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[DiablotinNarrator] It is the beginning of 9th-month, the start of what should be the harvest season. Unfortunately, it seems as though the poor weather has diminished this year's crops, much like last year. Harvests have been poor in many areas.
[DiablotinNarrator] The big news recently is the arrest of the Count of Sephinos, Trevan Rademacher, and various associates, on charges of treason. The Duke of Psyra, his father, is reported to be furious at the treatment of his son, and there are rumours (currently unsubstantiated) that war may be coming.
===Seth and Gwen===
[DiablotinNarrator] Seth, your Aunt Gwen comes looking for you. Where would she be likely to find you?
[Seth] (at the Society, most likely - doing a lot of research these days)
* Gwen finds you at the Society, then.
[Gwen] You aren't the easiest person to find, you know.
[Seth] Ah, Aunt Gwen. My apologies. My research has taken me in some very interesting directions lately.
[Gwen] Great.
[Gwen] We need to talk.
[Seth] Of course. Here?
[Gwen] No, somewhere more secure.
[Seth] All right. Come with me.
* Gwen nods.
* Seth will lead Gwen through to a place where no one would come, or scry them.
[Gwen] ...Nice place you have here.
[Seth] This isn't mine. It's just a spot.
[Gwen] OK, whatever. Listen, weird things are going on.
[Seth] My definition of 'weird' may not be yours. What is it?
[Gwen] 'It' is a large number of things.
[Gwen] One is, the shakeup in the Hush.
[Seth] Which faction is taking charge?
[Gwen] Neither, not really.
[Gwen] Maze's protegee Martan is taking over. I don't know if it's a coup of his own initiative, or if there's some other reason behind it.
[Seth] Hmm, that issue has been far from my concern, of late. There had been talk, about the young Olivier.
[Gwen] What sort of talk?
[Seth] Well at one point there was talk that Maze was trying to portray Martan as Martan Kizer reborn. That, I *think*, has been refuted.
* Gwen gives a brief laugh.
[Gwen] I think he'd give him a different name if that was the case... seems a bit obvious.
[Seth] Well, yes. But in any case, I do have a potential connection to Martan Olivier. He has been seen a great deal in the company of my sometime travelling companion, Ysabeau Chanuier.
* Gwen nods.
[Gwen] She the one who's fucking the Emperor?
[Seth] Yes, it appears so. She was also involved with my companion Dominik Rademacher for quite some time. She seems to get around.
* Gwen nods.
[Gwen] Popular girl.
[Seth] In any case, I would be surprised if she would be all right with her consort leading the Hush. She ... isn't that type.
* Gwen shrugs.
[Gwen] Maybe she's just a good actor.
[Gwen] Anything you can find out from her - discreetly, of course - let me know.
[Gwen] If she's that much of a slut, maybe you can... nah, never mind.
[Seth] Well ... yes. I could certainly raise the issue without her suspecting it was of your interest, or the Duke's. She would, of course, assume it is the Warlord's interest.
[Seth] Uhh ... no.
[Gwen] Yeah, no.
[Gwen] How closely are you still working with Nash?
[Seth] I'm not sure I'm *working* with her at all. I speak to her regularly.
* Gwen nods.
[Seth] I still am not exactly sure what she is trying to do, and now that apparently there is a change in the Hush ... is Nash going to remain as Warlord?
[Gwen] I suspect not.
[Gwen] So it might be prudent to cut back on your association with her.
[Seth] Surely Martan Olivier will not be the Warlord, though?
[Gwen] No, no.
[Gwen] I don't know who will be. There are only rumours at this point.
[Seth] But the rumors about Maze and Nash being ousted, are more than that?
[Gwen] Maze's departure isn't just a rumour anymore... it seems pretty likely to be true.
[Gwen] And if Nash isn't taking over, then I can't see how she would stay as Warlord.
* Seth nods.
[Seth] I see.
[Seth] Honestly, I don't talk much to Nash about that side of her work.
[Gwen] That's probably for the best.
[Gwen] Less reason for her to need to silence you if things go bad.
[Gwen] And I don't just mean in that bard-y silence way :p
[Seth] And my visits to her are quite discreet. Sometimes I don't even use the door.
* Gwen nods.
[Gwen] So, anything you can find out about Martan, via this Ysabeau girl, would be helpful.
* Gwen seems as though she's still worried about something else, though.
[Seth] Why doesn't the Duke just ask the Emperor about this?
[Gwen] Yeah, about that.
[Gwen] Have you talked to the boss lately?
[Seth] Not lately. I come when I'm asked, not otherwise.
[Gwen] Well, if you do see him, tell me if you think he's acting... strange.
[Seth] All ... right ... ... Strange how?
[Gwen] I spoke to him yesterday... He was a bit distracted, maybe. And forgetful of things I'd told him before - and he never forgets things.
I'm worried he might be sick... or maybe he's just preoccupied with something. I hope it's that.
[Seth] Hmm. Thank you for telling me. I'll be alert for anything.
[Gwen] Maybe, even, make up a reason to go talk to him? If you can think of something plausible, anyway.
[Seth] I'm sure I can, especially with this latest news.
[Gwen] Because if he's going loopy, then it could be just because he's old and sick, or it could be that he's being poisoned, or affected by a spell, or... I don't know what.
* Seth nods.
[Seth] So this business with the Hush, you think this is the Emperor's idea alone?
[Gwen] Maybe. I hope so, in a way. It's good for him to take charge of it.
[Gwen] He's been letting it slide for too long.
[Seth] You're not angry that he would choose this Olivier child over you?
* Gwen laughs.
[Gwen] Oh, void. I don't want that job, what a nightmare. If this kid is easy to work with, then I'm happy.
[Seth] But you did want it, didn't you, when Marl first took power?
[Gwen] Maybe briefly. But I've reconsidered.
[Seth] Especially now with it being factionalized the way it is.
[Gwen] Like I said, nightmare. The kid is going to have a lot of work to do, even if Nash is out of the way.
[Seth] Well, they may be getting even more interesting than that, in some very weird ways. But about that, I'll have to let you know when I'm able to say more.
[Gwen] ... All right. Find out what you can, and let me know.
[Gwen] Stay safe.
[Seth] I will.
* Gwen will go on her way.
===Dominik, Fredericia and Marl===
* Fredericia has you over for dinner, Dom.
* Dominik will go then
* Fredericia welcomes you in.
[Dominik] Thank you for the invitation.
[Fredericia] Well, of course :)
* Fredericia 's servants serve a nice meal, which you are in the middle of eating when...
[DiablotinNarrator] A servant comes to Fred's side and murmurs something in her ear. She frowns, but nods.
[Dominik] A problem?
[Fredericia] Apparently your boss is here, unexpectedly.
[Fredericia] Obviously I can't tell him we're in the middle of dinner, bugger off.
[Dominik] No, I don't think that would be very appropriate, alas.
[Fredericia] I suppose we can set an extra place for him, if he's hungry.
[Dominik] But I'm very curious to see what he wants.
[Fredericia] So am I...
* Marl enters a short while later. Fredericia rises and curtseys politely to him.
* Dominik rises and shows his respect
[Fredericia] Good evening, your Majesty.
[Fredericia] What an unexpected pleasure. Would you care to join us for dinner?
[Marl] Thank you, but no, I've already eaten.
* Fredericia nods.
[Marl] I'm sorry to interrupt your meal, but I have some important matters to discuss with you.
[Fredericia] Of course. Privately, or ...?
* Fredericia says with a glance to Dom.
[Marl] Both of you may remain.
* Dominik nods
[Marl] I imagine you've heard rumours about what's happening in the Hush at present.
* Fredericia nods.
[Marl] I am attempting, inasmuch as such a thing is possible, to bring things back into some semblance of order.
[Marl] Consequently, I will shortly be replacing the Warlord.
* Dominik looks very interested in Marl's words.
[Marl] I wish to invite you to take the position, if you want it.
* Marl says to Fredericia.
[Fredericia] Me?
[Marl] Yes.
[Fredericia] ...
[Marl] I understand you may need time to think it over...
[Fredericia] No, I don't. I'll take it.
[Marl] Very well.
* Marl nods.
[Dominik] Is Nash loosing her other duties as well or is this just a split of responsibility... if I'm not being to forward in asking.
[Marl] Nash will be .. retiring.
* Fredericia nods.
[Marl] She has served the Empire for many years, she deserves a rest.
[Dominik] And her replacement in her other duties will be?
[Marl] Martan Olivier will be taking over the Hush, if that is what you're asking.
[Dominik] That was the question.
* Marl nods.
* Dominik smiles to himself
[Marl] He seems amenable to working cooperatively, I hope it will all go smoothly.
[Fredericia] Should I speak with him? Or wait...
[Marl] Wait until the official announcement, at least.
[Fredericia] Very well.
[Fredericia] Can I ask, is there a war coming? If I'm to be Warlord...
[Marl] I don't know yet. Possibly. Are you prepared for that eventuality?
[Fredericia] Oh yes.
* Fredericia says with a smile.
[Marl] Good. Well, we can discuss details soon - I see no reason to continue to interrupt your meal.
[Marl] Good evening.
* Marl will depart.
* Fredericia turns to you, grinning.
[Dominik] Congratulations Warlord. It will be a pleasure to serve under you.
* Fredericia laughs.
[Fredericia] Do you want a new title? Because I could probably give you one :)
[Dominik] Hmm... I'll have to think on that for a bit
* Dominik smiles
[Fredericia] Don't think too long. The title of Lord High Fucktoy is going fast.
* Fredericia teases.
[Dominik] I didn't realize I had rivals that I had to deal with.
[Dominik] Some past garbage yes, but nothing so recent.
[Fredericia] Well, now I'm going to be rich and powerful... well, richer and powerfuler... you might ;)
[Fredericia] But really... I will need generals. You might do well at that.
* Fredericia says more seriously.
[Dominik] I suspected as much... and I was being serious about serving you in that capacity... even though I do like to feel closer to the fight.
[Fredericia] If he's right, then you might be closer soon enough.
[Dominik] The Black Rademacher, taking up arms against his own cousins and uncles...
* Dominik muses
[Fredericia] Yes, well... family is family I suppose. But treason is also treason.
[Dominik] I'm sure they would expect nothing less of me.
* Fredericia grins.
[Fredericia] I'm not hungry anymore.
[Dominik] Myself neither
[Dominik] What will do since dinner has ended so suddenly?
[Fredericia] I sort of feel like fighting something.
[Fredericia] But possibly I could be convinced to do something less violent.
[Dominik] Ah, but the eagerness to swing a sword should never be abated... we could throw on some armor and you could see if you could bruse me before I tire you.
* Dominik teases
[Fredericia] Yes. Let's go.
* Fredericia says eagerly.
* Fredericia will proceed to attempt to beat the crap out of you, for fun :)
[Dominik] Should we make a wager then... winner gets to decide what we do afterward? anything they want?
[Fredericia] All right :)
* Dominik smiles deviously
[Dominik] Then lets at it!
[DiablotinNarrator] (let's ... roll a d20 and add your respective level to see who wins ;)
* Fredericia seems quite pleased with her victory.
* Fredericia isn't too tired to exact the terms of her victory, fortunately.
===Ilphere and Sanadhil===
* Ilphere is eager to meet with Sanadhil after reading the materials he shared with her...!!
* Sanadhil will invite Ilphere over to his house @_@
* Ilphere gladly accepts.
* Ilphere teleports over as she is too impatient to sit through a carriage ride.
* Ilphere then knocks on the door.
* Sanadhil answers.
[Sanadhil] Good afternoon - that was quite prompt :)
[Ilphere] Good afternoon... I couldn't wait for the coachmen and grooms to ready a carriage...!
[Ilphere] This is too ... massive...!
[Sanadhil] well - I quite understand! please come in
[Sanadhil] yes.
* Ilphere steps inside.
[Ilphere] He knew...! He must have...!
[Sanadhil] yes, he must have
[Sanadhil] well
[Sanadhil] he at least much have figured it out quite quickly
[Ilphere] I suspected, when I first heard of the thesis, but having read it...
[Ilphere] Indeed...
[Sanadhil] it is...entirely possible, however, that he coudl have engineered it, if he was ever able to track down the necklace, or realize it was not part of the treasury...
* Sanadhil nods
[Sanadhil] yes
[Ilphere] But why...? What is he playing at?
[Sanadhil] that I have no idea
[Sanadhil] really.... there is enough that we still don't know
[Sanadhil] I do find it interesting that it was so difficult to find his thesis.... *and* that D'Angremond's notes were missing
[Ilphere] Has anyone else seen this...? Phedre...?
[Ilphere] Yes, most suspicious.
[Sanadhil] I haven't shown anyone
[Sanadhil] other than yourself...
* Ilphere nods...
[Ilphere] Who ... whose counsel could we trust?
[Sanadhil] I'm not sure.
[Sanadhil] I....
[Ilphere] In this, perhaps... Alma...?
[Sanadhil] You have heard about Mlle Chanuier, yes?
* Sanadhil nods
[Ilphere] Heard what? What is it now...?
[Sanadhil] I was thinking of the Countess, yes
[Sanadhil] That she is ...involved with the Emperor? or , yes, of course, we discussed this, nevermind.
[Ilphere] Yes... and whether she is truly his mistress, or playing some game, she may be in great danger... :(
* Sanadhil nods
[Sanadhil] Should we warn her?
[Sanadhil] I admit, when I originally heard the stories I feared she may have been enchanted.....
[Ilphere] Yes...
[Sanadhil] we shoudl be able to tell if that is the case...
[Ilphere] although her actions of late confuse and somewhat dismay me...
* Sanadhil nods
[Ilphere] I would be heartsore if she were to come to harm... :(
[Sanadhil] She has become much more expert in dissembling, also
[Sanadhil] perhaps we should cousel *all* the rest.
[Sanadhil] It seems prudent
[Ilphere] Yes, you may be right...
[Ilphere] I will speak to Ysabeau as soon as I can, though...
* Sanadhil nods
[Sanadhil] I will speak to the countess... I can see if we can't discretely distribute the notes I have taken on that section of his thesis among the group, as well
[Sanadhil] starting with her @_@
* Ilphere nods.
[Sanadhil] there was something else I wanted top ask you...
[Ilphere] Oh...?
[Sanadhil] I want to speak to the Lord Marshall about his daughter
[Sanadhil] Even since the Countess's wedding, I've been thinking he must know something more, to explain his protectiveness of her....
* Ilphere nods...
[Sanadhil] but it may require revealing what was in Theonee's journal
[Sanadhil] is that acceptable?
[Ilphere] I think at this late juncture, yes...
* Sanadhil nods
[Ilphere] I would be most interested to know how that turns out...
[Sanadhil] alright, then, I will certainly tell you if I am able... I admit the man makes me somewhat nervous.
[Ilphere] You know, I have some... personal business to attend to with Maze Olivier; perhaps I could attempt to see if he does know something. Although I doubt he will be forthcoming.
* Sanadhil nods
[Sanadhil] perhaps he knows something about what is going on with Mlle Chanuier as well, though he may be even less inclined to reveal that
[Ilphere] Indeed...
[Sanadhil] if he does have anything to say, of course I would be ost curious to hear it as well!
[Sanadhil] may I enquire about the personal business?
[Ilphere] I found some ... items in my grandmother's personal effects which suggest that there may be some connection between him and my family.
[Sanadhil] ahh, I see
[Ilphere] She lost two children when they were quite young...
[Ilphere] But upon some closer inspection it seems they were not lost so much as ... misplaced. Taken.
* Ilphere sighs.
[Sanadhil] taken?
[Ilphere] I know not why, save that it involved Nouel Izzaguirre.
[Ilphere] He may have been their sire.
[Sanadhil] didn't he have smoething to do wth the necklace?
[Sanadhil] ahh
[Sanadhil] hmm
[Ilphere] Indeed he did...
* Sanadhil shakes his head
[Ilphere] The names of Cordovera's children were Jessamine and Jeremaez.
[Sanadhil] ahhh, I see
[Sanadhil] its strange how everything seems connected somehow,..... you plan to tell him?
[Ilphere] I cannot believe that he does not know...
[Ilphere] If he is truly a master of secrets.
[Ilphere] But if he does not, then yes.
* Sanadhil nods
* Sanadhil looks thoughtful
[Sanadhil] I would be grateful for the confirmation... or corroboration, I suppose, even if I have other sources.
[Sanadhil] And if I didn't.... I would want to know. I know it isn't meaningful to everyont, though.
[Ilphere] Well... we will see how it goes.
* Sanadhil nods
[Sanadhil] Good luck.
* Sanadhil smiles
[Ilphere] Thank you...
* Ilphere returns the smile.
[Sanadhil] I suppose it is noce to have something a littl less overwhelming on your plate :p
[Ilphere] That is so...!
===Sanadhil and Butler===
[DiablotinNarrator] Sanadhil, how do you want to approach Butler?
[Sanadhil] Ummmm :3
[Sanadhil] Sneakily :3
[DiablotinNarrator] Well, you could either do it in the context of a cult meeting, or try to arrange to speak with him elsewhere, or just approach him spontaneously at his house or something.
[Sanadhil] I want to try and arrange a meeting elsewhwere, for sure
[Sanadhil] I can get kell to send him messages to arrange it, I suppose ^-^
[DiablotinNarrator] Sure. Arrange a meeting at a tavern or something?
[Sanadhil] perfect
[DiablotinNarrator] Go to the Dreaming Demon, it's close ;)
* Sanadhil can disguise himself for coming and going, at least :V
[Sanadhil] if it seems secure, sure :p
[DiablotinNarrator] It has some private rooms upstairs, as well as reasonably quiet booths downstairs.
[Sanadhil] private room for sure
[Sanadhil] brb
* Butler will meet you at the appointed time, then. He looks moderately put out, but then, he kind of always looks like that.
* Sanadhil will have cast glibness for sure @_@
[Sanadhil] (and heroism)
[Sanadhil] Thank you for coming... I realize it may seem a bit of a strange request
* Butler takes off his cloak, which was all he wore in the way of disguise.
[Butler] Just a little. What's this about?
[Sanadhil] Well... it is about the matters of our circle of acquaintances, shall we say, and your child.
* Butler looks puzzled.
[Butler] What about her? she doesn't have anything to do with that.
* Sanadhil nods
[Sanadhil] I admit i had developed a possibly misplaced suspicion after speaking with the both of you at Countes Alma's wedding that you may have thought her to be The One.
* Sanadhil SMs D:
* Butler frowns.
[DiablotinNarrator] (what's your roll?)
[Sanadhil] (38)
* Butler looks uncertain.
[Butler] I... she might be. I've taken precautions to ensure that she's not.
* Butler admits.
[Sanadhil] I agree - I'm quite certain it isn't your daughter. But why did you think it might be her?
[Butler] Why should I tell you?
* Sanadhil smiles
[Butler] If she's not, then everything I did was worth it, and it doesn't matter anymore.
[Sanadhil] Everything you did?
[Butler] To her... keeping her safe.
* Sanadhil nods.
[Sanadhil] Well.
[Sanadhil] I was trying to figure out what drew you to your involvement with Phedre
[Sanadhil] Where it was honest interest, a desire to try and protect your daughter, or ....something else.
[Butler] What sort of something else?
* Butler says defensively.
[Sanadhil] but if you ever thought she ws the one, it means that you have to have known that *before* the rituals
[Sanadhil] Some greater connection, with the Serpent, or some other power using the Arch.
[Butler] I never had the dreams. Not the way ... some do.
* Sanadhil nods
[Sanadhil] but something else?
[Butler] I think my father... what he was... maybe that shelters me from it.
* Sanadhil nods
[Sanadhil] that is possible.
[Sanadhil] hmm
[Sanadhil] but why did you join, then?
[Sanadhil] what do you want?
[Butler] ...I want an end to the gods. The gods who demand impossible things of mortals and expect them to jump when they say jump, and
promise things they don't deliver, and tear people apart...
[Sanadhil] (is he being honest as far as I can tell?)
* Butler is, you believe.
[Sanadhil] I can understand that.
[Sanadhil] :|
* Sanadhil wonders if anyone elever told him about his mother D:
[Sanadhil] Hmm.
[Sanadhil] I... know some things, that may be of interest to you, though I can promise you won't like to hear them.
[Butler] There isn't much I like to hear these days. Go ahead, if you want.
[Sanadhil] ...Alright
[Sanadhil] There are two things..... one if about your mother, and the second concerns yourself andf Theonee Deverara
[Butler] ...
[Butler] I'm listening.
* Sanadhil waits for some kind of signal that Bulter hasn't changed his mind
[Sanadhil] Then... your mother first
[Sanadhil] The reason she hasn't returned, as she was supposed to.
[Sanadhil] Part of her spirit is trapped in the Arch.
[Butler] I know.
* Sanadhil nods
[Sanadhil] Alright.
[Butler] They're keeping her there in reserve.
[Sanadhil] in reserve?
[Sanadhil] I suppose, that is one way to look at it.
[Butler] As if she was a ... a weapon, not a human being's soul.
* Sanadhil nods
[Sanadhil] how long have you known?
[Butler] I've long suspected... I just had a feeling, I guess. But my aunt confirmed it a few months ago.
* Sanadhil nods
[Sanadhil] alright
[Butler] It doesn't surprise me. Nothing horrible they do surprises me anymore.
[Sanadhil] That's...understandable.
* Sanadhil kind of wants to derail and ask why he because a spokeman :3
[Sanadhil] ...and they still show you favour?
[Butler] No.
[Butler] My powers are gone... I don't know what finally pushed them over the edge, but they did eventually take them.
* Sanadhil nods
[Sanadhil] but you maintain your position - does anyone suspect?
[Butler] No... I've worked hard to keep it quiet, obviously. And there's rarely a reason I would need to use them most days.
* Sanadhil nods
[Butler] But I intend to retire soon. I'm tired of the charade.
[Sanadhil] Well... on to the other matter then.
* Sanadhil nods
[Sanadhil] I have an associate who was asked to retrieve a book from the imperial library by the Hush
* Butler listens, trying to figure out where this is going.
[Sanadhil] it turned out to be a diary, written by the Althea Deverara.
[Sanadhil] it revealed that her daughter had chad a child...in Greywatch...
[Butler] ...
* Sanadhil watches to see if he makes the connection
[Butler] When?
* Sanadhil tells him the date
[Butler] ........
[Sanadhil] -_-
[Butler] It couldn't be...
[Sanadhil] I am afraid so.
[Butler] She wouldn't... why wouldn't she tell me, if it was true?
[Sanadhil] though the diary has ben destroyed, and there's nothig else I can tell you.
[Sanadhil] I can't say. Presumably you were about to be married, at the time.
[Butler] The child... it lived?
[Sanadhil] The diary implies that pains were taked to conceal it, but Althea seems to have thought so.
* Butler sits down heavily on the bed.
[Butler] It can't be...
[Butler] Was it a boy or a girl?
[Sanadhil] A girl, I think.
* Butler looks in shock, more or less.
* Sanadhil will gve him a minute to process
[Butler] So... there's another child... and it might not be Marrith... and everything I did to her might have been for... nothing.
[Sanadhil] ...Would you like somethig to drink?
[Butler] Yes.
* Sanadhil will pour him soe whiskey because he thought it might be necessary :3
* Butler takes it without really looking at it.
* Sanadhil pours him a big drink :p
[Sanadhil] but you *did* know something, before?
* Butler nods.
[Sanadhil] what was it?
[Butler] "Your child and the child of another who passed through the Arch will give you a grandchild on the 5th of Second-month in your 52nd year. And the birth of that child will herald the death of your faith and the rebirth of another, the death of your love and the rebirth of another, the death of your child and the rebirth of another."
* Butler recites blankly.
[Sanadhil] ...what is that from?
* Butler takes a drink.
[Butler] Legend Lore. By the gods, I hate that spell.
[Sanadhil] Understandably.
[Sanadhil] -_-
[Sanadhil] On who was it cast?
[Butler] On me.
[Sanadhil] on yourself?
[Sanadhil] ahh, yes
[Sanadhil] Hmm.
[Butler] So I had to keep Marrith away from Kalman. I .. I thought I had to anyway. Until next year, when it'll be all right... if they still want to ...
[Butler] She's going to hate me -_-
[Sanadhil] She might understand...
[Sanadhil] she might understand better than if you'd done it for no reason at all -_-
[Butler] I should have known better.
[Butler] I should have know that those bastards would have it the way they want, no matter what I tried to do.
[Sanadhil] Do you hate the Serpent as well?
* Sanadhil asks mainly out of curiousity
[Butler] I don't know. I don't know what it wants, or what it would do if it came back to power.
* Sanadhil nods
[Butler] I don't think it could be worse.
[Sanadhil] No....
[Sanadhil] This is why my people foreswore the Gods.
[Butler] Smart.
[Butler] I don't suppose they welcome immigrants, though.
[Sanadhil] ...No.
[Sanadhil] :/
[Butler] ... I need to talk to Theonee.
[Butler] Maybe she understands. She always was more... in touch with that sort of thing.
* Sanadhil nods
[Sanadhil] Will you tell Phedre?
[Butler] Not yet.
* Sanadhil nods
[Butler] Not until I've talked to Theonee, at least, and ... see what she has to say.
[Sanadhil] Princess Ilphere knows, as well... I've been leaving the matter of telling Phedre to her.
[Butler] -_-
[Sanadhil] But.... for now, I'd rather you not tell anyone you heard it from me.
[Sanadhil] She was the one who deciphered the diary
* Sanadhil says, somewhat apologetically
[Butler] ...wait, the Hush wanted this book?
[Sanadhil] Yes.
[Butler] Why on earth would they...
[Butler] ...
[Sanadhil] I'm not certain
[Sanadhil] if the child was born in greywatch, the certainly coudl have known about it
[Sanadhil] but as to why they thought it was important to conceal *now*, I can't say
* Butler finishes his drink.
* Sanadhil pushes him over the bottle :p
[Butler] I... appreciate you telling me this. Since no one else would.
* Sanadhil nods
[Sanadhil] I felt it was.... important.
* Butler nods without really looking at you.
[Butler] I have to go now.
* Sanadhil nods as well.
[Sanadhil] Take care.
* Butler stands and leaves, looking kind of dazed.
* Sanadhil will wait awhile before leaving himself :p
===Ilphere and Maze===
[DiablotinNarrator] Ilphere, you wished to go and speak with Maze Olivier... are you going to his home, or going to send a message for him to meet you somewhere else?
[Ilphere] Hmmm... I could go to his house I guess?
[Ilphere] he mght be more likely to talk to me there
[DiablotinNarrator] sure
[Ilphere] (Do I have to make an appointment?)
[DiablotinNarrator] (well, probably pulling up in an imperial carriage is enough of an appointment :)
[Ilphere] (Or can I just say I'm the Princess and I'm coming to talk to you)
[DiablotinNarrator] (yep)
[Ilphere] (okie dokie then :V)
* Ilphere pulls up to M. Olivier's home.
* Maze will graciously welcome you in, your highness.
[Ilphere] It is good of you to receive me, ser...
[Maze] Of course, Princess. How can I be of service?
* Ilphere scans his face, looking for some resemblance to the boy in her drawing, or to her grandmother...
[DiablotinNarrator] (possibly yes to the boy in the drawing, at least...)
[Ilphere] Is there somewhere we might speak privately?
[Maze] Certainly.
* Maze will escort you into a drawing room.
* Maze shuts the door.
[Ilphere] I am told you are a great keeper of secrets...
* Ilphere begins once settled.
[Maze] I can be.
[Ilphere] It seems my family has some as well...
* Maze listens.
[Ilphere] I had hoped perhaps you could shed some light on one.
[Maze] I can try...
[Ilphere] My grand-mere recently passed on; you may have heard...
[Maze] I did - my condolences.
[Ilphere] (Sm, is there any reaction?)
* Maze seems sympathetic for your loss, but not otherwise affected.
[Ilphere] (I suspect 27 is not enough to beat his bluff anyway)
[Ilphere] I found this among her effects.
* Ilphere withdraws the old picture.
* Maze looks at it.
[Ilphere] Do you... do you know who these children are?
* Ilphere watches him.
[Maze] It's a charming portrait. I assume they are relatives of yours?
[Ilphere] (do I need to roll sm again or am I still going on that first poo roll?)
* Maze turns it over and sees the names on the back.
[DiablotinNarrator] (first roll)
[Ilphere] (ok)
[Ilphere] Indeed they are...
[Maze] ... It's lovely.
[Ilphere] Jacobin was my father's father. The other two...
[Maze] My sister and myself.
[Ilphere] So you did know...
* Maze says quietly.
[Maze] Not for many years.
[Ilphere] When did you discover the truth...?
[Maze] I suspect much the same way you did.
[Maze] I found notes when I was going through his things after he died.
* Maze seems to assume you know who 'he' is.
[Ilphere] She spoke of you on her deathbed... She was confused, she thought it was another time.
[Ilphere] She was begging my grandfather not to take you away.
* Maze nods.
[Maze] I'm sorry ...
[Maze] If I had known I might have... spoken to her, to let her know I was alive and well.
[Maze] I thought it was her own decision to send us away.
[Ilphere] What happened?
[Maze] I'm not entirely certain. She had an affair, I know that much. And at some point the affair ended, and .. my father wanted his children. I think there would have been some considerable scandal, so they tried to keep it quiet by sending us away.
[Ilphere] Do you remember her at all...?
[Maze] I don't know how much her husband was involved. Maybe more than I thought, apparently.
* Maze smiles slightly.
[Maze] I have a memory from when I was very small. A woman in a garden, with roses all around. But I don't know if it was her or not. It could have been a nurse, for all I know.
[Maze] Jess remembers a little more, I think.
[Ilphere] (does that sound like anywhere i know?)
[Maze] (well, there is a garden at your family's house.. it was all overgrown when you lived there, but it did have roses)
[Ilphere] That could have been the garden at my father's house...
[Maze] I'd like to see that.
* Maze says with a smile.
[Ilphere] It's somewhat overgrown now... but I would be happy to show you some time.
[Maze] Thank you, your highness.
[Maze] I should have more time soon enough.
[Ilphere] Oh...?
[Maze] Maybe I can make gardening a retirement project.
[Ilphere] You are leaving the Emperor's service...?
[Maze] I'm leaving this post, at any rate. I'll always be at the Emeperor's service, should he need me.
[Ilphere] That reminds me...
[Ilphere] My friend, Ysabeau Chanuier... you know her, do you not?
[Maze] Yes, indeed.
[Ilphere] Is it true that you sent her to play at spies with Marl...?
[Maze] Oh no... that's all her own initiative, I believe.
[Ilphere] So that is what she is doing, hmm...
[Maze] She's quite industrious.
[Ilphere] She is in terrible danger...
[Maze] From what source?
[Ilphere] The Emperor...
[Ilphere] He is a monster...
* Maze seems surprised to hear this.
[Maze] Do you wish me to let her know?
[Ilphere] I had told her as much before...
[Ilphere] But now there is more...
[Ilphere] He knew, he knew that the necklace held Kavreshar bound.
[Maze] Well, maybe hearing it from a different source would be ...
[Maze] Hm.
[Maze] I'll speak with her. Thank you, your highness.
[Ilphere] I hope you have more luck with her than I did, then.
* Maze nods.
===Ysabeau and Alma===
* Ysabeau climbs into the carriage; the pregnancy's starting to show but she isn't super awkward yet.
[Ysabeau] Good morning, Sister.
* Alma has arranged for us to meet with the Duke of Corcyra, and has offered to drive you.
[Alma] Good morning, Ysabeau :)
[Alma] You're looking well.
* Ysabeau settles herself down on the bench across from you and folds her hands in her lap.
[Ysabeau] Thank you. :)
[Alma] It won't be too long before you need help getting in and out of these things :)
[Ysabeau] I'm about halfway there! I can feel the baby moving, but Martan can't yet.
[Alma] That's always the exciting point isn't it? When you know *for sure* it's not just overeating.
[Alma] :)
[Ysabeau] It's such a strange feeling, feeling something moving inside. But it makes it all so real!
* Ysabeau agrees.
* Ysabeau is very happy and excited about it, plainly. ^-^
[Alma] Murienne ought to take a look at some of your pregnancy literature. It can only help when it comes time for such things in her healing classes.
[Ysabeau] It's not like I'm locking what the midwife gave me up. ;)
[Alma] Also, I always found some of the more technical ones were quite useful at discouraging me from making uh... mistakes.
[Ysabeau] She can read it if she wants.
[Alma] Well maybe I'll have to nag her for you then :)
[Alma] "Your sister is too nice, get to reading."
[Alma] She's doing well, yes?
[Ysabeau] Murienne is very sensible, Sister - she's not likely to make mistakes after seeing what I have gone through.
[Ysabeau] She is very well, yes.
[Alma] That's good.
[Alma] Anything else new and exciting, or should I just get into what I learned?
[Ysabeau] Nothing worth mentioning, no. Do go on, Sister.
[Alma] Well, I learned a few more things about Moncaire. It seems that he was either never a real person, or was replaced by the babau before he acquired the items, possibly before he became Ms. Hartzell's assistant.
[Ysabeau] Huh
* Alma will relay what she's learned about them from researching them specifically:
[Alma] ("they are normally used as assassins, being able to polymorph themselves to look human and having some skills that are beneficial in
combat - they can fly, teleport, weaken people with a gaze attack, wrack targets with pain, and are coated with a 'protective slime' (mmm) that makes them harder to attack with weapons.")
[Alma] I'm hoping that I'll be able to borrow the cloak to attempt further scrying with the benefits of its anonymity.
[Ysabeau] Lovely.
[Alma] Yes. If there was ever really a doubt about demons, they're certainly repulsive creatures on the whole.
[Ysabeau] Do you suppose he assassinated our former chief sorceress?
[Ysabeau] And if so, to what end?
[Ysabeau] Did she know something she shouldn't have?
[Ysabeau] Did she tell anyone else about it - are their lives in danger?
[Ysabeau] Is the new chief sorceror safe?
[Alma] I do indeed. The office of the Chief Sorceror is in part responsible for dealing with the issue of Kavreshar, and it's likely the babau is the one that Earric told Sanadhil is working directly with Kavreshar.
[Alma] I do not think he's safe in the slightest, but he's at least aware of his danger. Someone was already spreading rumours that he's out to assassinate the Emperor, and now I've confirmed for him that Moncaire was a demon.
[Ysabeau] Someone was trying to spread rumours that the chief sorceror wants to kill Marl?
[Alma] Yes indeed.
[Alma] Which sounds very much like the babau is continuing its work elsewhere, or perhaps that Kavreshar itself is propagating this dischord.
* Ysabeau sighs.
[Ysabeau] I wonder how much the Emperor knows.
[Alma] It's a good question, but ... well considering I suspected he might have been replaced by the demon masquerading as Moncaire, I took
the liberty of touching the Duke of Brissarthe's sleeve.
[Alma] He seems to be a good man... and a man, not a demon. So unless I am to be overtaken completely be paranoia, I must assume he has passed
this information on to the Emperor as is his duty.
[Ysabeau] Oh so you visited with him? That's good. :)
[Alma] Yes, I spoke with him at the wedding... I could not resist completely the opportunity to speak with people such as he and the Lady Chancellor.
[Ysabeau] How is she?
[Alma] Oh, I was sure we spoke of this just after I returned to the city...
[Alma] Yes, I wanted to mention how ... distant she was, in case he should chose to speak with her and ... find that unsettling or disappointing.
[Ysabeau] Oh...
[Ysabeau] I'm not sure that he wants to, anyway.
[Ysabeau] Although I've sort of been thinking about it.
[Ysabeau] But I don't know if I want to, either.
[Alma] Well, it may bring him closure, as long as he's not expecting... warmth? Which I expect is some part of what he desires. Don't we all?
[Alma] Perhaps that is something better given by the Lord Marshall, in time.
[Alma] ... of course I am not familiar with the Lady Chancellor, it is merely my impression from one short meeting.
* Ysabeau nods.
[Ysabeau] I don't know either of them so you have an advantage over me. ;)
[Alma] The Lord Marshall seems like a lovely, if perhaps stiff man ;)
[Alma] Oh, I forgot to return the comb...
* Alma pulls that from her things and hands it to you.
[Alma] I hope it looks the same as when you gave it to me, but I imagine it should be easily changed :)
[Ysabeau] It's fine. Thank you. I hope it was useful?
[Alma] Well, it seems you were somewhat prescient, Ysabeau @_@
[Ysabeau] I was?
* Alma will tell you everything that happened, including how completely nervous she was, and how foolish she felt, sneaking around like a spy.
[Alma] ... and who came out of the house but the Duke of Friaul!
[Alma] He was talking with Livianne, who I eventually recognised from Andusk.
[Alma] I confirmed the Duke's address and rode by, by carriage, in order to confirm it is indeed his house.
[Ysabeau] I can't say I'm surprised, honestly.
[Alma] Well the question is, then, what does Thea want from Leonien Kizer?
[Ysabeau] I would be curious to know what they plan, though -
* Ysabeau nods.
[Ysabeau] Thea or her invisible friend.
[Ysabeau] I wonder if Marl ever visits his grandfather?
[Alma] I assume he does at some point. After all he came to my wedding :)
* Ysabeau nods.
[Ysabeau] Maybe it would be easier to harm him at his grandfather than at the palace, who knows?
[Alma] Yes, possibly.
[Ysabeau] Hopefully it's not Marl trying to off his grandfather like Marel was.
[Alma] While Thea is not particularly evil spirited, she does seem to be quite erratic. I imagine she's completely unpredictable. If Phelix is the invisible one, or if Phelix is Kavreshar, I imagine she could be convinced to do anything.
[Ysabeau] That's just too disturbing to think on it, really.
[Ysabeau] I suppose so, Sister, especially if she thinks she loves him.
[Ysabeau] Do you suppose the baby is his?
[Alma] Oh I do not at all think it's anything involving Marl's will. I think she quite hates nobles. I got the impression from watching her that she's waiting for something to "wipe the slate clean", possibly some sort of revolt, or in the case of Kavreshar, worse.
[Alma] I think the question for us to decide is whether we go directly to the Duke of Friaul and warn him, or whether we should try to determine first what her plan is. I don't think it's likely, if Leonien is anything like his dream counterpart I imagine he's crafty and not particularly forthcoming. We might not know if Thea wants something he has for Kavreshar.
[Ysabeau] :/
[Ysabeau] I wish I were better at this stuff.
[Alma] So do I.
* Alma shakes her head.
[Alma] It's so... huge.
* Ysabeau nods.
* Ysabeau will be pensive for the rest of the ride to Guillame's house.
===Alma, Ysabeau and Guillame===
* Alma arrives with Ysabeau by carriage at the appointed time.
* Ysabeau steps out gracefully.
* Alma will walk with Ysabeau to the door and knock, or whatever us rich nobles do.
[Alma] (* Alma nobles at the door until a servant opens it.)
[Ysabeau] (bellpull? ;) )
* Guillame will receive his guests in the study he now endlessly inhabits
[Alma] Good afternoon, Your Grace :)
[Ysabeau] Good afternoon, Your Grace!
* Ysabeau curtseys.
[Guillame] Good afternoon
[Alma] How have you been?
* Guillame directs the greeting generally, pauses, and then bows to Alma
[Guillame] Your excellency.
[Guillame] I've been... busy, I suppose.
* Alma has been appropriately deferent to you since you became a Duke.
[Alma] Yes, I imagine that would be the case. I hope you've been well aside.
[Guillame] Yes, well enough, I suppose.
[Alma] Glad to hear.
[Alma] I've been busy since we met last, and we thought we should consult with you on the matter of Thea Vermillion.
* Alma will describe what she learned via the scrying.
* Ysabeau listens in to what the two nobs have to say to one another.
[Alma] I decided it was best to determine immediately in whose home she was working, and so I teleported there...
* Guillame listens
* Alma describes that adventure in a slightly less embarassing manner than she was willing to tell Ysabeau.
* Ysabeau keeps a very straight face, no hint that she knows anything other than what you're telling him.
[Alma] I drove by in carriage to determine that it was indeed the home of Leonien Kizer.
[Guillame] [perplexedly] Leonien Kizer's house...
[Alma] Yes... Ysabeau actually predicted it might be him, oddly enough.
[Alma] The question is, what does she want?
[Ysabeau] It isn't that difficult. He's the Emperor's grandfather.
[Ysabeau] You want to stir up trouble? Mess with the Imperial family.
[Ysabeau] The Kizers were a pretty obvious target, I should think.
[Alma] I took her conversation to mean that she is waiting to put something into action, whether it's to steal something or bring harm to the household, I don't know.
[Alma] And at the end... when she spoke of everything being "washed away"... well I found that quite ominous.
[Guillame] Yes...
[Alma] So the question is... what do we do?
[Ysabeau] There was a flood in the dream, wasn't there?
[Alma] Yes, there was...
[Ysabeau] Flood or fire, neither is something I'm looking forward to.
[Alma] If the invisible entity is Phelix, or Kavreshar in masquerade... then we really ought to learn what Thea wants from the Duke of Friaul.
* Guillame nods, looking concerned
[Alma] As well, we must warn the household soon.
[Ysabeau] You know, I was thinking on the carriage ride...
* Alma turns to Ysabeau
[Ysabeau] M. Argo works for the Kizers, doesn't he?
[Alma] Oh... why yes he does. He might be the perfect person to carry the warning.
[Ysabeau] Maybe we should bring him in. But then he also works for Nash, and I have reason to believe she is not to be trusted.
[Ysabeau] So we'll have to think about this carefully.
[Ysabeau] The other advantage with M. Argo is he could spy on Thea with greater ease than we could.
[Guillame] For that matter, is it prudent to assume that there are no Kizers plotting against the Duke?
[Guillame] It's less likely, but I don't feel comfortable ruling them out.
* Ysabeau nods.
* Guillame shakes his head.
[Alma] My concern is that if we do not investigate the matter personally, the Duke may deal with Thea, and we may not be able to determine
what her goals were. I imagine he'll have no reason to confide in us if he knows what he goals might be.
[Ysabeau] true
[Guillame] Any suggestions of how to proceed?
[Alma] I think that within a matter of days, we should attempt to spy on Thea and determine who she lives with, and what she wants from the
[Alma] The question is whether we can find out what she wants when she's not within the household.
[Ysabeau] How good are you at sneaking, M. Rionet?
[Ysabeau] I'm not. but I could cast sphere of invisibility on you, or on something you carry.
[Guillame] I'm reasonably competent...
[Ysabeau] Sister had originally thought we all could go... but I think we'd make too much noise.
[Alma] Well, I can cast Silence, and dispel it should we need to use magic.
[Alma] Unless the house has protections against teleportation, I can get us inside... and then we can attempt to read Thea's thoughts...
[Alma] But there's a lot of complications ...
* Ysabeau nods.
[Guillame] There certainly are
[Ysabeau] One being if we get caught and they find out it's me.
[Alma] You?
[Ysabeau] It wouldn't look very good politically, I'm afraid.
* Ysabeau nods.
[Alma] Why is that?
[Ysabeau] It hasn't been officially announced yet, so please keep it quiet.
* Alma looks perplexed.
[Ysabeau] [q] Lord Grey will be retiring, and Martan will be taking his place. Marl's orders.
[Alma] :o
[Alma] Well... if it isn't public yet, he can't be accused of having spied on Leonien Kizer via you, when you're accompanied by His Grace and myself.
[Guillame] Well, we all have reasons not to be caught, so we'd best not get caught.
[Ysabeau] I don't think it matters when it happens. Leonien Kizer will know, and it might bring Martan's loyalty into question.
[Ysabeau] Something which I have reason to be really quite anxious about.
[Ysabeau] So... I can help out by casting spells on you, but without knowing what sorts of protections Leonien Kizer might have in place - and if he is anything like his counterpart in the dream, he may have many - I think it would be wiser for me not to actually accompany you. I'm sorry.
* Ysabeau does look unhappy about this.
[Alma] Well, we may chose instead to follow her outside the Kizer residence. She may think of what she wants on her way to or f rom...
[Ysabeau] That, I would be more comfortable with.
[Guillame] We could do one, then the other if necessary.
* Ysabeau nods.
[Guillame] It is more likely that she would think about her mission on the way to his house, I would imagine?
[Ysabeau] Quite possibly, Your Grace.
* Ysabeau smiles.
[Alma] Yes, possibly. We could try to spy on the house, and then follow her surreptitiously somehow.
[Guillame] Rather than about town, or upon return?
[Guillame] I suppose we don't know how to find her on the way to, so maybe on return is best.
[Ysabeau] Sister, don't you know where she lives?
[Alma] Yes, I could teleport us close to the location.
[Ysabeau] Do you know approximately what time she must report to work each day?
[Alma] No, I have only scried her the once. She reported to duty at [!] o'clock on that day.
[Ysabeau] Well, your own servants, you two - do their shifts vary or are they required to report for duty the same time every day?
[Alma] I don't have as complex a household as I imagine the Duke does. He may have varying needs by varying days. Presumably she reports at
the same time.
[Alma] We could arrive somewhat early at least.
* Ysabeau nods.
[Guillame] Their shifts are regular, excepting when something comes up - but some of them have shifts that vary by weekday.
[Alma] Yes, say if someone visits His Grace on a particular day.
* Ysabeau nods.
[Ysabeau] To eliminate some of the uncertainties, perhaps - we scryed her on the 24th.
[Ysabeau] That was a Fifth-day.
[Ysabeau] Why don't we try the next Fifth-day?
[Ysabeau] (That would be like in a day or two, probably, in game?)
* Guillame nods
[Alma] Do we think it's safe enough to wait that long, with her within the Kizer household?
[Guillame] I couldn't hope to say.
[Alma] Well, I could teleport there to determine where it is, and then watch her routine?
[Guillame] And then we could meet you at the Kizer residence?
[Alma] Hmm... well I trust Ysabeau's ability to read her thoughts better than my own, I admit... so if I determine where it is, and study both
locations, I could teleport us with greater ease.
[Guillame] Ah, I see.
[Alma] If you are both waiting at my home, I could return there when she leaves, and immediately teleport us back in order to follow her.
[Alma] Or here, for that matter.
[Alma] No, my home would be best... now that I think about it.
[Ysabeau] I can make my way over to your house, Sister.
[Alma] I can return there several times a day.
[Alma] Shall I study the location tomorrow, and then we can plan for the next day?
[Alma] Or for that matter, I could study the location today.
* Alma plans out loud.
* Guillame waits for the Sister to decide
[Alma] What do you suggest Your Grace?
* Alma inadvertantly does not decide :P
* Ysabeau twiddles her thumbs, waiting for the nobs to decide.
[Guillame] Well, if time is of the essence, then most probably you should begin your reconnaissance today; I am available for the rest of the
day, although I do have this paperwork.
* Guillame gestures at his desk.
* Alma nods.
[Alma] Very well, I'll teleport nearby and study the area so that I can return without mishap.
[Guillame] Mmle Chanuier is welcome to make herself at home, of course
[Ysabeau] ...
* Guillame nods to Ysabeau
[Ysabeau] Um, thank you. Is Silvia about?
[Guillame] Yes, I believe so...?
[Ysabeau] Perhaps I could go visit with her so I don't distract you from your paperwork.
[Alma] Well, I can investigate the location after our meeting, will arrange for you two to arrive at my home tomorrow.
* Alma says, implying she's not going to run off and do that while Ysabeau and Guillame are waiting.
[Guillame] I was suggesting that we wait in case something of import came up... but I suppose that in that case, you will be able to retrieve us.
[Alma] Yes, teleporting here from that location would not allow me to teleport us back to follow her... it's a complication of the nature of priestly magic.

Revision as of 17:37, 28 June 2011

Diablotin 2 session logs
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Session date:
Diablotin date:


[DiablotinNarrator] It is the beginning of 9th-month, the start of what should be the harvest season. Unfortunately, it seems as though the poor weather has diminished this year's crops, much like last year. Harvests have been poor in many areas.

[DiablotinNarrator] The big news recently is the arrest of the Count of Sephinos, Trevan Rademacher, and various associates, on charges of treason. The Duke of Psyra, his father, is reported to be furious at the treatment of his son, and there are rumours (currently unsubstantiated) that war may be coming.

Seth and Gwen

[DiablotinNarrator] Seth, your Aunt Gwen comes looking for you. Where would she be likely to find you?

[Seth] (at the Society, most likely - doing a lot of research these days)

  • Gwen finds you at the Society, then.

[Gwen] You aren't the easiest person to find, you know.

[Seth] Ah, Aunt Gwen. My apologies. My research has taken me in some very interesting directions lately.

[Gwen] Great.

[Gwen] We need to talk.

[Seth] Of course. Here?

[Gwen] No, somewhere more secure.

[Seth] All right. Come with me.

  • Gwen nods.
  • Seth will lead Gwen through to a place where no one would come, or scry them.

[Gwen] ...Nice place you have here.

[Seth] This isn't mine. It's just a spot.

[Gwen] OK, whatever. Listen, weird things are going on.

[Seth] My definition of 'weird' may not be yours. What is it?

[Gwen] 'It' is a large number of things.

[Gwen] One is, the shakeup in the Hush.

[Seth] Which faction is taking charge?

[Gwen] Neither, not really.

[Gwen] Maze's protegee Martan is taking over. I don't know if it's a coup of his own initiative, or if there's some other reason behind it.

[Seth] Hmm, that issue has been far from my concern, of late. There had been talk, about the young Olivier.

[Gwen] What sort of talk?

[Seth] Well at one point there was talk that Maze was trying to portray Martan as Martan Kizer reborn. That, I *think*, has been refuted.

  • Gwen gives a brief laugh.

[Gwen] I think he'd give him a different name if that was the case... seems a bit obvious.

[Seth] Well, yes. But in any case, I do have a potential connection to Martan Olivier. He has been seen a great deal in the company of my sometime travelling companion, Ysabeau Chanuier.

  • Gwen nods.

[Gwen] She the one who's fucking the Emperor?

[Seth] Yes, it appears so. She was also involved with my companion Dominik Rademacher for quite some time. She seems to get around.

  • Gwen nods.

[Gwen] Popular girl.

[Seth] In any case, I would be surprised if she would be all right with her consort leading the Hush. She ... isn't that type.

  • Gwen shrugs.

[Gwen] Maybe she's just a good actor.

[Gwen] Anything you can find out from her - discreetly, of course - let me know.

[Gwen] If she's that much of a slut, maybe you can... nah, never mind.

[Seth] Well ... yes. I could certainly raise the issue without her suspecting it was of your interest, or the Duke's. She would, of course, assume it is the Warlord's interest.

[Seth] Uhh ... no.

[Gwen] Yeah, no.

[Gwen] How closely are you still working with Nash?

[Seth] I'm not sure I'm *working* with her at all. I speak to her regularly.

  • Gwen nods.

[Seth] I still am not exactly sure what she is trying to do, and now that apparently there is a change in the Hush ... is Nash going to remain as Warlord?

[Gwen] I suspect not.

[Gwen] So it might be prudent to cut back on your association with her.

[Seth] Surely Martan Olivier will not be the Warlord, though?

[Gwen] No, no.

[Gwen] I don't know who will be. There are only rumours at this point.

[Seth] But the rumors about Maze and Nash being ousted, are more than that?

[Gwen] Maze's departure isn't just a rumour anymore... it seems pretty likely to be true.

[Gwen] And if Nash isn't taking over, then I can't see how she would stay as Warlord.

  • Seth nods.

[Seth] I see.

[Seth] Honestly, I don't talk much to Nash about that side of her work.

[Gwen] That's probably for the best.

[Gwen] Less reason for her to need to silence you if things go bad.

[Gwen] And I don't just mean in that bard-y silence way :p

[Seth] And my visits to her are quite discreet. Sometimes I don't even use the door.

  • Gwen nods.

[Gwen] So, anything you can find out about Martan, via this Ysabeau girl, would be helpful.

  • Gwen seems as though she's still worried about something else, though.

[Seth] Why doesn't the Duke just ask the Emperor about this?

[Gwen] Yeah, about that.

[Gwen] Have you talked to the boss lately?

[Seth] Not lately. I come when I'm asked, not otherwise.

[Gwen] Well, if you do see him, tell me if you think he's acting... strange.

[Seth] All ... right ... ... Strange how?

[Gwen] I spoke to him yesterday... He was a bit distracted, maybe. And forgetful of things I'd told him before - and he never forgets things. I'm worried he might be sick... or maybe he's just preoccupied with something. I hope it's that.

[Seth] Hmm. Thank you for telling me. I'll be alert for anything.

[Gwen] Maybe, even, make up a reason to go talk to him? If you can think of something plausible, anyway.

[Seth] I'm sure I can, especially with this latest news.

[Gwen] Because if he's going loopy, then it could be just because he's old and sick, or it could be that he's being poisoned, or affected by a spell, or... I don't know what.

  • Seth nods.

[Seth] So this business with the Hush, you think this is the Emperor's idea alone?

[Gwen] Maybe. I hope so, in a way. It's good for him to take charge of it.

[Gwen] He's been letting it slide for too long.

[Seth] You're not angry that he would choose this Olivier child over you?

  • Gwen laughs.

[Gwen] Oh, void. I don't want that job, what a nightmare. If this kid is easy to work with, then I'm happy.

[Seth] But you did want it, didn't you, when Marl first took power?

[Gwen] Maybe briefly. But I've reconsidered.

[Seth] Especially now with it being factionalized the way it is.

[Gwen] Like I said, nightmare. The kid is going to have a lot of work to do, even if Nash is out of the way.

[Seth] Well, they may be getting even more interesting than that, in some very weird ways. But about that, I'll have to let you know when I'm able to say more.

[Gwen] ... All right. Find out what you can, and let me know.

[Gwen] Stay safe.

[Seth] I will.

  • Gwen will go on her way.

Dominik, Fredericia and Marl

  • Fredericia has you over for dinner, Dom.
  • Dominik will go then
  • Fredericia welcomes you in.

[Dominik] Thank you for the invitation.

[Fredericia] Well, of course :)

  • Fredericia 's servants serve a nice meal, which you are in the middle of eating when...

[DiablotinNarrator] A servant comes to Fred's side and murmurs something in her ear. She frowns, but nods.

[Dominik] A problem?

[Fredericia] Apparently your boss is here, unexpectedly.

[Fredericia] Obviously I can't tell him we're in the middle of dinner, bugger off.

[Dominik] No, I don't think that would be very appropriate, alas.

[Fredericia] I suppose we can set an extra place for him, if he's hungry.

[Dominik] But I'm very curious to see what he wants.

[Fredericia] So am I...

  • Marl enters a short while later. Fredericia rises and curtseys politely to him.
  • Dominik rises and shows his respect

[Fredericia] Good evening, your Majesty.

[Fredericia] What an unexpected pleasure. Would you care to join us for dinner?

[Marl] Thank you, but no, I've already eaten.

  • Fredericia nods.

[Marl] I'm sorry to interrupt your meal, but I have some important matters to discuss with you.

[Fredericia] Of course. Privately, or ...?

  • Fredericia says with a glance to Dom.

[Marl] Both of you may remain.

  • Dominik nods

[Marl] I imagine you've heard rumours about what's happening in the Hush at present.

  • Fredericia nods.

[Marl] I am attempting, inasmuch as such a thing is possible, to bring things back into some semblance of order.

[Marl] Consequently, I will shortly be replacing the Warlord.

  • Dominik looks very interested in Marl's words.

[Marl] I wish to invite you to take the position, if you want it.

  • Marl says to Fredericia.

[Fredericia] Me?

[Marl] Yes.

[Fredericia] ...

[Marl] I understand you may need time to think it over...

[Fredericia] No, I don't. I'll take it.

[Marl] Very well.

  • Marl nods.

[Dominik] Is Nash loosing her other duties as well or is this just a split of responsibility... if I'm not being to forward in asking.

[Marl] Nash will be .. retiring.

  • Fredericia nods.

[Marl] She has served the Empire for many years, she deserves a rest.

[Dominik] And her replacement in her other duties will be?

[Marl] Martan Olivier will be taking over the Hush, if that is what you're asking.

[Dominik] That was the question.

  • Marl nods.
  • Dominik smiles to himself

[Marl] He seems amenable to working cooperatively, I hope it will all go smoothly.

[Fredericia] Should I speak with him? Or wait...

[Marl] Wait until the official announcement, at least.

[Fredericia] Very well.

[Fredericia] Can I ask, is there a war coming? If I'm to be Warlord...

[Marl] I don't know yet. Possibly. Are you prepared for that eventuality?

[Fredericia] Oh yes.

  • Fredericia says with a smile.

[Marl] Good. Well, we can discuss details soon - I see no reason to continue to interrupt your meal.

[Marl] Good evening.

  • Marl will depart.
  • Fredericia turns to you, grinning.

[Dominik] Congratulations Warlord. It will be a pleasure to serve under you.

  • Fredericia laughs.

[Fredericia] Do you want a new title? Because I could probably give you one :)

[Dominik] Hmm... I'll have to think on that for a bit

  • Dominik smiles

[Fredericia] Don't think too long. The title of Lord High Fucktoy is going fast.

  • Fredericia teases.

[Dominik] I didn't realize I had rivals that I had to deal with.

[Dominik] Some past garbage yes, but nothing so recent.

[Fredericia] Well, now I'm going to be rich and powerful... well, richer and powerfuler... you might ;)

[Fredericia] But really... I will need generals. You might do well at that.

  • Fredericia says more seriously.

[Dominik] I suspected as much... and I was being serious about serving you in that capacity... even though I do like to feel closer to the fight.

[Fredericia] If he's right, then you might be closer soon enough.

[Dominik] The Black Rademacher, taking up arms against his own cousins and uncles...

  • Dominik muses

[Fredericia] Yes, well... family is family I suppose. But treason is also treason.

[Dominik] I'm sure they would expect nothing less of me.

  • Fredericia grins.

[Fredericia] I'm not hungry anymore.

[Dominik] Myself neither

[Dominik] What will do since dinner has ended so suddenly?

[Fredericia] I sort of feel like fighting something.

[Fredericia] But possibly I could be convinced to do something less violent.

[Dominik] Ah, but the eagerness to swing a sword should never be abated... we could throw on some armor and you could see if you could bruse me before I tire you.

  • Dominik teases

[Fredericia] Yes. Let's go.

  • Fredericia says eagerly.
  • Fredericia will proceed to attempt to beat the crap out of you, for fun :)

[Dominik] Should we make a wager then... winner gets to decide what we do afterward? anything they want?

[Fredericia] All right :)

  • Dominik smiles deviously

[Dominik] Then lets at it!

[DiablotinNarrator] (let's ... roll a d20 and add your respective level to see who wins ;)

  • Fredericia seems quite pleased with her victory.
  • Fredericia isn't too tired to exact the terms of her victory, fortunately.

Ilphere and Sanadhil

  • Ilphere is eager to meet with Sanadhil after reading the materials he shared with her...!!
  • Sanadhil will invite Ilphere over to his house @_@
  • Ilphere gladly accepts.
  • Ilphere teleports over as she is too impatient to sit through a carriage ride.
  • Ilphere then knocks on the door.
  • Sanadhil answers.

[Sanadhil] Good afternoon - that was quite prompt :)

[Ilphere] Good afternoon... I couldn't wait for the coachmen and grooms to ready a carriage...!

[Ilphere] This is too ... massive...!

[Sanadhil] well - I quite understand! please come in

[Sanadhil] yes.

  • Ilphere steps inside.

[Ilphere] He knew...! He must have...!

[Sanadhil] yes, he must have

[Sanadhil] well

[Sanadhil] he at least much have figured it out quite quickly

[Ilphere] I suspected, when I first heard of the thesis, but having read it...

[Ilphere] Indeed...

[Sanadhil] it is...entirely possible, however, that he coudl have engineered it, if he was ever able to track down the necklace, or realize it was not part of the treasury...

  • Sanadhil nods

[Sanadhil] yes

[Ilphere] But why...? What is he playing at?

[Sanadhil] that I have no idea

[Sanadhil] really.... there is enough that we still don't know

[Sanadhil] I do find it interesting that it was so difficult to find his thesis.... *and* that D'Angremond's notes were missing

[Ilphere] Has anyone else seen this...? Phedre...?

[Ilphere] Yes, most suspicious.

[Sanadhil] I haven't shown anyone

[Sanadhil] other than yourself...

  • Ilphere nods...

[Ilphere] Who ... whose counsel could we trust?

[Sanadhil] I'm not sure.

[Sanadhil] I....

[Ilphere] In this, perhaps... Alma...?

[Sanadhil] You have heard about Mlle Chanuier, yes?

  • Sanadhil nods

[Ilphere] Heard what? What is it now...?

[Sanadhil] I was thinking of the Countess, yes

[Sanadhil] That she is ...involved with the Emperor? or , yes, of course, we discussed this, nevermind.

[Ilphere] Yes... and whether she is truly his mistress, or playing some game, she may be in great danger... :(

  • Sanadhil nods

[Sanadhil] Should we warn her?

[Sanadhil] I admit, when I originally heard the stories I feared she may have been enchanted.....

[Ilphere] Yes...

[Sanadhil] we shoudl be able to tell if that is the case...

[Ilphere] although her actions of late confuse and somewhat dismay me...

  • Sanadhil nods

[Ilphere] I would be heartsore if she were to come to harm... :(

[Sanadhil] She has become much more expert in dissembling, also

[Sanadhil] perhaps we should cousel *all* the rest.

[Sanadhil] It seems prudent

[Ilphere] Yes, you may be right...

[Ilphere] I will speak to Ysabeau as soon as I can, though...

  • Sanadhil nods

[Sanadhil] I will speak to the countess... I can see if we can't discretely distribute the notes I have taken on that section of his thesis among the group, as well

[Sanadhil] starting with her @_@

  • Ilphere nods.

[Sanadhil] there was something else I wanted top ask you...

[Ilphere] Oh...?

[Sanadhil] I want to speak to the Lord Marshall about his daughter

[Sanadhil] Even since the Countess's wedding, I've been thinking he must know something more, to explain his protectiveness of her....

  • Ilphere nods...

[Sanadhil] but it may require revealing what was in Theonee's journal

[Sanadhil] is that acceptable?

[Ilphere] I think at this late juncture, yes...

  • Sanadhil nods

[Ilphere] I would be most interested to know how that turns out...

[Sanadhil] alright, then, I will certainly tell you if I am able... I admit the man makes me somewhat nervous.

[Ilphere] You know, I have some... personal business to attend to with Maze Olivier; perhaps I could attempt to see if he does know something. Although I doubt he will be forthcoming.

  • Sanadhil nods

[Sanadhil] perhaps he knows something about what is going on with Mlle Chanuier as well, though he may be even less inclined to reveal that

[Ilphere] Indeed...

[Sanadhil] if he does have anything to say, of course I would be ost curious to hear it as well!

[Sanadhil] may I enquire about the personal business?

[Ilphere] I found some ... items in my grandmother's personal effects which suggest that there may be some connection between him and my family.

[Sanadhil] ahh, I see

[Ilphere] She lost two children when they were quite young...

[Ilphere] But upon some closer inspection it seems they were not lost so much as ... misplaced. Taken.

  • Ilphere sighs.

[Sanadhil] taken?

[Ilphere] I know not why, save that it involved Nouel Izzaguirre.

[Ilphere] He may have been their sire.

[Sanadhil] didn't he have smoething to do wth the necklace?

[Sanadhil] ahh

[Sanadhil] hmm

[Ilphere] Indeed he did...

  • Sanadhil shakes his head

[Ilphere] The names of Cordovera's children were Jessamine and Jeremaez.

[Sanadhil] ahhh, I see

[Sanadhil] its strange how everything seems connected somehow,..... you plan to tell him?

[Ilphere] I cannot believe that he does not know...

[Ilphere] If he is truly a master of secrets.

[Ilphere] But if he does not, then yes.

  • Sanadhil nods
  • Sanadhil looks thoughtful

[Sanadhil] I would be grateful for the confirmation... or corroboration, I suppose, even if I have other sources.

[Sanadhil] And if I didn't.... I would want to know. I know it isn't meaningful to everyont, though.

[Ilphere] Well... we will see how it goes.

  • Sanadhil nods

[Sanadhil] Good luck.

  • Sanadhil smiles

[Ilphere] Thank you...

  • Ilphere returns the smile.

[Sanadhil] I suppose it is noce to have something a littl less overwhelming on your plate :p

[Ilphere] That is so...!

Sanadhil and Butler

[DiablotinNarrator] Sanadhil, how do you want to approach Butler?

[Sanadhil] Ummmm :3

[Sanadhil] Sneakily :3

[DiablotinNarrator] Well, you could either do it in the context of a cult meeting, or try to arrange to speak with him elsewhere, or just approach him spontaneously at his house or something.

[Sanadhil] I want to try and arrange a meeting elsewhwere, for sure

[Sanadhil] I can get kell to send him messages to arrange it, I suppose ^-^

[DiablotinNarrator] Sure. Arrange a meeting at a tavern or something?

[Sanadhil] perfect

[DiablotinNarrator] Go to the Dreaming Demon, it's close ;)

  • Sanadhil can disguise himself for coming and going, at least :V

[Sanadhil] if it seems secure, sure :p

[DiablotinNarrator] It has some private rooms upstairs, as well as reasonably quiet booths downstairs.

[Sanadhil] private room for sure

[Sanadhil] brb

  • Butler will meet you at the appointed time, then. He looks moderately put out, but then, he kind of always looks like that.
  • Sanadhil will have cast glibness for sure @_@

[Sanadhil] (and heroism)

[Sanadhil] Thank you for coming... I realize it may seem a bit of a strange request

  • Butler takes off his cloak, which was all he wore in the way of disguise.

[Butler] Just a little. What's this about?

[Sanadhil] Well... it is about the matters of our circle of acquaintances, shall we say, and your child.

  • Butler looks puzzled.

[Butler] What about her? she doesn't have anything to do with that.

  • Sanadhil nods

[Sanadhil] I admit i had developed a possibly misplaced suspicion after speaking with the both of you at Countes Alma's wedding that you may have thought her to be The One.

  • Sanadhil SMs D:
  • Butler frowns.

[DiablotinNarrator] (what's your roll?)

[Sanadhil] (38)

  • Butler looks uncertain.

[Butler] I... she might be. I've taken precautions to ensure that she's not.

  • Butler admits.

[Sanadhil] I agree - I'm quite certain it isn't your daughter. But why did you think it might be her?

[Butler] Why should I tell you?

  • Sanadhil smiles

[Butler] If she's not, then everything I did was worth it, and it doesn't matter anymore.

[Sanadhil] Everything you did?

[Butler] To her... keeping her safe.

  • Sanadhil nods.

[Sanadhil] Well.

[Sanadhil] I was trying to figure out what drew you to your involvement with Phedre

[Sanadhil] Where it was honest interest, a desire to try and protect your daughter, or ....something else.

[Butler] What sort of something else?

  • Butler says defensively.

[Sanadhil] but if you ever thought she ws the one, it means that you have to have known that *before* the rituals

[Sanadhil] Some greater connection, with the Serpent, or some other power using the Arch.

[Butler] I never had the dreams. Not the way ... some do.

  • Sanadhil nods

[Sanadhil] but something else?

[Butler] I think my father... what he was... maybe that shelters me from it.

  • Sanadhil nods

[Sanadhil] that is possible.

[Sanadhil] hmm

[Sanadhil] but why did you join, then?

[Sanadhil] what do you want?

[Butler] ...I want an end to the gods. The gods who demand impossible things of mortals and expect them to jump when they say jump, and promise things they don't deliver, and tear people apart...

[Sanadhil] (is he being honest as far as I can tell?)

  • Butler is, you believe.

[Sanadhil] I can understand that.

[Sanadhil] :|

  • Sanadhil wonders if anyone elever told him about his mother D:

[Sanadhil] Hmm.

[Sanadhil] I... know some things, that may be of interest to you, though I can promise you won't like to hear them.

[Butler] There isn't much I like to hear these days. Go ahead, if you want.

[Sanadhil] ...Alright

[Sanadhil] There are two things..... one if about your mother, and the second concerns yourself andf Theonee Deverara

[Butler] ...

[Butler] I'm listening.

  • Sanadhil waits for some kind of signal that Bulter hasn't changed his mind

[Sanadhil] Then... your mother first

[Sanadhil] The reason she hasn't returned, as she was supposed to.

[Sanadhil] Part of her spirit is trapped in the Arch.

[Butler] I know.

  • Sanadhil nods

[Sanadhil] Alright.

[Butler] They're keeping her there in reserve.

[Sanadhil] in reserve?

[Sanadhil] I suppose, that is one way to look at it.

[Butler] As if she was a ... a weapon, not a human being's soul.

  • Sanadhil nods

[Sanadhil] how long have you known?

[Butler] I've long suspected... I just had a feeling, I guess. But my aunt confirmed it a few months ago.

  • Sanadhil nods

[Sanadhil] alright

[Butler] It doesn't surprise me. Nothing horrible they do surprises me anymore.

[Sanadhil] That's...understandable.

  • Sanadhil kind of wants to derail and ask why he because a spokeman :3

[Sanadhil] ...and they still show you favour?

[Butler] No.

[Butler] My powers are gone... I don't know what finally pushed them over the edge, but they did eventually take them.

  • Sanadhil nods

[Sanadhil] but you maintain your position - does anyone suspect?

[Butler] No... I've worked hard to keep it quiet, obviously. And there's rarely a reason I would need to use them most days.

  • Sanadhil nods

[Butler] But I intend to retire soon. I'm tired of the charade.

[Sanadhil] Well... on to the other matter then.

  • Sanadhil nods

[Sanadhil] I have an associate who was asked to retrieve a book from the imperial library by the Hush

  • Butler listens, trying to figure out where this is going.

[Sanadhil] it turned out to be a diary, written by the Althea Deverara.

[Sanadhil] it revealed that her daughter had chad a child...in Greywatch...

[Butler] ...

  • Sanadhil watches to see if he makes the connection

[Butler] When?

  • Sanadhil tells him the date

[Butler] ........

[Sanadhil] -_-

[Butler] It couldn't be...

[Sanadhil] I am afraid so.

[Butler] She wouldn't... why wouldn't she tell me, if it was true?

[Sanadhil] though the diary has ben destroyed, and there's nothig else I can tell you.

[Sanadhil] I can't say. Presumably you were about to be married, at the time.

[Butler] The child... it lived?

[Sanadhil] The diary implies that pains were taked to conceal it, but Althea seems to have thought so.

  • Butler sits down heavily on the bed.

[Butler] It can't be...

[Butler] Was it a boy or a girl?

[Sanadhil] A girl, I think.

  • Butler looks in shock, more or less.
  • Sanadhil will gve him a minute to process

[Butler] So... there's another child... and it might not be Marrith... and everything I did to her might have been for... nothing.

[Sanadhil] ...Would you like somethig to drink?

[Butler] Yes.

  • Sanadhil will pour him soe whiskey because he thought it might be necessary :3
  • Butler takes it without really looking at it.
  • Sanadhil pours him a big drink :p

[Sanadhil] but you *did* know something, before?

  • Butler nods.

[Sanadhil] what was it?

[Butler] "Your child and the child of another who passed through the Arch will give you a grandchild on the 5th of Second-month in your 52nd year. And the birth of that child will herald the death of your faith and the rebirth of another, the death of your love and the rebirth of another, the death of your child and the rebirth of another."

  • Butler recites blankly.

[Sanadhil] ...what is that from?

  • Butler takes a drink.

[Butler] Legend Lore. By the gods, I hate that spell.

[Sanadhil] Understandably.

[Sanadhil] -_-

[Sanadhil] On who was it cast?

[Butler] On me.

[Sanadhil] on yourself?

[Sanadhil] ahh, yes

[Sanadhil] Hmm.

[Butler] So I had to keep Marrith away from Kalman. I .. I thought I had to anyway. Until next year, when it'll be all right... if they still want to ...

[Butler] She's going to hate me -_-

[Sanadhil] She might understand...

[Sanadhil] she might understand better than if you'd done it for no reason at all -_-

[Butler] I should have known better.

[Butler] I should have know that those bastards would have it the way they want, no matter what I tried to do.

[Sanadhil] Do you hate the Serpent as well?

  • Sanadhil asks mainly out of curiousity

[Butler] I don't know. I don't know what it wants, or what it would do if it came back to power.

  • Sanadhil nods

[Butler] I don't think it could be worse.

[Sanadhil] No....

[Sanadhil] This is why my people foreswore the Gods.

[Butler] Smart.

[Butler] I don't suppose they welcome immigrants, though.

[Sanadhil] ...No.

[Sanadhil] :/

[Butler] ... I need to talk to Theonee.

[Butler] Maybe she understands. She always was more... in touch with that sort of thing.

  • Sanadhil nods

[Sanadhil] Will you tell Phedre?

[Butler] Not yet.

  • Sanadhil nods

[Butler] Not until I've talked to Theonee, at least, and ... see what she has to say.

[Sanadhil] Princess Ilphere knows, as well... I've been leaving the matter of telling Phedre to her.

[Butler] -_-

[Sanadhil] But.... for now, I'd rather you not tell anyone you heard it from me.

[Sanadhil] She was the one who deciphered the diary

  • Sanadhil says, somewhat apologetically

[Butler] ...wait, the Hush wanted this book?

[Sanadhil] Yes.

[Butler] Why on earth would they...

[Butler] ...

[Sanadhil] I'm not certain

[Sanadhil] if the child was born in greywatch, the certainly coudl have known about it

[Sanadhil] but as to why they thought it was important to conceal *now*, I can't say

  • Butler finishes his drink.
  • Sanadhil pushes him over the bottle :p

[Butler] I... appreciate you telling me this. Since no one else would.

  • Sanadhil nods

[Sanadhil] I felt it was.... important.

  • Butler nods without really looking at you.

[Butler] I have to go now.

  • Sanadhil nods as well.

[Sanadhil] Take care.

  • Butler stands and leaves, looking kind of dazed.
  • Sanadhil will wait awhile before leaving himself :p

Ilphere and Maze

[DiablotinNarrator] Ilphere, you wished to go and speak with Maze Olivier... are you going to his home, or going to send a message for him to meet you somewhere else?

[Ilphere] Hmmm... I could go to his house I guess?

[Ilphere] he mght be more likely to talk to me there

[DiablotinNarrator] sure

[Ilphere] (Do I have to make an appointment?)

[DiablotinNarrator] (well, probably pulling up in an imperial carriage is enough of an appointment :)

[Ilphere] (Or can I just say I'm the Princess and I'm coming to talk to you)

[DiablotinNarrator] (yep)

[Ilphere] (okie dokie then :V)

  • Ilphere pulls up to M. Olivier's home.
  • Maze will graciously welcome you in, your highness.

[Ilphere] It is good of you to receive me, ser...

[Maze] Of course, Princess. How can I be of service?

  • Ilphere scans his face, looking for some resemblance to the boy in her drawing, or to her grandmother...

[DiablotinNarrator] (possibly yes to the boy in the drawing, at least...)

[Ilphere] Is there somewhere we might speak privately?

[Maze] Certainly.

  • Maze will escort you into a drawing room.
  • Maze shuts the door.

[Ilphere] I am told you are a great keeper of secrets...

  • Ilphere begins once settled.

[Maze] I can be.

[Ilphere] It seems my family has some as well...

  • Maze listens.

[Ilphere] I had hoped perhaps you could shed some light on one.

[Maze] I can try...

[Ilphere] My grand-mere recently passed on; you may have heard...

[Maze] I did - my condolences.

[Ilphere] (Sm, is there any reaction?)

  • Maze seems sympathetic for your loss, but not otherwise affected.

[Ilphere] (I suspect 27 is not enough to beat his bluff anyway)

[Ilphere] I found this among her effects.

  • Ilphere withdraws the old picture.
  • Maze looks at it.

[Ilphere] Do you... do you know who these children are?

  • Ilphere watches him.

[Maze] It's a charming portrait. I assume they are relatives of yours?

[Ilphere] (do I need to roll sm again or am I still going on that first poo roll?)

  • Maze turns it over and sees the names on the back.

[DiablotinNarrator] (first roll)

[Ilphere] (ok)

[Ilphere] Indeed they are...

[Maze] ... It's lovely.

[Ilphere] Jacobin was my father's father. The other two...

[Maze] My sister and myself.

[Ilphere] So you did know...

  • Maze says quietly.

[Maze] Not for many years.

[Ilphere] When did you discover the truth...?

[Maze] I suspect much the same way you did.

[Maze] I found notes when I was going through his things after he died.

  • Maze seems to assume you know who 'he' is.

[Ilphere] She spoke of you on her deathbed... She was confused, she thought it was another time.

[Ilphere] She was begging my grandfather not to take you away.

  • Maze nods.

[Maze] I'm sorry ...

[Maze] If I had known I might have... spoken to her, to let her know I was alive and well.

[Maze] I thought it was her own decision to send us away.

[Ilphere] What happened?

[Maze] I'm not entirely certain. She had an affair, I know that much. And at some point the affair ended, and .. my father wanted his children. I think there would have been some considerable scandal, so they tried to keep it quiet by sending us away.

[Ilphere] Do you remember her at all...?

[Maze] I don't know how much her husband was involved. Maybe more than I thought, apparently.

  • Maze smiles slightly.

[Maze] I have a memory from when I was very small. A woman in a garden, with roses all around. But I don't know if it was her or not. It could have been a nurse, for all I know.

[Maze] Jess remembers a little more, I think.

[Ilphere] (does that sound like anywhere i know?)

[Maze] (well, there is a garden at your family's house.. it was all overgrown when you lived there, but it did have roses)

[Ilphere] That could have been the garden at my father's house...

[Maze] I'd like to see that.

  • Maze says with a smile.

[Ilphere] It's somewhat overgrown now... but I would be happy to show you some time.

[Maze] Thank you, your highness.

[Maze] I should have more time soon enough.

[Ilphere] Oh...?

[Maze] Maybe I can make gardening a retirement project.

[Ilphere] You are leaving the Emperor's service...?

[Maze] I'm leaving this post, at any rate. I'll always be at the Emeperor's service, should he need me.

[Ilphere] That reminds me...

[Ilphere] My friend, Ysabeau Chanuier... you know her, do you not?

[Maze] Yes, indeed.

[Ilphere] Is it true that you sent her to play at spies with Marl...?

[Maze] Oh no... that's all her own initiative, I believe.

[Ilphere] So that is what she is doing, hmm...

[Maze] She's quite industrious.

[Ilphere] She is in terrible danger...

[Maze] From what source?

[Ilphere] The Emperor...

[Ilphere] He is a monster...

  • Maze seems surprised to hear this.

[Maze] Do you wish me to let her know?

[Ilphere] I had told her as much before...

[Ilphere] But now there is more...

[Ilphere] He knew, he knew that the necklace held Kavreshar bound.

[Maze] Well, maybe hearing it from a different source would be ...

[Maze] Hm.

[Maze] I'll speak with her. Thank you, your highness.

[Ilphere] I hope you have more luck with her than I did, then.

  • Maze nods.

Ysabeau and Alma

  • Ysabeau climbs into the carriage; the pregnancy's starting to show but she isn't super awkward yet.

[Ysabeau] Good morning, Sister.

  • Alma has arranged for us to meet with the Duke of Corcyra, and has offered to drive you.

[Alma] Good morning, Ysabeau :)

[Alma] You're looking well.

  • Ysabeau settles herself down on the bench across from you and folds her hands in her lap.

[Ysabeau] Thank you. :)

[Alma] It won't be too long before you need help getting in and out of these things :)

[Ysabeau] I'm about halfway there! I can feel the baby moving, but Martan can't yet.

[Alma] That's always the exciting point isn't it? When you know *for sure* it's not just overeating.

[Alma] :)

[Ysabeau] It's such a strange feeling, feeling something moving inside. But it makes it all so real!

  • Ysabeau agrees.
  • Ysabeau is very happy and excited about it, plainly. ^-^

[Alma] Murienne ought to take a look at some of your pregnancy literature. It can only help when it comes time for such things in her healing classes.

[Ysabeau] It's not like I'm locking what the midwife gave me up. ;)

[Alma] Also, I always found some of the more technical ones were quite useful at discouraging me from making uh... mistakes.

[Ysabeau] She can read it if she wants.

[Alma] Well maybe I'll have to nag her for you then :)

[Alma] "Your sister is too nice, get to reading."

[Alma] She's doing well, yes?

[Ysabeau] Murienne is very sensible, Sister - she's not likely to make mistakes after seeing what I have gone through.

[Ysabeau] She is very well, yes.

[Alma] That's good.

[Alma] Anything else new and exciting, or should I just get into what I learned?

[Ysabeau] Nothing worth mentioning, no. Do go on, Sister.

[Alma] Well, I learned a few more things about Moncaire. It seems that he was either never a real person, or was replaced by the babau before he acquired the items, possibly before he became Ms. Hartzell's assistant.

[Ysabeau] Huh

  • Alma will relay what she's learned about them from researching them specifically:

[Alma] ("they are normally used as assassins, being able to polymorph themselves to look human and having some skills that are beneficial in combat - they can fly, teleport, weaken people with a gaze attack, wrack targets with pain, and are coated with a 'protective slime' (mmm) that makes them harder to attack with weapons.")

[Alma] I'm hoping that I'll be able to borrow the cloak to attempt further scrying with the benefits of its anonymity.

[Ysabeau] Lovely.

[Alma] Yes. If there was ever really a doubt about demons, they're certainly repulsive creatures on the whole.

[Ysabeau] Do you suppose he assassinated our former chief sorceress?

[Ysabeau] And if so, to what end?

[Ysabeau] Did she know something she shouldn't have?

[Ysabeau] Did she tell anyone else about it - are their lives in danger?

[Ysabeau] Is the new chief sorceror safe?

[Alma] I do indeed. The office of the Chief Sorceror is in part responsible for dealing with the issue of Kavreshar, and it's likely the babau is the one that Earric told Sanadhil is working directly with Kavreshar.

[Alma] I do not think he's safe in the slightest, but he's at least aware of his danger. Someone was already spreading rumours that he's out to assassinate the Emperor, and now I've confirmed for him that Moncaire was a demon.

[Ysabeau] Someone was trying to spread rumours that the chief sorceror wants to kill Marl?

[Alma] Yes indeed.

[Alma] Which sounds very much like the babau is continuing its work elsewhere, or perhaps that Kavreshar itself is propagating this dischord.

  • Ysabeau sighs.

[Ysabeau] I wonder how much the Emperor knows.

[Alma] It's a good question, but ... well considering I suspected he might have been replaced by the demon masquerading as Moncaire, I took the liberty of touching the Duke of Brissarthe's sleeve.

[Alma] He seems to be a good man... and a man, not a demon. So unless I am to be overtaken completely be paranoia, I must assume he has passed this information on to the Emperor as is his duty.

[Ysabeau] Oh so you visited with him? That's good. :)

[Alma] Yes, I spoke with him at the wedding... I could not resist completely the opportunity to speak with people such as he and the Lady Chancellor.

[Ysabeau] How is she?

[Alma] Oh, I was sure we spoke of this just after I returned to the city...

[Alma] Yes, I wanted to mention how ... distant she was, in case he should chose to speak with her and ... find that unsettling or disappointing.

[Ysabeau] Oh...

[Ysabeau] I'm not sure that he wants to, anyway.

[Ysabeau] Although I've sort of been thinking about it.

[Ysabeau] But I don't know if I want to, either.

[Alma] Well, it may bring him closure, as long as he's not expecting... warmth? Which I expect is some part of what he desires. Don't we all?

[Alma] Perhaps that is something better given by the Lord Marshall, in time.

[Alma] ... of course I am not familiar with the Lady Chancellor, it is merely my impression from one short meeting.

  • Ysabeau nods.

[Ysabeau] I don't know either of them so you have an advantage over me. ;)

[Alma] The Lord Marshall seems like a lovely, if perhaps stiff man ;)

[Alma] Oh, I forgot to return the comb...

  • Alma pulls that from her things and hands it to you.

[Alma] I hope it looks the same as when you gave it to me, but I imagine it should be easily changed :)

[Ysabeau] It's fine. Thank you. I hope it was useful?

[Alma] Well, it seems you were somewhat prescient, Ysabeau @_@

[Ysabeau] I was?

  • Alma will tell you everything that happened, including how completely nervous she was, and how foolish she felt, sneaking around like a spy.

[Alma] ... and who came out of the house but the Duke of Friaul!

[Alma] He was talking with Livianne, who I eventually recognised from Andusk.

[Alma] I confirmed the Duke's address and rode by, by carriage, in order to confirm it is indeed his house.

[Ysabeau] I can't say I'm surprised, honestly.

[Alma] Well the question is, then, what does Thea want from Leonien Kizer?

[Ysabeau] I would be curious to know what they plan, though -

  • Ysabeau nods.

[Ysabeau] Thea or her invisible friend.

[Ysabeau] I wonder if Marl ever visits his grandfather?

[Alma] I assume he does at some point. After all he came to my wedding :)

  • Ysabeau nods.

[Ysabeau] Maybe it would be easier to harm him at his grandfather than at the palace, who knows?

[Alma] Yes, possibly.

[Ysabeau] Hopefully it's not Marl trying to off his grandfather like Marel was.

[Alma] While Thea is not particularly evil spirited, she does seem to be quite erratic. I imagine she's completely unpredictable. If Phelix is the invisible one, or if Phelix is Kavreshar, I imagine she could be convinced to do anything.

[Ysabeau] That's just too disturbing to think on it, really.

[Ysabeau] I suppose so, Sister, especially if she thinks she loves him.

[Ysabeau] Do you suppose the baby is his?

[Alma] Oh I do not at all think it's anything involving Marl's will. I think she quite hates nobles. I got the impression from watching her that she's waiting for something to "wipe the slate clean", possibly some sort of revolt, or in the case of Kavreshar, worse.

[Alma] I think the question for us to decide is whether we go directly to the Duke of Friaul and warn him, or whether we should try to determine first what her plan is. I don't think it's likely, if Leonien is anything like his dream counterpart I imagine he's crafty and not particularly forthcoming. We might not know if Thea wants something he has for Kavreshar.

[Ysabeau] :/

[Ysabeau] I wish I were better at this stuff.

[Alma] So do I.

  • Alma shakes her head.

[Alma] It's so... huge.

  • Ysabeau nods.
  • Ysabeau will be pensive for the rest of the ride to Guillame's house.

Alma, Ysabeau and Guillame

  • Alma arrives with Ysabeau by carriage at the appointed time.
  • Ysabeau steps out gracefully.
  • Alma will walk with Ysabeau to the door and knock, or whatever us rich nobles do.

[Alma] (* Alma nobles at the door until a servant opens it.)

[Ysabeau] (bellpull? ;) )

  • Guillame will receive his guests in the study he now endlessly inhabits

[Alma] Good afternoon, Your Grace :)

[Ysabeau] Good afternoon, Your Grace!

  • Ysabeau curtseys.

[Guillame] Good afternoon

[Alma] How have you been?

  • Guillame directs the greeting generally, pauses, and then bows to Alma

[Guillame] Your excellency.

[Guillame] I've been... busy, I suppose.

  • Alma has been appropriately deferent to you since you became a Duke.

[Alma] Yes, I imagine that would be the case. I hope you've been well aside.

[Guillame] Yes, well enough, I suppose.

[Alma] Glad to hear.

[Alma] I've been busy since we met last, and we thought we should consult with you on the matter of Thea Vermillion.

  • Alma will describe what she learned via the scrying.
  • Ysabeau listens in to what the two nobs have to say to one another.

[Alma] I decided it was best to determine immediately in whose home she was working, and so I teleported there...

  • Guillame listens
  • Alma describes that adventure in a slightly less embarassing manner than she was willing to tell Ysabeau.
  • Ysabeau keeps a very straight face, no hint that she knows anything other than what you're telling him.

[Alma] I drove by in carriage to determine that it was indeed the home of Leonien Kizer.

[Guillame] [perplexedly] Leonien Kizer's house...

[Alma] Yes... Ysabeau actually predicted it might be him, oddly enough.

[Alma] The question is, what does she want?

[Ysabeau] It isn't that difficult. He's the Emperor's grandfather.

[Ysabeau] You want to stir up trouble? Mess with the Imperial family.

[Ysabeau] The Kizers were a pretty obvious target, I should think.

[Alma] I took her conversation to mean that she is waiting to put something into action, whether it's to steal something or bring harm to the household, I don't know.

[Alma] And at the end... when she spoke of everything being "washed away"... well I found that quite ominous.

[Guillame] Yes...

[Alma] So the question is... what do we do?

[Ysabeau] There was a flood in the dream, wasn't there?

[Alma] Yes, there was...

[Ysabeau] Flood or fire, neither is something I'm looking forward to.

[Alma] If the invisible entity is Phelix, or Kavreshar in masquerade... then we really ought to learn what Thea wants from the Duke of Friaul.

  • Guillame nods, looking concerned

[Alma] As well, we must warn the household soon.

[Ysabeau] You know, I was thinking on the carriage ride...

  • Alma turns to Ysabeau

[Ysabeau] M. Argo works for the Kizers, doesn't he?

[Alma] Oh... why yes he does. He might be the perfect person to carry the warning.

[Ysabeau] Maybe we should bring him in. But then he also works for Nash, and I have reason to believe she is not to be trusted.

[Ysabeau] So we'll have to think about this carefully.

[Ysabeau] The other advantage with M. Argo is he could spy on Thea with greater ease than we could.

[Guillame] For that matter, is it prudent to assume that there are no Kizers plotting against the Duke?

[Guillame] It's less likely, but I don't feel comfortable ruling them out.

  • Ysabeau nods.
  • Guillame shakes his head.

[Alma] My concern is that if we do not investigate the matter personally, the Duke may deal with Thea, and we may not be able to determine what her goals were. I imagine he'll have no reason to confide in us if he knows what he goals might be.

[Ysabeau] true

[Guillame] Any suggestions of how to proceed?

[Alma] I think that within a matter of days, we should attempt to spy on Thea and determine who she lives with, and what she wants from the Kizers.

[Alma] The question is whether we can find out what she wants when she's not within the household.

[Ysabeau] How good are you at sneaking, M. Rionet?

[Ysabeau] I'm not. but I could cast sphere of invisibility on you, or on something you carry.

[Guillame] I'm reasonably competent...

[Ysabeau] Sister had originally thought we all could go... but I think we'd make too much noise.

[Alma] Well, I can cast Silence, and dispel it should we need to use magic.

[Alma] Unless the house has protections against teleportation, I can get us inside... and then we can attempt to read Thea's thoughts...

[Alma] But there's a lot of complications ...

  • Ysabeau nods.

[Guillame] There certainly are

[Ysabeau] One being if we get caught and they find out it's me.

[Alma] You?

[Ysabeau] It wouldn't look very good politically, I'm afraid.

  • Ysabeau nods.

[Alma] Why is that?

[Ysabeau] It hasn't been officially announced yet, so please keep it quiet.

  • Alma looks perplexed.

[Ysabeau] [q] Lord Grey will be retiring, and Martan will be taking his place. Marl's orders.

[Alma] :o

[Alma] Well... if it isn't public yet, he can't be accused of having spied on Leonien Kizer via you, when you're accompanied by His Grace and myself.

[Guillame] Well, we all have reasons not to be caught, so we'd best not get caught.

[Ysabeau] I don't think it matters when it happens. Leonien Kizer will know, and it might bring Martan's loyalty into question.

[Ysabeau] Something which I have reason to be really quite anxious about.

[Ysabeau] So... I can help out by casting spells on you, but without knowing what sorts of protections Leonien Kizer might have in place - and if he is anything like his counterpart in the dream, he may have many - I think it would be wiser for me not to actually accompany you. I'm sorry.

  • Ysabeau does look unhappy about this.

[Alma] Well, we may chose instead to follow her outside the Kizer residence. She may think of what she wants on her way to or f rom...

[Ysabeau] That, I would be more comfortable with.

[Guillame] We could do one, then the other if necessary.

  • Ysabeau nods.

[Guillame] It is more likely that she would think about her mission on the way to his house, I would imagine?

[Ysabeau] Quite possibly, Your Grace.

  • Ysabeau smiles.

[Alma] Yes, possibly. We could try to spy on the house, and then follow her surreptitiously somehow.

[Guillame] Rather than about town, or upon return?

[Guillame] I suppose we don't know how to find her on the way to, so maybe on return is best.

[Ysabeau] Sister, don't you know where she lives?

[Alma] Yes, I could teleport us close to the location.

[Ysabeau] Do you know approximately what time she must report to work each day?

[Alma] No, I have only scried her the once. She reported to duty at [!] o'clock on that day.

[Ysabeau] Well, your own servants, you two - do their shifts vary or are they required to report for duty the same time every day?

[Alma] I don't have as complex a household as I imagine the Duke does. He may have varying needs by varying days. Presumably she reports at the same time.

[Alma] We could arrive somewhat early at least.

  • Ysabeau nods.

[Guillame] Their shifts are regular, excepting when something comes up - but some of them have shifts that vary by weekday.

[Alma] Yes, say if someone visits His Grace on a particular day.

  • Ysabeau nods.

[Ysabeau] To eliminate some of the uncertainties, perhaps - we scryed her on the 24th.

[Ysabeau] That was a Fifth-day.

[Ysabeau] Why don't we try the next Fifth-day?

[Ysabeau] (That would be like in a day or two, probably, in game?)

  • Guillame nods

[Alma] Do we think it's safe enough to wait that long, with her within the Kizer household?

[Guillame] I couldn't hope to say.

[Alma] Well, I could teleport there to determine where it is, and then watch her routine?

[Guillame] And then we could meet you at the Kizer residence?

[Alma] Hmm... well I trust Ysabeau's ability to read her thoughts better than my own, I admit... so if I determine where it is, and study both locations, I could teleport us with greater ease.

[Guillame] Ah, I see.

[Alma] If you are both waiting at my home, I could return there when she leaves, and immediately teleport us back in order to follow her.

[Alma] Or here, for that matter.

[Alma] No, my home would be best... now that I think about it.

[Ysabeau] I can make my way over to your house, Sister.

[Alma] I can return there several times a day.

[Alma] Shall I study the location tomorrow, and then we can plan for the next day?

[Alma] Or for that matter, I could study the location today.

  • Alma plans out loud.
  • Guillame waits for the Sister to decide

[Alma] What do you suggest Your Grace?

  • Alma inadvertantly does not decide :P
  • Ysabeau twiddles her thumbs, waiting for the nobs to decide.

[Guillame] Well, if time is of the essence, then most probably you should begin your reconnaissance today; I am available for the rest of the day, although I do have this paperwork.

  • Guillame gestures at his desk.
  • Alma nods.

[Alma] Very well, I'll teleport nearby and study the area so that I can return without mishap.

[Guillame] Mmle Chanuier is welcome to make herself at home, of course

[Ysabeau] ...

  • Guillame nods to Ysabeau

[Ysabeau] Um, thank you. Is Silvia about?

[Guillame] Yes, I believe so...?

[Ysabeau] Perhaps I could go visit with her so I don't distract you from your paperwork.

[Alma] Well, I can investigate the location after our meeting, will arrange for you two to arrive at my home tomorrow.

  • Alma says, implying she's not going to run off and do that while Ysabeau and Guillame are waiting.

[Guillame] I was suggesting that we wait in case something of import came up... but I suppose that in that case, you will be able to retrieve us.

[Alma] Yes, teleporting here from that location would not allow me to teleport us back to follow her... it's a complication of the nature of priestly magic.
