to meet Princess Ilphere and her children recently, that was delightful!

  • Lathra chuckles happily

<Orlan> That sounds interesting!

<Lathra> Oh, she is! She's VERY intelligent - you can tell.

<Orlan> I don't know what I'd do if I met the Imperial family - probably stand there and stammer ;)

<Lathra> Yes well I'm afraid I did rather stare at my feet at first, but they were lovely and I got over it.

  • Orlan nods

<Orlan> I mean... other than Titania. She doesn't quite have the same effect, maybe just because I've met her lots of times ;)

<Orlan> It's easy to forget that she's a princess

<Lathra> They're all really just people too, aren't they? I imagine those throngs that won't leave you alone suffer rather the same effects when they meet you.

  • Orlan nods

<Orlan> Some of them, yes.

<Orlan> Some of them are a bit more... assertive.

<Orlan> Maybe I need a bodyguard ;p

  • Lathra nods

<Lathra> Maybe you do! It couldn't hurt to have some some help escaping who is more... frequently present.

  • Orlan nods

<Orlan> But Shadar-kai bodyguards are so trendy right now ;)

  • Orlan teases

<Lathra> Haha! Oh my, I'd have to give up all of my other clients, and this job too!

<Orlan> oh, I suppose

  • Orlan smiles

<Orlan> I'll see about finding someone - it might be just what I need.

<Orlan> for now, though, I think I'll try and slip out the back alley and avoid the crowds if I can.

<Orlan> It was good to get to see you, though. Thank you, as always.

<Lathra> Well you're most welcome, and it was delightful to see you, too! Would you convey my regards to Bella?

<Orlan> Of course

<Orlan> I'll give her your information, and maybe she'll pay you a visit too.

  • Orlan will give you a hug before he sneaks away (or at least attempts to)

Argent discovers Evil in the Cabaret

<DiablotinNarrator> Argent, you're kept busy with your tables, as the club is more full tonight than it has been in a while

<Argent> (everyone running away from the cold and worries)

<Argent> (I need good tips to buy some more cold iron bullets :))

<DiablotinNarrator> (heh)

<DiablotinNarrator> One of your tables is particularly ordering a lot, so hopefully they'll tip well. There's a woman with three men - you don't recognize them.

  • Argent recommends the bestest of wines to pad the bill and make them more willing :)

<DiablotinNarrator> She's a bit older - maybe late 20s? while the men all seem somewhat younger. And they're all fawning over her.

<DiablotinNarrator> Arguing over who gets to buy her the next drink, etc.

<DiablotinNarrator> Just something about the whole situation gives you a little bit of a weird feeling.

<Argent> (yeah... does feel a little off)

<DiablotinNarrator> She's attractive, but not *that* attractive.

  • Argent will descretely cast detect magic... maybe a charm?... and if that does nothing, detect evil.

<DiablotinNarrator> There's definitely magic active on the woman - she's wearing a headband that radiates moderate transmutation

<DiablotinNarrator> still want to detect evil?

<Argent> (Yes)

<DiablotinNarrator> One of the men gives off an overwhelming evil aura - the kind that's enough to stun you for a round.

<DiablotinNarrator> The woman also radiates evil, but less powerfully, you can tell once you regain your composure

  • Argent is a little staggered by the whole thing internally but keeps his composer.
  • Argent will head over to the bar to see if Neva might recognize the group

<DiablotinNarrator> The man in question is tall, quite thin, with wavy brown hair. He doesn't seem especially strange-looking or anything. The woman is slim with brown hair to her shoulders.

  • Orlan is now known as Neva
  • Neva is busy at the bar, but can spare a moment for you

<Argent> Hey Neva... see my table... you ever seen them before?

  • Neva glances over to the group

<Neva> Azarea vak Andras and some of her latest boy toys.

<Neva> Are they giving you trouble? You need me to have a word?

<Argent> ive heard the vak Andras name before... what about the tall thin one?

  • Neva checks him out in particular

<Neva> Haven't seen him before.

<Neva> should I know him?

<Argent> there is something very off about him.

<Neva> Off how?

<Argent> he just makes me feel... like everything around him and that he touches feels dirty... its not but I just feel that way.

  • Neva frowns at that

<Neva> You want someone else to take over the table?

<Argent> I'll keep the table, but if you could have someone who may have some skills to check them, especially him, I would appreciate it.

<Neva> I mean, we all get someone sometime that makes you feel dirty just to wait on them. I don't want you to put up with that if he's doing anything weird.

<Neva> Skills, huh?

  • Neva casts something discreetly behind the bar, looks over in their direction again, and drops the glass she was holding

<Neva> ... shit :o

<Argent> You ok?

<Neva> what the hell?

  • Neva cleans up, still a bit shaken up

<Neva> You don't need to go back to that table, kid. I'll see them off.

  • Neva says firmly

<Argent> Ok

<Argent> but let me see if I can get a name before you do so.

  • Neva looks reluctant

<Neva> Whoever, or whatever, he is - do you really want to mess with him?

<Argent> I'll be fine

<Argent> no... but I can't just let him walk away either without trying to find out more.

<Neva> :/

<Argent> just swoop in if you see me in trouble.

<Neva> Okay, but I'm right here, keeping my eye on you. Don't hesitate to get out of there if anything happens.

  • Argent will head to the table with the next drink order... but will do a circumstant route to try to listen on what he can for clues as he approaches

<DiablotinNarrator> (you can make a Listen check)

<Argent> !roll 1d20+17

  • Zola rolls for Argent: [ 1d20+17 ] getting [ 18 ] which, after the modifier [ 17 ] totals [ 35 ].

<DiablotinNarrator> They're talking about you, as you circle around through the crowd.

<DiablotinNarrator> (sec, I need to nick in a way that will identify who's talking ;)

<Dark_blond_guy> Pretty hair - watch out, Tom, or he'll take your job!

  • Blond_guy 's name seems to be Tom, and he sort of chuckles in a not-very-amused way at that

<Azarea> There's something about him... no, not just the pretty hair ;p

<Evil_guy> What's a sweet little aasimar doing in a place like this?

<Azarea> No, you can't take him home, Val :p

  • Azarea says to the guy with the evil aura

<Azarea> You don't want to make me jealous ;)

<Argent> There you go Lady and Gentlemen... my bartender has a few specialities she could recommend if you wanted to try something more exotic.

<Evil_guy> Well, we do like ... exotic ^-^

  • Argent says arriving with the drinks, totally composed as if nothing was amiss
  • Azarea sort of nudges him under the table and accepts the drinks gracefully

<Azarea> Thank you so much, angel :)

  • Azarea gives you a generous tip

<Argent> It's just Jean.

  • Argent smiles

<Azarea> Jean? Such a plain name for a pretty face :)

<Evil_guy> I don't suppose you'd like to join us after you get off work, Jean?

  • Evil_guy offers with a wink

<Argent> Why thank you for the offer... mr?

  • Argent fishes

<Evil_guy> Val is fine.

<Argent> Mr Val, but its not very proffessional of me to accept such an offer, but it is appreciated.

<Evil_guy> Maybe another time, then. When you're not being so .. professional.

  • Neva is watching the situation carefully
  • Argent will swing by the bar

<Argent> I survived

<Neva> Good.

<Neva> Now I'm going to ... strongly suggest that they leave.

<Argent> Val, from what I could gather is staying with Azarea.

  • Neva nods

<Argent> Oh and I mentioned you might drop by with some drink specials for them.

<Neva> hah

<Neva> That blond one looks like the weakest, so I'll suggest it to him.

<Neva> and hope that he can convince the rest they don't really want to spend their whole night in a boring place like this.

<Argent> You could spike the Val's guy's drink... that might be a little too aggressive though.

<Neva> I don't wanna piss him off- just get him out.

<Argent> you want me to let anyone else know?

<Neva> Let Geff know in case there's any trouble.

  • Argent nods

<Neva> But I hope there won't be.

  • Neva takes up a bottle of whiskey and casts her spell on the way across the room

<Argent> so do I, business was just picking up.

  • Argent will head off to warn Geff
  • Neva offers them the bottle, has a few words, and leaves
  • Neva is now known as DiablotinNarrator

<DiablotinNarrator> After a bit more discussion amongst themselves, the group take their things and head off.

  • Azarea is now known as Neva
  • Neva breathes a sigh of relief

<Neva> Take five.

  • Neva instructs you

<Neva> You probably need a drink after that, too.

  • Argent nods and follows her instructions

<Argent> I am curious though... where did you learn your casting skills?

<Neva> My mother.

<Neva> Sometime, you an' me are gonna have a little talk about how you knew what that guy was. But it'll have to be sometime when we're not working.

<Argent> Sometime

  • Neva pats you on the shoulder

<Neva> Good job.

<Argent> You did the hard part

  • Neva shrugs
  • Argent enjoys the break and a drink
  • Neva gets back to work


Denise suggests to Mikel that he could move in with Uncle Alain

<Mikel> (what's our setup? :)

  • Denise will pop by home in the late afternoon and hope for good luck ;p
  • Mikel will fortunately be there

<Denise> (CONVENIENT :V)

<Denise> Hey Mickey

  • Denise says after going to check on her mom

<Mikel> hi :)

<Denise> I weren't sure you'd be home :3

<Mikel> (Mom is asleep, let's say)

<Denise> how's thing's workin' out, with the helper?

<Mikel> pretty good - she comes in three days a week, so that gives me more time to take care of my own stuff, get out of the house an' that

  • Denise nods

<Mikel> how 'bout you?

<Denise> doin' okay

<Denise> how's Yvie?

<Denise> They got enough heat at the school now?

<Mikel> yeah, it's doing' all right now

<Denise> good

<Mikel> THey're keepin' the kids inside at lunch, not allowed to go out an' play

<Mikel> but that's prolly for the best

<Denise> yeha, too cold 'an prolly it ain't safe

<Denise> so, like, that'sw somethin; I wanted to ask you about

<Mikel> yeah?

<Denise> well, see, I was talkin' to Ander

<Denise> 'bout maybe settin up some kinda... I dunnno. Like a neighborhood watch, maybe?To help our folks out

  • Mikel nods, listening

<Denise> an' I thought too maybe that's something the channels would wanna help with, or some of 'em

<Denise> but you're the only one I know ;p

<Mikel> ah, heh

<Mikel> what sorta thing were you thinkin' of? like patrols?

<Denise> but he said you might know if there's other might be interested, maybe at least givin' some advice and the like

<Denise> patrols is what I'd like, yeah

<Denise> I dunno though

<Denise> I just feel like - there's some really nasty stuff out there what could really hurt someone

  • Mikel nods

<Denise> plus like, I dunno - maybe we could find out what they're even after there >.>

<Mikel> well, I think it sounds like a swell idea

  • Denise grins

<Denise> I knew I coudl count on you at least :)

<Mikel> as long as the folks who're doin' the watchin' are trained an' all. or at least, have some idea what they're doin'?

<Denise> yeah

<Denise> see, I figured there's folsk with the Mala Tajna, and also like there's lots of vets around now

<Mikel> yeah

<Denise> an' if they need special trainin' fort fey stuff, maybe the Channels could help

<Mikel> well, we could try, yeah

<Mikel> I been talkin' with folks about that, some

<Denise> oh?

<Mikel> well, like, 'bout what we know about that sorta thing, an' what we might be able to do

  • Denise nods

<Denise> well?

  • Mikel sighs

<Mikel> well, it ain't like there was lots of trees down in the old city

<Denise> no

<Denise> but Enver says there's lot of other fey down there now too

  • Mikel nods

<Mikel> Yeah - there were back in the old times too, I guess, but not as many as now

<Denise> huh

<Denise> he says he's trying to find out more about 'em too

<Mikel> Like those little mushroom fellas

<Denise> yeah

<Mikel> But Channel Silvia knows about more sorts, too

<Denise> yeah....

<Denise> did she ever go look at them trees?

<Mikel> Yeah, she went an' looked at 'em

<Mikel> Honestly, I think they gave her the creeps

<Mikel> It ain't natural

<Mikel> An' they're sick, too. diseased or somethin'.

<Denise> yeah, all the mushrooms on 'em

  • Mikel nods

<Denise> an' the whisperin'...

<Denise> but she didn't say nothin'?

<Denise> 'bout why or what or anythin'?

<Mikel> She communed with it. With the trees an' stuff I mean.

<Mikel> it don't usually work in the city, 'cause of too many buildings an' all, but there's enough trees there that it did, I guess

<Denise> ..'kay...

<Mikel> Anyway, she sorta... talked to it?

<Mikel> But I don't think it went too good

<Denise> huh

<Denise> what did the...trees... say?

<Mikel> I dunno. but after, she said it was like talkin' to the Arch. she usedta do that when she was a kid, you know?

<Mikel> that's what it reminded her of

<Denise> huh

<Denise> that can't be no good

<Mikel> yeah

<Mikel> she told us all to stay away from 'em for now. she was gonna talk to some higher-ups I guess.

<Denise> ....higher where? :p

<Denise> well prolly that's smart anyway

<Mikel> Like the Emperor or whoever, I guess? An' Sirris, an' whatever other Arch folks she knows?

<Denise> huh

<Mikel> like, her brother's the Lord Chancellor an' I guess if anyone can get to talk to the Emperor, he can.

<Denise> well - you tell me if you hear more, okay?

<Mikel> Yeah, I will.

<Denise> I keep forgettin that >.>

<Denise> I guess i met him though :o

<Denise> like, a buncha times

<Mikel> oh?

<Denise> yeah

<Denise> he comes to the club to talk to Ander

<Mikel> he does? :o

<Denise> yep ^_^

  • Denise sounds perhaps a little smug ;)

<Mikel> what for?

<Mikel> maybe he just goes to look at the dancers? ;)

<Denise> no, he never pays 'em no mind

<Denise> mostly they talk about borin' stuff

<Denise> i guess he wants Ander to some some politics thing, I dunno

<Mikel> huh

<Denise> he didn't seem real keen on it, though

<Mikel> Ander, you mean?

<Denise> yeah

<Denise> I don't think he fancied havin' folks tell him what to do

<Denise> something' about votin - you know I don't follow that stuff real well

  • Mikel nods with a shrug

<Denise> Ander for Emperor, that's what I say ;)

  • Mikel laughs

<Mikel> that'd be somethin' all right

<Denise> it'd be the best ^-^

<Denise> anyway, so, speakin' of other things what would be the best

<Denise> I was over talkin' to Alain the other day

<Mikel> oh, yeah? how's he?

<Denise> Well...he's okay.... you know:/

<Denise> workin' a lot

  • Mikel nods

<Denise> he was in to the club an' Aunt Hettie saw him for a bit too

<Denise> and then *we* were talkin' like, and had an idea

  • Mikel gives you a quizzical look

<Denise> so like

<Denise> I kno you wanna get out of the house an' all

<Denise> but like - what about movin' in with Alain?

  • Mikel nods

<Mikel> oh, huh

<Denise> Da couldn't say nothin' 'bout *that*

<Mikel> well, no, but like... would it be weird for him?

<Denise> I dunno

<Denise> I mean

<Denise> I ain't talked to him about it

<Denise> but i figured if you thought it sounded good maybe you could?

  • Mikel nods slowly

<Mikel> I know he was used to sharin' with Georges, is all... I dunno if it'd be like I was tryin' to butt in?

<Denise> well it'd be different

<Denise> but like

<Denise> maybe that'd be good, ya know? :/

  • Mikel nods

<Denise> I just feel like.... maybe it be good for him to have some company

<Mikel> yeah...

<Mikel> well, I can talk to him

  • Denise nods

<Denise> Aunt hettie said she thought it's be good

<Denise> an she knows best, when it comes to Alain

<Mikel> would he care if sometimes Romain stayed over with me, d'you think?

<Denise> Alain grew up livin' with Serges Yves :p

<Mikel> well...yeah.

<Denise> you just got *one* boyfriend - I dnt think he'll give you no trouble ;p

<Mikel> but I dunno if Serge Yves brought guys home a whole lot...

  • Mikel shrugs

<Mikel> I guess all I can do is ask.

<Denise> yeah

<Denise> like

<Denise> maybe it would be weird

<Denise> but I figure not having Georges around is weird already, so at least it would b weird but less lonely :/

<Mikel> yeah :/

<Mikel> it's not a bad idea

<Mikel> like you said, Da couldn't say nothin' about it

<Denise> yeah :)

<Mikel> I'll drop by an' talk to Alain.

<Denise> 'kay, good

  • Denise gives you a hug
  • Mikel hugs back

<Denise> we're a family, we oughtta all be able to take care of each other

<Mikel> well, we can do our best

  • Denise grins, because of course our best is good enough

<Denise> (done?)

<Mikel> (seems like a good stopping point :)

Dorien introduces Misery to Titania

  • Misery will hang out with you at the bar, Dorien, keeping an eye on what you do, getting to meet some of your regular customers
  • Dorien will be my normal shmoozy self, buttering up customers as best I can, introducing her around and generally helping her get a handle on how it works.

<Misery> Is it usually this busy?

<Dorien> Sometimes. Tonight we have a bunch of the crowd from the Penumbra as well while they're rebuilding, so it's more packed than usual.

  • Misery nods

<Misery> So there aren't usually this many Shadar-kai?

<Dorien> No, not nearly. Usually only a handful.

<Dorien> I can't help wondering if the Penumbra burning had something to do with the general fae weirdness that's been going on.

<Misery> Maybe. Or maybe just the usual racists.

<Dorien> :/

<Misery> but I could ask around a bit, maybe?

<Misery> maybe the fey just really like nightclubs

<Dorien> Couldn't hurt, I guess.

<Dorien> Hah

<Dorien> Well then they should stop destroying them.

<Misery> you know how it is when a party gets out of hand...

<Dorien> Yeah, well ussually heating up the party is a figure of speech.

  • Misery smiles

<Dorien> When the show starts and things quiet down a bit I want to introduce you to my "boss", Tits. I annoy her too, so you'll have that in common.

<Misery> Okay.

<Misery> What's she like? Do I need to suck up to her?

<Dorien> Nah, she'd probably hate you if you did. She's surprisingly down to earth for a royal.

<Dorien> Just be your normal, charming self.

<Misery> I can do that.

  • Dorien grins.
  • Dorien will try to flag her over if I see her mingling around during the show
  • Titania can be waved over at some point

<Titania> Hey Dorien, how's business?

<Dorien> Going like gangbusters. It's packed tonight.

<Titania> That's what I like to hear :)

<Dorien> Boss, I wanted to introduce you to my apprentice, Misery. Misery, this is my boss, the Princess Titania, or as we call her, Breasts. I mean Tits.

<Titania> Hi Misery - do they call you that because you have to put up with this guy?

<Misery> Not... exactly, but it doesn't hurt.

  • Titania smiles

<Titania> So, are you going to be around most nights now?

<Misery> Yeah, it seems that way.

<Dorien> Actually, I, um... wanted to let you know that I may not be able to work here much longer. I'm looking into other avenues of business. If that happens, I was

hoping that you could maybe keep Misery on in my place.

<Dorien> I'm showing her the ropes

<Titania> Oh, yeah? Is everything okay?

  • Titania asks you, looking a bit concerned

<Dorien> Yeah, yeah. Nothing bad. I'm just... trying to branch out. You can only really play this game for so long, you know?

  • Titania nods

<Titania> Well, I hope it goes well for you, and that we'll still see you around sometimes.

<Dorien> Oh, definitely. Who would drive you to drink if I wasn't here?

  • Titania smiles

<Dorien> I'll still be around. Checking up on Mis if nothing else.

<Titania> Oh, there are plenty of options...

  • Dorien grins

<Dorien> Anyway, I'll be bringing her along for the next few weeks to get used to things, if that's ok. I figure with the extra business it's good to have another pair

of hands at the counter anway

<Titania> Sure - we'll see how it goes.

  • Dorien nods

<Dorien> Thanks.

<Titania> Speaking of which, can I get two vials of vodare and a couple grams of dreammist?

<Dorien> I owe you one.

<Dorien> Of course!

  • Dorien will pull out his special reserves from under the counter.

<Dorien> Planning on having a party of your own tonight?

<Titania> Ah, you never know - just want to be prepared :)

<Dorien> (Is aubrienne/Tits common knowledge, or still under wraps?)

<Titania> (still under wraps)

<Dorien> (k)

<Dorien> Well, don't party too hard. That's powerful stuff. Not that I need to tell you that ;)

<Titania> Yes, Dad ;)

<Dorien> Hey, if I was your dad, I wouldn't be working here.

<Titania> heh

<Titania> That's very true. He's never been here.

<Titania> ... that I know of, anyway >.>

<Dorien> Not his scene, I imagine.

<Titania> I sincerely hope not.

<Dorien> Hah

<Dorien> Yeah, that might be a little awkward, huh?

<Titania> It's weird enough when my brothers come by - I don't need to think about my father too ;)

<Dorien> Well, you never know. We do get all types in here.

<Dorien> Even transdimensional fae, apparently :P

<Titania> Yeah, I've had about enough of that.

<Dorien> You and me both.

<Titania> Rude little bastards.

<Dorien> Have you looked into upgrading the wards yet?

<Titania> Yeah, it's being taken care of. But it's expensive.

<Dorien> I can imagine.

<Titania> I didn't think that a cabaret would need security as tight as the Treasury ;p

<Dorien> Well, if it keeps them out, it'll be worth it.

<Titania> Yeah.

<Titania> well, thanks for the refreshments

<Titania> Nice to meet you, Misery

<Dorien> For you? Any time. Have fun tonight.

<Misery> Ah, you too. I guess I'll see you around.

  • Titania will head off, then

<Dorien> See? Told you she was down to earth. She's good people.

<Misery> Yeah. I had to remember that when she talked about her father, that means the Emperor ;p

<Dorien> Yeah, it's weird at first, but you get used to it.

  • Misery nods

<Dorien> Not all wealthy pink folks are total asses.

<Misery> heh

<Misery> I'll take your word for it ;)

  • Misery will get more comfortable with serving some of the customers as the evening goes on
  • Dorien will make sure she takes home half the profits for the night as well, since she helped make and sell it.

<Misery> (aww :)

Zola and Denise chat about the unequal distribution of economic resources in Diablotin, and about boys

  • Denise is sorta bumming arund the bar trying not to bug whoever is on duty
  • Zola will approach the bar a short time after her set and order a drink.

<Zola> Hey kid, how's things?

<Denise> pretty okay, I guess, 'cept for all the fey

<Denise> you?

  • Zola lights her cigarette with one of the table lighters and gives it a few puffs.

<Zola> 'bout the same :)

  • Zola slips Neva some coins

<Denise> how's your knittin' goin'?

<Denise> keepin' your cat warm?

<Zola> Hah... I admit I haven't practiced much... but I did bury him in yarn a few times.

<Zola> Wanna come sit with? I'm not keen on a stool today :)

<Denise> oh, uh, sure, I got some time :)

  • Zola leads Denise to a free table, drink in one hand, cigarrette in the other.
  • Denise picks up her beer and follows

<Zola> I'd better make another date with your auntie soon or I'll forget all she told me...

<Denise> oh yeah, you oughtta come by for sure - last time was lot of fun :)

<Denise> I still been workin' some on that shawl some

<Zola> Might bring Bastien by, let you meet him. Not that he usually has much to say.

<Denise> that'd be swell!

<Denise> I ain' never had no kinda pet, or animal friend like that, not really

<Denise> My sister Yvie's got a little kiutten now though

<Zola> Aww...

<Denise> Fluffly little orange'n white critter called Spark :3

<Zola> Good name for a familiar, is she so inclined? :P

<Denise> Aw, ain't no one in my family got that kinda thing, not so far as I know

<Denise> I figger we're big enough that we'd'a run into it by now ^-^

<Denise> Yvie's real smart though

<Zola> Hmm, not sure how House Rat figures into all that stuff they've learned about bloodlines.

<Denise> I dunno. Ander's gotta though.

<Denise> he's a sorcerer

<Denise> but he hasn't got a familiar

<Denise> maybe unless you count ralf ;)

<Zola> Ha!

<Zola> If you ever catch them talking in their own language, that might be a sign.

<Zola> I bet there's gotta be some potential in your family anyhow, coming from such a small population?

<Denise> heh, nothin' other'n commo or rat that I heard ^-6

<Denise> ^-^

<Denise> Maybe, I dunno

<Denise> I guess there's folks who keep track of all that sorta thing though

<Denise> Like, they use to keep reacl close track back when folks were livin' in the undercity

<Denise> and there's some old folks who still do a little of that I guess

<Zola> Oh, huh... like a registry of who's inclined to sorcery or to being a priest?

<Denise> well, we didn't have priests, an' I dunno if it is in families for Channels, or if it was back then

<Denise> I think they just kept track of all soerts of stuff like who was marryin' who

  • Denise shrugs

<Denise> but like

<Denise> even now if someone has a baby prolly one of the old folks 'll come around to meet it an stuff

<Denise> like my baby cousin Avionne :3

<Zola> That might be a little creepy, y'think? Suddenly this wisened old crone you don't know shows up at your door to lay her peepers on the child.

  • Zola laughs

<Zola> At least if you aren't used to keeping in touch with them

<Denise> I dunno

<Denise> That's just how it goes, it don't seem so weird

<Denise> I mean

<Denise> lots of folks come 'round to meet a new baby

<Zola> I guess if they're subtle about it :P

<Zola> I guess I just don't know many people who're having kids these days :)

<Denise> no?

<Denise> well, I guess that ain't somthing a lot of folks who'd be workin' here might be wantin'

<Zola> I don't have much family in the city... and.. yeah, exactly

<Denise> yeah, I sure ain't ready for any of that

<Denise> My friend maisie just had a little boy though

<Zola> It might not be so bad if you've set your mind on it, but who wants all that when you're not expecting it?

<Denise> yeah

<Denise> that's more how it goes with folks I now

<Denise> Well, I guess Uncle Thierry and Aunt Rosemary were wantin to have a baby

<Denise> Maise weren't

<Denise> She's doin' okay though

<Zola> I guess that's natural, though...

<Denise> he fella's still around, at least

<Zola> She's got family to help out?

<Denise> not really

<Denise> she ain't ever got on real well with her folks

<Zola> That's a shame :/

<Denise> that's why she was with the swarm

<Denise> well, her da ain't ever been around much an her mam's a drinker

  • Denise shrugs

<Zola> Oughta get those snoopy old folks to lend a hand

<Denise> maybe

<Denise> but like, there;s so many folks liek Maisie, ya'know? :/

<Zola> C'mon in, evaluate her mystical capacity and change some diapers :P

<Denise> heh

<Denise> well, they got friends, anyway

<Denise> I been over thee some to help out, an I know mam said she'd help her how she could too

<Zola> Yeah, maybe the city ought to set up a fountain for morning after potions.

<Denise> Ain' no one gonna spend money like that on the Shambles :|

<Zola> Might not be so shambly if they did.

<Denise> yeah, but like

<Denise> they don't care really

<Denise> see

<Denise> 'cause they need folks who ain't got nowhere else to go if they're gonna find folks to take all the shit jobs out there

<Denise> Workin' in the factories an all

<Zola> Well...

  • Denise makes a face
  • Zola bites her bright red bottom lip

<Denise> ain't no one gonna help out out 'cept ourselves

<Zola> Not *nobody*...

<Zola> There've got schools and stuff set up... it's not like everyone who has is trying to keep everyone who doesn't from getting ahead

<Zola> There's just enough selfish assholes in the world to make it look that way sometimes, I guess :|

<Denise> no, but they don't gotta *try*, do thay>?

<Denise> that just how it is

<Denise> an sure there's schools, if you can go to 'em

<Denise> just 'caiuse they're free don't mean it's something you can afford

<Denise> I didn't go most of the time 'cause Mikel an I had to look after Yvie when she was little

<Denise> 'cause mam had to go work when she could

<Denise> an Mickie is smarter'n me so it made more sense anyway

<Zola> :/

<Denise> Plus like

<Denise> the money for 'em ain't all comin' from the government, if you know what I mean

<Denise> >.>

  • Zola isn't really sure what to say...
  • Denise shrugs

<Denise> that's just how it is, anyway

  • Zola nods

<Denise> But it ain't like there's no one lookin' out for folks, neither

<Zola> I wish I had a good idea to fix it all.

<Denise> UI figure it's more like.... lotf of folks doin;' little things, maybe

<Denise> Like I got this friend Swinney, an' he ain't even 15 an he's not really got no one to look after him always. An I can't fix that but I cam make sure he's got

warm mittens, right?

<Zola> Yeah :/

<Zola> But you'd think in a city like this he shouldn't need to worry about mittens.

<Denise> maybe

<Denise> I don't know much 'bout other cities

<Zola> There's just so much here, you'd think it'd ... smooth out a bit more

<Denise> but we got them stupid ice fairies :p

<Zola> Maybe they just need mittens

<Denise> Well they ain't gettin' 'em from me ;p

<Denise> anyway

<Denise> I didn't mean to bring all that up :/

<Zola> It's alright, kid.

<Zola> Not that it isn't a downer :P

<Zola> But that's life too, right? It can't all be song & dance.

<Zola> ... I'm not rolling in bills or anything, but if someone's really in need, I could probably help you out?

<Zola> Or maybe try to convince one of my boys to talk to their folks :)

  • Denise grins

<Denise> I think prolly we got some ways of gettn to some of them types, anyway

<Zola> Who says my ways aren't more ... influential?

<Zola> :)

<Denise> well, I ain't gonna say no if you wanna put in some words

<Denise> or whatever >.>

<Zola> Hah

<Zola> Speaking of... I've been learning a bit of Rat.

<Zola> Mostly naughty things, so far, but also some of the basics.

<Zola> <r> Hello, my name is Zola, and I am a singer.

  • Denise grins

<Zola> And some other more indecent things :P

<Denise> <r> that's pretty good ^-^

<Denise> <r> you been learnin' that from Bright?

<Zola> Uh... yeah, and my other boy, Noren.

<Zola> Makes learning a little more fun :P

<Denise> you got another Rat boy? :o

<Denise> that's just hoggin' ;p

  • Zola laughs

<Zola> Oh, now, Bright's hardly hogged :)

<Denise> oh yeah?

<Zola> He's not much for being stationary.

<Zola> Noren and I used to be madly in love ... but his parents weren't too pleased about how he chose to invest some of their money and they made him leave the city.

<Denise> awww

<Denise> is he back, or do you like.... send him letters?

<Zola> Yes, it was all quite tragic at the time.

<Zola> Yes, he's back in town after the end of the war and we've been ... getting to know each other again :)

<Zola> He's been checking in on his investment :D

  • Denise nods as though she totlly followed that
  • Zola holds up her index fingers and gives her boobs a tap with them

<Denise> But if you're in love with Noren, how come you're still seein' Bright?

  • Zola sighs

<Zola> I don't know what I want right now, kid.

<Zola> It's not the same kind of love with Noren as it was, y'know? That was ... fierce. Right now it's more... like an old friend... that you fuck?

  • Denise blinks

<Zola> I love him lots, but I'm not sure it's the only kind of love I have to give?

<Denise> Well, I don't know nothin' 'bout love, I guess, not really

<Denise> :/

<Zola> Aw, you'll find out soon, Gods willing :)

<Zola> I hope it swallows you like a flood ^_^

<Denise> that sounds scary @_@

<Zola> Oh it is! But it's a glorious scary!

<Denise> Like bein' in a tough fight?

<Zola> You're a rough 'n' tough gal, right? You get into f- YES


<Zola> Exhilirating and scary all at the same time

  • Denise grins

<Zola> You could lose yourself to it, and you WANT to lose yourself to it, but there's no guarantee it'll end well.

<Denise> hm.

  • Denise tries to imagine feeling that way about Enver

<Zola> But of course you don't get the brass ring by holding onto the ride with both hands.

<Denise> ...I dn't knwo what that means >.>

<Zola> You know, on a carousel?

<Zola> They dangle a brass ring and if you grab it, you win a prize?

<Denise> oh, I guess I ain't ever seen that

<Denise> I ain't been on that many carousels

<Zola> Well maybe you and your boy have something to do on your next outing :D

  • Denise smiles

<Denise> maybe :)

  • Zola sighs

<Zola> I do have to figure out what I'm going to do soon though... or talk to Noren :/

<Zola> Don't want him to get hurt or anything.

<Denise> yeah.... you ain't worried about bright though? On acount of him... movin' around more?

<Zola> About hurting his feelings?

<Denise> yeah?

<Zola> Well... I just don't think that's his thing... expecting me to be his girl, and vice versa.

<Denise> ahh.

<Zola> He might be disappointed if I decided to settle down with Noren... but hurt?

<Zola> Unless I've read him all wrong.

<Denise> My friend Mireva's like that - she just wanst some fun, I guess

<Denise> But she don't get all put out about mostly mostly

  • Zola nods

<Zola> These days I'm worried I want both, you know? To be free and chained at the same time.

<Denise> ...an I bet you don't know how that'd work?

  • Denise sure doens't :V

<Zola> Not really, kid. At least not with someone who isn't just like me... I don't think that's Noren's style :/

<Denise> aw, yeah :/

<Denise> I didn't mean to get us on another downer though :/

<Zola> Hah

<Zola> Well, at least thinking about the last topic is a good way to keep perspective about my own problems -_-

<Denise> I guess, yeah

<Zola> I do recommend you stick to one gentleman for now.

<Denise> well, that don't seem too hard :)

  • Zola laughs

<Zola> So you think I went out of my way to pick up two lovely gentlemen?

<Zola> Well, maybe...

<Denise> I figure you got lots more to choose from

<Denise> there's always guys gogglin' after you when you're singin'

<Zola> Bright DID introduce himself after a show >_>

  • Denise grins
  • Zola looks over your shoulder briefly

<Zola> Looks like your boss and his familiar are back in their spots :)

<Denise> oh! I gotta run then

  • Denise smiles

<Denise> It were nice to chat though, even if it weren't all cheery

<Zola> Yeah, nice talkin', kid. Next time you'll have to tell me about your trip down in mushroom land.

<Denise> Oh, yeah, sure I will, if you wanna hear it, an about getiin' turned to ice too ;p

<Zola> o_O

<Denise> I'll catch you later ^-^